Download - EMSE Department-MS 2015-2016


Department ofEngineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE)

School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)


Full-time faculty: 16

Undergraduate students: 62

Graduate students: 1,280

Annual research expenditures: $4.9 million

Quick Facts

Where To Find Us

800 22nd Street, N.W., Suite 2885

George Washington University

Washington, DC 20052


When We Are There

Fall and Spring Semester

Mon–Thurs 8:00am–5:00pm

Friday 8:00am–4:30pm

Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering

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Department Chair Dr. Thomas A. Mazzuchi

Science and Engineering Hall800 22nd St NWSuite 2888Washington, DC 20052

(202) 994-1802

Email: [email protected]

Graduate Student Services Office

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Who Should I Contact About…?

Academic Advisor

•All academic advising•Research interests•Selection of courses•Signature for paper registrations and ISO forms•Transfer of credits Form

2nd Floor Graduate Student Services

•Paperwork (process Transfer of Credits)•Graduation Clearance•Directing to correct office for questions about Registration and RTF Forms

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Fields of Study & Areas of Focus

Field of Study: Engineering Management Areas of focus:

• Crisis, Emergency and Risk Management• Economics, Finance and Cost Engineering

• Engineering and Technology Management

• Environmental and Energy Management

• Knowledge and Information Management

Field of Study: Systems Engineering Areas of focus:

• Operations Research and Management Science

• Systems Engineering and Integration

• Enterprise Information Assurance

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If you change your area of focus during your program, the new focus area must fall under your field of study, or you will need to reapply to change your field of study.

Areas of focus can be changed (within the field of study) but first this needs to be discussed with your academic advisor.

You must be registered for each semester (fall and spring) until the semester you graduate. See the Registrar’s website for policies on registration each semester.

For Research Courses You must complete•A Registration Transaction Form (RTF, not the EZ) and •A Research Course Request Form

These need to be signed by your advisor and the department chairman.

Registration for Classes

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All Courses on Main Campus

Students admitted to the Main Campus must complete all of their courses at the Main Campus.

In special cases, students may be allowed to register for off-campus courses, but only after receiving the approval of the department chair.

EMSE-Specific Policies

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The notation of I (Incomplete) may be recorded if a student, for reasons beyond his or her control, is unable to complete the work of the course AND if the instructor approves the reason before grades must be reported.

The I may be used only if the student's prior performance and class attendance in the course have been satisfactory.

Failure to complete the work of a course that is not satisfactorily explained to the instructor before the date when grades must be turned in will be graded F. 

To Request an Incomplete, You Must

1. Complete a Request for Incomplete Grade form (available at the EMSE department office)

2. Obtain the instructor’s approval

3. Return the form to 2nd floor Graduate Student Services Center

Academic Policies: Incompletes

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The I may remain on the record for a maximum of one year, but the instructor should set a shorter period when the uncompleted work must be made up.

An incomplete that is not removed within one calendar year or at the time of graduation of the student (whichever occurs first) is automatically changed to an IF.

The I cannot be removed by the student’s reregistering for the course here or taking its equivalent elsewhere.

When the I is changed to a letter grade, the I followed by the letter grade (e.g., IB) will appear on the student’s record.

EMSE students with 2 or more incompletes are not allowed to enroll in future courses.

Academic Policies: Incompletes

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As an example for forms such as:• Registration Transaction Form• Research Course Request Form• Change of Advisor Form

We do have other forms available but the above is just an example of some.

For all forms, please visit the Graduate Student Services desk on the second floor of the Science and Engineering Hall Suite 2885 and ask the desk person to request that an Advanced Degree Program Coordinator come to assist you.


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Resources for Students•School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)•Graduate Student Bulletin•Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering•Academic Affairs•Online Course Evaluations•Registrar •Schedule of Classes•Gelman Library (GW's main university library)•University Calendar•Colonial Central (all students services)

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