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Page 1: Election 2016 Candidates

Ben Carson Republican Presidential Candidate

Retired neurosurgeon, Johns Hopkins University

Presidential Medal of Freedom,

Recipient (2008)

Birthdate: September 18, 1951

Birthplace: Detroit, MI

Bachelor’s: Yale University (‘73)

M.D.: University of Michigan Medical School

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Principal surgeon of the first successful opera-

tion for separation of conjoined twins (1987)

Author of 38 books/book chapters

In favor of improving computer technology

and virtual classrooms in order to remain

“potent worldwide leader in this age of infor-

mation.” (2012)

Was named one of the nation’s 20 Foremost

Physicians and Scientists by CNN and TIME

Magazine in 2001

“We have a tremendous amount of technology

available to us that can help us quickly close

the achievement gap that exists between our

children and those in many other advanced na-


“America the Beautiful” (book), Jan. 2012

Has close connections with pharma-

ceutical company, Mannatech since

2004 — marketing company that pro-

duces nutritional supplements based

on the concept of “glyconutrition,” a

concept Carson advocates for

Company has been sued on several

occasions, including in 2005 for al-

leged false advertising — Carson will

not publicly address his relationship

with the company

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Bernie Sanders Democratic Presidential Candidate

Senator from Vermont (2007– Present)

Former mayor (‘81-’89) and U.S. Representative


Birthdate: September 8, 1941

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

Bachelor’s: University of Chicago

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Supports implementation of a “prize system”

to reward medical R&D — pushed for legisla-

tion in 2005 and 2012 for prescription drugs

and HIV/AIDS research

Supports increased research for pediatric can-

cer; co-sponsored “Conquer Childhood Can-

cer Act of 2007” to establish a national child-

hood cancer database

Strongly supports stem cell research

“Embryonic stem cell research has the sup-

port of leading scientists, health care organi-

zations, and patient advocacy groups because

it has great potential to reveal new treatments

and cures for ailments such as Parkinson’s

disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, stroke, and

spinal cord injuries”

July 2006 (regarding President Bush’s veto on The

Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act)

It is unacceptable that Americans

pay, by far, the highest prices in the

world for prescription drugs. We

need to make certain that generics

remain affordable.”

May 2015 — regarding Medicaid Generic Drug

Price Fairness Act

Huge focus towards reducing the cost of

health products/drugs for citizens

In 2013, co-signed a letter to NIH for accelerat-

ing scientific progress towards chronic medi-

cal conditions

Co-sponsored Birth Defects Prevention Act

in 1997—where Sen. Sanders

stands on all the issues

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Bobby Jindal Republican Presidential Candidate

Governor of Louisiana (2008-Present)

Former U.S. Representative (LA-01) (2003-2007)

Birthdate: June 10, 1971

Birthplace: Baton Rouge, LA

Bachelor’s: Brown University (‘91)

M.A.: New College (Oxford) (‘94)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Opposes embryonic stem cell research

Has consistently invested in Pennington

Biomedical Research Center in Baton

Rouge — the largest academically based

nutrition research center in the world

— 2008: $50 million investment

— 2014: $6.4 million towards new obesi-

ty and diabetes research program

“We must ensure that Pennington continues to be a

place where miracle cures are discovered for the

world and exciting new jobs are created for our peo-

ple. Our investment in Pennington will help attract

more skilled researchers and provide more than $40

million in earning annually, and generating an eco-

nomic impact of more than $110 million every year.”

2008 Speech to Special Legislature

Recently stated that climate change is “simply a

Trojan Horse” that allows government to impose

more economic regulations (Republican Leadership

Conference, May 2015)

In Fall 2014, released his 43-page Energy Plan

— proposes small-scale “no regrets” programs,

“green energy” R&D investments, and encour-

ages the repeal of Obama’s steps to curb CO2


(in light of Ebola outbreak) questions the Pre-

vention and Public Health Fund transfers, be-

lieves Obama administration has steered funding

towards purposes other than fighting infectious

diseases — supported House Republican’s

budget proposal to increase funding for CDC and

NIH in FY16 (June 2015)

“When that same government prioritizes funding

for jungle gyms and bike paths over steps to

protect our nation from possible pandemics, citi-

zens have every right to question the decisions

that got us to this point.”

October 2014, POLITICO op-ed

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Carly Fiorina

Republican Presidential Candidate

Former CEP, Hewlett-Packard

Ran for US Senate (CA) in 2009—lost to

Sen. Boxer (incumbent)

Birthdate: September 6, 1954

Birthplace: Austin, TX

Bachelor’s: Stanford University (‘76)

MBA: University of Maryland, College

Park (‘75)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Breast Cancer survivor; diagnosed in 2009

Stated that the scientific consensus regarding

climate change is “real and manmade” — but

argues that a single nation or state cannot re-

verse the trend (Political Breakfast, Feb. 2015)

Came out in support of federal funding for adult

stem cell research, as well as embryos that

would have otherwise been destroyed

Stated at the Iowa Freedom Summit (Jan. 2015)

that liberals are hypocrites:

Addressed the importance of basic science

funding, stating how scientists must become

“guides” - believes that the gap between what

scientists know and what the public knows is


“Liberals believe that flies are worth protect-

ing, but that the life of an unborn child is not.”

(regarding medical research)

“Over the years, the federal government

has replaced private donors and corpora-

tions as the major source of funds for basic

science. We have seen an increase in the

money invested in basic science over the

past 5 years. But I happen to be one of

those people who believes that we

should be funding even more, particu-

larly at a time when our national com-

petitiveness and ability to grow and cre-

ate jobs depends on innovation.”

2004 CalTech Graduation Speech

2015, Iowa State Fair: stated her belief that

government must be investing more in basic

science — to cure debilitating diseases such

as Alzheimer’s

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Chris Christie

Republican Presidential Candidate

Governor of New Jersey (2010-Present)

Former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey (2002-


Birthdate: September 6, 1962

Birthplace: Newark, NJ

Bachelor’s: University of Delaware (‘84)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Signed letter in 2010 to Congress stating

increased NIH funding is necessary

As governor, increased funding for adult au-

tism services in 2012

Author of WSJ op-ed, urging for greater in-

vestment in basic R&D

“In the past few decades, as government

spending on entitlements and health care as

a percentage of our GDP has soared, invest-

ment in R&D has been basically flat. Yet it

this exact investment in basic R&D, in

such areas as biomedical research, that

has laid the vital groundwork for so much

innovation in America’s fastest-growing

industries. America will not remain the home

of innovation if we allow our world-leading

research universities to wither on the vine.”

May 2015, WSJ Op-Ed

2014: Criticized the CDC and NIH’s Allergy

and Infectious Diseases Director on control-

ling Ebola outbreak — claimed their policies

were “behind”

Signed the Offshore Wind Economic Devel-

opment Act in 2010 to help push NJ to be a

leader in wind power

— appears to have shifted his view by

repeatedly stalling wind-turbine construction, and

diverting money away from the NJ Clean Energy


Endorsed New Jersey’s University of Medi-

cine and Dentistry Advisory Committee in

2011 for their plan to transform medical edu-

cation and ensure the state’s lead in biomedi-

cal research

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Donald Trump

Republican Presidential Candidate

Real Estate developer

Birthdate: June 14, 1946

Birthplace: Queens, New York City

Bachelor’s: University of Pennsylvania (‘68)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Resorted to Twitter to express disdain for

Obama’s actions to fight Ebola outbreak —

called for travel ban on all flights from West Afri-

ca, despite NIH/CDC advice against this dan-

gerous tactic

Questioned President Obama’s mental health in

reaction to Ebola crisis

Believes vaccines cause autism — com-

ments go as far back as 2007

Criticizes vaccine administration — tweeted,

“No more massive injections. Tiny children

are not horses—one vaccine at a time, over

time.” (Sep. 3, 2014)

“I've seen people where they have a perfectly healthy

child, and they go for the vaccinations, and a month

later the child is no longer healthy. It happened to

somebody that worked for me recently. I mean, they

had this beautiful child, not a problem in the world.

And all of a sudden, they go in, they get this monster

shot. You ever see the size of it? It's like they're pump-

ing in—you know, it's terrible, the amount. And they

pump this into this little body. And then all of the sud-

den, the child is different a month later. And I strongly

believe that's it."

(Fox News Interview, 2012)

Believes and pushes for autism spectrum

disorders to be covered under private insur-

ance companies

Calls women’s health issues “very im-

portant.” (Meet the Press, 2015)

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George Pataki

Republican Presidential Candidate

Former Governor of NY (1995-2007)

Former Mayor of Peekskill, NY


Birthdate: June 24, 1945

Birthplace: Peekskill, NY

Bachelor’s: Yale University (‘67)

J.D.: Columbia Law School (‘70)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Donated $12 million to Cornell University for En-

ergy Recovery Linac (ERL) research project —

engineering project underfunded by NSF and

believed to create brightest source of X-rays in

the world

Oversaw the creation of NYSTAR in 1999 (New

York State office of Science Technology and Aca-

demic Research) - bridging the gap between

basic science and commercialization

Staunch supporter of speeding research devel-

opment to spur economic growth—-spearheaded

multi-billion dollar biotechnology Center of Ex-

cellence Initiative in 2001, anchored by major

research centers across NY.

“Today is clearly the dawn of a new economic paradigm--

where brains rather than brawn, research rather than

resources, will be the determining factors in the in-

creasingly global competition for growth, investment &

jobs.” (2006 State of the State address)

Advocate for increased mental health coun-

seling and preventative care—in 2006, signed

“Timothy’s Law”, expanding health coverage

to include mental illnesses

Believes one of the most severe public health

threats is the rise in substance abuse among

children/teens—in favor of implementing

stronger drug and alcohol education programs

Supports federal funding for climate

change research (2000 National Association Gov-

ernor’s Policy)

In 2007, endorsed “25x.25”: an effort to

pushing for America's farms, forests and

ranches to provide 25% of the total energy

consumed in the United States by 2025

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Hillary Clinton

Democratic Presidential Candidate

Former First Lady and U.S. Secretary of State

Senator from NY (2001-2009)

Birthdate: October 26, 1947

Birthplace: Chicago, IL

Bachelor’s: Wellesley College (‘69)

J.D.: Yale Law School (‘73)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Strongly supports increased NIH funding

Adamant about the dangers of sequestra-

tion for medical research

“We risk losing the next generation of medical

researchers. This impact is not hypothetical. It is

already being felt in labs across the country. We

need to be very loud and passionate about the

continued research funding that is necessary.”

June 2013 Keynote Address, Citizens United for Re-

search in Epilepsy event

Active advocate for AIDS research and


In favor of increasing mental health services

for older Americans—introduced Positive

Aging Act in 2005

Supports expansion of services for those suf-

fering from autism—sponsored Promise for

Individuals with Autism Act 2007

Supports increased research towards pediat-

ric cancer; co-sponsored bill to establish a

national childhood cancer database —

Conquer Childhood Cancer Act 2007

“Investing in our future is one of the

smartest investments we can make.”

2011, NIH AIDS Conference

Believes in strengthening public health efforts;

taking action against infectious diseases

Strong supporter of increased funding for

breast and cervical cancer research

Encourages using scientific advances to

stem global health pandemics

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Jeb Bush

Former Governor of Florida (1999-2007)

Birthdate: February 11, 1953

Place of birth: Midland, TX

Bachelor’s: University of Texas

Republican Presidential Candidate

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

“Florida’s growing life sciences sector is

poised to spur medical advancement and drive

economic development through scientific dis-

covery for generations to come

(November 2006, BioFlorida Conference)

Opposes embryonic stem cell research

In favor of adding a long-term spending initia-

tive that invest in long-term research and de-


Criticized funding towards women’s health

issues (2015)

Supports investment in life-science re-

search—opened Scripps Research Institute

branch in Florida; help create “biotech


Stated his belief that research funding is a

federal responsibility, not state (2001)

As governor, repeatedly cut funds towards

adult mental health for jail inmates

Skeptical towards climate change

May 20th, 2015: “For the people to say the science

is decided on this is really arrogant, to be honest

with you” (on climate change)

“As we’ve cut back with NIH funding and other

types of research funding, we lose the initia-

tive to cure diseases. And I think this is an

appropriate role for government.”

(March 2015)

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Jim Gilmore Republican Presidential Candidate

Former Governor of VA (1998-2002)

Former Attorney General of VA


Birthdate: October 6, 1949

Birthplace: Richmond, VA

Bachelor’s: University of Virginia (‘71)

J.D.: University of Virginia Law School (‘77)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Former Chairman for U.S. Congressional Advisory

Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities

for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruc-

tion (“Gilmore Commission”) (1999-2003)

As chairman, recommended various public

health strategies, one being that the Department

of HHS develop a public education strategy on the

prevention, risks, and symptoms after a naturally

occurring outbreak.

Was disappointed in how the Obama Administra-

tion handled the Ebola crisis:

Opposes embryonic stem cell re-

search, stating, “We can’t create peo-

ple in order to experiment with peo-

ple.” (2007 GOP primary debate)

Stated in a 2007 interview that his

views towards bioethics issues such as

euthanasia and human cloning fall with

the “pro-life” movement

Opposes prioritizing “green energy”

Believes EPA regulations are “too re-


“More than a decade after the Gilmore Com-

mission completed its work, it is an outrage

that the Executive and Legislative Branches

have yet to address issues involving the

spread of fatal disease in a cohesive way,

and the Ebola crisis offers a mere preview of

the dangers of further inaction .”

October 27, 2014—Fox News Op-Ed

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Jim Webb Democratic Presidential Candidate

Former Senator of Virginia (2006-2013)

Served as U.S. Marine Corps commander (1968-1972)

Former Secretary of the Navy (1987-1988)

Birthdate: February 9, 1946

Birthplace: St. Joseph, MO

Bachelor’s: United States Naval Academy


J.D.: Georgetown University Law School (‘75)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Strongly supports aeronautic research—

introduced / successfully passed amendment to

restore funding for aeronautic research at NASA

Langley Research Center (FY’08 budget)

“"This research is essential for the United States to

maintain its advantage in aeronautics technologies

and air superiority within the military.”

(Webb Press Release, March 2007)

Voted in favor of Energy Independence and Se-

curity Act of 2007 — co-sponsored amendments

to increase investment in carbon capture and stor-

age technologies

However, supports limiting EPA’s power— in

2011 voted in favor of amendment to halt the EPA’s

ability to regulate greenhouse gases.

Co-sponsored Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of


Supports federal funding for embryonic stem

cell research—voted YES in 2007 to expand

research to more embryonic stem cell lines

Believes in cutting the federal budget by first con-

ducting “bottom up program reviews” for every

federal agency

Supports using technology to attack nation’s

problems, but

"First of all, I'm an engineer. I didn't want to

become an engineer. I went to the Naval Acad-

emy, and they made me become an engineer.

... I'm a big believer in technology and that

technology can solve problems. I believe that's

possible with coal.”

(June 2015, Des Moines Register Interview) "I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to

regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as

basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide."

(Senate Floor Speech, Clean Air Act 2011)

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John Kasich Republican Presidential Candidate

Governor of Ohio (2011-Present)

Former U.S. Representative (OH-12) (1983-2000)

Birthdate: May 13, 1953

Birthplace: McKees Rocks, PA

Bachelor’s: Ohio State University


Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Chairman, Budget Committee in 1996 — ap-

proved a House budget that would have cut

(and frozen) NIH budget by 5% for 6 years

2012: as governor, announced a tenfold boost

towards Ohio’s Academic Research Network

(OARnet) bandwidth — to further enhance re-

search and innovation

At the Iowa State Fair (2015) remarked, “we

do need to double the NIH budget and begin

to do the vital medical research, and it should

be a priority of the government."

“Our state has tremendous advanced re-

sources in medical research that are the

envy of the nation, and this is just the be-

ginning. Enhancing our already impressive

broadband network with minimal invest-

ment is certain to reap the benefits for our

next chapter in innovation and growth.”

2012, State of the State Address (OARnet)

July 2015—established Ohio Federal Re-

search Network with $20 million over next 2

years for new centers of excellence and

STEM initiatives

Expanded Medicaid for Ohio

Supports shared medical research

Co-sponsored Birth Defects Prevention Act in


Opposes stem cell and fetal tissue re-


Voted against National Competitiveness Act of

1993 that increased the number of NSF re-

search centers

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Lincoln Chafee Democratic Presidential Candidate

Former Governor of Rhode Island (2011-2015)

Former Senator of Rhode Island (1999-2007)

Birthdate: March 26, 1953

Birthplace: Providence, RI

Bachelor’s: Brown University (‘75)

Montana State University: horseshoeing school;

racetrack farrier

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research Served as a Republican U.S. Senator; left the party

in 2006 to become member in Independent Party;

switched to Democratic party in 2013 during his 1st

gubernatorial term

Supports telemedicine — adopted the “Medicare

Telehealth Validation Act” in 2002 while Senator

Supports stem cell research; outspoken about

American leadership in medical research

co-sponsored The Stem Cell Research Enhance-

ment Act of 2005 while Senator

Supports NIH-funded work in his home state

— The Rhode Island Idea Network of Bio-

medical Research Excellence (RI-INBRE)

was awarded an additional $18.8 million in

federal funding to expand their program and

promote statewide research capacity in the

biomedical sciences

“Through this important funding from the

NIH, the University of RI will continue to

strengthen the ‘meds and eds’ in our sate. I

am pleased that the NIH continues to recog-

nize the outstanding work of URI and I be-

lieve that are well on our way to becoming a

leader in the biomedical research field.”

June 2014—regarding URI NIH-funding

“Every scientist is saying that the real potential is

in embryonic stem cells. That’s where the real po-

tential is for the cures for Alzheimer’s, Parkin-

son’s, spinal cord injuries, and cancer. If the US

does not fund that research, it’s going to go

elsewhere; some other country is going to

take advantage and be in the forefront of cur-

ing these diseases.”

2006 Senate Primary debate

Favors increased studying/research towards

environmental causes of breast cancer—

introduced The Breast Cancer and Envi-

ronmental Research Act of 2000

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Lindsey Graham

Republican Presidential Candidate

Senator of South Carolina (2003-present)

Former U.S. Representative (SC-03) (1995-2003)

Former S.C. city attorney

Birthdate: July 9, 1955

Birthplace: Central, S.C.

Bachelor’s: University of South Carolina (‘77)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Co-chair of the NIH Senate Caucus,

formed May 2015

Supports increased funding for NIH —

voiced concern in 2012 regarding FY13

flat funding levels

In favor of vaccinations and supports its

scientific basis

In favor of increased funding for occupa-

tional and physical therapy—signed Medi-

care Access to Rehabilitation Services Act

in 2011

“The purpose of this caucus is to shine a light

on what the NIH do, inform the American tax-

payer that this a great return on investment—

about 30 billion dollars a year. I would tell the

American taxpayer for the money that we

spend, percentage wise of the budget—and

its a very small percent of the budget, return

on investment is enormous.”

May 2015, NIH Caucus Launch

Co-sponsored legislation establishing

national childhood cancer database

— Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of


Strongly opposes embryonic stem

cell research

Supports renewable energy

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Marco Rubio Republican Presidential Candidate

Senator from Florida (2011– Present)

Former Speaker and Majority Leader, House of Rep-

resentatives (2000-2008)

Birthdate: May 28, 1971

Birthplace: Miami, FL

Bachelor’s: University of Florida (‘93)

J.D: University of Miami Law School (‘96)

Chairman for Subcommittee on Oceans,

Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard


Opposes embryonic stem cell research

In favor of increased development,

stronger stability, and more innovation for

the commercial space sector

“To achieve a new American Century,

we need to reduce costly regulations

that hinder American innovation and pri-

vate sector growth,"

(May ‘15) (regarding Commercial Space Launch

Competitiveness Act; S.1297, co-sponsor)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Supports basic scientific research and laboratory

work , but argues the federal government plays a

“limited role”

Believes strengthening research-business collabo-

ration will quicken research-to-marketplace mecha-


In favor of increasing awareness and treatment for

mental health illnesses

Skeptical towards the science underlying climate


"The federal government has a limited but important

role in supporting basic research, and our network of

national labs has long been a leading source of that

research. The INNOVATES Act we introduced in the

Senate would make it easier for our labs to work to-

gether with businesses of all sizes to bring ground-

breaking research to fruition in the marketplace, cre-

ate jobs and help solve 21st century problems,"

(July 2014) (regarding The INNOVATES Act, co-sponsor)

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Martin O’Malley

Democratic Presidential Candidate

Former Governor of Maryland (2007-2015)

Former Mayor of Baltimore (1999-2007)

Birthdate: January 18, 1963

Birthplace: Washington, D.C.

Bachelor’s: Catholic University of America (‘85)

J.D.: University of Maryland School of Law (‘88)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

In 2010, co-signed letter with 24 governors to

leaders in Congress, pushing for 3.2%

funding increase for NIH

Supports protecting public health and safety

through health information exchange and in-

teroperable communications

Strong supporter for cancer-related is-

sues — consistently refused to reduce fund-

ing for Breast/Cervical Cancer Screenings

while governor

Introduced his “15 Goals to Build the Amer-

ican Dream” in August 2015—includes ad-

vancing American renewable energy and re-

ducing infant mortality by 10%

In 2007, approved legislation to create Mary-

land’s “Life Sciences Advisory Board” — 15

member panel tasked with creating

strategic plans to ensure continue

growth in life sciences sector

Launched “BioMaryland 2020” in

2009— a $1.3 billion strategy to boost biosci-

ence industry and enhance state’s R&D

“Maryland’s life sciences industry continues to be

one of our strongest economic drivers, creating

high-paying jobs even in tough times and helping

to feed, fuel, and heal our planet with life-

saving discoveries. Together, we can unlock

our future potential, while offering moral leader-

ship in an increasingly connected world.”

Supports stem cell research

Envisions Maryland to be a continued global

leader in bioscience research

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Mike Huckabee

Republican Presidential Candidate

Former governor of Arkansas (1996-2007)

Former Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas (1993-1996)

Birthdate: August 24, 1955

Birthplace: Hope, AR

Bachelor’s: Ouachita Baptist University (‘76)

Baptist Minister - Baptist Theological Seminary (‘77)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2002 —

promoted “Diabetes Solution Kit,” attacked

Pharma companies

“Prescription drugs aren’t going to cure you.

They’re only going to keep you a loyal pill-

popping , finger pricking, insulin shooting

customer so Big Pharma and the mainstream

medical community can rake in over $100

billion a year annually”

2002 — “Diabetes Solution Kit” promotion

Believes in changing health, not just


Supports increasing awareness for Alzhei-

mer’s Disease — champion of finding cures

and protecting elderly health

Top aide suggests his support for greater

federal investment in scientific research

“Gov. Huckabee strongly supports NIH funding be-

cause Americans rely on its innovative collaborative

research for scientific breakthroughs that will help

find cures for so many debilitating diseases. Hope-

fully one day that will include Alzheimer’s. Governor

believes we must protect and expand critical medi-

cal investments.”

Hogan Gidley, Huckabee top aide, May 2015

Mocked a 2006 NSF study on

how changing ocean conditions

affect animals’ resistance to dis-

ease — considered it “wasteful

government spending”

While running for Senate in 1992, opposed in-

creased federal funding in search for AIDS

cure — suggested Hollywood celebrities fund

AIDS research “out of their own pocket” rather

than federal health agencies

Supported AIDS quarantine in the ‘90’s

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Rand Paul Republican Presidential Candidate

Senator from Kentucky (2011– Present)


Birthdate: January 7, 1963

Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelor’s: None

Medical School: Duke University

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Questions science research funding

Strongly pushes for increased transparency

of federal agencies NIH and NSF

In his FY2012 budget plan, proposed

drastic cuts to numerous biomedical


— NSF by 62%, NASA by 25%, FDA by 20%, NIH by

20%, Dept. of Agriculture by 49%, CDC by 20%, elimi-

nation of Dept. of Energy

Falsely claims the NIH budget has been

“increasing for years”

Has mocked scientific studies on

multiple occasions

Member of American Physicians and

Surgeons (AAPS) — a group that works

to fight “socialized medicine and govern-

ment takeover of medicine”

Everybody was going crazy about Ebola, and

they’re like, oh Republicans didn’t spend enough

at the NIH. Turns out, the budget had been going

up for years and years at NIH, the budget had

been going up for infectious disease. You know

how much they spent on Ebola? One-40th of the

budget was being spent on Ebola. But you know

what we did discover? They spent a million dol-

lars trying to determine whether male fruit flies

like younger female fruit flies .”

(February 2015, American Spectator Gala)

Similarly, the National Institutes of Health has

engaged in the funding of wasteful projects like

$258,000 on a website for the first lady's White

House garden . In the new Congress, Republi-

cans, the party of limited government, should

propose legislation to eliminate the funding of

wasteful projects--and focus on smart invest-

ments instead. “

(January 2015, POLITICO Op-Ed)

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Rick Perry Republican Presidential Candidate

Former Governor of Texas (2000-2014)

Prior Offices: Lieutenant Governor, Agriculture Commis-

sioner, and Texas House of Representatives


Birthdate: March 4, 1950

Birthplace: Paint Creek, TX

Bachelor’s: Texas A&M University (‘72)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

As governor, signed a budget that provided an

additional $1 billion to health programs,

In favor of returning Medicare/Medicaid to state


invested $3 million towards the Center for Cell

and Organ Biotechnology

Created the Texas Emerging Technology Fund

(TETF) — advisory committee that reviews po-

tential research projects and makes funding rec-


Stressed the importance of university research: issued an executive order mak-

ing the cervical cancer vaccine

mandatory for Texas girls (2007)

Months later however, because

of backlash/criticism, allowed

passage of bill to undo execu-

tive order

"The investment is all a part of the culture

of creation we've nurtured in Texas, built

upon the concept that if you give bright

and visionary people the freedom to

innovate and pursue their dreams,

good things will happen. I could not be

prouder that this life-affirming research

will be conducted here in our state, and I

can't wait to see it put into action."

Sep. 2013 (on CCOB investment)

“University research is the lifeblood of our state’s innovation,

medical treatments and job creation. As governor, I have priori-

tized university research with hundreds of millions of dollars of

state-funded grants from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund

and Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, while

putting more Texas universities on the path to Tier One status

through the National Research University Fund. “

(Op-Ed article, May 2011)

Page 20: Election 2016 Candidates


Republican Presidential Candidate

Former Senator of Pennsylvania (1995-2007)

Former U.S. Representative (PA-18) (1991-1995)

Birthdate: May 10, 1958

Birthplace: Winchester, VA

Bachelor’s: Pennsylvania State University (‘80)

Master’s (MBA): University of Pittsburgh (‘81)

J.D.: Dickinson School of Law (‘86)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Strongly supported the Responsible Stem Cell

Research Act of 2001—requiring Secretary of

HHS to maintain a stem cell donor bank with stem

cells derived from adult tissues, placentas, and

umbilical cord blood; a 50% increase in NIH fund-

ing for this research

However, strongly opposes embryonic stem cell

research - introduced the Alternative Pluripotent

Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act in 2006

In 1998, supported doubling the NIH budget

over a 5-year period (up to $27.2 billion, FY ‘03)

While running for President in 2012, however,

promised to lower federal non-discretionary

spending to FY 2008 levels. This would have

cut NIH funding by 7%

“These limitations unintentionally discourage biotech-

nology research and leave the firms that would oth-

erwise conduct that research in dire financial straits.

Without these firms, the money that is being

poured into research at the National Institutes of

Health (NIH) and elsewhere to combat diseases

such as cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, cardiovascular

ailments, diabetes, and central nervous system

disorders, as well as many rare diseases, will

have a significantly reduced potential to lead to

new cures. We may never know what cures will be

lost without action.”

(October 2003, on S.1773)

Co-sponsored “Combating Autism Act” in 2006

— Called for $176 million dollars annually for the

next five years to support autism research/


Introduced the Biotechnology Future Invest-

ment Expansion Act (S.1773) in 2003 and

2005—encourage biotech research and combat

its financial hurdles

Page 21: Election 2016 Candidates

Scott Walker Republican Presidential Candidate

Governor of Wisconsin (2011-Present)

Former Milwaukee County Executive (2002-2010)

Served in Wisconsin State Assembly (1993-2002)

Birthdate: November 2, 1967

Birthplace: Colorado Spring, CO

Bachelor’s: None

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research Supports adult stem cell research, but oppos-

es embryonic stem cell research

Selectively quoted the NIH on campaign website

to distinguish between the two

— however, site failed to mention that embry-

onic stem cells can become all cell types of the body,

whereas adult stem cells are limited to differentiating

into cell types of their tissue of origin

“Scientists have shown us that the greater

possibilities, the real science movement,

has been with adult stem cell research. It

has not been with embryonic. That’s not a

political statement; that’s a statement of sci-

entific fact out there.”

October 2010 news conference

2015 budget eliminates half of the state

Department of Natural Resources science

staff — scientists fear for their jobs; oppo-

nents warn of future, costly environmental


Supports the groundbreaking research

done in his state in the fight against neu-

rodegenerative diseases

“Both of these institutions have conducted

groundbreaking research in this area, and

through this collaboration, they hope to devel-

op ways to not only slow down the pace of

Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative dis-

ease, but also enable early diagnosis. Every

67 seconds someone in the U.S. develops

Alzheimer’s, and we must use every means

possible to fight this disease that not only

kills, but also drastically reduces one’s

quality of life.”

April 2015, Memorandum of Understanding


Opposes “clean power” legislation, as

well as most bills aimed at curbing cli-

mate change

Page 22: Election 2016 Candidates

Ted Cruz Republican Presidential Candidate

Senator from Texas (2013—Present)

Former Solicitor General of Texas (2003-2008)

Birthdate: December 22, 1970

Birthplace: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bachelor’s: Princeton University (‘92)

J.D.: Harvard (‘95)

Views on Health, Science, & Medical Research

Chairman of the Space, Science, and Competi-

tiveness Subcommittee (2015-2016)

Argues that Earth Science is not a “hard sci-


Criticizes Obama Administration for increasing

funding NASA’s Earth Science program

Strongly supports space exploration, encour-

aging increased funding for planetary science,

heliophysics, and astrophysics

“Science needs to drive NASA’s mission ra-

ther than the political winds of Washington.”

(Feb. 2015, Senate Commerce Hearing)

The path to achieving cures is long and capital

intensive. Yet often it seems that when it comes

to medical research we are penny wise and

pound foolish. We pay billion and trillions on the

back-end—dealing with the consequences of

these horrific diseases—rather than investing

and creating incentives on the front-end, to cure

these diseases once and for all.”

(July 2015, Senate Commerce Hearing)

Recognizes U.S. biomedi-

cal research and innova-

tion has been lagging in

recent years

Supports the development and investment

in biomedical cures

Skeptical towards climate change — sees

this research as both extraneous and a

“political distraction”