Download - eLearning Innovation Examples 电子学习创新实例 Haikou, Sept. 27-28, 2013 海口, 2013 年 9 月 27-28 日

Page 1: eLearning Innovation Examples 电子学习创新实例 Haikou, Sept. 27-28, 2013 海口, 2013 年 9 月 27-28 日

eLearningInnovation Examples电子学习创新实例

Haikou, Sept. 27-28, 2013海口, 2013 年 9 月 27-28日

Andreas HörfurterOn behalf of GIZ 德国技术合作公司

Page 2: eLearning Innovation Examples 电子学习创新实例 Haikou, Sept. 27-28, 2013 海口, 2013 年 9 月 27-28 日

The Lineup 内容概要

eLearning Innovation Examples from the European Union 欧盟电子学习创新实例• Trend 1: Mobile Learning 趋势 1:移动学习• Trend 2: Work Embedded Learning 趋势 2:工作嵌入式学习• Trend 3: User Generated Content 趋势 3:用户生成内容• Trend 4: Blending Technologies and Training Formats 趋势 4:技术与培训形式的融合• Trend 5: Case Study-based Learning 趋势 5:基于案例研究的学习• Trend 6: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 趋势 6:大规模开放式在线课程• Trend 7: Open Educational Resources (OER) 趋势 7:开放教育资源

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Trend 1: Mobile Learning趋势 1:移动学习• Learning on mobile devices (mostly smartphones and tablets)使用移动设备(主要为智能手机和平板电脑)学习

• Learning content is made to fit small screensize with less text than eLearning为了使学习内容适应较小的屏幕空间,文字比电子学习方式要少

• Learning content usually in small units (less than 10 minutes = microlearning)学习内容通常分为小单元(少于 10分钟 =微学习)

• Content is delivered through aps or mobile internet browsers通过应用程序或移动互联网浏览器来交付内容

• High device fragmentation (with different operating systems) is a challenge设备的高度分化(要适应不同的操作系统) 是一个挑战

mobile Learning is not just eLearning in a different format移动学习不仅仅是另一种形式的电子学习

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Trend 1: Mobile Learning – Examples趋势 1:移动学习——实例

Austrian Red Cross: 奥地利红十字会:

•short mobile learning units for paramedics as a refresher after their training, can

be used during working time (for example while waiting)为护理人员在培训后复习功课而设计的简短移动学习单元,可以在工作时间使用(比如在等待的时候)

•first aid training for young people (as preparation for driving license) 针对年轻人的急救培训(作为获得驾照的准备)

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Trend 1: Mobile Learning – Examples趋势 1:移动学习——实例GIZ (德国国际合作机构)

•InterAcción: html5 learning content for virtual team

management, both available in a virtual classroom or as

downloadable app

•InterAcción: 虚拟团队管理方面的 html5 学习内容,可以从虚拟教室获得,或下载应用程序获得

•eBooks supporting the intercultural competences of

employees in the field of development cooperation


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Trend 2: Work Embedded Learning趋势 2:工作嵌入式学习

•Learning takes place during the working hours of employees 员工在工作时学习

•Learning aims at solving work-related problems (learning on demand)学习旨在解决与工作相关的问题(随需式学习)

•Learning Content is therefore highly modular and mostly organized in small units


•Search functions are very important (learners don‘t want to search long)搜索功能非常重要(学员不想花太长时间搜索)

•Increasing integration of work embedded and mobile learning增强工作嵌入性和移动学习的融合

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Trend 2: Work Embedded Learning - Example趋势 2:工作嵌入式学习——实例German Federal Office for Taxes: Learning support for the administration of child

allowance system (LernCULtur): 18.000 offices need to be informed about

changes in law and jurisdiction

德国联邦税务局:针对儿童补贴制度( LernCULtur)的学习支持:司法上的变化需要通知到 18000个办公室

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Trend 2: Work Embedded Learning – Example趋势 2:工作嵌入式学习——实例•Highly modular learning content, 高度模块化的内容

•Combination of learning content in case studies with

practical tools, checklists, searchable law texts,

informational material and discussion forum案例研究形式呈现的学习内容与实用工具,核查表,可搜索到的法律文本,信息材料以及讨论论坛相结合

•Search functions based on keywords and metadata基于键盘和元数据的搜索功能

at work embedded learning, the boundaries of eLearning to knowledge

management and performance support are diminishing 在工作嵌入式学习中,电子学习与知识管理和绩效支持之间的界限正在消失

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Trend 3: User generated content 趋势 3:用户生成内容

•Learning is not a one-way process: learners contribute from their experience学习不是一个单向过程,学员在自己学习的同时也在贡献

•A part of the eLearning content is therefor being created by the learners因此,电子学习的一部分内容就是由学员创造的

•Technologies used for creating user-generated content: blogging, commenting,

ePortfolio, discussion forum, wiki, document upload用于制作用户生成内容的技术:博客、评论、电子档案袋,论坛、 wiki 百科、文档上传

•The traditional roles of learners and teachers/trainers are changing学生和教师 /


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Trend 3: User generated content – examples趋势 3:用户生成内容——实例•Danube University Krems – Austria - training of online tutors (teachers and

lecturers in Austrian schools and universities)奥地利克雷姆斯多瑙河大学,在线导师(奥地利学校和大学的老师和讲师)培训

•Trainees/students collect their experiences and pieces of knowledge (like

documents and links) in ePortfolios.培训生 /学生将其经历和知识碎片(比如文件或链接)收入电子档案袋

•Students decide which information

they want make available to whom


•Students can receive feedback from tutors

and comments from other trainees 学生可以从导师或其他培训生的评价中收到反馈

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Trend 3: User generated content – examples趋势 3:用户生成内容——实例•Adidas Germany: development of a Open Corporate

University 德国阿迪达斯:一个开放性企业大学的发展

•Still in concept stage: plans to develop a open corporate learning and training

platform 仍在概念阶段:计划发展一个开放性的企业学习和培训平台

•Every employee can be both trainee and trainer and contribute knowledge and

content 每个员工都可以同时作为培训生和培训师,贡献自己的知识和内容

•The aim is to develop an open network structure



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Trend 4: Blended Learning趋势 4:混合学习

Blended Learning increasingly does not only mean to combine classroom

training and eLearning, but also blending technologies (eLearning, mobile

Learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning, etc.) 混合学习越来越多地不仅意味着将教室培训与电子学习相结合,还意味着将不同技术(电子学习,移动学习,同步和异步学习等)相混合

•Technologies and learning approaches are used along their strengths and create

flexibility 技术和学习方法取长补短互相配合使用,具有一定灵活性

•Mobile learning can support eLearning as advanced organizer, reminder,


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Trend 4: Blended Learning – examples 趋势 4:混合学习——实例Austrian Red Cross – training of paramedics奥地利红十字会——培训护理人员

•Mobile learning units as a refresher of training content

(work-embedded) after completing the training (face-to-face)


•Work-embedded use of mobile learning 对移动学习的工作嵌入式使用

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Trend 4: Blended Learning – examples趋势 4:混合学习——实例World Bank Institute 世界银行学院

Overview-style mobile learning as informal learning for decision

makers (to decide about projects)针对决策者的概览式移动学习(供其进行项目方面的决策)

•In depth-eLearning for project-implementing staff 针对项目实施员工的深入式电子学习

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Trend 5: Story- and case study based learning趋势 5:基于故事和案例研究的学习•Learning content is increasingly embedded in case studies案例研究当中嵌入了越来越多的学习内容

•Case studies show the learning content in application scenarios 案例研究在具体应用情景中展示学习内容

•Case studies are motivating and engaging案例研究可以激励学生学习和参与

•Case studies support the transfer of learning to application at the workplace案例研究为将所学知识迁移到工作场所进行实际应用提供了支持

•Sometimes combined with game-based learning approaches (similar to role-

plays, adventure games) 有时与基于游戏的学习方法(类似于角色扮演,探险游戏)相结合

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Trend 5: Story- and case study based learning – examples趋势 5:基于故事和案例研究的学习——实例Porsche Informatik – Austria/Germany: CRM software training for car vendors

Porsche Informatik公司 --奥地利 /德国:针对汽车销售商的 CRM培训

• Training of how to use new CRM software is presented in the form of case

studies 通过案例研究培训怎样使用新型 CRM 软件

• Case studies reflect real application scenarios and show step by step how the

software is used案例研究反映了真实的应用情景,并一步步展示如何使用该软件

• Exercises in which learners have to perform

(simulations) are embedded 嵌入了模拟练习,要求学员进行实际操作

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Trend 5: Story- and case study based learning – examples

趋势 5:基于故事和案例研究的学习——实例

South African Department of water and forestry: induction training for new

employees 南非水利和林业部门:新员工的入职培训

•On-boarding training (learning about

the organization and the field of work

is presented along the story of a

fictional new employee入职培训(通过一个虚构新职员的故事来学习关于本部门和本职工作的相关知识)

•Knowledge is embedded in the form

of “knowledge nuggets”, which are

embedded into the story知识以“知识块”的形式嵌入,“知识块”又被嵌入故事中

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Trend 6: MOOCs趋势 6 : MOOCs•MOOC stands for “Massive Open Online Course” MOOCs 意思是大规模开放式在线课程•Massive means, that access to the course is not limited, a high number of participants is possible“大规模”的意思是,进入该课程的权限没有限制,可能有大量参与者•Open means, that all participants can access everything and decide what and how to use the offer“ 开放式”的意思是,所有参与者都可以获得所有资源,并可以自主决定以何种方式使用何种资源•Different levels of participation are possible (just read along to active participation)参与程度可能有所不同(只是看看到积极参与)•The different levels can be rewarded through different certification levels (full certificate only for full and active participation)不同的参与度可以通过不同的认证等级来进行奖励(只有完全参与和活跃参与才能获得完全认证)•MOOCs usually are highly interactive and include a high amount of user-generated content大规模开放在线课程通常具有很高的互动性,且包括大量用户生成内容•cMOOCs (connectivist MOOCs) are very open and participatory, while xMOOCs follow a more restrictive agenda cMOOCs(关联主义大规模开放式在线课程)具有非常强的开放性和参与性,而 xMOOCs的限制性就更多

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Trend 6: MOOCs – Examples 趋势 6 : MOOCs——实例“The future of digital learning”: German cMOOC with 900 participants“数字学习的未来”:拥有 900 名参与者的德国 cMOOC (关联主义大规模开放式在线课程)

•Intensive use of social media platforms like Twitter and Blogspots, summarized

by newsletters (the course newspaper) 高强度利用 Twitter 和 Blogspots 社交媒体平台,以简讯(课程日报)的形式进行总结概况

•Video, audio and articles were posted and commented at the central course

platform 视频、音频和文章在中央课程平台被贴出供评论

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Trend 7: Open Educational Resources (OER)趋势 7:开放教育资源•More and more educational institutions are offering their educational content as

OER 越来越多的教育机构都将其教学内容作为开放教育资源

•“Open” means, that the content is publicly available and can be shared“ ”开放 意思是,学习内容面向公众开放并允许分享

•The added value of educational institutions is not anymore in possessing the

content, but in delivering the educational process and in certification 教育机构的附加价值不再是掌握学习内容,而是可以交付学习过程并进行认证

•Theoretically OER should also support the adaptation and re-use of educational

content in other contexts, but that is realized in only a few approaches理论上开放教育资源也应该支持在其他情况下对教育内容进行改编和再使用,不过这只能通过少数几种方法来实现

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Trend 7: Open Educational Resources (OER) - examples趋势 7:开放教育资源——实例OpenScout stands for “Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training“openScout” 意思是 “对管理方面教育和培训的开放性用户生成内容和经社区改良过的内容进行技术性搜索”

•Collection of educational resources (text-books, videos, eLearning content) for

business related training in the European Union在欧盟内收集商业方面培训的教育资源(教材、视频、电子学习内容)

•All content is publicly available and can be shared 所有内容向公众开放并允许分享

•Autoring formats are available for adaptation 可以采用制作工具对内容进行改编

•Searchable repository (openScout) as central storage of

resources可搜索的资料库( openScout)是资源的中央存储器

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Contact 联系方式

common sense – eLearning & training consultants GmbH“常识”电子学习和培训顾问有限公司

Sommergasse 4/4-5A-1190 Vienna, Austria

Andreas Hö[email protected]

[email protected]