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Presented By,



●Aagii ●Devi



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Out line

Eco-tourism is a new term appeared in the past few years, which deals with non-

traditional type of tourism. It is differs from the traditional customary.

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Ecotourism is "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being

of local people”

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Any tourism programme which is :●Nature based● Ecologically sustainable● Where education and interpretation

are major component

● W here local people are benefited

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Significance of Ecotourism

Ecotourism provides effective economic incentives for conserving and enhancing bio-cultural diversity and helps to protect the natural and cultural heritage of our beautiful planet. By increasing capacity building opportunities, ecotourism is also an effective vehicle for empowering local communities around the world to fight against poverty and to achieve sustainable development.

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Who is Eco-tourist?

Ecotourism appeals to a wide range of travelers, of all ages and interests. Travelers who choose ecotourism are responsible consumers interested in social, economic and environmental sustainability.

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Dedicated ecotouristsGeneral ecotouristsCasual ecotouristsRecreation ecotourists

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Evolution of Ecotourism

An important trend within the development of sustainable tourism is initiatives to mainstream sustainability within travel and tourism, by taking the principles and good practices of ecotourism and applying them to wider swath of the market.

KLMB 2011

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Ecotourism can be considered as a perfect economic activity which promotes both sustainability and development

“The mass tourism which is economically viable but does not destroy the resources on which the future of tourism will depend, notably the physical environment and the social fabric of the host community”

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Ecotourism is a tool that provides opportunities - a financially viable tool that provides sustainable solutions to economic challenges and conservation needs of local people; an alternative means of supporting rural economies to help revitalize and sustain local heritage; and a market-linked force connecting and empowering stakeholders.

Why should I become involved in ecotourism?

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POLICIES AND GUIDELINESShould help to preserve, retain

and enrich our cultural expressions and heritage in all its manifestations

Should involve the local community and lead to the overall development of the area

The type of tourism development should be compatiblewith the environment and socio-cultural characteristics of the local community

The key players in the ecotourism buisness should take necessary steps for the successful development of tourism..

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Negative Impacts of Ecotourism

• Source of conflict over control of land, resources, and tourism profits.

• Environmental degradation.• Disturbance to the Nature’s

Fauna & Flora.• Threats to indigenous cultures.• Displacement of people.

KLMB 2011

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Ecotourism & Political Economy

Ecotourism: Relies on the Mass Tourism Infrastructure

Airlines, Automobiles, Hotels, Imported Foods

Similar carbon Footprint

Maintains Dependency & Neocolonial Power Relationships

Between Developed Center & Developing Periphery

Exists in larger context of Global & Local - Politics & Economic InterestsDifferent Stakeholders Co-opt “Ecotourism”

Government (local, national, supranational)Business Interests - NGOsResidents/Hosts - Tourists/Guests

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Ecotourism Market

• Relatively Small, Niche Market– May be good for the environment,

• But may not meet economic needs of the community

• Variety of Objectives– Education - Public relations– Financial support for organizations

• nature and cultural conservation– Marketing tool for

• up-market tourists• conservation oriented consumers

• Continuums of Definitions and Uses– Part Ecotourism to All Ecotourism– Nature Based Tourism to Sustainable Development

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• There has to be a need for strategic plan.

• Environmental Impact Assess (EIA) for projects.

• Optimal size of visitation for a community that will maximize benefits while minimizing costs, considering the social, economic and environmental aspects.

• making linkages with the EU-Bedouin Support Program

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• Arranging between stalk holders.

• Benefit sharing.

• Enhancing public awareness for the role of ecotourism.

• Establish well trained staff to involve in ecotourism aspects or capacity building.

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How do we put ecotourism into practice locally?

• Think global, act local

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The ecotourism test: Are we sustaining or enhancing the character of our place?

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