Download - Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Page 1: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Businesses




Page 2: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis
Page 3: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Contents Summary .............................................................................................................................. 6

About your Business ............................................................................................................. 7

What sector does your business operate in? ..................................................................... 7

Graph 1: The number of businesses by sector .............................................................. 7

What is your company turnover? ....................................................................................... 7

Table 2: The number and percent of businesses by turnover value (where information

disclosed)....................................................................................................................... 7

What is your rateable value? ............................................................................................. 8

Table 3: The number and percent of businesses by rateable value (where information

disclosed)....................................................................................................................... 8

How long have you been trading? ..................................................................................... 8

Graph 2: The number of businesses by how long they have been trading..................... 8

How many employees does your business have? ............................................................. 9

Graph 3: The number of businesses by how many employees they have ..................... 9

Effects and Impact of Covid-19 ........................................................................................... 10

In what ways has your business been effected by the Covid-19 pandemic? .................... 10

Table 4: The number and percent of businesses by how they have been effected by

covid-19 ....................................................................................................................... 10

Other ways businesses have been effected..................................................................... 10

What is the impact of social distancing measures on your current operation? ................. 11

Graph 4: The percent of businesses by how social distancing measures has impacted

on their business .......................................................................................................... 11

What impact do you feel to date covid-19 has had on your businesses % turnover down on

previous year? ................................................................................................................. 12

Have you had to furlough staff? ....................................................................................... 12

Graph 5: Percent of businesses that have had Graph 6: Percent of businesses (non

self-employeed 13

to furlough staff. / freelance businesses) that have had to furlough staff. ................... 13

Table 7: The number and percent of businesses by the number of staff they have

furloughed. ................................................................................................................... 13

Have you or do your envisage having to make people redundant or stop employing people

on zero-hours or agency contracts? ................................................................................ 13

Graph 7: Percent of all businesses that Graph 8: Percent of business (non self-

employeed / having to envisage make people redundant. freelance business) that

envisage having to make 13

people redundant ......................................................................................................... 13

Are any of these people apprentices? ............................................................................. 14

Page 4: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

.................................................................................................................................... 14

Graph 9: Percent of the businesses envisage that redundancies would be apprentices.

.................................................................................................................................... 14

Has Covid-19 led to new training requirements for your business? .................................. 14

Graph 10: Percent of business by new training requirements being needed since Covid-

19 ................................................................................................................................ 14

If yes, what are they and how have they been delivered? ................................................ 15

If the current conditions/restrictions continue, how long can your business continue to

operate? .......................................................................................................................... 16

.................................................................................................................................... 16

Graph 11: Number of businesses by how long they can continue to operate. .............. 16

Support and Resources ...................................................................................................... 17

Have you been receiving information from the Council and other agencies about

Government grant and relief opportunities? ..................................................................... 17

.................................................................................................................................... 17

Graph 12: Percent of business that have been receiving information from the council or

other agencies ............................................................................................................. 17

Have you, or do you plan to access any of the loans / grants / schemes the Government is

providing to help businesses cope with Covid-19? .......................................................... 17

Graph 13: Percent of businesses that have or plan to access any loans/grants/schemes

available ...................................................................................................................... 17

If yes, which..................................................................................................................... 18

Graph 14: The number of business that have or planning to apply for the different

financial support available ............................................................................................ 18

Do you intend to use the Time to Pay Scheme to defer tax payments due to HM Revenue

and Customers? .............................................................................................................. 18

Graph 15: Percent of businesses that intent to use the Time to Pay scheme. .............. 18

Do you have access to all the resources you need to enable your staff to work remotely?

........................................................................................................................................ 19

Graph 16: Percent of businesses that have access to all the resources needed to

enable staff to work remotely. ...................................................................................... 19

If no, what do you need? ................................................................................................. 19

What measures have you taken to minimise the impact of the crisis on your business? .. 20

What further support would you like to receive to help you address the impacts of Covid-

19? (locally or nationally) ................................................................................................. 21

Locally ......................................................................................................................... 21

Nationally ..................................................................................................................... 22

What recovery support would benefit your business medium/longer term? ...................... 22

Medium term ................................................................................................................ 22

Page 5: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Longer term ................................................................................................................. 23

How confident are you that your business can recover on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not at

all, and 10 being yes definitely? ....................................................................................... 24

Graph 17: What business ranked their confidence on recovers from 1 being ‘not at all’ to

10 being ‘yes definitely’. ............................................................................................... 24

Is there any other feedback you would like to provide? .................................................... 24

Page 6: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Summary A total of 120 businesses completed the economic impact on businesses survey, the

majority of which are from the tourism and hospitality sector with 85 businesses equalling

70.8% of the businesses that completed the survey.

The total turnover of all businesses completing the survey is £39,403,312 (where businesses

have disclosed this information, 19 businesses have not provided this information). The total

rateable value of all businesses completing the survey is £1,570,510 (where businesses

have disclosed this information, 8 businesses have not provided this information or this does

not apply to them).

The majority of businesses have been trading for over 10 years with 49.6% or 59

businesses, only 6.7% or 8 businesses have been trading for less than a year. 36.4% or 43

businesses are self-employed or freelance, and 45.8% or 54 businesses employee between

1 and 10 employees, only 1 business employs more than 250 employees.

87.4% of businesses completing the survey have total impact, complete shut down due to

the social distancing measures. 71.1% of none self-employed / freelance businesses have

had to furlough staff which equals 687 employees (where information was disclosed). 53.9%

of none self-employed / freelance businesses envisage they will have to make people

redundant, totalling 416 employees (where information was disclosed). Only 7.0% of

businesses expect that of the employees being made redundant would include apprentices.

74.1% of businesses have not needed to implement new training requirements.

Only 4 businesses said they could run indefinitely under the current circumstances, the

majority of businesses could run for between 3 to 6 months with 50 businesses.

89.9% of businesses said they were receiving information from the Council or other agencies

of the government’s grants. 83.8% of business plan or have applied for grant / financial

support available, the majority of business are applying for the small businesses grant with

43 businesses. Only 42.7% of businesses intend to use the Time to Pay scheme.

48.6% of businesses have access to all resources needed for their staff to work remotely.

The average score on how confident businesses are that they can recover is 6.2 out of 10,

no businesses ranked 1 ‘not at all’, 10.8% of businesses rank 10 ‘yes defiantly’, the majority

of businesses scored 5 with 22.5% of businesses.

Page 7: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

About your Business

What sector does your business operate in?

The majority of businesses that completed the survey are from the tourism and hospitality

sector with 85 businesses.

Graph 1: The number of businesses by sector

The other sectors are: recruitment, shopping centre, social care, transport, PR, charity,

education, property, church, training and animal related

What is your company turnover?

The total turnover of all businesses that completed the survey is £39,403,312

It can be seen in table 2 below that the highest percent of businesses with 26.7% have a

turnover of £50,000 - £100,000. 19.8% of businesses have a turnover of over £500,000.

No. %

Under £10,000 5 5.0%

£10,000 - £25,000 9 8.9%

£25,000 - £50,000 17 16.8%

£50,000 - £100,000 27 26.7%

£100,000 - £250,000 15 14.9%

£250,000 - £500,000 8 7.9%

Over £500,000 20 19.8%

Unknown / N/A 19

Table 2: The number and percent of businesses by turnover value (where information

















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Science and pharmaceuticals

Engineering and manufacturing

IT and digital

Health and residential care



Media and creative

Legal services

Finances and manufacturing

Creative and culture


Property and construction

Tourism and Hospitality



Page 8: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

What is your rateable value?

The total rateable value of all business that completed the survey is £1,570,510

It can be seen in table 3 below that the highest percent of businesses with 31.5% have a

rateable value of under £5,000. 2.2% of businesses have a rateable value of over £100,000.

No. %

Under £5,000 28 31.5%

£5,000 - £7,500 17 19.1%

£7,500 - £10,000 4 4.5%

£10,000 - £25,000 23 25.8%

£25,000 - £50,000 9 10.1%

£50,000 - £100,000 6 6.7%

Over £100,000 2 2.2%

Unknown / N/A 30

Table 3: The number and percent of businesses by rateable value (where information


How long have you been trading?

It can be seen in graph 2 below that the highest number of business have been trading for

over 20 years with 36 businesses (30.3% of responses) and 26 businesses (21.8% of

responses) have been trading for 5 – 10 years. Only 8 businesses (6.7% of responses)

have been trading for less than a year.

Graph 2: The number of businesses by how long they have been trading

8 7













Less than a year 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 20 years Over 20 years

Page 9: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

How many employees does your business have?

It can be seen in graph 3 below that the highest number of businesses employee between 1

and 10 employees with 54 businesses (45.8% of responses) or are self employees /

freelance with 43 businesses (36.4% of responses), 1 business employees more than 250


Graph 3: The number of businesses by how many employees they have




1 2 1








Self employed /freelance

Between 1 and10

Between 11 and50

Between 51 and100

Between 101and 250

More than 250

Page 10: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Effects and Impact of Covid-19

In what ways has your business been effected by the Covid-19 pandemic?

It can be seen in table 4 below that no business have experienced no impact from the Covid-

19 pandemic, where as 37.3% have experienced a reduced cash flow.

No. %

No impact 0 0.0%

Domestic supply chain problems 1 0.9%

Overseas supply chain problems 0 0.0%

Reduced access to domestic customers 18 15.3%

Reduced access to overseas customers 2 1.7%

Reduced cash flow 44 37.3%

Availability of staff 3 2.5%

Increase demand / revenue 1 0.8%

Other 49 41.5%


Table 4: The number and percent of businesses by how they have been effected by covid-19

Other ways businesses have been effected.

All the other ways businesses have been effected, have been analysed and grouped into

themes, below are the themes identified.

No. %

Total closure / Unable to trade 43 36.1%

No income / no/reduced cash flow / revenue affected

23 19.3%

No guests/customers 9 7.6%

Stopped recruitment 1 0.8%

Customers closed down / lack of trading 9 7.6%

No training courses running 1 0.8%

Business terminated 3 2.5%

Continue to pay overheads 1 0.8% Table 5: The number and percent of businesses by other ways businesses have been effected

by Covid-19 by theme.

Page 11: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

What is the impact of social distancing measures on your current operation?

It can be seen in graph 4 below that a significant percent of business 87.4% where social

distancing measures have had total impact, complete shut down on their business.

Graph 4: The percent of businesses by how social distancing measures has impacted on their


Minimum impact 3.6%

Moderate impact 4.5%

Significant impact 4.5%

Total impact87.4%

Page 12: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

What impact do you feel to date covid-19 has had on your businesses %

turnover down on previous year?

100 comments were received from businesses, these comments were analysed and

grouped into themes, below are the themes identified. It can be seen that the majority of

businesses will have a 100% reduction on turnover on the previous year with 43.6%.

No. %

100% 48 43.6%

Between 95% - 100% 5 4.5%

Between 90% - 95% 5 4.5%

Between 80% - 85% 4 3.6%

Between 75% - 80% 2 1.8%

Between 70% - 75% 2 1.8%

Between 50% - 55% 5 4.5%

Between 35% - 40% 1 0.9%

Between 30% - 35% 2 1.8%

Between 25% - 30% 4 3.6%

Unknown 2 1.8%

No Income 4 3.6%

Complete shutdown 4 3.6%

Difficult to say at moment 22 20.0% 110

Table 6: The number and percent of businesses by impact on % turnover on previous year

Have you had to furlough staff?

It can be seen in graph 5 below the majority of all businesses have not had to furlough staff

with 54.2%, although 36.4% of businesses are either self-employed or freelance. If we look

at all businesses that are not self-employee / freelance, which can be seen in graph 6 below,

then 71.1% of businesses have had to furlough staff.





Page 13: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Graph 5: Percent of businesses that have had Graph 6: Percent of businesses (non self-employeed

to furlough staff. / freelance businesses) that have had to furlough staff.

A total of 687 staff have been furloughed, where information was disclosed

The table below shows the number of businesses by how many employees they have

furloughed. The highest percent of under 5 employees with 46.3%.

Table 7: The number and percent of businesses by the number of staff they have furloughed.

Have you or do your envisage having to make people redundant or stop

employing people on zero-hours or agency contracts?

Only 37.3% of businesses have or would envisage having to make people redundant, this

can be seen in graph 7 below, although 36.4% of businesses are either self-employed or

freelance. If we looked at all businesses that were not self-employed or freelance then

53.9% of businesses have or would envisage having to make people redundant, this can be

seen in graph 8 below.

Graph 7: Percent of all businesses that Graph 8: Percent of business (non self-employeed /

having to envisage make people redundant. freelance business) that envisage having to make

people redundant

A total of 416 staff are envisaged to be made redundant, where information was disclosed.

No. %

Under 5 25 46.3%

5 - 10 8 14.8%

11 - 20 5 9.3%

21 - 30 4 7.4%

Over 30 5 9.3%

Unknown 7





Page 14: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Are any of these people apprentices?

Graph 9 below shows that of the envisaged redundancies only 7.0% of the businesses said

these people would be apprentices.

Graph 9: Percent of the businesses envisage that redundancies would be apprentices.

Has Covid-19 led to new training requirements for your business?

Graph 10 below shows that 74.1% of businesses have not needed to implement new training

requirements due to Covid-19.

Graph 10: Percent of business by new training requirements being needed since Covid-19





Page 15: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

If yes, what are they and how have they been delivered?

What new training requirements has been analysed and grouped into themes, below are the

themes identified. The majority of businesses have highlighted that changes to cleaning /

hygiene procedures will be required with 37.0% of businesses and new ways of working

regarding social distancing will be required with 22.2%.

No. %

New ways online services 1 3.7%

Taking cashless payments 1 3.7%

New ways of working regarding social distancing 6 22.2%

New machinery 1 3.7%

Not yet identified 4 14.8%

Alter Cleaning / hygiene procedures 10 37.0%

Changes to software products 1 3.7%

COSH training 1 3.7%

PPE 1 3.7%

Covid awareness training 1 3.7%

Wellbeing / mental health training 2 7.4%

IT courses 1 3.7%

Fraud training 1 3.7%

Risk assessment 2 7.4%

GDPR 1 3.7%

Infection control training 1 3.7%

Personal hygiene 1 3.7%

Food handling 2 7.4%

Accountancy changes 1 3.7%

Acas changes 1 3.7%

Health and safety requirements 1 3.7% Table 8: Number and percent of businesses by training delivered.

Page 16: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

If the current conditions/restrictions continue, how long can your business

continue to operate?

Graph 11 below shows that the majority of businesses can last 3 to 6 months under the

current conditions with 50 businesses, 25 businesses will last fewer than 3 months and only

4 businesses can last indefinitely.

Graph 11: Number of businesses by how long they can continue to operate.













Fewer than 3months

3 - 6 months 6 - 12 months More than 12months


Page 17: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Support and Resources

Have you been receiving information from the Council and other agencies

about Government grant and relief opportunities?

Graph 12 below shows that 89.9% of businesses have been receiving information from the

council or other agencies about Government grant and relief opportunities.

Graph 12: Percent of business that have been receiving information from the council or other


Have you, or do you plan to access any of the loans / grants / schemes the

Government is providing to help businesses cope with Covid-19?

Below graph 13 shows that 83.8% of businesses have or do plan to access any of the loans

/ grants / schemes available from the government to help businesses cope with Covid-19.

Graph 13: Percent of businesses that have or plan to access any loans/grants/schemes






Page 18: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

If yes, which

It can be seen from graph 14 below that the top financial support schemes that businesses

have or are going to apply for are:

1. Small business grant funding with 43 businesses

2. Coronavirus job retention scheme (furlough payments) with 31 businesses

3. Cash grant for retail hospitality and leisure with 30 businesses

The least applied for schemes are Covid-19 statutory sick pay rebate scheme and Business

interruption loan scheme.

Graph 14: The number of business that have or planning to apply for the different financial

support available

Do you intend to use the Time to Pay Scheme to defer tax payments due to HM

Revenue and Customers?

It can be seen in graph 15 below that 42.7% of businesses intend to use the Time to Pay

Scheme to defer tax payments.

Graph 15: Percent of businesses that intent to use the Time to Pay scheme.


















Coronavirus JobRetentionScheme(furlough


Covid-19Statutory SickPay Rebate


Small BusinessGrant Funding

Cash grant forretail, hospitality

and leisure


Loan Scheme

Bounce BackLoans



Page 19: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Do you have access to all the resources you need to enable your staff to work


It can be seen in the graph 16 below that only 48.6% of business have access to all

resources needed to enable their staff to work remotely.

Graph 16: Percent of businesses that have access to all the resources needed to enable staff to work


If no, what do you need?

31.5% of business do not need to work remotely and are unable to perform their job

remotely. 11.1% of businesses required laptops / new technology / video conferencing

software to enable their staff to work remotely.

No. %

Laptops / New technology / Video conferencing software

6 11.1%

Not sure 1 1.9%

Unable to perform job remotely / work from home 17 31.5%

Nothing 1 1.9%

Not applicable 17 31.5%

New software 2 3.7%

ICT support 1 1.9%

Table 9: Number and percent of businesses by resources needed to enable staff to work

remotely by theme.



Page 20: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

What measures have you taken to minimise the impact of the crisis on your


A total of 100 comments were made about what measures businesses have taken to

minimise the impact of the current crisis. Below is analysis of all the comments by theme,

the top 3 themes that comments were about are:

1. Nothing can be done with 25.2%

2. Reducing outgoings with 22.7%

3. Grants / financial support with 21.0%

No. %

Grants / Financial support 25 21.0%

Nothing can be done 30 25.2%

Reduced outgoings 27 22.7%

Maintain contact with clients 5 4.2%

Followed Governments guidelines 7 5.9%

Developed a plan to work differently 4 3.4%

Encouraged customers/visitors to defer instead of cancelling

6 5.0%

Using social media to promote business 7 5.9%

No help from council or government 1 0.8%

Stopped improvements and expansion 1 0.8%

Gained employment else where 2 1.7%

Provide services to key workers 3 2.5%

Book without deposit 1 0.8%

Selling online / offering services online 8 6.7%

Provide delivery of items/services / mobile service 4 3.4%

Working from home 4 3.4%

Using savings 2 1.7%

New facilities and techniques that may be required 1 0.8%

Extended working hours 1 0.8%

Offered hire service to increase income 1 0.8%

Promotion / marketing / advertising business 3 2.5%

Table 10: Number and percent of businesses by measures taken to minimise impact by theme.

Page 21: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

What further support would you like to receive to help you address the

impacts of Covid-19? (locally or nationally)


A total of 53 comments were made about what further support businesses would like to

received locally. Below is analysis of the comments by theme, the top 3 themes are:

1. Grant and financial support with 27.7% of responses.

2. Advice and guidance on measures to put in place to keep everyone safe with 15.1%

3. Promotion / advertisement / marketing and rent reduction / rate relief / suspension of

Dbid payments with 10.1%.


% of responses

Promotion / Advertisement / Marketing of the Borough to encourage visitors

12 10.1%

Grants / financial support 33 27.7%

Rent reduction/freeze / Rate relief/freeze / Suspension of Dbid payments

12 10.1%

How to manage tourism vis local community 1 0.8%

Advice and guidance on measures to put in place to keep everyone safe

18 15.1%

Don't know 5 4.2%

A clear plan to support businesses and tourism plan to come out of lockdown

8 6.7%

Help to diversify business for other purposes 1 0.8%

Being able to trade is the only thing that can help 1 0.8%

support for events and entertainments 1 0.8%

Communication - being kept informed 1 0.8%

Online / phone advise and reporting hub 1 0.8%

Business training and advice 1 0.8%

Welcome to Yorkshire supporting businesses (reduced membership fees)

1 0.8%

Council support to local businesses 2 1.7%

Free car parking in town centre for first 2 hours 1 0.8%

Suspend all services not needed 1 0.8%

ICT support 1 0.8%

Online Covid-19 training 1 0.8%

Self-employed have limited help 1 0.8%

Use local companies 1 0.8%

Allow tourism 2 1.7%

Start opening up 2 1.7%

Table 11: Number and percent of businesses by local support by theme.

Page 22: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis


A total of 86 comments were made about what further support businesses would like to

received locally. Below is analysis of the comments by theme, the top 3 are

1. Grants and financial support with 45.4%.

2. Advice and guidance on how businesses can open / to keep safe with 12.6%

3. Timelines / timescale when things will happen with 4.2%

No. % of


Support to has been poor 2 1.7%

Communication / Kept informed of situation 2 1.7%

Been supported very well 1 0.8%

Grants / Financial support 54 45.4%

Reassurance future help will be received 1 0.8%

Don't know 2 1.7%

Advice and guidance on how businesses can open / to keep safe

15 12.6%

Timelines/timescales when things will happen 5 4.2%

Plan to come out of lockdown 1 0.8%

Advertising / Marketing / Promotion 4 3.4%

Use local 1 0.8%

Open things up 3 2.5%

A safety accreditation scheme 1 0.8%

Remove fear factor 2 1.7%

Table 12: Number and percent of businesses by national support by theme.

What recovery support would benefit your business medium/longer term?

Medium term

A total of 95 comments were made about what further support businesses would like to

received locally. Below is analysis of the comments by theme. The top 3 themes that the

comments were about:

1. Grants and financial support with 42.9% of responses comments on this.

2. Promotion / Marketing / Advertising with 16.0%

3. Rate relief / support / VAT with 15.1%

Page 23: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

No. % of


Promotion / Marketing / Advertising 19 16.0%

Rate relief / support / VAT 18 15.1%

Grants / Financial support 51 42.9%

Access to PPE 1 0.8%

Clear guidance and advice for businesses 3 2.5%

Don't know 3 2.5%

Employment incentives 1 0.8%

Relaxing of lockdown 3 2.5%

Advice and support on health and safety 1 0.8%

Remove fear factor 2 1.7%

Free car parking 1 0.8%

Slow re-introduction of staff 1 0.8%

Table 13: Number and percent of businesses by medium term recover support needed by


Longer term

A total of 78 comments were made about what further support businesses would like to

received locally. Below is analysis of the comments by theme, the top 3 themes that

comments were about are:

1. Grants and financial support with 29.4%

2. Advertising / marketing / promotion with 16.8%

3. Rate relief / support / VAT with 10.1%

No. % of


Rate relief / support / VAT 12 10.1%

Advertising / Marketing / Promotion 20 16.8%

Grants / financial support 35 29.4%

Tourism plan 1 0.8%

Events in the local areas / attractions 5 4.2%

Don't know 5 4.2%

Health and Safety 1 0.8%

Encourage to use local services and businesses 2 1.7%

Remove fear factor 1 0.8%

Open businesses 1 0.8%

Table 14: Number and percent of businesses by long term recovery support by theme.

Page 24: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

How confident are you that your business can recover on a scale of 1 to 10, 1

being not at all, and 10 being yes definitely?

The average score provided by business on how confident they are that their businesses

can recover is 6.2 out of 10. The highest percent of businesses with 22.5% ranked their

confidence of recover at 5. 0.0% of businesses ranked 1 rated as ‘not at all’ and 10.8%

ranked 10 rated as ‘yes definitely’.

Graph 17: What business ranked their confidence on recovers from 1 being ‘not at all’ to 10 being ‘yes


Is there any other feedback you would like to provide?

60 comments were received from businesses, below is the full list of comments.

Other feedback

We are determined to survive. We will recover, but it may well not be within an unchanged market

Before the crisis art funding had taken big financial governmental hits. Struggling arts practitioners are now taking a second hit due to the restrictions during Covid 19. The importance of the arts is paramount to the foundation of society and should not be underestimated in times of crisis. Art is a means to recovery and should therefore not be neglected.

Will take time for people to feel safe again

We need to be very proactive as an area in getting the message out there as to what we are all doing to safeguard the safety of future guests. Focusing on our strengths of what the area has to offer. We could certainly take the initiative locally in offering something back to our NHS and care workers in recognition for all their commitment to the nation.

As and when we open, I aim to try and leave a week between holiday lets to allow for complete clean and reduce any possible risk of infection.

I would just like to say thank you to all local Council staff who are working to help residents, businesses etc during this time. People are often too quick to complain and criticise, but too slow to say thank you.

Once we can trade again, we are confident that we will be able to recover.

That the £10000 was a massive help. We would have struggled without it and it has enabled us to keep our head above water to the point we think we can survive.











0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%











Page 25: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Other feedback

I would like to congratulate both national and local government for the support given. We have utilised the furlough scheme, the rate rebate and the grant scheme for businesses in the leisure sector. We also intend applying for a small business loan. It is hard to see what more you could have done.

No but thank you for dealing with the grants quicker than a lot of the councils around the UK

Unsure as we don't know what the guidelines are

It is currently extremely hard to see how our local Market Towns and small tourism communities will recover from these devastating restrictions. There will be many small businesses who will not receive grants or cannot afford loans or do not qualify for self employed grant, that will not survive this. Even local attractions such as NYMR are suffering. The impact on them, and the decisions they make, flow down to the rest of the tourism sector in these areas, particularly hospitality, accommodation and restaurants etc. There will be a huge impact on the whole economy of these small market towns and rural areas. It feels like it's going to take years to recover yet another devastating hit.

Test your questionnaire out before publishing! Why can you only select one tick box option. We receive help via furlough scheme, grants for small business and BBL.

We will get there, but thing we will be just keeping afloat with financial help for 2020. Will be looking for comeback in 2021

Some of your questions offering multiple choice answers should allow more than a single choice reply - several are applicable

We have only owned the bed and breakfast since Feb 2020

We would just like to thank all your team for the help and support you have already provided its nice to know there is someone who we can communicate with if needed.

Although I feel confident I can get through this it might take all the assets I possess.

Hospitality was one of the first sectors to be closed and will probably be one of the last to reopen. We are a seasonal business and will miss out on the profitable summer season, making it difficult to keep afloat when we come out of lockdown over the winter. We have no business at all, yet as hotels have large expensive buildings and grounds to maintain. Smaller B&B's seem to have been supported better than the mid size hotels which do not have large cash reserves to draw on. The situation is critical, and if the country wants to hold on to some of its excellent medium sized hotels, they will need to be supported or otherwise jobs in hospitality will be lost and businesses will loose confidence to invest in the medium and long term.

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As mentioned above control of second home lettings.

We feel totally abandoned and have no access to grants and no one from SBC has replied by my emails. Even though the top up grant announced on 2/5 specifically mentions council tax paying b&b in then excludes us if we make a profit and are eligible for SEiSS, madness!

It depends on the timescale and what other measures are put in place to help. Even when people can travel again they will be weary so to begin with when we can re-open I don't expect we will be busy and may not be able to cover costs if the government do not extend the furlough scheme.

I would be cautious as to how data may be created from this survey as the way the questions have been constructed can lead to misinterpretation ie when asked the question 'Have I furloughed staff' I answered 'No' because I haven't furloughed staff but that is due to not having any staff. It would be more accurate if there had been a N/A box or a further explanation box e.g. 'I don't employ staff' box. It is obviously very difficult for any business to plan ahead at the moment because none of us know when we will be allowed to open or what restrictions there will be on how we operate, until we receive further Government guidance.

We are an established business providing permanent full time employment, support local contractors and suppliers who depend on income from us and have much higher overheads than individuals in small B & Bs etc. the air BnB and self catering sector will benefit as they are self contained whereas hotels, restaurants and pubs will have to impose social distancing measures which will impact on their businesses so they are not viable to continue trading.


I predict that only 50% of retail businesses will return to trading in the town with many new failures of shops to be announced over the coming weeks/months.

Page 26: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Other feedback

Am very grateful for the SBRR Grant, otherwise I would have lost my home as well as my business by now.

Thank you for everything the finance team did to get grants through quickly.

Ask private landlords to suspend rent payments

I am envisioning a atmosphere of “ putting money in front of lives” This needs to be addressed nationally as businesses are not choosing to operate over the concern of people’s welfare There is also a huge unfairness with large supermarkets able to have had huge crowds at the start of this - whilst bars and other businesses were forced to close

I am a smaller business so my running costs are easier to cover, however until the return of conferencing, festivals and theatre productions we wont see alot if any income and if these dont return within the next 6 months it will become harded to retain stock levels and staffing.

The borough needs to acknowledge that tourism is the biggest employer and the greatest revenue stream. Tourism needs therefore to be more fairly represented when council consultations are required Two ongoing examples Town bid, no one knows how the representatives were selected and by whom using what criteria Closer to home redesign of discover Yorkshire coast website, consultation team are all members of the DBID and welcome to Yorkshire tourism advisory board, how were they selected who keeps the people who are running the businesses in Whitby informed Who is the current portfolio hold for tourism?

I am self employed and on the shielded list so I am worried if my business will be able to survive until it is safe for me to open my shop

We have large personal cash reserves and no borrowing or debt to service so personally ok but freelance and self employed staff , cleaners gardeners window cleaners maintenance tradesmen who have worked for us over 20 years...all in turmoil. it’s heartbreaking to see them all struggling financially with no future prospect of full time employment

All depends on when I can return to work 10 if return to work within next few weeks The longer it goes on the harder it will be to recover

Difficult to answer the above due to the uncertainty around how we would re-open a business and what would be required for activities such as we provide to be safe.

I'm not they only buisness that operates from my shop but as I'm they rate payer they can not claim any support

We furloughed around 100 temporary agency staff. We didn’t have to do this and it was a strain on our cash flow but felt we had a responsibility to help our temps where we could. We deferred our PAYE with HMRC but hadn’t realised they were charging full interest on a daily basis for this.. Think that was against the spirit of assistance in this area.


Unknown time scales on recovery and unknown impact on customer behaviours

Assuming this lockdown does not continue for much longer. It is crazy locking down healthy people especially as the 'spike' for NHS to be able to manage has now passed. We are being lied to about numbers of deaths. Statistics are being corrupted. The test kits are misleading as they don't test for antibodies to prove actual infection. The media is whipping up fear. This is a political scam being operated which could destroy us.

We will never recover the losses imposed by this Pandemic our only way of recovery is loans and working longer!,

Page 27: Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Business Survey Analysis

Other feedback

Government need to do a review on insurance companies, their terminology and their unwillingness to pay a claim on business interruption cover.

We are fortunate to own our own property therefor rent is not an issue. But like many small retail outlets in Whitby social distancing will be virtually impossible and therefor the very thing that makes Whitby such an attractive resort, individuality, could be greatest handicap to a return to normal trading and therefor SMALL traders will probably take longer to recover.

We are fearful that we will not be able to recover without further support.

The main problem we face is we are using up our reserves and this means as we have sold stock we cannot afford to replace as our fixwd cost are the same

Please can the council keep all business informed on anything they are doing, what they expect of us and proactively seek to contact and help business. We have an on line account with the council for the business, a private online account, pay business rates, have two flats which require local licences, the business is regularly inspected by environmental health, and recorded as part of the scores on the door, yet we only found out about this survey by accident. This can’t be right. Surely we should have been informed about the survey.

Dreadful times. Govt are trying their best. Hard decisions ahead.

We will bounce back if we can get a financial BIL loan secured.

As soon as tourism is allowed again

I envisage having to close my clinic in York as it is less profitable and focus solely on Scarborough, mostly because of the financial constraints going forward.

I have had no financial help at all during the pandemic as do not pay business rates, do not qualify for self employment grant (was employed until Nov 18) and do not qualify for universal credit. My husband is self employed.

If we are open for July and the occupancy is above 90%

I have had no communication from local government at all.

There doesn’t seem to be any help for companies that are my size. My turn over is very minimal but my warehouse/unit is just over the small business Relief point. I feel the category I/my business falls into has been over looked.

There are many clubs and groups whom have received grants (good luck to them) but what about individuals who are in need.

All businesses are different and if a business can operate safely then it should be able to start operating immediately and not wait for a regional or area go ahead.

more funding to develop the accessible sports. Equality and accessibility needs to be at the heart of local government. Even this consultation is not accessible of a visual viewer for the blind and the “next” button is so small it’s hard to press.