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EE 486 Power Electronics Final Exam Coverage

Prof. Ali Mehrizi-Sani [email protected]

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

April 26, 2012

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Final Exam Coverage

All Material Covered During Semester – Closed book, no notes.

– Nontrivial equations will be provided if required.

Textbook (Daniel Hart)

Course Notes – Course notes and the text complement each other. There are material

covered in lectures that are not in the text.

Homeworks – All solutions are posted (Homework 10 solution will be posted on Wed).

– Homeworks are marked and returned.

As a reminder, you have access to all material from 2012, including tests, exams, homeworks, and their solutions.

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Chapters 1 and 2: Review

Introductory Slides

Basic Concepts – Linear voltage regulator vs. switched-mode converters

– Efficiency

– Real, reactive, and complex power

– Average and instantaneous power

– Fourier series (equations will be given)

– RMS and average value calculation

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Chapter 6: DC-DC Converters

Sections 6.1, .2, .3, .5, .6, .7, .8, .10, and .11

IVSB <vL(t)> = 0

CCB <iC(t)> = 0

SRA iL(t) = IL , vC(t) = VC

Calculating ΔIL and ΔVC

Calculating M(D)

Drawing Steady-State Waveforms – Buck

– Boost

– Buck-Boost

– All other topologies

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Chapter 6: Nonideal DC-DC Converters

Nonideal Voltage Conversion Ratio – RL


– RD and VD

– ESR, rc

– VI characteristic for different power electronics elements: diode and MOSFET/IGBT/BJT

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Chapter 6: Discontinuous Conduction

Boundary of CCM and DCM

Calculation of M(D) in DCM

Applying IVSB and CCB for Three Operating States – Q on, D off

– Q off, D on

– Q off, D off

Small Ripple Approximation – If DCM is because of inductor (diode) current, SRA is not valid for

IL, but is still valid for VC

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Steps for Solving a Converter

Draw subcircuits for subintervals 0 < t ≤ DT and DT < t ≤ T

Determine vL(t) (or vL,i(t) if there are multiple inductors) and iC (t) (or iC,i (t) if there are multiple capacitors) for each subinterval – Write vL,i (t) in terms of capacitors (and output) and input voltage

– Write iC (t) in terms of inductor currents

Apply IVSB to each vL,i (t) and CCB to each iC,i (t)

Simplify and solve for Vo in terms of Vs

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Chapter 7: DC Power Supplies

Sections 7.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .9, and .10

Transformer Model – No IVSB on transformer itself (even though it looks like two inductors)

Flyback Converter

All figures are from Hart.

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Chapter 7: DC Power Supplies

Forward Converter

Full-Bridge Converter

…and other converters that are in the book – Push-pull

– Double-ended forward

– But not current-fed

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Chapter 8: Inverters

Sections 8.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .7, .8, .9, .10, .11, .12, .15

Square-Wave Operation

Amplitude and Harmonic Control (delay angle)

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Chapter 8: Inverters

Voltage and Current Waveforms

Half-Bridge Inverter

Multilevel Inverters

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Chapter 8: Inverters

Pulse-Width Modulation

– Unipolar and bipolar switching

– mf and ma

Three-Phase Inverters – Three legs 120 degrees apart

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Chapter 3: Half-Wave Rectifiers

Sections 3.1, .2, .3, .8, and .9

Controlled Rectifiers

Resistive Load Inductive Load Capacitor Filter

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Chapter 4: Full-Wave Rectifiers

Sections 4.1, .2, .3, .4, and .5 – Only lectures

Single-Phase – Resistive Load

– Inductive Load

– RLE Load

Controlled Rectifiers

Inverter Mode of Operation – With \alpha > 90, Vdc < 0

Three-Phase Rectifiers

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Chapter 5: AC-AC Converters

Sections 5.1 and .2 – Very application specific

– Only lectures

AC Voltage Controllers – Superposition of two rectifiers

Matrix Converters

Cycloconverters – A rectifier with changing \alpha

Vo = K cos(α(t))

Back-to-Back AC-DC and DC-AC

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Bigger Picture

Buck-boost--ness is in the eye of the beholder.

An inverter (DC-AC) is essentially a DC-DC converter with slowly varying duty cycle. – Variations of d(t) much slower than the switching frequency

An AC voltage controller (AC-AC) is essentially a rectifier with slowly varying delay angle α. – Variations of α(t) much slower than input frequency

Ultimately, DC-DC and AC-AC can be thought of as controllable transformers. – Can change effective resistance (impedance) seen by the source (utility)

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Good Luck

See you in EE525!

Questions later? – Email: [email protected]

– In Person: EME 35