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Endless Dreams Foundation

Academic Dreams Program

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Endless Dreams Foundation, Inc.

Academic Dreams Program

This program is designed to support the academic success of students in grades 9 –12. The focus of this program is to improve

academic achievement, college preparedness, graduating high school, and

postsecondary success.

The current program "Academic DreamsTM

Program” has been developed to support high school students

Academic DreamsTM

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“Moreover, despite increases in

enrollment, minority students

continue to lag in both four-

year college enrollment and

degree completion rates”

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Long Term Student Success Outlook

63% Jobs in the U.S. that will require some college education

90%Jobs in growing industries with high wages that will require some

college education

$19,000Median yearly salary of a high school dropout or a $9.00 / hour wage

in 2010

$28,000Median yearly salary of a high school graduate or a $13.00 / hour

wage in 2010

$52,000Median yearly salary of a college graduate or a $25.00 / hour wage in


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Student Academic Performance

25%High school graduates who took the ACT in 2012 that were ready for

college level work

52%2-Year college freshmen enrolled in remedial math and English

Courses in 2012

5%African-American students who took the ACT in 2012 that met all four

college readiness benchmarks

13%Hispanic students who took the ACT in 2012 that met all four college

readiness benchmarks

8.6% African-American student AP Exam test takers in 2011

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College Financial Literacy

42% Rise in college expenses at public colleges since 2000

31% Rise in college expenses at private colleges since 2000

75%Low-income and minority parents cannot identify scholarships, grants, or loans as sources of

financial aid

34%11th and 12th grade students who rely on media sources such as television, radio, and

newspapers to learn about financial aid

58%Parents with children planning to attend college who do not name scholarships as a source of


72% Students planning to attend college who do not name scholarships as a source of funding

25% Low-income students who are eligible for Pell grants but do not apply for federal financial aid

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“The primary issue in college

access is no longer building

college aspirations, but

building a clear path for

students to achieve their


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Endless Dreams Foundation –Academic DreamsTM Saturday School Purpose

To provide high school students with the opportunity to

participate in focused on academic and college

preparatory activities to ensure the successful completion of

high school and identify potential postsecondary options

for after graduation.

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Endless Dreams FoundationAcademic DreamsTM Program Objectives

To promote the success of students in the service area through:

High School Test Prep Activities

College Preparation Activities

Goal Setting Activities

Career Preparation Activities

Financial Fundamentals Activities

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References• Amelga, M. (2012). College and career readiness: A quick stats fact sheet.

National High School Center at the American Institutes for Research. Retrieved



• Chan, D., Cochrane, D. F., Gallegos, S., & Irons, E. (2008). Paving the way: How

financial aid awareness affects college access and success. The Institute For

College Access & Success. Retrieved from

• DeBraun, B. (2012). Inseparable imperatives: Equity in education and the future of

the American economy. Alliance For Excellent Education. Retrieved from

• Nagaoka, J., Roderick, M., & Coca, V. (2009). Barriers to college attainment:

Lessons from Chicago. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

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Endless Dreams Foundation Contact Information

Brittany Yates, CEO/Executive [email protected]


P. O. Box 2112

Waldorf, MD

Alicia Muhammad, Program [email protected]


P. O. Box 621634

Charlotte, NC