Download - Eric willeke when models collide


2. HURRAH! We won! (for now) 3. STEPPING UP Single-team ow is a great start, now ow as a group of teams 4. CONTAINER COMMITMENT CAPABILITY 5. CONTAINER The partitioning of teams heavily impacts organizational capability 6. CONTAINER good fences good make neighbors good make neighbors good fences 7. CONTAINER Strong shared visions combat the tragedy of the commons 8. CONTAINER Containers dene the dominant feedback cycle within a group 9. COMMITMENT Commit to the right level of abstraction 10. COMMITMENT Commitments dene the boundaries between teams. 11. COMMITMENT Manage options: decisions crossing containers become commitments 12. COMMITMENT Commit to the hard to change rst, validate results, then address details 13. CAPABILITY Encourage compatible commitments over homogenous behavior 14. CAPABILITY Derive sequencing from complexity and risk 15. CAPABILITY Pull decomposition from the collective teams in the context of their own capabilities 16. CAPABILITY Align vision across teams; outsource the easy and boring bits 17. EPIC FLOW Flow is no longer a single- team consideration 18. EPIC FLOW Optimize decomposition for the value ow, not the story ow. 19. EPIC FLOW Teams pull per their individual strengths, committing to a shared vision. 20. Questions? Eric Willeke [email protected] @erwilleke (Twitter)