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Mask_Shut_off(varargin) function varargout = Mask_Shut_off(varargin) mOutputArgs = {}; % Variable for storing output when GUI returns set_param(char(varargin), 'T','off'); % Declare and create all the UI objects in this GUI here so that they can % be used in any functions hMainFigure = figure(... % the main GUI figure 'MenuBar','none', ... 'Toolbar','none', ... 'HandleVisibility','callback', ... 'Name', mfilename, ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'Position',[380,350,250,180],... 'Color', get(0, 'defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor')); %'Position',[0.1 0.70 0.2 0.05],... %'Position',[0.3 0.80 0.4 0.15],... text = uicontrol(hMainFigure,'Style','text',... 'Parent', hMainFigure, ... 'String','Warning: The mask will be shut off due to the deactivation.',... 'Position',[60 100 160 40]); hTransform2Button = uicontrol(... % button for updating selected plot 'Parent', hMainFigure, ... 'Units','normalized',... 'HandleVisibility','callback', ... 'String','Shut Off',... 'Callback', @hTransform2ButtonCallback); hTransform1Button = uicontrol(... % button for updating selected plot 'Parent', hMainFigure, ...

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'Units','normalized',... 'HandleVisibility','callback', ... 'String','Cancel',... 'Callback', @hTransform1ButtonCallback); align([hTransform1Button hTransform2Button],'Fixed',70,'Bottom'); mOutputArgs{1} = hMainFigure; if nargout>0 [varargout{1:nargout}] = mOutputArgs{:}; end function hTransform2ButtonCallback(hObject, eventdata) % This function implements only Transformation Step Nuo. 2 on the UNIT % Level, which is: Test Structure Retrieval for UNIT Subsystem Level % p = strcmp(varargin, 'SUT_PI_TC/<Test data generator>') set_param(char(varargin), 'Mask','Off'); delete(hMainFigure); end function hTransform1ButtonCallback(hObject, eventdata) % This function implements only Transformation Step Nuo. 2 on the UNIT % Level, which is: Test Structure Retrieval for UNIT Subsystem Level delete(hMainFigure); end end ReqName_callback(block) function [] = ReqName_callback(block) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of Preconditions used in the Requirment Name Set set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of Reqs OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Precondition name>')); % Add or remove model items for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines set_param([block '/switch <signal1>'], 'Inputs', num2str(No+1)); PreLines = get_param([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles');

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delete_line(PreLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(PreLines.Outport(2)); % Remove blocks delete_block([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i)]); elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks add_block('MIL_Test/Test Data/Test Data Architecture/<Test data generator>/<Requirement name>/<Precondition name>',[block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i)]); set_param([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); if i == 2 pos = get_param([block '/<Precondition name>'], 'Position'); else pos = get_param([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i-1)], 'Position'); end pos1 = pos(1); pos3 = pos(3); pos2 = pos(2)+100; pos4 = pos(4)+100; set_param([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(i)], 'Position', [pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); set_param([block '/switch <signal1>'], 'Inputs', num2str(i+1)); % Add lines add_line(block,['Out Bus/1'],['<Precondition name>' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['<Precondition name>' num2str(i) '/2'],['switch <signal1>/' num2str(i+2)],'autorouting','on'); end end if No == 1 InPos = get_param([block '/<Precondition name>'], 'Position'); else InPos = get_param([block '/<Precondition name>' num2str(No)], 'Position'); end InP1 = InPos(1)+130; InP3 = InPos(3)+120; InP2 = InPos(2)+80; InP4 = InPos(4)+70; set_param([block '/Initialisation & Stabilisation'], 'Position',[InP1 InP2 InP3 InP4]); parentOfReq = get_param(block, 'Parent'); system_name1(parentOfReq); ReqName_callback(block) function [] = ReqName_callback(block)

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% Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of VF-s used in the Validation Functions Set set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of Reqs OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Preconditions name>')); SysN = get_param(block, 'parent'); ReqN = get_param(block, 'Name'); ReqN_V = ReqN(end:-1:1); Nr = ReqN_V(1); if Nr == '>' Nr = 1; end SigFrBS = get_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); OldNo_Sig = length(findstr(SigFrBS, ','))+1; SigFrBS_l = get_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'LineHandles'); % 0 is not allowed as VF-s SSm doesn't make sense in that case % Add or remove model items if OldNo > No % Remove % Redraw all the lines and Reset the in-out ports of all related block % Remove all the lines from Bus Selector for i = 1:OldNo_Sig delete_line(SigFrBS_l.Outport(i)); end % Reset the inports of Bus Creator4 set_param([SysN '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(OldNo_Sig-(OldNo-No))); end for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); PreLines = get_param([block '/<Preconditions name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); AssLines = get_param([block '/<Assertions name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); delete_line(PreLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(PreLines.Outport(1)); delete_line(AssLines.Inport(2)); delete_line(AssLines.Outport(1)); % Remove blocks delete_block([block '/<Preconditions name>' num2str(i)]);

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delete_block([block '/<Assertions name>' num2str(i)]); %================================================================== %================================================================== % Delete Signals between Bus Selector and Arbitration % Delete Signals in Arbitration No_In = length(find_system([SysN '/Arbitration'], 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','In')); delete_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(No_In) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In)]); delete_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In+1)]); % Delete Signals from Bus Selector SigFrBS_n = get_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); p = strcat(',','signal',Nr,'.signal',num2str(i),'.signal1'); SigFrBS_n = strrep(SigFrBS_n,p,''); set_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',SigFrBS_n); % Delete Inports of Arbitration and Collection Verdicts delete_block([SysN '/Arbitration/In' num2str(No_In)]); set_param([SysN '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(No_In)); add_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In)],'autorouting','on'); %================================================================== %================================================================== elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/<system name>/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>',[block '/<Preconditions name>' num2str(i)]); add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/<system name>/<Requirement name>/<Assertions name>',[block '/<Assertions name>' num2str(i)]); set_param([block '/<Preconditions name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); set_param([block '/<Assertions name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); pos2 = (((i-1)*120)+24); pos4 = (((i-1)*120)+66); set_param([block '/<Preconditions name>' num2str(i)], 'Position', [165 pos2 265 pos4]); posi2 = (((i-1)*120)+94); posi4 = (((i-1)*120)+136); set_param([block '/<Assertions name>' num2str(i)], 'Position', [315 posi2 450 posi4]); set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); % Add lines add_line(block,['<Preconditions name>' num2str(i) '/1'],['<Assertions name>' num2str(i)

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'/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['InOut Bus/1'],['<Assertions name>' num2str(i) '/2'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['InOut Bus/1'],['<Preconditions name>' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['<Assertions name>' num2str(i) '/1'],['Bus Creator/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); % ================================================================= % ================================================================= % Add Signals between Bus Selector and Arbitration % Nr = str2num(ReqN_V(1)); % Add Outports of Bus Selector % Here OutSignal of Bus Seletor, the Outports quere depends on the click % quere Signal1 = get_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); SignalP = strcat(Signal1,',','signal',Nr,'.signal',num2str(i),'.signal1'); set_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',SignalP); % Add Inports of Bus Creator4 In_nr = get_param([SysN '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs'); In_nr = str2num(In_nr)+1; set_param([SysN '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(In_nr)); % Add Input to Arbitration, also needs signals in the Arbitration % added at the same time No_In = length(find_system([SysN '/Arbitration'], 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','In')); add_block('Simulink/Ports & Subsystems/In1',[SysN '/Arbitration/In' num2str(No_In+1)]); posi = get_param([SysN '/Arbitration/In' num2str(No_In)], 'Position'); pos1 = posi(1); pos3 = posi(3); pos2 = posi(2)+40; pos4 = posi(4)+40; set_param([SysN '/Arbitration/In' num2str(No_In+1)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); % fix position of Memory fix_pos([SysN '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'],[SysN '/Arbitration/Memory'],0,10); % Set Inputports of 'Collect Verdicts' set_param([SysN '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(No_In+2)); % Put the Memory Outsignal always in the last Inport of Collect % Verdicts delete_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In+1)]); add_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In+2)],'autorouting','on');

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% Add line from 'in' to 'Collect Verdicts', which happens in the % undersystem Arbitration add_line([SysN '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(No_In+1) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In+1)],'autorouting','on'); % Add Line from Bus Selector to Arbitration add_line(SysN,['Bus Selector/' num2str(No_In+1)],['Arbitration/' num2str(No_In+1)],'autorouting','on'); % Add lines between Bus Selector and Bus Creator4 add_line(SysN,['Bus Selector/' num2str(No_In+1)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(No_In+1)],'autorouting','on'); % ================================================================= % ================================================================= end end % Remove Outport of Bus Selector & Input of Bus Creator4 if OldNo > No % Remove % Redraw all the lines and Reset the in-out ports of all related block % Add Line from Bus Selector to Arbitration SigF_N = get_param([SysN '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); N_SigF= length(findstr(SigF_N, ','))+1; for j = 1:N_SigF add_line(SysN,['Bus Selector/' num2str(j)],['Arbitration/' num2str(j)],'autorouting','on'); % Add lines between Bus Selector and Bus Creator4 add_line(SysN,['Bus Selector/' num2str(j)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(j)],'autorouting','on'); end end system_name1(SysN); %---------------------------------------------------------------- % HELPER % parentOfReq = get_param(block, 'Parent'); % %in the parentOfReq find the block having name Bus Selector % BS = find_system(parentOfReq, 'SearchDepth', 1,'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','BusSelector'); % outSignals = get_param(BS, 'outputSignals'); % outSignalsOldNo = length(findstr(outSignals, ','))+1; % number of outSignals from Bus Selector currently present in the model % inpSignals = get_param(BS, 'InputSignals'); % lenInpS = length(inpSignals);

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% % for i =1:lenInpS % outSignalsNb(i) = length(BSInpSign{i,1}{1,2}); % end % outSignalsNo = sum(outSignalsNo); % New number of outsignals for Bus Selector Test_D_Gen(block) function [] = Test_D_Gen(block) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of <Requirement name> used in the System set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of VF-s OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Requirement name>')); T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>'); OldNoS = length(find_system(T1, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','Feature generation')); for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines SigAtTLines = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1)); for j = 1:OldNoS delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(j)); end % Remove blocks for j = 1:OldNoS set_param([block '/switch <signal' num2str(j) '>'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); end delete_block([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks if i == 2 add_block([block '/<Requirement name>'],[block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); else add_block([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i-1)],[block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); end

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set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); if i == 2 pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>'], 'Position'); else pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i-1)], 'Position'); end pos1 = pos(1); pos3 = pos(3); pos2 = pos(2)+80; pos4 = pos(4)+80; set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); for k = 1:OldNoS set_param([block '/switch <signal' num2str(k) '>'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); end % Add lines for m = 1:OldNoS add_line(block,['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/' num2str(m)],['switch <signal' num2str(m) '>/' num2str(i+1)],'autorouting','on'); end add_line(block,['Out Bus/1'],['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); end end Test_D_Gen_S(block,signal) function [] = Test_D_Gen_S(block,signal) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of <Requirement name> used in the System set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); if signal < 0 No = str2double(get_param(block,'So')); % Get # of VF-s else No = signal; end T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>'); T2 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>'); OldNo = length(find_system(T1, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','Feature generation')); OldNoReq = length(find_system(block, 'regexp',

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'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Requirement name>')); for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % delete lines % block SigAtTLines2 = get_param([block '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines2.Outport(1)); for j = 1:(OldNoReq+1) delete_line(SigAtTLines2.Inport(j)); end delete_block([block '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); delete_block([block '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); %T2 for k = 1:OldNoReq if k == 1 T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>'); T2 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>'); SigAtTLines1 = get_param([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Outport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(2)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(3)); % T1 SigAtTLines = get_param([T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); %delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(1)); % delete block delete_block([T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); delete_block([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); delete_block([T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)]); delete_block([T1 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); else T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>', num2str(k), '/<Preconditions name>'); T2 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>', num2str(k)); SigAtTLines1 = get_param([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Outport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(2)); delete_line(SigAtTLines1.Inport(3)); % T1 SigAtTLines = get_param([T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); %delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1));

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delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(1)); % delete block delete_block([T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); delete_block([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); delete_block([T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)]); delete_block([T1 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); end end elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Block add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Out1',[block '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([block '/<signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[block '/<signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,145); add_block([block '/switch <signal1>'],[block '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([block '/switch <signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[block '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,60); add_line(block,['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>' '/1'],['<signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['Bus Selector/1'],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); % Add blocks % <Test data generator>/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name> for j = 1:OldNoReq if j == 1 T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>'); T2 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>'); add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Out1',[block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/<signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/<signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,-70); add_block([block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/Feature generation'],[block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/Feature generation' num2str(i)]); fix_pos([block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/Feature generation'],[block '/<Requirement name>/<Preconditions name>/Feature generation' num2str(i)],0,-i*50); add_line(T1,['Feature generation' num2str(i) '/1'],['<signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); % T2 add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Out1',[T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([T2 '/<signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,145); add_block([T2 '/switch <signal1>'],[T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,60); add_line(T2,['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>' '/1'],['<signal' num2str(i) '>/'

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num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['Sequencing of test data in time due to Preconditions/1'],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['Initialisation & Stabilisation/1'],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(3)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['<Preconditions name>/' num2str(i+1)],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(2)],'autorouting','on'); % Block add_line(block,['<Requirement name>/' num2str(i)],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(2)],'autorouting','on'); else T1 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>', num2str(j), '/<Preconditions name>'); T2 = strcat(block, '/<Requirement name>', num2str(j)); add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Out1',[T1 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([T1 '/<signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[T1 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,-70); add_block([T1 '/Feature generation'],[T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)]); fix_pos([T1 '/Feature generation'],[T1 '/Feature generation' num2str(i)],0,-i*50); add_line(T1,['Feature generation' num2str(i) '/1'],['<signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); % T2 add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Out1',[T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([T2 '/<signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[T2 '/<signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,145); add_block([T2 '/switch <signal1>'],[T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>']); fix_pos([T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i-1) '>'],[T2 '/switch <signal' num2str(i) '>'],0,60); add_line(T2,['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>' '/1'],['<signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['Sequencing of test data in time due to Preconditions/1'],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(1)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['Initialisation & Stabilisation/1'],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(3)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(T2,['<Preconditions name>/' num2str(i+1)],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(2)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['<Requirement name>' num2str(j) '/' num2str(i)],['switch <signal' num2str(i) '>/' num2str(j+1)],'autorouting','on'); end end end end

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Transformation() function Transformation() % SUTmodelName ) % ============================================================ % TRANSFORMATION is creating a test framework for a selected SUT model (here: SUT_PI) % This is a draft version of MiLEST by Justyna Zander, Abel Marrero, and Xiong Xuezheng. 2005-2008. % Copyrights are reserved. % % ============================================================ % clear; clc; SUTmodelName = 'SUT_PI'; SOURCE = SUTmodelName; load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); load_system(SOURCE); SUTblockName = 'SUT'; %SUTblockName = get_param(find_system(SUTmodelName, 'BlockType', 'SubSystem'), 'Name'); %SUTblockName = SUTblockName{1}; TARGET = [SOURCE '_TC']; %new_system(TARGET); copyfile([SOURCE '.mdl'], [TARGET '.mdl']) load_system(TARGET); %------------------------------------- % clear TARGET to start transformation % should be in the preTransformation phase terminators = find_system(SOURCE, 'BlockType', 'Terminator'); grounds = find_system(SOURCE, 'BlockType', 'Ground'); lenTer = length(terminators); lenGr = length(grounds); termLines = get_param([TARGET '/' SUTblockName],'LineHandles'); for i = 1:lenGr delete_block([TARGET '/Ground_' num2str(i)]) delete_line(termLines.Inport(i)); end for i = 1:lenTer delete_block([TARGET '/Terminator_' num2str(i)]) delete_line(termLines.Outport(i)); end %------------------------------------- % building the generic test structure

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add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/<system name>', [TARGET '/ValidationFunctions']); add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Display',[TARGET '/OverallVerdict']); %add_block('Simulink/Sinks/To Workspace',[TARGET '/OverallVerdictVar']); %set_param([TARGET '/OverallVerdictVar'], 'VariableName', 'OverallVerdict'); set_param([TARGET '/ValidationFunctions'], 'LinkStatus', 'none') set_param([TARGET '/OverallVerdict'], 'Position',[1135 433 1215 457]); %set_param([TARGET '/OverallVerdictVar'], 'Position',[1140 387 1215 413]); set_param([TARGET '/ValidationFunctions'], 'Position',[910 409 1040 456]); %add_line(TARGET,['ValidationFunctions/2'],['OverallVerdictVar/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Selector', [TARGET '/BSOV']); set_param([TARGET '/BSOV'], 'Position',[1075 416 1080 454]); set_param([TARGET '/BSOV'], 'OutputSignals', 'OverallVerdict') add_line(TARGET,['ValidationFunctions/1'],['BSOV/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(TARGET,['BSOV/1'],['OverallVerdict/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Creator', [TARGET '/BCOut']); add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Creator', [TARGET '/BCIn']); add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Creator', [TARGET '/BCInOut']); set_param([TARGET '/BCOut'], 'Position',[800 341 805 434]); set_param([TARGET '/BCIn'], 'Position',[800 441 805 519]); set_param([TARGET '/BCInOut'], 'Position',[870 344 875 526]); % set number of inputs to the bus set_param([TARGET '/BCOut'], 'Inputs', num2str(lenTer)); set_param([TARGET '/BCIn'], 'Inputs', num2str(lenGr)); % todo - dep. on the buses inside the sut for i = 1:lenTer add_line(TARGET,[SUTblockName '/' num2str(i)],['BCOut/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); end add_block('MIL_Test/Test Data/Test Data Architecture/<Test data generator>',[TARGET '/<Test data generator>']); set_param([TARGET '/<Test data generator>'], 'Position',[80 370 230 410]); %set_param([TARGET '/Test Stimuli'], 'Ports', [0 lenGr 0 0 0 0 0 0] -f); %add_block([TARGET '/<Test data generator>/<signal1>'],[TARGET '/<Test data generator>/<signal2>']); %fix_pos(['MIL_Test/Test Data/Test Data Architecture/<Test data generator>'],[TARGET '/<Test data generator>/<signal2>'],0,150); add_line(TARGET,['BCOut/1'],['BCInOut/1'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(TARGET,['BCOut/1'],['<Test data generator>/2'],'autorouting','on'); add_line(TARGET,['BCIn/1'],['BCInOut/2'],'autorouting','on');

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add_line(TARGET,['BCInOut/1'],['ValidationFunctions/1'],'autorouting','on'); % analysis of Signals coming into the SUT %add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Creator', [TARGET '/BCInSUT']); %set_param([TARGET '/BCInSUT'], 'Position',[445 371 450 444]); % add_line(TARGET,['Test Stimuli/1'],['BCInSUT/1'],'autorouting','on'); % add_line(TARGET,['BCInSUT/1'],[SUTblockName '/1'],'autorouting','on'); BusSelInSUT = find_system([SUTmodelName '/' SUTblockName], 'BlockType', 'BusSelector'); DemInSUT =find_system([SUTmodelName '/' SUTblockName], 'BlockType', 'Demux'); % todo - busselctors % if BusSelInSUT ~= 0 | DemInSUT ~= 0 % disp('aha') % end %addterms(TARGET); %========================================================================== %========================================================================== load_system([TARGET '/<Test data generator>']); % this is very important to disable the link of subsystem, or u will not have the right to change subsystem % in this situation set_param([TARGET '/<Test data generator>'],'LinkStatus', 'none'); In_SUT = find_system([TARGET '/SUT'], 'BlockType', 'Inport'); n = length(In_SUT); Test_D_Gen_S([TARGET '/<Test data generator>'],n); set_param([TARGET '/<Test data generator>'],'MaskValues', {'1', num2str(n), 'off'}); for i = 1:lenGr add_line(TARGET,['<Test data generator>/' num2str(i)],['BCIn/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(TARGET,['<Test data generator>/' num2str(i)],[SUTblockName '/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); end %========================================================================== save_system; disp(sprintf('Test Structure "%s" for "%s" built.', TARGET, SOURCE));

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VFs_callback(block) function [] = VFs_callback(block) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of VF-s used in the Validation Functions Set set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of VF-s OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','Requirement')); %set_param([block '/Requirement'], 'Name', 'Requirement1'); CurrentNoInp = get_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs'); CurrentNoInp = str2num(CurrentNoInp); % Handle BusSelector BS = find_system(block, 'SearchDepth', 1,'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','BusSelector'); outSignals = get_param(BS, 'outputSignals'); % outSignalsOldNo = length(findstr(outSignals{1,1}, ','))+1; % number of outSignals from Bus Selector currently present in the model % 0 is not allowed as VF-s SSm doesn't make sense in that case % Add or remove model items for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); SigAtTLines = get_param([block '/Requirement' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(1)); % Remove blocks delete_block([block '/Requirement' num2str(i)]); elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/Validation FunctionsTemplate/Requirement',[block '/Requirement' num2str(i)]); set_param([block '/Requirement' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); pos2 = (((i-1)*80)+34); pos4 = (((i-1)*80)+86); set_param([block '/Requirement' num2str(i)], 'Position', [285 pos2 430 pos4]); set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); % Add lines

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add_line(block,['Requirement' num2str(i) '/1'],['Bus Creator/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['Datatype conversion/1'],['Requirement' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); end end % Bus Creator4 inpSignals = get_param(BS, 'InputSignals'); lenInpS = length(inpSignals{1,1}); if lenInpS ~= 1 for j =1:lenInpS outSignalsNb(j) = length(inpSignals{1,1}{j,1}{1,2}); end outSignalsNo = sum(outSignalsNb); elseif lenInpS == 1 outSignalsNb = length(inpSignals{1,1}{1,1}{1,2}); outSignalsNo = sum(outSignalsNb); % New number of outsignals for Bus Selector end %BusCreator 4 set_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(outSignalsNo)); % Arbitration set_param([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(outSignalsNo+1)) MemoLine = get_param([block '/Arbitration/Memory'],'LineHandles'); delete_line(MemoLine.Outport(1)); add_line([block '/Arbitration'],'Memory/1',['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(outSignalsNo+1)],'autorouting','on'); % % Arbitration % for j =1:outSignalsNo % if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % delete_block([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(j)]); % elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % add_block('Simulink/Ports & Subsystems/In1',[block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(j)]); % % end % end %Add outputs to Bus Selector %set_param(BS, 'OutputSignals', 'signal1.signal2,signal1.signal1,signal1.signal2') % % pomysl jak dodac string zlozony z nazw of signals % for i=1:4 % inpSig1Lev= inpSignals{i,1}; % lenInS = length(inpSignals{i,1}{1,2}); % inpSig2Lev(lenInS:1)= inpSignals{i,1}{1,2}; % end

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% strcat(inpSig2Lev) arbitration_callback(block) function [] = arbitration_callback(block) % arbitration_callback acting if the Nr of 'requirement' signal changed set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of Reqs OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Preconditions name>')); for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % disp(' del line'); elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks % Add Outports of Bus Selector % OutSignal of Bus Seletor %Signal1 = 'signal1.signal1.signal1'; %for j = 2 : i %ans = get_param(block, 'Name'); %disp(' add line'); end end % Remove Outport of Bus Selector & Input of Bus Creator4 fix_pos(blocka,blockb,r,t) function [] = fix_pos(blocka,blockb,r,t) % fix the height distance between 2 blocks % blocka acts as the origin of coordinates

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% blockb is the one move around the blocka % t is for the down, r is for the left Pos = get_param(blocka, 'Position'); Posb = get_param(blockb, 'Position'); B = Posb(3)-Posb(1); H = Posb(4)-Posb(2); pos1 = Pos(1)+r; pos3 = pos1+B; pos2 = Pos(4)+t; pos4 = pos2+H; set_param(blockb, 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); shut_mask(block) function [] = shut_mask(block) set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); v = get_param(block, 'T'); Path = get_param(block, 'Parent'); N = get_param(block, 'Name'); Path = strcat(Path, '/',N); if strcmp(v, 'on') == 1 %test_gui_1 Mask_Shut_off(Path); %set_param(block, 'Mask','Off'); end slblocks function blkStruct = slblocks %SLBLOCKS Define the Simulink library block representation. % % Define the Simulink library block representation for the Testing % CP 10-11-05 % Copyright 2005-2006, Fraunhofer FOKUS % $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/11/10 20:11:50 $ % $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/07/10 20:11:50 $ blkStruct.Name = 'MIL Test Blockset'; % The function that is called when % the user double-clicks on this icon. blkStruct.OpenFcn = 'MIL_Test'; blkStruct.MaskInitialization = ''; % Define the library list for the Simulink Library browser. % Return the name of the library model and the name for it Browser(1).Library = 'MIL_Test';

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Browser(1).Name = 'MIL Test Blockset'; %Browser(1).IsFlat = 1;% Is this library "flat" (i.e. no subsystems)? blkStruct.Browser = Browser; % End of slblocks.m system_name1(block) function [] = system_name1(block) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of <Requirement name> used in the System set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of VF-s OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Requirement name>')); for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); SigAtTLines = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(1)); delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(i) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(i)]); % Remove blocks delete_block([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); % remove lines from Bus Selector SigFrBS = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigFrBS.Outport(i)); % remove Outport of Arbitration delete_block([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(i)]); % Remove Inport of Bus Creator4 elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/<system name>/<Requirement name>',[block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]);

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set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); if i == 2 pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>'], 'Position'); else pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i-1)], 'Position'); end pos1 = pos(1); pos3 = pos(3); pos2 = pos(2)+80; pos4 = pos(4)+80; set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); % Add Inports of Bus Creator4 set_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); % Add Outports of Bus Selector % OutSignal of Bus Seletor %Signal1 = 'signal1.signal1.signal1'; %for j = 2 : i SignalP = strcat(',','signal',num2str(i),'.signal1.signal1'); %Signal1 = strcat(Signal1,SignalP); Signal1 = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); Signal1 = strcat(Signal1,SignalP); %end set_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',Signal1) % Add lines add_line(block,['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/1'],['Bus Creator/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['Signal Conversion/1'],['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); % Add lines between Bus Selector and Bus Creator4 add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(i)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); % Add Input to Arbitration add_block('Simulink/Ports & Subsystems/In1',[block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(i)]); if i == 2 posi = get_param([block '/Arbitration/In1'], 'Position'); else posi = get_param([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(i-1)], 'Position'); end pos1 = posi(1); pos3 = posi(3); pos2 = posi(2)+40; pos4 = posi(4)+40; set_param([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(i)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]);

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% fix position of Memory fix_pos([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'],[block '/Arbitration/Memory'],0,10); % Add Line from Bus Selector to Arbitration add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(i)],['Arbitration/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); % Set Inputports of 'Collect Verdicts' set_param([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(i+1)); % Put the Memory Outsignal always in the last Inport of Collect % Verdicts delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(i)]); add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(i+1)],'autorouting','on'); % Add line from 'in' to 'Collect Verdicts', which happens in the % undersystem Arbitration add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(i) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); end end % Remove Outport of Bus Selector & Input of Bus Creator4 if OldNo > No % Remove set_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(OldNo+1)]); set_param([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(No+1)); add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No+1)],'autorouting','on'); if No == 1 S1 = 'signal1.signal1.signal1'; else S1 = 'signal1.signal1.signal1'; for j = 2:No S1 = strcat(S1,',','signal',num2str(j),'.signal1.signal1'); end end set_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',S1); end

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system_name2(block) function [] = system_name2(block) % Callback processing function for mask parameter % - number of <Requirement name> used in the System set_param(block, 'LinkStatus', 'none'); load_system('Simulink'); % Load Simulink library (background) load_system('MIL_Test'); No = str2double(get_param(block,'No')); % Get # of VF-s OldNo = length(find_system(block, 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Requirement name>')); if OldNo > No % Remove % Redraw all the lines and Reset the in-out ports of all related block % Remove all the lines from Bus Selector In_B4a = get_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs'); In_B4a = str2num(In_B4a); SigFrBS_l = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'LineHandles'); for i = 1:In_B4a delete_line(SigFrBS_l.Outport(i)); end end for i = 1:max(No,OldNo) if OldNo > No && i > No && i <= OldNo % Remove % Remove lines set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(No)); SigAtTLines = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)],'LineHandles'); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Inport(1)); delete_line(SigAtTLines.Outport(1)); %delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(i) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(i)]); % Redraw the lines from Bus Selector % Find how many VFs in the Requirement block, which will be deleted NoVF = length(find_system([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','<Preconditions name>')); No_In_o = length(find_system([block '/Arbitration'], 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','In')); delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In_o+1)]); % Delete Signals from Bus Selector SigFrBS_n = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); % delete the number of VFs singals in Arbitration

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for j = 1:NoVF No_In = length(find_system([block '/Arbitration'], 'regexp', 'on','LookUnderMasks','all','Name','In')); delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(No_In) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In)]); delete_block([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(No_In)]); p = strcat(',','signal',num2str(i),'.signal',num2str(j),'.signal1'); SigFrBS_n = strrep(SigFrBS_n,p,''); end % Redesign the Verdicts Collection set_param([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(No_In_o-NoVF+1)); add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(No_In_o-NoVF+1)],'autorouting','on'); % Reset the inports of Bus Creator4 and Selector set_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(No_In_o-NoVF)); set_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',SigFrBS_n); % Remove blocks delete_block([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); elseif No > OldNo && i > OldNo && i <= No % Add % Add blocks add_block('MIL_Test/Validation Function/Test Evaluation Architecture/<system name>/<Requirement name>',[block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)]); set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'LinkStatus', 'none'); if i == 2 pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>'], 'Position'); else pos = get_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i-1)], 'Position'); end pos1 = pos(1); pos3 = pos(3); pos2 = pos(2)+80; pos4 = pos(4)+80; set_param([block '/<Requirement name>' num2str(i)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); set_param([block '/Bus Creator'], 'Inputs', num2str(i)); % Add Inports of Bus Creator4 In_B4 = get_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs'); In_B4 = str2num(In_B4)+1; set_param([block '/Bus Creator4'], 'Inputs', num2str(In_B4)); % Add Outports of Bus Selector % OutSignal of Bus Seletor %Signal1 = 'signal1.signal1.signal1'; %for j = 2 : i SignalP = strcat(',','signal',num2str(i),'.signal1.signal1'); %Signal1 = strcat(Signal1,SignalP);

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Signal1 = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); Signal1 = strcat(Signal1,SignalP); %end set_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals',Signal1) % Add lines add_line(block,['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/1'],['Bus Creator/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['Signal Conversion/1'],['<Requirement name>' num2str(i) '/1'],'autorouting','on'); % Add lines between Bus Selector and Bus Creator4 %add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(i)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(i)],'autorouting','on'); add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(In_B4)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(In_B4)],'autorouting','on'); % Add Input to Arbitration add_block('Simulink/Ports & Subsystems/In1',[block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(In_B4)]); if i == 2 posi = get_param([block '/Arbitration/In1'], 'Position'); else In_in = In_B4-1; posi = get_param([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(In_in)], 'Position'); end pos1 = posi(1); pos3 = posi(3); pos2 = posi(2)+40; pos4 = posi(4)+40; set_param([block '/Arbitration/In' num2str(In_B4)], 'Position',[pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4]); % fix position of Memory fix_pos([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'],[block '/Arbitration/Memory'],0,10); % Add Line from Bus Selector to Arbitration add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(In_B4)],['Arbitration/' num2str(In_B4)],'autorouting','on'); % Set Inputports of 'Collect Verdicts' In_CV = In_B4+1; set_param([block '/Arbitration/Collect Verdicts'], 'Inputs', num2str(In_CV)); % Put the Memory Outsignal always in the last Inport of Collect % Verdicts delete_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(In_B4)]); add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['Memory/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/'

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num2str(In_CV)],'autorouting','on'); % Add line from 'in' to 'Collect Verdicts', which happens in the % undersystem Arbitration add_line([block '/Arbitration'],['In' num2str(In_B4) '/' num2str(1)],['Collect Verdicts/' num2str(In_B4)],'autorouting','on'); end end % Remove Outport of Bus Selector & Input of Bus Creator4 if OldNo > No % Remove % Redraw all the lines and Reset the in-out ports of all related block % Add Line from Bus Selector to Arbitration SigF_N = get_param([block '/Bus Selector'], 'OutputSignals'); N_SigF= length(findstr(SigF_N, ','))+1; for j = 1:N_SigF add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(j)],['Arbitration/' num2str(j)],'autorouting','on'); % Add lines between Bus Selector and Bus Creator4 add_line(block,['Bus Selector/' num2str(j)],['Bus Creator4/' num2str(j)],'autorouting','on'); end end

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