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  • 7/29/2019 Enrolment Guidelines


  • 7/29/2019 Enrolment Guidelines


    CitizensDamageCompensationProgram EnrolmentGuidelines

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    ACO Assistant Coordination Officer

    AJK Azad Jammu & Kashmir

    ATM Automated Teller MachineBVO Biometric Verification Operator

    CDCP Citizens Damage Compensation ProgramCNIC Computerized National Identity Card

    DCO District Coordination Officer

    DMA Disaster Management AuthorityGB Gilgit-Baltistan

    GBDMA Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority

    GCO Grievance Counter Operator

    HoF Head of FamilyHoH Head of Household

    ICO Information Counter OperatorKP Khyber PakhtunkhwaMIS Management Information System

    NADRA National Database and Registration Authority

    PDMA Provincial Disaster Management AuthorityPIC Public Information Campaign

    PIN Personal Identification NumberPKR Pakistan Rupees

    PMA Partner Media Agency

    PMO Program Management OfficePoS Point of Sale

    RSPN Rural Support Program Network

    SDMA State Disaster Management Authority

    WCFC Watan Card Facilitation Centre

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    Alien and Fraud Those who are not naturalized citizens of

    Pakistan or have fake/bogus CNICs are marked

    as alien or fraud

    Citizens Damage Compensation Program The flood recovery and damage compensation

    (CDCP) program established pursuant to the decision of

    Council of Common Interest (CCI), for

    providing cash transfers to families and/orhouseholds affected by the floods of 2010 in


    CDCP Phase I/Watan Card Phase I Phase I of the CDCP (also known as WatanCard Project) provided a cash grant of PKR

    20,000 to families in flood affected areas.Provinces identified flood affected areas andNADRA, using its database of CNICs,

    extracted a list of Heads of Families (HoFs)

    from those notified areas. However, in KhyberPakhtunkhwa (KP), Azad Jammu & Kashmir

    (AJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB), a housedamage survey was carried out to identify

    needy people

    CDCP Phase II Beneficiary a) Heads of Households (HoHs) in the flood-

    affected areas as notified by the provinces, and

    b) HoFs of vulnerable families (defined as

    female or disabled-headed families) thatreceived Watan cards in Phase I will be

    included as Phase II beneficiaries

    CDCP Phase II/Watan Card Phase II Phase II of the Watan Card Project will provide

    cash grant of PKR 40,000 in two tranches of

    PKR 20,000 each to the Phase II beneficiaries,identified by the provinces through house

    damage surveys

    District (Zilla) The second tier of administrative division inPakistan following the provinces

    District Coordination Officer (DCO) DCO heads the district administration

    Duplicate Those cases where the same individual has

    more than one CNIC (multiple identities) with

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    different particulars and blocked by NADRA

    through biometric verification

    Grievance Redressal Process to resolve beneficiaries appeals and

    complaints in relation to enrolment, payments

    and quality of service

    House Damage Assessment Survey The survey carried out by all provinces to

    identify the beneficiaries as HoHs belonging to

    those households whose houses have beendamaged

    Household (HH) A person living alone or a group of two or

    more people (either related or not) who

    habitually live under the same roofwhether itis fully or partially occupied, and who cook

    and eat from the same pot. It excludes guests,visitors, domestic employees, or familymembers living abroad. Each household might

    be composed of one or more families

    Operational Manual A project document, approved by Cabinet

    Division and endorsed by all Provinces that

    presents the key design parameters of Phase II

    of CDCP

    Partner Commercial Bank A commercial bank with which Federal

    Government has entered into agreement for thedisbursement of funds to the eligible

    beneficiaries through their banking channel

    Pending Beneficiaries Those beneficiaries who have invalid CNICS

    Receiver Those beneficiaries who have valid CNICs

    Tehsil The third tier of administrative division in

    Pakistan, following provinces and districts; a

    tehsil is usually composed of one city or town

    that serves as its headquarters and other citiesand villages, which might be put under its


    Watan Card Facilitation Centres (WCFCs) The centres established and designated for the

    purpose of registration and disbursement ofWatan Cards to the Beneficiaries

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    Watan Card The wallet Visa Debit Card issued by Partner

    Commercial Bank to each Beneficiary, which

    shall be strictly used for the withdrawing theCDCP benefit amount

    Well off Families/Households Measured by a combination of factors such asthose having accounts in international banks,

    frequent international travel activities and

    executive jobs. These will be excluded from

    CDCP using information about the HoH, whichis available in NADRAs database

    Vulnerable Families Defined as female and disabled headed families

    in NADRAs database that were included in

    Phase I, but not captured as HoH through thesurvey. These will become part of Phase II


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    I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 6

    II. HOW TO USE THE ENROLMENT GUIDELINES................................................................................ 6

    SECTION 1: DESIGN PARAMETERS...........................................................................................................


    SECTION 2: STAKEHOLDERS AND THEIR ROLES.................................................................................. 8

    A. NADRA................................................................................................................................................. 9

    B. PDMAs/SDMA/GBDMA.................................................................................................................... 11

    C. RURAL SUPPORT PROGRAM NETWORK (RSPN) (third party validation)................................. 11

    D. PARTNER MEDIA AGENCY............................................................................................................ 11

    E. PARTNER COMMERCIAL BANKS................................................................................................. 11

    F. DISTRICT/TEHSIL ADMINISTRATION......................................................................................... 12

    SECTION 3: ENROLMENT PROCESS PLANNING................................................................................... 13

    A. MOBILIZATION OF NADRA TEAMS IN THE FIELD.................................................................. 13

    B. SELECTION OF WCFC STAFF FOR THE ENROLMENT PROCESS........................................... 13

    C. TRAINING PROCESS........................................................................................................................ 14

    D. PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGN (PIC).................................................................................. 15


    E. IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFICIARIES FOR CDCP PHASE II.................................................... 18

    SECTION 4: ENROLMENT PROCESS.........................................................................................................


    List of Figures and Tables

    Figure1:StakeholdersoftheCDCPPhaseIIEnrolmentProcess....................................................................... 9

    Figure2:WCFCSetup..................................................................................................................................... 17Figure3:IdentificationofCDCPPhaseIIBeneficiaries.................................................................................... 19

    Figure4:EnrolmentSubProcesses................................................................................................................. 20

    Table1:PICTimeTable.................................................................................................................................... 16

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    These Enrolment guidelines, supplementing the Operational Manual for the Citizens Damage

    Compensation Programme (CDCP), present the design parameters and enrolment processes of the

    CDCP Phase II, a program with the objective to continue supporting the recovery of 2010 flood-

    affected households through top-up cash grants of PKR 40,000. Furthermore, the guidelines provide

    stakeholders information related to their key functions within the enrolment process.

    Enrolment refers to the process of data acquisition of CDCP Phase II beneficiaries through a

    customized software application. This application will be used to digitally capture the CNICs,

    biometric and facial information of beneficiaries at the Watan Card Facilitation Centres (WCFCs),

    serving as enrolment centres. The information obtained will subsequently be used for beneficiaries

    verification, after which they will be able to receive the cash benefit through the Watan (Debit)



    The Enrolment guidelines are divided into four sections:

    Section 1: Outlines the program design parameters of the Enrolment Process Section 2: Describes the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders directly involved

    in the Enrolment process.

    Section 3: Delineates the pre-enrolment activities such as logistic plans, training, PublicInformation Campaign (PIC), setting up WCFCs, and identification of beneficiaries of

    CDCP Phase II.

    Section 4: Presents the various steps of the enrolment process to take place at the WCFC.

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    The beneficiaries for CDCP Phase II are defined as:

    Head of Household (HoH) of the flood damaged households as declared by ProvincialDisaster Management Authority (PDMA) / Disaster Management Authority (DMA),

    through their house damage assessment survey, and

    Head of Family (HoF) of vulnerable families, i.e. female or disabled headed families ofCDCP Phase I, regardless of their house damage.

    Categories of Beneficiaries:

    Receivers- having a valid CNIC; and Pending Beneficiaries- having an invalid CNIC (they will have to follow grievance

    redressal mechanisms to become Receivers- see Case Management guidelines)

    It is mandatory for the beneficiaries to be present in person at the WCFC for the enrolment process.However, if the beneficiary is unable to come for enrolment due to death/disability/illness, the

    beneficiarys spouse or any other adult family member registered with the National Database and

    Registration Authority (NADRA) can become the Receiver through the defined case management

    procedures (see Case Management guidelines).

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    Main stakeholders of the CDCP Phase II Enrolment Process are at four levels:

    Federal Stakeholders:

    A. NADRA

    Provincial Stakeholders:

    B. PDMAs/State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)/Gilgit Baltistan DisasterManagement Authority (GBDMA)

    C. Rural Support Program Network (RSPN) for 3rd party validationD. Partner Media Agency (PMA)E. Commercial Partner Banks

    District Stakeholders:

    F. District Administration- District Coordination Officers (DCOs)

    Tehsil Stakeholders:

    G. Tehsil Administration- Assistant Coordination Officers (ACOs)H. WCFC staff of NADRA- Information Counter Operator (ICO) and Biometric Verification

    Operator (BVO)

    I. WCFC staff of Partner Banks- Bank Counter Operator

    Interagency coordination among these stakeholders is shown in Figure 1.

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    Figure 1: Stakeholders of the CDCP Phase II Enrolment Process

    A. NADRA

    A Program Management Office (PMO) for CDCP office has been established within NADRA.

    With the overall supervision of Project Director, the PMO will be responsible for the

    appropriate execution of the enrolment process in accordance with the approved procedures, and

    if required, making any adjustments; designing of all the relevant materials to be used during

    the enrolment process; coordinating the activities for all stakeholders; and informing the

    households about the enrolment process activities and their outcomes.

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    The key teams of the PMO for enrolment will be (i) Planning and Services, (ii) Management

    Information System (MIS), and (iii) Implementation and Operations. Their roles and

    responsibilities include:

    NADRA staff at PMO:

    Filtration of data forwarded by DMAs, after applying agreed business rules; Sharing data with third party (RSPN) for validation; Triangulation of validation results with NADRA database; Receipt of results from RSPN and results announcement in terms of a district declared as

    clear or discrepant1;

    Compilation of the lists of receivers and pending beneficiaries; Design and development of MIS, which includes the enrolment software application; Deployment of required hardware and human resource (information counter, biometric

    verification counter, grievance redressal counter) at the WCFC;

    Preparation of training material and conducting trainings for regional teams and fieldstaff of WCFC;

    Coordination with Partner Banks in terms of integrating software with them; Collaboration with PDMAs / DCO Offices for smooth field operations; and Preparation of communication strategy and action plan with the help of the PMA in

    order to disseminate information on eligibility criteria, receiver and pending beneficiary

    lists, locations of WCFCs, schedules, enrolment procedures, grievance systems and

    procedures etc.

    NADRA staff at WCFC

    Biometric enrolment of beneficiaries at WCFCs; Operational facilitation to Partner Banks during the payment processes at WCFCs; and Guiding beneficiaries for updating CNICs at the nearest NADRA Registration Centres;

    1Clear districts are those where the house damage survey data has been accepted. Discrepant districts are those which

    require the provincial/district government to repeat the beneficiary identification process for that particular district. For

    details on the methodology of declaring a district clear or discrepant, see Operational Manual, section Third-party

    Independent Verification on pg. 21-23.

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    B. PDMAs/SDMA/GBDMAA Provincial/Area Coordinator has been designated in each PDMA/SDMA/GBDMA, who is

    overall responsible for the enrolment field activities such as:

    Compilation of the House Damage Assessment Survey data, which includes definingHoH, carrying out survey in flood affected areas, and consolidating the beneficiary lists;

    Provision of flood affectees data (beneficiarys name, CNIC, fathers/husbands name,and address) to NADRA for beneficiary selection as per defined business rules;

    Coordination with DCO offices for smooth field operations; and Disseminate information on eligibility criteria, receiver and pending beneficiary lists,

    locations of WCFCs, enrolment schedules and procedures, grievance systems and

    procedures etc, through the PDMA offices.

    C. RURAL SUPPORT PROGRAM NETWORK (RSPN) (third party validation) Drawing a stratified representative sample from data-set; Field Survey for validation; and Provision of results to NADRA.

    D. PARTNER MEDIA AGENCY Assist NADRA in the preparation of communication strategy and action plan; Support NADRA in the execution of PIC; and Provision of billboards, banners and other PIC material at the WFCF.

    E. PARTNER COMMERCIAL BANKS Create beneficiaries virtual accounts after successful biometric verification; Credit benefit amount to beneficiaries virtual accounts; Set up Point of Sales (PoS) at WCFCs and ensure availability of cash therein at all


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    Issue Watan Cards to beneficiaries; Provide guidance to beneficiaries about cash withdrawal mechanism both at the PoS and


    Facilitate beneficiaries in resolution of payment related grievances e.g. replacing lostWatan Card (re-issuance) / issuing a new Personal Identification Number (PIN).


    Facilitate NADRA in setting up WCFCs & Partner Banks in establishing the bankcounters and PoS machines at the WCFCs;

    Provision of security, scheduling and mobilization of beneficiaries at WCFCs; Maintain beneficiary and pending beneficiarylists at the local DCO office for informing

    the public about their status in the program;

    Disseminate information on eligibility criteria, receiver and pending beneficiary lists,locations of WCFCs, schedules, enrolment procedures, grievance systems and

    procedures etc, through the DCO/ACO office.

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    This section describes all the preparatory steps required to ensure an effective Enrolment process,

    which are the following are:

    A. Enrolment Process facilitation through mobilization of NADRA teams in the field;B. Selection of WCFC staff for the Enrolment Process;C. Training Process;D. Design of the PIC and production of all related materials;E. Setting up the WCFCs for enrolment; andF. Identification of the CDCP Phase II beneficiaries.


    NADRAs existing procedures will be followed for mobilizing the field teams of CDCP Phase II,

    which will cover logistic activities for training as well as transporting the required equipment to the

    WCFCs (computers, printers, scanners, etc). Moreover, NADRA will be responsible for the

    implementation and execution arrangements of CDCP Phase II (dissemination of PIC material-prior to and during enrolment, time plan and methodology to cover each district for enrolment, etc),

    which will ensure the smooth implementation of the CDCP Phase II.


    In preparation of the enrolment process, the NADRA and Partner Banks will ensure that the

    required personnel for the project are hired and trained.

    The WCFC staff required for CDCP is:

    a) Information Counter Operators (ICOs)b) Biometric Verification Operators (BVOs)

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    c) Bank staffd) Grievance Counter Operators (GCOs of NADRA & Partner Banks)

    Along with the WCFC staff engagement, the support will be needed from the District

    Administration, i.e. DCOs, ACOs to facilitate the Enrolment process at the District and Tehsil level.


    There will be two levels of training; a central training and field level trainings:

    (a) A central training focusing on the overall project cycle for CDCP Phase II, its contours and

    responsibilities of the PDMAs/NADRA/DCO office staff; and

    (b) Field level trainings ofWCFC staff.

    The field level trainings will focus on the program parameters linked to the enrolment process and

    will specifically present guidelines for the WCFC staff. Key stakeholders at the end of the training

    will have a detailed understanding of the enrolment process.

    The exchange of information on the details of the processes to be implemented will vary in both

    types of trainings. Since the central training will involve stakeholders at the provincial and districtlevels (PDMA, NADRA, DCO office), they will learn in depth about the enrolment mechanisms,

    policies of the program, etc. At the same time, the field level training for WCFC staff will be

    focused on the various elements related to the execution of their respective functions.

    NADRA shall train the WCFC staff in order for them to comprehend their roles during the

    enrolment process. This will focus on providing the guidelines for verification of beneficiaries who

    come to the WCFCs; checking the documentation presented; planning and operationalizing the

    enrolment activity, and explaining their specific responsibilities. The coordination and planning of

    the training will be the responsibility of Training Coordinator, CDCP NADRA.

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    The PIC shall begin prior to the Enrolment process and would continue during the Enrolment. It

    will be carried out at the following three levels; provincial, district, and the local level. It shouldinform the public about the purpose of enrolment, objectives and benefits of the CDCP Phase II.

    NADRA with the support of the PMA will be in charge of: a) the design of a national PIC on the

    Program through the use of TV, radio and print media; and b) preparation of printed materials, e.g

    posters, brochures etc for the local PIC.

    At the provincial level the selection of messages and medium will revolve around the objective of

    promoting transparency and developing an understanding of the program contours. This will assist

    in promotion of the program design and seeking the trust of the opinion leaders, politicians and the

    civil society. This will also act as a prelude to the launching of the program. National and provincial

    print and electronic media will be used to disseminate these messages. The timing of

    advertisements will coincide with the enrolment activity to ensure that it enhances the impact of the

    local PIC. Project implementers will be encouraged to participate in talk shows and public seminars

    to highlight the governance and transparency features of the program.

    At the district level, PIC will commence before the WCFCs are established. Furthermore, at the

    local level, a PIC will be launched in the targeted Tehsils and UCs commencing a week before

    enrolment begins in the various Tehsils. These PICs will be focused more towards providing

    information regarding the program processes, WCFCs, documents needed for verification and

    enrolment, eligibility criteria and associated time frame. NADRA will be overall responsible to

    ensure the timely and effective dissemination of the PIC material with the support of the PDMAs,

    DCO offices and the PMA. Before the enrolment starts, the PMA field teams shall be responsible

    for forward campaigning, meaning that prior to the enrolment process starting in a particular Tehsil,

    they will make sure that the PIC materials along with the list of beneficiaries are adequately

    displayed in the locality. The project will rely on local and traditional communication mechanisms

    adapted to cultural and psychological dynamics of the area. The PIC will be designed to involve

    local opinion leaders and notables to spread messages around. In addition to this, posters,

    brochures, banners, local newspapers, FM, cable TV, SMS response service and website-

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    16|P a g e, will also be used to inform potential beneficiaries and public regarding the

    program. Some local mediums, such as loudspeaker vans, may be utilized, where appropriate.

    PIC Time Table

    PIC Level Starting Time Period Prior to Enrolment

    Provincial 2-3 weeks

    District 10 days

    Local 7 days

    Table 1: PIC Time Table

    Public institutions such as community centres should be included for the distribution of PICmaterials. The PIC goal is to provide full information on the objectives, rules, approach, and

    anticipated timetable for the CDCP Phase II. To further promote transparency, the PIC will include

    a toll-free help-line number- (0800-36952) for direct public interaction and full details of the

    options for raising any future grievances and appeals.


    WCFCs will be established by NADRA keeping in mind both accessibility and convenience of

    beneficiaries. These will be used as temporary enrolment centres for CDCP Phase II for the entire

    period of enrolment. Figure 2 shows the perceived WCFC set-up, where the enrolment teams will

    be stationed to enrol the beneficiaries along with providing them the Watan cards. The entire set-up

    is envisioned to complete the enrolment within the anticipated time period- six months. Each

    WCFC shall accommodate:

    (i) NADRA staff consisting of:a. At least two ICOs for verifying the status of the applicants CNIC in the MIS,

    whether a beneficiary or not,

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    b. At least two BVOs who will match the fingerprints of the applicant with theNADRA database and upon unsuccessful matching, enrol his/her fingerprints and

    photograph in the MIS.

    (ii) Bank Personnelto provide Watan cards to the Phase II beneficiaries who were not partof Phase I upon successful biometric verification, to address any lost/damaged cards

    issues, and to assist with withdrawing money from PoS machines. For details, see

    Payments guidelines.

    (iii) Case Management Personnel:Simultaneous to enrolment and transfers, there will be awindow to address case management issues, for which community members will have

    access to GCOs of NADRA and Partner Banks present at the WCFC, who will also be

    assisted by a DCO staff member. The number of case management personnel may vary

    in some districts depending on the case load and the geographical area to be covered.

    (For details see Case Management guidelines)

    Figure 2: WCFC Set-up

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    1. House Damage Assessment Survey:Beneficiaries are identified through a house damage assessment survey

    2conducted in the flood

    affected areas by each Provincial / State Government, after which the concerned Disaster

    Management Authority (DMA) consolidates the lists and forwards them to NADRA.

    2. NADRAs verification process of beneficiaries CNICs:Upon the receipt of the beneficiary lists by NADRA, the CNIC of the potential beneficiary

    (according to data provided by the provinces) is verified through the NADRA if:

    a. Unique and valid in NADRA database;

    b. Unique at least within the family3;

    c. Clear in NADRA database (i.e. not marked as suspect, alien or duplicate);

    d. HoF in NADRA database where there is already a phase 1 beneficiary in the same family4;

    e. Have at least one address (temporary or permanent) from a flood affected district.

    Well off households will be excluded with information available on the HoH in the NADRAs

    registration database. Wealth is measured by a combination of proxies such as those having bank

    accounts in international banks, frequent international travel activities and executive jobs.

    In addition to the verified surveyed households, all HoFs of legitimate vulnerable beneficiaries,

    defined as female and disabled headed families in the NADRAs CNIC database that were included

    in Phase I, but not captured as HoH through the survey will, de-facto, become part of Phase II


    2 The criteria for housing damage are determined by the Provincial Governments.3

    This check will ensure that families included because of their vulnerability status (female or disabled headed families)

    will not receive double benefits. Definition of Family is two or more spouses with their unmarried children.4 This is to ensure that the same person in the family is getting the benefit if the family was also a beneficiary in phase


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    3. Verification of beneficiary lists by third-party:After NADRAs verification process of beneficiaries CNICs, an independent third party will

    determine the validity of the data provided by the provincial household damage survey by using a

    sample based Spot Check mechanism. This will result in notifying the districts as either clear or

    discrepant. Once the third party validation is complete for a district and result is declared as clear,

    all the data of that particular district is populated into the MIS, after which its beneficiaries may

    enrol themselves at the deployed WCFCs.

    Figure 3: Identification of CDCP Phase II Beneficiaries

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    Below Figure 4, shows in detail the Enrolment Sub-Processes of (i) Beneficiary Verification and (ii)

    Issuing/Activating Watan Card, which shall take place at the WCFC.

    Figure 4: Enrolment Sub-Processes

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    1. Before starting the enrolment process, the ICO will ask the beneficiaries (enrollers) toprovide their original CNIC. The ICO will enter CNIC to check its status in the CDCP MIS,

    and accordingly inform the enroller, which could be one of the following:

    If CNIC is found:

    CASE 1- the CNIC belongs to a Phase II beneficiary who was part of Phase I;

    CASE 2- the CNIC belongs to a Phase II beneficiary who was not part of Phase I;

    If CNIC is not found:

    CASE 3- the CNIC is not retrieved from MIS, thus it does not belong to a Phase II

    beneficiary or belongs to a pending beneficiary.

    2. CASE 1: IF YES, i.e. the CNIC belongs to a Phase II beneficiary who was part of Phase I,AND

    CASE 2: IF YES, i.e. the CNIC belongs to a Phase II beneficiary who was not part of Phase


    ICO directs beneficiary to the Biometric Verification Counter where fingerprints will bechecked;

    If the fingerprints match, the beneficiarys photo is captured and s/he is directed toproceed to the Bank Counter. However, if the fingerprints fail to match, the BVO will

    capture the beneficiarys photo and enrol his/her fingerprints, after which s/he will be

    advised to update his/her CNIC. In both cases, the beneficiary will receive a receipt,

    which will contain the following details: (i) date; (ii) time; (iii) CNIC no; (iv) location of

    WCFC; (v) receipt ID; (vi) Province; and (vii) name of Partner Bank.

    The beneficiary will present the receipt to the Bank Counter operator who will verify ifs/he is already a Watan Card holder;

    Upon successful verification, his/her Watan card will be activated and the beneficiarysaccount will be credited with PKR 20,000. However, if the beneficiary has lost his/her

    card, the Bank Counter operator shall issue him/her a new Watan card along with a PIN.

    In case of beneficiaries whose fingerprints successfully match 1:1, the Watan card will

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    be activated right away and the money would be credited to the beneficiarys account.

    On the other hand, for those beneficiaries whose fingerprints are not successfully

    matched, their cards will only be activated after biometric verification.

    The beneficiary will able to withdraw money either from a PoS or the banks localATM.

    3. CASE 3: IF YES, i.e. the CNIC is not retrieved from CDCP MIS, meaning either it does notbelong to a Phase II beneficiary or belongs to a Pending Beneficiary, then the ICO will

    inform the family member accordingly. This will result in appeals (For more details, see

    Case Management guidelines).