Download - -Est ablIished 1 878 - The Phillipian

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-Est ablIished 1 878



81; p. ml. Prof. Percy Boyn- of the Draper Prize, Speaking

offers Several Suggestions t-ii wVill lecture on "Recent I Fifty-two Men Reported For (Cont`st wVill lie held in the Young Artist Shows UnusualFor Starting Of New t~~~~~I ,14ldicies in American Fic- Swimming, and Seventy George \Nashington Hall Audi- Powers Of Interpre-

Glider Club tini" ii i George )Washington For Hockey -toritim. Six contestants will tation\izilitiirium. i.-.~~~~~~~ speak. out of whom the best two

AUTO-TOW METHOD ENDORSED Satui'lay, D~ecember 13GODP SECSFRBT will bie given prizes of thirty and PLAYS THE 11 LIEBESTRAUM"

ll'c States That Gliding Is A Help Takis:An Hard- TemHsF'rRtrig twenty dollars respectively. TheaComerialn AIain A.I Helpls Hockey TeonarHawillopesideeouerithe Varied And, Interesting Program

To The Commercial Aviationinit, in, "I-ofidav' As Letter Men ; Swimming Loadwlprseovrteincludes Wo~rks Of BrahmaOf The Country 1 '~~~~~~athInS - News. Aesop's Fa-I Has-Seven contest and M.\r. Young will f ur-AnDeuy

be.Grantland Rice's Sport- rprtdOiifalfo'nish music at the organ. The enl-iThis article was written 1w Mr. li,'lit.alnd a two reel comedy. JnnineoretjkflfrI tire sttulent body is invited to The concert giyen last. r[onday

iiittin E. Searle, Scoc.-Treas. of _______Varsity ,wimnigad oky- attend: there will be no admis- evening byv fos6 Tturbi. the noted

tile Stout L'nincrim ____________________________ it-tooorswmifeadeev. Slpanish pianist. wa in everv' wayL~~ii,.,ineeriiig ~~~~~~~.woratories 'ny fr honckey. \Vernesday and __________________ exceptional. Although a compara-,

-it I )earborn. Mlichigan. B~eing inter- PROFESSOR ~~~~ TO ~ Satuirday time trials wvre given totily oin aritItripaeitdinl Glider (lullS), and lhelong- PROESSR BYNTN T all swin~iniers onl last \vear' squnad ORHSR ADGE ith great ability and fine'se 'and

int lehiinsel f. he has; submiitted SPEAK FRD~AY EVENING and] to file necv men a>, well. The; pae rl eakbe aetiharticle as ani encotiragement for ~ Y1 Us(tinad ik uiow- cut dlown' to about LII~l~dslydtuyrmral aet

N ~~~~~~~~~forty. Coach 1)akc doc no ex LUB GIVE CONCERTIL--showing himself master of a per-thle -Glidcr Club now unider coin- W~ell-known Author Will Talk fect techniqtie, he actually enchant-Fideration here.) On "'Recent Tendencies lctomke anmrensh-Cmbed Musical Club-s Go To cr1 his audience with theshebau

"The Glider Club of wvliilh I am In Fiction" 'r hita. A prsn.he. Roger-, Hall For Recital ty oif 1iis interpretation. ~amemlber has been p'ricuar' u___ - mctprij'ngn miiacWod ,uraAihtT s- slcinon the pro>-

partlcuiariy stir- LAST LECTURE OF TERM lock, in the dlive, and Robinn.on, insectore~sful- the two mnauinreasons Ile- -h aktoe hr ,ao~nc DNEHL FEWR gram w'as the Snjiata inl .4 Major,ing thYfaI ebrO h aktoe hr ~as Oi AC ED ATRAD .O. 9 by Jlfocart. The first move-

gt selection ofagood glidlrisMmbe r fEnglish Literature good material f rom last year's-a\doe hae uosedrheautive-intowmthod Dprmn O f hcg Unvriy sud ]Iceu ng letter men Supper And Dancing Follow After ment. A4ndan~w con v'ariacioni, filled

We havetised he aut-tow Ileflin Of Chcago -re: (aptainNKigtthrea Program Of Classical with alternate crescendos and decre-iiiilv. anrl our instructor has stressed 'util ~~~~~~~l hink' Kin ''I Fe rela Music scendlos, was rendered with feeling.

thl~.atnw rorisructori haSV stages. .Friday evening in Georgec Wash- and tit Inilre. Frv in French.h e~ann w movements of

About halfI oforgop ffryingt inl I lali, Professor PercV H-ol- in thle two hundred. C. 1 ,recd iii the Last Satturday c-enin- the or-- the Sondta,.1Minuetto and A4llegret-

has followed through with their or- m Inyitiofte iIrit'o i itili ~as .tamcliestra amid glee club made their In (alla turca). the first gracetul

iginalenthuia~ni whil the est Cicagowill ectur on "ecenttwo vetar'~ ag', but, dute to an in-- annual trip to Rogers H-all %%'hereaali ovetfldwthnnmrginal i~~~:Ililc the rest Chicaq i will lecture (in "Recent irills, the alelaisttd tills, he lat fartrbbuhave gone ather intemittentlyand. TXcn'encies in A\nerieaii Fiction". lu1ry. coiuld liit swimi last vear. very land entertaining of the same character as the rest 'of

of course, are still in the early I 'rofes-or B loviaton i; %well-known I lo'We1Ver lie- ik swiwining ag-ain stc-su

stages of instrlctio~n. T ami about lieaycrlsa i uhrad hsra".V ~n.womd pnoccrt was given. The A\ndover the composition, soon convinced thiian average student inl the enthu-auinettthywrlseigcilitorof mati work~ ealing ith is letter la..t year. may report for musical clubs; arrived at the I-Tall atadinettthywrlseigsiastic group andI have had twenty- Ito one of the leading pianists offive tows-the last tenl of which cointenliporarN Engldi'l literature, h iudltri h c.n rs-fteocoki h feno n the present day.

pects ii r-a glooii team are exscellent.were enjoyed on a 1 .000-foot rope Profes3sor Bovution graduated 'twnme o h ickl qa te tconcert began at five-fifteen. The next piece wVa. .4ralbcsque by

aind at a maximum altitudte of abouit fromt .mhers;t inl 1897. Since 1002 has, beenI Cut from 'inc% nty (Ilowni to T[hc orchestra rendered the first Schumann. -Here Tturbi conveyed('M) feet. lhe has, l)ceil associatt1 I with thle twltvemit"'-igut. ( (acli Eaton doecs part of the entertainment by plav- lefcl oteadec h ih

I ~v the ' ~d ('NI Cflfi i~(' g:Liii cr1 'ii ye rsit v iif h icag'' ni I ha cen ~' ~ ~ ~ a d.lan teli moodmo od of eheccompo

inl theVSe lractices,. it i. es;ntimated] a pro! fessoir -if Fldngishl literature thle hlil TTWei'.after (Il'ri..t- ing- three heauti til elections from sition.that students who lhaic e raditate'! 51l1ct 93 eh~ li'be milas, the S'ilnaild,ttill ( iu..i..t of ahouit the work.s of MVozart. Grainger. vanl The net nmer araio\o

inl gliding shIoulld ",Iol anl airplane tiVelv associated with thei Chatatn- eighteen ;k-aters and ty'o or Three \relirlv'lsohn. Thle glee clubh and a Theme of Paganini by Brahms. ainl abotut five hotur.. which is ap- (lIna movement. gi~l~~r..1lei~* orr-true classic of the piano. thrilledl all

lirniximatel one-half th u~.ual time Ifl w'tritiuig.. iiiclivIi I,11ndil ill Utuningl- letter men I altaini Card- the idouble quartet furnishedl the listeners.. Beginning with fort-is-requireid. However. T unders;tanrl TFiqjif/Ih Literature'. lPrinciples'. of ner. Wi ilcott. Wheveler. and Slier- rest of the program wvith anl inter- shlin it dlescended suldenilv to athat Eihe D~epartment 0!f ( 'iiiiinierceCom*iuifositioni. Hisijlry''i .1mcrIi~cani manl. Beside.. tli'... there are a ec.tin- Variety of numhers,. soft melodv. varied with delicate

1 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~iferatitre. Sonte CoWin! 'iii'irar iuuiber of other plii' iusing players. (Cnniinteirl on Page 3)wwlinm ied ni'i o Page 4 I Tnintiedliatelv after the concert.

___________________ -lnv,',cus.anillie a ilt' i' -41th .Anioing These. are (; Faivcett. 'R.

FE~~CI~~G TEAM WILL ~~~ I I' if- First I itw o( [¾: llthg iand -ljowaril. Coo- kv~ Forireman. Badger, coiiples; were pairerl off. ann supper EXETER WILL GIVEMEET EXETER TEAM c ~trlr' i ~eI.ignee.amdI)rig unrwssrel fe supper there ITS ANNUAL DANCEciditor iif- .1 Book of . Inte~rian aui'll 1 ,artiow are pilaving" at tilegol

Pioi'rvy. \ lark Twvain'-. Ti i~i 7TW.'vcr. )"Itell Eation thiiiik.. that thle squaId 's li.c Invitation In Extended To EveryMuller and Tompkins Only Ret~rning l~ilt.j(Ioiic in.ll n'im .i'ar' lo iks better than lasit v'ear's and ',leveu o'clock. So, again thle annual Andover Student For January

Letter Men For WVinter-Season Franikliiis Auhtolui('i/,'iZ .'' ~ini] that we sh1ouli I ave.( guor se-n igr( alcnet itwt t Second

- ~~~~~~~Ciioper's The /'vp I b-' s- ad,o ti ________o apoalad-ic h Ne ok-DneComte

The fencing team this yevar ha, awsiociativ editor I~f TIh'Ie qihEG T A U N E sa lge f prvlar u- TeNwYr ac omtet~~yo letter men ret~~~~~~~mrning~~~ \llis. a m'amaIGHTALUMNsR.-of the Phillips Fxeter Acatlemy

,tar of la.t t I II(____tforthi CEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS has, extended an invitation to theentire student body of Phillips

s;port this wine.Tomp~kins and Physical Efficiency Te(s Harvard University Bestows Honors adnv.A oerfothia-Muler.theretrnig ltte miemi On Thursday An dd Friday On Andover Graduates Of The Bso .F nesnT cdm.Advr o hi n

look proinisistg this sea soin, althouilgh Three Upper Classes Preach At Morning ChapelInldnewihwl l idtithley were Tint regutlar last year. The \1l boyv. who (dIi wit iihave ('iii yer tth Pr LneToli

alI)1\ be filled l1v Macomber. a main mutst repoi rt at' the. s (}nIl~iua.)ITmT III'- la.ttt1k -1in;lethutu llL(I-igt \Iil 'fa 'rd Jrepece tnn-izcae anuary 2nd.

who( has riseii from the clubs aiid mo irrow and Friilav :it 2 o'elict ik to liumin *%%er-t awardIo coalisn~ udaDcme 4 ilb hemscwl erneelb

Just inow seem-s to Icail for this posi- try tests; ill \t hich thhieir ia o h uretya. l ln n ~.h~i ila . \resno r stand wosiph Moss ainedti ion Two other promnising' men a.- perfect scorin, ''l~lw chvdiedule amli 'if tlie,iP are Ill the itrmmior and s;e- p,' 'stonii Mass. Diwutor Stearns ithei o rcestratwich hr as otainedare W. T.. L~owe and( Griffing-. ordler of cvemtst~ i.. pl-teil at the nior classes. uir n ut urptto rm*as-pr

(Ciinuirunril on Page 4) gymnasium. lauiie.. I ~~~~ani. \miie~~. a i ' will conductI the Vespert service.per(Continued offPaaee3)

________________________________________________ - acob ).aviid Ifyniaui, a senior. re-

Models Of Famous Ships "Flying Cloud" ~~~~~~~ceivedl I larvardi ( 'illegle Scholar- Intercollegiate Winter Conference ToAnd "~'orsair On Display In The Library .hip's.: Il'nianiiii lli,1-uisort Bassett. - Diseuis Unemployment And RadkiclismAnd ""Corsir" On Diplay In Th Librarya senliir, tvimn a Charles WVvnan

Visitors; ti thle wernIa; ati ywre pe g1wtl v-lc\Iv t, Elmier lames Grover.,,hllruder )I ispa\thre.Thseare rep~resentatiowiuif 'h I ii'cross.CT sitie, il gather at the U.niomi 1Thieoli ical Semuinarv ill New \ i ik C'it\.

~bip models on display there. These if th faniinius a semmu' ii'. and .1 uliui Wels Ni on Decenilil I2ethnamid 30th ato coitiiltr fromsvariifiom anrles tteepridbi\inerican cdippler shifh, Flying Clo-ihddauu'l a steamn yacht . C(iir.-u/' 1 ctii'\ ieletTTp

miodels are perfect to. thle miniutest iletailsz. Both were c-i unt rceilce lv p ny P~olr ll . .\ kivpitch. the nly "'1 ihiniore l .h will iiigi tylilelthe itseauses andtpossiles cues 'l'he fi I .ef ccenolni

Mr.a iT.h t. Bouer fofnewYr. Theye Craire isiitt svcale ''f mitelfout dien . iitii t Robitert aoHell d tilI-n crc 1 a.1t tre.wl--l'iiii h i~ieele

lemigth over all, while the Fl'inq Cloud is about fifty-nine iiclies,. The r\ aSheardPhilipciidogv as-valWit'lin feut'w davs if-the Net~v Yiwik con fereuice Ihe Chic:,i,,. if-FI't'inu Cloild is set iii a flat sea onl thle starboardl tack. lIvit'lier leeW (.1awade tile Willin Tn~ ~k

lie sceel ntmdernecathi the "wvater". This nionlel was; presentel tr' tile A\cal- en Schiclarship':'-incl .(-r- .K ing~ i' h egewl srio ofrnewic ~ etlt trccimuv bv Mr. George Jordoni. while Mr. Iuntiiu S. Mforgan l ' the Cor- ,~uii 1 m$11Kn tiet rniiilwsenclee.'h Ciaocu'ee.o a

Slur. ~~~~ - Scbohrship. Saltonsta~~~~~~N tll nary 2nil 3rd. and 4th. will t r\ Tio an..\\cru the ille'.tiiin. '-\V hut luqpen..

Nerthese hniorles is the faniiliar s enteenth century Dutchi frigate fltigo~.ti lorcie to college radicals?" Tlhe subject as annmionicedi."[eNalclFietyhich was doiiated I' thie liarents of X\TV-1innln Thituipson Reed, P. A\. '29. liI~Kiuiiliuir ~iiu u.Cnl.hrls uvv rdmtjm

These tr models are for' lhe shimp collection now pireparedl to c land MTugg were elected to 1i1w na- TeFm'tesiiiifheNu'orcneectoleedat1a.ithree '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... olnday Decelmlier1 ?(tih. till heair Bcniamiinii MaTrs.e'.cui ,iieti

Page 2: -Est ablIished 1 878 - The Phillipian


THE PH-Hz-LlPIAN, BEFORE LEA VINGEstablished 1878 Take Advantage 'of Our

Edfsor-in.Chirj, LEE PEROT HOWARD-Managing Editor llusinms ilanager rdward P. Va'tchelder, P. A."'30, CS

JAMES PHILLIPS LARDNERI KING HIOWVARD is making anl c-,optirnally fine rec-Assignment Edimor Circulation Mlanager ord at '1uft. [Ichis recently been

A RTH URl MURRAY PRESTON FRANK PLArrfltdpesdn - iscas a.45sistant .11anawinzg Editor. L% it %,~ 'lmi itt hrille hs .s a

Alumni Editor, Joii,% '.\I.i P-roT0 In Pasting Editor, GLADWIN A~. HILL. held a rcgular -itirin onl tile foot-

J. D. ELLIorTT. '31 J. D, 1ILuESSAN, '31 L T. Willi, '31 Tlhe'ta Delta ( ii Irterniutv \ hileJ. C. Fm"s. !31 R. J. Cootitticn. '31 R. D. CA-sE. '32 E eyhn .R d cdH. P. Bitri[~TWELI. JIi.. '31 11 ONNi 1C. S. UWooisr~y. '32 at A\ndover lie idaved on tile font-S. G. Wozxr. Jlf.. 31W .jio.31 1 H. 1';aCioand. '32 Imported FurnishingsR. 1'. GlRIFF~INC, JR., -31 - alta u : baseball star.-

-A.sshifant Rufincs¶ Manager. Jolt- P. 'F 4I o --t* T. A. D. HeadwearBusiness Board

R. H., Coin':Jii. '31 W. E. KEENEY, '32 'W. H. PAINE, '32 [I~tst w'eek- the various sport- SUITS-OVERCOATS5R. E. G-,AI.. '31 A. Sr Iite.TZ., JH.. '32' C. hloo,, '33 writers of the \-oiciated Press e- L ggg-Jwer

W. Diynt, Jt., '32 lected anl AII-EFi-ternl foothall team ug e-JwlrPiAii-io eizyW,'l~i~dv sd atudaydiriu~ hii ~dno yer.on which "Bart" V'iviano received

a libackfield positini '. Ili addlitioii to NKm J ~H Vthis honor Vkix i,, waN nanied 1w --#F~dNORFiID BY

-Statesmen or Politicians ? r'cntihri helrtohthree membe,, of tilt-Dartmouth A N 6ROCK(

.\mcrica osnt:ik i:.atmhtt iaeiN~tt.U * fix{tliaujJ teaml :;i a listiollnar 127 MA~IN STREET. ANDGNVER. MASS.

land doies. IUntil thle tenmpot* .\rAmericanM c Ii ei .loweVd d. Iwn stifficienit- g4veri then: as the biest plaver they Stores :-Harvard, Princeton. Yale,- Brown. Williams,i\v for it to be a corinf~io practice ill the h~c't Ii' iniez of tilW nation it hlad faced all y'ear. Exeter, Lawirencev'ille. 49 Broadway New York City

~clet a on r pehapstwo!~ot, an ecicatiim -r hem ot "rVivi" .5hould lie in ail excellent __

hiis~iness life hut for a. state-mail' career. ~\\ e >all ciiltiInite iti have po(i~tlion to nNI~ke "All-America" ------- …

as thle predlominatinig -rotill in itir pi ilitical -%t emil. Illell who are piar- li"t Year. -Communications

ticnilariv linft to serx e ill any titch capacit%. 1,,r Iintance. iii a home* , -

whe'rc it is- early evii ent that flth ~-on will ncw<vr tneed t.t carn Ilii. ' wii It ,rprt~Hl vd Mic ITo file lkliti'r it ini 1toi: I hlt catch the tinskiliei'living, his capacities awl abilitie, in-tead of bciiu~ zeal' iti-IX ciicoumragel ld roigs\ llil~ it edr~ l t ~~e~~tlcnetiae. n te esni akiiare allotred to lag, aind thle hi,x is siion well prep arcd fi ir a I lon- 1iiul va' .Nvtr.hslei ~i~Va li'esIJ~ neeto.oc n a ond1u4eless;I!mfe. 'J l such ca-C'5 the '(-I 'th 5hi itli. if lhe- di plda\ ally inter'Ct-(ram.i n rhsr tYl.cul i epiiiiigte;iiil' aln d i neet tmrlor adlaptabilit\. hie t for :i life oIf Ielcadrshlip i Ilt fellim~ship. allrcir ;ltle\ipwr t

should h reads' o take avantagent tli~ act tha he willItever I"Ci rimp, an ithir " Nuiyl vi' in tlie ,inall i/e if thle i rche~tra \riJlr.altte wl-oet,afraid be readv to take AV:Llltft~~~~~~~lle of ill(' faticti .1 It lit, rw' il a'iner ileedg i i : I f amemorynmitheteddesir

to work for hitmself I1v dedlicati- jiug lifc- ii ti 1 'I eti-'rvc IIIlii, fcll-ic namgi- itlrlieei hmiel vtIila g titidtle at a colnt)ine,1For ant example of thle rJm ee. illimelerllt. there i~ t hat \Oi t-cu ht colo uh-~ ci iertltdac ccsoiyt

Englishmap. l~an lol hu(hrcliill Chlrichill i, m a. speakinz tflr P~rank Luctic, ' \ '271. ww, given a-. t1r, ph ti lea let iotl' iinurtisfiig

thle T'nit('d S'tate-. arid there -(v;l- e'\cellctlt rea-* ii ti, believe that ltis a hailiback li i .~lII anl '.ll-Ani- e ;imi f-umr violin player,,_. P. A. '32vi~it is ilot. nilaft as; a preludie - a- vaudelville cai telta~ 'e lio'lt vbrican-' si cei 11aml selected, -lw 'Ic h- , wh played liil ('xcellentlv:is; oiver here lii ahisorli a flttle piii 1.1etca IciiJlde Ilii iii- ark ( 'are, th Ii( 11.irartJ coiracl. Luce 11 lou cve Coiuld IItot produte the -aLtiie Tilt I.lleEitor.s~tatesmianshiip. ( )ncCll can m -t hear lit, fathlier.\ aiii t, liii') ". Ral~- s i' at Ytale w\here, ill addition' ri -iilts a- mi uld cight or thinz Ex eliI It is a plea~tirc to see that lthe

dolpi hi' c'mt)IIIl)% i \ -I n, 1c I ', .."'C. --,q 11x. pi -h y. Pirett\ 6IIt iiI~ t\ i tu e i*'.i ttiltel 11th p itti H' i CCI't .1 tiit \. li .M li' tli.ti i a I enr ])' (`i et Imitti.: a"It YI studlenit, are realizing the advan-I ail's shoe, and~ take 'oti:r T)1)tt'~ :1- tIC -If- l'n'I.laa-!'- lea'ler- - \\ he" thel hiickev' teaii 'and <tar, itt tell- lnilt art hiv no) means'l thi.' onIv ins'- tages nj the( Sketch Club. Ihe goodlthat time conlces it will lie iunperatl" ix 1'tlia \41 it ha e1 a .111 i 1,e ha'v~'wlge i.of the Uiited Stats anrl i- affair-for tinle- I reai the -igl- wr' '1 atrifiiient lacking. \greater- var- instruction of Mr. lrowbridlgec ila-

of tile t~nitd ~tateq and t, affair-: or little-, Irvad ill(- il\x which wol inliciclude. C('lli ' been i11 in f its ain assets, an'lthere is 41 pretty 'goiod chance t hit C real 1 'ititail and \nwrii'tta i ii da" lia."c"s :til \\.(,t d-\\ linds. '"Whl will lie in mihe future. Throtugh hii.going, te, w~rite a lot of h'ist-otr in the-se iext ti ft\ ivat- Thecre fw; ''a1i ilIi ~ f C. arrohl

wlvnot zet on a boat and i i alir. ad. -j eaik. .-Ii-e-lVe. a ii' I get ai lit ld i ikaX'tr or'lwe.I i'a heoi eatljJeiil4.aetc.diIet rs eia salse ut14' liruiduice ani irchlestra which Will gFroup of hi vs ; who are learning thllfirst hand kno~wledge olf thes;e people volt art' ' jg 'ha ' i I i il'Iisr. nofI nlec -tte tig li hI ayThncct c 1n tr wt dfernrat. v i wd e.later on. l\'hen v'oii -et hack. y' u t will kwi w what '1,11 are talkaire Wit Ill imtt clicit "list ridl hats 'heeni't 'ee $~ilbllsat eineinti ujc nl1

aotanld be inist that mutch ahlead of tegne \v aitiwiri*riilitlide- cI to Prerci'et.I blox n etliln r s ii:'~ iu i itcr ia tii(fteImy~ eli c

CC.iisiderinz. Think it oiver '' \nill Randol-ph dlid -mu( e~af-Ilrl~Iinziii Ii their absence. atlie ti elablish lllnv iriv'.aniices i~iThere is~ probabl\ no 'parallel ca - in al1 of tilie I iiitVIVSltatV-: 111Tti 'I' ]1iick. Nva .rdiritlr!t ft'ufro l Tihert' arte sxelial rtea i) in-whiieh the ('11. arid also( haS, fotliud quit ,

mo~thers are raising their q'-i,~ Ii) le Pri7C'figlItrteai' ham: :1ccha-lillg illeni, i r nI~t 7 t I 'alclitc -;' ceiilyoi r'Ia ~ne i 1 aetanmgtebns ~-for a, governorship. T f we wx're to -cud tenl (ifIi fiftcel jilitmirt ial V)]ii-l 1I. andtiletlw -el si i: I 1 1-

- to Europe o Teak and o stndx' evey year. we hould have x'astlx be eix e'I as Calitaiii fField,. \rkfi ir teillck, f rellii- fire the t r learbheabganiwith a ew sttiecntto tirrie to pek and t tii(-I, c\-er\year, w -hriirilhave xaar.kchestra. One i.. that the( pdavets dlrawiii iimplc obj'ects, and three (irmore enlightened and more tieftil class~ rf leadlers thaln we- have nir~x\ tilletx' 'Ihi 'e'tiat hert' re ndwot frhm av prssedinthi

In other wvorrlq. -when we begin tr. spemnd a little mnore till-e trx'itlg t" therefiore 1(1 miit I rv i ut, ibis is riginial enthusiasm, soP that thle\' ail

aieduc tateotir ita tesmnand ai "littlealess directin- etlice oaines, wnie shal 'I hi litt \l ettler. I ' '29. hia' tile tIlotfu lihres It dloes ahke no%' t~i don quite diffcult work.have 'staesllen' isteal of''poiticimis' dirctingthe atio's iitsins ent'iituntcltev receive.d ailt anklle ill- int takc long,,, once lomit hia~ joined. Thi.. year things; are (ifferent. an'l

iuvwich will Iyrollall x' keep hill Iii learn the( few pivcce playetl the fritit I f la<' year's work -mrtIn The Library fr,)Iit xveii~ action c-lit tihe Prince- Mayfelloiws Ca~lvlt mmastf,-r thei more proniniinced since there i,,w

Mi-_ -rr~t hn latey metiond ;vvral ffai,; Whch w fee in l hiaskethall IILani fi'l I ~ Teer l ~inmsm at the firlt rhie;irral. lbnt atlxanceil class; ard another classMis Fros has latly mentineri sevral affars whichwe feel t Ii'w'(l* AlvTttler %as n-ar 1111 f tilt fhere arc no, drag-ons ii hirking i~- bvgrinmerz.

ouir duty to pass on to w,.hat we ilr'yV xw'll he vnImpathetic ears. Ti f't rcsimmii ituijnte'tat P rince'ton'tei h- liind the etirtuaimsint i i-ge\\,-P. A. '33't-ite thiat the stuidents as a wxho-le do tnot appreciate the tremendron- adx sasiarLilro hadlva-ntagzes of the new library wrlifl'1 lie erroineous, and to zax' that thex' Ierii sslalta EECP SINDRar~ip Ii Iiltro hhalve. coinse~quently. misilseul it 'vowrii also be far from~ tritthft-il. The plaLESCOPE.hashadSxtUNDER e

advanages f- the readling~ room apiparently have been reai~zed and f1tDIITfUUDsprireciaeul thoug the casul re~tl~e would 'h well to lok twice aTf MAlaliue I 4errett. 1P V '28,. whri ULR periene ahoitig this line, and has a'

the titles of the'bihooks selected for phierarticiflar shelves and aI little, is now a Iniiior at Itrowii I. niver- -ricadII grotten the materials. Evern-lessr at thle heterogrenieous massq rK mlmiagaineq scatteredl on the MO( .~~'srl 1 iiiiii of I111 Club I sT aeQatr n rpaelt igna net~therein MIT the vohiime; have -e elected for readabilitx' anid tn- port-anrie there. In additiiin toi be- icoThe Carpentryth telsoom. OfI ~~Graves Ha~llIcnlicir ftetlsoe nteresrt annd the liv rearier need have un qillal, amiongt that eri-llectiotn inig sittitial ialia-et' 1If ' the'sholllera~ o iebfr l

Mkissz Frost has felt thiat therv -ire uinfrortitn'-mteix'. a few matters 'B~r(ilx DiIail~' Ilerahld' ani1l iof the I,i ,t-¶i if v-1iuntirilv chocked uip opl -will zo xvithoimt nieei 01' rliszciplune ciiiiilI \ vuical Ch ili-. lie( is -also .\ ctul ha ee ori t' 11jeiiil defth xiiiter tettil.frt O

- Tl~e ~r~t ~f thse is the u'luet;6ioi I5- ,tidving trivigtlier. aind thle crinse- aI mi-mlint oj tile cir1 5i1 nclitc s La-lnc atrtiav %-siet Iiu' Mr. ides- a dfnite i cai in,, f.,t bcittecd telfnluent Coil '.151011 the hihi'arx'm noes e'i rctyire atln' place xx'hert'- 'idept 'if tlilt' ''It1 'imiiJg ~ls.It cp a '. svt en lc

'v~a~' wci~iwith O~lS' nother tllCsCC~il~l i~-that e'aerzne ¶ * I tit his gencroims loan1 (if hi, car'-

thle rear~hnz- room wxhiqh is so coinv'nient -in tile xv% i over tronflt * ** Jitter Shop). thle proicct i mtinier Mr~idle \f a.n iapll cmrt base indSe-ci':l furmier Audi i~'(, stiiil'nt, WViu. 'is'l( part of tht:- ro'll 'i which:niteoftmip:fel.h ev

- i~~'''it t~i-zt- lnot hie used 'cKCillt ill tho exent I-if a fire: Thle thirdi~ the nfortunte methd of Vo'i C i ,,-'. . ' i lliiishitg tiit'ii~t'iy'r i to lie us-ed liv fthe chvili \-ill. if thle \\i 'ilit, i ver' qutitablez Placil

i~ li !ifrl-iintemehri o ri-P -hioin r0F Tie( ii /ie.---the li t v. f tC('.ap ' i' ic h tlsi1W i h 1

ii a ivarious11 fielils of ncti'it v att Dart- poe Ih 1Hltoi- h-ei.cp l i( pl I i

shoilI I-1 Ii' it bric'k itl tile x'ariouis spots~ def.rii dir iitlien) arid s1rloi nul.Rnte -. rr~i. s~ iffttl h eto' ra iavnaeteetrlehe llalnrle(I withl a wee hit mrore i'are for the sZake If le,.; illerille-Z

TI-er-rn. too,areat deail of electricitV 'i watlel Iin' student- whor. wxntiter- 1thei''nstnrrcntylc-___-.§*'-Z---- --- t-____ ni'pllirat lire M-11 ii iect his cumrx' -in'lgaVi1 the -tncl~,c leav'e lililt a ftct liught Oil 1`ri'tld' Ti here is thlat eIt h rgolhnrr soie. tu(riitviitl ir. nimirrir intal ci( I

Mgene1ral1 crnnilplint so e,.als iyrred. tialt a crr'aT imirinhsr of thle fellows Charles Rnl fe receivedI his, nietir- scrihied lbv the class, of 1`125' \\ill bts weather would inconx'ncnleice tiI

Zo oil iilc -_IuTrwtositinn tha-t all1 will lie ruiel~enl mPi after thirmIl an leavt -Ifrwr i h ramn r~-placet iin a sliecil fun itii ll('Inci~l"'' brxi'M-12f.97111eq Inrl 1)nnk, ccattered icni ltrx'ri-ifivziardnA.hCr.*Tacnhinnrof thelatectllnof't. Prker.ethein-n 1'. itmtitiiui Thteleluc

nioment's irI;pectinn. Wuals atnotnigl the si\ Rttudients ('lest('( come to he expeniied for hooks, of xa i itllasalhis ietl-to- thip bus~iness board of the Green Amniricamn poetrv for the( library, of thle Radio Club. to lie tused 15o111

Ice Cream m~~~~~~ookthl rsnina tala at * * * flit thle construction of the teli'-

50MIC~~ne retrdvIiiwewtei iirri il Cream umtitith .Ar. O'Coinnor. P. A. '26. noxw setpe anie also a anl ;umateir'5om'cone stiggesterl l'est'rdax' that we write an edtorial on time sau-! - * * . a senior atDDartmouth recentlylyat-robserertorolynt thisthisatian proved

state of fthe ie cream at thet "beanerx"'. We lherebr conrpix'. Tt ha.- - Neairky ;3n.00 has, Iicen stlb-_ Iicmtcpt(d il anl extrenich I iiipnr- Imprllacticall. and XTr. Teith's pri.been chiarge thiat tlie othetxyise liiadtix vanilla ire cream xxhiell i- seribedl tni the 1930 Aitianian rtind talmt cliat(' betxween Dartmnouth ansi pifsat] wva gladly 'accepited.Ilerindicahily served ic l)i~ili tailiteted with aldisi mde into all sor~ts of aecotidin- Ilit the, 23rd annimal report ;t featm fromn variotms citistmi- Oneit u f the tutst extraordinai%monnstrrosities surhn as 'Pinerarple, Peachi. Nrtricrot. etc. issnei ex'eral day;s ago. versities. Dartmouth uphliel the featuires in constructioni of this ilu-

The vanilla is realix' rinite all righlt unirstumised ala1l is far it-ore 'This is the lar'rgest stinmi dnainted negative of ~the Subject : Resol~vedI. strumnimt is tlie fact that it w~ill (N.1tsaisfaetrqnTx' than" ~'enA--se xx'ith frafle N\T11 s o solesic tilsmts iii atl -'a Ixel 12. The -I tht caIcal and sientfi pg-1 onl fiite to fIfte dolar

Page 3: -Est ablIished 1 878 - The Phillipian


lias-a knlowledge of history, politics Th eaHolfoYo-nIationial and international- nBSO

TXY~~~~AT ~~~~~orld affairs andi conditions. that is-1~~~~~ENI~~~~~~~U ~~Is the NEW AIT W ON T ~ ~~~~lmost unbehicyable ill man so HoeYOUng.

- IC'th outset of his tidk- MTr A ot tto'BE ~L Oi N G N OW -- (hrhl ecarcd that he -hadl been and Boston Madison Square Garden

attacked for his youth.~ Litt no~t for 500 ROOMSanlything that* he hall. salid iii his Echooqlpewhubn

Before you are bidding your mates S~o Long' for the holidays Show Bul-nRdo Speakerspccchms I-fe said that he didnot (Thrc Saion Serviccv &rvidor

But You Still Have Time coxet \ir~ o.)a ftea-Circulading Ice WatmrTo Take Advantage Of ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ E Now Engbild's Mast ModernlyEE PNNA

Take Adv antage:Of ctialiilihilitients oftile 1ritish I Aqupponed Hotellpire itf tlic past l)ut t wwhat it Dining Room, Coffee Shop, Oyster

Bar. and Soda Fountain, offer wide 5hAvnead.2dSreOUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS. SALE &tiid o h uueo h vol .~ofo n avc.YR

ALL MERCHANDISE~ GREATLY REDUCED jht(c~lcaii meia AE-OMADBTAt fiilany poinits (luring his talk FOR CN-25,30035,40

C~~et DAD, BROTHER or: ~~~~~~~~FOR Two-S4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00CO LEE UTTESGet DAD, BROTIIEII or ~~~~lie bitterlv criticised the Labo'r~ par- N ghranI TCLL EAN

- YOUR CHUM A GI~~~t FROM tv1 ft `~ngl and and t prueimeinis-"PE"SHO

A'Leading Alan's Stoce trRmey acold Speeches hapnd twsahcklp-SUET.alone. he: said. would, not solve thepig)t.lewnMrTloreconomilic prole-( t h country 1 Our representath-e exhibits.e wur S fi~~~~~~~~~~r -,f tile %orldl. .aclrIflxz that rearliad Nl r- M\acl onald.".' -- L bi-weekly at 141 Alain St..

_______.~~~~ le~~~ii lers ~~are needed awt that Ghy.relat Britain, he sfaid], had donle. *

"POP" WARNER PRAISES RANDOLPH CHURCHILL h sptnking races, sine5 th'' World -,LI-:arid hadl never abused the I AHSL

N~in~ iflUUL PEAKS IN uVILflUL1~ \lacl~nakl ~ *pfwer of its big navy. fie, added'i I OURSpieak~itn of world-peac e (lee-.tahewldiktose nte

iStates have are avadme $3050Faous Snfr Coc Says Youthful' English ~Statesman clar tl tIut inth llan1i li hti i oiinlre G L 'Il

Team is Greatest One Adesses A Recod bysednganubr k1Jrnlee LFr HOSE1 UitdStts nIn History -.Crowd in 1- 'ik -. its and t-li ill hats to. ra rti nai uhfrt

"The Notre . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gerlfevn or -iv. oither p1 aet- to mjake iCDame ~~ipiad of grid-. l~oi* 1111-i (hrhl. 'otfl ' dipn peace nf Jthie world. Great Britain

tha rientv enshd Kigl~lxsta esan.a~llresc~ a ec-Spelivsan dspnlwlnt'a' .has. never builtincmetontihiron warriors Cali- gir~~~~~tel -atiliaice at the Methuen forutm n'ii'nI irfu-rllalilntInh deae, and TEADVRso

lhe Ulliversitv of Sotithorn Cii it THE ANDrVER S HOPo-db* oria, teanx t wmeltv- se.~O ill Cent ral Sc haill last ,nigltn I t.t hewII It wasl qusindwyete sol r oLNRc

sr~~ '.~~ to lie listed t~~~~ikiii" t'ir hiS-.sulbijct: "Tile . ii ( idikrnueteoteaptetatly MAIN' STREFT. ANI)OVEi. MA.(l( tlest tlrielfis-. f beer Sine' ti se Finpi Pro to, disarm. War hetween 'United --

~ttcen v a i-ie aveern h iuhni( i ceihige tinthinkh t~rikn a Itso er, tuean-- the. end: of civilization. "Eng

who h-is co-uchcd power fiti fi ot~~x~il! tlx it lid 'r ii1j.-evr% sei a 'd ht I i sr ~nai e -id ha. its own jirobleisin so ThSOOU:YCLPORteam',g for ox 'r ai third (it a g ee ~ . rte fr sin, ' XnIpleII. ht- adld a . it d 5 -te;\Vh hol ou adLUCENEIandl iiine ho . Id Iii ove Crestiimates hi iitrui being occ'upiedl aS I 1k di. Lancoeoriili t utri td vout 2SaLMS.ANO R

* .quads Qr G1 ivxl S. (1 op I ~ic-ir n h Iiemdi ilu' i, thliiktitIc ane'-if Stan ft 'iii I mu rsxV thle corridor.s leamdin- to the 1,-ll. (ittors anyv n-i' rc hn'ehol oi

Wtriier r)fair ( v,;-~r ,might ardherehI I -lat victoir- t n drke I 5r e ir Cude ee ocdt , ~.i'u . iI"~ isft'e Iu sa u onr poieBohr il

Damne's ninileteenth uon-ec.1uiiv t idheViuhulCocr,-tu w i~ehii--. . is nitriimes -C rhbto%viv) Iv q Ili it vt readied hier2,sand we are. goin to straighten, tf IT

which has never ben iael brh u nmdton i'hs\rirtbcr- w' m-dlie(b v wa xI- .rt thu same oi ~c prtuno h nls*Cariderti has ben 1 t'd i 'idiar-x licrSoinilxtxi 0111' quick w it. PI nnilt r iild mlraax-sntof theirnhands

coaches as one of thle finlest tealix_____- and: their . cI, -indl their teecth: as sekn~rcs GetrtanndHARDWARE~united States -seek'. nothing- huttdirccor5 een fr a reat any ~n odinar. lienxen I .rll -ud wel \\a xx ll hmppeiacislonilas n-hcaere are tere rcrotertntios

*vea~ an et-e Small lint Sohw. xrtz, with the~ir "'rmvit p~owxer tions mirc ieadouS of ieach. other, and wn''a eas hyse ihn ake-SelPce7~~~~~~~thatwatwrbcuetesek FsigTcl;SelPkt

very 1INrfull oii(- hundredfndt ixo hac lieen very Impo rtant factors w- int -.(int ntli tlnt the' 'other na-- j~~~oxxcr * . .c 'iii'. ~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~something more,.sonmething in adl-

~fifty-five . potnd -Uar- ha oei ti 'oiahl'machintis mle'rring flo lu, it. is -(kto daginsillui'. . Knives, etc. etc.*methods, and .tricks, for feinting- inl twnrorss TIn faet (.V(. W- hxe o urilxca I ditint wa he l

wo. or three (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a th omtiigcxr,31. AAIN STREET Tel.10

through a LJlne in '- till: anoither thleix xiraisd. . nVAl zirtniaent s. an' I ee -wihatt real- Audience 'Very Well

* . ~Entertained MonaBy Iturbi Concert

ICriniiuie& frnm Pn-t-I1

-:- .j~~~~~~~~ aitig througithout, and finally end- L O '~~~rink 'II* ,*. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iingwith agreat and crashingl finale.

Following the 'a riations, cameLisa's RhiaPsodx' Nai.: 1.;a low Mel-

and Ref~~~~~~shing1- - r~~~~oIVesnsen ill-fat ci ap- JesyIecraSd-,Deli iclus and ng~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~s iP u t t h e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g rjn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~~~~. 1 ~~~~~~~~~ac~~~~~~~oxe~~~~~~~~ieii~~~~~~~~~~~ fr~~~~~~~~m andrs y e a . o\fter the intermission, he then~~~~~~~~~~~Ic r a

1iliyd tw comlositoixslvDebutis-

* .Tiyeicc. Te alspae tiualin

tlaC n'e intverprting fvrom axooderof

tlxg~ta rnh opse.Fh

%fte'i thec inte hxi\lhelie thin

~~ '-~~~-,*. \\s r~~~~ililnieiuitxpto ed illiphv lfi'~~-. ~~ ~ I ~~ - . cepc ion I epre'tlt him \-onOEdfEMLANR

_____ unn-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fSnvx selectio was toht inter-:Pennsylvaenin iian iteprtutnao m d

ThTh'ywo~~ refreshes Chopin ~~~~~~~~ando prahms. P ecn 89MidSre

When you find your~~~c~f getting nowhere- aiid' iltiniertanding. A eehn 18

ishment!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~etinl cstiiv

,That's just the time and place when an ilceSirituacoldbotle o glss o~oe.Col wil doyou. . ilr (firiii;t"d fom 1atb~ir $3.50'SECALI

the most good. A regular cheer-leader with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-wi11~~~~uixce~~~. The charge will he FANCens-JYAvr J KetlSH CIRTSrits pure, holesome rfreshment acks a eigtdia a ectoupl waslnd t sex-enro-

onio~~ ~~~~~~~~~ thhn hsya scran ouak. TEADVRSOtit orn music.. AS irs ticore~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Sonci.- 6

e d~~~~~~~~~~~nte gaaii-i h CrsmsLNRC9 MILLIO A DAY- T HAD TO BE . GOD TO 'GE WHERE I IS - **~ . . *i~7 M~iNS~ni-ET.s ei)TheR M.'55.

Page 4: -Est ablIished 1 878 - The Phillipian


EBYALI*HS .*. .Intercollegiate -WintrCn oesO Famous Ships. iL U AHSLference To~ Discuss Un- "Flying Cloud". and "CVorsair" L

employmetnt and Radicalism On Display In The.Library$35 $40-~~~-~~---~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ (Continued fr'rin Page 1)- (Continued frorn Page 1)'

Qj~~CLO T~~~uR O~~99 Work -". discuss tile extent and efafud-which Is leigse oth

1frmen~~~~~ . - t~~ects41 .'neipbvn\ ilent. I loward piti-chitse of odel hip. heAal

PADIBON AV~~NUV OaR. FORTY-F URTH STREZIL \ oetwod of Co~lumtbia wi~ll pre~- lectioni of~ battleships 'which the.NKW ~~~ '~~ide. Te afterno1on ssin t2scolalopssesses wvill not form,, will hear I wvraptorop-~ :i~ tw r . .1 Mste, dean IIw~r.aar f the new gop

-: - ~~~~~:1(f iefaculty,4fllrookwood. Labor Orders, for sevc-l1:4w ship's have-- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 *,476lle-eo am! Co!.' fon E. liarne ~of been placed with- -famnous carpichi THE ADVRSO

L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Sponsored byoil and atses of ters; the rn al re -being received . LANGROCK

.. .\niberst. "Tvpe~~~~~~~~~~~~~ niodc~~~~~s * MAIN STREET. ANDOVER. ~117 AI STEFT AWVE IAAS.-~~~I neiloren" iarlotte Tuttle fromn time tot tinie. When corn-

of \Vassar. will Ill. in, the chair. Mon- Iplet"ed. the c(-Ilectionwl epeetlay .~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the evolution of .Arncrican ships of E iue M re

all sorts dowvn to :the present. (late.guests for suppvr at ~the. home .of*'h at .ri.olmu'slp, JOSEPH HROMADA & SONS'

The ant .1~ria C6tiribuss Sip, S. S. PIERCE CO. SpecialtiesNormian Thomas. J-ietrof tlhe :ilte afer. are now being etrnLeague. . (le ini Engla iid ly M\r. R. C. An- Riley's: RuanBterTfe

~~~ ~~~ liav~~~~~~ing canvas-ed .the cauises, c\- derson (if . outhanipton. The 4 Mrain Street Tels. 29. 30 AndoverChristmas Gifts for ~~~teilt and types ofwuninplovin ent . 1 haf.11oon,- in which .Hcndrick WT LWRCh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~usayteci eenewl unsailed iti the uon SYI

the'c,):ivr~ie\Vil t rn ~ r sbig.bitb rMen find Boys c~~~iwiilcration Iudson . G. c. ~~Telegraphed Anywhere; Anytime

Its attenion to F.E. Crone, of Amlstcrdamn Hlolland. J. He. PLAYDON* £,,i j~~~~~~~r 7ri iashm eiae Rmejs o 1 e I- Mr. A.. . ronlisconstructing. 6 anSre e.7

Hhiluwa ted -in Co Ar -s I lloyil utrnt. Charkotte E. .Carr, ini~ the Pro-vidoice, Tohn .paul Jones's(Iltqt ~~~~~YeL ANDOVER MANSE:

BRANCH STORE dsrial consuti~ltt (j ti't Cliart~ies ~ship, wh'ich il the~ Rev'oltition: fired Tea RoomBOSTON )rri' h tl

NEWBURY CORNER OF BERKELEY STREET .nitinSit;an Drthfrt htauhied1te*~- UNHSndINNERSNEPOT AL BAC \ t~l~. o-liecui.w~ith ('ricanti-wennet'.hI )ew YTork% \eek.End Guest Accommo'date'd

City 'apaiii\shlvtihulinte 109 \Tain St. Tel;. 8965Anoe*.r hnr o. he. eati. viirt~ r',rio 'fi'te'of the War

Kepxor ir down - i pte puker'. \t the( aftie rino ~f1 SI 2. lRobert Fuilton's famous 11

Hair Tonic~ E----- C tsi bgInniw. at 2IIp in Pauil ( enui n -IIiSoRiver W..J. MORR ISSEYLOleaqua M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R: 1.Uaiisbard 1x writcraniil ex\cnitixe Ii- boit. 'I le has alrcally comipletd TAI ERIC

soLD AT MTX EVC* rd r t te \IT~ r' ( 1in the vat it. Ainicrec r .I PR T.A D VR AS

Btennie's Barber Shop E c PARK iT..tANDOVER.imISSrHart igan's DrgStr M, - 'Iarrio~t.'~'no hoter tailt(' Mntlar.Ne -, Tlpos I

B~~~~~~ . et-'.A ht b .n auitho rized ItSOIOOL Bl.atcli x il7ic~ " Nw ,Scitx STORAGE, WASH-IING

SQUIBB'S TOOTH PASTE E t~.~n5W A \h e cnmd enix s1Iitnt th ke boatt'. 'lie tL Cli 'I-

S~uIBBTOOTHffl~ISH Iiin ~ouiuJI e sur to pcase i . ~ ~ ~ id \i.irth' ~tini x \ onii(ifnhese I\GG \E TRASFER.

75 an ue Wh"eKll ~,u ws make aO mall fin.! ntj iecwiln: \\~l lit tin dli- nin- 1-.T U K N

SQUIBB. TOOTH BRUSH I le~~~~~at filIlrh tniev tI Ii ll rctAGEbet hatca

fiesnit) Im o CRAYOLA WaxF.CHAS

P~~~iLLIPS ANIJOVER liu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.ra vo. fI Itii. Siie. ndthK id i~~~~~~~n.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Ititr. f.. is VI1ir fq tn iigadm ~d a r i nd d trch(n f hir itmet akes ie~ar't it llul-oj~~i~ltiflC in f iliric.'~~~an v e orbet eirt-tie t 'WI iI Iest dir e I 'ittnin u r utte hdue a et .. Ln

ii .lrcorai. a cu 1jonIfor yor dlnRiding. Poo and Jum ing N~rc tlir'in'jenitg ofns AOL a31 tilnpi.Ivrtci~s h IIt AIIare. toipltl.v ttiadett. FOOBnL

Leosons4 Te. I323 -,ftit M(-ADEi sttnes hi ol Vare-; ofl the lb .wI .te em wllpoal

Hour. Si.0 Every hur After.n r ~-i .2~ri ST.;Ni~w YORII iie. (I -eti iatt illd aftii oiii ii of

-ickmsi SeveIa higlshol eas Dvlpig PitnA. F. RI ARD L. . D. f'rnptersii I tffli~Gtedtain aloimeetAiidover and toFencingnlargin

Oaii .PtomerimtacLyBABEISIIP ilop ar'e onentitdwo t'vil dloe % iththseonametwh et'.School Jewelry vd.r~fo V-ir 1g( ln dai g atsfrtesrs e i.nbes. el rgn dtaiwilbSed utftessr for l

Mgin ~~~,treeL. .-LT ~ ~ I IA a I , Tie P1111111'Sril e i' INN ilceat for I lvrwil pae o h tpe Pilps7aem em

llur: :00 A.uritrs f bril0iant erale sticceiling, tC )II, iiebef . track 4 .f ith e Cas Memoi - al Cae18MAN S._________________AN_____ ER f - r Moter -ito r atenolgesdet, n the ______________________

Cast Off Clothing ~SandShes SAMDEI Lfa~t CI v. ssion eII( atefo I Ii the ofrnea EgneigCompilany N-etlittle: ilv sit rs. D le atebrincsvi it ng - E do ses Gli er Clu b____t_ __ ___ _-

J t-~ ih~ro 'PHONE 903iPfo youleertuets aedeqied t

eASonDOERSQAE HO pya onerne eeof5.0. h (ntmn~ile tfr"ai e %Vl TheOlebAbo oeseaREPAIRING AND-eheik SHINECE

Low res anSna Work Gurned BANR ULIN ieo her.T 11EIst1th topanyI pslarvar.. Mihgn.', utoeod.Abt'sBig-"N-t -42trut ST.. N IYxvrK City.n oo si buicltl i anoler a rplues

The Andver Frit Stoe THE TRATFOR SHOP ossild For firther i iIi~on~to' ve (igi andstabile.' and rsit LieBni' a IESyBrbrSoTel. 81186 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ veopn

HILL BARBER-SH-OP -rnisarl .oreilrs. eIecutiv secre- wl scess t with s.eligther'sVeiiaPo

peaking bout ~~L~LI5~~~ - - , , rA-aguf. txil1le firttl in chargeof t~ hteprec xildno~rt OERL CI

are drs&lxcl r o1mngdewl resdnn ftit.d'sanone h sekr ilI 11 moe. enontr ti trli. .ND\ICnSR-Cn th~~~~~~~~~~elud Adams 0. f. T ltLe. L _____I_______

I~arL L.~~ianaerFor paIIcuLars conilcerningy ~n.thtipTAILOR AND HABERDASHER ca~lever confereince thrwar inqurihers adafl in fMgzne ,~i

56OMAN ST.WR um 0A.ND oVER Bolevar. -11 (hrc'hiecago.en ;I. Andover' candy Kithen ST.CMASS.ER MBSTO.MAS

d he M-Litip LOISM.HUTRSUCHOOGAPEan f ~~~~~~~~~m otaecnft- As tbes'Eng ictue was taeCooaemteewllb o avCa~~~~~1MtiI'A Offrprcor Cioothutlih oein o hewntrtem

Opened September 15rBut- Those nihidcoo goPcls pitere, andubradnwCmu iw(h10 Bartlet Str ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bstoe ee' aead ha' syngeottin) aAminmdoervoeeri's a(

PHONE 90 c,,1cit willudent rentb maqilearl in yu aainC .Stricty, fir-proo. Conncting ooms ith orwithot bath All te picures ae firs clas and garanted. Reurn thmrifiotPsatsfied

thruout the year.. and terms on .~~pa a ctrnftiufe orfe SIst The sn meatyhcobn Tiohcst $7.00 Asbusoa and etheaANDOVER SQUARE SHOE:~~eal~is iewx~~ delih orfls TL HOORPSFRCRSMSAC ET. O ti e . -u'fr q-i

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