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EduBrite training for

EduBrite LMS Training forGroup Administrators

This training session is for HTHU Group Managers or Group Administrators. In this training session, you will learn to utilize your group manager functions on the new Edubrite Learning Management System. Please note, your username and password will remain the same.1Dashboard

ReportsGroupsEnrolled coursesMore items under this menu

When you login to HTHU using your same Username and Passwordon the dashboard, you will see all the groups you are a member of. Click on any group to view its detailed information. Or, if you prefer to go straight into reporting, click on the bar chart icon from the top.2Group Details Page

View group members

On the group details page, where you are a group admin, you will see the Members tab visible. To view the list of users in this group, open the Members tab.3Group Members

View transcriptOn Group members page, you can find everyone who is in your group. You can search for a specific user by entering their partial username, first name or last name. You can also check members by status. To view all courses in which a user is enrolled, click on the Transcript link4Users transcript

Enrolled coursesPrint certificateDownload detailed transcript

The Transcript page allows you to look at all the courses in which a user is enrolled. From the drop down, you can select any course, and check users status in that course. You can also print the certificate or the detailed transcript.5Add members to groupClick on the Add members buttonFrom the next page, search for the usersSelect the specific users from results list and click on Add to Group

Search from site usersselectselect

If you know the exact Username, you can search the User using the Username to add the member to your group.6Reports


On the Reports page, your groups would be shown in the drop down. Select the group for which you want to view the report. You can filter the report by completion status, course, enrollment dates. You can also sort the report by clicking on the headers of the table. To download the report (with the displayed results), click on the excel icon. You might want to adjust Page Size from the drop down and select a higher value in case you need to download the entire list.7Contact UsKristy [email protected]

Desi [email protected]

Of course, let us know if you need any help adjusting to the new learning management system.8