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Groundnut Oil – Health Benefits

Groundnut oil is obtained from the nut of the peanut plant. Mild flavored, groundnut oil is also known as peanut oil and arachis oil; and is popularly used in south-asian, south-east asian and chinese cuisines. The oil is available as coldpressed, refined, unrefined, roasted etc.The composition of the groundnut oil varies depending on the areas in which the groundnut is grown. Usually the composition is as follows:

48% - Monounsaturates34% - Polyunsaturates18% - Unsaturates

Due to its chemical composition, this is one oil which is helps in bringing down the cholesterol level thereby helping the heart to stay healthy. Groundnut oil also boosts the immune system, blood pressure and improves the functioning of the nervous system and cognitive system. The oil is rich in polyphenol antioxidant named resveratrol. Resveratrol is known to have a protective function against degenerative nerve diseases, alzheimer, cancers and fungal/ viral infections.

Another major benefit of groundnut oil is that it is rich in plant sterols, especially sitosterol which restricts the absorption of cholesterol in the gut thereby bringing down the cholesterol level by 10-15%. Thus once you start using this oil in cooking on daily basis, you can easily avoid heart conditions like atherosclerosis – clogging of arteries. Resveratrol which is present in groundnut oil not only helps in keeping cancer at bay, but is known to play a positive role in keeping the blood pressure in a balanced mode. This it does by interacting with the hormones which affect the blood vessels like angiotensin. Angiotensin is known for inhibiting vessels and arteries. Reseveratrol in the groundnut oil neutralizes the effects of angiotensin, reducing the blood pressure and thereby preventing stress on the cardiovascular system.

Groundnut oil can also be used for aromatherapy as massage oil, treat dandruff and for treating acne. As a massage oil, groundnut oil allevates joint pain and stiffed muscles. The oil can also be mixed with teatree oil and lemon juice and applied to the scalp in order to treat dandruff, regenerate damaged hairs and helps in thickning of the hairs. Being a rich source of vitamin E fights free

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radicals and thus can be applied topically to prevent signs of premature aging like wrinkles, blemishes etc.

Thus this is one oil which is has several health benefits and can be easily included in your daily diet. The word of precaution is that it is always good if you take oil and oily food in moderation and have a healthy lifestyle to maintain good health.

You can get organic gorundnut oil from or call at 080 22580132.

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