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Page 2: Econ Ch2 Economic Systems

Chapter ObjectivesStudents will learn:

1. The basic questions that any economic system must answer.

2. The basic varieties of economic systems.

3. How the 3 basic types of economic systems differ in their answers to the fundamental economic questions.

4. How the theoretical models of economic systems actually work in the real world.

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Economic Systems

What is an economic system?

• System=order, structure, rules

• Economic=factors of production, resources

• Economic system=the way a country decides to use its resources

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The Basic Economic Questions

1. What to produce– ALLOCATION OF


2. How to produce– PRODUCTION &


3. For whom to produce– WHO GETS WHAT? WHY?

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Kinds of Economic Systems

1. Traditional

2. Command

3. Market

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Traditional Economies

– Based on previous generations

– Stable– No incentives– No changes / no freedom– Very rare, doesn’t exist in

very many places

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Command Economies

– Central authority makes decisions

– Government owns or controls factors of production

– No freedom– Controls distribution– National planners– Quick in emergencies– Examples?

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Market Economies

– Free market/laissez-faire– Invisible hand/Adam Smith– Self-interest– Workers exchange labor for wages– Use income to buy goods &

services– Decisions based on prices– Efficient approach– Poor are at a disadvantage

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Comparing Command & Market

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Economic Systems in the

Real World

All economies

are mixed.

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Changing Economies

More and more, countries are turning to capitalism and free markets

Transitional economies =– Command Market – Creates new markets, new ideas, and new

relationships– Examples?