
© Fraunhofer IIS


Fraunhofer German-Turkish Day in Istanbul

Stephan Gick

Head of Department Electronic Imaging

Fraunhofer IIS, September 25, 2014

[email protected]

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!  Introduction

!  Research and Development Topics

!  Business Fields and Markets

!  Business Models

!  Project Examples

!  Point of View Cameras

!  Polarization Imaging

!  SHORE: Face Finding and Analysis

!  Summary

© Fraunhofer IIS 3

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Introduction

Electronic Imaging Research at Fraunhofer IIS

!  Long tradition, started in 1990

!  Today 9 departments with more than 150 researchers

!  Annual budget of more than 22 Mio Euro

!  Mixture of industrial (about 70%) and public funded projects (about 30%)

!  Locations in Erlangen, Nürnberg, Fürth, Ilmenau, Dresden …

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Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Main Research and Development Topics

Image Acquisition

Image Processing

Smart embedded Hardware

Image Analysis

Compression and Storage

Application Software and Systems

Imaging Workflow

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Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Business Fields and Markets

Cinema, TV and Broadcast

Automotive Market Research

Medical Engineering

Industrial Inspection

Safety Engineering

Aerospace Industrial Automation

© Fraunhofer IIS 6

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Business Models

Contract Research

!  Applied R&D and consulting services for industry

!  Exclusively on request

Joint Research

!  Forefront and applied research (demonstrators)

!  Funded by European Union and national funding bodies

Fraunhofer Forefront Research

!  Setting new standards, technologies (prototypes)

Technology / Product / Patents / Know-how Licensing

!  Worldwide, non-exclusive

© Fraunhofer IIS 7

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Project Examples

Point of View Cameras

!  Extremely compact HDTV cameras e.g. for media productions

Polarization Imaging

!  Analyze the polarization of light e.g. for inline detection of defects in glass or CFK (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) materials

Face Detection and Analysis

!  Find and analyze multiple faces in video streams in real time e.g. for market research or advertisement

© Fraunhofer IIS 8

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Point of View Cameras

Design of full-custom HDTV Point of View cameras

!  Features

!  Extremely compact, lightweight and robust

!  Different hardware platforms available based on SoC processors or FPGAs

!  Software frameworks for OS-based cameras (e.g. Android)

!  Partners

!  Gigawave, Globecast, Wige, Broadcast Sports, ...

!  Applications

!  MotoGP, Formula E, Indycar, DTM, NASCAR and many more ...

© Fraunhofer IIS 9

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Point of View Cameras

Concerts Deepsea Wireless Eishockey Side-by-side 3D

Family ISS Spacecam Dance Soccer Goalcam Drones

INCA 360° Rig 360° 3D-Rig Robust Optocopter Relais

NASCAR Helmet MotoGP Drone Press

© Fraunhofer IIS 10

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Point of View Cameras

Holgerson Eaglecam

!  Extremely compact and all-in-one light-weight HDTV camera on the back of an eagle

!  Full-custom design for RedBull and Terra Mater

!  Cinema production „Cry of the Eagle“ (release early 2015)

© Fraunhofer IIS 11

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Point of View Cameras

© Fraunhofer IIS 12

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Polarization Imaging

Definition of light

!  Intensity (we see as brightness)

!  Wavelength (we see as colour)

!  Polarization (we don‘t see)


!  Polarization contains information, which can be used by industrial vision inspection systems

Design of a full-custom CMOS-image sensor with nano-structures

!  Each pixel contains a filter for detecting polarization angle (0°,45°,90°,135°) and polarization intensity

!  Detection of complete polarization information in a single frame -> real time applications possible

© Fraunhofer IIS 13

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Polarization Imaging

Design of a camera with polarization sensor for industrial and medical inspection applications

!  compact, cheap and „ready for industry“

!  VGA-resolution with up to 300 frames/sec

!  High polarization contrast (100:1) and angle accuracy better than 0,2 degree

Detection and analysis of oil on metallic surfaces

Detection and analysis of strains in transparent materials (glass, plastic, ...)

Detection and analysis of directions of CFK fibers

© Fraunhofer IIS 14

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications SHORE: Face Detection and Analysis

Design of a software library SHORE (= Sophisticated High-speed Object Recognition Engine) for detection and analysis of faces in a video stream

Face Analysis Rotated Faces Facial Parts

Multiple Faces Profile Faces

© Fraunhofer IIS 15

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications SHORE: Detect Personality Properties

Emotions Age Gender

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Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications SHORE: Detect Facial Parts and Their Status

Eyes open/closed Mouth open/closed

© Fraunhofer IIS 17

Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications SHORE: Detect Head Position and Pose

Profile detection Head pose

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Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications SHORE Applications

Market Research

!  Assess impact of advertisement per user group

!  Get detailed viewing rates of movies and events

!  New business models feasible (e.g. get rewarded by watching ads)

Interactive Exhibits and Advertising

!  Interactive games are appealing

!  Smile-o-meter creates happy faces

!  Gather statistics of your events

“Social” Human-Machine-Interaction

!  Create intelligent agents and avatars that react on user’s emotions

!  Tie in social signals into social TV apps (facebook, twitter, etc.)

!  Emotion aware robots

SHORE on SmartTVs

!  User Group Profiling and Personalization

!  Intelligent Director for Video Conferencing

!  Attention-based Auto Mute, Dimming, Off

!  Speaker identification and localization

And many more …

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Electronic Imaging Technologies and Applications Summary

!  Electronic Imaging has a significant value at Fraunhofer IIS for many years

!  With our experience we cover most of the research topics along the image processing chain

!  We offer consulting, R&D services and flexible licensing models to our customers

!  We look for fruitful and long-term collaborations to support our partners on their way to international markets

!  Find more technologies and project examples on our website

!  Don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any question

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Thank you for your attention – any questions?