Download - English Literature 2015 Quiz 1

  • English Literature 2015 Semester 1 Term 1

    Graded Quiz

    Text: The Crucible

  • 1. What does Reverend Parris do for a living?

    He is a church minister / minister / minister of Salem

    X works in a church

  • 2. What kind of government does Salem have in The Crucible? (p 16)

    A. Monarchy

    B. Theocracy

    C. Democracy

    D. Kleptocracy

  • 2. What kind of government does Salem have in The Crucible? (p 16)

    A. Monarchy

    B. Theocracy

    C. Democracy

    D. Kleptocracy

  • 3. How was Salem viewed by the Europeans?

    (p 13)

    A. A province that produced great works of literature

    B. A province famous for its homemade ciders.

    C. A province of hardworking farmers.

    D. A province inhabited by a sect of fanatics.

  • 3. How was Salem viewed by the Europeans?

    (p 13)

    A. A province that produced great works of literature

    B. A province famous for its homemade ciders.

    C. A province of hardworking farmers.

    D. A province inhabited by a sect of fanatics.

  • 4. What is the main reason for Tituba to be frightened at the start of the play? (17)

    A. Betty was very ill and going to die.

    B. Her master was in deep agony over Betty.

    C. Slaves like herself were often blamed for trouble in the household.

    D. She knew Abigail will accuse her.

  • 4. What is the main reason for Tituba to be frightened at the start of the play? (17)

    A. Betty was very ill and going to die.

    B. Her master was in deep agony over Betty.

    C. Slaves like herself were often blamed for trouble in the household.

    D. She knew Abigail will accuse her.

  • 5. How would you describe Thomas Putnam? (23)

    A. He harboured grudges against many people in the community.

    B. He was a hardworking, self-made man.

    C. He was not a superstitious man.

    D. All of the above.

  • 5. How would you describe Thomas Putnam? (23)

    A. He harboured grudges against many people in the community.

    B. He was a hardworking, self-made man.

    C. He was not a superstitious man.

    D. All of the above.

  • 6. What does the virgin forest symbolise? (15)

    The Devils last preserve

  • 7. Abigail is deeply concerned about Betty rather than her own self-interest.


  • 8. How would you describe John Proctor as evident in Act 1? (27)

    A. He was a man who steadily held his own opinion.

    B. He was not patient with people he felt were hypocrites.

    C. He made enemies who would criticise or even slander him easily.

    D. All of the above.

  • 8. How would you describe John Proctor as evident in Act 1? (27)

    A. He was a man who steadily held his own opinion.

    B. He was not patient with people he felt were hypocrites.

    C. He made enemies who would criticise or even slander him easily.

    D. All of the above.

  • 9. How did Reverend Hale feel about being called to Salem? (37)

    A. He was honoured to be thought of as an expert in the matter.

    B. He was vengeful as he had a personal feud to settle with witches.

    C. He was happy as Salem was a delightful town with good tasting cider.

    D. He was troubled as he had little confidence in smiting witches.

  • 9. How did Reverend Hale feel about being called to Salem? (37)

    A. He was honoured to be thought of as an expert in the matter.

    B. He was vengeful as he had a personal feud to settle with witches.

    C. He was happy as Salem was a delightful town with good tasting cider.

    D. He was troubled as he had little confidence in smiting witches.

  • 10. Abigail was quick to accuse Tituba of instigating their activities in the woods. What does this indicate about Abigails character?




  • 11. How would you best describe the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor?

    A. They were madly and passionately in love

    B. There was still respect for each others place in the household but also much tension between them.

    C. There was deep animosity between them.

    D. None of the above.

  • 11. How would you best describe the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor?

    A. They were madly and passionately in love

    B. There was still respect for each others place in the household but also much tension between them.

    C. There was deep animosity between them.

    D. None of the above.

  • 12. Why does Proctor say Oh, it is a black mischief? (53)

    A. He thinks there are witches about Salem.

    B. He thinks there is not enough moonlight to see his fields.

    C. He thinks Abigail and the other girls are manipulating people.

    D. None of the above.

  • 12. Why does Proctor say Oh, it is a black mischief? (53)

    A. He thinks there are witches about Salem.

    B. He thinks there is not enough moonlight to see his fields.

    C. He thinks Abigail and the other girls are manipulating people.

    D. None of the above.

  • 13. Why does Elizabeth Proctor want John Proctor to go to Salem? (54)

    A. She wants him to expose Abigail and the girls of their fraud.

    B. She wants him to expose the witches among the community.

    C. She wants him to buy some cider.

    D. She wants him to bring Mary Warren home.

  • 13. Why does Elizabeth Proctor want John Proctor to go to Salem? (54)

    A. She wants him to expose Abigail and the girls of their fraud.

    B. She wants him to expose the witches among the community.

    C. She wants him to buy some cider.

    D. She wants him to bring Mary Warren home.

  • 14. What upset(s) Elizabeth in this scene? (54-55)

    A. She found out that John Proctor was alone with Abigail.

    B. She thinks that John Proctor hesitates to do what is right because of Abigail.

    C. She feels that John Proctor is not honest enough with her.

    D. All of the above

  • 14. What upset(s) Elizabeth in this scene? (54-55)

    A. She found out that John Proctor was alone with Abigail.

    B. She thinks that John Proctor hesitates to do what is right because of Abigail.

    C. She feels that John Proctor is not honest enough with her.

    D. All of the above

  • 15. Why did Mary Warren give Elizabeth Proctor a rag doll?

    A. Elizabeth Warren was a collector of exquisite plush toys.

    B. Mary Warren wanted to make up for her absence from the house.

    C. Marry Warren was a witch and gave a voodoo doll to curse Elizabeth Proctor

    D. It was part of a larger plot by Abigail against Elizabeth Proctor.

  • 15. Why did Mary Warren give Elizabeth Proctor a rag doll?

    A. Elizabeth Proctor was a collector of exquisite plush toys.

    B. Mary Warren wanted to make up for her absence from the house.

    C. Mary Warren was a witch and gave a voodoo doll to curse Elizabeth Proctor

    D. It was part of a larger plot by Abigail against Elizabeth Proctor.

  • 16. What was the most likely reason for Sarah Good to confess to being a witch?

    A. She was in league with the devil and wanted to confess her sins.

    B. She was asked by Reverend Hale to falsely confess so it would look like he knew how to identify witches

    C. She did it to save her own life.

    D. None of the above

  • 16. What was the most likely reason for Sarah Good to confess to being a witch?

    A. She was in league with the devil and wanted to confess her sins.

    B. She was asked by Reverend Hale to falsely confess so it would look like he knew how to identify witches

    C. She did it to save her own life.

    D. None of the above

  • 17. Who says the following, I feel a clamp around my neck and I cannot breathe air (57)

    Mary Warren

  • 18. Who says the following, there be a thousand names; why does she call mine? (60)

    Elizabeth Proctor

  • 19. What did Reverend Hale mean when he said, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven. (68)

    A. The Devil was the most handsome until he fell down and scarred his face.

    B. Even the most righteous person on the surface could be guilty of evil.

    C. Abigail was guilty of lying in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 19. What did Reverend Hale mean when he said, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven. (68)

    A. The Devil was the most handsome until he fell down and scarred his face.

    B. Even the most righteous person on the surface could be guilty of evil.

    C. Abigail was guilty of lying in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 20. Why was John Proctor moved to say, Is the accuser always holy now? (72) A. He was questioning the logic that the

    accuser is always deemed right and the accused guilty unless proven otherwise.

    B. He was upset that men of the court were taking his wife away.

    C. He was indignant that Rebecca Nurse was being tried for witchcraft.

    D. All of the above.

  • 20. Why was John Proctor moved to say, Is the accuser always holy now? (72) A. He was questioning the logic that the

    accuser is always deemed right and the accused guilty unless proven otherwise.

    B. He was upset that men of the court were taking his wife away.

    C. He was indignant that Rebecca Nurse was being tried for witchcraft.

    D. All of the above.

  • 21. Why did Giles Corey disrupt the court? (78) A. He wanted to accuse John Proctor of

    being in league with the devil. B. He wanted to present evidence in aid of

    his wifes defence. C. He wanted to tell Judge Hathorne that

    he was a useless judge. D. He wanted to present evidence to

    convict the Putnams of witchcraft.

  • 21. Why did Giles Corey disrupt the court? (78) A. He wanted to accuse John Proctor of

    being in league with the devil. B. He wanted to present evidence in aid of

    his wifes defence. C. He wanted to tell Judge Hathorne that

    he was a useless judge. D. He wanted to present evidence to

    convict the Putnams of witchcraft.

  • 22. What evidence does Judge Danforth give to suggest he is a wise judge? (80) A. He is a supporter of Abigail and she

    always speaks the truth. B. He has maintained law and order during

    the Salem trials. C. He has convicted many guilty people. D. He is an associate of trustworthy men

    like Francis Nurse, Giles Corey and Rebecca Nurse.

  • 22. What evidence does Judge Danforth give to suggest he is a wise judge? (80) A. He is a supporter of Abigail and she

    always speaks the truth. B. He has maintained law and order during

    the Salem trials. C. He has convicted many guilty people. D. He is an associate of trustworthy men

    like Francis Nurse, Giles Corey and Rebecca Nurse.

  • 23. How does Danforth establish the legitimacy of the court and the trials? (81) A. He says that the judges are all godly and

    learned men. B. He says that all the people who were

    rightly accused have confessed. C. He says the Voice of Heaven is speaking

    through the girls. D. He says John Proctor likes drinking cider

    and those who drink cider lies in court.

  • 23. How does Danforth establish the legitimacy of the court and the trials? (81) A. He says that the judges are all godly and

    learned men. B. He says that all the people who were

    rightly accused have confessed. C. He says the Voice of Heaven is speaking

    through the girls. D. He says John Proctor likes drinking cider

    and those who drink cider lies in court.

  • 24. John Proctor is accused of not being a good Christian because

    A. He does not go to church regularly.

    B. He ploughs his fields on Sunday.

    C. Previously, he showed he did not know the bible well.

    D. All of the above.

  • 24. John Proctor is accused of not being a good Christian because

    A. He does not go to church regularly.

    B. He ploughs his fields on Sunday.

    C. Previously, he showed he did not know the bible well.

    D. All of the above.

  • 25. Why does Francis Nurse say I have brought trouble on these people; I have - ? (85)

    A. The people who signed his testament for the good opinion of Rebecca, Elizabeth and Martha will be called up for questioning.

    B. He made life difficult for Reverend Parris and Thomas Putnam.

    C. He has falsely accused Abigail and the children for lying in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 25. Why does Francis Nurse say I have brought trouble on these people; I have - ? (85)

    A. The people who signed his testament for the good opinion of Rebecca, Elizabeth and Martha will be called up for questioning.

    B. He made life difficult for Reverend Parris and Thomas Putnam.

    C. He has falsely accused Abigail and the children for lying in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 26. What is a possible reason for Mary Warren to decide to testify against Abigail? (91)

    A. She has a hidden agenda against Abigail.

    B. She was cajoled by Mercy Lewis to do so.

    C. Her conscience was pricked as she knew her employers were innocent.

    D. John Proctor threatened to kill her if she didnt do so.

  • 26. What is a possible reason for Mary Warren to decide to testify against Abigail? (91)

    A. She has a hidden agenda against Abigail.

    B. She was cajoled by Mercy Lewis to do so.

    C. Her conscience was pricked as she knew her employers were innocent.

    D. John Proctor threatened to kill her if she didnt do so.

  • 27. Why did Elizabeth lie in court? (100)

    A. She was a witch and dishonest.

    B. She was possessed by Abigail and didnt know what she was saying.

    C. She did not lie, just could not remember the exact details.

    D. She wanted to protect her husbands good name.

  • 27. Why did Elizabeth lie in court? (100)

    A. She was a witch and dishonest.

    B. She was possessed by Abigail and didnt know what she was saying.

    C. She did not lie, just could not remember the exact details.

    D. She wanted to protect her husbands good name.

  • 28. Why did Mary Warren accuse John Proctor of being the Devils man? (104) A. She was afraid that he would beat her when

    they returned home. B. She was trying to save her own life. C. She believed that the court needed to hear

    the truth to save the people of Salem from a wicked man.

    D. She was taking revenge from the ill treatment she suffered as a servant to the Proctors.

  • 28. Why did Mary Warren accuse John Proctor of being the Devils man? (104) A. She was afraid that he would beat her when

    they returned home. B. She was trying to save her own life. C. She believed that the court needed to hear

    the truth to save the people of Salem from a wicked man.

    D. She was taking revenge from the ill treatment she suffered as a servant to the Proctors.

  • 29. Where were Sarah Good and Tituba headed? (108)

    A. Barbados

    B. Mexico

    C. Trinidad and Tobago

    D. Costa Rica

  • 29. Where were Sarah Good and Tituba headed? (108)

    A. Barbados

    B. Mexico

    C. Trinidad and Tobago

    D. Costa Rica

  • 30. Why were cows wanderin the highroads? (109)

    A. Their masters were in jail or hanged.

    B. It was the traditional time to graze for Salem.

    C. Their masters were too busy identifying witches in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 30. Why were cows wanderin the highroads? (109)

    A. Their masters were in jail or hanged.

    B. It was the traditional time to graze for Salem.

    C. Their masters were too busy identifying witches in court.

    D. None of the above.

  • 31. Why did Abigail want to stay a night with Mercy Lewis? (111)

    A. They wanted to develop a further scheme together to kill their doubters.

    B. Abigail was afraid that she would be attacked if she were alone.

    C. They wanted to cast spells again together to kill her doubters.

    D. She didnt. It was an excuse to run away together.

  • 31. Why did Abigail want to stay a night with Mercy Lewis? (111)

    A. They wanted to develop a further scheme together to kill their doubters.

    B. Abigail was afraid that she would be attacked if she were alone.

    C. They wanted to cast spells again together to kill her doubters.

    D. She didnt. It was an excuse to run away together.

  • 32. Why was it advantageous to Danforth and Parris if the likes of Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor confessed to witchcraft? (112)

    A. It would mean they were rightly accused and convicted.

    B. It would help to preserve the legitimacy of the court.

    C. It would quell doubts that people may have about their guilt.

    D. All of the above.

  • 32. Why was it advantageous to Danforth and Parris if the likes of Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor confessed to witchcraft? (112)

    A. It would mean they were rightly accused and convicted.

    B. It would help to preserve the legitimacy of the court.

    C. It would quell doubts that people may have about their guilt.

    D. All of the above.

  • 33. Why was Elizabeth Proctor spared from hanging?

    A. They discovered she was innocent after all.

    B. She was with child.

    C. John Proctor pleaded for his wife to be spared.

    D. All of the above.

  • 33. Why was Elizabeth Proctor spared from hanging?

    A. They discovered she was innocent after all.

    B. She was with child.

    C. John Proctor pleaded for his wife to be spared.

    D. All of the above.

  • 34. What does Reverend Hale mean when he says I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves? (114)

    A. He means he needs to counsel Christians to speak the truth.

    B. He means he needs to counsel Christians to lie to save their own lives.

    C. He means he needs to counsel Christians to abstain from being drunk on cider.

    D. None of the above.

  • 34. What does Reverend Hale mean when he says I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves? (114)

    A. He means he needs to counsel Christians to speak the truth.

    B. He means he needs to counsel Christians to lie to save their own lives.

    C. He means he needs to counsel Christians to abstain from being drunk on cider.

    D. None of the above.

  • 35. John Proctor tore the confession up because he wanted to protect his good name and not blacken the name of his friends.

  • 35. John Proctor tore the confession up because he wanted to protect his good name and not blacken the name of his friends.
