Download - Email Marketing Best Practices

  • 1. Email Marketing Best PracticesWhat Are They?

2. This is something that has been aroundfor a long time - pretty much since thefirst days of the Internet. 3. Not everyone takes advantage of this aspect of Internet marketing but the reality remains the same - themoney is in the list. 4. Now if you've never heard this term before itsimply means that the number of subscribers you have on your list will be directly proportionate to the amount of income you generate every year. 5. So first things first you need to build a list. There's a lot of ways to do this but the best way to generate your first subscriber list is from visitors to your existing websites... 6. matter how big or small these sites might be.Always remember that each person who signsup to your e-mail has a specific dollar valueattached to them. 7. Yes that's right each person on that list isworth a specific amount to youeach and every time you mail 8. The main thing you need when generating your subscriber list is something called anautoresponder such as Aweber or Getresponsefor 9. These are the market leaders in autoresponder technology. Either of these services allow you to automate the entire process of building your list and staying in touch with your 10. You could also do this manually but it's a very, very, very time intensive process. So you might be wondering how you actually get people to sign up to your e-mail list? 11. The easiest way to make this happen is to offerthem something. Not only offer them something but offer them something for free. It could be free report, free article, free video or even a downloadable MP3. 12. This is your way of incentivizing people to signup with you. And you need to appeal to that part of the personality that shows so much caution by building trust with 13. Plus as we discussed earlier on you're not really giving something away for free because part of your long-term plan is to recommend products or services to your subscriber list; which will benefit both you and your subscribers. 14. Of all the email marketing best practices that people overlook, the biggest one is simply staying in contact with your list. 15. Even if there are no promotions coming up or you have nothing on your mind to share with your subscribers that point in time drop your list an email and just chat and ask them if they have any questions that you can answer. 16. Basically keep the "conversation" going with your list. If you don't do this the list will become dormant and people will start to unsubscribe. 17. Not only that but some people forget that they even subscribed to your list in the first place so you start receiving spam complaints; all because you didn't stay in constant contact! 18. You should also make sure that every subscriber you get on your list was through a process called a double opt-in. This means that the potential subscriber has to first sign up for your list through an online form of some kind. 19. They then receive a confirmation email basically asking them if they're 100% sure they want to do this - this is done by clicking on a link in the email.This makes sure it's a human being clicking on the link confirming that they want to receive email from you. The double opt-in is pretty much standard now. 20. So building an email list and running it doesn'tRequire a degree in marketing. Visitors to yourwebsite sign up for your "newsletter". You needto use an autoresponder service or script tomanage that list. 21. To entice people to sign up you need to offer them free and useful content of some type. Last but not least stay in contact with your list otherwise it's a complete and total waste of effort building thelist in the first place. 22. has more FREE email marketing training just for you.My $47 CD is yours absolutely free, you only haveto pay shipping and handling. Check it out now!