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Page 1: Economic sectors in Spain



Page 2: Economic sectors in Spain

Population and Jobs

• Population can be divided into to groups related to work:

• Active population: people who are of legal working age (16 to 67 ) healthy and able to work.

• Employed: They are working and earn money in exchange. Unemployed: They are looking for work.

• Inactive population: people who are not of legal working age (children and retired people) and people who do not receive a salary (students...)

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PRIMARY SECTOR• In Spain, 5% people work in the Primary

Sector. The most important activities are:

• Agriculture: The most abundant dry crops (cultivos de secano) are olives, cereals and grapes in Castile-La Mancha, Castile-Leon and Andalusia. The most abundant irrigated crops (cultivos de regadío) are fruits and vegetables in Andalusia, Community of Valencia and Murcia.

• Livestock farming: The most abundant in Spain are pigs (Catalonia and Aragon), the second most abundant are cattle(Extremadura, Castile-Leon and Castile-La Mancha).Poultry farming (aves de corral) is abundant throughout the whole of Spain.

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• Fishing: Most fishing in Spain is coastal or inshore ( pesca de litoral o costera). The Communities with more fishermen are Galicia and Andalusia.

• Mining: The mining industry has lost much of its active population. Spanish quarries (canteras) still employ many workers.

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• In Spain, 30% people work in the Secondary Sector. This sector includes industry and construction.

• INDUSTRY: The three most important types are:

• 1. Primary industries transform raw materials into other materials. These products are then used by other industries. The most important industries are the metallurgical and chemical industries (Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia).

• 2. Equipement and machinery industries produce tools and machinery which other industries need: Machines, cars, ships and electrical supplies (Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia).

• 3. Consumer industries manufacture products to sell directly to consumers. Food, textiles, furniture and grafic Arts are the most important.

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• Construction industry, makes houses, buildings and public works ( bridged and motorways).

• 10% people worked in the construction industry in Spain. Nowadays this Number has declined.

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TERTIARY SECTOR• It's also called the service sector.

• This sector doesn't provide us with material goods. It includes activities which provide services such as educational, health, financial, trade, transport... We can mainly find It in cities.

• In Spain, 65% people work in the tertiary sector. This is more than any other sector because It makes most money ( It is very important for the Spanish economy).

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TRADE• Trade is buying and selling of products which come

from the Primary sector. There are two types of trade:

• 1. Domestic trade is commerce within a country. Products are made and sold in the same country.

• 2. Foreign trade is commerce with other countries. Products are bought from and sold to other countries.

• Exports are products which are sold to other countries.

• Imports are products bought from other countries.

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TRANSPORT• There are three main types of transport :

• Land transport, products are transported in lorries along motorways or on trains by railways. Most of Spain is connected by a network of main roads and motorways.

• Sea transport, ships leave from and arrive at Spain's seaports. Merchandise is transported on large cargo ships ( the busiest ports are in Algeciras, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia).

• Air transport, products are transported in aeroplanes that take off from and land at airports ( Madrid-Barajas is the busiest AirPort).

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TOURISM• Tourism is travel to other places for the purpose of relaxation or fun.

10% people work in Tourism in Spain.

• Spain is the third most popular country for tourists after France and U.S.A.

• Sun and Sand tourism is the most popular type of tourism in Spain ( the Balearic Islands, Mediterranean coast and the Canary Islands).

• Rural tourism is popular in Spain's mountain and coastal areas.

• Cultural tourism is popular in cities with rich cultural and historical heritage ( Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Barcelona and Seville).