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  • 8/14/2019 European history notes


    History 164H Europe 1815-Present Final Exam


    French Revolution

    Began circa 1780-1789. Ends circa 1815. A political upheaval that completely overturned the

    monarchy. Why did it happen and what were the consequences?

    Initially a political movement of protest by the middle class and peasants against thearistocracy, the catholic church (RCC, Roman Catholic Church), and the king. Protest against 1-

    institution of monarchy, king 2- church 3-aristocrats.

    Lead by middle class intellectuals. Assisted by the peasants, who at some point took over the


    The third group of participants (who did not start it, but joined along) were the urban poor-

    unskilled urban workers.

    [Side point- 19thc Europe= three classes 1-Aristocrats 2-middle class 3- blue collar workers/

    agricultural workers they wore sans-culottes aka without breech practically panty hose. They

    were unskilled. Until 1830 in Europe there was only manufacture (unmechanized production).

    Post 1830 there began to be factories(blue collar workers)]

    [ American War of Independence= 1776-1783

    French Revolution= 1780/1789-1815

    Industrial Revolution=1780-1820]

    These three events were contemporaneous/occurred simultaneously

    Industrial Revolution is an economic movement that brought about social change. It can best be

    defined in the 1780-1820 period.

    American War of Independence- started with 7 years war. Untoward consequences- anunexpected consequence.

    May 1789- the French king accepted to hear the complaints about life/economy of the

    peasants, middle class, aristocracy, and the church. A general meeting of the state in his palace.

    June 17-27th

    1789- middle class withdrew from the meeting (merchants) asking for different

    procedures to be followed. They went to a court and they decided they constituted the

    assembly of the nation. They declared themselves to be the assembly of the nation with one

    man one vote. The king was forced to accept this. At this point the aristocracy, king, and church

    were on the defensive.

    July 14th 1789

    = Bastille day. Paris rose up and rebelled. The san cullotes and women of Paris

    marched from Paris to the palace grounds and demanded bread. At the same time the prisons,

    called bastille, inmates rebelled. The san-cullotes (men) freed the prisoners while the women

    marched to the palace grounds in Versailles. They brought back Marie Antoinette. So bastille

    day is the symbolic day of the revolution (their 4th

    of july) Symbolism= ordinary people came

    into history, partaking in events. Middle class took initiative in july.

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    August- peasants rebelled and kicked aristocrats out of the chteau and took over their land

    and the church land.

    After that The Rights of the Declaration of Mancome about.


    What brings about revolutions?Revolutions happen because an extraordinary set of events set it off, but are in the making for


    Revolutions are violent political events. Where the political and social status quo are disrupted.

    They usually disrupt the government and its political power over a society. They are triggered

    by extraordinary set of events or by a sudden event building up on a set of conditions that have

    emerged. A revolution never occurs out of the blue. The making of a revolution has been

    building up for a while. While the revolutions are political events they can have repercussions

    on political, social, cultural, intellectual, and economic conditions of a country. Often the

    message or consequences of the revolution (or the revolution itself) moves from one country to

    another. This is uncontrollable by human beings

    Revolutions are often triggered by one person or a number of people, but control of the

    revolution is almost never in the hands of the originators of the revolution.

    Revolutions effect its participants in unpredictable ways.

    Revolution implies a shift in political dynamics between social groups.

    Characteristics that caused the French Revolution:

    -By 1780 there were four big social groups in France

    Aristocracy: land owners and seigneurs (lords). Politically had a lot of power because the kinghimself was an aristocrat and wanted to keep them loyal to him. He also believed they were

    intellectually above the middle class (of course the king was above them). The aristocrats

    themselves emerged by 1700s. They were a group that tuned their landholdings into farms.

    The aristocracy believed in working their assets, they embraced their economy. Their land was

    run by other people, but was a source of profit for them. If they didnt make enough profit they

    would go to the king and somehow, manage to get a grant. The aristocracy had to be

    economically pampered by the king (he felt that he needed to, to gain their support). They

    somewhat overestimated the aristocracy power.

    Peasants who were not paid for their labor and thus theoretically serfs

    Middle class- owners of un-mechanized production, bankers, merchants, ship owners, brokers,


    Unskilled workers in urban cities of France. Urban unskilled work force called sans-culottes

    they are the future proletariat (in 1830/1850s onward) (aka blue collared workers of

    mechanized work)

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    -France had big urban centers. A sea of agricultural land with cities in the middle of it. Big cities

    mean there are sans-cullotes. Middle class were in small and big cities. The sans-cullotes were a

    big enough group to influence events.

    Louis 14th

    1660-1714. He created the supermodel of a centralized state where the king buys off

    the aristocracy in order for the king to be given the power to run the power. The aristocracywanted to continue to have their own privileges and political power.

    Transformation 1600s-1700s: aristocracy starts to lose power because middle class emerges

    with the market. Growth of trade and manufacture all over Europe. This creates changes in the

    structure of society. This is why the middle class emerged; the economy changed. It changed

    slowly (took all 1600s 1700s for it to change). The industrial revolution was the apex of the

    change. The emergence of the market brought about the middle class and disrupted the earlier

    power of the aristocracy. (Emergence of middle classloss of power to middle classes) Also

    called the emergence of capitalism or first phase in emergence of capitalism (1580-1780).

    Mercantile capitalism.

    [Read the French revolution. Write down

    -The rights of man-a fundamental document of theFrench Revolution and in the history

    ofhuman rights,defining the individual and collective rights of all theestates of the realm as

    universal. Influenced by the doctrine of "natural right", the rights of man are held to

    beuniversal:valid at all times and in every place, pertaining tohuman nature itself. 1789.

    Natural rights to property, liberty, and life. Rights only awarded to men. The Declaration also

    asserted the principles ofpopular sovereignty,in contrast to thedivine right of kings that

    characterized the French monarchy, and social equality among citizens, "All the citizens, beingequal in the eyes of the law, are equally admissible to all public dignities, places, and

    employments, according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their

    virtues and of their talents," eliminating the special rights of the nobility and clergy.


    -The Estates general-was the first meeting since 1614 of the FrenchEstates-General,a general

    assembly representing the Frenchestates of the realm:the clergy (First Estate), the nobles

    (Second Estate), and the common people (Third Estate). Summoned byKing Louis XVI to

    propose solutions to his government's financial problems, the Estates-General sat for several

    weeks in May and June 1789 but came to an impasse as the three estates clashed over their

    respective powers. It was brought to an end when many members of the Third Estate formed

    themselves into aNational Assembly,signalling the outbreak of theFrench Revolution. wiki
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    -Who Robespierre was (the reign of terror)- one of the best-known and most influential figures

    of theFrench Revolution.

    As a member of theEstates-General,theConstituent Assembly and theJacobin Club,he

    advocated against the death penalty and for theabolition of slavery,while supporting equality

    of rights,universal suffrage and the establishment of a republic. He opposed war with Austriaand the possibility of a coup byLa Fayette.As a member of theCommittee of Public Safety,he

    was an important figure during the period of the Revolution commonly known as theReign of

    Terror,which ended a few months after his arrest and execution in July 1794.

    -Who fought whom in the revolutionary war

    -How and in what way was Napoleon a genius]


    -The third estate was being overtaxed and the king was trying to tax the first estate, the clergy.

    The First estate=clergy Second Estate=noble men Third Estate= merchants, manufacturers,

    bankers, serfs/peasants.

    -Difference between oppression of peasants vs oppression of other middle class?

    Both had much to protest against the system and the king

    The peasants are more likely to starve. The lowest groups of the middle class could be facing

    economic problems- facing challenges in the standards of living. The middle class however, did

    have food. They werent struggling day to ay like the peasants. The only way the peasants could

    protest was by rioting.

    Shifts in classes and groups of people after national assembly.First group hit by the peasants was the church and aristocrats. The peasants through them out

    of the chteau and took their land. THE PEASANTS RIOTED. The end of futilisim/serfdom.

    Usually the rioting comes from the struggle about survival or political power/prestige. In the

    case of peasants it was because of survival. Their violence ended feudalism.

    The principal source of wealth of the Catholic church was through ownership of land. This is

    because the church, like the aristocracy, was a medieval institution- owned land because it

    emerged as a strong institution and collected land. The church was able to populate large areas

    of Europe by sending out monks (a military religious group) and cultivated lands. They had

    money to begin with to send out missionaries and monks. They emerged as bing land owners in

    Europe. The aristocracy was also big land owners in Europe by fighting for the land. Continuity

    in prestige was based on land

    All this changed because by the 1700s economy was changing, trading was becoming more

    important. You no longer needed to have a warrior class to make money. A banker made more

    money than an aristocrat. Also to fight for wars you needed to be a professional soldier. Both,_marquis_de_Lafayette,_marquis_de_Lafayette
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    king and aristocracy were losing power economically because now land was not the only way to

    make money. Whoever understood how to run their land as a farm, producing goods the

    market wanted, excelled in making money. Turning land from futile matters into agricultural

    purposes. In the process this entailed letting some peasants go.

    The change taking place in the rural economy from making money from land being futilefarming.

    Which group of aristocrats understood the opportunities that existed if they run their estates

    for agricultural purposes?

    Aristocrats of England and Holland. British understood the new economy.

    Ultimately the poorer aristocrats (of france) understood this new economy. They became the

    gentlemen farmers who paid poorer people to work the land. Producing food to sell to the

    market is the important new economy. Commercialization of agriculture. Agriculture has

    always been a basis for any economy.

    The changes that take place are from:

    Producing enough food for a market

    Changing the crops you produce

    Standardizing the strips in your land

    Throwing off peasants because you only need a business (some peasants fled and went to

    towns because they were needed)

    There was a twin change. Change in both rural areas (rural economy), ending serfdom in

    villages (estates of lords become businesses), and urban areas, where peasants went to earn a

    living (second part of economic/social transformation is that their was an increase of need forlabor in the towns in factories and coal mines). (change in the countryside and in the towns


    In order for a change you need producer, who can be few, and consumers, who have to be

    many. Poor peasants become landless, go to town, and buy everything for themselves and thus

    become consumers.

    In France the town economy was very advanced. There was however, a disconnect. Many areas

    remaining inefficient and feudal economy and some were business/farm like.

    Feudal Economy- the nobility gets the land and the eldest inherits the land. The lord/lady of the

    manner- the head of the property. Noblesse oblige- the lord/lady of the manner obliges. They

    need to look after the serfs, the serfs family who gets ill, resolve family issues, must be

    gracious, have a good table, give hospitality. The lords had the right to the work of the serfs,

    but he also had obligations to them. The lord had a number of obligations and did the church.

    This all being swept aside by 1789.

    Girandistes: 1789-1791

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    Montagnards: 1792-1794

    Jacobins: 1789-1791

    Robespierre- during the reign of terror (1793-1794). Louis XVI was executed in 1793. 1792-

    1801= French Revolutionary Wars: France vs Everyone else. Allowing for the execution of the

    king, the aristocrats fled because their land was being take over by the peasants.Levee en masse= conscription army. France was fighting for survival which led to this army. This

    was no longer professional soldiers. They were inspired by the revolutions ideas of equality and

    fraternity. They won victory after victory. Fought for 9 years and in 1801 they made a two yr

    truce with Britain. Then in 1803-1815 france started fighting again. These were called the

    Napoleonic wars. The only country that was not overcome by france was England. Every other

    country they took over or made an ally (forced ally).

    Domestic issues in France

    The rights of man: life, liberty, property. Aug 27 1789

    Distinguished between active and passive citizens (the Electors of the Assembly were

    themselves elected by "active" citizens, male citizens whose annual taxes equaled the local

    wages paid for three days of labor.)

    1-All men are equal before the law

    2-Government represents the nation, not the king. End of divine monarchy

    3-All innocent until proven guilty (no longer giving privilege to the aristocrats)

    4-all are liable for taxation, according to capacity (income tax, land tax, license tax)

    5- all property is sacred under the law (basis for middle class. Prison people when they steal)

    6-Freedom of press7-Freedom of association (belonging to political party)

    8- Free speech

    9-Habeus corpus- a citizen cannot be held in jail for more than 48 hours without being indicted.

    10-Freedom of religion

    These are called the bourgeoisie freedom (middle class rights). Also became the basis of

    liberalism in the 19th

    c. You can have all these freedoms and have them enacted, but still have

    monarchy. The monarchy is invariably a constitutional monarchy- the monarch governs through

    a constitution. A constitution= legal document which sets the rights and responsibilities of the

    monarch and the people. Fundamental to the constitution is the recognition of the monarchy

    that they are governing through an election system. Electoral mechanism=basis for finding a

    way to decide what government represents the people best. Usually a government takes place

    after an election for a certain amount of time. Usually a government has 2 parts: executive

    (actually running the country) and the legislature (often in one or two legal bodies :

    senate/national assembly. Elected and often made up of lawyers). The nation represents

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    everyone because it is the final and ultimate source of authority. Authority is given to the

    government from the people to the government.

    Freedom from serfdomequality of everyone under the law (aristocrats, church, middle class,

    peasants)fraternity(we are a nation who, together, elects the government). These were

    fundamental for the French revolution.NOTES BEFORE CLASS

    Read Napoleon

    When was he most successful

    Continental system-1806 Napoleon aimed to cut Britain off from its continental markets. He

    prohibited trade with Britain in hopes of strangling the British economy. He did so by closing all

    continental ports to British ships.

    Confederation of the rhine

    Nelson-british navy leader led during battle of trfalgar.

    Defeats- 1807worst defeat was peninsular war. Lost because they didnt know how to fights the

    apanish guerilla war fair. French men were being captured by the thousands and they could

    no longer continue to go on. This was the first defeat. Napoleons Spanish ulcer bled france.

    The destruction of his grand army in the snow-drifts and howling winds of Russia was the

    beginning of the end. France earned money through this because Britain was forced to buy

    French products. It however was not such a success because the ritish cost-line is rather large

    and they have a strong navy. Merchants and smugglers were resourceful too. British continued

    to find American markets for their goods. Even france needed many of the goods offered by

    Britain markets. In response to this the british government order in council, in November andDecember 1807, demanded that trading ships under all flags purchase a license in a British port.

    (Milan decrees) Napoleon retaliated, threatening to sieze any ship that traded with Britain

    Wellington- leader of british troops. Came to assist their ally, Spain, during peninsular war

    against Napoleon

    Xyz affairs


    Napoleon Victories

    Napoleon was a Jacobin

    He planned in 1793the successful artillery siege on the port of Toulon (held by British


    In Paris of Thermidor he helped put down a royalist uprising on October 6 1795

    In 1796he became commander of the Army of Italy

    In November of 1796he had spectacular successes against the Austrians and their allies in

    Italy including at the Battle of Arcole

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    In May 1796he had victory over Austria in the battle of Lodi this opened way to Milan

    In July 1798he defeated Egyptianforces in the battle of Pyramids

    o he set off to Egypt- he wanted to occupy the middle east which was part of the Ottoman


    Napoleon achieved a final victory over the Turks with the annihilation of several morevillages and their inhabitants

    In 1800 Napoleon took over Milan in Austria

    In October 1805 they defeated the Austrians at Ulm

    In 1813 he defeated the allies at Dresden

    Defeats of Napoleon

    In 1804 in Haiti the French surrendered to the Brits

    In October 1805 at Cape Trafalgar the British (led by Nelson) had a huge navel defeat over


    From 1808- 1813 Napoleon took part in the Peninsular War in Spain

    In 1812 Napoleon entered Moscow and when he decided to retreat in October it was


    In October 1813 he suffered a major defeat at Leipzig

    Horatio Nelson(1758-1805)

    Tiny British Admiral

    Had only one eye, one arm and few teeth He destroyedthe French Fleet in August of 1798 in the battle of Nile (Part of Napoleons


    Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes

    In Paris was plotting to overthrow the Directory

    In November 1799 Sieyes and Napoleon staged a coup detat

    He intended to have authoritarian rule

    Duke of Wellington (1765- 1852)

    His name was Arthur Wellesey and he led the British troops

    He came to help the Spanish and Portuguese fight the French

    By 1810 France lost this war majorly

    In 1813 he drove the French back to France and made them fight on French soil for the first


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    In June 1815he faced off against Wellingtonby Waterlooand lostthe final battle



    The directorywas the government before Napoleon changed it to the consulate.93-94= reign of terror. Culmination of the enlightenment, age of reason (attacking church

    according to reason). Robespierre was influential in Italy. The republicans (those against

    monarchy) developed into a strong ideology. Robespierre was the firs to entirely come out

    against the monarchy. He was not a socialist (no blue collar workers). (He wanted to give a

    political voice to others. They gave them government works with a wage and stable food

    prices= economic social policy that were aware of the reality and the problems of every day

    living that the propertiless had.)

    89-94 resonated in Europe through to the first WW. Ideas that started then influenced other

    countries. (Gerbaldi was the son of the ideas of Robespierre, took republican ideals)

    -directorywas in 1794-1799, when Napoleon took over

    -First Consul- 1799-1802 (Napoleon)

    -Then he was established as Consul for lifein 1802-1804

    -in 1804 he Crowned himself for life- emperor of the French (until 1814)

    always an ambivalence if it was an empire or not

    - In 1807 he defeated Russia and proclaimed himself The Great

    Napoleons highest points

    Political legacyNapoleonic code

    Became king of Italy- made himself king over Italy to make the point to the pope (symbolic).

    Made a point to the Austrians (enemies of the Italians) and to the pope.

    Signed concord with church in 1801 (Pius VII)- the state is above the church.

    Military Legacy

    Confederation of the Rhine-

    War of Austerlitz

    Halvetic Confederation (Switzerland)

    1807 defeat of Russia and all his enemies (never defeated Britain)


    1803 After Amiens (1801-1803)

    1805-Battle of Trafalgar: Naval defeat (after treaty if Amiens, they took time off for 2 years) at

    the hands of Nelson (British admiral). Nelsonis one of th most inspirational leaders in history


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    1806- Austerlitz : Defeated Austrians and Russians

    1806-07 defeated the Prussian (in Jena)

    in 1807 he dissolves the holy Roman empire (which was central Germany) In place of that he

    puts in place the confederation of the Rhine (16 German states)

    1807 took the dalmation coast and made it the Illerian Republic (Austrian Croation)

    French power over Poland

    1807 French power over Russia (Russia was a secret ally, Poland was an open ally)

    Russia, Poland sattelites. Belgium, Italy, Holand, Spain, and Portugal were captured and

    napoleon put members of his family as kings over those countries

    -England was helping Spain and Portugal.

    Austrian German defeat in 1809. Napoleon married arch duchess of Austrian empire

    -How did he fight so successfully?

    Napoleon changed the way of warfare. He lived off the land. Him and the army moved very fast,

    they had the advantage of surprise. No more mercenaries, just citizens with a stronger desire

    and passion for fighting. Became stylized 2 lines of opposing sides used to fire against each

    other, but Napoleon would just have surprise attacks. Revolutionized. This all worked until he

    got to Russia because 1)different weather 2) Russians would scorch earth: they would burn

    their own lands, thus as the army was coming the French had nothing to eat and then had to

    retreat. The French horses also had nothing for their horses so harder to retreat and then

    Russia would attack.

    For Napoleon to remain a popular empire he had to keep fighting because so much of his

    grandiose came from his extraordinary fighting. France was bigger in Europe than during theCharlemagne empire. To get at Britain he tried the continental system tried to strangle Britains

    economy by closing off their ports from continental markets. He declared it twice first in Berlin

    the in Milan- to proclaim no country can trade with Britain. Cut off British good from all

    European markets except two neutral powers America and Ottoman empire. They traded

    through Molta.

    In 1807 it had become a british base. In 1813 the Germans started winning the Battle of the

    german nations against the French.

    1815 100 days of NapoleonLOOK UP

    Read for next time

    Romanticism-emphasizing imagination and emotion in personal development began to emerge

    as a literary, artistic, and musical movement in the late 18th

    century. Uprooting the classical

    style based on Greek and Roman models that characterized aristocratic life and instead express

    their emotional response to nature. Many romantic writers were individuals of religious faith

    who rejected Enlightenment rationalism. This also brought about a German nationalism. The

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    idea of being part of a nation, a community, a culture. (shortly after nationalities would argue

    for independent states). Romantics defined freedom as the unleashing of the senses and

    passion of the soul. In the beginning of the movement romantic writers and artists were literary

    and academic outsiders.

    Liberalism-During the subsequent period after Napoleon, liberal movements were wellspread.Each nationality, particularly among the middles classes wanted liberty. It was more than an

    economic and political theory, it was a way of viewing the world. liberals shared a confidence

    that human progress as inevitable, though gradual. Liberalism reflected middle class confidence

    and economic aspirations. Liberals wanted laisez faire (the government is bes which governs

    the least). They emphasized The Rights of Man. They wanted a democracy.

    concert of Europe(conciliar system)- in 1815, following Napoleons defeat at Waterloo, the

    congress of Vienna created the concert of Europe. The concert is the international basis of the

    Restoration of Europe in hopes of preventing further liberal and nationalist insurrection in

    Europe. To preserve the settlements enacted at Vienna, the five major European powers (Great

    Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russai, and France) formed a concert of Europe. It was an extension of

    the congress of Vienna, meant to keep the status quo.

    concord of Vienna-was almost entirely the work of diplomats representing Austria, Prussia,

    Britain, andRussia. The goals were threefold 1)redistribute territory 2)to achieve a balance of

    power that would prevent anyone state from becoming too powerful and potentially aggressive

    3)make future revolutionary movements impossible.


    emphasizing imagination and emotion in personal development, began to emerge as aliterary, artistic, and musical movement in the late eighteenth century

    Coleridge and Wordsworth wanted them to express their emotional response to nature

    instead of court and aristocratic life

    swooning and fainting came into vogue because they seemed to be honest expressions of


    Coleridge liked the French Revolution until it got too violent- more conquerors than


    Many of the early romantic writers were individuals of religious faith who rejected

    enlightenment rationalism

    In nationalistic countries, romanticism celebrated the historical authenticity of the cultural

    traditions and languages of ethnic peoples

    Romantic writers defined freedom as the unleashing of the senses and passion of the soul

    o Searched for the one who fulfills himself despite challenges imposed by

    state/religion/societal convention

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    o Romantics bared the suffering of their souls

    Romantics believed music was poetry capable of releasing torrents of emotion in listeners

    o Beethoven

    Congress of Vienna, Concerts of Europe

    Represents old political order which now against the new liberalism Following Napoleons defeat in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo, the Congress of Vienna

    created the Concert of Europe- the international basis of Restoration Europe to prevent further

    liberal and nationalist insurrections in Europe

    Concert of Europe was formed by Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia and France

    o Reps met annually and put down movements that threatened the status quo


    In German and Italian states and Belgium, liberalism was associated with nationalists

    o Called for independent states based upon ethnicity

    o Threatened existence of these empires


    Conciliar Movement- 1815-1821: meant to keep the status quo after Napoleon. Ends in 1821

    when Greeks revolted. Members= Britain, Prussia, Russia, Austria, and eventually France joined

    in. France joined in 1818 when they paid off all their debts. They wanted to suppress

    revolutions, maintain monarchies. Maintain government in office, but a king on the throne=

    political stability. They were the Major Powers. The few most powerful states. They were

    politically ridden. Russia was the most conservative power. Both Austria and Russia still had the

    institution of feudalism. Prussia abolished feudalism in the middle of the Napoleonic wars- tohave an inspired, uniform army. Dynasty ruling Prussia was the Hohenzollern (Prussian family)

    and the Austrian Dynast was the Habsburgs.

    In 1792 France was on the defensive against Austria, but by the end since France won they had

    to pay indemnities, or reparations.

    It was resuscitated in early 1850s because of the Cramean war

    [side point- Queen Victoria of England, 1837-1901, would have the most relatives throughout

    Europe. She is originally German. She had a lot of children who then married other countries


    Prussian Kings made promotion in the army relatively meritocratic. The other forces were

    mostly aristocratic.

    Most important idea of the Conciliar movement: stop revolutions and release tensions within

    each other. To ensure that the major powers found a legally acceptable way to stop a

    revolution from taking place and if one started to suppress it. They wanted to find a way to

    intervene and restore order, reverse a revolution, place the monarch back on the throne in a

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    country that a revolution would take place, and have that intervention be internationally

    legal. Even if it meant (which it would) that a revolution would happen outside one of those 5

    countries. They can still send troops to invade the country.

    A revolution is an internal affair, but they still gave themselves the legal rights. All five

    considered it (practically god given) their duty to stop the revolutions.Aim: Countries like Italy (South Italy)- was rural and for early 19

    thcentury, that meant more

    poor. (North was already urban and manufacturing and way ahead economically) and one in

    spain- what country intervened where? LOOK UP (between 1818-1821) Also look up Greek


    Congress of Vienna- 1) Redistribute territory 2) make future revolts impossible 3) restore

    balance of power. Redrew a map to set boundaries. Austria got a lot of land.

    Holy alliance- Prussia, Russia, and Austria (three emperors league)-considered themselves

    holier. Divided up Poland.

    1834- Zollverein Union: Customs union between Austrian chancellor, Metternich and France.

    He did not like revolutions or constitutions. Land is most important source of wealth. He could

    not get back the Holy Roman Empire. So confederation of the Rhine and was made into 35

    states. (The middle class in the confederation wanted constitutional monarchs- confed was

    starting to be industrial) So Metternich said okay, no trade unions, no political powers. In return

    you can have customs union. He allowed Prussia to join the Confed, but will not have Austria in

    it. He thought, politically, the empire could not really control their own lands. Big mistake

    because by allowing Prussia and the confed to join the were closer together economically.

    German empire of 1871 is a political expression of an economic union that was already takingplace (good for Germany, bad for Austria). Metternichs intention was to buy off the German

    middle class. LOOK UP!!!??

    Romanticism- encouraged imagination. Conservative movement away from enlightenment

    rationalism. Very much a reaction to the rationality of the enlightenment. Emphasized

    imagination and emotion. Very strong in the Germanic world. Glorified simple peasant, no need

    for education. Germans were trying to find a way to validate their own cultural and linguistic

    entity without taking a political radical root. They took over the notion of the nationbecause

    France says the people have the right to choose who leads. The people have ultimate political

    power. The German Nation was for cultural reasons (not political). They wanted a unifying

    link to the Germanic nation. In the enlightenment the individual is very important. By the late


    c we begin to see, why should some members be in one group and others in another. A

    common element to determine what group you were in was language. 1) language 2) customs

    3) emotions 4)common historical past- this is all part of nationalism this is all part of what a

    person grows up with. The germans were aware they were under different rulers and the idea

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    of finding a common link was to understand themselves. Romanticism also went well with

    reaction to Indsutrial revolution. Pretty fieldsfactories. British against industrial revolution,

    Germans want to evoke nationalism. Conservative in nature. Romantics (like shelly and keats,

    were not so pro-education because with education you require notions about your rights).

    For next timePolitical History

    Peter Loo Massacre- Late 18th

    c beginning of 19th

    c was a very radical time. In Britain demands

    for political reform were taking place. The people wanted more middle class voters, universal

    suffrage, lower prices on food, etc. Due to the radicalism going on in that time period the

    government became much more rigid, actually. It suspended the rights of habeas corpus, made

    strikes illegal, and enforced laws against trade unions. (Part of the Combination Acts from 1799-

    1800). On august 16th

    1819 a crowd of men and women gathered near Manchester to

    demonstrate for the right to form political organizations and to assemble freely. Guards went

    to arrest the main speaker and in the process killed 11 and wounded 100s. This was a shameful

    victory over Britains defenseless laboring poor.

    Industrial revolution: 1800s. Transformation of European economy. It was largely an

    intensification of forms of production that already existed. An increase in population generated

    greater consumer demand for manufactured goods, now transported in many places by trains

    and steamships. German industrialization lagged behind that of Britain and France because 1)

    municipality of independent states 2) the labyrinth of tolls and customs barriers (pay toll) 3)

    virtual monopolies held by guilds ober the production and distribution of certain products.

    Child labor begins because of the factories.Watts dimensions

    Cotton Gin-A cotton ginis a machine that quickly and easily separatescotton fibers from their

    seeds, allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation.[2]

    The fibers are

    processed into clothing or other cotton goods, and any undamaged seeds may be used to grow

    more cotton or to producecottonseed oil andmeal.

    Although simple handheld roller gins have been used since at least 500 AD,[3]

    the first modern

    mechanical cotton gin was created by American inventorEli Whitney in 1793, and patented in


    The first Industrial Revolution was largely the intensification of forms of production that already

    existed. Not until the mid-nineteenth century, when steam power came to be used in many

    different industries in Western Europe, did industrial manufacturing leave behind traditional

    forms of production.
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    Demographic Explosion:

    Population Growth of 187 mil to 266 mil from 1800 to 1850 (43 % INCREASE)

    However, disease and Hunger continued to interrupt cycles of population growth:

    -Cholera (early 1830s - 1890s)-Potato Famine in Ireland (1840s)


    Technological Advancements:

    -Trains and Steamboats (Northern England in 1820). The railroads development prompted

    investments particularly from the middle class. British railways were completely financed by

    Private Investments at this point.

    -Because of this technological advancement, the production of metal also increased since the

    transport of said materials was a cheaper using rail transportation. The cost for such railroads

    are the displacement of people and the destruction of their homes (they were forced to


    -Also because of railroads, the sense of being on time was also introduced. 1850s Greewich

    Time or railway time became the standard in Britain.

    -SteamShip (1816, 1820s-1830s). Revolutioned travel and transport.

    -A cotton ginis a machine that quickly and easily separatescottonfibers from their seeds,

    allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation.

    Why did the Industrial Revolution Start in England? Because of its Location

    Separate Spheres and Cult of Domesticity - Where the Man and the woman lived in Separate

    Spheres. The man was out of the house, working, providing for the family while the Woman

    was inside the house, taking care of the children and tending to the servants

    Liberal Revolts in Spain, Portugal, and Italy


    The first trial of the Congress System was in Spain (1814) King Ferdinand VII (ruled 1808-1833)

    declared that he did not recognize the liberal constitution that had been drawn up by the

    Cortes (assembly) in 1812.

    -Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) A Creole Aristocrat raised with European Enlightenment ideals, led

    an army that liberated Venezuela in 1821.
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    -In 1821, they were also forced to recognize the independence of Mexico. At this time, Spain

    only retained their colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.

    -With this, the Spanish Kin in Spain itself posed a revolution. Army officers along with

    merchants and lawyers forced the King to restore the assembly and also recognize Spain as

    having a liberal constitution.


    -Liberal army officers took advantage of the fact that King John VI was still in hiding so they

    formed their own liberal constitution similar to that of Spains. That year a coup de tat brought

    back John VI in power as a constitutional monarch.

    -Civil War happened from 1832 to 1834, between royalists and an alliance of liberals and

    radicals, and the in 1851, after some forty different governments and another coup de tat, to

    the establishment of a parliamentary system of government.


    -A revolt also broke out in Italy. Army officers and merchants revolted against the rule of King

    Ferdinand I. Carbonari secret society.

    This resulted in a signed agreement between Russia, Prussia, and Austria saying that as under

    the principles of the HolyAlliance, they had the right to intervene militarily in any country in

    which political changes were brought about by the revolution.

    The Greek Revolution in 1821 against the Ottoman Turks shattered the Congress System. They

    were torn between supporting the Greek Rebels or supporting the Turks. Prince Alexander

    Ypsilantis founded a secret organization in 1814 The Society of Friends.

    1832- Greek Independence

    The combination Acts (1799-1800) made strikes illegal

    August 16,1819 A group of some 60,000 people gathered near Manchester to demonstrate for

    the right for political organizations and to assemble freely. Soldiers gunned down the

    protesters, killing eleven and wounding hundreds. This incident was called the Peterloo

    Massacre, a play on the victory over Napoleon in Waterloo.


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    Italys revolt was beyond liberal.

    Spains was liberal.

    In 19th

    century (after French revolution) you have the center, the right, and the left. These three

    groups emerge as political partiesThe centeris liberal. The middle class forms the center. The liberals, or center, want laissez

    faire. They wanted government by elections. They wanted a parliamentary political system

    (representative government through an electoral system based on property or universal male

    suffrage and in the 20th

    century, only, based on universal suffrage). They want equality before

    the law. They wanted freedoms- civil liberties. Big on education. The French middle class

    wanted the church under the gvt. The Germans wanted to put the church on the side (Kulture

    Kampf) because they needed to accept begin german before being

    religious or they would have 30years war all over again.. Protestant countries allowed church to

    be strong, but too many churches were strong.

    The right(aristocrats) is conservative, want feudal system (land wealth. Land is source of

    wealth. Continuation of serfdom. Blue blooded aristocracy continuing). The right is for the

    continuity of the past. They wanted a continuation of the monarchy. They also wanted the


    The leftis the complete opposite of the right. They want a REPUBLIC. The left is the radicals.

    Reflected the enlightenment-wanted legal equality. No feudal system, no serfdom, no

    aristocrats. No laissez fair. No church. Civil liberties. Education-somewhat. Also called socialism.

    Revolts- Nationalism (self determination-being ruled by your own ethnic group) runs through allthree (Spain, Italy, and Portugal)

    Italianwere not liberal, they were left. They wanted a republic. The king of Naples was very

    corrupt, they wanted him out. Southern Italy had a very big socioeconomic divide and there

    was a strong republic movement. The Italians also viewed the pope as an oppressive figure.

    The Spanishalso had a nationalist element because the monarch was French. The Spanish

    wanted to be ruled by a constitutional government as well as a Spanish royal family. Therefore,

    they were distinguishing between French rule or Spanish rule.

    Nationalism=self determination. When it refers to a group of people it is a desire to be ruled by

    your own ethnic group

    Greek Revolt- Against Ottoman Turks. They wanted to be ruled by Greeks. As merchants they

    left the ottoman empire. (merchant community is always mobile- usually have other languages

    and family contacts in other regions. Particularly ottomans, Armenians, Jews). The Greek

    merchants saw the many ideas of how things should be run and they were well read so they

    wanted to be led by a constitutional government and by someone of their own linguistic group.

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    The other two revolts were put down, but Greeces was more complex. Austria and Russia were

    in favor of the revolt. They were opposed to Islam. Russia and Austria were also in favor

    because they wanted to eventually gain land. The Eastern Question: The desire of some major

    powers to take land from the Ottoman Empire, hence there foreign policy objective was to

    weaken the Sultan at all possible opportunities. These opportunities would be presented by thesubject ethnic groups within the empire who would rise for nationalist purposes for self

    determination-they want their own ethnic ruler. Therefore, Austria and Russia because they

    were geographically near the empire and already gained some land prior(18th

    c)- they would

    back every single nationalist revolt by the subject people of the empire in the 19th

    c. Britain and

    France backed the Ottomans because- they did not want Austria and Russia to get stronger- so

    back the enemy of my enemy. Secondly, the British and French upper class, aristocracy, had

    grown up in their schools reading ancient Greek and Latin texts. The Greek culture became part

    of their culture. Therefore, although Britain and France did not want to get involve they

    relented to the aristocrats in helping the Greeks. They believed the Greek deserved their own

    state. Both France and Britain were maritime powers too (marine)- they were strong in trade

    and had commerce with Ottoman Empire. So they were in favor of maintaining the Empire

    because it was a good market for them. But culture in the end overruled. Normally commercial

    interest meant they would not back the Greeks. (France is landed and maritime, Britain is

    basically maritime)(At first they remained kind of neutral). When you start helping a revolt in

    the 19thc ottoman empire that meant sending supplies, and if needed invading the ottoman

    empire. Essentially, by the end, all four helped the Greeks. On the basis of religion they gain the

    right to invade the empire since they are right next door to it. Austria and Russia are landedpowers-they want more land. Prussia wanted to stay out of it- it is too far and is not yet

    interested in it (until 1892-1893). They want to unify all the German people, outside Austria,

    under them. (They had it economically, but that is not enough). The Germans wanted to

    become a German nation instead of million independent states. The Eastern Question

    continues until the first WW. Prussia and the Confederation of the Rhine were neutral. The

    Greek revolt ended the Conciliar system and began the Eastern Question. It also brought

    Britain and france closer- two constitutional monarchies with developed economies and active

    interest in markets abroad (First time then allied). Russia and Austria-very arbitrary extreme

    monarchies, tempered by inefficiency in Russia and incompetence in Austria. Also both Austria

    and Russia will have less developed economies and less active markets abroad.

    Foreign policy of Britain and France= economic imperialism- seeking markets abroad and

    investing in those markets. Invest to build a harbors and trading is simply trading. In both

    aspects you gain money. France was doing this and Britain in Ottoman empire. Britain and

    America in Latin America.

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    Utopian socialism

    Inventions of Industrial revolution

    1832 reform act

    the totality of the changes ineconomic and socialorganization that began about 1760 in England

    and later in other countries, characterized chiefly by the replacementof hand tools with power-

    driven machines, as the power loom andthe steam engine, and by the concentration of industry

    in largeestablishments.


    Industrial Revolutionbrings about mechanized working. Form of production was changed.

    Improvement of steamboats and trains helped and was part of the revolution.

    Threshing machine-put in farms. Form of mechanization replacing tools. Replaced workers,

    man power (flailers), in a specific task in farms. This made threshing more standardized, of

    higher quality, more efficient, and more cost effective. Therefore, it allowed higher productivity

    and hence more profit from the farm. It intensified production and makes it cheaper and more

    likely to make profit. They sustained a larger population.

    You cant have an industrial revolution, mechanized production which Is still rudimentary,

    without increased productivity in the villages. Demographic growthmore consumersmore

    producers (products). More food produces a healthier population an causes demographic


    The way production is organized means or includes the taking over of the farm by thelandowner and making the ex-serfs into day laborers or seasonal laborers. The new workers

    need to buy everything to survive, they no longer have everything given to them by their lord.

    People in the countryside become workers and now come to the market to get a wage and buy

    what they need daily. Organization of is no longer on custom protection security or privilege,

    but selling your labor for a wage and entering the market with this wage in order to survive.

    Now the landowner is an employer not a lord. (The enclosure system) began in England.

    Also increase food production, not just for your town, but surrounding towns- chance to sell

    extra food produced.

    Self subsistence farming-produce on farms used only for the family vs farms produce food to

    sell= commercialization-producing crops for the markets. Money slowly becomes more

    necessary to carry out any activity. The importance of money and the market (Economic

    activity) begins.

    Powerboats or power weaving

    One invention led to others. Interchangeable parts began.
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    Steam engine- no longer need to burn huge amounts of wood to run a machine, nor the power

    of water. So the source of steam engine was paramount, fundamental. Steam engines also

    allowed the industrial revolution to be moved to the towns because not workshops could be

    established in growing towns because steam engines allowed the looms (machinery) to work.

    Industrial revolution was not only an acceleration in economic growth, but an acceleration ofeconomic growth through technological inventions and resulting in an economic and social


    Industrial revolution resulted in self sustained economic growth(economy has within it what

    it takes to continue) by means of continuous technological inventions and demographic growth

    making possible higher levels of production (greater amounts of goods produced).

    Following the industrial revolution we try to diminish the natural, the inherent, fluctuations of

    any economy. The fluctuations occur because you have imbalance between level of production

    and consumption. The most dips occur because of the imbalance and it takes a while to fix.

    Blue color workers arise. Also urbanization (growth of towns) because of increase social

    mobility and transportation.

    Britain: 1780-1820

    France1790-1830 (later because of its wars)

    Belgium and Netherland 1840s(concluded)

    Prussia 1850s (concluded)

    After the 30s it was hard for other countries to catch up.

    Three sectors influenced: 1) agriculture- mechanization of production and crop rotation (they

    discovered greater efficiency in the use of land by one year using the land for wheat and thenext for animal food) it gave nutrients to the land and was better use of the land so it increased

    productivity. Enclosures (making serfs to agricultural laborers or tenants) 2) textiles- going from

    buying cotton to producing their own cotton, cloth, fabric. 3)production of iron

    Guildscotton industryworkshopsfactories


    Why did the industrial revolution begin in Britain first?

    What were some social effects of the revolution? And How did the political system react to the

    social effects?

    Importance in understanding the industrial revolution is 1)having in mind the technological

    inventions that took place (mechanization of production) 2)to understand the economic

    activities of cultivating the land and making cloth already existed- because of political and

    economic changes taking place production changed.


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    Commercialization of agriculture shows a whole new form of agriculture-not for self sufficiency

    so its not a microcosm, but its connected to economy and a market. No more self sufficiency.

    Economic system is growing, drawing participants. Revolution is to bring about and is a result

    of the growth of the market in economic activity. It is both a symptom and a cause.

    Another fundamental idea is that the economic activities are no longer territorially isolated, butinterconnected through the market. No longer isolated territorially. This is the march of the

    market, connecting territories through exchange of economic activity through money. The

    ultimate unification of territories (and the whole world) through the market, is globalization,

    which still has not happened fully until about 1914.

    Underlying change in manufacture that made the inventions so desirable was demand due to

    demographic growth for more cheap cotton or woolen fabric, cloth.

    Go to the market for food and cloth. They could not get the cloth cheaply enough from the

    guilds because they primarily aimed to sell for higher markets (linen, silk) for merchants wives,

    captains of ships- for well heeled middle class. Production was regulated- couldnt find goods

    and it was to expensive. So the economy wanted a putting-out system, a cotton industry.This

    industry was homes in the rural areas of agricultural workers were given raw wool or raw

    cotton to spin into thread and they put out a lot of rolls of thread. Then other households were

    given the thread and wove it into pieces of thread to be given out. So putting-out is making a

    product, giving it to the person who gave it to you and youd be paid for your work. So raw wool

    or cotton spun to threadput out thread and get paid for laborthread put into fabric, get

    paidgive it out. This happened in small towns near villages and in homes of peasants. So

    specialization of labor-some households spin and others weave. So manufacture of cloth istaken out of guilds by individuals for specialization of labor. At the same time the person

    bringing the raw material then buys the product (fabric)and sells it in a market. The organizer

    was the typical entrepreneur or the typical man of the revolution (aka harbinger of industrial

    revolution). The entrepreneur has two elements: trading (merchant) and a manufacturer

    (because he buys wool and organizes its production into cloth) . He has to decide what price is

    profitable and where to go and sell it. His workers have specialization of labor, but he is the

    opposite. The individual does not belong to any economic association he is completely

    independent, takes a risk and a profit. He has to make all the decisions in the process. There is

    always a market for it because he adjusts prices according to consumers. Guilds become smaller

    and smaller because the up-market is limited.

    Production is outside a regulated situation.

    The only regulation is market demand.

    The price reflects quality which is set in the market (in comparison to the other fabrics)

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    There is risk for the entrepreneur because of unknown things and because of competition.

    However there are also profits to be made.

    This begins in Britain.

    1733 Kays flying shuttle dealt with the weavers homes near streams- made the way for

    automatic machine looms- allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics1765 Hargreaves spinning jenny (spinners)-spinners in homes

    a multi spool spinning frame. Allowed for faster production. since the weaving came first there

    was a hiatus that was problematic because spinning happens first in the process then weaving

    so they werent spinning fast enough for the weavers. The putting-out system was looking for

    ways to speed up production because there was demand for the finished product-cloth.

    1787 Cartwrights power loom (weavers)-workshops and towns.

    As machines grew they still stayed in rural area because they needed to be near streams to

    work the machines. They needed an invention that was more efficient for the production of


    Watts steam engine 1769, but not used until a little later -made a cylinder under the coal

    (heat) and the hot water became steam and another cylinder would channel the steam away

    from the heated part of the steam and would become water again. Then it went back to the

    first cylinder and it was recycled. Saving a lot of water. Allowed production to leave rural areas

    and enter workshops in towns. It would not have been possible without the invention of

    creating heat from coal. Coal alone is toxic. There is thus the invention of charcoal. The fire

    produced from wood doesnt create strongenough heat and is not cost effective because you

    need a lot of trees constantly. Therefore, you needed a new way of producing energy throughheat. They found how to purify coal by making if from a dark lump into a grayish beige powder

    called coke- taking out all the toxin. This was fundamental for the steam engine to be created

    and start workshops. Allowed places with coal mines to be ahead of the game in the revolution,

    like Britain.

    Iron industry:

    The making of iron. Steel with intense heat, produced by coal/coke. Coal/coke makes iron

    warm and malleable and allows you to use it well. It also makes the iron stronger when it cools

    off, making iron into steel. Invention of coke allowd everything to evolve.

    Railroads show the most complex phase of the revolution. It needs 1) banks to finance it-

    concentration of capitol 2)advanced technology and 3)good reserves of iron/coal nearby

    4)needed investors therefore, leading to the establishment ofjoint-stock companies(public

    sharing- through their banks they float shares and there is no fraud)(stock exchange). Private


    What made England the first place?

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    1)Britain had continuous population growth. Population growth leads to sustained economic


    2)It was the biggest free trade area in Europe, it did not have internal tolls from area to area.

    Goods moved within the country freely and easily.

    3)Britain had large deposits of coal and iron ore4)It had a stable political system (no revolutions like France)

    5)had no especially heavy taxation and the aristocracy also paid taxes. (because Britains

    foreign policy was almost always based on economic interest acquiring more markets by sea.

    They wage war for markets abroad)

    6)had an advanced market to sell their goods in their colonies in N. America

    7)they had regulated the governments public debt and borrowed at low interest. Most

    countries had big public debts. They paid their debts as a government religiously, thus allowing

    them to borrow at low interest rates in the continental markets. This allowed low taxation on

    the people.

    8)they had low interest rates within the economy for investors. Established a 7% interest rate

    while other countries had rates like 12 or 25%

    9) it had substantial amounts of capital accumulation from ongoing profits.

    10) it had a sophisticated banking system of small bankers.

    11)they established the bank of England(a central bank)

    12)most advanced relations of production in agriculture (most productive with its agriculture).

    Most agricultural workers in its rural sector-working for a wage. Agriculture was

    commercialized.READ FOR NEXT CLASS





    2/28/13-GET NOTES!!!!!!

    Unhealthy public life due to industrial revolution:

    Public Health act- 1848, Edwin Chadwick. Chadwick wanted to make the new urban system

    more livable. He was part of a movement. Average life span dropped to 32 because of the poor

    living conditions.

    The poor laws: inspection of workhouses/public houses/poor houses- separate for genders, for

    the poor. There was a lot of dampness in the houses. Inspectors inspected these houses and

    factories and became aware of the negative effects of dampness on health. Enforced laws of no

    more begging in the streets because the weather conditions there are not good to encourage

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    people to go to the houses. The poor houses were going to be awful so people would be

    motivated to go work. Secondly, there was discipline in order to motivate them since they were

    lazy. Thirdly, men and women were divided. Aided by Anglican aristocratic males.

    Anglicans are protestants and non-conformists are protestants too.

    Within Protestantism you have a lot of churches so different denominations.Anglicans


    Non-conformists didnt conform to the Anglican version of the bible. King Arthur translated the

    bible into English once more. (all pointless)

    Nonconformists are manufacturers.

    The working class rejects Marxism because Marx rejects religion. The British working class will

    never be Marxist, or revolutionary, because protestant church is most important. They will,

    however, be radical and press for improved standards of living.

    Poor laws took place: the movement of the countryside to the towns was possible because ex-

    serfs were forced off the lands and the towns had more work opportunities. There was enough

    work in the towns to absorb the excess workers. They would go to the village because the lord

    could no longer give them what they needed. (Those places that couldnt absorb all the ex serfs

    had bandits- ex serfs who moved to the mountain side and were robbers). Even in England

    there was not continuous work in the towns early on. There was a new phenomenon of

    impoverished males and females wondering about the villages looking for work. The economy

    was growing fast but not fast enough to absorb everyone. Being employed was unpredictable

    for unskilled workers and wage was minimal. Prostitution emerged to a larger extent in thistime. People would work all week 10-12 hours a day so no energy to go to church. They also

    drink a lot- drink of choice: gin. Some factories were humane and realized the advantages to

    giving privileges to their workers, but very few were like this.

    People believed that the poor were poor and unhealthy because of their laziness.

    Malthus said we are reproducing too fast. He said if you give better conditions to the workers

    theyll have better lives and reproduce better-

    Poor laws took place because by the 1830s, people were effecting politicians saying we need to

    do something about the poor. It was a social problem of law and order. They wanted the gvt to

    take them off the street and give them somewhere to live until they found work. They could

    give money to women and children. If a family had no means of subsistence , they would give

    money to women and children. They need to take money out of investments to do this which is

    unhealthy. If you help unemployed they remain unemployed so dont really give out money.

    Increased taxes to create reliefs for the poor.

    Government post Revolution

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    Parliament passed these laws. In the house of commons discussions take place. All its members

    are aristocrats. Every aristocratic family had one head that would take the land of the family

    and the title the other children would go to the church, the army, marry well, or go to India as

    an administrator. The laws ensured the numbers didnt increase or decrease. The same

    numbers were always there. More aristocrats at ease and willing to make changes in thepolitical and social life of the country (with a new post industrial revolution society that had

    emerged. The urban life. Having poor, and prostitution)- called Whigs. They were the heads of

    the glorious revolution who took over after Cromwell died. They made peace and ended divine

    monarchy, but kept a lot of power for themselves. (similar to the directory that took over after

    Robespierre) in England, those aristocrats who accepted that divine monarchy would no longer

    be around and they could influence the political world allied with Whigs and pushed out

    Cromwells son. Monarchy that rules with house of lords and commons.

    Toris- the other political group. Usually professors or writers.

    House of commons functioned through clubs. When house of commons or lords was in session

    they had to travel to a certain part of London(they were not paid, you served the country)

    Heads of factories could not be part of the houses because they had to manage their factories

    The Good and the Great- the toris still thought the industrial revolution bad, the others were at

    ease with change. The house established a commission of inquiry- discussed things behind

    closed doors. The G and the G would be drawn from retired intellectuals who came from both

    political groups and they would be above politics and therefore they would be more objective.

    They also paid younger people to collect the information who themselves had secretaries. Men

    like chadwick would man the committee in terms of the people who would collect theinformation, so some was collected from the p.o.v of whigs and some from radicals. This

    changed the way the house of commons understanding what was happening. They understood

    from statistics collected what was going on with the poor. Every time they passed a law they

    established an inspector.

    Limited child labor for men and women. Mines act, factory reforms.

    Each party accepted the laws passed by the other part- two party consensus system


    1832 Great reform act/2nd

    reform act of 1867




    Reform Act of 1832- 1 out of 5 people can now vote. Increases the size of the electorate or

    increasing the number of people who can vote. Based on their wealth they were able to vote

    for people to go into parliament. The north had been underrepresented because the

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    parliaments electoral districts had not changed since the middle ages. The British south was

    overrepresented. Throughout the 1700s population was growing quickly in the North and

    shifting the dynamics of the country. Borough, cities or towns. Rural area-county. Boroughs are

    small market towns next to rural areas. A market town at the time was a small market with a

    grocery store and postal station. Noble, aristocratic families were sharing representation of thehouse of commons amongst themselves. Not enough seat for every aristocratic family so some

    negotiations occurred. Some families represented counties (where aristocracy lived). Rotten

    boroughs=had no people. Even some rotten boroughs had seats in the parliament. After 1832

    the aristocratic families who had dominance still remained in power.

    System that represented power of aristocracy. This was in the process of changing and began

    with allowing more males to vote.

    Whigs put pressure on the monarch to pass it.

    Unlike the rest of Europe the British aristocracy could be divided within itself (amiably so), since

    1685, that wants or is willing to change.

    British model was that part of the aristocracy was taking initiative to share power. As opposed

    to France who was not willing to share power. Result in Franceworking class would take to

    the barricades ( sandbag roads and put men with guns in urban areas to stop police and people

    to walk through.) Austria and Russia- middle class to be small, working class to be smaller, so

    state wouldnt have to hear from them and that caused a revolution(individual, radical young

    men who would assassin the political establishment to bring about change).

    Within ten years more people, about 1 in 5, got naturally into the voting system. What helped

    them was that the economy grew so more people got into the electoral registers. Peoplegained wealth so they were able to vote. Permanent residence and money meant more voters.

    Chartism- 1838-1848 Radical urban working class movement in Britain for political reform. They

    wanted 6 basic reforms to make the system more democratic

    1)every man over 21 could vote- universal male sufferage-1918

    2)secret ballot-1872 achieved

    3)no property qualification for members of parliament

    4)constituencies or electoral districts of equal size

    5)annual elections for parliament

    6)payment for parliament (house of commons really) so the poor can also participate

    when did each of these demands get met?

    Which was never met?

    Annual elections of parliament.

    Enforces less parties in government allows for stability- but both get lost.

    Frequent demonstrations

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    Most radical movement of british working class. Over period of ten years. Peaceful protestors

    Active Protestantism- Gd will help them. He will help them through protests. Also radical

    protests were tainted by atheism. Devou protestants could not follow the French road.




    Socialismopposed liberalism from the left of the political spectrum and completely rejected

    conservatism(and the monarchy). It accepted the Industrial revolution, but saw the new

    economic system as chaotic, exploitative, and increasingly inequitable.( In England

    conservatives were constitutional monarchists, willing to work with changes. Elsewhere,

    monarchy was unwilling to change and wanted an absolute monarchy with the smallest

    constitution possible.) They believed in the enlightenment. They believed in reason, science,

    inventions, and progress. Both socialists and liberals accepted the previously stated ideas.

    If you make a rational argument it will be understood and everything except religion can be

    explained. Reasoning is a necessary tool.

    As a society and as individuals we are bound to improve with time.

    -Fourier: French Socialists

    created idea of community that he thought would help-phalanx communities. Came up with

    810 personalities that existed in the world and he thought you should put men and women of

    all personalities in these communities. Wanted this to be a utopian society- failed and nobody

    joined him. Utopians want harmony in the community, improved living conditions. Utopianswere the first critics of the new post industrial revolution society that emerged. They wanted

    social transformations like villages in enclosed land, urban cities to have more sans-coulloutes.

    The visual aspects of post industrial revolution in Western Europe were striking because the

    cities were already growing. They were slumps

    Utopians are the British continental equivalent as the French romantic poets. British poets were

    mostly aristocratic. French utopians were mostly intellectuals. Neither group was industrialists.

    Their primary concern was pain for the others. Genuine concern about the plight of the new

    urban population. French utopians were more inclined to rationality because they were closer

    to the enlightenment.

    Utopians criticized the liberals who eulogized (celebrate) science and the productivity and

    laissez faire. Liberals believe that the market will sort everything out and unemployed starving

    people will be addressed by the market. Primary concern was that they felt pain for others.

    More inclined too rationality because closer to the enlightenment. Social upheaval necessary

    for new economy and social distress was necessary.

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    Thought reason can help organize a society more rationally. Reason and science should not only

    be implemented in textile industry , but in society as well.

    Try to construct buildings to improve social problems of great inequality.

    Utopians were the first critics of liberals and tended to believe in persuasion . You can talk

    government into changing society by showing them society cannot, should not be allowed togrow by developing wealth for some and stock for others. One group believes in persuasion and

    the other in creating a community to show what would be possible (persuade by example

    rather than a reasonable argument). Socialists did not believe in violence or revolution so they

    were the earliest critics of liberalism and thought, if only they explain how bad the system is,

    others will agree.

    Harmony is an important concept because one of the things coming out of the industrial

    revolution was discord. So what also brought about the 1832 reform act was tremendous


    Lack of harmony, injustice, lack of equality, poverty for some vs wealth for others, this is

    everything that utopians wanted to change

    In Britain they tried to discuss this in the house of commons and then act on it. They divided

    social problems and tried to implement reason. They tried to be as cost effective as possible.

    The utopians wanted much more change.

    The land of milk and honey- a perfect society.

    Criticism of growing inequality of the new capitalists system, which was run by the liberals.

    Utopians were socialists, but not revolutionary.

    Next Phase of socialist work. How the middle class reacts, outside Britain.Louis Blanc 1811-1842 (after Fourrier)

    Contemporary of Benthem and Adam Smith. Wanted to improve the lot of the workers by

    giving them universal suffrage as to influence government.(reform act of 1832 didnt give to the

    workers). Also believed in scientists. Said state should garuntee the right to work- decent wage

    and the responsibility of the state to provide work when necessary! (Public works Program-

    government to employ). State should give money/loan/credit to individuals to share in the

    owning of the business and then it would eliminate the middleman in business (to establish

    produced associations). Workshops would serve as a reorganization of society along

    cooperative lines. He believed if the state helps workers create their own factories they would

    create competition for labor force. The fewer the workers, the more the employers need to pay

    better wages. Establishing cooperatives allows workers to share in the profits, and diminish

    availability of workers so the ones who werent in co-ops would have a better opportunity for

    them to get hired with better wages. Industrialists will be forced to become less exploited. The

    state should employ people in public works to eliminate temporary unemployment.

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    Trade unions and improvement of economywas a result even though a lot of what he did

    failed. Blanc was more successful in putting them into work.

    Augustus Blanqui- 1805-1881

    French socialists advocated blancism. He was notable for the revolutionary theory of

    blanquism. (socialist and first revolutionary)Wanted socialism to be organized by secret conspirators who would instigate a violent


    Essence of blanquism- conspiracy, small group, secrecy- he was a professional assassinator.

    Believed in selective assassination.

    Was the best successor of Robespierre.

    The system wont respond neither to the selective economic reforms or plans similar to what

    blanc tried to say nor persuasion- neither would work. Other tried that and it didnt work!

    He was active primarily past 1848 when he saw the failures of others. 48-49 everywhere else

    there is revolution after revolution with workers taking the street with liberals who take over

    temporarily and then liberals make alliances with monarchists and let down workers who were

    invariably shot at.

    Leads the way for Marx.


    Karl Marx 1818-1883:

    Philosopher, economist, and sociologist.

    Wrote communist manifesto

    Developed Marxism with Frederick Engels (he also financed marx) (Frederick lived from 1820-1895)

    Combo for Britain France and German


    Emphasized materialism and class struggle. He defined class as a definite inevitable,

    inescapable, ongoing struggle, between the proletariat and the

    employer/industrialist/capitalist. Capitalists owned mean of productions proletariats own their


    Conflict of interest and lifestyle and inevitable and increasing struggle between the two groups.

    If theres no private ownership of the means of production you then have common ownership,

    hence there is harmony between people. With lack of ownership, there is only one group of

    people, not two conflicting classes.

    Profit will not be the motivational force for production. Profit will go to some people who own

    the means of production and nothing to the proletariat, usually. Profit mobilizes production on

    an antagonistic manor or basis. The capitalists mobilize themselves for profit and the proletariat

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    works for survival. Society represents the class of owners- capitalists. Hence, ensures the

    continuity of the antagonistic system, which wipes out all the lofty ideals of the freedom to

    decide what work a person should do. A parliamentary system that gives more power to more

    people gives noting to the proletariat. Very harsh uncompromising critic of liberalism and

    conservatism.He considered capitalism the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. --He wanted a large scale change,

    he wanted people to believe in him

    Dictatorship of capitalists should be replaced by dictatorship of proletariat- proletariat should

    control the means of production, not own it!

    The most oppressed are more likely to be just. Marx said history is divided into two periods:

    Ancient period= Asiatic despotism (ex: mesoptamia) where there are two classes- slave owners

    vs slaves. Slaves owned nothing, not even their lives. Class division based on materialism= ones

    class affiliation is based one ones economic interest, ones socioeconomic status. Agriculture

    based and slaves own nothing.

    Then society moved to the medieval period= feudal economy and society. Two classes: lords vs

    serfs (who own their lives) Serfs need to stay where they are born and do what the lord wants.

    These types of peopled , example the ruled over ones, wanted to unite ad set themselves free

    but didnt have the help of Marx.

    In Marxists, there was a distinct element and belief in efficiency and organization which leads to

    more complex organization which forms a new society with new economic basis. People are

    driven to improve production and productivity and availability of resources. Therefore, he saw

    the medieval period as more advanced, socioeconomically, than the ancient period- but stillantagonistic. Positive linear development of production becoming more efficient and

    organization of society around production becoming more efficient.

    Capitalism is the most efficient, but most conflicting.

    The capitalist period has begun- capitalists (middle class) vs laborers/proletariats.

    Through the communist party you will have dictatorship of proletariat and violent conflict to

    take over governents and create socialismcommunism.

    In 1848 they thought capitalism was coming to an end because there were uprisings

    everywhere except Russia and Britain.

    Marx was the child of the enlightenment- he completely and fully believed in the notion of

    progress. That means change, we embrace change. We believe in our ability to change and

    societys ability to organize itself better.

    Communist manifesto claimed:

    All history has been that of class conflict

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    History is a dialectical process, a process that has change within it- thi change is brought about

    through a desire of production

    The current struggle (1843) is driven by the bourgeoisie being overdriven by profit and being

    unable to keep control of the situation

    This revolution, if lead by the communist party, will give the conflict a lack meaning (no moreclasses). Communist party leads to dictatorship of proletariat

    Demanded abolition of private property

    He called on the workers of the world to unite and throw off their capitalist oppressors.

    Religion is the downfall of the poor.

    He was completely atheist.

    Hagel said everything in life is a mixture of it and its opposite bad vs good love vs hate.

    Every idea has two sides to it


    Sharing political power and have state responsible for economic needs.


    Byproduct of the French revolution because seen at the time as a natural intellectual result of

    who should have the vote.

    Intellectual results of the need to explain who would have the right to vote led to the idea of a


    Theyll become candidates to representing an electoral body

    Nationally inspired army

    Capitalism was a symptom and cause of the industrial revolution. Has both social and economicbehavior. Encourages individualism and relies on exchange of good through trades. Encourages

    change and allows for change.

    Value theory- labor creates ongoing value for you which is never reflected in the wages.

    Critique of the capitalist system- was the value theory- the value of the labor is not reflected in

    the money you make.

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    Midterm Review 5/16/2013 8:53:00 PM

    How do the Industrial Revolution and French Revolution compare?

    Economic change usually predates a political change.

    French revolution- so poor they couldnt survive so started o revolt. Industrial-Frenchs lack of

    money caused industrial to begin. French ended serfdom, changed the economic system.

    economy became more efficient through it.In France and Britain, there was population growth in middle class (this leads to economic

    development) so more people wanted more goods and the merchants werent sufficient

    enough to provide.

    Transforms society because brought forth the middle class, and changed economy- Industrial


    Industrial happened over a period of time, not over night- so it wasnt extremely obvious for

    the people taking part

    Technology/inventions/agriculture were changing the way economy was being organized

    Socially, more merchants and manufacturers were coming about, thus changing social terms- a

    bigger middle class. Which led to nationalism.
