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Historical Dictionaryof AncientEgyptianWarfareRobert G. MorkotHistorical Dictionaries of War,Revolution, and CivilUnrest, No. 26The Scarecrow Press, Inc.Lanham, Maryland , and Oxford2003SCARECROWPRESS,INC.Publi shedin theUnited States of Americahy Scarec rowPress. Inc.A wholly owned subsidiary ofTheRowmun &Littlefiel dPubli shing Group , Inc.450 1 For besBoulevard. Suite 200 , Lanham. Maryland 20706www.scarCCrtlWprcss.comPOBox3 17OxfordOX29RU.UKCopyr ight 2U03by Robert G. MorkotAll rig"II reserved. Nopart of this publicat ion maybe reproduced, storedin aretri eval system, or transmittedinanyformor by anymeans, electronic.mechanical. photocopying. recor ding. or otherwise , without the priorpermissionofthe publisher.Brit ishLibrary Cataloguingin Publicat ionInformat ion AvailableLi hrary of CnngressDa taMorkot, Rober t.Il istor ical dict ionaryof ancient Egyptian war fareI Robert G.Mor kot. - lst cd.p. eIIl. - (I listorical dictionaries of war , revo lution, andci vi l unrest ; no. 26)I ncl udes bibliographical references.ISBN O-XIOX-4X62-7 (alk. paper)I. Egy pt- I1islOry. Mi litary-Dictionaries . 2. Egyp t - Histor y- To640A.D.-Dictio naries. I. Ti tle. II. Series .DTXI.M672003932' .03- de2 l 2UU3U 11816 e The paper usedin thispublication meets the mini mumrequ ireme nts ofAmerican Na tional Standard It)1" lnfo rmat io n Scicnces- Pennancnce of PaperforPrintedLibr aryMatcrials , ANS I/ NISO Z39.48- 1992.Manufact ured in theUnitedStates of America.ContentsEditor'sForeword JailWorollojfAcknowledgmentsReader 's NotesChronologyIntroductionMaps andIllustrationsTil E DICTIONARYAppendix: Dynastic LislBibliograp hyAbout (he AuthorvviiIXxixiiixxxiIi257265315Editor'sForewordAlthough most of what we know about Ancient Egyptrelat es to the art sof peace , it must be obvious that to surv ive-and often thri ve-as longasit did , Egypt must also have been wellvers ed in the arts of war. Alas,some of theconflictswereinte rna l, rebellionsandcivi l wars. But themore not abl e accompanied itsco ntinuingexpansion intooneofthelargest empires ever, withtheconquest of lands andpeo ples all alongthe Ni le and someti mesfart her afie ld. The mostvital were wars againstmajor rival s, someofthemhugeempires intheir ownright , otherssmaller maraudi ngpeoples. Indeed , whileit wonmost of theendlesshostilit ies, it didnot winthemall. Thus, Egy pt hadasuccess ionof" foreign"rulers as we ll as indigenous ones. During thi s long per iod, itcrea ted a remarkable civilization, but it also forged anexceptionalfightingmachine.This Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian\Vwf areis particu-larlysignificantbecauseittell sus somuch aboutthepart of Egyptianhistorywetendtoneglect. Theintroduction alreadyexplains just howwarliketheEgyptianswere, actually, hadtobeinorder tosurviveandthri ve. Thechronology, admittedlypatchybecauseour knowledgeofEgyptian historyremai ns patchy, shows howoftentheempirewas atwar, whet her engaged in relatively minorskir mishes ormuchlarge r op-erations . Theentriesgo into fur therdetailontheseengagementsandalsoinform us about theorganization of thearmy andnavy, therole ofthe various officers and leader s right up tothe pharaoh himsel f, thestratagems andstrategy, andespeci allytheweaponry. Thi sblend sintoEgyptianhistor yper sewith apresentat ion ofthecountlessalliesandenemies (so metimes one and the same) , conquered and conquero rs