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  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80


    47. The condition that the roots of x3+3px2+3qx+r=0 may be in A.P is

    x3+3px2+3qx+r=0H = A.P LO> x==.1. 2p3+r=3pq 2. p3r=q3 3. 2q3+r2=3pqr 4. 3p+3q+r=0

    47. The condition that the roots of x3px2+qxr=0 may be in G.P is

    x3px2+qxr=0H = G.P LO> x==.

    1. p




    r 2. q




    r 3. pq=r 4. pqr=147. If the roots of kx318x236x+8=0 are in H.P then k =

    kx318x236x+8=0H = H.P LO> k =1. 45 2. 81 3. 26 4. 17

    47. If the roots of x3kx2+14x8=0 are in G.P then k =

    x3kx2+14x8=0H = G.P LO> k =1. 3 2. 7 3. 4 4. 0

    47. If the roots of 2x33x2+kx+6=0 are in A.P then k =

    2x33x2+kx+6=0H =A.P LO>k =1. 3 2. 5 3. 7 4. 11

    48. If,,the roots of x33x+7=0 then++=

    x33x+7=0H = ,,J~` ++=1. 0 2. 3 3. 7 4. 1

    48. If,,are the roots of x3+2x1=0 then1 1 1

    + + =

    x3+2x1=0H = ,,J~`1 1 1

    + + =

    1. 0 2. 3 3. 7 4. 2

    48. If 1,-2,3 are the roots of x32x2+ax+6 = 0 then a =

    x32x2+ax+6 = 0H = 1,-2,3J~` a =1. 4 2. 3/2 3. 7/4 4. 5

    48. If,,are the roots of 2x35x2+3x1=0 then1 1 1

    + + =

    2x35x2+3x1=0H = ,,J~` 1 1 1

    + + =

    1. 5 2. 3 3. 7 4. 0

    48. If,,are the roots of x3+x2+x+1=0 then ()2+()2+()2=x3+x2+x+1=0H = ,,J~` ()2+()2+()2=1. 2 2. 2 3. 4 4. 4

    49. The roots of 4x313x213x+4=0 are H =1. 1,4,1/4 2. 1,2,1/2 3. 1,4,1/4 4. 1,2,1/2

    49. The roots of x410x3+26x210x+1=0 are H =1. 322, 23 2. 232, 23 3. 322, 32 4. 1,2,3,4

    49. The roots of 6x65x544x4+44x2+5x6=0 H =1. 1,1,2,2,3,3 2. 1,-1,-2,-1/2,3, 1/3 3. 1,2,3,4,5,6 4. 1,1,2,1/2,3,1/3

    49. The roots of 6x45x338x25x+6=0 are H =1. 2,1/2,3,1/3 2. 2,-1/2,3,1/3 3. 1,-1,2,-2 4. 1,-1,3,1/3

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    49. The roots of x55x4+9x39x2+5X1=0 are H =

    1. 2,1/2,3,1/3 2.1 3 3 5

    1, ,2 2

    i 3. 1,-1,-2,-1/2,3 4. 1,1,2,2,3

    50.2 4 6

    1 3 5+ + + =

    1. e 2. e2 3. 2e 4. 1/e

    50.3 5 7 9

    2 4 6 8+ + + + =

    1. e 2. 2e 3. e1 4. e/2

    50.3 5 7

    11 2 3

    + + + + =

    1. e 2. 2e 3. 3e 4. 4e

    50.4 7 10

    12 3 4

    + + + + =

    1. e 2. 2e 3. e-2 4. e+2


    2 2

    1 1 1 1 1 11 12 4 6 3 5 7

    + + + + + + + + = 1. 0 2. 1 3. e 4. 1/e


    3 33 1 3 1 3

    4 3 4 5 4

    + + +

    1. log3 2. log4 3. log7 4. log 7


    3 51 1 1 1 1

    22 3 2 5 2

    + + + =

    1. log3 2. log 4 3. log2 4. log5


    3 52 1 2 1 2

    23 3 3 5 3

    + + + =

    1. log 3 2. log 4 3. log 2 4. log 5

    51. 4 5 71 1 1 1

    3 3 5.3 7.3+ + + + =

    1. log2 2. log2 3. 2 log2 4. log(1/2)

    51. 1+ 2 4 61 1 1

    3.2 5.2 7.2+ + + =

    1. log2 2. log3 3. log2 4. log3

    52. If( )( ) 222 1

    1 11 1

    x A Bx c

    x xx x += +

    + + then B =

    1. 3/2 2. 1/2 3. 2/3 4. 2/3

    52. If( )


    3 2



    x A Bx c

    x x x x

    + += +

    + +then sin1A/c=

    1./2 2./3 3./4 4./6

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    52. If2

    2 3

    5 2


    A Bx x

    x x x x

    ++ =

    + +then B =

    1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    52. If( )( ) 22

    1 1

    1 21 2

    ax x

    x x xx x x


    + + + + then a =

    1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2

    52. If( )( ) 222 1

    1 11 1

    x A Bx C

    x xx x

    + += +

    + + then A+B+C =

    1. 1/4 2. 3 3. 1/2 4. 4

    53.31 2

    0 1 2

    2. 3. .1



    C CC Cn

    C C C C + + ++ =

    1.( )1


    n n +2.

    ( )1


    n n 3.

    ( ) ( )1 1


    n n +4.

    ( )2


    n n +

    53. 31 2


    2 3 4 1

    nC CC C


    + + + + =




    2 11



    + +

    2.2 11



    3. 21


    n +4. 1

    1n +

    53. 2 3 11 202 2 . 2 . 2

    2 3 1

    n nCC CCn

    ++ + + =+


    1n + 2.4



    n +3.

    13 1




    + +


    14 1




    + +

    53.1 1 1

    1 1 3 3 5 5n n n+ + +




    n +2.











    n +

    53. 3.Co+7.C1+11.C2+ ---- + (4n+3) Cn=1. (3n+2)2n 2. (2n+3)3n 3. (2n+3)2n 4. (3n+2)3n

    54. The sum of the coefficients of x32and x17in











    =~} x32and x17Q}H !`O

    1. 15 2. 0 3. 15 4. 1

    54. If the coefficient of x7in


    2 1ax


    is equal to the coefficient of x7in11




    then ab=11

    2 1axbx

    =~} x7

    Q}HO "





    =~} x7

    Q}HO =#$= J~` ab=1. 0 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2

    54. If the coefficient of x in


    2 kx


    + is 270 then k =5

    2 kxx

    + %~} xQ}HO &'( J~` k =

    1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

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    54. If the coefficient of x7and x8in 23

    nx + are equal then n =


    nx + %~} x7, x8 Q}H =#$O J~` n =

    1. 45 2. 55 3. 35 4. 27

    54. If the coefficient sof (2r+1)th and (4r+5)th term in the expansion of (1+x)10are equal then r=

    (1+x)10%~} (2r+1)th=)(4r+5)th*+, Q}H=#$O J~` r=

    1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    55. There are 10 straight lines in a plane no two of which are parallel and no three are concurrent.

    The point of intersection are joined, then the number of fresh lines formed are

    -H`Ox /( ~01~2 3 4~O56 =#O`~OH+7. 3=56 J$8H H=9. : ~2 2O56$

    ;O+7=9`< 3~56 H?` ~2 O2@1. 630 2. 615 3. 730 4. 60055. There are two parallel lines, one having 10 points and the other having five points. The number

    of triangles formed with vertices as these points is

    4~O56 =#O`~ ~2A*B -H +,x C+7 /( ;O+7=9"!~?H +,xA*B D ;O+7=9 H=9. E ;O+7=9 F~GQQ IK [email protected]. 225 2. 100 3. 325 4. 125

    55. The maximum number of points of intersection formed by 4 circles and 4 straight lines is

    M =N`G" M ~01~2 2O5OH?O> 3~56Q)8P 2O56$ ;O+7=9 O2@.

    1. 26 2. 50 3. 56 4. 72

    55. There are 10 parallel lines intersected by a family of 5 parallel lines. The numbers parallelogram

    thus formed is

    10=#O`~ ~2 !~?H D =#O`~ ~22O5O H?GR~. SO+7 $O5 3~56=#O`~ `~T [email protected]. 225 2. 450 3. 730 4. 600

    55. In a plane there are 10 points, no three are in the same straight line except 4 points which are

    collinear then the number of straight lines so formed is-H `Ox /( ;O+7=9 M ;O+7=9 ~U#%VW$ !GXY 3=56 ;O+7=9 -H ~2A*B LO56=9.

    J~` !GXY`< 3~56 ~01~2 [email protected]. 39 2. 41 3. 45 4. 40

    56. The number of different matrices that can be formed with elements 0,1,2 or 3 each matrix having

    4 elements is

  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80


    ("/"& +, Z =H`< %;$R M =H =#IH O2@1. 324 2. 244 3. 344 4. 44

    56. The number of quadratic expression with the coefficients drawn from the set {0,1,2,3} is

    {0,1,2,3}%I $O5 [\H?$R %= Q}HQ Q =~]=#^ O2@.

    1. 27 2. 36 3. 48 4. 6456. The number of ways in which can three letters be posted in four letter boxes so that all the letters

    are not posted in the same letter box are

    JxR L`~G$ -HA*>_ !abO5c Z L`~G$ MA*>_ !d %+,G [email protected]. 43 2. 434 3. 343 4. 34

    56. The number of ways in which 5 rings of different type can be put in 4 fingers is

    %;$R ~H D LOQ~G$ M !01eab A*> %+,GO2@

    1. 54 2. 45 3.5p4 4. 24

    56. Four dice are rolled. The number of possible out comes in which at least one die shows 2 is

    M fgH$ %\)$*956 HhO -H fgHA*B *\Oiij =k JxR %+, O2@.

    1. 1296 2. 625 3. 615 4. 671

    57. Three dice are rolled, the probability of that the sum of the numbers on them is 6

    =_zH# ^iOz` "\q^ JOH "`O 6J!O$%& %'(6 )& *'%+, (& )6'*- .& %('(.

    57. Three dice are rolled. The probability of that exactly two of the numbers are equal is.

    =_ zH# ^/0Oz`1 /O_O\ q^ 23H JOH 4O_1!O5=7`%& %6*')%6 )& %%-')%6 (& *%')%6 .& 8+')%6

    57. Three dice are rolled, the probability that the sum of the numbers on them is 16 is

    =_ zH# ^/0Oz`1 "\ q^ JOH "9`O %6

    :1 !O5=7`%& %'(6 )& *'%+, (& )6'*% .& %('(.57. Two dice are thrown the probability of getting sum of the numbers on them is 10 is

    /O_ zH# ^i;! "\q^ JOH "9`O %+ J1!O5 =7`%& %'8 )& %'%) (& %'6 .& *'(6

    57. Two dice are thrown the probability of getting a doublet is

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    /O_ zH # ^i;! "\q^ 23H JOH 4O_1 !O5 =7`%& %'(6 )& %'8 (& %'6 .& %'.

    58. If P(A) = 2/5, P(AB) = 3/10 (J/9`1& then P(B/A) =1) 1/3 2) 3/5 3) 3/4 4) 1/4

    58. If P(E1) = 1/4, P(E2/E1) = 1/2, P(E1/E2) = 1/4 (J/9`1&then P(E1/ 2E ) =1) 1/3 2) 1/4 3) 2/3 4) 3/458. If P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.6, P(B/A) = 0.5 (J/9`1&then P(AUB) =

    1) 0.50 2) 0.65 3) 0.75 4) 0.85

    58. If P( A ) = 0.7, P(B) = 0.7, P(B/A) = 0.5 (J/9`1& then P(A/B) =1) 2/3 2) 3/4 3) 4/174) 3/14

    58. If P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.6, P(B/A) = 0.5 (J/9`1&then P(A/B) =1) 1/2 2) 1/3 3) 1/4 4) 2/3

    59. In a bn!"a# $%t&b't!n, n = 400, P = 1/5 then t% %tan$a&$ $eat!n %

    ^ q5 ?#O@A n = 400, P = 1/5 J/9`1 ^BC DH=qE #O$1) 102 2) 1/800 3) 4 4) 859. In a bn!"a# $%t&b't!n, "ean = 20, a&an*e =15 then P =^ q5?#O@A =^==9= 20F q!7G =15 J/9`1 P =1)1/3 2) 1/8 3) 1/2 4) 1/4

    59. If a bn!"a# $%t&b't!n hae +a&a"ete&% 9, 1/3 then P ( = 4) =

    ^ q5?#O@A >/q` 9, 1/3J/9`1 P ( = 4) =1) 448/2187 2) 224/1186 3) 112/1046 4) 94/886

    59. In a bn!"a# $%t&b't!n n = 20, - = 0.75 then "ean =

    ^ q5?#O@A n = 20, - = 0.75J/9`1 =^==9$%& * )& %* (& %+ .& )+

    59. In a bn!"a# $%t&b't!n , n+ = 5, n+- = 4 then n =^ q5?#O@A n+= 5, n+- = 4 J/9`1 n =1) 9 2) 20 3) 25 4) 125

    60. A &an$!" a&ab#e ha% the f!##!n $%t&b't!n

    2H ^7zH E#/I 9H q5?K#O L DHO^1YZ "[YO$

    1) 4/3 2) 2/3 3) 8/3 4) 16/3

    66. The area bounded by y =x, y = x2is

    : = , : = 2% @A W/0X_ D>^1YZ "[Y O$ 1) 1/3 2) 8/3 3) 1/2 4) 4/3

    66. Area enclosed by y2= 4ax, x

    2= 4by is



    = 4ax, x


    = 4by @A W/0X_ D>^1YZ "[Y O$ 1) 16/3 ab 2) 3/3 ab 3) 4/3 ab 4) 2/3 ab

    66. Area enclosed by y2= 4x, x

    2= 2y is

    y2= 4x, x

    2= 2y@A W/0X_ D>^1YZ "[YO$

    1) 1/3 2) 8/3 3) 1/2 4) 4/3

    67. If x = ct, y = c/t then yzat t = 1/2

    = *t, : = */tJ/9`1 t = 1/2 =^] :21) 16 2) 16/C 3) C/16 4) C

    67. x = t2, y = t3(J/9`1&then y21) 3/2 2) 3/4t 3) 3/2t 4) 3t/2

    67. x = 2/t2, y = t

    3 1(J/9`1& then y2=

    1) 15t2 2) 15 / 16t2 3) 15 t

    7/ 16 4) 16 t


    67. x = cos; ;sin;,y = sin; < ;cos then y2 =

    1) cosec3; 2) sec; 3) tan3; 4) cos3;

    ; ; ; ;67. x = acos3;,y = sin3;then y2at; /4

    = a*!%3;, : = %n3;J/9`1 ; = /4=^] :2=1) 3a 2) 1 3) 42 4) 42

    42 122 3a 3a

    68. The degree of the differential equation y3+ 2y41+ y1= cos x is

    y3+ 2y41+ y1= cos x9H `/0MVG$

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    1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

    68. The degree of [2 + y21]3/2= a y2is (9H `/0MVG&

    1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

    68. The degree of y3+ 5 y22= x

    3log y2is (9H `/0MVG&

    1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) does not exists ==!R`O HN^$68. The degree of 3y = 7x y1+ 5/y1is(9H `/0MVG&

    1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

    68. The degree of the differential equation of the family of all parabolas whose axis is x axis is

    JHO /=O aTOPO 9HJ=H !qH/0bCH `/0MVG$%& % )& ) (& ( .& .

    69. Integrating factor of sin x dy +y cos x = sin 2x is(9H !=H#HN/0bOHO&

    dx1) cos x 2) sin x 3) sin x 4) cos x

    69. Integration factor of x cos x dy + ( x sin x + cos x) y = 1 is(9H !=H#HN/0bOHO&


    1) x cos x 2) x sin x 3) x sec x 4) x cosec x

    69. Integrating factor of ydx xdy + 3x2y2exdx = 0% (9H !=H#

    HN/0bOHO&1) 1/y2 2) 1/x2 3) 1/xy 4) 1/x2y2

    69. Integrating factor of dy - 2 y = (x +1)3is

    dx x + 1

    1) cos x 2) log sec x 3) sec x 4) (x +1)-2

    69. Integration factor of (x + 2y3) dy = y



    1) e1/y 2) e

    1/y 3) y 4) 1/y

    70. The equation of the circle touching both axes lying in the first quadrant and having the radius 3 is"c/0dO ( HefF "9^\ ^O@A 4Ogh /O_

    JHN# !IOE =7` !qH/0bO$1) x

    2+ y2 6x 6y +9 = 0 2) x

    2+ y2+ 10 = 10y +25 = 0

    3) x2+y2+ 2x + 2y +1 = 0 4) x

    2+y2 4x + 4y +4 = 0

    70. If x2+ y2 4x +6y + K = 0 touches x axes then K =

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    x2+ y2 4x +6y + K = 0 =7`O < JHO# !X7I;! =

    1) 9 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3

    70. If x2+ y2+ 6x + 2ky + 25 = 0 touches y axes then K =

    x2+ y2+ 6x + 2ky + 25 = 0 =7`O: < JHO# !X7I;! =

    1)+ 3 2) + 4 3) + 5 4) + 170. The equation of the circle with centre (2,3) and touching x axis is

    3HOD^O Q)F(& HefF < JHO# !X7IOE1 =7`!qH/0b=9$

    1) x2+ y2 4x 6y +4 = 0 2) x

    2+ y2+ 6x 8y + 16 = 0

    3) x2+ y2 8x 6y +21 = 0 4) x

    2+ y2 24x 10 y + 144 = 0

    70. The equation of the circle with centre ( 3, 4) and touching y axis is

    3HOD^O (

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    71. If (x1, y1) is the pole of the line lx + my + n = 0 with respect to circle

    ( < ?)2

    (: < @)2 = &

    2 then 1< ? = :1< @


    "( < ?)2

    (: < @)2 = &

    2 =7`O ^7j # ": n = 0 9H

    ^7=O (1, :1)J/9`11< ? = :1< @

    l "

    1) < &2 2) &

    2 3) < &

    2 4) &


    #? " @ n # ? " @ n " ? n @ l # " n

    72. The number of common tangents to the circles x2+y2=4, x2+y28x+12=0

    =N`G ab Q L=l5 ~m~2 O2@. 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    72. The two circles x2+y2+2ax+2by+c=0 and x

    2+y2+2bx+2ay+c=0 have three real common tangents then

    x2+y2+2ax+2by+c=0 , x2+y2+2bx+2ay+c=0=N`Gab Q L=l5~m~2 =56 J~`1. (a+b)2=2c 2. (a b)2=2c 3. a+b+c=0 4. a=b+c

    72. The number of common tangents to the circles x2+y24x+2y4=0, x2+y2+2x6y+6=0

    =N`Gab Q L=l5 ~m~2 O2@1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    72. Only one common tangent can be drawn to the circles x2+y22x4y20=0, (x+3)2+(y+1)2=p2

    then p=

    x2+y22x4y20=0, (x+3)2+(y+1)2=p2=N`Gab L=l5 ~m~2-HXY =#`! LO>p=1. 20 2. 16 3. 49 4. 10

    72. If the circles x2+y26x8y+c=0, x2+y2=9 have three common tangents then c =

    x2+y26x8y+c=0, x2+y2=9=N`Gab L=l5 ~m~2 nZo J~`c =

    1. 18 2. 19 3. 20 4. 21

    73. The radical axis of the co-axal system having the limiting points (2,1) (-5,-6) is

    (2,1) (-5,-6)J=p ;O+7=9Q Q qHr =N` ~}Y

    H =HrO1. x+y+4=0 2. 3x+y 10=0 3. x y 1=0 4. 4x 2y 5 = 0

    73. If (0,0) is one limiting point of a co-axal system of circles whose radical axis is x+y=1 then the

    other limiting point is

    qHr =N` ~}Y -H J=p ;O+7=9 s("(t=HrO x+y=1J~` 4~O56= J=p ;O+7=9.1. (1,1) 2. (-1,-1) 3. (1,-1) 4. (-1,1)

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    73. If (1,2) is a limiting point of the co-axal system of circles containing the circle x2+y2+x 5y+9=0

    then the equation of the radical axis of

    qHr =N`~}Y -H =N`O x2+y2+x 5y+9=0-HJ=p ;O+7=9 s/"&t J~` +,x =HrO1. x+3y+9=0 2. 3x y+4=0 3. x+9y 4=0 4. 3x y 1 = 0

    73. Origin is a limiting point of a co axal system of which x




    6x 8y +1=0 is a member. Theother limiting point is

    qHr =N`~}Y -H =N`O x2+y2 6x 8y +1=0-HJ=p ;O+7=9s("(tJ~` 4~O56= J=p ;O+7=91. (-2,-4) 2. (3/25, 4/25) 3. (3/25, 4/25) 4. (4/25, 3/25)

    73. If (2,1) is a limiting point of the co axial system of which x2+y26x4y3=0 is a member then

    the other limiting point is

    qHr =N`~}Y -H =N`O x2+y26x4y3=0-HJ=p ;O+7=9 s&"/t J~` 4~O56= J=p ;O+7=91. (-5,-6) 2. (5,6) 3. (3,5) 4. (-8,-13)

    74. PSQ is the focal chord of the parabola y2=4ax where S is the focus then1 1

    SP SQ+ =

    y2=4ax*~G=#xHY PSQG;@" SG; J~`1 1

    SP SQ+ =

    1. a 2. 1/a 3. 2a 4. 2/a

    74. The latus rectum of a parabola whose focal chord is PSQ such that SP=3, SQ=2 is

    *~G=#xHY PSQG;@" SP=3, SQ=2 SG; J~` :*~G=O H G;OuO fv56=9.

    1. 24/5 2. 12/5 3. 6/5 4. 3/5

    74. If the point t is one extremity of a focal chord of the parabola y2=4ax then the length of the chord


    y2=4ax*~G=#xHY tG;@ H -H JQO J~` :@ fv56=9.

    1. a 2. at 3. a(t+1/t) 4. a(t+1/t)2

    74. The length of the focal chord of the parabola y2=4ax which makes an angle with its axes is

    y2=4ax*~G=O H JHrO `< H

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    75. The eccentricity of the ellipse whose latus rectum is equal to half of its minor axes is

    y~z=N`O G;OuO fv56=9" q^{HrO fv56=9QO LO> +,x L`O+7`.

    1. 3/5 2. 2/3 3. 1/2 4.7


    75. The eccentricity of the ellipse whose major axes is double the minor axes isy~z=N`O y~GzHrO fv56=9" q^{HrO fv56=9

    4~XYO*9 LO> +,x L`O+7`.1. 1/3 2. 2/3 3.3/2 4.3/4

    75. S,S1are the foci of an ellipse, B is the an end of the minor axes and SBS1is an equilateral

    triangle then eccentricity of the ellipse is

    y~z=N`O H GK S,S1" q^{HrO H -H JQO B=) SBS1-H =q| IKO J~` +,xL`O+7`

    1. 1/4 2. 1/3 3. 1/2 4. 2/375. The distance between the foci is equal to the minor axes of an ellipse then its eccentricity is

    y~z=N`O GK =+7@+7#~O" q^{HrOfv56=9ab =#$O J~` +,x L`O+7`

    1. 1/3 2. 1/2 3. 1/5 4. 4/576. The angle between the asymptotes of the hyperbola x23y2=3 is

    x23y2=3JI *~G=O H J$O` ~m~2=+7@H

  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80


    76. The asymptotes of a rectangular hyperbola intersect at an angle is

    Ou JI *~G=O H J$O` ~m~2=+7@H

  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80



    / 2



    cos x dx

    b) 128/315


    / 2



    cos x dx

    c) 63/5121. a,b,c 2. b,c,a 3. b,a,c 4. a,c,b

    79. Match the following HYOp !GXYx `*~=.



    sin x dx

    a) 1



    cos x dx

    b) 5/6


    / 2


    sinx dx

    c) 01. b,a,c 2. b,c,a 3. a,b,c 4. c,a,b

    79. Match the following HYOp !GXYx `*~=


    sin x dx

    a) 16/35


    / 2



    cos x dx

    b) 0


    / 2



    cos x dx

    c) 63/512

    1. b,a,c 2. a,b,c 3. c,a,b 4. b,c,a79. Match the following HYOp !GXYx `*~=





    cos 4x dx

    a) 35/128


    / 4



    sin 2x dx

    b) 8/35





    c) 5/1281. a,b,c 2. c,a,b 3. c,b,a 4. b,c,a

    79. Match the following HYOp !GXYx `*~=


    / 2

    8 2


    sin cosx x dx

    a) 0


    / 2

    6 5


    cos sinx x dx

    b) 7/512

  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80



    / 2

    5 3

    / 2

    cos sinx x dx

    c) 8/693

    1. b,c,a 2. c,a,b 3. c,b,a 4. a,b,c

    80. I. If A =

    0 1 2

    2 3 4 ,

    4 5 6


    1 2 3

    0 1 0

    0 0 1

    then 4A 5B =

    5 6 7

    8 7 16

    16 20 19

    II. If A=1 2 3

    ,3 2 1

    B=3 2 1

    1 2 3

    then 3B 2A=7 2 3

    3 2 7

    1. only I is true I=#`! `@O 2. only II is true II=#`! `@O

    3. both I,II are true I,II 4~O56# `@O 4. both I,II are false I,II4~O56# J`@O

    80. I. If A=2 1 0

    3 4 5

    , B=

    1 2

    4 3

    1 5

    then A+BT=1 5 1

    5 7 0

    II. If A=2 1 2

    1 3 1

    , B=3 2 1

    2 0 1

    then (ABT)T=10 2

    4 3

    1. only I is true I=#`! `@O 2. only II is true II=#`! `@O

    3. both I,II are true I,II 4~O56# `@O 4. both I,II are false I,II4~O56# J`@O

    80. I. If A=2 3 1

    ,6 1 5

    B=1 2 1

    0 1 3

    and A + B X = 0 then X =3 5 0

    6 2 8

    Xoooo ph

    II. If A=9 1

    ,4 3

    B=1 5

    ,6 11

    3A+5B+2x=0 then X=16 14

    21 32

    1. only I is true I=#`! `@O 2. only II is true II=#`! `@O

    3. both I,II are true I,II 4~O56# `@O 4. both I,II are false I,II

    4~O56# J`@O

    80. I. If A+B=1 0

    1 1

    , A 2B=1 1

    0 1

    then A =1/ 3 1/ 3

    2 / 3 1/ 3

    II. If A+B=2 3

    6 1

    , A- B =2 1

    0 1

    then B=0 1

    3 0

    1. only I is true I=#`! `@O 2. only II is true II=#`! `@O

  • 8/10/2019 ESWAR RAO 47 to 80


    3. both I,II are true I,II 4~O56# `@O 4. both I,II are false I,II4~O56# J`@O

    80. I. If A=

    1 3 0

    1 2 1 ,

    0 0 2


    2 3 4

    1 2 3

    1 1 2

    then AB =

    5 9 13

    1 2 4

    2 2 4

    II. If A=

    2 1 3

    4 1 2 ,

    0 5 1


    4 3

    2 1

    3 2

    then AB=

    19 1

    20 9

    7 3

    1. only I is true I=#`! `@O 2. only II is true II=#`! `@O

    3. both I,II are true I,II 4~O56# `@O 4. both I,II are false I,II4~O56# J`@O

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    1. / 2. M 3. & 4. & 5. Z 6. Z 7. / 8. M 9. & 10. &//. / 12. / 13. / 14. M 15. / 16. & 17. & 18. M 19. Z 20. &&/. M 22. M 23. M 24. / 25. M 26. & 27. / 28. & 29. Z 30. &Z/. / 32. & 33. / 34. & 35. M 36. & 37. M 38. M 39. / 40. MM/. / 42. / 43. & 44. & 45. & 46. / 47. Z 48. Z 49. M 50. &D/. M 52. / 53. M 54. & 55. & 56. & 57. M 58. Z 59. & 60. Z/. / 62. / 63. Z 64. & 65. Z 66. & 67. Z 68. Z 69. & 70. /'/. / 72. Z 73. & 74. & 75. M 76. Z 77. Z 78. & 79. & 80. M/. & 82. M 83. / 84. & 85. Z 86. Z 87. & 88. Z 89. M 90. Z/. M 92. M 93. / 94. / 95. Z 96. / 97. / 98. & 99. Z 100. //(/. Z 102. & 103. M 104. / 105. M 106. Z 107. M 108. M 109. / 110. &///. / 112. Z 113. Z 114. Z 115. / 116. & 117. & 118. Z 119. / 120. &/&/. Z 122. / 123. Z 124. & 125. Z 126. & 127. M 128. / 129. / 130. &/Z/. & 132. & 133. Z 134. & 135. Z 136. / 137. & 138. M 139. & 140. /

    /M/. & 142. Z 143. / 144. M 145. / 146. / 147. & 148. & 149. / 150. &/D/. & 152. & 153. M 154. & 155. / 156. Z 157. / 158. Z 159. M 160. M//. / 162. / 163. & 164. & 165. / 166. & 167. / 168. M 169. Z 170. M/'/. / 172. M 173. Z 174. Z 175. & 176. / 177. M 178. M 179. M 180. M//. & 182. Z 183. M 184. / 185. & 186. / 187. Z 188. M 189. Z 190. Z//. Z 192. & 193. / 194. Z 195. / 196. Z 197. / 198. / 199. Z 200. Z