Download - Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Page 1: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular


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Page 2: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Core language 1-2

Present tense – Regular verbs 3

Present tense: to be and to have 4

Present tense: to go, to do and to play 5

Near/ Immediate future 6

Numbers 7

Greetings 8-9

Months / days of the week 10

Colours / Pets 11

Family 12

Physical / Character descriptions 13-14

School subjects 15

Time 16

Sports 17

Hobbies 18-21

Weather 22


Page 3: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

KS3 Spanish Core Language

yo – I

tú – you (sing.)

él/ella – he/she

Usted – you (polite, sing.)

nosotros – we

vosotros – you (pl.)

ellos/ellas – they

Ustedes – you (polite, pl.)

Time phrases

Question words

¿Por qué? – why?

¿Qué? – what?

¿Cuándo? – when?

¿Dónde? – where?

¿Quién? – who?

¿Cuánto(s)? – how much/many?

¿Cómo? – how?



Pasado Presente Futuro

Ayer (yesterday) Hoy (today) Mañana ( tomorrow)

La semana pasado

(last week)


( usually)

La semana que

viene ( next week)

El mes pasado

(last month)

A veces


Esta tarde

(this afternoon)

Anoche (last night) Siempre (always) El fin de semana

que viene

(next weekend)

Hace dos días

(two days ago)

Todos los dias (

every day)

Más tarde (later)

El fin de smeana


(last weekend)

De vez en cuando

( from time to time)

Mañana por la

mañana (tomorrow


El verano pasado

(last summer)

A menudo (often) Dentro de dos días

(in two days)

Page 4: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Make your sentences more

interesting with ACOIN!KS3 Spanish Core Language


Adjectives Connectives Opinions Intensifiers Negatives



y (and) me gusta

(I like)

muy (very) no hay (there

is/are not)



pero (but) no me gusta

(I don’t like)

un poco (a bit) sin (without)



también (also,



(I prefer)

bastante (quite) nunca


tímido/a (shy) además

( furthermore)

me encanta

(I love)







asi que (so) pienso que

(I think that)

demasiado (too) nadie






creo que

(I believe that)

mucho/a (a lot) tampoco






me parece


(it seems to

me that)

más… que


ni… ni




con (with) en mi opinión

(in my


menos… que


jamás (never


gordo/a (fat) asi que (so) dudo que (I

doubt that)

tan… como

(as… as)







supongo que

(I supose


mucho más

( much more)



grande (big) mientras (while) considero que

(I consider








de hecho

(in fact)

me aburre

( It bores me)


(extremely)No es

( he/she/it is






me fastidia

(it annoys me)algo (some/a


casi nunca

( hardly ever)

Page 5: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Regular verbs – present tense endings

-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs

I -o -o -o

you -as -es -es

he/she/it -a -e -e

we -amos -emos -imos

you (pl) -áis -éis -ís

they -an -en -en

Present tense - regular verbsThe present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in

present time or on a regular basis.

In Spanish, regular verbs are grouped into three categories:

-ar, -er and -ir.

To conjugate a verb, you must follow two steps.


Step 1 You need to remove the -ar, -er and -ir ending which

leaves you with the verb stem.

Beber beber beb

Step 2 Then you need to add the correct endings to the stem

depending on who is doing the action.


Page 6: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

(yo) soy I am

(tú) eres You are (sing)

(él/ella/usted) es He/she is

(nosotros) somos We are

(vosotros) sois You are (plural)

(ellos/ellas/ustedes) son They (m) (f) are

ser = to be

(used to describe permanent, unchanging things)

(yo) estoy I am

(tú) estás You are (sing)

(él/ella/usted) está He/she is

(nosotros) estamos We are

(vosotros) estáis You are (plural)

(ellos/ellas/ustedes) están They (m) (f) are

estar = to be

(used to describe positions and temporary conditions)

(yo) tengo I have

(tú) tienes You have (sing)

(él/ella/usted) tiene He/She has

(nosotros) tenemos We have

(vosotros) tenéis You have (plural)



They (m) (f) have

tener = to have

Present tense : To be and to have


Page 7: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Ir = to go

(yo) voy I go

(tú) vas You go (sing)

(él/ella/usted) va He/She goes

(nosotros) vamos We go

(vosotros) vais You go (plural)

(ellos/ellas/ustedes) van They (m) (f) go

(yo) hago I do

(tú) haces You do (sing)

(él/ella/usted) hace He/she does

(nosotros) hacemos We do

(vosotros) hacéis You do (plural)

(ellos/ellas/ustedes) hacen They (m) (f) do

hacer = to do

(yo) juego I play

(tú) juegas You play (sing)

(él/ella) juega He/she plays

(nosotros) jugamos We play

(vosotros) jugáis You play (plural)

(ellos/ellas/ustedes) juegan They (m) (f) play

jugar = to play

hay = there is/there are5

Present tense : To go, to do and to play

Page 8: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Saying what you are going to do

The present tense of IR (to go) + a + infinitive verb

IR – to go

(irregular verb)


(-ar –er –ir endings)









Near/Immediate future

1. Voy a ver la nueva película de HP este fin de semana.

I’m going to see the new Harry Potter film this weekend.

2. ¿Vas a ir al partido de fútbol?

Are you going to go to the football match?

3. Mis abuelos van a ir de vacaciones a Francia.

My grandparents are going to go on holiday to France.

4. Mi hermano no va a levantarse temprano hoy.

My brother is not going to get up early today.



Page 9: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

10 diez 100 cien

20 veinte 200 doscientos

30 treinta 300 trescientos

40 cuarenta 400 cuatrocientos

50 cincuenta 500 quinientos

60 sesenta 600 seiscientos

70 setenta 700 setecientos

80 ochenta 800 ochocientos

90 noventa 900 novecientos

1000 - mil

Cardinal and ordinal numbers1 un(o) / una

2 dos

3 tres

4 cuatro

5 cinco

6 seis

7 siete

8 ocho

9 nueve

10 diez

11 once

12 doce

13 trece

14 catorce

15 quince

16 dieciséis

17 diecisiete

18 dieciocho

19 diecinueve

20 veinte

21 veintiuno

22 veintidós

23 veintitrés

24 veinticuatro

25 veinticinco

26 veintiséis

27 veintisiete

28 veintiocho

29 veintinueve

30 treinta

31 treinta y uno

primero first

segundo second

tercero third

cuarto fourth

quinto fifth

sexto sixth

séptimo seventh

octavo eigth

noveno nineth

décimo tenth

1458 mil cuatrocientos cincuenta y ocho

2000 dos mil

1,000,000 un millón

2,000,000 dos millones


Use cardinal numbers for the date

Page 10: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Saludos Greetings

¡Buenos días! Good morning

¡Buenas tardes! Good afternoon

¡Buenas noches! Good evening

¡Hola! Hello

¡Adiós! Goodbye

¡Hasta luego! bye

Por favor please

Gracias thank you

¿Cómo estás? OR ¿Qué tal? How are you?

¿Y tú? And you?

Estoy….. I am…

fenomenal great

bien good/fine

regular ok

mal bad

¡fatal! awful


Hola¿Qué tál?

Page 11: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Saludos Greetings

¿Cómo te llamas? What’s your name?

Me llamo…. My name is…

¿Cómo se llama tu madre? What’s your mother’s


Se llama…. Her name is…

¿Cuántos años tiene tu madre? How old is your mother?

Tiene…. años She is……years old.

¿Tienes mascotas/ animales? Do you have any


(Sí/ No, no) Tengo… (Yes/ No, I don’t) have…

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? When is your birthday?

Mi cumpleaños es el….de….. My birthday is on the


¿Dónde vives? Where do you live?

Vivo en…... I live in…..


Page 12: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Los meses del año The months of the year

enero January

febrero February

marzo March

abril April

mayo May

junio June

julio July

agosto August

septiembre September

octubre October

noviembre November

diciembre December

Los días de la semana The days of the week

lunes Monday

martes Tuesday

miércoles Wednesday

jueves Thursday

viernes Friday

sábado Saturday

domingo Sunday

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

Mi cumpleaños es el … de…

When is your birthday

My birthday is the (day) of (month)


Page 13: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

azul blue

verde green

marrón brown

gris grey

negro/a black

blanco/a white

rojo/a red

amarillo/a yellow

rosa pink

naranja orange







Do you have



(Sí/ No, no)


(Yes/ No, I

don’t) have…

un caballo a horse

un cobaya a guinea pig

un conejo a rabbit

un gato a cat

un pájaro a bird

un perro a dog

un pez a fish

un ratón a mouse

una tortuga a tortoise

un hámster a hamster

AdjectivesIn sentences where the noun and the adjective come next to each

other, in Spanish it is the noun which comes first, usually. In English it is

the other way round. For example:

I have a white dog – Tengo un perro blanco

A big garden - Un jardín grande


Los colores (colours)Las mascotas (Pets)

Page 14: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

¿Cuántas personas hay en

tu familia?

En mi familia hay tres


mi hermano my brother

mi hermana my sister

mi padre my father

mi madre my mother

mis padres my parents

mi abuela my grandmother

mi abuelo my grandfather

mi primo my male cousin

mi prima my female cousin

mi tía my aunt

mi tío my uncle

unos gemelos twins

un gemelo a twin brother

una gemela a twin sister

soy hijo único/ hija única an only child

un hermanastro a step-brother

una hermanastra a step-sister

un padrastro a step-father

una madrastra a step-mother

un nieto a grandson

una nieta a granddaughter12

La familia (Family)

Page 15: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Es… He/she is…

alto/a tall

bajo/a short

gordo/a fat

delgado/a thin

guapo/a good looking

bonito/a pretty

feo/a ugly

grande big

pequeño/a small

Tiene los ojos… He/she has ___ eyes….

azules blue

marrones brown

verdes green

gris grey

Tiene el pelo.. He/she has___ hair…

rubio blond

marrón brown

pelirrojo ginger

negro black

blanco/gris white/grey

largo long

corto short

rizado curly

ondulado wavy

liso straight

Tiene… He/she has…

un bigote a moustache

una barba a beard

gafas glassess13

Descripción física (Physical description)

Page 16: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

simpatico/a nice

serio/a serious

gracioso/a, divertido/a funny, fun

trabajador/a hard-working

perezoso/a lazy

sociable outgoing

tímido/a shy

hablador talkative

callado quiet

egoísta selfish

generoso/a generous

paciente patient

impaciente impatient

optimista optimistic

pesimista pessimistic

feliz happy

triste sad

bueno/a good

malo/a , travieso/a bad, naughty

tonto silly

loco mad

inteligente,listo intelligent,clever

estupido/a stupid

imaginativo/a,creativo/a imaginative, creative

interesante interesting

aburrido/a boring


Carácter (Character description)

Page 17: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

las ciencias sciences

la educación física PE

el español Spanish

el francés French

el alemán German

la geografía Geography

la historia History

la informática ICT

el ingles English

las matemáticas Maths

la música Music

la religión RE

la tecnología Technology

el dibujo/el arte Art

la física Physics

el teatro Drama

el/la profesor/a The teacher

fácil/difícil,duro easy/difficult

emocionante/aburrido exciting/boring

práctico/a practical

útil/inútil useful/useless


Las asignaturas (School subjects)

Page 18: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

Es la una It’s one o’clock

Son las dos It’s two o’clock

y media half past

y cuarto quarter past

…y cinco five past…..

…menos cinco five to……..

…y veinte twenty past…….

….menos veinte twenty to…….

….y veinticinco twenty five past……

….menos veinticinco twenty five to…….

mediodía midday

medianoche midnight

(por)la mañana (in) the morning

(por) la tarde (in) the afternoon/evening

(por) la noche (in) the night

A las ocho de la tarde at 8 p.m.

¿A qué hora empieza(n)…? What time does…start?

¿A qué hora termina(n)…..? What time does ..finish?

las clases lessons

el recreo break


La hora (Time)

Page 19: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

¿Qué deportes practicas? What sports do you do?

Hago/ Practico … I do/ I practise…

(el) atletismo athletics

(el) ciclismo cycling

(el) esquí skiing

(el) patinaje skating

(la) equitación horse-riding

(la) natación swimming

(la) gimnasia gymnastics

(la) Vela sailing

Juego … I play..

al bádminton badminton

al rugby rugby

al baloncesto basketball

al squash squash

al cricket cricket

al tenis tennis

al fútbol football

al hockey hockey

al golf golf

al voleibol volleyball 17

Los deportes (Sports)

Page 20: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Pasatiempos Hobbies

¿Te gusta …? Do you like …?

Me encanta … I love to…..

Me aburre… It bores me…

(No ) me gusta … I (don’t) like …..

Odio/detesto I hate…….

Me da igual It’s all the same to me

Prefiero … I prefer…

No aguanto… I can’t stand…

bailar to dance

jugar al fútbol To play football

jugar con el ordenador To play with the computer

jugar a los videojuegos To play videogames

cantar To sing

leer to read

escuchar música to listen to music

mandar mensajes to send texts

hablar por teléfono to talk on the phone

montar a caballo to go horse-riding

ir a la piscina to go to the pool

navegar por Internet to surf the net

ir al cine to go to the cinema

ir al polideportivo to go to the sports centre


Page 21: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Pasatiempos Hobbies

pasar tiempo con mi familia To spend time with my family

salir con mis amigos to go out with my friends

ir de compras to go shopping

tocar la guitarra to play the guitar

ver la televisión To watch TV

sacar fotos To take photos

viajar To travel

hacer/ practicar deporte To do/ practise sports

hacer gimnasia To do gynmastics


Page 22: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Pasatiempos Hobbies

¿Qué haces en tu tiempo


What do you do in your free


En mi tiempo libre… In my free time…

¿Qué haces los fines de

semana?What do you do at weekends?

Los fines de semana ... At weekends…

siempre always

normalmente normally/usually

una vez a la semana once a week

dos veces a la semana twice a week

a veces sometimes

nunca never

Voy … I go..

a un partido de fútbol to a footbal match

a la piscina to the swimming pool

a casa de mis abuelos to my grandparents’ house

al cine to the cinema

de compras shopping

al parque to the park

al cine to the cinema


Page 23: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Pasatiempos Hobbies

Hago…. I do..

deporte sport

mis deberes my homework

artes marciales martial arts

Navego por internet I surf the net

Escucho música I listen to music

Juego a las cartas I play cards

Monto en bicicleta I go cycling

Salgo con mis amigos I go out with my friends

Toco la guitarra I play the guitar

Veo la televisión. I watch tv

bailo I dance


Page 24: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

¿Qué tiempo hace? What is the weather like?

Hace … It is

buen tiempo good weather

calor hot

fresco cool

frío cool

mal tiempo bad weather

sol sunny

viento windy

niebla foggy

buen tiempo good weather

Hay… There is..

niebla fog

tormenta a storm

Llueve it’s raining

Nieva it’s snowing

Cuando hace buen

tiempo…When it is nice weather…


El tiempo (the weather)

Page 25: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Mi vocabulario


Page 26: Español - Whitmore High · Present tense - regular verbs The present tense is used to talk about an action taking place in present time or on a regular basis. In Spanish, regular

Mi vocabulario