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Page 1: Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4 Music with Ms Rouse

Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4

Ms Rouse - What might be inside the piano?Arty – Singing stuff!James – Nothing. (is inside).Ms Rouse – (plays piano) What makes the sound?Cyson – Music is inside.Jake – It makes music, there’s super hard things inside!Will S – Music.Pippa – I think it’s made of glass.Zara – Sticky tape.Arty – Wood is inside.Arty – It’s all just numbers.Jake – What’s inside?Ms Rouse – Invites children to come and have a look inside.Jake – The notes are coming down, down and they’re just going on the inside. Ava – They bang on that glass thing.

Music with Ms Rouse

Victorian Early Year Learning and Development Framework LEARNING - Children are confident and involved

learners. This is evident when children participate in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry-based experiences.

During music class this week Ms Rouse continued our PYP unit of inquiry by posing questions to the children about what might be inside the piano and what makes the sound? They first began by looking at a xylophone and wondering what was inside. The children were then very curious to find out what might be inside the piano and were fascinated by what they saw!

Page 2: Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4 Music with Ms Rouse

Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4

Jonty - “My brain is inside, it can give you a headache.”

What’s inside my head?

Cyson - “My brain, my nose, my teeth. Thoughts are in my brain.”

Ava - “Things that are special like brains and hard things.”

Arty - “That’s my thinking.”

Jake - “Brains, soft things and hard. It looks green every time. It reminds

me of how to do things. Helps us to do everything everyday.”


Page 3: Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4 Music with Ms Rouse

Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4

William - “My ribs are behind my tummy.” Minnie - “Bones are in my head.”

Victorian Early Year Learning and Development Framework LEARNING - Children are confident

and involved learners. This is evident when children persevere and experience the satisfaction of achievement.

The children

also made their

bodies using clay.

Taking care to include

details such as

fingers and eyes.

Page 4: Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4 Music with Ms Rouse

Eucalyptus Journal Term 4, Week 4 Happy Halloween!

Zombie Slime

Witches on broomsticks!

Cooking up Halloween biscuits.

Mixing potions and
