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Graduate Program follows ES Graduate & Early Career Development Framework

How to use the Graduate Development Plan

"Cover" and ''Timeline'' Sheet

"Onboarding" Sheet

"Professional Skills Assessment and Results" Sheet

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"Professional Skills Learning Solutions" Sheet

"Role-Specific Learning Solutions" Sheet

"Workday" sheet

Document Storage

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Graduate Program follows ES Graduate & Early Career Development Framework

How to use the Graduate Development Plan

"Cover" and ''Timeline'' Sheet

> You can personalise the Graduate Development Plan by adding a picture> Enter the planned dates for the applicable meetings (change if actual meeting date is different)

> Once the meeting is completed put "Yes" in the fields in columns N and column O.

"Onboarding" Sheet > This sheet lists key onboarding learning courses and development activities that must be completed during the first month.

"Professional Skills Assessment and Results" Sheet

> Fill in the relevant names, start and planned program end dates to personalise the Graduate Development Plan (where applicable)

> Kindly note that it is expected that you and your Manager conduct short Development and Progress Review Meetings every 3 months. The purpose of these meetings is to review the development activities, completion progress and review task performance. During the 6-monthly Overall Performance Review sessions it is expected for you to review and update the goals set in Workday. For more details see the guidelines in sheet "Workday".

> There are 10 Business and Professional Skills, which every employee need to master in order to be able to successfully operate in a contemporary business world. Use the Assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development in Professional Competencies. > Once you have completed the Employee column of the Assessment, you will see your results. Meet with your Manager to review your Results, to receive feedback and discuss your Development Plan.

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"Professional Skills Learning Solutions" Sheet

> Complete the Assessment, and review your Results with you manager before creating your personal Development Plan.

"Role-Specific Learning Solutions" Sheet > In the sheet are listed training which are specially selected for the Career Track.

"Workday" sheet

Document Storage The Graduate Development Plan should be regularly updated by the Graduate prior or during the meetings with the Manager.

> Competency –based education is most effective because it enables graduates and early career employees to focus on the skills and behaviors that are critical for being successful in a corporate environment. The ES Graduate & Early Career Professional Curriculum lists the paths and courses for developing key professional competencies.

> Read the instructions how to create your Learning Plan. And remember some of the embedded deep links might not work, therefore use the url to the ES Graduate & Early Career Curriculum in Grow@hp. The curriculum consists of 10 learning paths corresponding to the 10 professional skills.

> In this sheet guidelines are provided about the performance activities that have to be conducted and systems that have to be used.> The performance management process has a high importance for your future professional and career development. Together with your Manager you should ensure that all performance related activities are completed within the expected timelines.

In alignment with existing data privacy requirements we recommend the Graduate Development Plan to be stored locally in Graduate's and/or Manager's computer.

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Graduate Program


<Graduates Name>


<Managers Name>

Immediate Supervisor (if different than the manager)

< Immediate Supervisor's Name >

Planned Start Date (MM/YY)

Planned Graduation Date* (MM/YY)

A record of your development plans, development achievements and performance

during your HP Graduate Program

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Graduate Program

Insert Photo Here

Immediate Supervisor (if different than the manager)

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Activity Date

Kickoff meeting

Annual Review Session (12 m)

Graduation Details

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (3m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (6m)

Overall Performance Review Session (6m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (9m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (12m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (15m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (18m)

Overall Performance Review Session (18m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (21m)

Development and Performance Progress Meeting (24m)

Annual Review Session (24m, if applicable)

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Mark Complete: Staff

Manager/Immediate Supervisor

Mark Complete:


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Career Track: Business Consulting

Development Area

Hewlett Packard Onboarding

HP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your Company

HP Company Onboarding: Know Your Company

HP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know Your CompanyHP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know your business

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HP Company Onboarding


HP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know your business HP Company Onboarding: Know your business Project&Program Management Career track

Project&Program Management Career track

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Training Name/Link

Hewlett Packard Onboarding

Graduate New Employee Onboarding

Day 1 Activities

Week 1 Activities

Week 1 Learning

Enterprise Services Onboarding site

Navigating the HP Portal - Course ID 00104405

Navigating Virtual Rooms - Participant Course ID 00116043

Navigating the Global and Virtual Workplace - Course ID 00109577

Navigating Social Networks - Course ID 00116047

Building Your Career at Hp - Course ID 00760571

Standards of Business Conduct Training - Course ID 00089119

Global Trade Export Awareness - Course ID 14860

Global Trade - Customs Awareness - Course ID 14861

Cyber Security Phishing Awareness - Course ID 00679396

Customer Experience & NPS All-Employee Course

Welcome to HP Enterprise Services - Course ID: 00112960

Welcome to Infrastructure Technology Outsourcing (ITO) - Course ID 00209538

HPU ES Onboarding

HP Enterprise Services Introduction to Quality - Course ID 00097822

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Register to SkillPort Project Management Knowledge centre

Enroll in Mentoring & Coaching Programme

Close any gaps in MS 2010 (Excel, Word, Powerpoint)

Enterprise Services Strategy

ES Market and Competitive Intelligence Center

What We Sell - HP Portfolio

Review PPM AcademyReview Project Management Knowledge Center/ select Learning Roadmaps

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Additional Information Course ID Duration Hrs Priority 1 Month


24 Mandatory x

8 Mandatory x

3 Mandatory x

6.5 Mandatory x

1 Mandatory x

WBT 00104405 0.30 Optional x

WBT 00116043 0.30 Optional x

WBT 00109577 0.30 Optional x

WBT 00116047 0.30 Optional x

WBT 00760571 0.50 Optional x

WBT 00089119 1 Mandatory x

WBT 14860 1 Mandatory x

WBT 14861 1 Mandatory x

WBT 00679396 0.17 Mandatory x

WBT 00871322 0.25 Mandatory x

WBT 00112960 1 Optional

WBT 00209538 1 Optional

Webpage N/A 1 Optional x

WBT 00097822 1 Optional x

You will be invited to this training. Training hours will depend on format of training. 3 Days - 24 hours - Kickstart - 80 hours - and Virtual Training - 20 hoursComplete Day 1 activities listed in the page

Review Week1 Checklist and complete the activities;Review the available dates for the next Welcome call and book your attendance. Review and complete the activities listed in Week 1 Learning:Who we are;How we work;Make it matterReview and bookmark the website in your favorites

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Webpage N/A 1 Optional x

Webpage N/A 1 Optional x

Webpage N/A 1 Optional x

N/A 0.50 Optional x

N/A 0.50 Optional x

N/A 0.50 Optional xOptional x

Project management knowledge centre

Learning Roadmap - New to Project ManagementGrow@HP or Skillport

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Career Track: Business Consulting

2 - 10 Months

10 - 24 Months

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Professional Skills Assessment

Professional Skills Assessment

No. Professional Competencies EmployeeCompetency 1. Effective Business Communication




45 demonstrates negotiating and influencing skills to persuade others

Competency 2. Change Management



Complete this Assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development in Professional Competencies: 1) In each of the behavior rows, click on the cell in the Employee column. 2) Click on the drop-down arrow. 3) Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, using the Rating Scale. You can also select NA (Not Applicable). The averages are calculated automatically.4) Review your results on the Results worksheet. Once you completed the Employee column of the Assessment, meet with your manager to review your Results and receive feedback. Priortise your development needs and create a realistic Development Plan.

Rating Scale:Strength to Leverage - 5

Solid - 4Opportunity for Growth - 3

Development Need - 2 Strong Development Need -

1Not Applicable - NA

appropriately uses HP communication vehicles (e.g., scheduled meetings, virtual check-ins) to ensure stakeholder or team alignment with business goals, challenges, projects, new business and leadership changes

applies relevant communication style, language and business etiquette during presentations, written & oral communication to suit an audience of cultural and linguistic diversity so that a message is delivered professionally and received favorably. understands the challenges involved with remote management and works effectively in remotely managed, virtual team environments and demonstrates cultural awareness and environmental tolerance when managing virtual and/ or remote meetings.

consistently demonstrates reliability and adaptability in meeting the challenges of working within global time zones and having a strong work ethic in making oneself available to team members and customers to satisfy the business needs.

builds understanding of effective change management concepts and processes aligns and leverages organizational systems needed to achieve major change initiatives

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910 acts as a change agent for organizational change initiatives

Competency 3. Project Management







4. Presentation skills




5. Innovation and Creativity


2627 readily adopts new ideas and encourages others to do the same28 delivers innovative solutions that add customer value29 thinks out-of-the box

6. Business & Financial Acumen




demonstrates the ability to inspire, and energize others to embrace change as an opportunity, not an obstacledemonstrates openness toward change, understands the change needed, and embrace the change as an opportunity, not an obstacle

effectively organizes and manages program/project work (e.g., scope control, time/cost management, establishment of standards/requirements, communication, resource identification/procurement) values a methodical, well-planned approach to prioritizing, implementing, tracking, and communicating program/project work applies systems concepts and strategies to clarify tasks, set clear milestones and deliverables, and ensure precise communicationsreconfigures project components as needed to better manage tasks and resources, and maintains clarity of purpose even under trying situations (e.g., tasks, timelines, resource allocation) Resolves issues in a way that maintains project progress, solution quality, and stakeholder support

Understands how changing requirements and unintended consequences impact project success, and builds contingencies to manage these factors

presents information clearly and effectively to get the key message across the different audiences ( senior managers, customers, high-level contacts, international or multicultural audiences)applies best practices for designing, developing and delivering compelling virtual and live presentation applies influencing and persuasion techniques to ensure positive results

applies knowledge of the internal and external environment to recommend innovations that create value challenges the current state and proactively identifies opportunities to innovate

understands what it takes to manage a business and uses these insights to gain better understanding of the organization supported applies basic financial accounting concepts, principles, and data to business decision making – cost ledgers, balance sheets, revenue projections, etc.

applies financial models to create value propositions using client data (e.g., profitability ratios, operating ratios, leverage ratios)

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7. Emotional Intelligence





8. Personal Effectiveness41 accurately sizes the time required to accomplish tasks 42 keeps scheduled appointments



9. Consulting and focusing on customers








10. Problem Analysis & Solving5253 recognizes, defines, and resolves problems

accurately interprets standard contracts and their components -- basic terms & conditions, exemptions or clauses, boilerplate agreements accesses and engages business, financial or legal specialists as required to facilitate planning and decision-making

builds self-awareness through understanding, managing, and expressing one’s emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.

develops and maintains good relationships, inspires and influences others, works well in a team, and manages conflicts.

understands the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, picks up on emotional cues, feels comfortable socially, and recognizes the power dynamics in a group or organization.

controls one's own impulsive feelings and behaviors in a healthy way, takes initiative, follows through on commitments, and adapts to changing circumstances

effectively and efficiently organizes and prioritizes tasks – differentiating the tactical from the strategic keeps other stakeholders updated in a timely manner on progress with tasks

consults with customers by articulating their problems, identifying issues and advising on alternatives recommends solutions that respond to stated requirements. Uses active listening skills to probe for specific requirements and to identify challenges and potential problems

proactively provides information to the customer by understanding what the customer might want/need even if they don't ask for it. Thinks ahead and adds information based on what else the customer may need to do to solve the issue.

prepares thoroughly for all engagements, demonstrating sensitivity to the use of client time and attention builds credibility and trust by putting the customers’ best interests first and consistently delivering on commitmentsunderstands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives and evaluating alternatives

understands the impact of proper expectation setting on customer satisfaction and effectively manages client's expectation over the course of a project

applies a systematic approach to problem analysis and problem solving

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5556 identifies and critically analyzes solution alternatives before taking action


uses problem-related information to assess the impact on plans, milestones, and schedulessynthesizes the insights of colleagues, management, and other resources to understand the dimensions of a proposed solution

ensures timely decision making by applying rational, experience-based judgment when comprehensive information is lacking

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Professional Skills Assessment

Professional Skills Assessment Professional Skills Assessment Results


Manager EmployeeManager0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 Chart Information

Complete this Assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development in Professional

You can also select NA (Not Applicable). The averages are calculated

Once you completed the Employee column of the Assessment, meet with your manager to review your Results and receive feedback. Priortise your development needs and create a realistic Development Plan.

Rating Scale:Strength to Leverage - 5

Solid - 4Opportunity for Growth - 3

Development Need - 2 Strong Development Need -

1Not Applicable - NA

This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Problem Analysis & Solving

Consulting and focusing on customers

Personal Effectiveness

Emotional Intelligence

Business & Financial Acumen

Innovation and Creativity

Presentation skills

Project Management

Change Management

Effective Business Communication

0 1 2 3 4 5

Employee Manager

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0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Rating Scale:

5 = Strength to Leverage4 = Solid

3 = Opportunity for Growth2 = Development Need

1 = Strong Development Need

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0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

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Professional Skills Assessment

Professional Skills Assessment Results

Chart Information

This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Problem Analysis & Solving

Consulting and focusing on customers

Personal Effectiveness

Emotional Intelligence

Business & Financial Acumen

Innovation and Creativity

Presentation skills

Project Management

Change Management

Effective Business Communication

0 1 2 3 4 5

Employee Manager

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This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Rating Scale:

5 = Strength to Leverage4 = Solid

3 = Opportunity for Growth2 = Development Need

1 = Strong Development Need

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Professional Skills Learning Solutions

Learning Solutions

HP Skillport Learning Solution

Competency 1. Effective Business Communication

The Art of Global Communication

Communicating Across CulturesWorking with meetings in Outlook

Microsoft 2010: Getting started with Lync



n/a Virtual Teams (Harvard ManageMentor11)


Competency 2: Change Management

Complete the Assessment, and review your Results before creating your personal Development Plan.1. Click in the blue cell in the Select column of all Professional Competencies. Click the drop-down arrow. Select Yes if you received an Assessment average rating of 3 or less. 2. Review the list of learning solutions for your selected Professional Competencies. Click the cell in the Select column. Click the drop-down arrow.3. Select: Yes for learning solutions that you want to include in your Development Plan. Maybe for courses that you want to consider, investigate further, or discuss with your manager before including them in your Development Plan. No for courses that you do not want to include. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet. NA for courses that are not applicable. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet.4. Enter a target completion date for each selected learning solution (this is your Development Plan schedule). 5. When you have completed a learning solution, enter the completion date. 6. Some of the embedded deep links might not work, therefore use the url to ES Graduate & Early Career Curriculum in Grow@hp. The curriculum consists of 10 learning paths corresponding to the 10 professional skills.

ES Graduate & Early Career Curriculum


Competency Description: • appropriately uses HP communication vehicles (e.g., scheduled meetings, virtual check-ins) to ensure stakeholder or team alignment with business goals, challenges, projects, new business and leadership changes• applies relevant communication style, language and business etiquette during presentations, written & oral communication to suit an audience of cultural and linguistic diversity so that a message is delivered professionally and received favorably. • understands the challenges involved with remote management and works effectively in remotely managed, virtual team environments and demonstrates cultural awareness and environmental tolerance when managing virtual and/ or remote meetings. • consistently demonstrates reliability and adaptability in meeting the challenges of working within global time zones and having a strong work ethic in making oneself available to team members and customers to satisfy the business needs.

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortDealing with Common Meeting Problems


Link to GrowCommunicating with your Audience - From

Campus to Corporate

Link to GrowInterpersonal Communication: Targeting Your

MessageLink to GrowLink to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Link to GrowImproving Communication in Cross-Cultural


Link to GrowStrategies for Communicating with Tact and

DiplomacyLink to Grow

Link to Grow@hpTechniques for Communicating Effectively with

Senior Executives

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Understanding Organizational ChangeUnderstanding Organizational Power and Politics


n/a Back To Basics - Change Management


n/aCompetency 3. Project Management

Initiating and Planning a ProjectProject Management Fundamentals WEB

Managing a ProjectTroubleshooting and Closing the Project

Competency 4: Presentation skills

Communicating Across Cultures

Competency Description: • builds understanding of effective change management concepts and processes • aligns and leverages organizational systems needed to achieve major change initiatives• demonstrates the ability to inspire, and energize others to embrace change as an opportunity, not an obstacle• demonstrates openness toward change, understands the change needed, and embrace the change as an opportunity, not an obstacle• acts as a change agent for organizational change initiatives

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow

Handling Organizational Change Simulation (PD003A)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortBusiness Interpersonal Communication Skills: Resolving Conflict with Communication Skills

(comm_02_a06_bs_enus)Link to Grow

Link to GrowManaging Organizational Change: Managing

Change: Building Positive Support for Change - English (mgmt_13_a02_bs_enus)

Link to GrowChange Management (Harvard


Competency Description: • effectively organizes and manages program/project work (e.g., scope control, time/cost management, establishment of standards/requirements, communication, resource identification/procurement) • values a methodical, well-planned approach to prioritizing, implementing, tracking, and communicating program/project work • applies systems concepts and strategies to clarify tasks, set clear milestones and deliverables, and ensure precise communications• reconfigures project components as needed to better manage tasks and resources, and maintains clarity of purpose even under trying situations (e.g., tasks, timelines, resource allocation) • resolves issues in a way that maintains project progress, solution quality, and stakeholder support • understands how changing requirements and unintended consequences impact project success, and builds contingencies to manage these factors

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Plan and Manage Project Communications (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Developing and Controlling the Project Schedule (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Direct, Monitor, and Control Project Work (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Competency Description: • presents information clearly and effectively to get the key message across the different audiences ( senior managers, customers, high-level contacts, international or multicultural audiences)• applies best practices for designing, developing and delivering compelling virtual and live presentation • applies influencing and persuasion techniques to ensure

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation (comm_33_a03_bs_enus)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation (comm_33_a02_bs_enus)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Basic Presentation Skills: Planning a Presentation (comm_33_a01_bs_enus),

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Interpersonal Communication: Targeting Your Message

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort

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Competency 5: Innovation and Creativity

Understanding Organizational Power and PoliticsUsing Strategic Thinking Skills

Competency 6: Business & Financial Acumen

n/a Finance Essentials (Harvard ManageMentor11)

n/a Client Driven Sales Methodology

Competency 7: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Getting Results without Direct Authority: Persuasive Communication

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Getting Results without Direct Authority: Influencing Your Boss (comm_27_a04_bs_enus)

Competency Description: • applies knowledge of the internal and external environment to recommend innovations that create value • challenges the current state and proactively identifies opportunities to innovate • readily adopts new ideas and encourages others to do the same• delivers innovative solutions that add customer value• thinks out-of-the box results

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortGenerating Creative and Innovative Ideas:

Enhancing Your CreativityLink to Grow Link to Grow Innovation and Creativity (Harvard

ManageMentor11)Link to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Competency Description: • understands what it takes to manage a business and uses these insights to gain better understanding of the organization supported • applies basic financial accounting concepts, principles, and data to business decision making – cost ledgers, balance sheets, revenue projections, etc. • applies financial models to create value propositions using client data (e.g., profitability ratios, operating ratios, leverage ratios) • accurately interprets standard contracts and their components -- basic terms & conditions, exemptions or clauses, boilerplate agreements • accesses and engages business, financial or legal specialists as required to facilitate planning and decision-makingLink to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportThe Principles of Accounting and Finance for

Non-financial Professionals

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportCash Flow Management Essentials for Non-

financial Professionals

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportThe Time Value of Money and Investment Decisions for Non-financial Professionals

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportEssentials of Budgeting for Non-financial


Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportFinancial Statements for Non-financial

Professionals Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Analyzing Financial Statements for Non-financial Professionals

Competency Description: • builds self-awareness through understanding, managing, and expressing one’s emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. • develops and maintains good relationships, inspires and influences others, works well in a team, and manages conflicts. • understands the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, picks up on emotional cues, feels comfortable socially, and recognizes the power dynamics in a group or organization. • controls one's own impulsive feelings and behaviors in a healthy way, takes initiative, follows through on commitments, and adapts to changing circumstances

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortDeveloping the Right Attitude for Performing

under PressureLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortImproving Your Emotional Intelligence Skills:

Self-awareness and Self-managementLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

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Using Emotional Intelligence on the Job

Competency 8:Personal Effectiveness

n/a Elements of a Cohesive Team


Competency 9: Consulting and focusing on customers

n/a Customer Experience and Net Promoter Score

Effective Relationships with Customers

Link to GrowEmotional Intelligence at Work: Emotional

Intelligence at Work Simulation (COMM009A)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortEmotional Intelligence at Work: Increasing

Emotional Intelligence (comm_09_a04_bs_enus)Link to Grow Link to SkillPort

Competency Description: • accurately sizes the time required to accomplish tasks • keeps scheduled appointments • effectively and efficiently organizes and prioritizes tasks – differentiating the tactical from the strategic • keeps other stakeholders updated in a timely manner on progress with tasks

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortCampus to Corporate: Developing a Professional


Link to Grow Link to SkillPortEffective Time Management: Analyzing Your Use

of Time (pd_11_a01_bs_enus)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortEffective Time Management: Avoiding Time

Stealers (pd_11_a03_bs_enus)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortEffective Time Management: Planning and Prioritizing Your Time (pd_11_a02_bs_enus)

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortFundamentals of Organizational Behavior for the


Link to Grow@hp Link to SkillPortOptimizing Your Performance on a Team: Being

an Effective Team Member - English (team_02_a01_bs_enus)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortPersonal Productivity: Self-organization and

Overcoming Procrastination

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortProfessionalism, Business Etiquette, and

Personal Accountability

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortForming Peer Relationships and Alliances at

Work (pd_17_a03_bs_enus)

Link to GrowHP's CQ - Delivering Team Effectiveness through

Cultural Competence

Competency Description: • consults with customers by articulating their problems, identifying issues and advising on alternatives • recommends solutions that respond to stated requirements. Uses active listening skills to probe for specific requirements and to identify challenges and potential problems• proactively provides information to the customer by understanding what the customer might want/need even if they don't ask for it. Thinks ahead and adds information based on what else the customer may need to do to solve the issue.• prepares thoroughly for all engagements, demonstrating sensitivity to the use of client time and attention • builds credibility and trust by putting the customers’ best interests first and consistently delivering on commitments• understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives and evaluating alternatives• understands the impact of proper expectation setting on customer satisfaction and effectively manages client's expectation over the course of a project

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortCustomer Advocacy: Enhancing the Customer

ExperienceLink to Grow@hp Link to SkillPort

Link to Grow@hp Link to SkillPortInterpersonal Communication: Listening


Link to Grow@hp Link to SkillPortCustomer Advocacy: Enhancing the Customer


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n/a Identifying Your Customers' Expectations

n/a The Client-Consultant RelationshipCompetency 10: Problem Analysis & Solving

Using Strategic Thinking Skills

n/a Decision Making (Harvard ManageMentor11)Problem Solving: The Fundamentals

Decision Making: The FundamentalsDecision Making: Tools and Techniques

Problem Solving: Digging Deeper

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Link to SkillPortIdentifying and Managing Customer Expectations (cust_10_a01_bs_enus)

Link to Grow@hp Link to SkillPortCustomer-driven Process Improvement: Basic

FrameworkLink to Grow@hp

Competency Description: • applies a systematic approach to problem analysis and problem solving• recognizes, defines, and resolves problems• uses problem-related information to assess the impact on plans, milestones, and schedules• synthesizes the insights of colleagues, management, and other resources to understand the dimensions of a proposed solution• identifies and critically analyzes solution alternatives before taking action• ensures timely decision making by applying rational, experience-based judgment when comprehensive information is lacking

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportProblem Solving: Determining and Building Your

StrengthsLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow Link to HP SkillportProblem Solving and Decision Making

Strategies: Decision Making: The Fundamentals - English (pd_12_a04_bs_enus), #00274313

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportProblem Solving: Determining and Building Your

StrengthsLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow Link to HP SkillportProblem Solving and Decision Making

Strategies: Decision Making: Tools and Techniques (pd_12_a05_bs_enus), #00296629

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Professional Skills Learning Solutions

Learning Solutions

Level Type Select

Competency 1. Effective Business Communication

Learning Plan

3.5 Advanced WBT

1 Foundation WBT

0.2 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT





Competency 2: Change Management

Complete the Assessment, and review your Results before creating your personal Development Plan. column of all Professional Competencies. Click the drop-down arrow. Select Yes if you received an Assessment

2. Review the list of learning solutions for your selected Professional Competencies. Click the cell in the Select column. Click the drop-down arrow. for learning solutions that you want to include in your Development Plan.

for courses that you want to consider, investigate further, or discuss with your manager before including them in your Development

for courses that you do not want to include. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet. for courses that are not applicable. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet.

for each selected learning solution (this is your Development Plan schedule). completion date.

6. Some of the embedded deep links might not work, therefore use the url to ES Graduate & Early Career Curriculum in Grow@hp. The curriculum consists of 10 learning paths corresponding to the 10 professional skills.

ES Graduate & Early Career Curriculum#




appropriately uses HP communication vehicles (e.g., scheduled meetings, virtual check-ins) to ensure stakeholder or team alignment with business goals, challenges, projects, new business and leadership changes

applies relevant communication style, language and business etiquette during presentations, written & oral communication to suit an audience of cultural and linguistic diversity so that a message is delivered professionally and received favorably.

understands the challenges involved with remote management and works effectively in remotely managed, virtual team environments and demonstrates cultural awareness and environmental tolerance when managing virtual and/ or remote

consistently demonstrates reliability and adaptability in meeting the challenges of working within global time zones and having a strong work ethic in making oneself available to team members and customers to satisfy the business needs.





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Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT

0.5 WBT


1 Foundation WBT

1 Advanced WBT

1 Advanced WBTCompetency 3. Project Management

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT1.5 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT3 Foundation WBT



1.5 WBT

Competency 4: Presentation skills

Learning Plan


1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

aligns and leverages organizational systems needed to achieve major change initiativesdemonstrates the ability to inspire, and energize others to embrace change as an opportunity, not an obstacledemonstrates openness toward change, understands the change needed, and embrace the change as an opportunity, not an



effectively organizes and manages program/project work (e.g., scope control, time/cost management, establishment of

values a methodical, well-planned approach to prioritizing, implementing, tracking, and communicating program/project work applies systems concepts and strategies to clarify tasks, set clear milestones and deliverables, and ensure precise

reconfigures project components as needed to better manage tasks and resources, and maintains clarity of purpose even

resolves issues in a way that maintains project progress, solution quality, and stakeholder support understands how changing requirements and unintended consequences impact project success, and builds contingencies to




presents information clearly and effectively to get the key message across the different audiences ( senior managers,

applies best practices for designing, developing and delivering compelling virtual and live presentation


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Competency 5: Innovation and Creativity

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT1 WBT1 WBT

Competency 6: Business & Financial Acumen

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

0.5 Foundation WBT


1 Advanced WBT

Competency 7: Emotional Intelligence

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT

1.5 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT



applies knowledge of the internal and external environment to recommend innovations that create value


understands what it takes to manage a business and uses these insights to gain better understanding of the organization

applies basic financial accounting concepts, principles, and data to business decision making – cost ledgers, balance sheets,

applies financial models to create value propositions using client data (e.g., profitability ratios, operating ratios, leverage

accurately interprets standard contracts and their components -- basic terms & conditions, exemptions or clauses, boilerplate

accesses and engages business, financial or legal specialists as required to facilitate planning and decision-making


builds self-awareness through understanding, managing, and expressing one’s emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.

develops and maintains good relationships, inspires and influences others, works well in a team, and manages conflicts. understands the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, picks up on emotional cues, feels comfortable socially, and

controls one's own impulsive feelings and behaviors in a healthy way, takes initiative, follows through on commitments, and

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0.5 WBT



Competency 8:Personal Effectiveness

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT


0.75 WBT

Competency 9: Consulting and focusing on customers

Learning Plan

0.5 Foundation

1 Foundation WBT

2 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

4.5 WBT




effectively and efficiently organizes and prioritizes tasks – differentiating the tactical from the strategic



consults with customers by articulating their problems, identifying issues and advising on alternatives recommends solutions that respond to stated requirements. Uses active listening skills to probe for specific requirements and

proactively provides information to the customer by understanding what the customer might want/need even if they don't ask for it. Thinks ahead and adds information based on what else the customer may need to do to solve the issue.

prepares thoroughly for all engagements, demonstrating sensitivity to the use of client time and attention builds credibility and trust by putting the customers’ best interests first and consistently delivering on commitmentsunderstands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives and

understands the impact of proper expectation setting on customer satisfaction and effectively manages client's expectation


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4.5 WBT


1 Advanced WBT

5 Advanced WBTCompetency 10: Problem Analysis & Solving

Learning Plan

1 Advanced WBT 1 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT

1 Foundation WBT






uses problem-related information to assess the impact on plans, milestones, and schedulessynthesizes the insights of colleagues, management, and other resources to understand the dimensions of a proposed solution

ensures timely decision making by applying rational, experience-based judgment when comprehensive information is lacking




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Role Specific Skills Assessment

Consulting Competencies Assessment

No. Consulting Foundations CompetenciesCompetency 1: Facilitation



3Competency 2: Presentation

4 knows how to apply various presentation styles and approaches



Competency 3: Decision Making



9Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

A.Critical ES business differentiating capabilities - quality, innovation, advisory and business partnering skillsComplete this Assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development in Consulting Foundation Competencies: 1) In each of the behavior rows, click on the cell in the Employee column. 2) Click on the drop-down arrow. 3) Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, using the Rating Scale. You can also select NA (Not Applicable). The averages are calculated automatically.4) Review your results on the Results worksheet. Once you completed the Employee column of the Assessment, meet with your manager to review your Results and receive feedback. Priortise your development needs and create a realistic Development Plan.

understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and formats to effectively manage meetings to specific outcomes.manages interactions, group norms, and group dynamics (including undercurrents, both verbal and non-verbal).assists in organizing ideas, achieving consensus, and managing objections.

effectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and content to address the differences between technical and executive presentations)

develops and delivers clear, concise, and compelling messages in an engaging way.

understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives, establishing and evaluating alternatives.

understands the impact of personal or cultural biases on decision making. Identifies and evaluates decision implications and consequences.

effectively utilizes decision making models and appropriate decision making techniques to various situations

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Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing


15 understands key writing characteristics and messages



Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

1819 communicates effectively in a team20 balances team contributions and provides mutual support.

2122 mitigates conflict in a team.

23Competency 7: Expectation Setting & Handling



26Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems







Competency 9: Defining a Solution

understands the importance and impact of effective communications and is an effective listener, utilizing a variety of active listening techniques to eliminate communication barriersseeks understanding through effective, non-confrontational questioning. Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward and downward

understands what to communicate when, and how to utilize different communication platforms in different settings

effectively handles challenging conversations, especially when communicating difficult messages

has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-facing business documents.

applies appropriate tone, and develops effective written content based on purpose and targeted readership of a business documenteffectively organizes writing content to increase reader understanding.

facilitates effective team member interaction including cooperation with other team members

effectively provides others with feedback, and appropriately receives feedback.

utilizes various approaches for working collaboratively with other team members.

understands the importance of setting appropriate expectations of performance with both managers and clients.effectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even over-achieved the agreed upon expectation

understands the impact of good expectation setting on customer satisfaction and commercial success of a project.

effectively utilizes methods and techniques to gather, process, and analyze facts and data that are relevant to an issuebreaks complex issues down into components and understands thought patternsutilizes effective questioning to understand and frame problems and is able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize potential solutions. identifies priorities for resolution, weighs alternatives, and generates optionsidentifies implications of resolutions and plans to overcome barrierseffectively and efficiently draws conclusions and generates solutions based on facts and logical reasoning

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Competency 10: Requirements Development








Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals





Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation


Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition, scoping, and delivery of a solution within a consulting engagement.Utilizes standard methods and techniques for understanding the client's issues and is able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles and applying simple solution modeling techniques, as appropriate, to drive communication and understanding.Understands and applies methods for assessing a proposed solution to its requirements, as well as assessing an organization's readiness to adopt it.Understands the elements and techniques for validating a solution.

understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation methods (e.g., interviews, focus group, etc.)assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias. identifies domain constraints that limit the functionality or performance of the system or product to be built. Identifies the rationale for each requirement that is recorded.

discovers usage scenarios or use cases to help customers/users better identify key requirements and define "qualities and constraints" (non-functional requirements).identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for prototyping.models rationales and assumptions and captures and documents definitions of termsanalyzes and documents measurements (acceptance criteria) and priorities.

For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes necessary for HP and the client. This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size and duration. Understands the structure and purpose of project plans, and is able effectively to contribute to project planning activities.Understands the interaction of scope, schedule, and resources throughout the project lifecycle. Identifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work breakdown structures, estimation, risk identification, dependency identification, and dependency management.Utilizes techniques and tools for tracking, assessing, and communicating project progress at the individual contributor level.

Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that is to be done on a project, even if input data is incomplete, uncertain, or unstable.

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51 Knows how to establish a rough-order-of-magnitude estimate.


Competency 13: Managing Boundaries




Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship




Competency 15: Working Across Cultures






Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness





Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch


69 effectively formulates and delivers an elevator speech.


Identifies best information and/or resources available for making an estimate and reducing uncertainty. Effectively uses prior experience to form estimates.

Understands the difference between work and duration and utilizes common estimating methods and techniques to create an estimate (e.g., brainstorming).

Identifies and communicates variables, assumptions, and potential roadblocks in estimating work or duration of tasks.

sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demands.understands why boundaries are important and how to develop boundaries.has the ability to express and maintain both personal and professional boundaries.

sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demandsunderstands why boundaries are important and how to develop boundariesHas the ability to express and maintain both personal and professional boundaries.

understands cultural context and how culture affects personal and business interactions. identifies and applies cultural do's and don'ts in a cross-cultural team.modifies personal style to ensure appropriate behaviors within other cultures.understands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification of and recognition of cultural thought patterns and contextual patterns of corporate culture.appropriately applies cultural norms to intercultural communications, including providing feedback, error handling, non-verbal communication, and email.

understands various social styles and learning styles and how they impact interpersonal and professional relationships.has the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully with complex social and professional relationships.modifies personal style to ensure effective relationships with others and is considerate of the feelings and experiences of others. reacts to others in a socially and professionally appropriate way, especially in stressful or conflict situations.

has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it in a way that is appropriate for a stakeholder.

understands when and how to tailor an elevator speech for different audiences or stakeholders.

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Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills68





72 effectively manages personal and professional development.

understands and applies common approaches and techniques for developing an elevator pitch for a solution to a client's problem.

works independently and manages a healthy level of self-motivation.understands and applies good practices from experienced consultants for effectively managing the stress and challenges of life "on the road". effectively stays engaged with their team, organization, and HP, even though they may be disconnected from HP corporate contact.understands and effectively utilizes HP systems and structures, as well as those from their organization and team that provide support for on-the-road consultants.effectively utilizes systems and techniques to avoid losing the HP perspective when embedded for long periods on client projects.

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Role Specific Skills Assessment

Consulting Competencies Assessment Consulting Competencies Assessment Results


Employee Manager EmployeeManager0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning 0.0 0.0 Chart Information

Complete this Assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development in Consulting


You can also select NA (Not Applicable). The averages are calculated

Once you completed the Employee column of the Assessment, meet with your manager to review your Results and receive feedback. Priortise your development needs and create a realistic Development Plan.

Rating Scale:Strength to Leverage - 5

Solid - 4Opportunity for Growth - 3

Development Need - 2 Strong Development Need -

1Not Applicable - NA

Consulting Lifestyle Skills

The Elevator Pitch

Interpersonal Awareness

Working Across Cultures

Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Managing Boundaries

Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Project Management Fundamentals

Requirements Development

Defining a Solution

Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Expectation Setting & Handling

Working Effectively in a Team

Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

Decision Making



0 1 2 3 4 5

Manager Employee

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Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Rating Scale:

5 = Strength to Leverage4 = Solid

3 = Opportunity for Growth2 = Development Need

1 = Strong Development Need

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0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

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0.0 0.0

Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

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0.0 0.0

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Role Specific Skills Assessment

Consulting Competencies Assessment Results

Chart Information

Consulting Lifestyle Skills

The Elevator Pitch

Interpersonal Awareness

Working Across Cultures

Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Managing Boundaries

Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Project Management Fundamentals

Requirements Development

Defining a Solution

Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Expectation Setting & Handling

Working Effectively in a Team

Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

Decision Making



0 1 2 3 4 5

Manager Employee

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This bar chart shows the average rating for each Competency. If an entire competency is rated Not Applicable, its rating displays as 0.0.

If the rating for a competency is 3.0 or less, review the Learning Solutions worksheet to create your personal Development Plan.

Rating Scale:

5 = Strength to Leverage4 = Solid

3 = Opportunity for Growth2 = Development Need

1 = Strong Development Need

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Role Specific Skills Learning Solutions

Learning Solutions

HP Skillport Learning Solution

Competency 1.Facilitation

N/A Facilitation Essentials

Facilitating Collaborative Processes

Challenges of Facilitating

N/A Facilitating On-Site and Virtual TeamsN/A Facilitating Work Groups and Meetings

Preparing for Effective Business MeetingsManaging Effective Business MeetingsDealing with Common Meeting Problems

Competency 2: Presentation

N/A Presentation Practice Workshop for Virtual PresentatioN/A Presentation Practices Workshop ILTN/A Targeted Presentation and CommunicationN/A Targeted Presentation and CommunicationN/A Successful Online PresentationsN/A Creating Visual Messages with PPT ILT/HPVCN/A Creating Visual Messages for ExecutivesN/A

N/A Presentation Skills Series: Delivering a PresentationN/A Effective Presentation DeliveryN/A Presenting Your Technical Topics EffectivelyN/A Presenting Technical Topics Effectively to Virtual Audi


Complete the Assessment, and review your Results before creating your personal Development Plan.1. Click in the blue cell in the Select column of all Consulting Foundation Competencies. Click the drop-down arrow. Select Yes if you received an Assessment average rating of 3 or less. 2. Review the list of learning solutions for your selected Consulting Foundation Competencies. Click the cell in the Select column. Click the drop-down arrow.3. Select: Yes for learning solutions that you want to include in your Development Plan. Maybe for courses that you want to consider, investigate further, or discuss with your manager before including them in your Development Plan. No for courses that you do not want to include. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet. NA for courses that are not applicable. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet.4. Enter a target completion date for each selected learning solution (this is your Development Plan schedule). 5. When you have completed a learning solution, enter the completion date. 6. The curriculum consists of 18 learning paths corresponding to the 18 Consulting Foundation skills.

Learning Solutions for the Consulting Academy Consulting Foundations Competencies


Competency Description:• Understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and formats to effectively manage meetings to specific outcomes • Manages interactions, group norms, and group dynamics (including undercurrents, both verbal and non-verbal)Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Knows how to apply various presentation styles and approaches• Effectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and content to address the differences between technical and executive presentations)Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Presentation Skills Series: Planning and Preparing a

PresentationLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Presenting Your Ideas at the Executive Level in a Virtual Environment

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N/A Presenting Your Ideas at the Executive Level in Person


Planning a PresentationCreating a PresentationDelivering a Presentation

Competency 3. Decision Making

Initiating and Planning a ProjectProject Management Fundamentals WEB

Managing a ProjectTroubleshooting and Closing the Project

Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listen & Questioning

N/A Successful Business Communication - IntermediateN/A Navigating Communication in the Workplace

Listening Essentials: The Basics of ListeningListening Essentials: Improving Your Listening Skills

N/A Successful Business Communication - BasicN/A Successful Business Communication - BasicN/A Dealing with Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

Enhancing Listening SkillsThe Art of Global Communication

Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

N/A Successful Business Communication - Intermediate

Business Writing: How to Write Clearly and ConciselyWriting a Business Case

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Presenting Difficult Information at the Executive Level to Virtual Audiences

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives, establishing and evaluating alternatives • Understands the impact of personal or cultural biases on decision making. Identifies and evaluates decision implications and consequencesLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Link to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPortLink to Grow Link to SkillPort

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Plan and Manage Project Communications (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Developing and Controlling the Project Schedule (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow Link to SkillPort Direct, Monitor, and Control Project Work (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)

Competency Description: • Understands the importance and impact of effective communications • Is an effective listener, utilizing a variety of active listening techniques to eliminate communication barriers • Seeks understanding through effective, non-confrontational questioning • Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward and downward • Understands what to communicate when, and how to utilize different communication platforms in different settings Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Interpersonal Communication: Communicating with Confidence

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportInterpersonal Communication: Targeting Your Message

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportInterpersonal Communication: Communicating Assertively

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Techniques for Communicating Effectively with Senior Executives

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportDelivering a Difficult Message with Diplomacy and Tact

Competency Description: • Has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-facing business documents • Understands key writing characteristics and messages Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Business Writing: Know Your Readers and Your Purpose

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Writing for Technical Professionals: Preparation and Planning

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Writing for Technical Professionals: Effective Writing Techniques

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Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

N/A High Performance TeamsN/A High Performance TeamsN/A Global Virtual TeamsN/A Global Virtual Teams

Being an Effective Team MemberEstablishing Team Goals and ResponsibilitiesElements of a Cohesive TeamEffective Team CommunicationUsing Feedback to Improve Team Performance

Competency 7:Expectation Setting & Handling

N/A Building Client RelationshipsN/A Building Client RelationshipsN/A The Client-Consultant RelationshipN/A Discovering Your Customer's Real Needs

Identifying What the Customer WantsN/A Identifying Your Customer's ExpectationsN/A Client-Focused Engagement Skills

Identifying and Managing Customer Expectations

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Problem Solving: The Fundamentals WBT

N/A Problem Solving - Root Cause AnalysisCritical Thinking Essentials: What is Critical Thinking?

Problem Solving: Digging Deeper

Competency 9: Defining a Solution

N/A Client-Focused Engagement Skills

Competency Description: • Facilitates effective team member interaction including cooperation with other team members• Communicates effectively in a team. Balances team contributions • Provides mutual support. Effectively provides others with feedback, and appropriately receives feedback Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Understands the importance of setting appropriate expectations of performance with both managers and clients• Effectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even over-achieved the agreed upon expectation Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Understands thought patterns • Effectively utilizes methods and techniques to gather, process, and analyze facts and data that are relevant to an issue • Breaks complex issues down into components • Utilizes effective questioning to understand and frame problems • Is able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize potential solutions Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Problem Solving: Determining and Building Your Strengths WBT

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Problem Solving and Decision Making Strategies: Uncovering the Root Problem

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Critical Thinking Essentials: Applying Critical Thinking Skills

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition, scoping, and delivery of a solution within a consulting engagement • Utilizes standard methods and techniques for understanding the client's issues• Is able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles and applying simple solution modeling techniques, as appropriate, to drive communication and understanding Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Business Analysis: Solution Assessments and Validation WBT

Link to Grow@hp

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N/A The Consultative Process ILT/HPVC

Competency 10: Requirements Development

Business Analysis Requirements Elicitation

Business Analysis Verify and Validate Requirements

N/A Client-Focused Engagement SkillsBusiness Analysis: Enterprise Analysis

Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals

N/A Project Management

N/A Project Management Fundamentals

N/A EDGE Process Framework OverviewN/A EDGE for Project Management


Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

N/A Project ManagementPlanning Project Costs (PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition)

Controlling Project Costs (PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition)

Competency 13: Managing Boundaries

Working for Your Inner Boss - Personal AccountabilityManaging from Within: Self Empowerment

N/A Managing Your Time EffectivelyN/A Managing Your Time and Setting Priorities

Link to Grow@hp

Competency Description: • Understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation methods (e.g., interviews, focus group, etc.) • Assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias Identifies domain constraints that limit the functionality or performance of the system or product to be built•Identifies the rationale for each requirement that is recorded• Discovers usage scenarios or use cases to help customers/users better identify key requirements • Discovers "qualities and constraints" (non-functional requirements). Identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for prototyping Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hpLink to HP Skillport Business Analysis Requirements Management and

CommunicationLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes necessary for HP and the client. This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size and duration• Understands the structure and purpose of project plans, and is able to effectively contribute to project planning activities• Understands the interaction of scope, schedule, and resources throughout the project lifecycle• Identifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work breakdown structures, estimation, risk identification, dependency identification, and dependency management

Link to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

Link to Grow@hpHP EDGE Platform: The Program and Project Management Perspective

Competency Description: • Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that is to be done on a project, even if input data is incomplete, uncertain, or unstable • Identifies best information and/or resources available for making an estimate and reducing uncertainty • Effectively uses prior experience to form estimates • Understands the difference between work and durationLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Defining and Sequencing Project Activities (PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Estimating Activity Resources and Duration (PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition)

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Project Requirements and Defining Scope (PMBOK Fifth Edition)

Competency Description: • Sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demands• Understands why boundaries are important and how to develop boundaries• Has the ability to express and maintain both personal and professional boundariesLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

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N/A Take Back Your Life!N/A Take Back Your Life

Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Designing and Initiating Mentoring RelationshipsBuilding and Maintaining Mentoring RelationshipsEvaluating and Ending Mentoring Relationships

Competency 15: Working Across Cultures

N/A Partnering Across CulturesN/A Partnering Across Cultures

Culture and Its Effect on CommunicationCommunicating Across CulturesIntroduction to Work Force Generations

N/A Making Cross-Generational Teams Work

Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness

N/A Building Relationships VersatilityN/A Building Relationships Versatility

What is Emotional Intelligence?Improving Your Emotional Intelligence SkillsUsing Emotional Intelligence on the Job

Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch


Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills

Managing from Within: Self Empowerment

Creating a Positive AttitudeN/A Take Back Your Life!N/A Take Back Your Life

Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

Competency Description:• Understands the purpose of a mentoring relationship• Understands and can apply best practices for being a mentee, including time commitment, development activities, making the most of a relationship, setting mentorship goals and timeframes Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Essential Mentoring Techniques: Mentoring Fundamentals

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Understands cultural context and concepts• Understands how culture affects personal and business interactions• Identifies and applies cultural do's and don'ts in a cross-cultural team• Modifies personal style to ensure appropriate behaviors within other cultures• Understands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification of and recognition of cultural thought patterns and contextual patterns of corporate cultureLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp

Competency Description: Has effective self-awareness and self-regulation. Understands various social styles and learning styles and how they impact interpersonal and professional relationships. Has the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully with complex social and professional relationships. Modifies personal style to ensure effective relationships with others. Is considerate of the feelings and experiences of others. Reacts to others in a socially and professionally appropriate way, especially in stressful or conflict situations.Link to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Working with Difficult People: Identifying Difficult People

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Working with Difficult People: How to Work with Aggressive People

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Working with Difficult People: How to Work with Negative People

Competency Description: • Has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it in a way that is appropriate for a stakeholder • Effectively formulates and delivers an elevator speech• Understands when and how to tailor an elevator speech for different audiences or stakeholders

Competency Description: • Works independently and manages a healthy level of self-motivationLink to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP Skillport Optimizing Your Work/Life Balance: Taking Control of Your Stress

Link to Grow@hp Link to HP SkillportLink to Grow@hpLink to Grow@hp

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Role Specific Skills Learning Solutions

Learning Solutions

# Hours Level Type Select

Competency 1.Facilitation

Learning Plan

16 Core ILT/HPVC

1 Core WBT

1 Core WBT

4.5 Optional WBT4 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT

Competency 2: Presentation

Learning Plan

12 Core HPVC16 Core ILT16 Core HPVC16 Core ILT3.5 Core HPVC16 Core ILT/HPVC10 Core HPVC

9 minutes Core WBT

9 minutes Core WBT3 Core WBT16 Optional ILT18 Optional HPVC

16 Optional ILT/HPVC

Complete the Assessment, and review your Results before creating your personal Development Plan. column of all Consulting Foundation Competencies. Click the drop-down arrow. Select Yes if you received an

2. Review the list of learning solutions for your selected Consulting Foundation Competencies. Click the cell in the Select column. Click the drop-down

for learning solutions that you want to include in your Development Plan. for courses that you want to consider, investigate further, or discuss with your manager before including them in your Development Plan.

for courses that you do not want to include. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet. for courses that are not applicable. You can also hide these rows in the spreadsheet.

for each selected learning solution (this is your Development Plan schedule). completion date.

6. The curriculum consists of 18 learning paths corresponding to the 18 Consulting Foundation skills.

Learning Solutions for the Consulting Academy Consulting Foundations CompetenciesTarget



Understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and

Manages interactions, group norms, and group dynamics (including undercurrents, both verbal and non-verbal)

Effectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and content to address the differences between technical and executive presentations)

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16 Optional ILT

18 Optional HPVC1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT

Competency 3. Decision Making

Learning Plan

1 Foundation WBT1.5 Foundation WBT1 Foundation WBT3 Foundation WBT



1.5 WBT

Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listen & Questioning

Learning Plan

12 Core HPVC/ILT30 minutes Core WBT

1 Core WBT1 Core WBT

1 Core WBT1 Core WBT1 Core WBT8 Optional HPVC8 Optional ILT8 Optional HPVC3 Optional WBT

3.5 Optional WBT

1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT

Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Learning Plan

12 Core HPVC/ILT1 Core WBT1 Core WBT

2.5 Core WBT1 Optional WBT

2 Optional WBT

Understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives,

Understands the impact of personal or cultural biases on decision making. Identifies and evaluates decision implications and




Is an effective listener, utilizing a variety of active listening techniques to eliminate communication barriers

Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward

Understands what to communicate when, and how to utilize different communication platforms in different settings

Has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-

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Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

Learning Plan

16 Core ILT4 Core HPVC16 Core ILT5 Core HPVC1 Core WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT

Competency 7:Expectation Setting & Handling

Learning Plan

8 Core HPVC8 Core ILT5 Core WBT2 Core HPVC3 Core WBT

4.5 Optional WBT16 Optional HPVC/ILT

1 Optional WBT

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Learning Plan

1 Core WBT

1 Core WBT

15 minutes Core WBT16 Optional ILT/HPVC1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT

Competency 9: Defining a Solution

Learning Plan

3 Core WBT

16 Optional ILT/HPVC

Facilitates effective team member interaction including cooperation with other team members

Provides mutual support. Effectively provides others with feedback, and appropriately receives feedback

Understands the importance of setting appropriate expectations of performance with both managers and clientsEffectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even

Effectively utilizes methods and techniques to gather, process, and analyze facts and data that are relevant to an issue

Is able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize

Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition, scoping, and delivery of a solution within a consulting engagement

Is able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles and applying simple solution modeling techniques, as appropriate, to drive communication and

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Optional ILT/HPVC

Competency 10: Requirements Development

Learning Plan

2 Core WBT

2 Optional WBT

2 Optional WBT16 Optional ILT/HPVC2.5 Optional WBT

Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals

Learning Plan

1 Core WBT

20 Core ILT/HPVC1 Optional HPVC2 Optional WBT

1.3 Optional WBT

Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Learning Plan

1 Core WBT2 Core WBT

2 Core WBT1.5 Optional WBT

2 Optional WBT

2 Optional WBT

Competency 13: Managing Boundaries

Learning Plan

2 Core WBT2 Core WBT

35 minutes Core WBT6 Optional ILT/HPVC


Understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation

Assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias Identifies domain constraints that limit the functionality or performance of the system or product to be built

Discovers usage scenarios or use cases to help customers/users better identify key requirements Discovers "qualities and constraints" (non-functional requirements). Identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for

For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes necessary for HP and the client. This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size and duration

Understands the structure and purpose of project plans, and is able to effectively contribute to project planning activitiesUnderstands the interaction of scope, schedule, and resources throughout the project lifecycleIdentifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work

breakdown structures, estimation, risk identification, dependency identification, and dependency management

Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that

Identifies best information and/or resources available for making an estimate and reducing uncertainty

Sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demands

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4.5 Optional HPVC9 Optional ILT

Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Learning Plan

1 Core WBT1 Optional WBT1 Optional WBT 1 Optional WBT

Competency 15: Working Across Cultures

Learning Plan

8 Core ILT8 Core HPVC1 Core WBT1 Core WBT

2.5 Optional WBT3 Optional WBT

Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness

Learning Plan

16 Core ILT12 Core HPVC1 Core WBT1 Core WBT1 Core WBT1 Optional WBT

1 Optional WBT

1 Optional WBT

Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch

Learning Plan

Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills

Learning Plan2 Core WBT

1 Core WBT2 Optional WBT

4.5 Optional HPVC9 Optional ILT

Understands and can apply best practices for being a mentee, including time commitment, development activities, making the

Understands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification of and

Has effective self-awareness and self-regulation. Understands various social styles and learning styles and how they impact interpersonal and professional relationships. Has the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully with complex social and professional relationships. Modifies personal style to ensure effective relationships with others. Is considerate of the feelings and experiences of others. Reacts to others in a socially and professionally appropriate way, especially in stressful or

Has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it

Understands when and how to tailor an elevator speech for different audiences or stakeholders

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Optional ILT/HPVC1 Optional WBT


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Resources for the Consulting Academy Consulting Foundations Competencies


Competency 1: Facilitation

Competency 2: Presentation

This worksheet lists information about available resources for each Consulting Foundation competency to help you plan your development activities.

Competency Description: • Understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and formats to effectively manage meetings to specific outcomes• Manages interactions, group norms, and group dynamics (including undercurrents, both verbal and non-verbal)• Assists in organizing ideas, achieving consensus, and managing objections

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: •Knows how to apply various presentation styles and approaches• Effectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and content to address the differences between technical and executive presentations)• Develops and delivers clear, concise, and compelling messages in an engaging way

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Competency 3: Decision Making

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Link to HP Experience Center

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Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

Competency Description: • Understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives, establishing and evaluating alternatives• Understands the impact of personal or cultural biases on decision making• Identifies and evaluates decision implications and consequences• Effectively utilizes decision making models and appropriate decision making techniques to various situations

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands the importance and impact of effective communications• Is an effective listener, utilizing a variety of active listening techniques to eliminate communication barriers• Seeks understanding through effective, non-confrontational questioning• Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward and downward• Understands what to communicate when, and how to utilize different communication platforms in different settings• Effectively handles challenging conversations, especially when communicating difficult messages

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

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Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-facing business documents• Understands key writing characteristics and messages• Applies appropriate tone, and develops effective written content based on purpose and targeted readership of a business document• Effectively organizes writing content to increase reader understanding

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Resource

Link to HP Resource

Link to Online Dictionary

Link to HP Proposal Web

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Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Facilitates effective team member interaction including cooperation with other team members• Communicates effectively in a team. Balances team contributions• Provides mutual support• Effectively provides others with feedback, and appropriately receives feedback • Mitigates conflict in a team. Utilizes various approaches for working collaboratively with other team members

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

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Competency 7: Expectation Setting & Handling

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands the importance of setting appropriate expectations of performance with both managers and clients• Effectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even over-achieved the agreed upon expectation• Understands the impact of good expectation setting on customer satisfaction and commercial success of a project

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands thought patterns• Effectively utilizes methods and techniques to gather, process, and analyze facts and data that are relevant to an issue• Breaks complex issues down into components. Utilizes effective questioning to understand and frame problems• Is able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize potential solutions• Identifies priorities for resolution, weighs alternatives, and generates options. Identifies implications of resolutions and plans to overcome barriers. In all, effectively and efficiently draws conclusions and generates solutions based on facts and logical reasoning.

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

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Competency 9: Defining a Solution

Competency 10: Requirements Development

Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition, scoping, and delivery of a solution within a consulting engagement • Utilizes standard methods and techniques for understanding the client's issues• Is able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles, and applying simple solution modeling techniques, as appropriate, to drive communication and understanding • Understands and applies methods for assessing a proposed solution to its requirements, as well as assessing an organization's readiness to adopt it• Understands the elements and techniques for validating a solution

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation methods (e.g., interviews, focus group, etc.) • Assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias • Identifies domain constraints that limit the functionality or performance of the system or product to be built• Identifies the rationale for each requirement that is recorded• Discovers usage scenarios or use cases to help customers/users better identify key requirements• Discovers "qualities and constraints" (non-functional requirements)• Identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for prototyping. Models rationales and assumptions. Captures and documents definitions of terms. • Analyzes and documents measurements (acceptance criteria)• Analyzes and documents priorities.

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

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Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Competency 13: Managing Boundaries

Competency Description: • For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes necessary for HP and the client • This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size and duration• Understands the structure and purpose of project plans, and is able to effectively contribute to project planning activities• Understands the interaction of scope, schedule, and resources throughout the project lifecycle• Identifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work breakdown structures, estimation, risk identification, dependency identification, and dependency management • Utilizes techniques and tools for tracking, assessing, and communicating project progress at the individual contributor level

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description:• Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that is to be done on a project, even if input data is incomplete, uncertain, or unstable• Identifies best information and/or resources available for making an estimate and reducing uncertainty• Effectively uses prior experience to form estimates• Understands the difference between work and duration• Utilizes common estimating methods and techniques to create an estimate (e.g., brainstorming)• Knows how to establish a rough-order-of-magnitude estimate• Identifies and communicates variables, assumptions, and potential roadblocks in estimating work or duration of tasks

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demands• Understands why boundaries are important and how to develop boundaries • Has the ability to express and maintain both personal and professional boundaries

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

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Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Competency 15: Working Across Cultures

Competency Description: • Understands the purpose of a mentoring relationship.• Understands and can apply best practices for being a mentee, including time commitment, development activities, making the most of a relationship, setting mentorship goals and timeframes• Knows when it is time to establish new relationships to help meet goals

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to HP Consulting Academy

Link to Mentoring @hp

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Understands cultural context and concepts• Understands how culture affects personal and business interactions• Identifies and applies cultural do's and don'ts in a cross-cultural team• Modifies personal style to ensure appropriate behaviors within other cultures• Understands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification and recognition of cultural thought patterns and contextual patterns of corporate culture• Appropriately applies cultural norms to intercultural communications, including providing feedback, error handling, non-verbal communication, and email

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to Cultural Navigator

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

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Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness

Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch

Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills

Competency Description: • Has effective self-awareness and self-regulation• Understands various social styles and learning styles and how they impact interpersonal and professional relationships• Has the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully with complex social and professional relationships• Modifies personal style to ensure effective relationships with others• Is considerate of the feelings and experiences of others• Reacts to others in a socially and professionally appropriate way, especially in stressful or conflict situations

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to job aid in HP Skillport

Link to HP Skillport Login

Competency Description: • Has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it in a way that is appropriate for a stakeholder• Effectively formulates and delivers an elevator speech• Understands when and how to tailor an elevator speech for different audiences or stakeholders • Understands and applies common approaches and techniques for developing an elevator pitch for a solution to a client's problem

Link to book in HP Skillport

Link to Skillbrief in HP Skillport

Competency Description: • Works independently and manages a healthy level of self-motivation • Understands and applies good practices from experienced consultants for effectively managing the stress and challenges of life "on the road"• Effectively stays engaged with their team, organization, and HP, even though they may be disconnected from HP corporate contact • Understands and effectively utilizes HP systems and structures, as well as those from their organization and team which provide support for on-the-road consultants • Effectively utilizes systems and techniques to avoid losing the HP perspective when embedded for long periods on client projects • Effectively manages personal and professional development

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Resources for the Consulting Academy Consulting Foundations Competencies


Competency 1: Facilitation

Sample Agenda Template

Facilitating Productive Conflict

Steps to Responding to Objections

Guidelines for Preventing Dysfunctional Behavior

Using Observation Skills to Diagnose Behavior

Competency 2: Presentation

This worksheet lists information about available resources for each Consulting Foundation competency to help you plan your development activities.

Competency Description: Understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and formats to effectively manage meetings to

Manages interactions, group norms, and group dynamics (including undercurrents, both verbal and non-verbal)Assists in organizing ideas, achieving consensus, and managing objections

The Secrets of Facilitation: The SMART Guide to Getting Results with Groups, New and Revised by Michael Wilkinson

Small Group Facilitation: Improving Process and Performance in Groups and Teams by Judith Kolb

Additional facilitation Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word facilitator and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to facilitation.

Competency Description: Knows how to apply various presentation styles and approachesEffectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and

content to address the differences between technical and executive presentations)Develops and delivers clear, concise, and compelling messages in an engaging way

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Evaluating Your Audience

Organizing Presentation Ideas

Guidelines for Creating Visual Aids

Guidelines for Writing a Presentation

How to Stage a Presentation

Preparing a Room for a Presentation

Verbal and Nonverbal Skills

Controlling Presentation Nerves

How to Handle Questions and Answers

HP PowerPoint templates and detailed presentation guidelines

Competency 3: Decision Making

Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals: Achieving Excellence by Naomi Karten

The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook: How to Understand and Reach Your Audience for Maximum Impact and Success by Suzy Siddons

10 Steps to Successful Virtual Presentations by Wayne Turmel

Speaking Up: Surviving Executive Presentations by Frederick Gilbert

Additional presentation Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word presentation and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to presentation.

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The Decision Making Model

The Four Decision Making Styles

Steps of How to Deal with Uncertainty

Decision Making Process

Choosing the Right Decision Making Approach

Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

Techniques for Effective Listening

Competency Description: Understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives, establishing and evaluating alternativesUnderstands the impact of personal or cultural biases on decision makingIdentifies and evaluates decision implications and consequencesEffectively utilizes decision making models and appropriate decision making techniques to various situations

Decision Making and Problem Solving by John Adair

John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Smart Decision Making by John Adair

Additional decision making Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word decision making and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to decision making.

Competency Description: Understands the importance and impact of effective communicationsIs an effective listener, utilizing a variety of active listening techniques to eliminate communication barriersSeeks understanding through effective, non-confrontational questioning

Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward and downwardUnderstands what to communicate when, and how to utilize different communication platforms in different settingsEffectively handles challenging conversations, especially when communicating difficult messages

Interpersonal Communication: Questioning, Listening, and Feedback Skills by Tony Alessandra and Phillip L. Hunsaker

Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of All by Bernard T. Ferrari

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Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening

Active Listening Examples

Effective Types of Questions for Facilitation

Open-Ended Questions for Networking

Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Business Document Guidelines

Global Communications Resource Center

Merriam-Webster online dictionary

Proposal Guidelines, Boilerplate and Tools

Additional listening and questioning Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word listening or question and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to these topics.

Competency Description: Has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-facing business documentsUnderstands key writing characteristics and messagesApplies appropriate tone, and develops effective written content based on purpose and targeted readership of a business documentEffectively organizes writing content to increase reader understanding

The Business Style Handbook: An A-to-Z Guide for Effective Writing on the Job, by Helen Cunningham and Brenda Green

Fundamentals of Business Writing by Joseph C. Mancuso and Yvonne V. Chabrier

The AMA Handbook of Business Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Usage, Construction and Formatting by Kevin Wilson and Jennifer Wauson

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Business Writing and Communication, Second Edition by Kenneth W. Davis

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Informative Writing Characteristics and Examples

Responsive Writing Characteristics and Examples

Using the Appropriate Business Tone

Reader Checklist

Persuasive Writing Characteristics and an Example

Four Techniques for Writing Concisely

Ways to Structure Content

Six Techniques for Writing Clearly

Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

Team-building Resource

Facilitating Team Development through Evolutionary Stages

Six Techniques for Resolving Conflict

Additional business writing Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word business writing and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to business writing.

Competency Description: Facilitates effective team member interaction including cooperation with other team membersCommunicates effectively in a team. Balances team contributionsProvides mutual supportEffectively provides others with feedback, and appropriately receives feedback Mitigates conflict in a team. Utilizes various approaches for working collaboratively with other team members

The Handbook of High Performance Virtual Teams: A Toolkit for Collaborating Across Boundaries by Jill Nemiro, Michael Beyerlin, Lori Bradley and Susan Beyerlin

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Development Stages of a Cross-functional Team

Strategies for Effective Team Members

Competency 7: Expectation Setting & Handling

Prepare to Exceed Customer Expectations

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Problem Solving Styles

Six-Step Problem Solving Model

Problem Solving Mind Traps and Process Traps

Additional teamwork Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word working effectively in a team and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to working effectively in a tem.

Competency Description: Understands the importance of setting appropriate expectations of performance with both managers and clientsEffectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even over-achieved the agreed upon

Understands the impact of good expectation setting on customer satisfaction and commercial success of a project

Pay Attention: How to Listen, Respond, and Profit from Customer Feedback by Ann Thomas and Jill Applegate

Additional expectation setting & handling Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word customer expectations and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Understands thought patternsEffectively utilizes methods and techniques to gather, process, and analyze facts and data that are relevant to an issueBreaks complex issues down into components. Utilizes effective questioning to understand and frame problemsIs able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize potential solutionsIdentifies priorities for resolution, weighs alternatives, and generates options. Identifies implications of resolutions and plans to overcome barriers. In all, effectively

and efficiently draws conclusions and generates solutions based on facts and logical reasoning.

Decision Making and Problem Solving by John Adair

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Cost-Benefit Analysis

Tips for Improving your Problem Solving Skills

Competency 9: Defining a Solution

Competency 10: Requirements Development

Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals

Additional problem solving Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word problem solving and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition,

scoping, and delivery of a solution within a consulting engagement Utilizes standard methods and techniques for understanding the client's issuesIs able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles, and applying

simple solution modeling techniques, as appropriate, to drive communication and understanding Understands and applies methods for assessing a proposed solution to its requirements, as well as assessing an organization's readiness to adopt itUnderstands the elements and techniques for validating a solution

A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) by The International Institute of Business Analysis

Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word business analysis and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation methods (e.g., interviews, focus group,

Assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias Identifies domain constraints that limit the functionality or performance of the system or product to be builtIdentifies the rationale for each requirement that is recordedDiscovers usage scenarios or use cases to help customers/users better identify key requirementsDiscovers "qualities and constraints" (non-functional requirements)Identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for prototyping. Models rationales and assumptions. Captures and documents definitions of terms. Analyzes and documents measurements (acceptance criteria)Analyzes and documents priorities.

A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) by The International Institute of Business Analysis

Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word business analysis and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

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Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Competency 13: Managing Boundaries

Steps to Personal Accountability

Competency Description: For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes

necessary for HP and the client This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size

Understands the structure and purpose of project plans, and is able to effectively contribute to project planning activitiesUnderstands the interaction of scope, schedule, and resources throughout the project lifecycleIdentifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work breakdown structures, estimation, risk

identification, dependency identification, and dependency management Utilizes techniques and tools for tracking, assessing, and communicating project progress at the individual contributor level

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) by the Project Management Insitute

Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects by Brian Irwin

Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word project management and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description:Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that is to be done on a project, even if

input data is incomplete, uncertain, or unstableIdentifies best information and/or resources available for making an estimate and reducing uncertaintyEffectively uses prior experience to form estimatesUnderstands the difference between work and durationUtilizes common estimating methods and techniques to create an estimate (e.g., brainstorming)Knows how to establish a rough-order-of-magnitude estimateIdentifies and communicates variables, assumptions, and potential roadblocks in estimating work or duration of tasks

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) by the Project Management Insitute

Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word project estimating and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demandsUnderstands why boundaries are important and how to develop boundaries Has the ability to express and maintain both personal and professional boundaries

The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success: No Nonsense, No Excuses by Linda Galindo and Versera Performance Consulting

Additional Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word accountability and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

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Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Read about the Consulting Academy Mentoring Program

Read about your role as a mentee at Mentoring @hp

Competency 15: Working Across Cultures

Set up your profile on the Cultural Navigator

Building Cross-cultural Rapport

Overcoming Cross-cultural Communication Barriers

Competency Description: Understands the purpose of a mentoring relationship.Understands and can apply best practices for being a mentee, including time commitment, development activities, making the most of a relationship, setting

mentorship goals and timeframesKnows when it is time to establish new relationships to help meet goals

So You Want to be Mentored: An Application Workbook for Using Five Strategies to Get the Most Out of a Mentoring Relationship by Stella Cowan

Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word mentoring and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Understands cultural context and conceptsUnderstands how culture affects personal and business interactionsIdentifies and applies cultural do's and don'ts in a cross-cultural teamModifies personal style to ensure appropriate behaviors within other culturesUnderstands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification and recognition of cultural thought patterns and

contextual patterns of corporate cultureAppropriately applies cultural norms to intercultural communications, including providing feedback, error handling, non-verbal communication, and email

The Handbook of High Performance Virtual Teams: A Toolkit for Collaborating Across Boundaries by Jill Nemiro, Michael Beyerlin, Lori Bradley and Susan Beyerlin

Cultural Intelligence: Living and Working Globally by David C. Thomas and Kerr Inkson

Additional Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word cross culture and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

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Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness

Emotional Intelligence Competencies

EQ Domains

Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch

Different Communication Platforms and Settings

Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills

Competency Description: Has effective self-awareness and self-regulationUnderstands various social styles and learning styles and how they impact interpersonal and professional relationshipsHas the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully with complex social and professional relationshipsModifies personal style to ensure effective relationships with othersIs considerate of the feelings and experiences of othersReacts to others in a socially and professionally appropriate way, especially in stressful or conflict situations

Personality Style at Work: The Secret to Working with (Almost) Anyone by Kate Ward

The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success, Third Edition by Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book

Additional Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word emotional intelligence and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

Competency Description: Has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it in a way that is appropriate for a

Effectively formulates and delivers an elevator speechUnderstands when and how to tailor an elevator speech for different audiences or stakeholders Understands and applies common approaches and techniques for developing an elevator pitch for a solution to a client's problem

Speaking Up: Surviving Executive Presentations by Frederick Gilbert

Competency Description: Works independently and manages a healthy level of self-motivation Understands and applies good practices from experienced consultants for effectively managing the stress and challenges of life "on the road"Effectively stays engaged with their team, organization, and HP, even though they may be disconnected from HP corporate contact Understands and effectively utilizes HP systems and structures, as well as those from their organization and team which provide support for on-the-road consultants Effectively utilizes systems and techniques to avoid losing the HP perspective when embedded for long periods on client projects Effectively manages personal and professional development

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Stress Management Techniques

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, Sixth Edition by Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, and Matthew McKay

Additional Job Aids in HP Skillport. Search with the key word stress management and the category Job Aids. Select and download relevant job aids related to this topic.

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Resources for the Consulting Academy Consulting Foundations Competencies


Competency 1: Facilitation

Online Book

Online Book

OnlineJob Aid

OnlineJob Aid

OnlineJob Aid

OnlineJob Aid

OnlineJob Aid

OnlineJob Aid

Competency 2: Presentation

This worksheet lists information about available resources for each Consulting Foundation competency to help you plan your

Understands and executes the role of the facilitator, including understanding and using facilitation techniques, tools, and formats to effectively manage meetings to

Effectively creates presentations with appropriate format and structure, including choosing the right presentation style for the correct audience (modifies styles and

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Online Book

Online Book

Online Book

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Resource

Competency 3: Decision Making

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Online Book

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 4: Managing Communications - Listening & Questioning

Online Book

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Understands approaches to guide effective and timely decision making including: decision planning, establishing objectives, establishing and evaluating alternatives

Is able to deliver structured, clear, concise, and persuasive verbal communications for various target audiences - both upward and downward

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Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 5: Managing Communications - Effective Business Writing

Online Book

Online Book

Online Book

Online Book

Online Resource

Online Resource

Online Resource

Online Resource

Has the ability to prepare focused and persuasive written communications - especially as related to the development of client-facing business documents

Applies appropriate tone, and develops effective written content based on purpose and targeted readership of a business document

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Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 6: Working Effectively in a Team

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

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Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 7: Expectation Setting & Handling

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 8: Defining, Analyzing & Solving Business Problems

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Effectively sets realistic expectations across the course of a project to ensure the perception is created of having met or even over-achieved the agreed upon

Is able to apply critical thinking methods and techniques to diagnose problems and identify root causes and hypothesize potential solutionsIdentifies priorities for resolution, weighs alternatives, and generates options. Identifies implications of resolutions and plans to overcome barriers. In all, effectively

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Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 9: Defining a Solution

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Competency 10: Requirements Development

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Competency 11: Project Management Fundamentals

Understands the elements that make up a "solution" to a client's problem from the HP solution perspective, and how to apply this understanding to the definition,

Is able to identify and define the scope and context of a solution for the client's needs, including understanding drivers, goals and solution principles, and applying

Understands and applies methods for assessing a proposed solution to its requirements, as well as assessing an organization's readiness to adopt it

Understands and applies the concepts of requirements elicitation, and effectively utilizes one or more requirements elicitation methods (e.g., interviews, focus group,

Assists in identifying stakeholders who will help specify requirements from different points of view and understands their organizational bias

Identifies ambiguous requirements as candidates for prototyping. Models rationales and assumptions. Captures and documents definitions of terms.

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Online Book

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Competency 12: Planning Project Tasks/Effort Estimation

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Competency 13: Managing Boundaries

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

For Non-Project Managers - Understands the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques to effectively work within a project, and support the outcomes

This includes the ability to understand, apply, and communicate project management common vocabulary, frameworks, and processes for projects of varying size

Identifies and utilizes components of HP's project management framework in support of project activities including: work breakdown structures, estimation, risk

Utilizes techniques and tools for tracking, assessing, and communicating project progress at the individual contributor level

Utilizes a formal process whereby the employee (or project team) can establish an estimate, or approximation, of the work that is to be done on a project, even if

Sets and manages boundaries within professional and personal life, especially dealing with conflicts in prioritization of demands

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Competency 14: Working Effectively in a Mentoring Relationship

Online Book

Online Resource

Online Resource

Online Job Aid

Competency 15: Working Across Cultures

Online Book

Online Book

Online Resource

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Understands and can apply best practices for being a mentee, including time commitment, development activities, making the most of a relationship, setting

Understands intercultural concepts and applies them effectively in the work environment, including identification and recognition of cultural thought patterns and

Appropriately applies cultural norms to intercultural communications, including providing feedback, error handling, non-verbal communication, and email

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Competency 16: Interpersonal Awareness

Online Book

Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

Competency 17: The Elevator Pitch

Online Book

Online Resource

Competency 18: Consulting Lifestyle Skills

Has the ability to simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and quickly present it or speak to it in a way that is appropriate for a

Understands and applies common approaches and techniques for developing an elevator pitch for a solution to a client's problem

Understands and applies good practices from experienced consultants for effectively managing the stress and challenges of life "on the road"Effectively stays engaged with their team, organization, and HP, even though they may be disconnected from HP corporate contact Understands and effectively utilizes HP systems and structures, as well as those from their organization and team which provide support for on-the-road consultants Effectively utilizes systems and techniques to avoid losing the HP perspective when embedded for long periods on client projects

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Online Book

Online Job Aid

Online Job Aid

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Development Area

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Customer Industries

Consulting knowledge: ITILConsulting knowledge: ITIL

Platforms knowledge: Microsoft

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Platforms knowledge: Microsoft

Platforms knowledge: SAP

Platforms knowledge: Oracle

IT Transformation&Right StepHP Transformation Framework

Additional Suggested Courses

Professional skills: Global English Professional skills: NegotiationProfessional skills: Interviewing skills

Business knowledge: TOGAF

Business knowledge: NetworkBusiness knowledge: IT SecurityBusiness knowledge: AppsBusiness knowledge: QualityBusiness knowledge: ALM

Business knowledge: APM

Business knowledge: COBIT

Business knowledge: ISO 20000

Business knowledge: ISO 38500

Business knowledge: ABM processes, tools, templates

Business knowledge: Transformation readiness

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Business knowledge: ITAC

Business knowledge: IT SCRUM

Business knowledge: HPSRA

Business knowledge: LEAN

Business knowledge: Testing

Additional Suggested Courses

Business knowledge: TC

Edge Platform

Business knowledge: EDGE

Edge Process Framework

Business knowledge: EDGE

Business knowledge: EDGE


Business knowledge: SOA

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Business knowledge: SOA

Business knowledge: SOA


Business knowledge: AMOD

Business knowledge: AMOD

Business knowledge: AMOD


Business knowledge: AT2C

Business knowledge: AT2C

Business knowledge: AT2C

ArchitectureBusiness knowledge: IT Architecture

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Business knowledge: Solution Architect

Business knowledge: Technology Architect

Business knowledge: Enterprise Architect

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Training Name/Link

Customer Industries

Industry overviews - HC

Industry overviews - Manufactoring

Industry overviews - Telecoms

Industry overviews - Gov

Industry overviews - Defence

Industry overviews -Travel & Transport

ITIL V3 Overview (Recorded)ITIL for Dummies


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Oracle Knowledge Centre

IT Transformation and RightStep Overview - Parts 1 to 8HP Transformation Framework Flight Planning

Additional Suggested Courses

Negotiation Interviewing skills

TOGAF Basics

Network BasicsIT Security BasicsApps-Methods: SLC2, SLC3 OverviewQuality: CMMI, ISO 9000Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Application Portfolio Management (APM)



ISO 20000

ISO 38500

ABM Enterprise Program Office Processes, Tools, and Templates Training (Growth @HP)English as a Second Language (for Enterprise Services Only) – GlobalEnglish (Growth @HP)

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Additional Suggested Courses

Apps AC&M Applications Development for Cloud Offering Awareness (Tier 1)

Edge Platform

App Svcs EDGE - Platform

Edge Process Framework

App Svcs EDGE - Implementation Team

App Svcs EDGE - Project Management Office


SOA Integration Framework  (EDGE)

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App Svcs SOA and Integration - Architect

App Svcs SOA and Integration - Consultant


AMOD Framework (EDGE)

AMod Applications Rationalization

App Svcs AMod Re-Architect


Apps AC&M Applications Transformation to Cloud Offering Awareness (Tier 1)

IT Application Transformation Overview

Apps Awareness - AMod Applications Assessments

ArchitectureIT-Architecture Overview

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Guide to Solution Architect Development

Guide to Technology Architect Development

Guide to Enterprise Architect Development

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Additional information Course ID Duration hrs

1017232 Grow@HP course 1.30

Review Training portal:

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Project dependant. Should be completed with Direct Manager's / Mentor's support.

Book in SkillPort

Skill Port Knowledge Centres available: - Microsoft Enterprise Solutions KnowledgeCenter- Microsoft MCSE & MCSA Certification KnowledgeCenter

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00708104 Grow@HP course00658311 Grow@HP course

1204474 Grow@HP course1

1159118 Grow@HP course 16

Review Microsoft products training portal, where a list of trainings is offered.

HP SAP Training portal offers a number of training activities (curriculas, trainigs, guides, etc. )

SkillPort Oracle Knowledge Centre

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1 required 1,5, 8 recommended

5 Required, 12 recommended

8 Required, 8 recommended

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8 Modules required 1- 2h, 21 recommended

8 Modules required 1- 2h, 21 recommended

7 Modules required, 7 Modules recommended

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Complete Curriculum; Several Courses

Complete Curriculum; Several Courses

Complete Curriculum; Several Courses

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Career Track: Business Consulting

Priority 1 Month 1-6 Monthsx

Optional xBook Optional

Optional x

Development Type

Training Type

7-12 Months

13-18 Months

Role depend.

Role depend.

Role depend.

Role depend.

Role depend.

Role depend.

Role depend.

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Optional x

Optional x

Optional x

Optional xOptional x

WBT Optional x

WBT OptionalOptional xOptionalOptional


Optional x



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Optional xOptional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional


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WBT Optional

WBT Optional


ILT/ VC Optional

ILT / WBT Optional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional

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WBT Optional

WBT Optional

WBT Optional

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Other Input18-24 MonthsProject dependent

Based on the capability in which the Graduate is assigned a deeper knowledge on MS might be required.

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Based on the capability in which the Graduate is assigned a Based on the capability in which the Graduate is assigned a deeper Based on the capability in which the Graduate is

Dependent on the individual

Recommended for AMOD/SOA consultants

Useful, but really targeted at Expert Level and above

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Performance Goals (to be set in the first month):

Career Goal (to be set within the first 6 months):

Development Goal/s (to be set in the first month):

To ensure a proper performance management process and to cover the expectations of the Graduate program, we recommend you carefully to review the following guidance.

It is the Graduate's role to drive and complete the development and performance activities. The Direct Manager is expected to provide guidance and direction in setting relevant goals and learning activities.To establish a clear line of sight for expected performance and possible career development we strongly recommend setting specific goals in 3 areas.

The goals and progress updates should be completed in Workday.

The performance goals should be aligned with the project or assignments that Graduate will work on by the end of the respective fiscal year. Set 2 to 3 performance goals, expected results and measures. You might wish you review additional materials for setting SMART goals here.

The Career Goal should reflect the desired job role and level (Entry or Intermediate) that the Graduate is willing to move to at the end of the Graduate program. When setting the Career goal, please consider what certifications and work experience is required for the job role and targeted level. Example: At end of the Graduate program I will be ready to move into a Project Management job role, Intermediate level. Our recommendation is to set not more than 1 Career Goal.

The Development goal/s should support the successful completion of the Performance and Career Goals. They can be closely linked with Graduate Development Plan activities or with achieving some very specific target. Example1: Complete all learning activities as planned in the Graduate Development Plan. Example2: Obtain Project CAPM certification at the end of the Fiscal Year.

Our recommendation is to review the completion of the goals every 3 months and every 6 months to enter completion updates in Workday. The Graduate is expected to review and update the goals in Workday. Direct Manager should review the updates and provide feedback.

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