Download - Echinococcosis ( 棘球蚴病)


Echinococcosis( 棘球蚴病)

组员:冯顺意 黄敬贤 龙佳

Echinococcosis( 棘球蚴病 ) Echinococcus granulosus (细粒棘球绦虫)Hydatid( 棘球蚴 )

It is a zoonotic disease (动物传染病) affecting mainly various species of livestock and humans.

It causes great economic losses in animal husbandry


Echinococcus granulosus( 细粒棘球绦虫 )

Hydatid ( 棘球蚴 )

Echinococcus granulosus( 细粒棘球绦虫 )

Definitive host: dog 、 wolf 、 fox

Site:small intestine

Hydatid ( 棘球蚴 )• Intermediate host:cattle 、 goat and sh

eep 、 pig 、 horse 、 camel , wildlife and humans

• Site: liver 、 lung

Life cycle


• Cosmopolitic distribution (世界性分布)• High infection rate in sheep (绵羊感染率

最高)• E. granulosus (细粒棘球绦虫) and E. m

ultilocularis (多房棘球绦虫) can infect human

• Strong resistance of egg

Sympotoms and Lesions

Harm the human body and animal body mainly by mechanical damage



  Oppression tissues and organs around it

Tissue 、 cell atrophy (萎缩) , necrosis (坏死) , Hydatid

fluid leakage (棘球蚴液渗出) 

Toxicity or allergic reaction  

Continued growth


Section of sheep liver showing fertile Hydatid cysts

DIAGNOSIS• Clinical symptoms (临床症状): a slow-growing tumor

accompanied by eosinophilia( 嗜酸性粒细胞增多 ).• Intradermal test( 皮试 ) with Hydatid fluid. • Pulmonary cysts (肺囊肿) and calcified cysts (钙化

的包囊) can be visualized using x-rays(X 光透视 ).

• Immunological methods: IHA, ELISA, ABC-ELISA ( 亲和素生物素酶免疫吸附试验 ), E-CIEP ( 酶标记对流免疫电泳 ), etc

TREATMENT• Dogs: Can use praziquantel (吡喹酮) . After treatment it is adv

isable to confine dogs for 48 hours to facilitate the collection and disposal of infected faeces.

• Sheep, yak and cattle: Can use albendazole ( 丙硫咪唑 ): 90 mg∕kg (连服 2 次) ,

and praziquantel ( 吡喹酮 ):25~30 mg∕kg.• Humans: Surgical excision (外科切除) of hydatid cysts although

there is a risk of re-development of released daughter cysts (子囊) . Can use mebendazole (甲苯咪唑) , albendazole (丙硫咪唑) and praziquantel (吡喹酮) .


• Ban to feed dog with infected organs

• Deworming of dogs

• Maintain the barn, feed, water sanitation, prevention of canine fecal contamination

• For us ,pay attention to personal hygiene (个人卫生)

• Avoiding contact with infected dogs

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