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PRELIMINARY EVALUATION SHEETQuality of Summary My honest evaluation- what

was done well and what was not of good standard? Try to cite specific example and moments from your video

Strategies put forward to make sure a high quality is maintained.

Quality of holding a shot steady

I managed to have steady shot by using a tripod. However when panning/tracking it wasn’t smooth more stop and start which made it look amateur and showed that I wasn’t confident with moving the camera on the tripod.

Become more confident when trying to do a tracking shot, keep on practicing.

Quality of the framing shots I could have framed shots better. For example when the character Genie is looking at the will only half of her head is showing so the audience doesn’t get her emotions or reaction fully. Also the camera is slightly slanted which is because we balanced the tripod on an unstable chair.

Retake the shots and tell the actors and actresses where they are allowed to move in that shot. Next time we should use books or something straight so that the camera isn’t slanted.

Quality of selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;

We didn’t really focus on the mise-en-scene and we only used the location because it was free at the time however you can tell that they are both college students because of the location of an ICT suite. I think that it would have been better if we did it in a school playground or common room to show their age group.

Focus more on mise-en-scene; see what colors represent what the location tells the audience about the character. For example with Lighting we could have made more dimmer because it was a sad moment when she was told her mum tied and then made it brighter when Jordan tried to lighten the mood. This would have reflected the mood of the characters.

Quality of editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer

Most editing is smooth, especially the passing of the will from different angles. We managed to achieve this by doing the different angles then longer then we need to so we had enough film to

Next time I have to make sure to film before and after the action all of the time to make sure I have more film to edit this would make it more flowing.

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cut. One editing that didn’t go well was when the door was closing it cut to quick and it didn’t look natural. The reason this is because we didn’t have enough film to make it longer.

Quality of using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;

The reason we did shoot in a classroom was to make sure that we didn’t have any background sound that would change with the different cuts which is a problem we had on another short film I made.

During our real film task we would most likely use sound track instead of just using the sound around. Choosing the right track will create moods and different feelings in the audience for whatever genre we pick. For example for a horror we would pick creepy slow moving music.

Quality of positioning and movements of actors

Even though the task was filmed with many different takes we tried to keep the position of the table and chair the same so it didn’t look like it. I think that this was achieved well. I don’t think the actors moved enough to show the emotion of the subject. Jordan kept fighting with his hands, which showed that he was nervous.

Next time we have to make sure that the actors are not nervous and that it doesn’t show on the camera or we just choose them on the basis of how good of an actor/actress they are instead of using members of the group.

Quality of group planning, meeting targets, organization

As soon as we got the task we created a script. We worked well in the team everyone contributing ideas; everyone had a thought, which was included. For example Jordan had thought up the idea of Genies mum dying, Anthony thought we should make it humorous and Genie also contributed to the script. I helps with filming and editing which is more my strengths then acting in it. We met the deadline of the filming however with editing it we

Make sure everything is finished before the deadline by meeting more regularly in our free periods, which we didn’t do.

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cut it close. We finished it completely minutes before the deadline.

Group dynamics i.e. how did your group work together

I think our group works well together, everyone has there own strengths. I am good at filming and editing; Anthony is also good at filming and thinking up different angles that we should shoot at. Jordan strength I think is being well-organized and meeting deadlines.

Even though we worked well, I think someone definitely need to take charge, it keeps changing, to make sure that deadlines are definitely met and that people do turn up in the group and finish what they need to complete.