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The two texts discuss the pros and cons of advertising to young people. Text 1 claims that young people have an enormous impact on what the people around them, friends and family, decide to spend their money on, even affecting decisions normally made by adults. Not only this, but young people, unlike older ones, do not spend time carefully considering their purchases or asking around to get advice.

Text 2 argues that, even though there is some unease about targeting young people with advertising, in fact, this group have some immunity to it as they have been subjected to it over a long period of time. There is also the sensible decisions about their purchases by giving them the facts they need about the goods advertised.

Even though both texts are focusing on youngsters, they have different points of view about the topic. Text 1 hit the nail when claiming how influential teenagers might be for their families and friends when it comes to purchasing decisions. Nowadays a perfect instance of this is how families relied on young people when it comes to buying technologies. On the other hand, I would not restrict the idea of buying compulsively just to teenagers but to all our society.

The power of advertising is undeniable these days, and it is hard to believe that the young ones are immune to it somehow, above all when they represent an important percentage of buyers. Nobody is immune to advertisement, thus publicists should inform their costumers about the products they consume as text 2 claimed.

Not until people do realize how important teenagers are for our future world we will not take serious measures in order to control advertising and its power.

299 words

Alberto García Ruiz de la Hermosa