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Online Video Trends

WeLoveDigital Forum / Elena Iordache / Martie 2016

Elena BrainientAgenices & publishers Nordics, Russia, GermanyWhy & What1


The average viewer is exposed to around 360 different ads in a day.

Attention span? 8.25 seconds

Attention span, per cat putem fi concentrati este de 8.25 fata de 12 sec in 2000. consumatorul este expus in medie la 360 mesaje publicitare pe zi, din care remarca apraope jumatate.Nu este de mirare ca oamenii isi instaleaza ad blockers

An adult is exposed to aprox. 360 ads per day (TV, internet, radio, newspaper, magazine), out of which aprox 150-155 are even noted, far less make a strong impact to be remembered. Attention span in 2000: 12 secAttention span in 2015: 8.25 sec

Ad blocking in RO: 18-20%Ad blocking Germany: 30%

So how do you create advertising that gets recalled?


Video offers a compelling way to tell a story

La Brainient, credem ca raspunsul este video. Este un format care comunica mult mai convingator decat text si imagini. Formatul de online video aminteste de TV ads, deci mai usor de digerat.Mai mult, un studiu Nilsen Wire arata ca 48% dintre consumatori au incredere in reclamele video online online ads.Si da rezultate mai bune, de 3 ore ctr mai mare decat diplay formatsSe muleaza pe comportamentul de consum oamenii consuma mult continut video, 1/3 din timpul petrecut online este petrecand vizualizand videoFacebook are 4 miliarde afisari video pe zi.

Easiest comprehension and synergy to media companies: Pre-roll and post-roll ads are similar to TV ads, which are the easiest for traditional advertisers and marketers to comprehend.Video offers a compelling way to tell a story, not to mention it also performs well gets 3x more clicks that display banners80% of viewers recall a video ad they saw in the past 30 days in 2007According to Nielsen Wire, 48% of consumers trust video ads

What is next invideo advertising?

Si atunci ce urmeaza in video advertising?

#1 The future of video is mobile

Daca pana acum 2-3 ani se vorbea despre mobile ca 2nd sceen, acum TV & desktop devin 2 second screen, mobil first. In US, oameni petrec in media 3 ore pe tel. In RO, 42% au raspuns intre 2-6 ore/zi.Mai mult, anumite segmente de consumatori nu mai pot fi atinse prin TV - millenials.44% of video are viewed on mobile Ooyala reportIn UK, mobile ad spent will surpass TV spent in 2016

Mobile is FIRST screen, as users spend time on mobileIn UK, mobile ad spent will surpass TV spent in 201644% of video are viewed on mobile Ooyala report



Video utilizeaza doar 1/3 din ecran

or Vertical?

9x completion rate10x engagement rate

Video vazut in mod orizontal este o mostenire din era TV, cand tot continutul video ora orizontal.Cum device-urile mobile devin principalul mediu de comunicare se schimba si formatul catre vertical Vertical are o rata de compeltion de 9 ori mai mare si rata de interactiune de 10 ori mai mare - Snapchat

Horizontal is a heritage from TV eraOn mobile, horizontal videos get a 9x lower completion rate than vertical videos.*Snapchat May 2015 report



Smartphone-ul este un mediu foarte personal si obisnuinta este sa interactionam, nu sa fim conumatori pasivi.De ex, in campaniile interactive BR vedem o rata de interactiune de 2 ori mai mare pe mobile!Optiuniel sunt multe: harta cel mai apropiat restaurant, tap to call, gamification, sms etc

Costumise the experienceLet user find your locationTap to call


Costumise the experienceLet user find your locationTap to call


Costumise the experienceLet user find your locationTap to call

#2 Short ads are becoming the norm

Cat de mult ar trebui sa dureze un video ad? Reclamele TV de 30 sec erau usor de digerat, intrucat nu existau atat de multe elemente care sa distraga atentia email, social media, mesaje etc.In schimb, in fata unei audiente nerabdatoare, o reclama video de 30 sec isi pierde relevanta.YuMe video ad tech, si IPG Media Lab au facut studiu legat de lungimea optima a reclamelor video.Doua lucruri de punctat aici:lungimea reclamei video trebuie mereu corelata cu lungimea continutului video pt un continut de 1 min, utilizatorii nu vor astepta 30 sec. Rec de 5-10 sec in schimb sunt mai usor de digeratConsumatorii isi aduc aminte mai usor reclame mai scurte 5,10, 15 sec. Formatul de 5 sec are impact mare asupra millenials cel mai mult

Optimal video ad length on mobile? Depends on how long the content is no one will watch a 30 sec ads before a 2 min content!Consumers recall shorter ads 5,10, 15 secMillenials recall shorter ads too

#3 Real-timevideo

Cine a folosit pana acum perisocope? Facebook live?Sunt 2 platforme care iti dau posibilitatea de a transimte video in timp real. Facebook si-a modificat recent algoritmul astfel incat sa afiseze in feed mai inati videourile live.Cred ca live video este un mediu interesant, pt ca atat creatorii de continut cat si brandurile pot intercationa direct cu audienta lor.Al Jazeera agentie de presa il foloseste.MTV, the tonight show

Vice Real-time video on the go is becoming the norm. Im sure most of you have seen the rise of Periscope and Facebook live. These are live-streaming services that tweet youve gone live, and people can start watching your live stream almost immediately. Also, companies like Vice have built tools to enable them to report major news events like ISIS in almost real-time, using mobile tools and citizen reporting. Old-school publishers and brands are not yet experimenting with these new ways of reaching millennials, and they should be. Its also very cheap to pull off.


#4 Personalized video powered by data

Oamenii vor sa vada informatii relevante si de interes pt ei.Vedem in ultimele 6 luni o cerere din ce in ce mai mare pt campanii video care afiseaza informatii diferite pt utilizatori diferiti sau in functie de anumite semnale vreme, locatie, timp al zile, preturi actualizate.Observatie noasta este ca rata de interactiune este mai de 2 ori mai mare atunci cand informatiile sunt relevante

#5 360degree video

Poate stiti, in martie anul trecut, Google a introdus posibilitatea de a incarcat videouri filmate 360. In toamna a urmat si si Facebook aceasta posibilitate.Ce este 360 video pe scurt este un video semi-interactiv, care ofera o vedere panoramica. Pe mobile experienta este cu adevarat interesanta, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa Use for travel, real estate, product demosSemi-interactive videoPre-VR tech as VR is expensive to watch little audience

YT - View on mobile ios & Android. On web via Chrome & Opera. Not Safari and Fifefox. Or google cardboardFacebook on web - Chrome, IOS & Android


Poate stiti, in martie anul trecut, Google a introdus posibilitatea de a incarcat videouri filmate 360. In toamna a urmat si si Facebook aceasta posibilitate.Ce este 360 video pe scurt este un video semi-interactiv, care ofera o vedere panoramica. Pe mobile experienta este cu adevarat interesanta, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa Use for travel, real estate, product demosSemi-interactive videoPre-VR tech as VR is expensive to watch little audience

YT - View on mobile ios & Android. On web via Chrome & Opera. Not Safari and Fifefox. Or google cardboardFacebook on web - Chrome, IOS & Android



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Mesajul meu pentru azi este ca video este un mediu in care brandurile isi pot spune povestea intr-un mod personal si usor de inteles. Iar daca acest mesaj video pune utilizatorul/consumatorul in prim plan, il lasa sa isi customizeze experienta si ii ofera informatiile relevante pt el/ea, atunci toata lumea castiga.