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  • The Great Debate:

    PostgreSQL versus MySQL

    Jim Mlodgenski

    VP, Technical Services


  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • Open Source Database Trends

  • Open Source Database Trends (cont.)

  • Open Source Database Trends (cont.)

  • Open Source Database Trends (cont.)

    Battle for Open Source Database Dominance

  • Open Source Database Trends (cont.)

    Battle for Database Dominance

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • PostgreSQL Strengths

    Strong Advanced Feature Support

    Triggers, Stored Procedures, Rules

    Server side languages

    SQL, Java, Ruby, Perl, Python, TCL, etc

    Point in Time Recovery

    Table partitioning

    Transactional DDL

    Table Inheritance

  • PostgreSQL Strengths (cont.)

    Strong Security Object Level Privileges assigned to Roles & User.

    Kerberos + SSL communication.

    Data Level Encryption (AES, 3DES, etc)

    Ability to utilise 3rd party Key Stores in a full PKI


    Foundation for full compliance with some of the strictest of

    security standards (PCI Data Security Standard).

    By default PostgreSQL is probably the most security-aware database


    David Litchfield - The Database Hackers Handbook

  • PostgreSQL Strengths (cont.)

    Data Integrity

    Multi Version Concurrency Control

    Write Ahead Logging

    Online Backup

    Foreign Keys


  • PostgreSQL Strengths (cont.)

    Flexible BSD license

    Corporate IT developers can modify open source

    code under the BSD license without having to

    contribute back enhancements

    Independent Software Vendors are free to

    redistribute without the fear of being infected by an

    open source license

  • PostgreSQL Strengths (cont.)

    Strong Open Source Community Independent & Thriving Development Community

    10 committers and ~200 reviewers

    1,500 contributors and 10,000+ members

    2,000,000+ downloads

    20 years of enterprise-class development

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    Lack of an integrated replication solution

    External solutions are required

    There is no agreed solution in the

    PostgreSQL community for the

    majority of replication


    The current external solutions

    have a high learning curve

  • PostgreSQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    No upgrade facility for major releases

    The data must be either exported or replicated to the

    new version

    At least twice of the storage is needed during the upgrade process

    On large datasets, an upgrade is a very time consuming process

  • PostgreSQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Performance issues

    Indexes can not be

    used to directly return

    the results of a query

    Query execution plans

    are not cached

    Some update and delete operations leave expired

    data in the data files causing more IO

    Bulk loading operations may become CPU bound

  • PostgreSQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Lack of experienced production talent

    Many of the experienced

    PostgreSQL administrators do not

    have experience in large

    corporate environments

  • PostgreSQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Sparse Independent Software Vendor support

    There are few management and monitoring tools

    capable of using PostgreSQL

    When tools are available, many times it is through a

    generic ODBC or JDBC data source

    PostreSQL is Rarely the primarily database for an

    application, including open source applications

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • MySQL Strengths

    Integrated Replication

    Master-Slave Replication

    Scale-Out Implementations

    Offload Reporting

    Geographic Data Distribution

    MySQL Cluster

    Horizontal Scalability

  • MySQL Strengths (cont.)


    Low overhead MyISAM storage engine for read

    mostly applications

    Memory storage engine for frequently accessed


    Query Cache for frequently used statements

  • MySQL Strengths (cont.)

    Multiple Storage Engines

    Native Storage Engines





    Partner Developed Storage Engines




  • MySQL Strengths (cont.)

    Strong Corporate Backing

    Corporate Platinum Partners

  • MySQL Strengths (cont.)


    Independent Software Vendor Support

    Availability of experienced resources

    Easily accessible information from various sources

    such as whitepapers, blogs, and books

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • MySQL Weaknesses

    Metadata uses MyISAM

    Transactions involving the system

    catalog are not ACID compliant

    A server crash can corrupt the

    system catalog

  • MySQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Immature security model

    No pluggable authentication

    module preventing centrally

    managed accounts

    No support for roles resulting in

    difficulty in maintaining privileges

    for many users

  • MySQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Immature server side programming model

    Stored procedures are not cacheable

    All tables used in the procedure or trigger are


    All cursors are materialized

    Only supports SQL

  • MySQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Scalability Problems

    Difficulty with increases

    in concurrency

    Difficulty with an increase

    in the number of cores in

    the server

  • MySQL Weaknesses (cont.)

    Closed Open Source Community

    The community is not contributing to the MySQL

    server code base

    It is currently very hard to contribute code and ideas

    There are not many MySQL developers that are also

    using MySQL

    Developers outside of MySQL do not have commit


    There are no new 'innovative' features in 5.1 from

    real life applications

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • Application Types


    Web 1.0 Type Applications

    The MyISAM storage engine is ideal for online catalog


    Dynamic data is centered around an individual user such

    as user profiles and shopping carts

  • Application Types


    Reporting and Data Warehousing

    The pluggable storage engine facility

    allows for enhanced business

    intelligence functionality


    The MyISAM storage engine has very

    low overhead for read intensive


  • Application Types


    Commercial and Open Source Applications

    MySQL is the primary database for many of the popular

    open source projects

    Many commercial applications include MySQL in the

    demonstration versions

  • Application Types (cont.)


    Web 2.0 Type Applications

    The use of a distributed memory cache offloads many of

    the queries from the database resulting in a heavy

    transactional load

    The dynamic data such

    as forum posts and wikis

    are commonly being

    viewed by users while

    updates are occurring

  • Application Types (cont.)


    Operational Data Stores

    The data is constantly changing

    while reports executing

    Leverages the Multi Version

    Concurrency Control feature

    Multiple users running reports

    simultaneously requiring a scalable


  • Application Types (cont.)


    New Application Development

    The numerous procedural languages allows developers

    to leverage existing knowledge

    Transactional DDL is

    almost a requirement in a

    Ruby environment

    Debugging server side

    code speeds the

    development process

  • Agenda

    Open Source Database Trends

    PostgreSQL Strengths

    PostgreSQL Weaknesses

    MySQL Strengths

    MySQL Weaknesses

    Application Types

    About EnterpriseDB

  • EnterpriseDB Company Facts

    Award-winning enterprise open source database company

    Worlds largest concentration of PostgreSQL expertise including several core team members

    Founded in March 2004

    Headquartered in Edison, NJ and offices in 6 countries.

    Over 250 customers including: Sony, FTD, TDAmeritrade, British Telecom

    65 partners including: Red Hat, Sun, IBM, Cognos, Compiere

    Best Database Award

    2005, 2006 & 2007

    Top 100 Technology


    2006 Ones to Watch

  • Postgres Plus

    Postgres Plus Advanced

    Server offers additional

    features including Oracle


    Postgres Plus is fully open

    source and contains the

    PostgreSQL project along

    with additional components

  • Sample Customer Case Studies

    Oracle-based Custom Applications

    Sony replaced Oracle for on-line games, user forums, back-office

    Oracle-based ISV

    Tomax, retail industry ISV, replaced Oracle as default database

    MySQL upgrade for Custom Applications

    Vonage scaled applications from MySQL to EnterpriseDB

    SQL Server upgrade by 3rd party ISV

    Replaced SQL Server as embedded mammography database

    Oracle-based Business Intelligence

    Running Oracle Reports on EnterpriseDB; saved 80%
  • Contact Information

    Jim Mlodgenski

    VP, Technical Services, EnterpriseDB

    [email protected]

  • Thank you.
