Download - Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Page 1: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

EconomicsChapter 11 – Money and Banking

Page 2: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Evolution of Money• Barter economy- relies on trade of

goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the advent of money! Bartering is still used in some societies and on micro levels.

Page 3: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

What is Money?

Any substance that functions as a medium of exchange, a measure of value and store of value.

Page 4: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

What is money?/ Functions of Money

1. Medium of exchange: money, or other substances generally accepted in exchange.

2. Measure of value: money, a common denominator to measure value.

3. Store of value: retains value over time.

Page 5: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Money in Early Societies

• 1. shells, dog teeth, fishhooks

• 2. commodity money – money that has alternative use. i.e. fishhooks you could also use to fish with.

• 3. first money- money by government decree, has very little value on its own

Page 6: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Money in Colonial America

• 1. commodity money- gunpowder, corn, tobacco.

• 2. Wampum 1645 Connecticut set monetary value for wampum- made from shells.

• 3. Paper currency- some states allowed individuals to print their own paper currency – had to be backed by gold and silver

• 1775- Continental currency

Page 7: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.


Page 8: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Money in Colonial America

• 3. Paper currency- some states allowed individuals to print their own paper currency – had to be backed by gold and silver

• 1775- Continental currency

• 4. Specie- • Coins, usually made from silver or gold. • Usually preferred by early settlers over

paper money, because they contained gold or silver

Page 9: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Origins of the Dollar• New money established by the first

Congress. Based on the pesos.

• Bullions- ingots or bars of precious metals- or minted into coins.

• Mexican pesos smuggled into the US.

Page 10: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.


• Pesos divided into 8 bits, resembled the Austrian taler, which sounded like “dollars”.

• Franklin and Hamilton decided dollar would be basic monetary unit – standard unit of currency

• Instead of divided into 1/8’s (pesos) they divided it into 1/10’s.

Page 11: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Characteristics of Money

1. Portable: easily transferred

2. Durability: has to last when handled

3. Divisibility: easily divisible into smaller units

4. Limited availability- limited supply

Page 12: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.


1. How does money advance the exchange of goods and services.

2. Describe three functions of money.

3. Name four types of early money.

4. Describe the four characteristics of money.

Page 13: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Early Banking and Monetary Standards

• Privately issue bank notes• Congress power to make money


• 1. Growth of State Banks• 2. Abuse in Banks• 3. Problems with Currency

Page 14: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Growth in State Banks• By 1811 approximately 100 banks

existed in the US. • State banks- chartered by the state

gov’t • Bank of the United States- chartered

by the federal government

Page 15: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Abuses in Banking• Wildcat banks- printed money that

was not backed by silver or gold

Page 16: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Problems with Currency

• too many different kinds of money

• Temptation to print too much money

Page 17: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

The Greenback Standard

• 1. 1861- Congress authorized printing of federal notes called greenbacks.

• 2. National banks created- issued bank notes or national currency

• 3. gold certificates- money backed by gold 1863

Page 18: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

The Greenback Standard

• 4. 1886- silver certificates- notes backed by silver

• 5. 1890- treasury coin notes- paper currency redeemable in gold or silver

Page 19: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

The Gold Standard • 1. basic unit of currency equivalent

to a set amount of gold

• 2. Two major advantages: • 1. people feel more secure about

money • 2. prevents government from printing

too much money

Page 20: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

The Gold Standard• 3. Disadvantages

• 1. growing economy needs a growing money supply

• 2. too many people decided to exchange their notes for gold- deplete govt’s gold reserve

• 4. US went off gold standard in 1934

Page 21: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Inconvertible Fiat Money Standard

• 1. Money cannot be exchanged for gold or silver though people can own gold.

• 2. government controls money supply: consists of mostly checking accounts, coins, and currency.

Page 22: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Class/Homework1. Explain how privately issued bank notes

became part of the money supply.

2. List the five major currencies in use after the Civil War.

3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the gold standard.

4. Describe the inconvertible fiat money standard that the US uses.

Page 23: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Development of Modern Banking

Page 24: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

National Banking System

• 1. National Bank requirements: • Use National in the title• Pass stiff inspections• Purchase government bonds

• 2. Dual Banking• Charter from state and national banks

Page 25: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

National Banking System

• 3. Reform: • Took too long to clear checks• Currency backed by bonds were difficult to

maintain• No place to go in time of need

• 4. Federal Reserve System- created 1913• Central bank= lends to other banks • All nat’l banks required to join others are

allowed to join • Federal Reserve notes- our money today

Page 26: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Banking during the Great Depression

• 1. Bank Failures• Too many banks between 1880-1921• Start of Depression• 25,500 banks had no deposit insurance• Too many runs on the bank

• March 5, 1933, FDR called for a bank holiday• Congress checked the banks• 10,000 closed or merged with other


Page 27: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Banking during the Great Depression

• Federal Deposit Insurance: • Started protecting at $2,500/per year• Now $250,000/per bank account

Page 28: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Other Depository Institutions

• 1. Commercial Banks• Catered to interest of businesses and

commerce• Issued demand deposit accounts


• 2. Thrift Institutions• Savings and loan associations• Savings banks

Page 29: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Other Depository Institutions

• 3. Savings Banks:• Depositor- owned financial

organization operated for benefit of depositors

• Later sold stock; depositors don’t own now

• Catered to smaller customers• NOW accounts– interest on checking

Page 30: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Other Depository Institutions

• 4. Savings and Loan Associations• Home mortgages

• 5. Credit Unions• Owned and operated by and for its

members• Costs low• Share drafts– like checking account

Page 31: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.


1. Why was the Federal Reserve System created?

2. Explain why the National Banking System was created.

3. Identify 3 depository institutions.

4. Complete note cards.

Page 32: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Crisis, Reform, and Evolution

• Decade of Deregulation• After depression until late 1970’s

tremendous amount of regulation’s on banks

• 1980 deregulation started• Savings banks and savings and loans

allowed to pay more interest than commercial banks. Commercial banks felt cheated.

Page 33: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Crisis, Reform and Evolution

• Commercial banks could issue checking accounts but savings banks could not. The felt cheated.

• 1980- DIDMCA Act Passed • Regulation Q- max interest rates were

phased out. • Now accts could be offered anywhere• All institutions could borrow from Feds

not just commercial bansk

Page 34: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Crisis, Reform, and Evolution

• 1982- Garn-St. Germain Act• S and L and savings could issue credit

cards, real estate loans and commercial loans.

Page 35: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Savings and Loan Crisis

• 1980- 4600 Savings and loan• By 1988 only 3000 – caused by

bankrupcy and mergers

Page 36: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

4 Causes of Failures• Deregulation- s & L not prepared to

compete in these new markets • High interest rates- has made loans at

10% in the ‘70s, by the ‘80s rates had gone up to 15% - lost money

• Inadequate capital- bad loans hit them hard- not enough in reserve

• Fraud- reduced member of inspectors therefore a few companies committed huge fraud

Page 37: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Evolution in the 1990’s• - 1980s turbulent• -1990s caution watchword

• Banks merged• Larger accounts• More services

• Less differences between commercial banks, savings banks and savings and loans.

Page 38: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.

Class/HomeworkO Describe the four factors

contributing to the S&L crisis.

O The FDIC insures deposits up to 250,000 what would you do if you had 2M dollars?

Page 39: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.
Page 40: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.
Page 41: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.
Page 42: Economics Chapter 11 – Money and Banking. Evolution of Money Barter economy- relies on trade of goods for goods; no money. Bartering was used before the.