Download - Enlisting In The Armed Forces 1

  • 1. Enlisting in the Armed Forces:What it Takes
    By: Dr. Janet E. Wall, CDFI
    President and Founder of Sage Solutions
    Author, McGraw-Hills ASVAB Test Preparation Books

2. So You Want to Enlist in the Armed Forces?
Introduction and Course Objectives

  • Describe the benefits and challenges of joining the Armed Forces

3. Provide an overview of each of the Services 4. Describe the military enlistment requirements 5. Review the parts of the military enlistment test 6. Show how the test scores are used2
7. Understanding the Benefits and Challenges
Objective 1
Describe the benefits and challenges of joining the Armed Forces

  • Describe the benefits and challenges of joining the Armed Forces

8. Benefits of Military Service

  • Job Training and a Job

9. Responsibility and Leadership 10. Skill Employers Want 11. Transferable Skills 12. Money for Education 13. World Travel 14. Serving Your Country4
15. Challenges of Military Service

  • Listen to Authority

16. DemandingWork Schedule 17. Uniform at Work 18. Stationed Far from Home 19. Stay Physically Fit5
20. Personal Benefits of Military Enlistment

  • Pay and Benefits

21. Cost of Living Supplements 22. Extra Pay for Special Skills 23. Free Housing 24. Paid Vacation 25. Continue Education 26. Increased Salary Over Time6