Download - ELT + IT: CALL for a Balance by Michael Krauss

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ELT + IT: CALL for a Balance

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.

Thomas Merton

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Special Thanks !

n David Fay and Marcella Raffo n Victor Hugo Rojas n Emma Martinez n Arturo Field n  Participants working with me n Conference organizers and helpers n All of you attending

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10 Questions to Consider 1. Who are the digital natives and are they

getting restless? 2. How does ELT + IT help ELLs attain 21st

century literacy? 3. How does ELT + IT improve language

learning? 4. What are some of the pitfalls of ELT + IT? 5. Are there any “angels” to help us with ELT

+ IT?

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10 Questions to Consider

6. How can teachers prepare for ELT + IT? 7. Do our D.N students really need our IT

guidance? 8. What is the teacher’s role in the ELT +

IT classroom? 9. What really makes a successful ELT? 10. What can you take away from this presentation?

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Who are the digital natives?

Joe Morelock – Canby, Oregon School District

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Who are the digital natives? n Coined by Mark Prensky, 2001 n  People born into technology (after 1980) n How many of you are digital natives?

– Never used a typewriter – Don’t understand “dial” the phone – Don’t check your watch for the time – Spent 5K hrs reading but 10K hrs video games

by college graduation

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Who are the digital immigrants?


•  Me! •  1987 – My Mac Plus. •  No hard drive. Save work on 800 kb disk. •  This PPT slide would fill the disk. Cost = $2,500 !!

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Who are the digital immigrants? n D.I. have adopted technology but retain an

immigrant “accent” (one foot in the past). – Wear wristwatches (to tell time, not just for

fashion) – Remember waiting for photos to be “developed” – Usually print out documents to proofread them – Still buy CDs for some of our music! – Can picture a mimeograph machine!

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Digital Dinosaurs Among Us?

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Why are D.N.s getting restless? n DI assumptions about learning don’t

match DN assumptions. n DNs can’t use their digital information

tools in the classroom. n DNs don’t feel the classroom

experience prepares them for global environment.

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Restless Digital Natives?


A Vision of Students Today

Michael Wesch

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Questions to consider:

n Do the students in the video remind you of your students? Why? Why not?

n Do DNs really learn differently? Can DNs

actually multitask efficiently? n  Should the DN students learn the old ways

or should their DI teachers learn the new? Is there any middle ground?

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What skills must ELLs possess? n  21st century literacy skills (Warschauer)

– Academic Literacy - competencies related to academic work.

– Not new to us » Summarizing » Critical Reading » Researching

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What skills must ELLs possess? n  21st century literacy skills (Warschauer)

– Digital Literacy - Competencies related to creation and use of digital materials

» Computer Literacy » Information Literacy » Multimedia Literacy » Computer Mediated Communication Literacy

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Why do our students need to attain this new literacy?

"The need for technologically literate workers increases every year . . . “ Learning for the 21st Century, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2003, p.10-11

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Is there another reason?

“In our Information Age

twenty-first century society, knowledge is the coin of the realm and the ability to think critically is a prerequisite for democratic participation.”

Cummins, Brown and Sayers: Literacy,Technology, and Diversity. 2007, p. vi Edgar Becerra

Presidents Humala and Obama

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And yet another?

n  National borders becoming less important

n  Globalization allows access to playing field

n  More opportunities but more competition

n  Digitally literate citizens will have the edge!

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How does ELT + IT improve language learning? n Authenticity (unlimited access to authentic materials,

communication and publishing)

n Literacy (read, write, communicate, research & publish on Internet = 21st century literacy)

n  Interaction (key to acquiring fluency; Internet provides stimulus and opportunity)

n Vitality (flexible, modern medium; provides opportunity for meaningful, relevant work)

n Empowerment (mastery allows teachers and students to become lifelong learners).

Internet for English Teaching, Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni, TESOL, 2000.

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What is Web 2.0? How is it used in ELT?

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Web 2.0 supports the 21st century model Warschauer in “The Death of Cyberspace and the Rebirth of CALL”

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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?


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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?

n Time, time, time – Learning new

tools/techniques – Keeping up with

changes – Technology



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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?


David Pogue, New York Times, Feb 15, 2012 writes: “OMG! Did you see Brad Pitt’s post on Digglr last night?” “No, I was too busy cruising What did he say?” “OMG, it was all over Regurgtatr!” Have you ever had the sinking feeling that the online world is moving so fast that you’ll never catch up?

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Every year, there’s another hot new online service, another drain into which to pour your time. Question: Once you’re on Facebook and Twitter and Foursquare and Google Plus and Tumblr and LinkedIn and Instagram and Reddit and Path — when, exactly, do you have time left over for a life? Well, never mind. Incredibly, yet another free site has become white-hot popular, because it’s found yet another purpose not quite served by anyone else . . .

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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?

Are you drowning in information?

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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?

Are you getting “blurry-eyed?”

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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?


Internet Safety

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What about the pitfalls of ELT + IT?


Constant use of personal devices?

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Pitfall - Peru’s Digital Divide


n Lack of connectivity

n Lack of teacher training

n Lack of teacher networking

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Are there any “Angels” to help us?

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Mavens)

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Mavens)

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Web Sites)

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Web Sites)

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Tools)

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Are there any “Angels” to help us? (Tools)

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Can you tell me about more “angel” resources?

You will find them here:

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How can teachers prepare for ELT + IT? n  Self-education

– Get familiar with the TESOL technology standards + vignettes

– Subscribe to CALL-IS VSL (Virtual Software List)

– Subscribe to blogs/sites by Stannard, Peachey, Ferlazzo

–  Join social networks like Classroom 2.0 and EFL 2.0

– Attend professional conferences!

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How can teachers prepare for ELT + IT?

Cradler, J. (2002-2003). Effective Integration. Learning and Leading with Technology 30 (4) 49-56. Available online at:

Get professional development that allows you to: u  Explore, reflect, collaborate with peers u  Work on authentic learning tasks u  Engage in hands-on, active learning.

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TESOL EVO Sessions 2012 (free and need not be TESOL member)

• Becoming a Webhead • TESOL-Drama • Digital Storytelling-Young Ls • Digital Tools with a Purpose • PLEs and PLNs • Gamification

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E-Teacher Online Courses


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Exploring Web 2.0 Online Course


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Do DN students really need IT guidance?

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An ELL without ELT guidance: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

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Do DN students really need guidance?


The fastest drivers do not always arrive safely at their destination.

The same can be said for DN

drivers navigating the digital superhighway.

Being a DI does not mean

being Digitally Ignorant

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Do DN students really need guidance?


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What is the role of the teacher in IT + ELT?


n  Net is a treasure trove of resources

n  Net provides unparalleled ability to collaborate

n  BUT Net use can be non-productive

n  AND universal access does not guarantee success

n  Teachers are the critical link!

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What is the role of the teacher in IT + ELT? The Player-Coach

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The Player Coach n Leads the team but also participates n Has the same stake in success as the players n Applies expertise in setting goals and objectives n Designs meaningful practice to support improvement n Knows the strengths and weaknesses of the players n  Strives to motivate all players n Assesses performance and gives constructive advice n Establishes an emotional bond with the players

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What Makes a Successful ELT? n  Inspiration n Enthusiasm n  Professional competence n Attention to affective development of student n Tolerance, patience, warmth, sensibility and open-


ROBINETT, B.W. (1977): «Characteristics of an Effective Second Language Teacher» in M. BuRT, H. DULAY and M. FINOCCHIARO (eds.) (1977): Viewpoints on English as a Second Language. New York: Regents Publishing Co.

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“A Tech-Happy Professor Reboots After Hearing His Teaching Advice Isn’t Working


n  “I implemented your idea, and it just didn’t work. The students thought it was chaos.” (Wesch colleague)

n  “It doesn’t matter what method you use. . . you must focus on . . . the bond between teacher and student.” (Wesch)

Michael Wesch

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Final Takeaways for ELT + IT n Technology is our ally, but not a silver bullet! n Technology can make a good teacher better, but

cannot make a bad teacher good! n Every old technology was once new. New is not

necessarily good. Old is not necessarily bad. n Beware, computers can serve as “digital cocaine”

both for digital natives and digital immigrants. n As my wife always tells me, “Everything in

moderation. Strive for balance in your life.”

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Use IT wisely! Enjoy your teaching! Enjoy your families and friends!