Download - Education in Ontario High School, Work, College, University.

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  • Education in Ontario High School, Work, College, University
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  • Graduating High School 30 Credits Literacy Test 40 Hours Community Service
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  • 30 Credits 4 English** 3 Math** 2 Science 1 French 1 Phys Ed 1 Arts 1 Geography 1 History 1 Civics & Careers 3 Groups 12 Elective
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  • English ESLAESLBESLCESLDESLE Grade 11 English Grade 12 English
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  • Teaching & Learning in the Classroom Things that might be different from home: *Teachers talk less *Students talk more *Tests & Exams may be worth less of the mark *Activities may be more of the mark Students usually have some homework every night, but should not be up all night doing homework! Extra help from teachers on lunch or after school is free!
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  • Some Elective Courses At Greenwood: Cooking Phys. EdMusic HFN1O8 PPL1OY AMU1O8 PPL2OY AMU2O8
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  • O MFM1P8Grade Level1 = Grade 9 O MFM2P8Grade Level: 2 = Grade 10 Difficulty LevelP= Applied (College) O MPF1D8Difficulty LevelD= Academic (University) O MPF2D8 O MAT1L8Difficulty LevelL = Workplace O MPF2L8 O ESLAO8 O ESLB08 O ESLCO8 O ESLD08O = Open for Everyone Understanding Course Levels in Junior Subjects
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  • ENG 3 U1 3C1 3E1 U= University C=College E = Workplace Note! Grade 9 & 10 Courses MFM2D1 MCR3U1 MHF4U1 MFM2P1 MBF3C1 MAP4C1 MAT2L1 MAT3E1MAT4E1 D level leads to U level MFM1D1 P level leads to C level MFM1P1 L level leads to E level MAT1L1 Understanding Levels in Senior Subjects
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  • Going to Work After Graduation: Apprenticeship = Training While Working
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  • What is College? Job Training! Diploma + ENG4C1 Some programs need grade 12 C level math or science
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  • What Do I Need to Get Into College? For most programs:Diploma + ENG4C1 Examples: Social Service Worker, Early Childhood Education, Graphic Art For many programs:Diploma + ENG4C1 + MAP4C1 Examples: Accounting, Software Engineering, Heating & Air Conditioning For some programs:Diploma + ENG4C1 + SBI3C1, SCH4C1 OR SPH4C1 Examples: Pharmacy Technician, Practical Nursing, Dental Assisting
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  • What is University? Studying a Subject! Diploma + ENG4U1 + 5 other Grade 12 U Courses
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  • What Do I Need to Get Into University? For most programs: Diploma + ENG4U1 + 5 other 12 U For many programs For some programs: Examples: History, Politics, Education, Social Work, Art, Geography, Music Diploma + ENG4U1 + MHF4U1 & MCV4U1 & 3 other 12 U Diploma + ENG4U1 + MHF4U1 & MCV4U1 + SCH4U1 + SBI4U1 or SPH4U1 & 1 other 12 U Examples: Business Administration, Computer Science, Math, Finance Examples: Biology, Life Sciences, Engineering, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Dentistry
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  • Questions?