Download - Elbow Mittens

  • ELBOW MITTENSSkill Level: Beginner

    100g TOFT DK yarn

    3.75mm needles

    Cast on 44 sts

    Rows 1-52 *K2, P2 rep from * to end

    Row 53 K

    Row 54 P

    Rows 55-60 Rep Rows 53-54 creates ST ST


    Row 61 K20, inc1, K2, inc1, K to end

    Row 62-64 Cont ST ST

    Row 65 K20, inc1, K4, inc1, K to end

    Row 66-68

    Row 81 K34, turn, cast on 1 st, P14, turn, cast on 1

    st (16sts)

    Work 12 rows ST ST on these 16sts only

    K2tog (8sts)

    Break yarn, thread through rem sts.

    Pick up and K 2 sts each side of thumb, K to end of

    row (44sts)

    Rows 82-102 Cont ST ST, start with P row.


    Row 103 K1, Sl1, K1, PSSO, K15, K2tog, K4, K2tog,

    K15, K2tog, K1

    Row 104 P

    Tension: 22 sts and 30 rows to 10cm in stocking

    stitch using 3.75mm needles after washing and


    Cont ST ST

    Row 69 K20, inc1, K6, inc1, K to end

    Row 70-72 Cont ST ST

    Row 73 K20, inc1, K8, inc1, K to end

    Row 74-76 Cont ST ST

    Row 77 K20, inc1, K10, inc1, K to end

    Row 78-80 Cont ST ST

    Row 105 K1, Sl1, K1, PSSO, K13, K2tog, K4, K2tog,

    K13, K2tog, K1

    Row 106 P

    Row 107 K1, Sl1, K1, PSSO, K11, K2tog, K4, K2tog,

    K11, K2tog, K1

    Row 108 P

    Row 109 K1, Sl1, K1, PSSO, K9, K2tog, K4, K2tog,

    K9, K2tog, K1

    Row 110 P

    Row 111 K1, Sl1, K1, PSSO, K7, K2tog, K4, K2tog,

    K7, K2tog, K1

    Row 112 P

    Row 113 K2tog to end

    Row 114 P2tog to end

    Break yarn, thread though rem sts.

    PSSO pass slipped stitch over,


    Join seams and weave in ends.

    Hand-wash, dry flat and block if necessary.


    K knit

    P purl

    K2tog knit two stitches together

    P2tog purl two stitches together

    Sl slip stitch

    insert left needle into

    slipped stitch and pass it over stitch(es) and off the

    right needle

    ST ST stocking stitch, working straight: K one row, P

    the next, in the round: K every round

    Toft Alpaca Shop, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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