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  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    English for TranslationMODULE 2YONNY SEPTIAN IZMANTOKO

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny



    1. Meanings are not restricted by the source language patterns

    2. Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no misinterpretation or misleadinglanguage

    3. Be aware of the notion register!

    4. Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source text5. No free translation

    6. Do not use everyday language

    7. Do not look at the model answer unless you have completed each task

    8. Consult your dictionaries when you find problems

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny



    Translating Process

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 1

    Paragraph 1

    Richard Meacock, now into the fifth day of his hunger strike to stop the closure of

    Richmond skating rink in Surrey, is steeling himself to do without his turkey and brandy

    pudding this Christmas.

    Languange Point :

    1. Reflexives: himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, myself, yourself

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Lets practice

    II buy this book : Saya membeli buku ini Me This is me : Ini adalah saya

    My This is my book : Ini adalah buku saya

    Mine This book is mine : Buku ini milik saya

    MyselfI buy this book for myself : Saya membeli buku ini untuk

    saya sendiri

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 2 Lets read together!

    Paragraph 2

    Someone had to do something stupid because no one was taking the matter seriously, he said.

    Language Point :

    1. Past simple/Past continuous

    1. Past Simple : S + V (II) + O + K

    2. Past Continuous : S + To be (II) + V-ing) + O + K

    REMEMBER (!) Verb II (past) and Verb III (past participle) NEVER add -ING

    Example : eat (I - present) ate (II past) eaten (III past participle)

    I was eating (OK)

    I was ateing (X)

    I was eatening (X)

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 3

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 3

    Mr. Meacock, aged 51 and an art gallery owner, has been leading a campaign to save

    the rink, the oldest in Britain. Yesterday several other hunger strikers joined his bid to

    stop the closure on January 5.

    Language Point :

    1. Present perfect continuous/Present perfect

    1. Present perfect continuous : S + Has/Have + BEEN + V-ing + O + K

    2. Present perfect : S + Has/Have + V (III)

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 6

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 6

    Jim Bushell, founder of another pressure group, the Richmond Skating Defence Forum,joined Mr. Meacocks hunger strike yesterday. Mr. Bushell, whose son Kevin is ranked eightamong British speed skaters, collected 48,000 signatures on a petition to save the rink twoyears ago.

    Language Point : Whose

    Whose : describing subject

    The girl whose shirt is white

    The guy whose car is black

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 7

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 7

    Every British skater of any standing has skated here from John Hurry, Torvill and Deanto Robin Cousins. Six thousand visitors come each week, said Mr. Meacock

    Language Point : any, anything, everything

    Any + Object anyone (siapapun), any car (mobil mana saja), any street (jalan


    Anything apapun

    Everything segalanya, semuanya

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 10

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 10

    Both the developers and the councils legal advisers conside they have fulfilled thereasonable efforts requirements. LET has paid the council 2.5million towards providingleisure activity

    Language Point :Saxon genitive

    Name+s: EdisThis book is Edis (Buku ini milik Edy)Councils legal advisor(?)

    REMEMBER (!)if object end with s, just add () and not (s)

    Example : This is the princess castle (OK)

    This is the princesss castle (X)

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Learning Activity 2

    Translating novels

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 1

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 1

    Anthony and I married late in life. We were both writers, both rather set in our waysand we were in no hurry to have children. Sometimes we had tentativeconversations about the future. When we asked each other, Doyou want childrenthe answer seemed to be, If you do, then I do.

    Languange Point :

    1. rather : agaknya dibandingkan

    He saw somethingrathercurious

    I prefer to meet todayratherthan tomorrow.

    2. When Remember last class?

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 3

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 3

    A few days later, I found out I was pregnant.

    I was so happy, yet it still felt so unreal, so strange. Outwardly, nothing had changedyet inside my bodya human being would alter my whole life had started to grow. I longed to tell Antony, yet I did not wanto spoil it on a crackly line to the Falklands when we were eight thousand miles apart.

    Language Point :

    1. Whole :seluruhnya, seutuhnya, selama

    Whole vs All :

    I will tell you the WHOLE story (OK) Saya akan menceritakan semuanya

    I will tell you ALL stories (X)

    I have been here the whole time Saya ada disini selama ini.

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 6

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 6

    Wait until I get the photographs developed, he said. That will make the story

    much more interesting.

    Language Point :

    1. Imperative

    Verb + O

    Example : Do, find, go, look, drink, walk

  • 7/29/2019 EFT 2 - Yonny


    Task 7

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 7

    There was a pause. I thought I had better tell him before he fell asleep; besides, if I held in the news much longer Iwould burst.

    Language Point :

    1. Had better is intended to give advice for present/future occasion

    Had + better + V (1)

    I thought I had bettertell him before he fell asleep

    My mother told me that I had bettermarry soon

    REMEMBER (!) Had is also being used in PAST PERFECT

    Pattern : S + Had + V(III) + O

    I had watched this movie long time before it aired in television last week.

    I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet