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My front cover has a large image, within the market many front covers have large close up images, my front cover does differ from the others however by my model ‘Katie’ not looking at the camera.

Whilst creating my magazine I looked at different magazines on the internet, on my front cover I focused on the image on the right, the tagline used on the vibe magazine I found effective however I made my magazine more unique by adding a bold box around it. this bold colour also breaks the page up especially with the bold white background which could be questioned as being boring.

Question 1 : in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?

Whilst creating my double page spread I used one main inspiration of the internet, I used this example because it suited my genre, I found it different than a normal double page spread, I felt this double page spread lacked colour so on mine I added some colour from my colour scheme.

I did similar photos from this double page spread, my model ‘Katie’ looks like she's having fun which reflects her personality. This is why these photos are effective and why the double page spread on the right inspired me.

I kept all the headlines (text) to the left of the page, I felt by doing this my page isn't over cluttered or confusing to read.

The font used without my double page spread and front cover is simple, similar to a typical magazine, the text is simple (e.g. vibe magazine, top right)

The colour of my front page is unique, when looking on the internet, white isn't a popular canvas colour for a front page so mine isn't a typical media front page however it does use images and pugs therefore my front cover is a conventional front cover.

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Question one continued

My contents is quite typical to what you would seen in the market. The page number is highlighted and larger than the other text. My inspiration for this was from empire magazine, they put a page number over the image, similar to mine. My inspiration on the right I found overcrowded and hard to understand, instead I used a simple design on my contents page.

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Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups.

my media product represents a various amount of medias groups, firstly my magazine is aimed at both girls and boys however my front page could be seen to attract the female eye. With the girl and colour purple used on my front page. My magazine will populate social groups that like R and B music or rap. This social group is overall young and have new taste in music. They will be interested in the headlines on my magazine e.g. ’50 cent gets shot ‘ resulting in them picking up the magazine and reading it.

The age group for my magazine will be around 13 to 25, this because the ,magazine includes new music which is usually attracted by the younger area of society.

The text colour used throughout my magazine especially the double page attracts the female eye. Pink and people are stereo typically colours associated with girls.

My font used on my double page is smooth and new looking this will attract the younger eye as appose to using a script old fashioned font which will attract a more older age group.

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Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I could advertise my magazine on music providers e.g. iTunes or in store. Because my magazine is an r and b magazine it will have to featured on iTunes in the r and b genre section.

Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site in the world therefore I could advertise my magazine on this site. It will be seen by hundreds of users they then might buy my magazine in store.

I could maybe advertise my magazine by free handouts in shops, because my magazine is quite new and up to date with the music genre I could handout free magazines in modern clothes shops or in night clubs. This however would be costly and wouldn’t make any money by my magazine.

I could advertise my magazine in other magazines to do with my genre, for example vibe has the same genre as my media product so I could advertise my magazine in their because the audience I aim my magazine at buys the vibe magazine.

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Question 4: who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine would attract young teenagers or adults because r and b is popular within the younger generation. These people would be interested in r and b and r and b would probably be their favourite type of music. Because of my model used throughout my product it may seem to attract the female eye because the female I used. People may be inspired by the model used therefore pick up the magazine. The age group for my magazine would be 13-35 year olds. The audience will also have to live in England by a shop that stocks my magazine.

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Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience

My magazine uses a model which is a stereotypical young woman, this will attract my audience and maybe become a role model to my readers. The text I used is also fresh and round looking which could be seen as young, which is the same as my target audience.

Unique font on masshead to make my magazine stand out.

The colours used on my front page and throughout my media product are fresh and striking this could attract my audience well. the colour blue and purple used is to attract both genders instead of using one stereotypical colour such as pink.

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Question 6: what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product

I have learnt how to use blogger, before making my media product I never knew blogs existed. I have learned that it can be seen all over the world.

I have learnt about various techniques a magazine company may use to make their magazine stand out. Firstly they may use the image to cover the mass head, this shows that the magazine is well known therefore doesn’t have tot show the whole of their name. Secondly magazine companies include many headlines on their magazine to fill the page up and attract the reader, if the reader sees a headline they are interested in on the front page they will probably pick the magazine up.

I have learned that some magazines use one simple image to make their magazine unique, front pages also don’t need to be over cluttered and unclear.

I have learnt some the main features of a magazine, e.g. mass head, pug …

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Question 7 : looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learned that setting a colour scheme is hard and not always can it be followed. I changed my colour scheme throughout the product, this way I could suit it to my image. I also played around with colours so I was happy with the colours chosen.

Through my preliminary task I found that front page images are usually a close up with the model facing the audience however to make my magazine more unique I used a model facing away from the audience.

I used a certain font on my magazine name, I learnt that I could choose the font before the production of my magazine .