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There are many ways in which my media product uses conventions of a real school magazine, both included in my cover page and contents page. A main way in which I conformed to magazines on the cover page, was by creating a large and clear masthead, named '6form' to connote text language in youth, this followed inb order to stand out to the to the audience.The main coverline on my school magazine, being a pun about the new sixth formers, is the second biggest text on the page, following the codes and conventions, and is situated on one specific side to stand out from the other two coverlines. I included another two cover coverlines. On top of this I also used a large main image, of a school student, which also conforms to the codes and conventions as it is the largest part of the cover page, and the main subject is using direct address, giving the audience a feeling of personal address. On the contents page, I have used a plethora of images that link to the articles and features, which also links to the codes and conventions. As well as a fully listed list of both feature and regular articles, using numbers to specify them, like most other magazines. 

In order to create the cover page, I used the media software Adobe Photoshop, which was rather clear and simple to use the main features including the cropping tool and text tool. I had to manipulate the main image on the cover page in order to achieve a full cover page, which I did by cropping and enlarging the image. I also used the application to create proffessional looking text, specifically including the masthead, which I was able to put a range of different tools on to create my optimum design. This included bevel and shadow. The strengths of my overall cover page would be that I feel it fits many codes and conventions of a real magazine cover, however I do feel there needed to contain more coverlines, rather than just the three. In addition I feel I could have picked a more eye catching colour scheme for the front cover, to ensure more people would get enticed into buying the magazine. In terms of using the technology that is Adobe Photoshop, I feel it has many advantages including the fact that their of many facitlities in order to make a magazine look proffessional, including photo editing. I also feel the layout of the application is a lot easier to veiw than Quark. However the proccess in importing an image and having to crop it in order to place onto the magazine seemed unneccesarily lengthy. 

For the contents page, I used a considerably harder software called Quark, which is designed just for the creation of pages and rather complex in its features. The software enabled me to firstly insert columns in which I inserted the titles of my articles, which made it look like a conventional magazine. I then added a set of threwe images, one alike with the front cover, to show continuity. The overall strengths of my contents page include the fact that I have included a range of articles that a specifically numbered. However I do feel the contents page does not look as proffessional as it potentially could,

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due to the random placing of images and the use of the same colour scheme. The strengths of Quark include the many potential features to use to create great and clear magazine pages, including a selection of colour tools and scaling image tool. However, it has some limitations, as it is somewhat difficult to identify which tool is which. Overall, I felt it was much easier to use Adobe Photoshop.