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Employee InterviewBy: Rielly Stringer & Brandon Stevenson

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Q1.What was your first job?

•A: My first job was as a babysitter for friends of my family.

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Q2. How old were you?

•A: I was 14 years old.

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Q3.How much did you earn an hour for your first job?

•A: I didn't get paid by the hour. It was a weekly rate of $125

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Q4. Where do you work now?

•A:Now I work at Adventure Place Childcare

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Q5.How long have you been employed there ?

•A:I have been there almost 3 years

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Q6. How many hours a week do you work?

•A: I work 40 hours a week usually, But there are times where I work a few extra hours if I'm needed.

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Q7. Do you have many co workers?

•A:I have 5 co workers full time and we have a few substitutes that fill in .

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Q8.Are there a lot of injury/ illness risk in your job?

•A: There aren't many injuries with it but it is easy to pick up flues and viruses.

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Q9.Is there a lot of stress involved in your job?

•A: I don't think there is a lot of stress involved. I choose not to stress out over work.

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Q10. Do you like your job?

•A: I love my job. Kids at that age are so full of life , and get so excited over the simplest things . They make you feel very much needed and loved. They are easy to fall in love with

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Q11.What is your favorite part of your job?

•A: There are so many things I love about it that its hard to say . Sometimes I will be at work and for no reason at all a child will run up and hug me , or say" I love you " for no reason at all. That’s probably my favorite part.

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Q12.Would you recommend this job to others?

•A: I would recommend this job to anyone who loves children. It definitely is not a job for just anyone. You need to have a lot of patience and you absolutely need to love children. You have to have a lot of energy because small children are full of it .

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Q13. Does your job require you to work after you are off the clock?

A:It doesn't require me to, but i often do planning for work at home just because I enjoy it.

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Q14. Is there room to advance in your job?

•A: There isn’t room to advance really. I could go to college and get a degree if I felt the need to but right at the moment Idon't.

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Q15. Did you always want to be in this line of work? If not what changed your mind

•A: As a small child I wanted to be a flight attendant . I wanted to travel the world. Then as a teenager i started babysitting and knew that whatever I did in my later years it would be something that involved children. However it wasn't until 3 years ago that I actually took this job that gave me the opportunity to work with kids.

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Q16. Did you need to go to secondary school or university to qualify for your job?

•A: Most daycares do require you to be an Early Childhood Educator to work in daycares . I actually don’t have the degree.

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Q17.Did your parents have any influence on what you wanted to do as a profession?

• A: I guess in a way they did. My mom was a stay at home mom and enjoyed doing things as often as possible with us . I saw how much happiness she got from doing things with us children and i kind of always knew that whatever I chose to do I wanted to be as happy as her. So really i guess she thought me that when you love what you are doing work is a lot more enjoyable.

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Q18. Does your job require you to travel or be away from your own family ?

•A: It doesn’t require me to travel besides a scattered field trip or something along those lines. I work from 7 am -4 pm so most of the time I am at work my real children are in school and I don’t work weekends which is nice.

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Q19. Are you proud of your job?

A: I can honestly say yes . I am very proud to say that I work in a daycare.

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Q20. Is this a job you see yourself working at for a long time?

•A: I would like to think so yes. As long as my health will allow it I will be there . I often say that I will be there until it is no longer fun.