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Comprehensive Photo ProjectElizabeth Magill

Period D

April 25, 2013

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Prologue/Chapter 1

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Just as the early school of Structuralism studied the structure of the mind, this cruise ship deck plan demonstrates the make up of the Carnival Breeze and specifically deck 7.

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This informative sign describes the function and proper use of a life jacket and how it can enable people to survive in case of emergency. This is similar to the study of functionalism which focused on how mental and behavioral processes enable people to adapt and survive.

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Applied Research

The inventor of this Sky Mall product must have used applied research to discover the technology to create this exciting form of recreation. It solves the practical problem of being unable to sail without water.

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Without trying to influence the situation, I employed the research technique of naturalistic observation by silently watching these people play cards on the lido deck in order to study their interactions with one another.

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Chapter 2A

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As this man receives and sends out emails he acts as a dendrite which both receives messages and sends out impulses to the cell body.

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This airplane returning to refuel at the airport boarding area is similar to a neurotransmitter being reabsorbed by a sending neuron in the process of reuptake.

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Sympathetic Nervous


This water boiling in a tea pot reminds me of someone experiencing a heightened state of arousal due to the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system. Anyone with “steam blowing through their ears” would obviously be experiencing heightened arousal .

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Nervous System

After the boy pictured freaked out about getting a sunburn, his mother acted like the parasympathetic nervous system by calming him down by giving him sunscreen after an experienced state of panic.

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Chapter 2B

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This old man is likely the oldest member and the base of his family. He represents the brainstem which is the oldest and most core part of the brain because he is the core of his family, responsible for its survival.

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The hypothalamus of the lady in the fuchsia dress controls her basic hunger drive. She stands in the buffet line in order to fulfill her hunger drive sent by this part of the brain.

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The Medulla is the part of the brain that controls breathing an heart rate, similar to an inhaler which can also help to control breathing.

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Temporal Lobe

As my sister Lauren does her Spanish homework she makes use of her left temporal lobe which contains Wernike’s area to process language.

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Chapter 3

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Delta Waves

This picture shows my sister Carolyn after she has been asleep for around one hour. At this point her brain has probably begun to produce large slow delta waves associated with stage 4 sleep.

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While sitting in a lounge area, the guy next to me fell asleep quite suddenly in the middle of the day. This leads me to believe that he may suffer from narcolepsy which is characterized by uncontrolled sleep attacks.

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Manifest Dream


The view of the ocean at sunset from my balcony reminded me of the actual appearance of many of my good dreams. In other words the manifest or remembered content of my dreams.

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Because of her health condition, my cousin takes Adderall, a medication that contains amphetamines. This helps her by increasing energy and making positive mood changes.

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Chapter 5

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Airline safety manuals seem to encourage people to take on egocentrism when in emergency situations. Airlines ask passengers to secure their own oxygen masks before assisting others when in danger. In other words to worry first about oneself and ignoring another’s point of view. Similar to developing children who think that the world actually revolves around them, airlines want people to first secure their own safety.

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It is clear that this little boy seeks comfort in his father and has developed an attachment to him. This child would likely become distressed when separated from his father.

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I recently had to strengthen my contact prescription because my eyes had decreased responsiveness to my previous prescription. My eyes have experienced a sort of habituation and after growing used to my original contacts stopped responding fully to them.

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Longitudinal Study

This page of my Taylor Swift calendar gives a six month overview as opposed to a shorter one-month page. This reminds me of a longitudinal study which studies the same people over an extended period of time instead of in just a one-time experiment.

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Chapter 6A

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After flying home on American Airlines I couldn’t get my ears to pop. This lowered my absolute threshold for sound for a few days and I was constantly asking people to speak up in order for me to hear them.

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This sign is a marketing attempt by Carnival Cruise lines being used to try to get people to associate pictures taken on their cruise with compliments and ultimately lead to the purchase of their pictures. This sign uses priming to get people to link be photographed to a positive message.

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Difference Threshold

The difference in water temperature between the pool and this hot tub on the cruise ship is easy to detect. The difference threshold allows people to notice the difference in these temperatures.

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Weber’s Law

All of the suitcases pictured weigh around 40 pounds. They are so close in weight that if I picked up two and tried to compare which one was heavier, I would have a hard time doing so. This is due to Weber’s Law. The weight of the suitcases would not vary by a high enough percentage for me to detect the difference.

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Chapter 6B

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The retinal receptors known as rods allow people to detect the black, white, and grey colors in these old photos.

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The retinal receptors known as cones allow people to detect the bright colors of these waterslides in the daylight.

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The lady controlling the airline gate checks boarding passes and lets people on to the plane. Similar to the theory that the spinal cord contains a gate that can allow pain to pass through to the brain, the gate-control lady can both grant and deny passage onto the aircraft.

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Phi Phenomenon

These lighted poles demonstrate the phi phenomenon as they quickly flash on and off with different colors creating the illusion of movement.

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Chapter 7A

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Law of Effect

Based on Thorndike’s principle, my sister is less likely to go to the beach again without sunscreen because this behavior resulted in the unfavorable consequence of sunburn.

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Mirror Neurons

As this man grabs himself a cone of soft serve ice cream, I get a craving for ice cream similar to if I were the one making the soft serve cone. This sensation is due to mirror neurons located in my frontal lobe.

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To increase my family’s behavior of cruising with Carnival we received exciting collectors pins . This presentation of positive stimuli is likely to encourage my family to book another cruise.

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After hearing my alarm sound in the morning I am likely to hit the snooze button. This form of negative reinforcement encourages me to use the snooze button by turning off the alarm and removing a negative stimuli.

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Chapter 7B

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I get paid after every three days that I babysit. Because the reinforcement of being paid always comes after the response of babysitting three different days, I am on a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement.

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These slot machines in the ship’s casino provide a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement. When playing the slots it is impossible to predict when you might win and thus how many responses it will take before reinforcement will occur.

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My dining time is an example of a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement. As shown the reinforcement of eating dinner occurs at the fixed time of 6:00 PM every day.

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During my cruise the cabin steward would leave towel animals at random times throughout the day. Sometimes there would be one in the morning, sometimes at night, and sometimes there would be none at all. This is an example of a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement because there was no way of knowing when a towel animal might appear.

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Chapter 8

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The hippocampus is the part of the brain that transfers short term memory to long term memory. This is similar to a refrigerator which stores food for a short time but can also store food for a longer period of time in the freezer.

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Iconic Memory

This painting of Donald, Huey, Dewey, and Louie makes me think of iconic memory. Iconic memory is a picture-image memory of a moment and this framed picture of four iconic characters helps me to remember iconic memory.

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Echoic Memory

As she listens to her iPod on the plane, my cousin may be experiencing different echoic memories associated with the different songs she is shuffling through.

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Serial Position


Based on the serial position effect, if I were to look at this list of airline complementary beverages and later try to recite them, I would be more likely to remember the drinks at the beginning and end of the list such as Pepsi and Java City Coffee, and less likely to remember items in the middle of the list such as Diet Coke.

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Chapter 10A

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g or general intelligence is the idea that there is an underlying intelligence factor that can predict success in other areas of intelligence. My cousin enjoys and is good at reading and the g-factor predicts that she will also be successful in math.

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Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a procedure that finds groups of related items on tests to identify levels of performance. If life were a test I would identify this group of people as the stupid factor after they stepped over the safety rail that is clearly marked “stay behind” to peer down at the apparently captivating water.

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Savant Syndrome

Although Shakuntala Devi was never limited in mental ability, similar to people with savant syndrome, she showed excellence in mathematical problem solving and even gained the title of “Human Computer” because she is able to calculate complex problems faster than a computer.

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One person can have many different colors of nail polish, there isn’t one universal color that everyone has. This is similar to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences instead of one underlying general intelligence.

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Chapter 10B

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Predictive Validity

The magic eight ball would be considered to have a low predictive validity because the likelihood of it actually being able to the predict the future correctly is rather low.

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On our way to the muster station drill my cousin and I modeled our life jackets. If we were to jump in the water we could test their reliability, determining the extent to which they can maintain constant floating.

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Content Validity

This Carnival Cruise letter contains news about the events throughout the entire day and on all areas around the ship. This pamphlet is considered to have content validity because it covers all available activities instead of just those available to kids.

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This buffet line has two sides to it. If it had split-half reliability, the food from one side would be the same and as good as the food from the other side.

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Chapter 11

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My sister is eating breakfast in order to satisfy her hunger drive.

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This ship employee has been cleaning this window for around 20 minutes which leads me to believe that he has reached the state of flow. He probably has a diminished sense of time resulting from the optimal engagement of his skills.

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Those people who are brave enough to venture onto the ship’s suspended ropes course have a higher level of optimum-arousal than I do.

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My mom’s motivation to go to dinner is the incentive of coffee flavored desserts.

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Chapter 12A

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James-Lange TOE

On the plane ride home my sister yawns and her eye lids get heavy and then feels tired demonstrating the James-Lange theory of emotion.

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Cannon-Bard TOE

As she watches karaoke my friend Emily (second from right) laughs and feels that she is happy at the same time which is explained by the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion.

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Facial Feedback


Because Jenna is smiling for the picture she likely feels happier just as a response to her facial expression.

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Paul Ekman

Paul Ekman is famous for analyzing people’s facial expressions. In this picture both my sister and cousin are giving genuine Duchene smiles which can be identified by the engaged cheek bones and twinkly eyes.

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Chapter 12B

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After being outside in the sun, due to the adaptation-level phenomenon, my stateroom looks really dark even though the lights are on.

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People might think that they had a good vacation, but after talking to me about my cruise and seeing my vacation pictures they experience relative deprivation and feel less happy because they realize that my vacation was better than theirs was.

Note: I apologize if you experience this after viewing my photo project

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Type A

I determined that this lady at the airport has a Type A personality after she gave her family a lecture about how they needed to finish the two apples that she packed before they reached Miami. Keeping in mind that it was approximately 8 AM and our flight didn’t get in until 3 PM. Obviously she demonstrated the stressed and controlling characteristics typical of a Type A personality.

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Type B

This lady chooses to relax on the deck even though she is in constant danger of sinking while on the cruise ship. Her carefree and go-with-the-flow attitude is characteristic of the Type B personality.

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Chapter 13

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Projective Test

This attempt at a paper snowflake is similar to the ambiguous stimuli presented in the Rorschach Inkblot test which is an example of a projective test.

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My unconscious Id which controls inappropriate impulses tells me to steal by sister’s candy.

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External Locus of


My sister possesses an external locus of control and has a constant fear that an elevator will stop while she is riding one and there will be nothing that she can do to escape.

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Spotlight Effect

As everyone sings Happy Birthday to my sister at dinner she is probably experiencing spotlight effect. She likely believes that thousands of people are watching her when in reality around only 20 people can see her.