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EvaluationTeaser trailer, film poster and film magazine

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

By analysing professional products I was able to see form and conventions used by real media products, which I then used to build my product in a similar fashion.The genre of my teaser trailer is ‘horror’, so I chose three professional horror teaser trailers which I then analysed. The three teaser trailers were from films such as Saw 3D, Paranormal activity 3 and The Tunnel, by analysing these three trailers I was hoping to spark ideas for my own teaser trailer. I looked and the three different teaser trailers and could see what they had done to establish conventions for the horror genre.

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My product uses forms and conventions through location, while analysing my teaser trailer I noticed that most locations in the trailers would have dark backgrounds I believe this was to build up dark atmosphere’s for the audience.

‘The tunnel’

‘Paranormal Activity 3’

Saw 3D

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So I used dark locations and backgrounds in my product to create a dark atmosphere for my audience. I had to get the write balance as I wouldn’t my character to be seen but I wanted the background build atmoshpere at the same time.

Mise en scene was an important aid to the convention, because after watching the three professional teasers I felt costumes and characters were very important in creating meaning and importance.

In this screenshot you can tell by the costume, the character on the right is more important as he is dressedBrighter than this passer by. He stands out toThe audience more.

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When analysing the three professional teaser trailers I realised camera shots and angles had great importance. They helped to create atmosphere and for a horror teaser trailer camera shots are important as there is a lot of emotions to be shown, which different shots help to portray. Also I noticed in the professional teaser trailers the camera angles and shots helped to show mystery behind some characters (usually the evil characters) but as a teaser trailer you want to leave a sense of mystery so that audience is intrigued and want to watch the film itself.

In my teaser trailer I used close ups, medium shots and zoom to show expressions and like the teaser trailers I analysed I kept my evil character mysterious and the camera shot was important for this.

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A convention which I think is very important is the way sound was used, all three of the professional products had important sounds to them, which had massive effect on mood ,atmosphere and the arousal of the audience. For example ‘The tunnel’ starts off slow pace and when its starts to build you get music playing in the background, as soon as the pace is fast we hear loud diegetic sound and non diegetic sounds which are linked with the editing to give us a frightening atmosphere. At the beginning of my teaser trailer I have an emotional (sad) scene so to add massive affect to this I added a sad piano song, which I believe really helps the audience to understand the mood in the scene. Just like ‘The Tunnel’ my teaser trailer starts off slow and picks up pace through the trailer, so I added a heartbeat which starts off slow and as soon as the editing gets fast so does the heartbeat to show something important is happening. But the heartbeat also represents the main characters heartbeat because when he is being chased at the end the heartbeat is beating fast.Also at the beginning I used a voice over to help the narrative as audience members will understand the trailer better, Saw3D used a voiceover to help the narrative and this is where I got this idea. Here my main character is running and The heartbeat would be faster than beforeAs he is running. We don’t know what he isRunning from, so the heartbeat and scene Is trying to build atmosphere.

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Text transitions are extremely important when trying to get the narrative across to your audience, they engage your audience and have clear points. The text transitions conventionally had black backgrounds with clear and bold text. When I made my text transitions I used a black back ground just like all the teaser trailers I analysed but none of the professional teaser trailers had red writing and I thought red was a good colour as it shows danger and is linked with horror and blood. The teaser trailers I analysed had white text which was clear , but I decided for my teaser trailer red was a better colour. So when editing I made the fonts clear and bold, so the audience can easily read the text.

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