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English Classroom Best Hits

Speaking Activities

Hot Potato Describe and Guess Dialogs

Hot PotatoThe teacher passes an object – usually a ball or soft toy – to students who must then give a response in English. This game involves physical movement and forces every student in the class to participate. EXAMPLES: “What is your

name?”“Name any color.” “What did you eat for lunch?” “What are you wearing?” “Describe your best friend.”

Scaling Hot Potato

Students simply translate a word or phrase from English into Russian, or Russian into English.

Students give answers to basic questions.

Students answer basic questions and then ask questions to other students.




Hot Potato Example

What is your favorite …?

EXAMPLES: “What is your favorite food?” “What is your favorite subject?”“What is your favorite book?” “What is your favorite city?”

Describe and GuessOne student describes an object from a set of objects (pictures, toys, classmates, etc.) and his or her classmates must guess which one is described.


1 2 3

Scaling Describe and GuessAt this level students do not even describe the object. The class guesses directly from a short list.

With help from the teacher, students write their riddles step by step, then present to the class. The answer could be from a list or generally known.

Without any help from the teacher, students write their riddles, then present to the class. The answers could be from a list or generally known.




This is a team sport.

This is a competitive sport. This is summer and fall sport.


?Describe and Guess Example


This is a team/individual sport.

This is a competitive/non-competitive sport.

This is a spring/summer/fall/winter/all year sport.

?Describe and Guess Example

DialogsStudents act out a conversation between two people. Although most of the time students simply memorize dialogs, the goal is to get them to be able to speak spontaneously. We want them to create language, not simply memorize sounds.Memorized Example: Hello, Bob. Hello, Sam. Do you like pizza? I love pizza! It’s my favorite food?Why do you love pizza?I love pizza because it has cheese and tomato sauce!

Spontaneous Example:Write a conversation between two friends about their favorite food, “pizza.”

Scaling Dialogs

Students simply memorize a dialog and repeat it. There is no attempt at creativity or independent thought.

Students are given most or some of a text, but they have to think of their own key words or phrases.

Students have no text, only a basic description of their conversation. It is entirely student created.




Hi, Anne. What are you doing? Hello, Bill. I’m going to the theatre! It’s my first time. Wow, that’s great! I love the theater. What is your favorite part of the theater? My favorite part of the theater is the beautiful scenery. That sounds great. Well, I need to go now – goodbye! Goodbye!

Dialogs Example (just text)

Hi, ________. What are you doing? Hello, ______. I’m going to the ______! It’s my first time. Wow, that’s great! I love the theater. What is your favorite part of the theater? My favorite part of the theater is the _____________. That sounds great. Well, I need to go now – goodbye! Goodbye!

Dialogs Example (easy)

Hi, ________. What are you doing? Hello, ______. I’m going to the ______! It’s my first time. Wow, that’s great! I love the _________. What is your _______ part of the ________? My _________ part of the ________ is the _____________. That sounds great. Well, I need to go now – ________! ________!

Dialogs Example(medium)

Hi, ________. What are you doing? Hello, ______. I’m going to the ______! It’s my first time. Wow _______! I love the _________. What is your _______ part of the ________? My ____________________is the _____________. That sounds ________. Well, I need to go now – ________! ________!

Dialogs Example (hard)


Creative Writing Write On! Ukraine Classroom Activities Websites

An international competition coordinated by U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers, for students from 6th form to 4th year University students. There is even a category for teachers!

This competition is designed to encourage students to develop their critical thinking, free expression, and writing skills, especially in the area of creative writing, and to allow them to have some fun!

What is Write On! Ukraine?

33 students from the Educational Complex and School No. 1 in Putivl participated in Write On! 2013

5 students won on the oblast level

Write On! 2013 in Putivl

Creative Writing Activity #1

Word Types Fill –in-the-Blank Mad Libs Story

1. Adverb2. Noun3. Liquid4. Verb5. Number6. Noun (Plural)7. Verb8. Adjective9. Noun10. Noun (Plural)11. Illness12. Occupation13. Body Part (Plural)14. Body Part

How to wash your face:

In order to wash your face [1] , you must wet your [2] in warm [3] .Then, [4] it across your face [5] times. This will wash off anyremaining [6] . When you are doneyou should [7] the cloth in [8] water to clean it. You should alsowash your face with a [9] to keep itsmooth and shiny. This will keep alsokeep away [10] . Don`t worry. It isnormal to experience [11] the firsttime you try this. Consult your [12] if you break out in [13] . This workswell on your [14] too!

Creative Writing Activity #2

The 5Ws Chain Stories/Exquisite Corpse Method

1. Who2. What3. When4. Where5. Why

With whom? How?

1. Dima2. eats borsht3. at midnight on

Wednesday4. in the Carpathian

mountains5. because he is sad.

Students are given random objects (watch, scarf, keys, etc.) and then they have to write a story that incorporates the object into the plot

Creative Writing Activity #3

Write On! Ukraine websites

Free list of Mad Libs

Creative Writing Seminar videos

Creative Writing Websites:

DiscussionSharing resources &



Organizations Databases & Websites

U.S. Embassy◦ Regional English Language

Office (RELO)◦ English Teaching Resource

Center (ETRC)◦ Window on America Library

British Council CEI Sumy Camp Excite Sumy Oblast

Peace Corps Databases◦



English Tips Learn Well English Busy Teacher Breaking News ESL ESL Flow English in Putivl blog E-Connect for Teachers

May 11th: WELL Seminar in Sumy

June 5 - 6: Free Kick 2-Day Camp June 10 -15: Cowboys and Cossacks Camp June 17 – 22: Camp TOBE June 24 – July 3: Camp HEAL

July 14 -19: Camp Excite July 22 – 27: Camp GLOW July 22 – August 2: CACTUS Camp

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