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  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Effast PVCu and ABS

    High performance PVCu and ABS Pressure Pipe Systems


  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Eff ast fr om Polypipe is a well establ ished brand name

    that is recognised throughout both t he industri al

    process market and const ruction industr ies for i ts

    market-leading range of thermoplasti c pipework

    systems suit able for use wi th in i ndustrial app lications.The company now provides these components to

    customers all over the world and leads the way in the

    research and development of advanced new solut ions

    that satisfy the specifi c needs of the market .

    Polypipe, wit h it s large UK based manuf acturing

    capabilities, has developed Effasts comprehensive

    product port fol io such that it now o ff ers a proven and

    effective solut ion t o virt ually any requirement. No

    matt er what t he project, t he Eff ast range can off er the

    perfect combination of pressure pipe fi t t ings, ball,

    butterfl y, diaphragm and actuated valves, compression

    joint s, adaptors and other fi t ti ngs.

    Normally available in both metric and imperial

    dimensions these products are suit ed t o many

    dif ferent commercial appl icat ions in such areas as

    food and beverage processing, chemical manuf acture,

    water t reatment and agriculture.

    Outstanding performance and reliability have come

    to represent the hallmarks by which Polypipes Eff ast

    products are recognised. With these products also

    carrying BSI Kite Mark accredit ation and conforming

    to various other European standards they can be

    specifi ed w it h complete confi dence.

    Dedicated t o support ing it s customers at every stage

    the company also complements its products and

    systems with a full technical information and support

    service, while a nationw ide distri but ion net work

    means that products are readily available, even when

    needed next day.

    For fu rther in fo rmation please see our contact

    details on the back cover of this brochure.


  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual




    Introduction to plastics 4 - 6

    Material selection 7 - 11

    Pressure and temperature relationships 12 - 17

    Select ion of pipeline systems 18 - 22

    Pipeline system design 23 - 27

    Sto rage, handling and installat ion 28 - 35

    Methods of joint ing 36 - 40

    Pipe and fi t t ings dimensions 41 - 43

    Guide to chemical resistance 44 - 79

    Dimensions, uni ts and conversion tables 80 - 81

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Table 1.1 Monomers

    Monomer name Formula Structure Polymer

    Propylene C3







    R can take manyforms (Including H,when it becomes


    Polyvinyl Chloride


    Styrene C8H



    Introduction to plastics

    1.1 Plastics: Polymers and mersPlasti cs are a group of engineering materials, belonging to

    the larger family of polymers. Polymers are oft en

    chain molecules and commonly t wo and t hree-dimensional

    networks of repeating mer units, hence

    poly-mers . The basic str ucture in p last ics is based on

    carbon (C) and hydrogen (H); a range of other atoms

    including chlorine (Cl), nitrogen (N), fl uorine (F) and

    silicon (Si) may be present depending on the polymer.

    The simplest C-H polymer is based on C2H


    monomer f ormed int o chains of polyethylene (C2H2)n in

    wh ich the monomers are linked end-on.

    1.3 Macromolecule typesPolymer molecules are conventionally thought of as long

    chains, but side br anches or cross-link ing between chains

    can occur. The lat ter can pr oduce a 2-D or even a

    3-D network, w ith propert ies such as Youngs modulus

    increasing w ith the extent of the cross linking.

    Putting this cross linking in place can be used to harden and

    stiffen polymers; vulcanisation of rubber achieves this.

    The structure of the molecular chains wil l determine how

    closely they wi ll nest together and how crystalline

    the result ing po lymer is.

    1.4 Bond types and properties

    Polymer molecules are held t ogether by t wo types of


    Primary, covalent bonds between t he atoms in the chain

    molecules. These are high strength bonds and can only be

    broken irreversibly by hi gh t emperatures.

    Secondary, hydrogen or van der Waals bonds, between

    chain molecules. These bonds are easily broken down by

    heating but r eform on cooling

    1.2 Common monomers and polymers

    Beyond the simplest common group above, there are a

    number of others, some of which are easily recognisable by

    name from t he polymers whi ch they make up.

    Table 1.1 show s examples of monomers, their st ructu re,

    and the result ing po lymer.

    H C3H




    H H

    H H

    C C

    H Hn

    H R

    C C

    H H

    H H

    C C

    H H

    H H

    H HH

    H CH2





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    1.4.1 Thermoplast ic plast icsThese consist of covalentl y bon ded chain mol ecules, perh aps

    with some side chains, held in a solid by secondary bonds.

    Heating sof tens and melt s th ese materi als, wh ich can be

    remoulded and shaped; cooling allows them to hold a new

    shape w hen t he secondary bonds refor m. Hence

    thermoplastics can be recycled, although excessive heat will

    break dow n the chains and change the material irr eversibly.

    1.4.2 Thermosett ing plast ics

    These mater ials consist of 2-D or 3-D net wo rks of heavily

    cross linked chain molecules. The bonding is principally

    prim ary covalent, so heati ng on ly serves to ult imat ely

    dest roy t hem. Thermosets are not recyclable, so when

    hardened, thermosets cannot be melted, deformed or fused.

    Thermosets are usually reinforced w it h fi lling mater ials such

    as glass fi bre, carbo n or t ext ile fi bres. Resins used in this case

    include the following: -

    Phenol ic resin (PF)

    Polyester resin (UP)

    Epoxy resin (EP)

    1.4.3 ElastomersLike thermosets, these materials contain large amounts of

    cross linking between chains. The progr essive st raigh tening

    under t ension o f these long and convolut ed chains provides

    the reversible elastic behaviour of these materials.

    Elastomers resume their no rmal shape after being d istor ted

    and also retain t heir elasticity at low t emperature.

    Elastomers cannot be melted, f used or reshaped although

    some thermoplastic elastomers have been developed.

    Typical examples of elastomers are eth ylene propylene

    rubber (EPDM), nit rile r ubber (NBR) and fl uorinerubber (FPM).

    1.5 Structure of plastics PVCu,

    ABS and PP

    PVCu stands for unplasticised PVC. Polyvinyl chloride is

    produced by polymerizati on of the monomer, vinyl chloride

    as show n. PVCu is a hard plasti c that is made sof ter and more

    fl exible by the addit ion o f p last icizers, the most w idely used

    being pht halates.

    ABS (acrylon it ril e but adiene styrene C8H







    is a copolymer made by polymerizing styrene and

    acrylonit rile in t he presence of polybutadiene.

    The propor tions can vary from 15% t o 35% acrylonit rile,

    5% t o 30% but adiene and 40% t o 60% styrene. The result is

    a long chain of polybutadiene criss-crossed with shorter

    chains of polystyrene-co-acrylonit rile. The nit rile groups from

    neighbour ing chains, are polar and at tract each ot her

    binding t he chains together w ith secondary bonds. Therefore

    ABS is str onger than pu re pol ystyrene. The styrene group

    gives the plastic a shiny, impervious surf ace wh ilst t he

    butadiene, provides resilience even at low temperatures.

    ABS can typicall y be u sed between -40 C and +60 C.

    PP (polypropylene) is an addit ion polymer made fr om t hemonomer propylene, unusually resistant to many

    chemical solvents, alkalis and acids and exhibit s a level o f

    crystallinity intermediate between that of low density

    polyethylene (LDPE) and high density po lyethylene (HDPE).

    PPs Youngs modulus is also intermediate. Less tough than

    LDPE, it is much less brittle than HDPE. This allows

    polypropylene to be used as an alternat ive to engineering

    plast ics, such as ABS. Polypropylene has very good resistance

    to fatigue. The way in which the propylene group repeats

    dow n t he chain det ermines crystallin it y and hence a lot of

    properties of PP can be engineered at the polymerisation

    stage, using pressure, temperature and type of catalyst to

    cont rol t he structure as show n below.

    Polyvinyl chloride


    H H H H

    C C C C

    CI H CI H

    Vinyl chlori de


    H H

    C C

    CI H









    H H H H H H H H

    C C C C C C C C


    H CH3

    H CH3

    H CH3



    H H H CH3

    H H H

    C C C C C C C C

    H H CH3

    H H H CH3


  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Introduction to plastics

    1.6 SynthesisOil, natural gas, coal and cellulose (vegetable in origin) are

    the raw material sources from which plastics can be made.

    When oil i s refi ned it is broken down by distil lation and

    separated int o gr oups according t o evaporation rate. Gas

    heads the group, f ollow ed by benzene, petroleum, gas oil and

    fi nally t he bit umen residues. Benzene (used in t he producti on

    of plastics) in its raw state is further subjected to the process

    of heat cracking, which eff ectively breaks it down int o

    ethylene, propylene, butylene and other hydrocarbons. These

    are then modifi ed by using po lymerisation , polycondensation

    or polyaddition processes to produce the required group o fplast ics.

    1.6.1 Polymerisat ion

    This is the most common of the processes used in plast ic

    synthesis. In po lymerisation the basic molecules

    (the monomers) are lined up to make macromolecular chains.

    In t urn these macromolecular chains are aligned in their

    entirety (no separation of by-product or other material) to

    produce the plastic. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene

    (PP) and polyethylene (PE), along wi th ot her p lasti cs are all

    produced by pol ymerisation.

    1.6.2 Polycondensat ionPolycondensat ion separates the by-products such as wat er or

    acids fo rmed duri ng t he process whi le aligning both like and

    unlike monomers, to produce macromolecular chains such as

    polyamides and resins.

    1.6.3 Polyaddit ion

    Polyaddition is the creation of macromolecules from

    molecules which are disimilar. During the process the

    by-products are included and not subjected to separation.

    Epoxide resins are produced in t his manner.

    Table 1.2 Polymer groups


    Thermoplastics Thermosets Elastomers

    AMORPHOUS(Random, unorganised molecular structure)

    Vinylchlorides and Styroles

    Polystyrene (PS)

    Polycarbonate (PC)

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

    Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

    SEMI-CRYSTALLINE(Partially ordered molecular structure)


    Polyethelene (PE)

    Polypropylene (PP)

    Polybutylene (PB)

    RESINOUS POLYMER CHAINS(Hardener cross-linked on polymer chains)

    Thermosets are usually reinforced by

    using a filling material such as glass,

    carbon or textile fibre producing:-

    Glass-Fibre Plastic (GFK)

    Carbon-Fibre Plastic (KFK) Carbon-Fibre Phenolic Resin (KF-PF)

    Glass-Fibre Epoxy Resin (GF-EP)

    ELASTIC PLASTICS(Synthetic and natural rubbers)

    Natural Rubber (NR)


    Synthetic Caoutchouc

    Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPDM)

    Nitrile Rubber (NBR)

    Chloroprene Rubber (CR)

    Fluorine Rubber (FPM)

    Silicone Rubber (SIR)

    Thermally reversible They don't melt

    Jointing by Chemical Welding Jointing by Fusion Welding Not suitable for jointing


    Thermoelastomers have similar properties to a thermoset, but

    with almost the same hardness as the base thermoplastic.

    i.e. Cross Linked Polyethelene (PEX).

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    Material selection

    2.0 Material selectionThere are a number of propert ies of engineering pl astics

    which are key in making selection decisions. The range of

    intrinsic physical properties largely depends on molecular

    chain lengt h, molecular mass, crystallin ity, the proport ion of

    primary bonds and the amount of cross linking .

    The key properties and their relevance are detailed here:

    2.1 General propert ies

    Density (Mg/m3)

    This represents the mass of a given volume, polymers havethe lowest density of all classes of engineering materials.

    Energy content (MJ/kg)

    The energy liberated during the combustion of the


    Recycle fraction

    Thermoplasti cs can be recycled, hi gher fr acti ons indicate

    a more environmentally sensitive material. Thermosets

    cannot be recycled, but may be dow n cycled by

    incorporating t hem as a particulate fi ller in ot her


    2.2 Mechanical propert ies

    Youngs modulus or modulus of elasticity (GPa)

    This modulus is a measure o f the materials resistance to

    elastic defor mation . For t wo component s of the same

    shape and size, a higher Youngs modulus will give a higher

    sti ff ness of component .

    Elastic limit (MPa)

    Material can sustain certain stress due to axial loading

    wit hout permanent def ormat ion. This is know n as Hookes

    Law and is limited t o t he point know n as the Elasti c limit,

    beyond which the material will not retain its original shape

    if loading increased.

    Tensile strength (MPa)

    This is defi ned as the maximum load carried by the

    component acting on the area of cross-section.

    Poissons ratio

    When a compo nent is placed in t ension, it s elast ic response

    wil l be an increase in length , combined w ith a reduction in

    cross sect ion (it gets longer and thinner). Poissons ratio is

    a ratio of the narrowing (lateral) strain t o t he lengthening

    (longit udinal) strain. As a number, typically around 0.4

    fo r p last ics.

    Hardness, VickersThis is the standard method for measuring the hardness of

    materials; the surf ace is subjected to a standard pressure

    fo r a standard lengt h of time by means of a pyramid

    shaped diamond. Vickers Hardness is oft en g iven as a

    hardness number rather t han a st ress.

    Fracture toughness (MPa.m)

    A measure of the ability of a material to withstand impact

    and is not t he same as strength. A tough mat erial is the

    opposite of a brittle one; an ideal material would be

    strong and tough.

    Ductility (%)The strain or proportional elongation at fracture. Higher

    values imply a more ductile material. Ductilit y may be

    quoted as a simple ratio e.g. 0.1 = 10%.

    2.3 Thermal properties

    Specific heat (J/kg.K)

    A measure of the amount of energy required to raise the

    temperature of a mass of material through a specifi ed

    temperature. This propert y becomes import ant i n an

    application w here sto rage or release of thermal energy is

    an issue w ith higher values indicative of a material w hich

    could store more heat.

    Thermal expansion coefficient (mm/m.C)

    This is the r ate of expansion o r contraction due t o a

    change in t emperature and w hilst the un its of mm/m.C

    seem quite small, this can lead to serious stresses in

    materials which are constrained and experience

    temperature changes. Where plastics are joined to other

    materials of very different thermal expansion coeffi cients,

    this difference can lead to stresses at the joint or


    Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)Indication of the t ransfer of heat through the material.

    Higher values indicate a material wh ich allows the

    passage of heat more readily. Lower values imply a better

    insulating material.

    2.4 Elect rical propert ies

    Dielectric constant

    A dielectric material is a substance that is a poor

    conductor of electr icity, but an effi cient support er of

    electrostatic fi elds.

    Resistivity (Ohms.m, in the range 1013 )The surface resistance of a plastic is, as the name

    suggests, the resistance to t he fl ow of elect rical current

    over i ts surf ace.

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    Material selection

    2.5 Selection of plastics for pipe systemsIn order to select the most suit able material f or a pipe system

    the fol low ing f acto rs need to be addressed: -

    The medium or fl uid conveyed and it s chemical composition

    Operating pressure

    Operating temperature

    These factors are interlinked and only when all are addressed

    can the correct materi al be selected. In addit ion t o t he above

    it is necessary to be familiar with the characteristics of the

    material f or t he pipe system.

    Picture supplied courtesy of Sterling Hydrotec.

    Table 2.1 Comparative properties of PVCu, ABS and PP

    Property PVCu-Rigid ABS High Impact PP Homopolymer


    Composition (CH2-CH-CI)








    Density (Mg/m) 1.35 to 1.55 1.03 to 1.07 0.90 to 0.92

    Energy Content (Mj/kg) 85 to 106 85 to 120 90 to 110

    Recycle Fraction 0.15 to 0.25 0.45 to 0.55 0.25 to 0.35


    Young's Modulus of elasticity (GPa) 2.2 to 3.5 2.1 to 2.8 1 to 1.6

    Elastic Limit (MPa) 35 to 52 40 to 45 28 to 33

    Tensile Strength (MPa) 30 to 70 45 to 48 25 to 40

    Compressive Strengh (MPa) 55 to 60 55 to 60 40 to 45

    Ductility 0.1 to 3 0.06 to 0.07 1 to 2

    Endurance Limit (MPa) 27 to 31.2 24 to 27 15.4 to 18.2

    Fracture Toughness (MPa.m) 1 to 2 2.3 to 2.6 1.9 to 2.1

    Hardness Vickers 10.6 to 15.6 5.6 to 12.2 9.3 to 11.2

    Poisson's Ratio 0.38 to 0.43 0.38 to 0.42 0.4 to 0.45


    Normal Service Temperature (C) 0 to 60 -40 to 60 -10 to 110

    Thermal Expansion (mm/m.C) 0.055 to 0.095 0.070 to 0.100 0.080 to 0.150

    Specific Heat (J/kg.K) 1000 to 1100 1500 to 1510 1920 to 2100

    Thermal Conductivity (W/m.K) 0.24 to 0.26 0.17 to 0.24 0.16 to 0.24


    Dielectric Constant 3.1 to 3.2 2.8 to 3.3 2.26 to 2.4

    Resistivity (1013 ohm.m) 3.16 to 10 6.31 to 15.8 10 to 1000

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    Plastic pipe systems have certain advantages when compared with metal pipe systems and the following

    illust rates some of these advantages: -


    Easier t o handle. Density range 0.9 - 1.8 g/cm

    Elastic properties

    Good impact resistance. Good bend stress resistance.

    Heat loss

    Plasti cs provide good

    insulation and are poor

    heat conductors.

    Chemical stability

    Good chemical resistance to a broad range of

    materials conveyed.

    Low temperature operation

    Plastic pipelines can accommodate

    ice expansion and t haw w ith out


    Corrosion resistance

    Plastic does not corrode, whereas many metals combine with

    oxygen and corrode or rust.

    Thermal expansion

    Plasti cs expand much more than steel, as th ey are more

    affected by thermal change.

    Electrical conductivity

    Plasti cs do not conduct electr ical

    charge and t here is no electrolytic

    reaction as wit h metals.

    Smoother surface finish

    Plastic pipes unlike metal pipes are not prone to

    encrustat ion of lime-scale, etc; and t herefore w ill have

    smaller pressure losses.


    Plastic can be made in many permanent colours aiding

    colour-code identifi cation and eliminati ng t he need for

    paint maintenance.


    Abrasion resistance

    Plasti c is more resistant than

    steel due to i ts lower fr ictional


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    Material selection

    2.6 Effast pipe system plastic materials2.6.1 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

    Polyvinyl chloride, an amorphous thermoplastic is suitable for

    injection moulding and extruding (i.e.reshaped with heat),

    making it ideal for t he manufacture of pipes, fi tt ings and

    valves. It can be heat welded or solvent cemented (chemically

    welded). It can also be recycled and reprocessed. PVC in it s

    natural stat e is a strong semi ri gid mat erial and is denot ed in

    it s abbreviat ed form as PVCu or PVCuH where t he u

    ident ifi es th e product as unp lasti cized and H as high impact.

    PVCu pipes and fi tt ings are widely used wi th in t he Pot able

    and Wastew ater t reatments industr ies. During t hemanufacturing process certain additives may be used to

    enhance it s processabili ty and perf ormance characterist ics: -


    Normally calcium or ti n based, provide p rot ection against

    the adverse effects of heat degradati on and ult raviolet

    (UV) radiation. Polymers used by Effast meet the

    requirements of the many international regulatory bodies

    governing the food and potable water industries.


    These are colou rs that may assist in use ident ifi cation and

    ease of maintenance.


    Are used to aid extrusion and the release of moulded

    products from mould cavities.

    These additives typically make up less than 5% of the

    fi nished PVC component s mass. PVC pipe and fi tt ings can be

    used in appli cations that require: -

    Environment al resistance to aggressively caust ic or

    acidic media

    Good abrasion resistance

    Operat ing temperat ure range: 0C to +60C

    Solvent welding

    2.6.2 Acrylonit ril e bu tadiene styrene (ABS)

    Acrylonit rile but adiene styrene, an amorphous thermoplastic

    is suitable for injection moulding and extruding

    (i.e. reshaped wit h heat), making it suitable for the

    manuf acture o f pipes, fi tt ings and valves. It can be solvent

    cement ed (chemically welded). It can also be recycled and

    reprocessed. ABS comprises a styrene and acrylonitrile

    copolymer li nked t o po lybutadiene. The constit uents can be

    changed in proportion and engineered to provide particular

    propert ies required f or di ff erent appl ications such as the

    cont ainment and conveyance of pot able wat er, slurri es

    and chemicals.

    ABS, being non-toxic, complies wi th the toxicolog ical

    requirements of the British Plastics Federation/British

    Industrial Biological Research Association (BIBRA) Code of

    Practice for fo od usage 45/5.

    ABS can be used in appli cat ions that requ ire: -

    Good chemical resistance

    Good abrasion resistance

    Good material strength and hi gh impact resistance

    Operating temperature range: -

    - 40C to +60C- Suitable for low temperature usage

    Solvent welding

    2.6.3 Polypropylene (PP)

    Polypropylene, a semi-crystalline thermoplasti c is suit able

    for injection moulding and extruding (i.e. reshaped with

    heat), making it suitable for the manuf actu re of pi pes,

    fi ttings and valves. It can also be recycled and reprocessed.

    Polypropylene is produced by polymerising propylene along

    wit h a catalyst and ot her addit ives. The material can be

    produced in eit her homo-polymer form (PP-H) and bl ock orrandom copolymers (PP-B or PP-R). Polypropylene is

    adversely affected by UV radiati on and pipelines that are

    installed ou tside or in direct sunligh t should be prot ected by

    insulatio n o r p rot ective coating. Polypropylene is suit able

    for use with foodstuffs, potable and ultra pure waters, as

    well as wit hin the pharmaceutical and chemical industr ies.

    Polypropylene can be used in applications that require: -

    Environmental resistance to most organic and

    inorganic chemicals

    Good material strength and fat igue resistance

    Operati ng t emperat ure range -10C to +110C

    Fusion welding

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    2.7 Specific environmental factorsfor pipe systems

    2.7.1 Flammabi lit y

    Mat erial fl ammabilit y can be measured by the Limiting

    Oxygen Index (LOI) as defi ned under BS 2782 method

    141 or ASTM 2863. Materials are assessed and given an

    index number that refl ects their combustion characteristics.

    For example materials wit h an index: -

    Under 21, will support combusti on in air at ambient room

    temperat ure (+15C)

    Above 21, will not sustain combustion

    Above 25, will burn onl y when there are extreme heat

    condit ions i.e. where there is direct high temperatu re heat

    applied (blowtor ch, etc.)

    Plasti cs have a wide range of LOI and t he fo llow ing t able

    demonstrates the LOI fo r d iff erent p lasti cs and it s effects

    regarding fl ammabilit y and toxicity: -

    Table 2.2 Flamabil ity properties


    LOI Flammability Fumes' toxicity

    PVCu 46 - 49 Self Extinguishing High

    ABS 18 - 20 Burns Low to medium

    PP 16 - 18 Burns Low to medium

    2.7.2 Ultra violet light (UV)

    The majorit y of p lastics when exposed to ult ra violet light

    (present in sunligh t) w ill suffer degradation or loss of

    properties to varying degrees. All plastics should be

    prot ected and th is can be achieved by eit her lagging the

    pipe where exposed or by painting with a weatherproof

    wat er based paint.

    2.7.3 Hot climat esApplications in hot climates should ensure storage and

    installation to allow for thermal expansion, deformation

    and degradati on due to excessive UV radiation or thermal


    2.7.4 Disinf ectants

    Disinf ectant s are ant i-microbial agents in eit her an alcohol

    or aqueous based solut ion, w ith detergent s to help spread

    the agents th rough their str ong capillary actio n. The various

    compositions of disinfectant s wil l have widely diff ering

    eff ects on pl asti cs. It i s str ong ly advised when using p last ics

    fo r a pipe system, that confi rmati on of compati bilit y wit h

    the material should be sought from the disinf ectant


    Instr uctions for solvent cementing j oint s must be fo llow ed

    rigidl y to avoid t he capillary acti on of solut ions.

    The following table summarises certain thermoplastics for

    use in d isinf ectant operating environment s: -

    = Yes = No

    * PVCu systems rated at 10 bar or above can only be used in

    th is applicatio n when operated at 6 bar.

    2.7.5 Electrostat ic charge

    Plasti c pipe systems are not suit able f or electr ically conductive

    applications. The build up of electrostatic charge may result

    in a potentially explosive condit ion and in or der to avoid

    such a situation t he foll owing guidelines must be followed: -

    Stop electrostatic charge accumulating: By wrapping a

    metallic earthing t ape fi rmly around t he pipecircumference or along the length of the pipe system or

    painti ng t he pipe w ith a metalli c based, solvent

    free, electr ically conducti ve paint.

    Disperse the electrical charge: By ionizing the atmosphere,

    increasing humidit y to over 65% or using an ant istat ic

    hydroscopic soap.

    2.7.6 Compressed air

    Plasti c pipelines fo r compressed air appli cat ions can be

    subject to damage from t he presence of oil, addit ives and

    related vapour s. These contaminates should be removedfrom t he system t hrough fi ltrati on and t raps to ensure clean

    and dry air.

    The following table summarises certain thermoplastics for

    use in compressed air systems: -

    Table 2.3 Disinfectant suitability

    Thermoplastic materialMaximum operating

    pressure (bar)Suitability for

    disinfectant use

    PVCu 6 *

    ABS NA

    PP NA

    PE and PVDF 10

    Table 2.4 Compressor suitability

    Thermoplastic materialSuitability as

    compressed airlineEffects from

    compressor oil

    PVCu Poor suitability* Can become brittle

    ABS Suitable Limited resistance

    PP Unsuitable Drastically shortened life

    PE and PB Very suitable Good resistance

    * PVCu should only be used where t he air pressure does

    not exceed 3 bar or t he applicati on is an open ended

    dispersion system.

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    Pressure and temperature

    The required duration of operation for a given w orking

    pressure and t emperature must be taken in to account when

    plann ing a plastic pipe system. Pressures that can be

    sustained f or a short time at a certain t emperature may not

    be sustainable at a higher w orking temperature; or even at

    the same pressure and t emperature should the wor king

    durat ion o f the system be extended. It is possible t o w ork

    out the maximum permitted working pressures at different

    temperatures and the associated safety factors wit h t he

    use of regression graphs. Safet y facto rs are used t o ensure

    that plastic pipeline systems can operate under stress for theirgiven lifet ime wit hout damage or failure and is described as

    the ratio between the maximum allowable circumferential

    stress which a system can absorb and its operating stress.

    Where P Permissible operat ing pressure (bar)

    C Safet y facto r (see table 3.1)

    20 Propor tionality constant

    Circumferential stress (MPa), taken from

    regression charts (3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) at t he end o f

    this chapter.

    e Pipes wall thickness (mm) D Pipes outside diameter (mm)

    Note that fi tt ings and other component s, wit h the same

    pressure rat ing as the pipe, are normally t hicker w alled and

    therefore the lowest common denominator of wall thickness

    (e) shou ld be used.

    Table 3.1 Safety factors for thermoplastics (C)

    Thermoplastic material

    PVCu metric PVCu imperial ABS metric ABS imperial PP-H metric

    Safety factor* 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

    3.0 Pressure and temperature relationshipThe follow ing fo rmula is used to calculate t he permissible

    working pressure for a pipeline system: -

    * Safet y factors are based on 50 year expected li fe at 20C, wi th water.

    The higher t he wor king t emperature of a plastic pipe system, t he lower wil l be the wor king pr essure that can be sustained

    within the system, please refer to tables 3.2 to 3.5

    (PN10) for 3 mm wall thickness


    (PN10) for 3 mm wall thickness


    (PN16) for 4.7 mm wall thickness (PN16) for 4.7 mm wall thickness

    Worked example 3.1

    Calculate the maximum operating pressure for a pipe system

    wi th t he foll owing specifi cation :-

    Mat erial type: PVCu

    Intended operating lif e: 20 years

    Maximum operat ing temperat ure: 20 C

    Pipe dimension s: 63 x 3 mm and 63 x 4.7 mm

    Solu t ion

    Factor of safety C= 2.5 (from table 3.1).

    Wit h li fe span 20 years and t emperat ure t = 20 C fi nd = 27

    (from chart 3.1).

    The fo rmula f or det ermining the operating pressure is used:-

    Worked example 3.2

    Calculate the maximum operating pressure for a pipe system

    wit h the foll owing specifi cation :-

    Mat erial type: PVCu

    Intended operating lif e: 20 years

    Maximum operat ing temperat ure: 30 C

    Pipe dimensions: 63 x 3 mm and 63 x 4.7 mm

    Solu t ion

    Factor of safety C= 2.5 (from table 3.1).

    Wit h li fe span 20 years and t emperat ure t = 30 C fi nd = 22

    (from chart 3.1).

    The fo rmula f or det ermining the operating pressure is used: -

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    Table 3.2 Temperature and pressure relationship for pipes, PVCu imperial

    Class C Class D Class E

    Temperature (C) bar psi bar psi bar psi

    0 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    20 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    30 8.1 117 10.8 156 13.5 195

    35 7.2 104 9.6 139 12.0 174

    40 6.3 91 8.4 121 10.5 152

    45 5.4 78 7.2 104 9.0 130

    50 4.0 58 5.4 78 6.7 97

    55 2.7 39 3.6 52 4.5 65

    60 1.3 18 1.8 26 2.2 31

    Table 3.4 Temperature and pressure relationship for pipes, ABS imperial

    Class C Class D Class E

    Temperature (C) bar psi bar psi bar psi

    -40 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    -20 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    0 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    20 9.0 130 12.0 174 15.0 217

    30 8.1 117 11.3 163 13.5 195

    40 6.3 91 8.5 123 10.5 152

    50 4.5 65 6.3 91 7.5 108

    60 2.7 39 3.8 55 4.5 65

    Table 3.3 Temperature and pressure relationship for pipes,PVCu metric

    Pipe pressure rating (bar)

    Temperature (C) PN10 PN16

    0 10.0 16.0

    20 10.0 16.0

    30 8.0 12.8

    35 7.1 11.8

    40 6.4 10.2

    45 5.1 8.2

    50 4.4 7.0

    55 3.3 5.2

    60 2.6 4.1

    Table 3.5 Temperature and pressure relationship for pipes,PP-H metric (PN10)

    Pipe pressure rating (bar)

    Temperature (C) 50 Years 25 Years 10 Years 1 Year

    20 10.0 10.6 11.0 12.3

    40 6.2 6.6 6.9 8.0

    60 3.8 4.1 4.3 5.2

    80 - 1.6 2.0 3.5

    95 - - 0.9 2.3110 - - - 1.6

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    Solu t ionFrom table 3.3 for PVC at 20C, the pressure rat ing is 10 bar.

    From tab le 3.6 for PVC at 20C, the permissible circumferent ial

    stress = 10 MPa.


    Scan also be calculated by:


    It is recommended t hat i f the allowable negat ive pressure

    (Pe) is less than 1 bar then the pipeline system will not sustain

    vacuum. (1 bar = 0.98 Atmospheres.) Different thermoplastics

    have diff erent operat ing t emperatures under a vacuum and

    maximum installation temperatures must be observed, as

    shown in table 3.7: -

    Worked example 3.4

    A PVCu pipe (PN10) operates under t he fo llow ing condit ion: -

    Pipe out side diamet er: 110mm

    Intended service lif e: 10 years

    Safet y facto r: 2

    Modulus of Elasti city 2200 MPa

    Poissons Rat io 0.4

    Determine the collapsing p ressure and det ermine whether t he

    vacuum pressure can or can no t be sustained,

    for t wo cases: -

    Pipe wal l th ickness: 5.3mm

    Pipe wal l th ickness: 3.0mm

    Solu t ion

    The collapsing pressure i s given by: -

    (a) For e = 5.3mm, the collapsing and the vacuum pressure are

    calculated: -

    Therefore t he pipe w ill sustain t his condit ion,

    asPe is greater t han 1.

    (b) For e = 3mm, the collapsing and the vacuum pressure

    are calculated: -

    This pressure i s low er t han 1 b ar; hence the pipe system can

    not support this condition.

    3.3 Maximum working conditions for

    negative pressureThe design safety factor for negative

    pressure is 2.

    Pipeline systems operat ing below atmospher ic pressure

    (1 bar) are subjected to vacuum or negative pressure

    and wil l tend t o collapse radially inwards due to t he

    greater outside pressure.

    The collapsing pressure can be shown by the following

    formula: -

    Where Pc Collapsing pressure (bar)

    20 Propor tionality constant

    E Modulus of elast icity (MPa) (See table 2.1)

    Poissons ratio (See table 2.1)

    e Pipe w all t hickness (mm)

    D Pipe out side di ameter (mm)

    C Safet y factor = 2 (Design safety f acto r f or

    negat ive pressure)

    The maximum allowable negative pressure (Pe) is obtained

    from the collapsing pressure (Pc) and safety

    factor (C) with: -

    Table 3.7 Maximum installation temperatures forvacuum conditions

    Thermoplastic material Maximum temperature under vacuum (C)

    PN10 PN16

    PVCu 40 60

    ABS 60 60PP 80 80

    + +

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    Pressure and temperature





    Load duration (hours)




    0.10.1 1



    10 100 103 104

    1 5 10 25 50


    105 106

    Chart 3.1 Life regression for PVCu





    Load duration (hours)




    0.10.1 1




    10 100 103 104

    1 5 10 25 50Years

    105 106

    Chart 3.2 Life regression for ABS

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    Load duration (hours)




    0.10.1 1





    10 100 103 104

    1 5 10 25 50


    105 106

    Chart 3.3 Life regression for PP-H

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    Selection of pipeline systems

    4.0 Pipeline system selectionPipeline system selection is usually based on a number

    of parameters: -

    The eff ect of working condit ions such as pressure,

    temperat ure and t he fl uid carried as described in

    chapter 3.

    Flow rate of the fl uid usually governs the pipe size.

    The relationship between the pipe size and the pressure

    rating is show n in t ables 4.1 to 4.4 for the dif ferent types

    of thermoplast ics; t hese tables also include pr essure

    rat ings for pi pe fi t ti ngs and valves.

    Table 4.1 PVCu (imperial sizes) pressure ratings -fittings, valves and pipes

    Product Size - inchesPressure rating at 20C

    psi bar


    Solvent cement - 6 217 15

    8,10 and 12 130 9

    Threaded /8 - 4 145 10

    Union - 2 174 12

    3 - 4 145 10

    Flange Blanks

    1 - 2 232 16

    2 - 4 145 10

    5 - 6 87 6


    Ball/8 - 2 232 16

    2 - 4 145 10

    3 Way ball - 2 145 10

    Diaphragm - 2 145 10

    Butterfly 3 - 5 145 10

    6 87 6

    Knife gate 1 - 4 36 2.5

    Check/8 - 2 232 16

    2 - 3 145 10

    Wafer check2 - 6 145 10

    8 87 6


    Class E - 6 217 15

    Class D 1 - 6 174 12

    Class C 2 - 12 130 9

    Class TThreading andmachining only

    /8 - 2 174 12

    Table 4.2 PVCu (metric sizes) pressure ratings -fittings, valves and pipes

    Product Size - mmPressure rating at 20C

    bar psi


    Solvent cement16 - 160 16 232

    200 - 315 10 145

    Metric solvent xBSP adaptor

    16 x /8" -110 - 4"

    10 145


    Ball16 - 63 16 232

    75 - 110 10 145

    Diaphragm 20 - 63 10 145

    Butterfly 90 - 140 10 145

    160 6 87

    Check16 - 63 16 232

    75 - 90 10 145


    PN rated 16 - 315 10 and 16 145 and 232

    Table 4.3 PP-H (metric sizes) pressure ratings -fittings, valves and pipes

    ProductSize - mm(inches)

    Pressure rating at 20C

    bar psi


    Socket fusion 16 - 110 10 145


    Ball union end/socket fusion

    20 - 63("- 2")

    10 145

    Ball union end/threaded BSP

    (" - 2") 10145


    90 - 140(3" - 5")

    10 145

    160 - 225(6" - 8")

    6 87

    Check20 - 63

    (" - 2")10 145


    PN rated 16 - 110 10 145

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Table 4.4 ABS (imperial sizes) pressure ratings -fittings, valves and pipes

    ProductSize - inches


    Pressure rating at 20C

    psi bar


    Solvent cement

    - 4 217 15

    5 - 6 174 12

    8 145 10

    Threaded BSP /8 - 3 145 10

    Union - 2 174 12

    3 - 4 145 10

    Flange Blanks

    1 - 2 232 16

    2 - 4 145 10

    5 - 6 87 6



    /8 - 2(16 - 63mm)

    232 16

    2 - 4(75 - 110mm)

    145 10


    /8 - 2(16 - 63mm)

    232 16

    2 - 3(75 - 90mm)

    145 10


    Class E /8 - 4 217 15

    Class D 6 174 12

    Class C 1 - 8 130 9

    Class TThreading andmachining only

    /8 - 2 174 12

    4.1 Valve selection

    Valve select ion is based upon a number of key paramet ers: -

    The primary valve body material is selected along wit h

    the material best suit ed fo r t he pipe system.

    Thereafter valve selecti on will depend on the propert ies

    of the conveyed medium and the valve characteristics

    themselves, as show n i n t able 4.5.

    The compati bilit y of the seal material to the conveyed

    medium within the known operating parameters must

    be confi rmed, which can be determined by reference

    to the valve seal behaviour in table 4.6.

    Addit ionally, valves have another import ant characteristic

    known as torque rating which is very important in

    actuated applications. Charts 4.1 to 4.6 show the

    tor que-valve diameter rat ing f or t hree types of valves.

    Table 4.5 Valve select ion

    Valve features Ball valve Butterfly valve Diaphragm valve

    Standard seal EPDM, FPM EPDM, FPM EPDM

    Flow Full Restricted Restricted

    Flow adjustmentLimited,not positive



    Frictionalpressure loss

    Low Medium High

    Behaviourwater hammer

    Fair Limited Limited

    Table 4.6 Valve seal behaviour

    Seal features Ball valve Butterfly valve Diaphragm valve

    Liquid, particlefree

    Good Good Good

    Liquid,particulate orcrystal forming

    Limited, needsregular cleaning

    Good, but needsoccasionalcleaning


    Liquid, viscous Good Limited Limited

    Gases Good Good Limited

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Selection of pipeline systems

    Chart 4.3 Torque for industrial ball valve PP









    16 20 25 32 40Pipe diameter (mm)



    50 63 75 90

    Chart 4.2 Torque for industrial ball valve PVCu and ABS









    20 25 32 40 50

    Pipe diameter (mm)


    63 75 90 110

    Please note: Some 75mm ball valves are based on90mm bodies and thus have a higher tor ques rating.

    Chart 4.1 Torque for economy ball valve PVCu









    16 20 25 32 40

    Pipe diameter (mm)


    50 63 75 90


    Please note: Some 75mm ball valves are based on90mm bodies and thus have a higher tor ques rating.

    Torque charts for ball valves

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    Chart 4.5 Torque for butterfly valve PP











    90 110Pipe diameter (mm)



    140 160 225

    Chart 4.4 Torque for butterfly valve PVCu









    90 110Pipe diameter (mm)


    125 140 160

    Torque charts for butterfl y valves

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    Selection of pipeline systems

    Chart 4.6 Torque for diaphragm valve PVCu








    20Pipe diameter (mm)


    25 32 40 50 63

    Torque chart for diaphragm valves

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    Pipeline system design

    Worked example 5.1(a) What size of PVCu pipe should be used if the volumetric

    fl ow rate is 10 l/s and t he fl ow velocity is rest ricted t o


    (b) What is the ef fect of using a smaller or larger size pipe

    to do t he job? Take pipes of external diameters and w all

    thicknesses as: -

    (i) D = 50mm and e = 1.8mm.

    (ii) D = 75mm and e = 2.2mm respectively.

    Solu t ion

    (a) The pipe int ernal diameter f ormula is used:-

    (b) In case the suppliers do not have the exact diameter

    determined above (65mm), let us examine two opt ions: -

    (i) When the fl ow area is decreased to 50mm

    diameter, then the velocity wil l increase as

    shown by the Continuity equation in terms

    of velocity: -

    This is clearly over t he recommended design limit

    of 3m/s for fl ow velocity of liquids in thi s pipeline

    system and is not advisable.

    (ii) When t he fl ow area is increased to 75mm

    diameter, then the velocity will decrease as shown

    by the Continuity equation: -

    This fl ow velocity is lower than the maximum

    recommended value of 3m/s and is therefor e

    acceptable. Remember t hat low er fl ow velocity

    means propor t ionately low er pressure losses,

    therefore, always go f or t he next size up if your

    calculated size is not available.

    5.2 Flow regimes in pipeline system

    Flow regimes in a pipe were classifi ed by Osborne Reynolds

    (in the early tw entiet h century) into t hree categories: -

    Laminar: Where the fl ow behaves in an orderly mannerrunnin g in parallel stream lines.

    Turbulent: Where the fl ow st reams are inter linked.

    Transient: An intermediate condit ion where the fl ow

    is neither Laminar nor Turbulent.

    This chapter describes the design calculati ons for a plastic

    pipeline system by using t he fo llow ing criteria: -

    Pipeline diameter for a given fl uid fl ow rat e

    Frictional and pressure losses of t he system

    Pumping power requirement

    Pressure transient s (i.e. wat er hammer)

    The above parameters are shown and worked examples are

    provided to demonstrate the calculation

    procedure for each aspect.

    5.1 Pipe diameter calculation

    Pipeline sizing is a thr ee-way relati onship betw een the

    int ernal pipe fl ow area (A in m), the fl ow velocity

    (u in m/s) and the volumetr ic fl ow rate (Q in m/s) as

    given by: -

    Where t he cross-sect ion of the pipes int ernal fl ow

    area (A) is

    The above relationship can be expressed in terms of the

    internal pipe diameter (din m): -

    If t he fl ow rate is expressed in lit res per second (l/s), then the

    pipe diameter (mm) relation can be simplifi ed t o: -

    Note t hat t here are tw o f actor s wh ich infl uence the selecti on

    of fl ow velocity: -

    In order to avoid increasing pressure losses due to f ricti on,

    if the pipe int ernal diameter is reduced the fl ow velocit y

    should be proport ionately reduced.

    Noise generat ion increases rapid ly wi th velocity,

    especially fo r gas fl ow applications and t he follow ing

    limit ing velociti es are accepted f or the general design

    of pipeline systems: -

    Table 5.1 Noise limiting flow velocities inplastic pipeline systems

    Medium carried Maximum velocity (m/s)

    Liquid under suction 1

    Liquid under delivery 3

    Gas 25


    Qd 65


    1053 . 86 53 . 86 = ==

    m/sd 5. 1905 3.6

    53 . 86


    53 . 862 2


    =u Q=

    m/su Q=d

    2. 5557 4.4

    53 . 8610

    53 . 862 2



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    Reynolds ident ifi ed t hese categori es by calculat ing a

    dimension less group of three fl ow paramet ers, later given

    the name Reynolds number , which is defi ned by:-

    Where Re Reynolds number

    u Flow velocity (m/s)

    d Pipe int ernal diameter (m)

    v Kinematic viscosity (m/s), see table 5.2 below

    The friction factor (f) can also be determined graphically

    using t he Moody diagram (Chart 5.1) shown at the end of

    this chapter.

    DArcy presented the follow ing relationship t o determine t he

    Head loss ( ) due to fr ictional resistance to the fl ow

    in p ipelines: -

    Where f Coeffi cient of fr iction

    L Length of pipe (m)

    g Acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s)

    u Flow velocity (m/s)

    d Pipe int ernal diameter (m)

    Usually hydraul ic loss is evaluated in metres per 100m length

    (i.e.L = 100) so the above formula can be simplifi ed to: -

    5.4 Pressure losses due to obstructionsin pipeline systems

    Obstruction losses are due t o t he presence of valves and fi tt ings

    in p ipeline systems. These losses are grouped int o one lot

    and the associated hydraulic loss ( ) is calculat ed as the

    sum of all loss coeffi cients mul tiplied by the velocity head of the

    approaching fl uid: -

    Where g Acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s)

    u Flow velocity (m/s)


    The sum o f k-values fo r fi tt ings and valves for

    the pipe system, see tables 5.5 and 5.6

    Reynolds concluded that if Re is less than 2000 the fl ow is

    clearly laminar and w henRe is over 4000 the fl ow is clearly

    turbulent. How ever when Re is between 2000 and 4000 the

    fl ow is tr ansient and the fl ow prediction i s not reliable.

    5.3 Pressure losses due to frictionin pipelines

    The coeffi cient o f fr iction w hich is an indication of the

    resistance the pipe surf ace off ers to the fl ow is dependent on

    the value of the Reynolds number and t he roughness of the

    pipe int ernal surface. Plasti cs have a unique advantage over

    metal pi pes in t hat they are considered perfectly smooth

    when new and do not suff er from t he build up of rust or

    coagulation; thus their original internal dimension is

    retained. The friction factor f or plastic pipes is given in table 5.4

    Pipeline system design

    Table 5.2 Kinematic viscosity of water

    Temperature Kinematic viscosity (m/s x 10-6)

    0 1.752

    5 1.501

    10 1.300

    15 1.137

    20 1.004

    25 0.893

    30 0.800

    35 0.722

    40 0.656

    45 0.600

    50 0.551

    Table 5.3 Reynolds flow regimes

    Regime Reynolds number (Re ) Characteristics

    Laminar 4000 Very mixed flow

    Table 5.4 Friction coefficients

    Regime Reynolds number (Re) Coefficient of friction (f)

    Laminar 4000 0.079Re -0.25




    f LHf


    42 =

    f u 2


    02 .4 Hf =


    ( )g




    = HO ik


    Table 5.5 Obstruction loss coefficient for fittings

    Obstruction k

    Pipe entry 0.5

    Pipe exit 1.0

    90 elbow 0.40

    45 elbow 0.30

    90 bend 0.60

    45 bend 0.40

    Tee straight through 0.80

    Tee branch 90 0.95

    Sudden enlargement diameter ratio

    1:2 0.15

    1:3 0.19

    1:4 0.241:5 0.30

    Sudden contraction diameter ratio

    5:1 0.40

    4:1 0.37

    3:1 0.33

    2:1 0.30

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    Table 5.6 Obstruction loss coefficient for valves

    Valve 25% Open 50% Open 75% Open 100% Open

    Ball 10.53 5.54 1.25 0.28

    Diaphragm 1.94 1.59 1.39 1.25

    Butterfly 3.74 0.42 0.14 0.10

    Non-return 6.37 3.5 2.1 1.0

    5.5 Pump rating

    5.5.1 Hydraul ic losses in pipeline systems

    The pum p in a fl uid pipeli ne system has to: -

    Overcome frict ional losses,

    Overcome obstruction losses due to valves and fi t t ings,

    The total hydrauli c loss (metres) is therefo re given by

    Transfer t he fl uid at the requir ed fl ow rat e betw een

    tw o stations,

    The stat ic-lift is the physical dif ference in elevation betw een

    the t wo stat ions in metres.

    5.5.2 Pressure losses in pipel ine systems

    The relationship between head loss and pressure loss is

    given by: -

    Where P Pressure lo ss (N/m or Pa)

    Densit y of fl uid (kg/m)

    g Accelerati on due t o gr avity (9.81m/s)

    5.5.3 Energ y loss in pipeli ne system

    The af orement ioned hydrauli c losses in a pip eline system

    are to be accommodated in t he design process and t hese

    losses should be considered when selecting the correctpump size (duty).

    The pumps rating (pow er requirement in Wat ts) is given by: -


    Q Volumetr ic fl ow rate

    Hydraulic effi ciency of pump

    (Refer to manufacturers data)


    Total eff ecti ve head Htotal


    + Hlosses

    (Due to pipe-friction, fi ttings, plus stat ic-lift )

    Worked example 5.2A PVCu pipeline system, pumping water, comprises the

    foll owin g items: -

    Pipe Length 200m

    Outside diameter 110mm

    Wall thickness 10mm

    Fit t ings 2x 90bends k = 0.6

    1x pipe ent ry k = 0.5

    1x pipe exit k = 1.0

    1x but terfl y valve (25% open) k = 3.74

    (a) Determin e the t ot al hydraulic and pressure losses of th is

    system when the fl ow rate of w ater is 30 l/s if t he

    oper ati ng t emperatu re is 10C. (Take th e viscosit y of

    wat er from t able 5.2)

    (b) Determine t he pump pow er to deliver this fl ow r ate to a

    point situated 20m above the source given the pumps

    hydrauli c effi ciency is 80%.

    Solu t ion


    Total hydraulic losses

    Total pressure losses

    (b) Total eff ecti ve head

    Pump power

    Hence fl ow

    is tur bulent.

    Hlosses =Hf + Ho = 33 + 7.2= 40.2 m

    P = g Hlosses = 103 9.81 40.2394 kPa=


    =Hstatic- lift

    + Hlosses20 + 40.2

    60.2 m==

    Q g Htotal /10

    330 10 -3 9.81 60.2 / 0.822.1 kW




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    Pipeline system design

    5.6 Pressure transients in pipelinesystems (water hammer)

    There are times when either by poor design or abrupt

    changes in t he fl ow condit ion t he pipeli ne system

    undergoes a pressure surge, th is phenomenon know n as

    Water Hammer , may be initiated by any of t he follow ing

    acti ons in th e pipeli ne system: -

    Abru pt valve closure

    Pump start up, shut dow n or an abrupt change in speed

    Ent rapped gas in the liquid fl ow

    There are four important parameters to be considered

    at t he design stage so t hat t he effect of water h ammer

    is minimised: -

    1. The velocity of the pressure wave (m/s)

    Where K Bulk modu lus of elast icity f or fl uid (Pa)

    Fluid densit y (kg/m3)

    E Modulus of elasticity of pipe material (Pa)

    d Pipe inside di ameter (mm)

    e Pipe wall thickness (mm)

    2. Pressure fl uctu atio n consist s of bot h an upper and lower

    pressure limit and th ese must be kept w ithin the p ipes

    pressure characteri sti cs, such th at the upper limit is wit hin

    the pipes maximum operating pressure and the lower

    limi t is above the pipes collapsing pressure, in order t o

    avoid permanent damage to the pipe system.

    The pressure fl uctuation is given by

    Where u is the velocity change (m/s).

    The pressure fl uctuat ion r esult s in up per and l ow er limi t s of

    oper at ion and is defi ned as:-

    The maximum pressure:

    The m inim um pressure:

    3. The eff ecti ve safet y facto r f or f requent surges should be

    lower than the materials safety factor.

    4. Critical wave period (seconds) given by

    WhereL is pipe length (m)

    Actuated valves must have closure t imes greater t han

    this wave period in order to minimise the eff ect of

    water hammer.

    Worked example 5.3A PVCu pipeline system, PN6 rated, 300m in lengt h, w ith an

    out side diamet er of 50mm and a wall t hickness of

    1.8mm wit h an operati onal pr essure of 4.4 bar, has an

    actu ated valve wi th a closing t ime of 2 seconds.

    Where PVCus Youn gs modu lus (E) is 2.6 GPa and it s

    circumf erent ial stress is 29 MPa; and wat ers bulk modu lus

    of elasti city (K) is 2.05 GPa and i ts density o f 1000 kg/m .

    Determine the water hammer characteristics where the

    fl ow rat e is 10m/h and 20m/h.


    PropertyFlow rate (m/h)

    10 20

    1. Pressure wave velocity

    310 m/s 310 m/s

    2. Initial wave velocity

    1.643 m/s 3.285 m/s

    3. Pressure fluctuation

    5.09 bar 10.18 bar

    3.1 Maximum pressure

    9.49 bar 14.58 bar

    3.2 Minimum pressure

    -0.69 bar -5.78 bar

    4. Critical wave period

    1.9 second 1.9 second

    Collapsing pressure

    -2.88 bar -2.88 bar

    Maximum allowablenegative pressure

    -1.44 bar -1.44 bar

    Effective safety factor

    2.37 1.54



    is within thePe parameter, hence thesystem will withstand thenegative pressure.


    is less than themaximum permissiblepressure of 15 bar.


    is outside thePe parameter, hence thepipe will collapse.


    is less than themaximum permissiblepressure of 15 bar.


    Note: In cases of negative pressure Chas a value of 2

    as in section 3.3. In t his example the water hammer

    procedure was followed (4 steps) in addition Pc and Pe

    were calculat ed as out lined in sect ion 3.3 and Cmax


    outlined in section 5.6.

    Where is circumferent ial stress (MPa)

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Reynolds number




    Laminar flow




















    103 104 105 106 107 108

    Turbulent flow


    Chart 5.1 The Moody diagram

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    Storage, handling and installation

    6.0 IntroductionOne of th e key part s of a successfu l install ation comes fr om

    th e way that plasti c pipes and component s are

    stored and handled. This chapter deals with the installation

    of plastic pipeline systems and describes the

    methods for preserving stru ctur al int egrity and

    compensating for thermal expansion.

    6.1 Storage and handling

    Pipe is often stor ed directly on the gr ound o r support ed in

    racks or pallets and the f ollow ing condition s

    should be observed: -

    Ensure th at t he ground surf ace is level and cleared of

    debris to prevent the pipes from becoming bent, scored

    and damaged.

    Pipes should never be stacked more t han 6 layers high

    and in hot climat es th is shoul d be restr icted t o 4 layers.

    Large bo re pipes shoul d not be stacked greater than

    1 metre high, t hus avoiding ovality due to heat

    and pressure.

    Pipes of di ff erent diamet ers and wall t hickness shoul d be

    stacked separately. If t his is not practical th e larger

    diameter and t hicker walled pipes should be sto red at t he

    bott om of t he stack.

    Pipe racks shoul d be const ructed to pr ovide ful l support

    to each pipe layer. Side supports should be at least

    100mm wide and be placed at regu lar int ervals of

    1.2 metr es along t he pipe length .

    Narrow straps to suppo rt t he pipe stack should

    be avoided.

    Pipes can be stored in pal let ised stacks as lon g as the

    pallets and not the pipes support the stack weight andpallet s shoul d be stacked no more than 3 pallet s high fo r

    shor t periods only.

    Pipes and fi tt ings sto red for an extend ed period of ti me

    should be pr otected from direct sunlight t o avoid UV

    degradation. Fittings should be stored using a method

    that allows air circulat ion such as por ous hessian sacks,

    boxes or on shelves.

    The whole purpose of correct handling is to avoid damage

    to pipes and should encompass loadin g, t ransit and

    unloading of the pi pes. The fol lowi ng guid elines should b e

    addressed w hen handling p ipes: -

    Pipes shoul d be loaded and unloaded manually wi th out

    draggi ng t hem over t he ground , as th is causes damage.

    However if handling pallets of pipe by forklif t ensure that

    th e for ks do not cause damage.

    Flatbed vehicles shoul d be used to distr ibut e pipe loads

    and th e largest di ameter pi pe shoul d be loaded fi rst w it h

    the smaller pipe loaded on top or nested inside to avoid

    damage. Do not drop pipes off the vehicle whenoff loading but handle and stack them correctly.

    6.2 Installation of plastic pipes

    Thermoplasti cs expand and contract t o a far g reater extent

    th an metals and t he fo llow ing sketch provides a compari son

    between some metals and plastics: -

    There are tw o facto rs to consider w hen calculating

    expansion o r cont raction i n pipes: -

    Environmental temperature (external temperature) at

    which the pip e will stabilise prior t o installation .

    Fluid temperature (internal temperature) whi ch is the

    operational t emperature of the p ipeline system.

    The change in length due to thermal expansion or

    cont raction i n a pipelin e system i s determined by the

    following f ormula: -

    Where L Expansion (Le) or contraction (Lc) in mm

    T Difference in temperature betw een the

    installation and the operating

    temperatu res in C (=Toperate- Tinstall)

    L Length of pipe when in stalled

    Coef fi cient o f expansion

    Figure 6.1 Comparison of thermal expansion of

    plastics and metals

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Mild steel

    Stainless steel






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    StepOperating temperature (oC)

    30 8

    Calculate temperature difference

    T (=Toperate- Tinstall)= 30 - 10

    = +20C

    = 8 - 10

    = -2C*

    Calculate change in length due to expansionand contraction

    L = T x L x( = 0.078 for PVCu)

    = 20 x 30 x 0.078= 46.8mm

    = -2 x 30 x 0.078= -4.68mm*

    Select length of flexiblearm or compensator

    Take the greater value (change inlength) regardless of whether it is dueto expansion or contraction that canaccommodate the maximum movement.

    In this caseL= 46.8mm

    For example PVCu will expand 0.078mm per metre for

    every 1C raised in mid-wall temperatu re above t he installatio n


    Please note t hat t he temperatu re diff erence is the di ff erence

    between the installation temperature and t he working temperature,

    in deg rees Celsius (C).

    Table 6.1 Coefficient of linear expansion for thermoplastics ()


    Coefficient (10-5m/mC)

    Length/temperatureequivalent (mm/mC)

    PVCu 7.8 0.078

    ABS 10.1 0.101

    PP 15.0 0.150

    PE 20.0 0.200

    * Please note a (-) minus value repr esents th e dif ference in

    temperature (it is not a subzero) and hence it causes a contraction

    of t he length of t he pipe.

    Worked example 6.1Find t he expansion and cont raction on a 4 diamet er PVCu

    pipe system installed at 10C, where t he maximum and

    minimum operat ing temperatu res are 30C and 8C

    respectively and the overall length of the installation is 30m.

    Table 6.2 Calculated expansion for 1 metre length pipe

    Temperaturedifference (C)

    Expansion (mm) CommentPVCu ABS PP

    1 0.078 0.101 0.150

    2 0.156 0.202 0.300

    3 0.234 0.303 0.450 For the temperaturerange not on thechart add the factors

    4 0.312 0.404 0.600

    5 0.390 0.505 0.750

    6 0.468 0.606 0.900

    7 0.546 0.707 1.050 i.e.For PVCu @ 37C

    8 0.624 0.808 1.200

    9 0.702 0.909 1.350 20C = 1.560mm

    10 0.780 1.010 1.500 +17C = 1.326mm

    11 0.858 1.111 1.650

    12 0.936 1.212 1.800 37C = 2.886mm13 1.014 1.313 1.950

    14 1.092 1.414 2.100

    15 1.170 1.515 2.250

    16 1.248 1.616 2.400

    17 1.326 1.717 2.550

    18 1.404 1.818 2.700

    19 1.482 1.919 2.850

    20 1.560 2.020 3.000

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    Storage, handling and installation

    6.3 Flexible arms in pipelineinstallations

    Flexible arms or expansion bellow s are used in order t o

    avoid the associated stresses generated from a pipes change

    in length due to expansion or contraction. Expansion

    bellows are not a prime concern of this document and th e

    installer is advised t o seek specialist gu idance fro m t he

    manuf acturers of such pr oducts. The fl exibilit y of plasti cs

    permits expansion or contraction to be compensated for by

    means of eith er directional change wit hin a pi pe system

    (single fl exible arm) or by t he installati on of expansion l oops

    consisti ng o f tw o fl exible arms (double fl exible arm), asshow n in t he follow ing illustr ations: -

    6.5 Pre-stressing flexible arms

    Somet imes changes of l engt h (L) can on ly be channelled in

    one di rection, p ossibly du e to a fl exible secti on h aving t o

    operate in a confi ned space. When this occurs the fl exible

    arm can be pre-str essed achieving t he followi ng:-

    The fl exible arm can be reduced in lengt h

    The fl exible arm will straight en under working condit ions

    thus relieving a large amount of stress

    The installation w ill look bett er when in service

    6.4 How to find the flexible arm (a)length

    To calculate the lengt h of a fl exible arm () the fol low ing

    fo rmul ae can be used: -

    Single arm:

    Double arm:

    Where a Flexible arm lengt h (mm)

    D Pipe out side diamet er (mm)

    L Expansion o r Cont raction (mm ) for single

    arm, for double arm useL/2

    Cm Constant fo r mat erial, see table 6.3Figure 6.2 Single arm

    Figure 6.3 Double arm (expansion loop)

    (Lc) (Le)




    Fixed point

    Table 6.3 Thermoplastic materia l constant (Cm)

    Thermoplastic material Constant

    PVCu 33.5

    ABS 32.7

    PP 30.0

    PE 26.0


    Single arm Double arm

    a = 970mm a = 686mm

    Worked example 6.2

    A 40mm ABS pip e (Cm = 32.7) has expanded in lengt h by

    22mm, what is the lengt h required f or single and double

    fl exible arm arrangement s?

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    Worked example 6.3A 15 metre lengt h of 63mm PVCu pipe (= 0.078 for PVCu)

    was install ed at 10C, if th e workin g t emperature is 50C

    determine the layout of the non pre-stressed and

    pre-stressed arm arrangements.


    Non pre-stressed Pre-stressed

    There will be an expansion of 47mm,therefore the flexible arm length will be 1823mm.

    Half of the expansion (23.5mm) is now pre-stressed,therefore the flexible arm length will be 1289mm.



    a = 1823mm

    = 47mmL


    15m - 23.5mm

    a = 1289mm

    = 23.5mm2L

    ( )a 33.5= 1823mm=63 47

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    Storage, handling and installation

    Full suppo rt of t he pipeline can be achieved by

    running along suitable channel and restr aining it

    fro m lateral movement.

    Pipelines wh ich are suspended have to be suppo rt ed by

    brackets spaced at predet ermined int ervals (see tables

    6.4, 6.5 and 6.6).

    Limit ing Rings PVCu and ABS: These can be made by

    cutting a small length (dissecting 1/3rd of the

    circumf erence) of class C o r 10 bar pipe of th e same

    outside diameter of the carrier pipe. The remaining

    segment can be sprun g open and t hen solvent w elded

    into place on t he carrier pipe.

    Figure 6.4 Support s, brackets and limit ing rings

    6.7 BracketsPipe brackets need to be made with the inside diameter of

    the bracket marginally larger t han the pipe out er diameter.

    This allows free lineal movement of the pipe and avoids

    inhibit ing expansion o r contr act ion. They shoul d also be

    smoot h, to avoid damage to t he outer surface of t he pipe.

    There are tw o basic types of bracket s, as shown in fi gures

    6.5 and 6.6, namely loose brackets and fi xed br acket s.

    Tables 6.4 and 6.5 are based on class E pip e (15 bar) or the

    PN16 metric rating. For pi pes of a lower rat ing t he spacing

    wi ll be closer, derate as fo llow s: -

    Class D (12 bar) and PN12 rat ed pipe x 0.75

    Class C (9 bar) and PN10 rat ed pip e x 0.62

    Figu re 6.5 Loose brackets - axial movement is

    required without constraint

    A loose bracket

    allow s axial


    A sliding bracket

    allows movement

    along a fl at

    supporting surface.

    Hanging bracket

    allows radial and

    axial movement.

    Figu re 6.5 Fixed brackets - axial movement

    constrained or cont rolled

    A bracket oneither side

    prevents axial


    A bracket betweentwo pipe sockets or

    limiting rings

    prevents axial


    A bracket t o controlpipe movement in

    one direction .

    6.6 Plastic pipe systems supportand bracketing

    Plast ic pipe systems requir e regu lar support wh ich can vary

    according to pipe material, size and wall dimension o f the

    pipe, the weight (density) of the liquid carried and the

    temperature of the pi pe wall. There are three t ypes of

    mechanism which support or restrain pipe movement:

    Restrained within a channel; supported with clips or

    brackets at pr edeterm ined int ervals (see tables 6.4, 6.5,

    and 6.6) and limiting rings to restrict axial movement.

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    Table 6.4 Bracket spacing for gases and liquids PVCu PN 16 metric pipe and class E (15 bar) imperial pipe

    Pipe size Bracket spacing in metres

    mm inch 20C 30C 40C 50C 60C

    16 3/8

    0.80 0.70 0.50 * *

    20 0.90 0.80 0.60 * *

    25 1.00 0.90 0.70 0.55 0.40

    32 1 1.10 0.95 0.75 0.60 0.45

    40 1 1.20 1.10 0.90 0.70 0.55

    50 1 1.30 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60

    63 2 1.40 1.30 1.10 0.90 0.65

    75 2 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.7090 3 1.60 1.50 1.30 1.20 0.85

    110 4 1.90 1.80 1.60 1.30 1.10

    125 - 2.10 2.00 1.85 1.60 1.25

    140 5 2.20 2.10 1.90 1.65 1.35

    160 6 2.30 2.20 2.00 1.75 1.50

    225 8 2.60 2.45 2.30 2.00 1.75

    250 - 2.80 2.70 2.55 2.20 1.95

    280 10 3.20 3.00 2.85 2.50 2.15

    315 12 3.60 3.40 3.20 2.80 2.45

    Table 6.5 Bracket spacing for gases and liquids - ABS class E pipe (15 bar)

    Pipe size Bracket spacing in metres

    inch 20C 30C 40C 50C 60C


    0.80 0.75 0.65 0.60 0.50

    0.90 0.80 0.75 0.65 0.55

    1.00 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.70

    1 1.10 1.00 0.95 0.80 0.75

    1 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80

    1 1.25 1.20 1.10 0.95 0.85

    2 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.00 0.90

    2 1.50 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.00

    3 1.60 1.45 1.35 1.20 1.05

    4 1.80 1.65 1.55 1.35 1.20

    5 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.50 1.30

    6 2.10 1.90 1.80 1.60 1.40

    8 2.30 2.10 1.90 1.70 1.50

    * Implies full support requirement.

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    Storage, handling and installation

    Table 6.6 Bracket spacing for gases and liquids - polypropylene metric 10 bar rated pipe

    Pipe size Bracket spacing in metres

    mm 20C 40C 60C 80C 100C

    16 0.74 0.68 0.63 0.54 0.39

    20 0.79 0.69 0.64 0.59 0.44

    25 0.84 0.82 0.74 0.69 0.49

    32 0.99 0.94 0.84 0.74 0.54

    40 1.05 1.03 0.94 0.84 0.59

    50 1.20 1.14 1.04 0.89 0.69

    63 1.38 1.29 1.18 1.04 0.79

    75 1.53 1.43 1.28 1.13 0.8490 1.63 1.53 1.43 1.23 0.93

    110 1.84 1.73 1.58 1.38 1.04

    6.8 The Z dimension

    The fo llowi ng steps should b e undertaken in p reparation f or

    a pipeline installation: -

    Prepar e a basic sket ch of t he pipel ine system,

    including fi tt ings.

    Ent er the dimensions of t he pipes and fi tt ings and the

    cent re to cent re measurement of each secti on eit her by

    measuring on site or from the engineers drawings.

    Calculate the cut length of each piece of pipe betw een

    fi tt ings to enable correct o verall assembled leng th of

    section as follows: -

    L = M - Z1

    - Z2

    Where L Cut length of pipe

    M Centre to centre length betw een fi tt ings


    - Z2

    Linear Dimensions of fi tti ngs

    As an example, the install atio n not es fo r a PVCu pip e wou ld

    appear as fo llow s: -

    M cent re to cent re = 1200mm

    Less Z1

    fl ange = 4mm

    Less Z2

    bend = 80mm

    - 84mm

    L cut lengt h pipe = 1116mm





    Figure 6.7 - Z dimension

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    Chart 6.1 Length of flexible arm: general guide for PVCu & ABS



    Change in length (mm)



    1001 10


    100 300






















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    Methods of jointing

    7.0 IntroductionThis chapter deals wit h t he fou r key methods of jo ining

    plastic pipes and t he selection of a joint ing m ethod is

    dependent on t he pipe mat erial and it s characteristi cs.

    Table 7.1 is a guide t o the selecti on of t he type of join t

    which can be used fo r t he particular pipe material.

    = Suit able = Not suitable

    Table 7.1 Thermoplastic jointing methods


    Thermoplastic material

    ABS PP and PE

    Solvent cement

    Solvent cement is formulated to chemically solvate the surfaces of pipes and fittings, so that when they are pushed together the softened surfaces intermix and cure into a

    hard, strong and leak-free joint.

    Materials welded this way must be alike, i.e. PVCu to PVCu and ABS to ABS. Not PVCu to ABS or vice versa.


    This method uses threads and flanges to connect the different parts of pipeline systems.


    Fusion jointing involves heating the two components to be joined, so that the fusion/melt temperature on each surface is reached simultaneously. The two melted surfaces

    are then brought together at a pressure designed to produce a homogenous joint when cooled. The resulting joint will have an equivalent strength and pressure rating as the

    original pipe. Contact Polypipe for further details.


    Compression jointing consists of compressing a rubber ring between the inner wall of the fitting and the outer wall of the pipe to be jointed. Compression joints can be used

    to connect different types of pipe, both plastic and metal. As long as the correct fitting is selected, taking into account the outside diameters of the different types of pipe

    work, then a satisfactory joint can be made. Note: Compression joints are designed primarily for use on water pipelines.

    Contact Polypipe for further details.

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Table 7.2 PVCu and ABS solvent jointing procedure

    Procedure Equipment

    Important information: Always use Personal Protective Equipment - gloves

    and eye protection

    Always carry out work in a well ventilated area

    Always refer to Material Safety Data Sheets

    Dispose of waste responsibly

    Failure to follow the jointing procedure may invalidate

    any warranties given

    1. Cut the pipe at right angles to its axis

    and to the required length.

    Deburr the cut end of the pipe with a

    sharp knife or scraper.

    Pipe cutter

    SawScraper or knife

    2. Chamfer the leading edge of the pipe at

    approximately 15 to 30. This will prevent the

    solvent cement being wiped from both the pipe

    and fitting when mated together and will also

    help to build up a ring of solvent around the

    chamfer, thus ensuring a proper seal.

    Pipe Size

    38 (16mm)

    - 1 (20 - 50mm)

    2 - 8 (63 - 225mm)

    Chamfer Size (mm)


    3 - 4

    5 - 6

    Chamfering tool

    Fine disc angle

    grinder, file or

    abrasive paper

    80 - 100 grit

    3. Mark the pipe back from the chamfered

    end to a length equal to the socket

    depth plus 5mm.

    This mark will act as a visual indicator

    to show that the pipe is fully inserted

    into the socket.

    Marker pen

    4. Roughen the pipe surface (up to the

    indicator mark) and the inside of the

    socket with abrasive cloth or paper.

    Do not roughen the pipe and fitting to the

    extent that the clearance between them

    is noticeably increased.



    80 - 100 grit

    5. Clean the inner surface of the socket and the

    surface of the pipe up to the mark using a lint

    free cloth or absorbent paper dampened with

    Effast solvent cleaner.

    Lint free cloth or

    absorbent paper

    Effast solvent cleaner

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    Methods of jointing

    Table 7.2 PVCu and ABS solvent jointing procedure - continued

    Procedure Equipment

    6. Select the correct solvent cement, PVCu to PVCu,

    ABS to ABS. (failure to use the recommended solvent

    cement may invalidate any warranties given)

    Apply the cement straight from the tin and ensure all

    relevant surfaces are covered.

    Read the instructions on the tin.

    Avoid using excessive amounts of

    solvent cement.

    Effast PVCu cement

    Effast ABS cement

    Brush (half the diameter

    of the socket)

    Joints are normally made in temperatures between 5 - 25C and in dry conditions, damp or wet conditions can adversely effect the solvent jointing procedure. The maximum

    time before the cement is too dry for jointing is approximately 3 minutes. In hot weather this time is reduced. The joint must be made whilst the cement is still wet.

    At temperatures below 5C the curing time will be considerably increased.

    7. Push fittings/pipe together without twisting andensure that they are aligned and fully engaged (the

    indicator mark should be in line with the edge of

    the socket) then hold the assembly for a short time

    as specified.

    Pipe Size

    38 - 2 (16mm - 63mm)

    2 - 4 (75 - 119mm)

    5 - 8 (140 - 225mm)

    10 - 12 (250 - 315mm)

    Holding Time




    When the joint is made, an O-ring of cement is formed between the pipe chamfer and the internal socket wall. This ring helps to ensure seal integrity. A bead of cement will

    show around the external junction of the pipe and fitting, this should be wiped off leaving the outer part of the joint clean. Do not disturb for at least 10 - 15 minutes to

    ensure that the weld integrity is maintained. After this period, the assembly can be carefully handled, prepared for further jointing or left for the recommended curing

    time which is:

    Up to 8 (225mm) ambient temperature constantly above 5C After 8 hours The joint will have cured enough to withstand the working pressure.

    After 24 hours The pipe system can be fully pressure tested.

    The number of operators:

    For joints of up to 2 (75mm) 1 person is required, from 3 (90mm) up to 6 (160mm) 2 persons are needed, for 8 (225mm) and above 3 people are required.Pipe work should be ventilated during the joining and curing processes. Never seal a pipe system which has been newly jointed as the trapped vapours can cause damage.

    Positive ventilation with a small air blower is recommended to purge systems with multiple joints.

    Table 7.3 Recommended joints per litre of Effast cement

    Pipe size Thermoplastic material

    inch mm PVCu ABS


    - 1 16 - 32 300 400

    1 - 2 40 - 63 120 175

    2 - 3 75 - 90 50 70

    4 110 30 45

    5 140 20 30

    6 160 15 25

    8 200 - 225 8 15

    10 250 - 280 3 4

    12 315 3 4

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    7.1 Important point s Heavy equipment should be support ed independently

    fr om t he pi peline. i.e. valves, str ainers, etc.

    Pipe clips shoul d be made to allow linear expansion of

    the pipeline and if l ined the lining should be of a

    material compatible w ith t he pipeline.

    Mast ics, int umescent mastics, adhesive tapes and labels

    should not be used (as many degrade plastics), unless

    manuf acturers provide document s of adhesive or

    mastic compatibility.

    Insulat ion must be considered very careful ly, as a numberof foam rubber in sulation products and t heir adhesives

    may not be compatible with plastic pipes.

    Adhesives should on ly be used to bon d t he foam edges

    tog ether and should never be used to bond t he

    insulation to the pip eline. Refer t o manuf actur ers for

    compatibility data. For example, compatible insulations

    are fi bre wools (Rockwool), polystyrene, etc.

    Trace heating tapes: Dont u se tapes covered wit h

    plasticized PVC as this can react with thermoplastic pipes.

    Tapes wi th sheaths made from w oven wi re, polyester or

    silicone r ubber are acceptabl e.

    Oils: A number of synthetic oils are not suit able for use

    with plastic pipelines. Oils such as esters, organic

    phosphates and polyalkylene g lycols should be avoided.

    Health and safet y: Solvent cement and cleaning fl uid

    give off vapours that are dangerous to health. During

    jointing the w ork place must b e well ventilated.

    7.2 Solvent joint ing , " Do Nots"

    Make joint s in rain or wet condit ions.

    Use dirt y brushes or cleaning rags.

    Use the same brushes wi th dif f erent solvent cement s.

    Dilut e or thin solvent cements wi th cleaner.

    Leave solvent cement t ins open as th e cont ents wi ll

    evaporate and the cement performance will be reduced.

    Use near naked ligh ts or smoke whi lst join ti ng as solvents

    are high ly fl ammable.

    Make join ts in a confi ned space as solvents emit

    hazardous vapours.

    7.3 Mechanical jointing procedure - threadedfi t t ings - plast ic to plast ic

    An extensive range of th readed fi tt ings are available, mostl y

    parallel threaded but some t apered. Thread compatibi lity is

    an essenti al aspect of join ti ng. For jo int ing such part s fo llow

    these steps: -

    1. Select compatib le thread i.e. Parallel t o Parallel, never

    Parallel t o t aper or vice versa.

    2. Use PTFE tape to seal t he jo in t . If sealant pastes are used

    they must be compatible with the plastic components.

    3. Hand tight en and if n ecessary tighten f urt her to a

    maximum of turn using a str ap wr ench.

    PVCu class 7 and ABS class T pipes, sizes 38 up to 2 are

    manufactur ed wit h a thick wall t o enable threads to be cut.

    7.3.1 Flanges - plastic to p last ic/metal

    Flanges are suit able for j oini ng metals or rubbers to p lasti cs.

    Joint ing such part s fo llow th ese steps: -

    1. Ensure fl anges are paral lel, close to each other and al low

    a gap for the gasket.

    2. Insert gasket, ensure th at t he bolt h oles are align ed.

    3. Use fl at w ashers betw een bolt h ead, the nut and

    the fl ange.

    4. Tight en bolt s accord ing t o t he sequence fi gure 7.3

    and table 7.4.

    Rubber Gasket


    Plastic Female Adaptor

    Metal Union Nut


    Metal Adaptor

    Figure 7.1 Flange joint

    7.3.2 Composit e unions - metal t o pl ast ics union j oin t

    Figu re 7.2 Composit e

    NOTE: If metal th read

    is used in conjunction

    wit h a plastic thr ead

    then the temperature

    should not vary by

    more than 5C.

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Methods of jointing





    6 7


    Table 7.4 Flange bolting torques (approximate)

    Pipe sizeInch 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 10 12

    mm 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200 225 280 315

    TorqueNM 8 9 10 18 24 32 36 40 44 48 50 62 74 76 76 76

    Ft/Pdl 6 7 8 13 18 23 26 29 32 35 37 46 54 56 56 56

    Figure 7.3 - Flange bo lt t igh tening sequence

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Pipe and fi ttings dimensions

    DIN 8077/8078 PP-H (metric) pipe dimensions

    Diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm)

    Outside diameter Mean outside diameter 6 bar 10 bar

    Minimum Maximum Min Max Min Max

    16 16 16.3 - - 2.0 2.4

    20 20 20.3 1.8 2.2 2.5 3.0

    25 25 25.3 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.2

    32 32 32.3 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.5

    40 40 40.4 2.3 2.8 3.7 4.3

    50 50 50.5 2.9 3.4 4.6 5.3

    63 63 63.6 3.6 4.2 5.8 6.6

    75 75 75.7 4.3 5.0 6.9 7.8

    90 90 90.9 5.1 5.9 8.2 9.3

    110 110 111.0 6.3 7.2 10.0 11.2

    EN1452 part 2 PVCu (metric) pipe dimensions

    Outside diameter (mm)Average wall thickness (mm)

    6 bar 10 bar 16 bar

    16 - - -

    20 - - 1.5

    25 - - 1.9

    32 - 1.6 2.4

    40 1.5 1.9 3.0

    50 1.6 2.4 3.7

    63 2.0 3.0 4.7

    75 2.3 3.6 5.6

    90 2.8 4.3 6.7

    110 3.2 4.2 6.6

    125 3.7 4.8 7.4

    140 4.1 5.4 8.3

    160 4.7 6.2 9.5

    180 5.3 6.9 10.7

    200 5.9 7.7 11.9

    225 6.6 8.6 13.4

    250 7.3 8.6 14.8

    280 8.2 10.7 16.6

    315 9.2 12.1 18.7

    Safet y facto r c = 2.5

    Safet y facto r c = 2

  • 8/2/2019 Effast Tech Manual


    Pipe and fi ttings dimensions

    DIN 8061 PVCu (metric) pipe dimensions DIN 8063 PVCu (metric) fitting dimensions

    Diameter (mm) Average wall thickness (mm) Diameter (mm)


    Mean outside diameter6 bar 10 bar 16 bar Nominal size

    Mean socket internal diameterat midpoint of socket depth

    Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

    16 16 16.2 - - 1.2 16 16.1 16.3

    20 20 20.2 - - 1.5 20 20.1 20.3

    25 25 25.2 - 1.5 1.9 25 25.1 25.3

    32 32 32.2 - 1.8 2.4 30 32.1 32.3

    40 40 40.2 1.8 1.9 3.0 40 40.1 40.3

    50 50 50.2 1.8 2.4 3.7 50 50.1 50.3

    63 63 63.2 1.9 3.0 4.7 63 63.1 63.3

    75 75 75.3 2.2 3.6 5.6 75 75.1 75.3

    90 90 90.3 2.7 4.3 6.7 90 90.1 90.3

    110 110 110.3 3.2 5.3 8.2 110 110.1 110.4

    125 125 125.3 3.7 6.0 9.3 125 125.1 125.4

    140 140 140.4 4.1 6.7 10.4 140 140.2 140.5

    160 160 160.4 4.7 7.7 11.9 160 160.2 160.5

    180 180 180.4 5.3 8.6 13.4 180 180.3 180.6

    200 200 200.4 5.9 9.6 14.9 200 200.3 200.8

    225 225 225.5 6.6 10.8 16.7 225 - -

    250 250 250.5 7.3 11.9 18.6 250 - -

    280 280 280.6 8.2 13.4 20.8 280 - -

    315 315 315.6 9.2 15.0 23.4 315 - -

    BS 3505 PVCu (imperial) pip