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Page 1: Employee Testimonials from SAM, Inc.

Read what our team members have to say about their careers at Service Access and Management, Inc.

Employee Testimonials

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I have worked at SAM Inc. for 25 years, the majority of the time (at least 22 years of it) spent in the crisis department working as an Interventionist and Mental Health Delegate. I enjoy the job itself – working with consumers, their concerned friends and families, and with other professionals – but also enjoy my co-workers and the management in my department. The tone of our department is trusting and supportive, which makes it a lot easier to do a job that in itself can be a challenge due to the nature of dealing with people in crisis situations. Through supportive management, I am able to work independently to assist people as needed with each crisis situation without the pressure to work within a certain time frame. Though we work independently our work environment is such that all interventionists work side by side and integrity is fostered through the likelihood of several interventionists having contact with the same individual during a period of crisis. I am acutely aware that not doing my job to the best of my ability could be the cause of extra work for my co-workers, not to mention that it would cause unnecessary suffering for the consumer.

Other benefits of working at SAM Inc. include the holidays, floating holidays, personal days and vacation days, in addition to sick time. Dental and vision insurance are also provided, as well as a choice of health insurance packages. A very reasonable inclement weather policy also allows for employees to utilize their accrued time in the event of severe weather conditions.

There are ample opportunities to move upward in the company or to make lateral moves as various positions open. I have stayed in my department for years, but have watched many people move from line staff positions to management. Employees have even left the agency, only to return several years later, which to me reflects well not only of top management (which sets the tone for an agency) but also on all the other good people who work in the various departments at SAM, Inc. It is a great place not only to start a career, but also to build one.

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I enjoy working for SAM Inc., as an IDD Supports Coordinator because I feel that my work truly makes a difference in the lives of others. As a Supports Coordinator, I have been able to see the incredible successes that individuals with disabilities can accomplish with the supports that we coordinate through our organization.

I love working collaboratively as a team member with our Consumer’s staff and supervisors at provider agencies to help advocate for them and help them achieve their goals.

I always feel supported at SAM, Inc. by my supervisor and others at the organization and this has helped me to enhance my skills as a Supports Coordinator and provide the best services I can to the individuals we support.

The relationships and connections I have made with the individuals on my caseload, their families, and their team members are the best part of my job and I always have a sense of pride in the work that I accomplish at SAM, Inc.

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“We believe people are essentially good and do the best they can.”

I remember hearing this for the first time and saying to myself, “Now this is where I want to work.” I have worked for SAM for two years and have gained much respect for the dedication SAM has in not only quoting the aforementioned quote, but also living it.

This is why I love working for SAM. Supporting its work family on a daily basis has been a wonderful experience that SAM has demonstrated to me this whole time I have been working for them.

Starting from the CEO, the statement, “We believe people are to be treated with dignity and respect in every interaction,” has been another philosophy that trickles down and creates a work atmosphere of support and nurturing in the SAM work family. It’s a philosophy so rich and refreshing that once received, it gets passed along to other co-workers.

This is why I am proud to be what I like to refer to as a “SAM Man.”

It is this nurturing atmosphere that keeps me working in helping others be successful in all they do. Being an avid football fan, I enjoy watching a successful team work together for a common goal and reaching that goal. In working with SAM I feel that I am part of a “playoff” team. A team that strives for perfection and catches greatness along the way, is the team I feel I am part of in working with SAM.

I am proud to be part of “Team SAM” and look forward to the endeavor of being committed to excellence and helping everyone we come in contact with to do and be the very best they can.

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Five years and 10 months ago, I was an administrative assistant with an Associate’s Degree working for Clarion County in the IDD department.

July 1, 2009 is not only the day that SAM, Inc. began providing case management in Clarion County and Clearfield/Jefferson Counties, it’s also the day that my career truly began.

In the last five years and 10 months, I completed my Bachelor’s Degree, was hired as an IDD Support Coordinator, transferred to Clearfield/Jefferson-DuBois office, successfully completed the Master Case Manager Program and now work as an IDD Supports Coordinator Supervisor.

Currently, I am working on obtaining my MPA.

Throughout this time I have been supported at all levels within the company, whether it be my co-workers just offering words of encouragement, my director inquiring how my classes are going, or the Vice President offering advice regarding MPA classes.

It’s the support, encouragement and collaborative efforts of all within the company that make SAM, Inc. a great place to work.

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Rewarding... that is how I would explain the experience I have had working at SAM, Inc.

I have worked as an IDD Case Manager, IDD Supports Coordinator/Supports Coordination Supervisor, and I am currently working as a Waiver Manager, conducting IDD Supports Coordination Eligibility for Berks County residents.

It has been rewarding as an employee to be given the opportunity of working in various positions, participating on committees in the company and community, receiving generous benefits, working in a supportive work environment and forming professional relationships in the company and in the community.

However, aside from the above, the most rewarding aspect is knowing that by working at SAM, Inc. it has given me the portal to educate and connect individuals and families to services, supports and resources to enhance their lives physically and emotionally.

That is most rewarding.

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I’m Amber, a Service Coordinator for the Office of Long-Term Living Program with SAM, Inc. I have been with SAM for a little over two years. My job responsibilities are to provide services for individuals over the age of 60.

I assist individuals and their families with developing their Individual Service Plan to help them remain in their home for as long as they can. I assist with linking individuals with Medicaid services like, Personal Assistant services, home delivered meals, Life Alert buttons and many other services. Every service is consumer choice and their voices are heard.

I love being a Service Coordinator with SAM because it’s enjoyable to see the smiles on the faces of my consumers when I tell them they don’t have to be in a nursing home and they can stay in their own homes. I love assisting individuals and their families with services to keep them in their homes. Making a difference in someone’s life is incredibly fulfilling.

I am a graduate of Bloomsburg University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. When I am not working, I like to spend time with my family and friends camping or running various 5k races. I’m also an avid Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies fan.

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My name is Darlenys Sosa-Rosa and I’m a bilingual Service Coordinator for the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) at SAM, Inc. I have a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology from Albright College and live in the area. My hobbies include spending time with my sister, reading, listening to music and dancing.

My time here at SAM has given me the experience of a lifetime. I came into this job with a blindfold on and optimism for learning and mastering everything I could as quickly as possible. As a recent college grad with four years of experience working at a local Dairy Queen, I was definitely ready to move on with my life and dive into something totally different, whether I was ready for it or not. Little did I know my people skills and daily problem-solving when getting an order wrong or adhering to customer requests could prepare me for a job this rewarding.

Like any job, it presents its challenges and it can be difficult and a lot to handle, but there is so much support and assistance provided by the members of the department and my supervisor, who I never hesitate opening up to for advice when there is a problem or concern.

My favorite part of this job is what I like to think of as the “breakthrough moment.” For me, it is when I’ve helped someone work out a problem that he/she was having in his/her life; finally getting equipment that he/she had gone so long without; or finally seeing that person really be independent and knowing that all of it was possible with my help.

The time I have spent with Berks OLTL program at SAM has been the greatest experience and has taught me so much about responsibility.

There is a lot weighing on my shoulders, but with the right amount of support, everything can run smoothly. I have the greatest supervisor, and I thank her for the opportunity and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her support, and how much I appreciate the support of all the people who have helped me along the way to get where I am today.

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My name is Jill Bensinger and I am extremely grateful to be a part of SAM’s Office of Long Term Living Department.

SAM is not just a job to me, it’s an opportunity. In this career, I constantly meet wonderful people and help them obtain things they need for a better life.

I work with people over the age of 63 and implement services they need to stay in their own home, allowing them to maintain independence and dignity, in the surroundings they are comfortable with.

Seeing someone smile because of what SAM allows me to do for them makes every day so satisfying. SAM truly cares about their employees and their consumers.

I could never imagine doing anything else!

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Hello! My name is Diana Ortiz and I hold the position of Quality/Training Coordinator at SAM, Inc. I have my BS in Human Services/Management.

I am fortunate to have been employed at SAM, Inc. for 17 years total. I’ve always felt a connection between SAM, Inc.’s mission/purpose and my own personal goals and work ethics. My employment of 17 years has truly been a rewarding experience.

I’ve held several job positions that have allowed me to explore my managerial skills, gain new skills and apply my hard work and knowledge in a variety of job positions.

My current job position, Quality/Training Coordinator, puts me in a role of coordinating and organizing a variety of different corporate tasks. For example, I have been a part of the Corporate Policy and Procedure Committee for eight years, and I’ve been able to see the transformation go from a good process to an excellent process. With the guidance of leadership, the committee and its review processes were restructured and have become very efficient.

Another role I have at SAM, Inc. is to welcome and orient new staff to the organization. This is one of my most enjoyable roles as I am able to meet new staff, inform them of the many benefits of working at SAM, Inc., and help them make the connection to the organization, which is critical during the first few days of hire.

Other roles I maintain relate to coordination of training accounts in the online Learning Management System, I co-chair the Facilities Risk Management Workgroup, and I manage the SAM Help-Complaint line by documenting and forwarding calls for response.

I enjoy working at SAM, Inc. for a number of reasons. What keeps me working here is the flexibility the company offers its employees, which helps alleviate the stress one normally associates between work life and personal life. The flexibility allows me to take care of my home, my children and my work without feeling burned out or overly stressed.

Another noteworthy aspect of my commitment to SAM, Inc. is the leadership oversight. I feel leadership cares about its employees, which in turn has elevated my level of commitment to the organization.

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I have been with SAM close to four years now, and I love what I do. One of the things that I enjoy is finding new resources for my consumers, and assisting them in getting those resources for themselves.

My caseload is a mix of children, adolescents, and adults; each of the challenges that these groups represent can be difficult, but those challenges are what make case management such a rewarding job.

Once you find the ways to address those challenges, and empower the consumers to use what you’ve helped them find to meet those challenges, it’s fulfilling for both myself and the consumer.

Not every day is a success, but the setbacks set the stage for working that much harder to meet the challenges.

I enjoy working for SAM because I get the chance to help people. Working for SAM can be tough, but helping people is the best part. I’ve made some good friends here. My team, which works primarily in Adams County, is close, and we all do what we can to help each other out, cover appointments if needed, and keep encouraging each other when spirits might be flagging.

All of us love what we do for our consumers.

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“The Mission of Service Access & Management, Inc. is to help people throughout Pennsylvania enhance the quality of their lives by effectively and efficiently managing and/or providing needed human services.”

This mission statement is my ministry, for I enjoy working with people. I seek every day to help the people in it to have a meaningful life.

I joined the SAM, Inc. team in July 2008. Time has gone by so fast. Working at SAM is never a dull moment. Every day is different. I could not have imagined how good working for SAM would be. I have made many friends and collected some great memories over the years. I have had enjoyable times working with my supervisors, and co-workers.

There are many things that attracted me to SAM, such as the flexible work schedule, time off, benefits and options (technology) offered that are very convenient as a mobile employee within the community.

My job here has groomed me both personally and professionally. It has made me realize the potential I have to grow and provided the opportunities to do so. I am motivated and empowered to perform at my best and deliver excellent service daily.

Times are tough in the world around each of us, but SAM, Inc. values hard work (there is no substitute for hard work), a can do spirit, a positive attitude and hands-on case management services trainings that assist with job requirements.

This company truly appreciates its employees by recognizing and rewarding their efforts and performance. These values are what I have dedicated my life to in serving others and keeps directing my improvement within this company.

I am very appreciative of all SAM has provided to me through these years. I’ve used any challenges I’ve faced to improve myself and the others I care about all around me.

All this, coupled with SAM Inc.’s success, makes this the perfect place to work!

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