Download - Endowment Commission Final Report








































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1 Licensees are permitted, though not required, to enforce an age restriction for admittance. D.C. Municipal Reg. 23-905.1.

Several D.C. bars, such at the 9:30 Club, Black Cat, Velvet Lounge and Blues Alley admit those over 18. A stamp or

wristband could distinguish those of legal age. 2 Harvard’s Pub is managed by a recent alumnus of the class of 2001, employed by the school for that purpose, who has

restaurant and bar management experience, but is otherwise student-owned and operated. 3 Chris Heller, “Closing the Pub: Georgetown’s all-time worst idea,” VOX POPULI, Sep. 3, 2010.




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4 REPORT ON STUDENT LIFE 8 (2010) 5 ID. 10 6 ID. 26



















7 Figures were retrieved from a search of the Georgetown Directory, based on a search of the departments listed as being in

Healy Hall basement on the Georgetown webpage. 8 Anna Bank, “Neighbors pass resolution opposing keg ban.” GEORGETOWN VOICE, Dec. 7, 2006.


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9 Steve Bradt, “Harvard College sets Cambridge Queen’s Head opening for April 19,” HARVARD GAZETTE, March 1 2007. 10 SCHOOL DESIGNS: HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE QUEEN’S HEAD – PROJECT DETAILS.


















A Renewable Roadmap Powering Student Life with Solar Energy

Prepared by Georgetown Energy Update 4.10.2011



Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3

II. Partners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 4

III. Proposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6

IV. Rationale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". 10

V. Solar Model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".. 11

VI. Frequently Asked Questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 14

#$$% Appendix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". 15 " " " " " " " "









-- President Barack Obama, addressing U#$%&'($)*+,'&($-&#)+./01+2&3$4$/+4#+3&4'5&)46#7(+use of clean energy in McDonough Gymnasium, March 30, 2011.




I. Executive Summary

The Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) is currently exploring ideas on how best to use a $3.4 million endowment which has accumulated over the past decade through the Student Activities Fee. GUSA intends to distribute the funds to projects which affect the entire student body and have a lasting impact on campus. ""

We believe that 96.6 kW of rooftop solar installations on university-owned townhouses would (8460/(&+3&4'5&)46#7(+0499$)9&#)+)4+(:()/$#/;$<$)*+/#-+$#(=$'&+():-&#)(+)4+&#8/#0&+)8&$'+energy education. The systems would represent a strong economic investment, as the $295,457 savings from solar will cover the $163,399 cost in under 10 years and begin immediately earning the university savings after that, for a gross savings of $458,856.

Total Solar 96.6 kW

Total Cost $163,399

Net Savings $295,457

Total Allocated to GUSA Fund



We propose 100% of the energy savings (the gross figure, $458,856) be put under the jurisdiction of GUSA. Although the fund is available for all students and can be applied to initiatives that GUSA deems necessary, it is our vision that these funds will meet energy, sustainability, technology and science needs on campus. The fund will operate on the idea of giving back to Georgetown, embodying the founding Jesuit ideals of this university.""

Xavier Rivera, the Director of Utilities originally suggested that townhouses could represent a feasible opportunity for implementing solar technology. We have secured support for our innovative proposal from Solar City, community solar leaders, university energy officials, distinguished alumni, student leaders on campus, general students and professors. ""

A renewed commitment to solar energy on the Georgetown campus will foster greater awareness of our energy consumption. Students at Georgetown will enter the world with personal experience in reducing their own carbon footprint and an understanding of how solar can be financially viable. The solar panel installations will also help Georgetown reach its stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% per square foot by the year 2020. ""

Our proposal achieves 5 key goals:""

1. Lowering the school's electricity bills and carbon dioxide emissions."2. Exemplifying the Jesuit tradition of giving back to the community by reallocating funds to GUSA."3. Providing a permanent manifestation of 3&4'5&)46#7(+0499$)9&#)+)4+&#&'5*+/6/'&#&((>+and elevating its status among peer institutions."4. Fostering a stronger understanding of sustainability in students across a wide variety of interests, from business to development to the physical sciences."5. Educating students on the environmental and financial benefits of renewable energy.



II. Partners

Georgetown Energy Georgetown Energy is a not-for-profit renewable energy action team dedicated to finding sustainable solutions for the university and greater Washington D.C. community. Since our founding in 2009, we have facilitated 5 residential solar projects throughout the community, $#0<:-$#5+)8&+3&4'5&)46#+#&$58;4'844-7(+?$'()+&%&'+(4</'+=84)4%4<)/$0+@,AB+'&($-&#)$/l rooftop installation. We have built and managed relationships with key solar professionals, advocates, and university officials as well as representatives at the local and national level. Recently, our team has developed a strategy for installing solar rooftop systems on university-owned townhouses. C4'1$#5+6$)8+='4?&(($4#/<(+$#+)8&+(4</'+$#-:()'*>+6&7%&+0'&/)&-+/+?$#/#0$/<<*+/))'/0)$%&+94-&<+?4'+'&/<$D$#5+)8&+54/<+4?+;'$#5$#5+'&#&6/;<&+&#&'5*+(4<:)$4#(+)4+3&4'5&)46#7(+campus.

Administrative Support We recently had the opportunity to speak with Xavier Rivera, the Director of Utilities on campus, regarding our proposal. Mr. Rivera has previously seen many proposals that aimed to increase )8&+(0844<7(+4#-campus solar electricity generation, and although he supported the ideas in principle, the details of previous 04#)'/0)(+-$-+#4)+9&&)+)8&+:#$%&'($)*7(+54/<("+ When looking at our proposal, he supported our view that university-owned townhouses presented the most feasible avenue for exploration and encouraged us to develop our current proposal. He has pledged to examine the feasibility of the proposal alongside a working group.

Solar City

We drafted the proposal schematics in tandem with Solar City, the #1 residential solar company in the nation, helping 15 families go solar each day. Solar City has worked with 75 universities across the country, and has received awards for their innovation, commitment to the environment, and financial packages for residential installations from:

They are renowned and unique for their in-house approach; unlike many of their competitors who hire engineers, architects and financiers from third-party institutions, Solar City stands by their projects with their own employees and a quality guarantee. We also chose Solar City for their experience. The company has worked in Georgetown before and established a personal rapport with the Old Georgetown Board members, earning valuable skill in installing panels at a board-approved angle that cannot be seen from the street. Solar City also excels in maintenance: through its Premium Service Package Solar City will monitor and repair any damaged or failing panels after installation, insure the panels, and guarantee them against theft 4'+():-&#)+-/9/5&"+C&7%&+=&'(4#/<<*+64'1&-+6$)8+Tim Grahl, the Regional Manager for the Mid-Atlantic Area, on a townhouse installation in Georgetown, and he fully supports our proposal.




A wide coalition of faculty, administration officials, distinguished alumni, community figures and student leaders have come together in endorsing an exploration of our proposal, as seen below:

Michael Barrette, President, Capitol Hill Solar Cooperative, Washington D.C. Anya Schoolman, President, Mt. Pleasant Solar Cooperative, Washington D.C. Parag Chokshi (SFS '04), Google, Clean Energy Public Affairs

David Burton (GU Law '96), General Electric Capital, GE Energy Tax Director, Financial Services Dr. Timothy Beach, STIA Dept, Georgetown University, Cinco Hermanos Chair in Environment and International Affairs

E)&=8&#+24*<&+@FGH+IJKB>+L:($#&((+E*()&9(+M#/<*()+/)+N%&'&()+O&$#(:'/#0& P$08/&<+Q/<%&*+@EQE+7RSB>+F8$&?+Q$#/#0$/<+/#-+M-9$#$()'/)$%&+G??$0&'>+M#/<*($(+3'4:=>+T#0" N'$#+24*<&+@PEL+IUJB>+ Marketing Strategy Specialist, PTC P$08/&<+P&/#&*+@EQE+ISVB>+3WEM President 3'&5+H/%&'$&''&+@FGH+I+SVB>+3WEM+A$0&+,'&($-&#) .&(($&+O4;;$#(+@EQE+ISVB>+3WEM+E&0retary for Sustainable Development P$08/&<+L/'0</*+@FGH+ISVB>+3WEM+NX&0:)$%&+F8$&?+4?+E)/?? F</$'&+M:()$#+@EQE+I+SVB>+N04-Action President E04))+L'&&#+@FGH+ISSB>+Chairman of Corp Green Team, Founder and President of Georgetown Conservation Corps

Marcus King (SFS '93), STIA Dept, Georgetown University



III. The Proposal

We propose the installation of rooftop solar panels on 43 Georgetown University-owned

townhouses. Each townhouse would have its own system, representing a total of 96.6 kW. The

entire system would cost $163,399 to install and operate over a 20-year leasing agreement.

Solar City optimizes the design of each system according to roof slope, angle, shading, and

structure. The preliminary projections for the size and placement of the systems can be seen


Premium Service Package

Solar City offers its Premium Service Package alongside every installation, which insures the

system against any damage by weather, trees, or students for the 20-year lifetime of the

system. Should a panel drop in efficiency, break after a hailstorm, or be damaged by students,

Solar City personnel would replace the panels and make any necessary repairs.

Solar City has also provided a minimum number of kilowatt hours (kWh) that will be produced by

all of the systems. If the systems produce less than that amount because of wind, damage, or

other factors, then Solar City will credit Georgetown University the difference at the price that it

pays Solar City. This policy ensures that abnormal weather events or damage to the system will

not reduce the projected amount of energy savings generated by the systems. See below for a

summary of Solar City's service package.



Total Energy Savings

In the leasing model, Georgetown University purchases electricity generated by the solar panels

from Solar City, which becomes a partial electricity provider to the school. However, because

Solar City charges less for electricity than Pepco, Georgetown saves money by buying the

solar-generated electricity. The university will save a total of $458,856 over 20 years, with

savings growing from roughly $14,000 in the first year to $34,000 by the final year.

Y8&(&+(/%$#5(+/'&+-&)&'9$#&-+;*+E4</'+F$)*7(+()/)&-of-the-art monitoring system, which will

allow Georgetown University to see at any moment what they are paying compared to what they

would have paid Pepco. At the end of each fiscal year, the University would write a check to the

appropriate GUSA personnel for an amount equal to the yearly savings.



GUSA Control of Funds

GUSA can use these funds to empower students to explore energy issues inside and outside

the classroom through provision of grants, fellowships, scholarships, lecture funding, new

course creation, and other ideas developed by future students. We stress that all students will

have the opportunity to apply to these funds and that they will be implemented for the good of

our community in the spirit of giving back to others.

Included below are four possible ideas involving renewable resources, energy, sustainability,

and science that we see as potential beneficiaries of future funding:

Capitol Bikeshare Cost Reduction - Students have fully utilized the bikeshare program introduced in the fall of 2010. Karen Frank, the vice president of university facilities and student housing, noted in November 2010 that although no official statistics have yet been recorded, the empty bike racks are a positive sign1

ZE):-&#)(+H&0):'&+4#+E:()/$#/;$<$)*+$#+L:($#&(([+- The funds could support bringing a world-class professor to teach a semester-long, 1-credit class for students who want to enhance their knowledge of sustainability in business, engineering, biology, technology, or other technical subjects

Enable ambitious students to continue cutting-edge research on ultra-high efficiency and new solar technology

Funds to bring a high-profile energy conference to Georgetown to aid to students who wish to shift the educational energy center from GW, American, or Catholic University to Georgetown

Proposed Timeline for Solar Installations

Working group forms: May 2011 Full report submitted to GUSA FinApp committee: July 2011 Successful GUSA referendum: Fall 2011 Successful student referendum: Fall 2011 Check submitted to Solar City: January 2012 Final Site Evaluations Completed: January 2012 Permitting Process for systems begins: February 2012 Approval for Designs from Georgetown Historic Boards, with whom Georgetown Energy

and Solar City have worked on successful past proposals: February 2012 Construction on systems begin (3-4 days per system): August 2012 Construction on systems ends: September 2012

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1 ZL$1&(8/'&+/+\$)+C$)8+3&4'5&)46#7(+I3'&&#7+F499:#$)*.[ Georgetown University News. 10 November




Proposed Timeline for Endowing and Allocating the Fund

Working group, with GUSA, discusses most efficient strategy to oversee the fund: Summer 2011

Working group develops agreement with university to transfer funds: Summer 2011 Marketing effort begins to publicize the new funding source to students: May 2012 Systems begin functioning fully: September 2012 1st check is submitted to GUSA via the university utilities department: September 2013 Check is submitted annually thereafter: September each year

Proposed Members of Summer Working Group

Should we receive the endorsement of the Commission, we believe that the following people would be vital in creating working group to develop a more detailed proposal for the fall:

1-2 members of the Commission who have experience working with energy officials in campus or who have particular interest in seeing this proposal succeed

1-2 members of GUSA FinApp Committee who could advise on the maintenance and allocation of funds

Xavier Rivera, the Director of Utilities for Georgetown University Mickey Martinez, Resident of Mt. Pleasant and Member of Mt. Pleasant Solar Co-op,

Lawyer for Gilbert, LLC Peter Nulsen and Anthony Conyers, Co-heads of Georgetown Energy Tim Grahl, Regional Manager of Sales for the Mid-Atlantic Area, Solar City F8'$(+L':#&/:>+PEQE+I]K>+=/()+0<$&#)+4?+3&4'5&)46#+N#&'5* Jessie Robbins, GUSA Secretary of Sustainability Timothy Beach, Professor, STIA Department

A Shovel Ready Proposal Were we to receive a grant from the endowment fund, the construction process would start with Solar City the next day and would be completed in 4-6 months. No extra space or large-scale construction is required on campus. We are ready to engage appropriate university officials and continue to campaign for widespread support. The financial profit of the panels is also 5:/'/#)&&-"+M(+\4*/(>+6&7'&+?$&'0&<*+='4:-+4?+4:'+=/()^+6$)8+)8$(+=</#>+we look to build our legacy for the future.



IV. Rationale The GUSA Endowment Commission gives 2 specific points of criteria for the allocation of funds. We will show how our proposal can meet and perhaps exceed these goals.""

1. Money spent from the Endowment must go to projects/programs that either affect or are open to the entire student body.""

All university students have the option of applying to live in a townhouse during their careers, so each student would have a chance to live in a townhouse powered by solar. Solar City offers state-of-the-art digital monitors for each individual system, so students would be able to see the progress of the systems at any time on the meters at their homes, or online anywhere in the world in real time. This fully-integrated education network will change the way students look at energy consumption, and help them understand the true financial attractiveness of renewable energy options. The systems would also provide a wonderful case study of residential solar systems in a university setting, allowing students from a variety of diverse interests from science to business to urban development to explore the systems from an academic perspective. The possibilities are endless for challenging the minds of the Georgetown community. ""

In addition, 100% of the savings of the systems--$458,856 over 20 years, a 181% return on the original $163,399 investment--would be returned through the jurisdiction of GUSA, allowing all students to access the funds through a variety of proposals deemed appropriate by GUSA. The Student Activities Fee was designed to create a consistent pool of funding for student-led efforts that enhance the college experience for the student body, and solar installations are a vehicle for achieving this objective.""

2. Money spent from the Endowment must go to projects that will have a lasting impact. ""

The solar systems are insured for a 20-*&/'+)&'9>+&#(:'$#5+;4)8+3&4'5&)46#7(+0499$)9&#)+)4+sustainability and that the savings available to students exist for the next two decades. The installations also allow Georgetown to lead more serious intellectual discussions about our energy future, as solar constitutes a rapidly-rising portion of the energy portfolio of the United States. The solar market reached $3.6 billion in 2011-- a 67% increase from 2010. Georgetown will also be able to begin recruiting more students interested in science, a historically underrepresented group at the university. We hope to capture the idea described in the T#)&<<&0):/<+H$?&+O&=4')+4?+VUUJ+)8/)+Z3&4'5&)46#+W#$%&'($)*+$(+/+():-&#)-centered research university founded on cultures of civility, engagement, and inquiry-;/(&-+<&/'#$#5"[+C&+;&<$&%&+that solar can create an important culture shift that adds to the diversity of interests among Georgetown students. ""

Alongside a brand new science building, the solar panels would showcase Georgeto6#7(+increasing commitment to sustainability. Each campus visitor--from prospective students to Secretary of Energy Steven Chu--64:<-+:#-&'()/#-+)8&+:#$%&'($)*7(+$#)&'&()+$#+-&%&<4=$#5+sensible ways to generate electricity. The panels would also help the university achieve its stated goal of reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions on the main campus by at least 50% per square foot by 2020.2 ""

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V. The Solar Model E4</'+&<&0)'$0$)*+5&#&'/)$4#+:(&(+/+='40&((+0/<<&-+)8&+Z=84)4%4<)/$0+&??&0)>[+)8'4:58+68$08+sunshine excites electrons in the solar panels, creating a direct current (DC). This current is run through an inverter that changes the DC to the alternating current (AC) that provides most household power. ""

Below is a diagram showing how the sun can power a typical university-owned townhouse:"




Explanation of Solar Leasing Model""

Solar installers offer several options for purchasing a residential PV system. We have focused on the most financially efficient model offered in Washington D.C.: the solar leasing model. Under this contract, Georgetown pays for the installation of the system and then buys electricity that the panels produce at a steely reduced price. The result is high-yield savings year after year for the life of the contract, with the option to buy the systems at the end of the 20-year agreement. Solar City offers to install the system for only 30% of its true cost, assuming all liability and including full insurance coverage for student damage, theft, or weather. ""

The following the 43 townhouses where solar is viable with in a financial scenario with and without panels. Without solar, the townhouse would obtain all its electricity from Pepco utility provider at 14.7 cents/kWh. With solar, )8&+(*()&9(+64:<-+='4-:0&+VU`+4?+)8&+84:(&7(+electricity needs, so the total electricity savings would be 20% of what the university was originally paying Pepco, minus the initial cost:


"""""""""""""""""""""""" "

" """"!"#$


The university would then distribute these electricity savings to GUSA via a revenue-sharing mechanism. Below, we explain in detail the complete flow of money for one townhouse, including the roles of student payment, Georgetown University, PEPCO, and GUSA:










Total Projected Savings: The year to year savings are shown below. The systems will pay for themselves in 10 years, earning $295,457 in net savings, and $458,856 in total savings:


Extended Financial Analysis: We also include below the NPV of both the total savings and total investment (at a 6% discount rate) and the IRR:

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VI. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: $163,399 covers the initial cost for 43 townhouses. Can this amount be scaled up and down? What happens to the savings?""

A: With the click of a button, our partners at Solar City can scale the proposal up or down by any specified amount. More initial funds would mean higher savings over time, whereas fewer initial funds would mean fewer installations on townhouses. Solar can be installed on a single townhouse for roughly $10,000. The savings can scaled in an approximately linearly fashion either upwards or downwards.""

Q: If these are being installed on university-%*&,$#=6/-$/&078#7+%6-$&'(#(+,#6&/>,.7/(?#53?#@%.#/(A#B%,7&'(#(+,#6&/>,.7/(?#3$$.,77#3dditional solar through the 2010-2020 Campus Plan?""

A: Because 100% of the system savings are being directed back to students, we believe that it is appropriate to use funds built up from the Student Activities Fee to pay for this proposal. The university does not develop any concrete plans for solar or any other on-campus renewable energy generation or installation. The plan mentions the current ICC panel array in the section ZS"V"a+H&/-+$#+Y'/#(=4')/)$4#+E4<:)$4#(+/#-+E:()/$#/;<&+2&($5#"[""

Q: Other proposals have been submitted to the GUSA Endowment Commission that include the creation of a fund to support student initiatives. Why is this proposal different?""

A: The energy savings are guaranteed for 20 years by Solar City through their Preferred Service Package, which ensures the delivery of the funds to the university. Our fund is particularly robust in that it ties concrete change into the energy profile of Georgetown, environmental and sustainability initiatives and the interests of Georgetown University to continuously improve the quality of life of students as savings increase. Ultimately, it is a sustainable and tangible investment in accordance with our values. It is much more than just the creating of the fund.""

Q: There are many buildings on Georgetown's campus that have lots of roof space suitable for solar. Why does this proposal focus on townhouse installations?""

M_+3&4'5&)46#7(+:)$<$)$&(+-&=/')9&#)+8/(+4=)$9$D&-+$)(+/5'&&9&#)(+6$)8+(4</'+='4%$-&'(+6$)8+$)(+commodity hedging activities to greatly lower the cost of electricity to the school. We have examined several proposals for large-scale, on-campus solar, but have not been able to secure a financially attractive offer to explore further. The townhouses, however, represent the best opportunity to secure energy savings from solar.""

Q: The Georgetown Historic Board and other neighborhood organizations could be very resistant to this proposal. How can Solar City or the university secure their support?""

A: Georgetown Energy has successfully facilitated the 1st residential rooftop solar installation in Georgetown alongside Tim Grahl at Solar City. We understand how to secure their approval through the review process by making sure that the panels would not be visible from the street. Our prior success will no doubt expedite the decision-making of the ANC, Historic Board, and other Georgetown groups.""




organization will need to exist through 2013 in order to ensure that the savings are transferred from the university to GUSA. What underclassmen could lead the organization going forward?""

A: Georgetown Energy has a freshman (Evan Giangrande) and six sophomores (Michele Jaeger, Colin Doyle, Harrison Gale, Caroline Palmer, Chirei Chang, Samantha Apgar) that will be leading the organization in the fall of 2012 and spring of 2013, and they have the utmost trust 4?+)8&+:==&'0</((9&#+)4+04#)$#:&+3&4'5&)46#+N#&'5*7(+)'/-$)$4#"""

Q: Say a Georgetown student throws a beer can on the roof after the Hoyas make the Final Four in 2015. What happens? Who is responsible for monitoring the health of the systems?""

A: Solar City offers a Premium Service Package that insures all the systems against all negligent damage for 20 years, and this package would be included for all installations. An 4??$0$/<+$#+)8&+:#$%&'($)*7(+:)$<$)*+-&=/')9&#)+64:<-+;&+/;<&+)4+94#$)4'+)8&+/0)$%$)*+4?+)8&+(*()&9+/)+all times from the comfort of his or her office, and could see instantly if a panel on a system would be producing less electricity than expected. The official would notify Solar City immediately, who would be able to repair the system as quickly as possible at no extra charge.""

Q: Do the systems need to be cleaned or regularly maintained by university officials?""

A: No. Because Washington D.C. has occasional rainfall, the water will clean the panels and '&94%&+(49&+<$58)+-$')+/#-+5'$9&>+68$08+(84:<-+#4)+/??&0)+)8&+4:)=:)+4?+)8&+(*()&9"+E4</'+F$)*7(+Performance Guarantee also guarantees the energy savings regardless of the year to year difference in output based on weather conditions or other detrimental factors. ""

Q: Is Georgetown Energy a SAC group? What type of university affiliation do they have?""

A: Georgetown Energy is an independent, not-for-profit energy action team founded in 2009 by two undergraduate students, Anthony Conyers and Peter Nulsen, and the organization is not currently a member of SAC or affiliated with any other university group.""

Q: Do any of the targeted townhomes need roof repairs or have any other structural or electrical issues?""

A: The 43 townhouses were selected by Solar City as ideal for solar because of minimal shading, ideal angles, and low structural concern. The systems were also designed using state-of-the-art technology to optimize cost and amount generated by solar. 29 houses are projected to have 8-panel arrays, 9 houses have 12-panel arrays, 5 houses have 16-panel arrays. Solar City can do more careful inspections of the system to confirm their initial findings. Q: What other university personnel has Georgetown Energy approached or does the organization plan to talk to in order to further assess the feasibility of this plan? A: We have spoken to Xavier Rivera, the Director of Utilities and Energy Programs, and plan to speak to Richard Payant, the Director of Facilities; Greg Burton, the Director of Townhouses; Kevin Kwiatkowski, Housing Operations Coordinator at Georgetown University; Jonalyn Ware Green, Assistant Vice President for Student Housing; and Karen Frank, the VP for Facilities and Student Housing. We thank the entire Commission, particularly Melissa Miller, for providing additional contacts in the housing, facilities, and utility departments.



Q: Are the townhouses charged residential rates (Schedule R)? Will they continue to be, after

they install the panels? Does Pepco need to be consulted to install net meters, in the event that

a household would produce more energy than it generates?

A: Yes, they are charged residential rates. Pepco is required to install a net meter on a

townhouse with solar, so, as you say, the meter can spin backwards if necessary. In the past,

Pepco dragged their feet--because with solar, they are essentially losing business. The D.C.

govt began to solve the problem in 2009 when they gave Pepco an annual amount to pay for

the net meters, and did the same in 2010 (you can read the press releases here: $34 million in

2010, and $44 million in 2009). The net meters also help Pepco better gauge resident energy

usage, so it's an overall plus for them.

Q: If the input into the system is large, the utility may be entitled to buy it back at a lower rate, or

may require protection against back feeding the system causing damage to equipment or

employees (such as after a storm). B%,7#1,%.0,(%*&#G&/>,.7/(?#+3>,#(%#!.,0/7(,.<#(+,#7?7(,4#

with Pepco, and also be able to negotiate the sale of excess electricity back to Pepco?

A: In terms of Pepco buying back the electricity, it rarely happens that the solar produced would

exceed the total energy demand for a given period of time. If it does happen, because the

system is leased, Solar City, not the university, would have the burden of trying to sell the

energy to Pepco. What they do is sell the SRECs (solar renewable energy credits) to Pepco as

the electricity is produced, regardless if it goes back on the grid. The bottom line is that Solar

City assumes responsibility for trying to sell a net generation of electricity; through a lease

agreement, Georgetown utilities don't have rights to those credits, so they can't sell them.

Q: Are the panels really expected to work for at least 20 years? How are 20-year-old panels

performing now? Who has to remove them when they reach the end of their service life?

A: The lease agreement guarantees the life of the panels and production of the systems for 20

years. Most the systems we've seen are projected to last about 25 years. As to how 20-year-old

panels are producing now, we wish that we could point to a 20-year-old system with similar

specs. Unfortunately, the technology used in 1990 is different for two reasons: first, net meters

were not widely used; and two, microinverters had not yet been invented (which are attached to

each panel, and work more efficiently than a single inverter for the whole system). Solar City is

asking us to take a leap of faith: that they will be around for 20 years to honor their contract. We

believe that Solar City is the best positioned residential-installer in the world because of the

recognition of their work (read about it here), their position as the #1 installer in the U.S. (read

more here), and secure sources of funding ($40 million from Citigroup, which you can read more

about here).

VII. Appendix

On the following pages, we include an endorsement letter from Solar City verifying both the strength of our partnership and the mission of our proposal, as well as the full installation summary.


2319 Stewart Ave.

Silver Spring, MD 20912

April 4, 2011

To the Commission Overseeing the Student Activities Fee Endowment,

As a representative of Solar City, I would like to express our interest

regarding the potential for the installation of rooftop solar PV systems on

townhouses owned by Georgetown University.

Solar City is a renewable energy company specializing in both solar panel

installation and project monitoring. Over the years, we have completed a

diverse array of solar energy projects - from single family homes and

townhouses to large-scale commercial projects, including installations at

other universities in DC. We also recently expanded our installation

portfolio to include solar systems on Georgetown’s unique, historic roofs.

For nearly a year and a half we have had a strong relationship with

Georgetown Energy. Throughout this period we have been thoroughly

impressed with their commitment, knowledge, and professionalism, as well

there enthusiasm for bringing renewable energy to the Georgetown area.

Their support has been instrumental in successfully completing the projects

on which we have worked.

We have been working with Georgetown Energy for the last several weeks

on developing this proposal, and we can attest to the legitimacy of the

models, as well as the credibility of our service. The numbers included in

the proposal are the result of numerous housing audits which have been used

to create installation scenario for each house, subject to assumptions that

may change as engineers conduct more detailed inspections.

We’re happy to offer a leasing option for the proposed project, which carries

three major benefits. First, it minimizes the up-front cost of solar. Second,

it provides Georgetown the opportunity to purchase the energy being

produced by the system at a flat rate far below current utility prices for the

next twenty years. Finally, it carries with it a warranty package that insures

for theft, damage and any repairs.

We have drawn up the proposals for Georgetown Energy and hope your

commission can provide the economic support needed to move forward this

opportunity for a solar lease.

We look forward to working with you on this exciting opportunity,


Tim Grahl

Solar City Regional Sales Manager


[email protected]

Accolades for SolarCity There is no higher compliment than to be honored for the work that we love to do every day!

Welcome to SolarCity

About SolarCity

Full Service. SolarCity takes care of every step

—including design, financing, installation, ongoing

monitoring and customer support.

Experience. SolarCity is the #1 residential solar

company in the nation. On an average day over

200 SolarCity employees install 500 panels to help

15 new families go solar.

Custom Design and Installation. Our in-house

engineering team will design a solar system to

meet your energy needs and architectural style.

Energy Efficiency. We evaluate your energy needs

holistically and implement efficiency remodeling

projects to lower your overall energy bills.

Direct Financing. Financing directly with SolarCity

lowers the price and makes it easy for you to

have a single point of contact and accountability.

Customer Service. We provide the highest

quality experience from beginning to end. Over

30% of our new business comes from satisfied

customer referrals.

Solar System DesignUniversity Residence


Solar Production vs. Home Electricity Consumption

Proposed System Size 96.60 kW DC

Annual Production 98,577 kWh



Old Bill $5,451

New Bill $4,229

Savings First Month $1,222

Savings First Year $14,665

Electric Bill Offset 22 %

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006

Solar System Proposal96.60 kW DC


Pre Pay Plan

Initial Solar Payment $163,399

Monthly Payment —

Annual Increase —

Over 20 Years:

Average Cost (Solar Energy)


Total Savings $295,457

Premium Service Package


You Own the System

Net Cost $235,400

Monthly Payment —

Annual Increase —

Over 30 Years:

Average Cost (Solar Energy)


Total Savings $552,283

Standard Service Package

SERVICE PACKAGE Premium Standard

Home Efficiency Package. Home energy evaluation and select efficiency upgrades. $1750 with solar. $1950 without solar.

Optional Optional

SolarGuard® Monitoring. We continuously monitor your system and will respond if performance declines.

20 years 5 years

Extended Warranty & Repair Service We take care of any repair, such as inverter replacement.

20 years 10 years

Insurance Coverage. Our all-inclusive system coverage protects against damage or theft.

Included --

Performance Guarantee. We guarantee your system will produce the electricity we promised or we will pay you back!

Included --

Electricity Cost Without Solar

Over 20 years $2,163,044

Over 30 years $4,346,167

Current Cost 14.7¢/kWh

30 Yr. Avg. Cost 32.6¢/kWh

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006

SolarLease® Pre Pay Plan


Save Money Every Month

Included Products & Services

! Full service system design, installation, project management, rebate administration

! SolarGuard® Monitoring Service for 20 years

! Extended Warranty & Repair Service for 20 years ! Performance Guarantee

Initial Payment $163,399

Monthly Payment $0

New Lower Electric Bill $4,229

Net Monthly Savings $1,222


Savings Grow Every Year as Electricity Rates Increase

Savings First Month $1,222

Savings First Year $14,665

Savings Over 20 Years $295,457

Return on Investment(IRR Post-Tax)

11 %

Payback 10 years

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006

Purchase Summary


Government Rebates Substantially Lower Costs

Included Products & Services

! Full service system design, installation, project management, rebate administration

! 420 Yingli Green Energy Panels

! SolarGuard® Monitoring Service for 5 years

! Standard Warranty & Repair Service

System Cost $533,038

Out Of Pocket Payment $533,038

Federal Tax Credit – $159,911

SRECs – $215,029

Federal Tax on Incentives $59,026

State Tax on Incentives $18,277

Net System Cost $235,400


Savings Grow Every Year as Electricity Rates Increase

Savings Over 30 Years $552,283

Return on Investment(IRR Post-Tax)

6 %

Payback 15 Years

Cost of Solar Power(30 Year Life Time)

$0.086 per kWh

Cost of Electricity(30 Years without Solar)

$0.326 per kWh

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006

Environmental Benefits

Solar power systems produce clean, pure energy from the sun. When you install solar, you help fight global warming and reduce our collective dependence on fossil fuel.

4,499,358 lbs of CO2

a leading cause of global climate change

7,872 lbs of NOx

a leading cause of smog

27,250 lbs of SO2

a leading cause of acid rain

702 lbs of particulates

a leading cause of asthma

Over the next 20 years, your system will save the equivalent of:

Driving a Car 4,911,963 Miles

CO2 Absorbed by 2,144 Trees

788,614 Gallons of Water Used to Make Electricity

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006


Appendix - SolarLease® Pre Pay Plan Cash Flow

YearElectric Bill

Without SolarElectric Bill With Solar

Savings on Electric Bill

Initial Payment Annual PaymentsOverall Savings

Cumulative Cash Flow

0 ($163,399) ($163,399) ($163,399)

1 $65,416 $50,751 $14,665 $14,665 ($148,734)

2 $68,687 $53,366 $15,321 $15,321 ($133,413)

3 $72,121 $56,114 $16,007 $16,007 ($117,406)

4 $75,727 $59,004 $16,723 $16,723 ($100,683)

5 $79,514 $62,042 $17,471 $17,471 ($83,212)

6 $83,489 $65,236 $18,253 $18,253 ($64,959)

7 $87,664 $68,594 $19,070 $19,070 ($45,888)

8 $92,047 $72,123 $19,924 $19,924 ($25,965)

9 $96,649 $75,834 $20,815 $20,815 ($5,150)

10 $101,482 $79,735 $21,747 $21,747 $16,597

11 $106,556 $83,836 $22,720 $22,720 $39,317

12 $111,884 $88,147 $23,736 $23,736 $63,053

13 $117,478 $92,679 $24,799 $24,799 $87,852

14 $123,352 $97,443 $25,908 $25,908 $113,760

15 $129,519 $102,452 $27,068 $27,068 $140,828

16 $135,995 $107,716 $28,279 $28,279 $169,107

17 $142,795 $113,250 $29,545 $29,545 $198,651

18 $149,935 $119,068 $30,867 $30,867 $229,518

19 $157,432 $125,184 $32,248 $32,248 $261,766

20 $165,303 $131,612 $33,691 $33,691 $295,457

20-year Sum $2,163,044 $1,704,188 $458,856 ($163,399) $295,457

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006


Appendix - Purchase Cash Flow

YearElectric Bill

Without SolarElectric Bill With Solar

Savings on Electric Bill

System Cost & Inverter


Federal & State

Tax Credits

Federal & State Taxes

Overall Savings

Cumulative Cash Flow

0 ($533,038) ($533,038) ($533,038)

1 $65,416 $50,751 $14,665 $24,644 $159,911 ($8,860) $190,361 ($342,677)

2 $68,687 $53,366 $15,321 $24,521 ($8,815) $31,027 ($311,650)

3 $72,121 $56,114 $16,007 $24,398 ($8,771) $31,634 ($280,016)

4 $75,727 $59,004 $16,723 $24,276 ($8,727) $32,272 ($247,744)

5 $79,514 $62,042 $17,471 $24,155 ($8,684) $32,943 ($214,801)

6 $83,489 $65,236 $18,253 $12,017 ($4,320) $25,950 ($188,851)

7 $87,664 $68,594 $19,070 $10,761 ($3,869) $25,963 ($162,888)

8 $92,047 $72,123 $19,924 $9,637 ($3,464) $26,096 ($136,793)

9 $96,649 $75,834 $20,815 $8,630 ($3,102) $26,342 ($110,450)

10 $101,482 $79,735 $21,747 $7,728 ($2,778) $26,696 ($83,754)

11 $106,556 $83,836 $22,720 $6,920 ($2,488) $27,152 ($56,602)

12 $111,884 $88,147 $23,736 ($51,600) $6,197 ($2,228) ($23,894) ($80,496)

13 $117,478 $92,679 $24,799 $5,550 ($1,995) $28,353 ($52,143)

14 $123,352 $97,443 $25,908 $4,970 ($1,787) $29,091 ($23,051)

15 $129,519 $102,452 $27,068 $4,450 ($1,600) $29,918 $6,867

16 $135,995 $107,716 $28,279 $3,985 ($1,433) $30,832 $37,699

17 $142,795 $113,250 $29,545 $3,569 ($1,283) $31,830 $69,529

18 $149,935 $119,068 $30,867 $3,196 ($1,149) $32,914 $102,443

19 $157,432 $125,184 $32,248 $2,862 ($1,029) $34,081 $136,524

20 $165,303 $131,612 $33,691 $2,563 ($921) $35,333 $171,856

20-year Sum $2,163,044 $1,704,188 $458,856 ($584,638) $215,029 $159,911 ($77,303) $171,855

21 $173,568 $138,370 $35,199 $35,199 $207,055

22 $182,247 $145,473 $36,774 $36,774 $243,829

23 $191,359 $152,939 $38,420 $38,420 $282,248

24 $200,927 $160,788 $40,139 ($51,600) ($11,461) $270,787

25 $210,973 $169,038 $41,935 $41,935 $312,722

26 $221,522 $177,710 $43,812 $43,812 $356,534

27 $232,598 $186,826 $45,772 $45,772 $402,306

28 $244,228 $196,407 $47,820 $47,820 $450,126

29 $256,439 $206,479 $49,960 $49,960 $500,087

30 $269,261 $217,065 $52,196 $52,196 $552,283

30-year Sum $4,346,167 $3,455,284 $890,883 ($636,238) $215,029 $159,911 ($77,303) $552,282

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006


Site Assumptions

Lease Terms

Financial Assumptions - Lease

Financial Assumptions - Purchase

System Size AC 82.87 kW

System Location Georgetown Townhome Roofs

Roof Material Single Ply Membrane (PVC, TPO, Hypalon, EPDM)

Shading (% Sun) 88 %

Direction 180°

Slope 0°

Term 20 years

Annual Payment Increase Pre Pay Plan: 0 %

End of Term Options Choice to renew, upgrade or free removal

Electric Rate Increase 5.0 %

Incentives SREC Customer Annuity at $250.000/SREC Annuity

Federal Income Tax Rate 30.0 %

State Income Tax Rate 8.5 %

Electric Rate Increase 5.0 %

Discount Rate 8.0 %

Utility Assumptions

Utility Company for Electricity PEPCO (DC)

Average Monthly Electric Bill $5,451

Annual Electricity Usage 444,000 kWh

Monthly Electricty Usage 37,000 kWh

Current Electric Rate Plan Schedule R - Residential Service (Schedule R)

New Electric Rate Plan Schedule R - Residential Service (Schedule R)

Prepared for Georgetown University (LEASE-96.600-$163,399 ~ [Untitled]) 3700 O St., N.W., Georgetown Univ, DC 20057 952-356-5591 | [email protected]

Prepared by Timothy Grahl, Solar Consultant [email protected] Pricing Valid Until April 12, 2011

* Please note this proposal is an estimate and does not guarantee actual system production or savings. The system design may change based on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system production and savings will vary based on the final system size, design, configuration, utility rates, applicable rebates and your family’s energy usage. © Copyright 2011 SolarCity Corporation. All rights reserved. AZ ROC #243771, CA CSLB #888104, CO #EC-8041, OR CCB #180498, TX TDLR 27006







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New South

Student Center


Submitted By: Taylor Price (’10) and Jason Kluger (’11)

Executive Summary

The Endowment Commission has the power to dramatically affect student life with the

allocation of the $3.4 million in the Student Activities Fee Endowment (SAFE). This

body has stated that proposals for spending this money must be distributed to projects

that affect the entire student body and that will have a lasting impact This proposal asks

that the entire or a significant percentage of the endowment be directed to improving

student space on campus by helping to fund the creation of the New South Student Center


Student space is the foundation of student life on campus. The lack of quantity and

quality space stymies development in every aspect of undergraduate student life. The

development of student space requires a tremendous investment of time and resources,

but in the end, it is worth it. This investment will dramatically increase students’ ability

to excel in the activities that comprise the whole of student life.

In the words of the Report on Student Space at Georgetown 2010 (RSSG), the NSSC is

“the best solution to address a range of student activities problems because it will provide

a center for student life. The facility will feature club offices, a student ballroom, media

offices and studios, dance studios, a café or restaurant, and lounges” (“Executive

Summary”, RSSG 7). This facility will forever change the Georgetown undergraduate


An investment in the NSSC is the best way to address the problem of student space

because it advances the existing conversation. This investment will further solidify the

necessary components of planning, priority, and funding for the completion of a large

development project.

The Student Space Working Group (SSWG) published the RSSG in order to establish a

student voice. The RSSG has presented the problem, recommended viable solutions, and

provided a vision for the future. Using the full power of this endowment is an ideal way

to improve student space and strengthen the student voice on this issue. The student

body, through the work of the Endowment Commission, now has the power to make that

vision a reality.

The New South Student Center:

A “Slam Dunk” Solution

Why is the New South Student Center the best solution to solve the student

space problem?

The administration has made the NSSC a priority. There are no obstacles to the

completion of this project other than funding. The project is included in the most recent

10-year campus plan, has widespread support from university leadership, and is fully

supported by the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC). Administrators believe

that there is no space related capital project, currently being considered, that is more of a

“slam dunk”, with regards to funding and feasibility.

From the student perspective, the NSSC is the best solution to address student space

challenges. The RSSG recommends the NSSC as the best solution because the facility

will provide a center for student life, satisfy students’ desire for quality space, and

address the greatest number of student activity categories. The construction of this

facility will help Georgetown remain competitive and demonstrate commitment to cura


The Heart of Campus: A Center for Student Life

The NSSC will provide a desperately needed center for student life, the space that will

become the heart of the undergraduate experience on campus. The RSSG presents this as

a key problem facing the student body, saying that “the fact that there is no definitive

agreement among students about the location of the center of student life leads to the

conclusion that Georgetown lacks a center of student life”, making student life “limited

and fractured” (“Center of Student Life, RSSG 24). (See Graph 1)

The Most Practical Solution: Desire for Quality Space

The student desire for quality space is made clear throughout the RSSG, but perhaps

nowhere more strongly than the response to the question about the restoration of space in

Healy Hall, with 88% percent of respondents responding in the affirmative. However,

due primarily to the administration’s clear message that this is not a viable option and

secondarily the limitations of that space, the best possible option both in quantity of

gained space and quality of the finished project is the NSSC. It has approximately

30,000 square feet of space (Riverside Lounge is only 1/3 of the available space, roughly

2/3 of the space is currently inaccessible). Once renovated, the NSSC will be a state of

the art facility.

Cost Effectiveness: Activity Categories

The NSSC is the most cost effective solution for providing solutions to the widest range

of student activities. In the writing of the Student Space Survey 2009, the SSWG broke

down the categories for student satisfaction with space into seven different activities that

covered a wide range of activities: “study, meeting, social, athletic/exercise, dining,

club/student organization, studio/performing art” (“Survey Methodology”, RSSG 73).

The RSSG says that “if properly constructed according to the needs of students, the New

South Student Center, already a piece of the campus plan, is among the best solutions for

addressing problems for a range of activity categories, including study, meeting, social,

dining, club/student organization, and studio/performing arts” (“Aggregated

Recommendations”, RSSG 61). In other words, the NSSC provides the most ‘bang for

the buck’ of any space project. (See Graph 2)

What is the current status of the New South Student Center campaign?

The NSSC has all the components that are necessary for a successful capital development

project: planning, priority, and a commitment to funding. The NSSC project has been

fully vetted throughout the highly politicized conversations that govern development at

Georgetown and has been identified as a priority in the current $1.5 billion capital


The university is currently in the “quiet phase” of a fundraising campaign for the NSSC,

and they hope to launch the “public phase” sometime in the Fall of 2011. Since being

identified as a priority, administrators have begun talking with potential donors and

soliciting funding commitments. The target date to open the NSSC is sometime in the

middle of this decade. This timeline can be shortened based on the flow of donations,

with it being determined that once all funding is committed, only 2 years would be

needed to complete the renovations from design stage to the grand opening.

A couple hundred thousand dollars have already been committed to the conceptual design

phase of this project, during which needs and space allocation will be reassessed and

revisited since the architectural plans designed in 2003 were created (See attached

designs). This is being done because the amenities and allocation of space within the

NSSC in the 2003 design may not fully address the concerns that students currently face

or will face at the completion of the project.

Students will be involved with the future conversations about the NSSC, regardless if the

student body decides to invest the endowment in the project, but it is likewise clear that

this investment positions the student body to have a powerful voice at the table and the

corresponding influence that comes with making a donation of this magnitude.

It should be noted that the current figures and estimates are based on a number of

working assumptions that are adjustable upwards or downwards depending on the

development of the ideas within the planning conversation of and the flow of donations to

the NSSC campaign.

Building on The Report on Student Space:

A Call to Action

The SSWG wrote the RSSG to establish the student voice in the space conversation at

Georgetown. The report looked to assess the problem, to recommend viable solutions,

and to provide a vision for the future. These goals were meant to advance the existing

conversation about student space and have the RSSG serve as “a launching pad for

change” (RSSG, “Letter from the Working Group”).

Establishing a Voice and a Vision

Present the problem: the SSWG “produced its comprehensive document, the Report on

Student Space, to represent student needs. Our research in this report demonstrates that

students are dissatisfied with space at Georgetown today and have been in the past.

Space challenges inhibit the development of student excellence as whole persons, in

mind, body, and spirit. Most importantly, the lack of student space deeply affects the

Georgetown community” (RSSG, “Letter from the Working Group”).

Recommend viable solutions: the recommendations in the report parallel the long term

planning conversations because they have already gone through the vetting process that

gives them a place in the campus plan. The most important among them is the NSSC

because it will have the greatest impact on student life.

Present a vision for the future: the RSSG details a strategic vision that invites

collaboration with the broader University community in order to find solutions, saying

that “with The Report on Student Space, we invite you to engage in our collaborative

effort to solve space problems. It is time for us to sit down at the table and make

students’ space needs a priority” (RSSG, “Letter from the Working Group”).

Investing in the Future: A Call to Action

The only way to improve student space is to continue advancing on this conversation

with the full force of the endowment and the student voice. The student body through the

work of the Endowment Commission now has the power to make that vision a reality, to

say with one voice that now is the time to act.

The investment of the endowment in the NSSC should be presented as an invitation to the

broader Georgetown community, administrators, benefactors, parents and alumni, to

collaborate on solving student space issues. While the endowment will give students

power in this conversation, this voice is used most effectively as a call to action because

even with this power, students cannot make the NSSC a reality alone.

By making the NSSC a priority, the administration has demonstrated that they are now

committed to solving student space issues. An investment in the NSSC will demonstrate

that the student body is committed to working with the administration for the betterment

of Georgetown. The student body has a unique opportunity to serve as an energizing

force for the NSSC campaign in a manner that embodies Georgetown’s character.

How Space Works

In order to understand why the Student Activities Fee Endowment should go towards

student space it is important to get an understanding of how space works at Georgetown.

The key point to remember is that the University’s priorities and funding capabilities

dictate everything, and that implementing true solutions are usually a lengthy and

politicized process.

Competitive and political conversation: The first point, addressed in section

“Characteristics of Space at Georgetown and Their Effects” of the RSSG, is that space

decisions are made in a “highly competitive and political environment”. Space breaks

down into a hierarchy of ownership, with the President at the top, and the control of

spaces flowing from there to the leaders of the various administrative and faculty

departments. In the larger space conversation, each group speaks for their own needs and

interests. Those whose voice carries the most influence and whose needs most align with

the overall vision of University development receive priority in their projects. But

remember that these conversations take years, even decades to move from a project

concept to completion.

Long-term planning: All large development projects take a long time from the inception

of the idea through the political vetting process on the University level to planning and

completion. The first step is be included in the campus plan, since projects must receive

permission from the zoning commission. But inclusion in the ten year campus plan

doesn’t mean that a project will be completed, it then must become a priority in the

overall campus conversation and in funding. After the funding process has begun, at that

point the actual planning of what goes into the building occurs.

Priority: Those with priority go first, both in building and in funding. For two reasons,

one being the simple logistics that the campus only has the capacity for one or two

development projects at once, since it requires a lot of space for heavy machinery and the

like. Two, because Georgetown now has a policy of only breaking ground on projects

that are fully funded.

Funding: Big development projects such as the science and business school buildings

cost tens of millions of dollars. Funding these projects takes a lot of energy and

commitment from the University and her benefactors, and this kind of large funding

comes directly from large capital campaigns. For very good reason, all fundraising at

Georgetown is carefully controlled by the Office of Advancement and the top brass in the


Without priority, planning, and funding all together, development projects do not happen.

If you have any one of the three but not the others, there is no movement. The power of

the endowment investment will galvanize student voice to help change the reality of

student space.

Possible Concerns

Why should money be given to a project that might not benefit any

current students?

While it is true that an investment in the NSSC may not affect current students because of

the timeline of development, it is also possible that some current students may benefit.

Especially with a large donation of this kind, the fundraising may be completed soon

enough that members of the Class of 2015 would be able to use this facility.

Furthermore, the student body should consider the extraordinary number of students who

will benefit from the impact of the NSSC over its lifetime. Such an investment will

change student life forever, not to mention the overall benefit for Georgetown as a whole.

This is an opportunity for the student body to take a stand and communicate the

dissatisfaction with the current lack of student space on campus now and in the past. The

majority of students whose money built this endowment have already graduated and will

not benefit from this expenditure. These students who invested their activities fee had to

endure inadequate facilities in the past and their money will be going to ensuring that

future generations of Georgetown students do not face these same challenges. The

student body has the ability to change how future members of our family and our close

friends who may attend Georgetown will use space across campus.

How much money is being requested from Commission?

This proposal requests that the full $3.4 million endowment be invested in the NSSC

because this will have an unparalleled impact on student life. The proposal is

immediately feasible in terms of action steps and addresses, in a practical manner, the

largest problem facing student activity today.

However, with this proposal there is no minimum amount of money necessary for the

completion of this project. It must be fully understood though that the amount of money

invested by the student body in the NSSC is directly proportional to the influence of the

student voice in the planning process, and anything less than a significant amount of

money will potentially waste a once and a life time opportunity. It is reasonable to say

that the student body has only one chance to ensure that the NSSC is constructed properly

according to student needs.

If all $3.4 million were distributed to the NSSC, students could be responsible for 17-

34% of the necessary funds to complete the project, depending on the final costs. The

likelihood is that students will be the largest benefactor in this project besides a “naming

rights donor”. For years students have complained that their voice is not heard in the

development and implementation of capital projects. Such a large donation will have

enough influence that the University will be certain to include students in all the

conversations regarding development. The important point is that moving forward it is

certainly possible to use the leverage of a donation of this magnitude in creative ways.

Graph 1:

Graph 2:
























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!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ 5$

Georgetown University

Social Innovation & Public Service Fund

A proposal submitted by:

Clara Gustafson (SFS ’13)

Nick Troiano (COL ’11)

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ 6$

April 2011 To the Endowment Commission: While there are many needs on campus that the Student Activities Fee Endowment resources could and should meet – we believe that a portion of these funds should also be used in service to our community, country and world. We believe the best way to do so is not through traditional philanthropic contributions, but through supporting and investing in innovative Georgetown students and ideas. Thus, we propose establishing a Georgetown University Social Innovation and Public Service Fund.

The mission of the SIPS Fund is to make strategic investments in Georgetown students and ideas that further our

community’s Jesuit ideal of service to others. Among other things, the SIPS Fund could: provide seed money to student-led

non-profits and social enterprises; match the education awards provided to students who participate in national service programs; offer need-based loan repayment assistance to students who go on to work in the public sector; and make grants to support alternative spring breaks, research projects, service events and other initiatives that align with the SIPS Fund mission.

The SIPS Fund would operate as an independent endowment. We hope to partner

with the Georgetown University Student Investment Fund to manage it, so the SIPS Fund will truly be of, by and for the students of Georgetown University. A Board composed of students, alumni and faculty will oversee the Fund – ensuring a balance between overall continuity and responsiveness to the student body. One or two part-time staff members within the Center for Social Justice will help administer the SIPS Fund day-to-day.

We respectfully request $1.5 million to seed the SIPS Fund. This would allow the

SIPS Fund to become operational and begin making an impact almost immediately. Over the next three to five years, our goal is to match this allocation with donations from other sources. Similar to traditional foundations, the SIPS Fund would allocate 5-6% of its assets each year, on a rolling basis, in ways consistent with its mission.

The underlying concept of the SIPS Fund has been around for more than two

years, and we have spent the last four months brainstorming and planning in earnest. We are confident in our ability to bring the SIPS Fund proposal to life with your support.

Sincerely, Clara Gustafson (SFS ’13) Nick Troiano (COL’11) [email protected] [email protected]

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ 7$


The SIPS Fund meets the goals of the Endowment Commission.

First, any student on campus will have access to the SIPS Fund resources, and we expect a diverse cross-section of the student body to be engaged. Imagine: An MSB student who starts a social business; a student in the College who goes on to work for a DC non-profit; a student in the SFS who organizes an alternative Spring Break; a student in the Nursing School who develops a summer research project – all of these students could find benefit from the SIPS Fund.

Second, the SIPS Fund is structured to last in perpetuity. Interest earned from the

endowment will be reinvested. In addition, we will continually be soliciting contributions from other sources to grow the size of the endowment. We believe the SIPS Fund is consistent with the unique, forward-looking approach of the students who created the Student Activities Fee Endowment ten years ago.

Third, the SIPS Fund is prepared to leverage an initial commitment from the

Endowment Commission to immediately begin fundraising toward our $3 million goal over the next three to five years. We have been conscious to submit a request only for the amount of money that we feel is necessary to launch an effective SIPS Fund. It puts our principles into practice.

We agree that it is important to support student life on campus. Investments to expand student space, support campus organizations, and make other improvements are truly essential to fostering a world class University. But, we ask, to what end?

“Georgetown educates women and men to be reflective lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic

life and to live generously in service to others.” - Georgetown Mission Statement

Georgetown University, as an institution, exists to “[prepare] the next generation

of global citizens to lead and make a difference in the world.” The SIPS Fund would be a unique way to help our community realize its collective purpose, by supporting students who are ready to lead and make a difference – not in five or ten years, but right now.

We believe the establishment of the SIPS Fund would be a profound statement

that Georgetown students are willing to utilize their collective resources to make a positive impact in the world.

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ 8$

There is a demonstrated need on campus.

We know there are already many students trying to start their own social

enterprises. Compass Partners, an on-campus incubator for social ventures, and The Hoya Challenge, a business pitch competition, underscore this need. Both programs attract dozens of students and groups of students who have great ideas but have little resources to get off the ground. Traditional student activity fee money cannot directly support them since they are not recognized student groups.

“There’s not enough funding to help these programs get off the ground. A little bit of money can actually help a venture get off the

ground and become something big and make a difference.”

- Jeff Reid, Director of Georgetown Entrepreneurship Initiative We also know there are hundreds of students who graduate and go on to work in the public sector, but we know that many more would if they had assistance paying back their student loans. That’s part of the reason the federal government began offering loan forgiveness in 2009 for all federal loans.

We will demonstrate our return on investment.

The SIPS Fund will not change the world, but we are pretty sure that the people and ideas it supports will. By unlocking the potential of many of Georgetown’s students and ideas, the impact of the SIPS Fund will be both large and lasting. We will scale successful programs and develop news ones.

“I can't think of a better investment than to finance the creativity of our students. That means in addition to educating and nurturing

them as they develop ideas (my job), supporting them to make the ideas reality. The SIPS Fund has potential to do exponential good.”

- Sarah Stiles, Professor

The SIPS Fund will go to every length to maximize and measure its impact, and report back to the student body how their money has been spent. We plan to host a major forum each year to unveil our annual report, highlight the success of the programs supported by the SIPS fund over the year prior, and facilitate a networking event for all those interested in social innovation and public service on college campuses, within and outside of Georgetown University.

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ 9$

We would be nationally distinguished.

To our knowledge, the SIPS Fund would be the first of its kind. With its creation, we expect both our student body and Georgetown University to benefit from national recognition. In addition, we expect that once successful here, the SIPS Fund would be brought to other campuses. We are already in conversation with the White House’s Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation about enlisting their help to do so.

“The Georgetown SIPS Fund is an innovative model that can replicated at colleges and universities across the country.”

- John Bridgeland, Former Director, White House Domestic Policy Council It is, in fact, a core goal of ours for the SIPS Fund to become a national leader in

fostering social innovation, particularly among the Millennial Generation. We believe we can achieve this by developing new programs to support innovative students and ideas, scaling programs at Georgetown that are already successful, and distributing best practices through our website and annual report.

The SIPS Fund proposal is actionable.

If funds become available, the SIPS Fund can be operational within a few months. There is no anticipated wait time for extended University/administrative approval for the basic grant-making function of the SIPS Fund. We have been and will be in continuing contact with key members of the University administration. In addition, we are in discussions with the Center for Social Justice, which has expressed willingness to house the necessary administration of the SIPS Fund.

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ :$


Provide seed money to businesses and organizations started by Georgetown University students that work toward social change, as a way to support and encourage social entrepreneurship and innovation;

• The Hoya Challenge (formerly the Georgetown University Social Entrepreneurship Competition) already exists as a model and partner, and is vastly underfunded.

Match education awards offered by national service programs to incentivize students to pursue national service opportunities and attract those who have already completed service programs to the University;

• Ninety academic institutions throughout the country match all of the Segal awards of its students (

Offer loan forgiveness for students who enter the public sector, based on financial need, as a way to counteract the current brain drain caused by high student debt and relatively low-paying public sector jobs;

• Tufts University offers loan repayment assistance to its undergraduates who pursue public sector work (

Make grants to support events, organizations, research projects and other initiatives that align with the Fund’s core mission of promoting citizen service, civic engagement and social entrepreneurship.

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ ;$

EXAMPLE BUDGET This is an example budget, assuming we are able to allocate our goal of $120,000 in the SIPS Fund’s first year. All line items may not exist in the first year. Social Enterprises: $50,000

Grants to social ventures, research, etc. (8–10 grants): $30,000 The Hoya Challenge business pitch competition: $20,000

Individual Awards: $47,000 Need-based loan-repayment assistance (8–10 awards): $15,000

Service Education Awards matches (8-10 awards): $15,000 Alternative Spring Break support (8-10 scholarships): $12,000 Support GUSA Summer Fellows (2 awards): $5,000

General: $16,000 Event Co-Sponsorships: $7,000 Research Projects: $4,000

SIPS Annual Forum: $3,000 Volunteer service day: $2,000

Administrative Expenses: $7,000

Staff support (CSJ): $5,500 Advertising/marketing: $1,500

Total Budget: $120,000

!"#!$%&'($)*+)+,-.$/$0001!"#!2&'(13+4$ $ <$


• SIPS Fund approved by Endowment Commission/GUSA Senate Summer 2011

• Begin recruiting initial seven-member Board • Secure at least $250,000 in funding commitments • Draft initial by-laws of the Fund

Fall 2011

• Hold campus forum on the SIPS Fund with national leaders • Campaign for SIPS Fund student referendum approval

Spring 2011

• Put in place legal, administrative and financial structures • Design 2012 program areas and application processes

Summer 2012

• Make grants applications available Implementation: The implementation of the SIPS Fund will be spearheaded by the authors of this proposal and the expanding SIPS Fund Advisory Board, in partnership with GUSA or any entity part of the Endowment allocation process. Our Advisory Board includes and will include Georgetown alumni, professors and others who have many years of experience bringing concepts like the SIPS Fund to fruition – from fundraising, to strategic planning and execution. We also have a student organizing committee in formation that will aid in this process. With ongoing conversations and relationships with the relevant University offices, we are confident that we can get the SIPS Fund up and running with their cooperation. Further, we are open to the Commission and GUSA’s recommendations in coordinating the formation of the SIPS Fund decision-making Board – and all other suggestions regarding the planning and implementing of the SIPS Fund.

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OUR ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Sarah Stiles is a Professor of sociology with specialty in social entrepreneurship at Georgetown University, where she also teaches Law & Society. Prior to 2007, Dr. Stiles was

director of the Leadership Program in the School of Public Affairs at American University where

she developed the curriculum and institutionalized community-based learning. For her efforts she was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Greek Organizations Award for

Outstanding Faculty and the Career Services Office Award for Outstanding Internship Faculty.

She helped found DC Youth & Government in 2002 where she served as the program director. Dr. Stiles holds a PhD (and MA) in Political Science from Boston University with a concentration

in international relations. She also earned a JD from Northeastern University School of Law in

Boston, MA where she focused on international law.

Jeff Reid is Director of Entrepreneurial Studies and Real Estate Initiatives at Georgetown

University’s McDonough School of Business. In this newly created position, he will lead,

develop, and implement strategic initiatives related to entrepreneurial studies and real estate, with a goal of advancing Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business among the hierarchy of

leading business schools. Reid’s career includes strategic leadership in the arenas of

entrepreneurship, education, business development, venture capital, non-profit management, and

economic development. He previously served as executive director of the Washington, D.C., office for the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship and executive director of the Center for

Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Scott Beale (COL ’98) is the founder of Atlas Service Corps and an experienced social

entrepreneur who has started three citizen sector organizations and helped thousands of people in

his generation become agents for social change. He has worked in four continents, with citizen, government and business leaders from around the world, and through Atlas Corps has pioneered

an innovative, sustainable and scalable way for revolutionizing international volunteerism. Scott

has worked for Governor Tom Carper of Delaware as well as the Associate Director of

Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House.

Jess Rimington (SFS ’09), a social entrepreneur, spoken word artist and activist, is the founder

and Executive Director of One World Youth Project, an innovative education start-up connecting schools worldwide to transform students into empowered global citizens. Named as a ‘Rising

Talent’ by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society in 2008, Jess has also received

Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Award and Do Something’s BRICK Award for her

activism and is the principal author of the 2006 UN Millennium Development Goal Curriculum for Secondary School. Jess has traveled throughout the world for grassroots work related to youth

participation in the Millennium Development Goals. She has a degree in Foreign Service and a

Certificate in International Development from Georgetown University.

Neil Shah (MSB’ 10) believes that social entrepreneurship has the power to drastically change

the world. He has always thought that effective social organizations blends together the idea of social justice and business principles, and he co-founded Compass to help spread that idea to

university students worldwide. He’s helped start five businesses – from an LED business to a fair

trade tea delivery service and has spent a lot of time working in and around small business. Neil

serves as the Executive Director of Compass Partners where he manages all of the organizations day-to-day operations as well as national expansion. He wants to enable entrepreneurs around the

world to recognize their awesome potential as a force for change.