Download - eChimes for June 19 & 26

Page 1: eChimes for June 19 & 26

FPC connects

The ChimesN e w s l e t t e r o f F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f A t l a n t a

SUNDAY ScheDUle June 19 & 26, 2011

Christ at the CenterSunday, June 19• Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

• Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am

• Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall

Sunday, June 26• Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

• Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am

• Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall

Order THe CHiMeS Online

The e-chimes is a great alternative

to the traditional printing of The

Chimes, considerably decreasing the

expense of both print and postage.

Help conserve our resources by

switching over today. Simply send

your correct email address and

your mailing address to pstorey@ or call 404-228-7702.


June 19 - Craig Goodrich to preach

n the church calendar, this

Sunday, June 19th is Trinity Sunday, traditionally a time to explore the doctrine and mystery of God in three persons - Father, Son and holy Spirit.however, this year

June 19 is also Father’s Day, which for many may be just as mysterious as the Trinity. This is particularly true for those who never knew their fathers and for those whose fathers were or are physically or emotionally absent. And yet if we are honest, we must admit that we all long for our father’s love and admiration. And the commandment says to honor our fathers and mothers, and so we should. In the Gospel lesson this morning there is a father whose young daughter is deathly ill. In desperation he comes to Jesus. It is the story of the compassion and the healing power of Jesus and it is the story of a father’s love. I hope this Sunday you will honor your father or his memory. And I hope you will come to church as together as brothers and sisters we worship the one we call Father, Son and holy Spirit. The sermon is entitled “A Father’s love.”

God bless you,


o w t h a t summer i s

upon us, many of us are experiencing special events in our lives. Some are graduating, some are getting married, a n d m a n y a r e going on mission trips. One of our

trips this year will once again include spending time at the Theodora Project in Negril, Jamaica. On this trip we will encounter young people who are receiving education and training through the United church of Jamaica and the cayman Islands. These young people’s lives were formerly impacted by the human trafficking trade. This industry is often referred to as “The Face of Slavery Today.” On June 26th, our lectionary texts are found in Jeremiah 28:5-9, Romans 6:12-23 and Matthew 10:37-42. I invite you to join us as we explore these biblical texts searching for each of our roles in the sermon entitled: “The Face of Slavery Today.” I believe we may be surprised at what we find!


connie lee

June 26 - Connie Lee to preach


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Care, Growth & events

Pastoral Care report(As of June 1, 2011)

Hospitalized: John Beard, Annie Misner

recuperating: ethel evoy, Sara deiters.

Prayers for THose IN MILITary serVICe

This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family.

To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for:Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman

ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges

Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee

Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey

Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN

Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III

1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson

are YoU traveLInG

thIs sUMMer? or

Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. this summer

Don’t forget to take us along.

Worship with us live from any place in the world.

Date Night on Peachtree

Thursday, June 30th6:00 p.m.

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Contact: Kate Breytspraak, 404-228 7762

All Are Welcome!

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ProGraMs & events

FPC 2010 Annual Report

Available for pick-up or

view online at

Church Members who would like a copy

of the 2010 Annual Report, may pick one

up at the Reception desk anytime during normal

working hours.


Summer FellowShip F P C E V E N T S 2 0 1 1

J u N E

Sunday, June 5 - 11:15 a.m. Ice Cream SocialFPC Preschool playgroundContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718 Thursday, June 23 - 5:00 p.m.FPC Game Day and Tailgate PartyWinn ParkContact: Will Breytspraak - 404-228-7772

Sunday, June 26 - 2:00 p.m.Book Club – Outcast Unlimited by Warren St. JamesJoanne Nurss’s home in DecaturContact: Connie Lee - 404-228-7741 Thursday, June 30 - 6:00 p.m.Date Night on PeachtreeAtlanta Botanical GardensContact: Kate Breytspraak - 404-228-7762

Sunday, July 3 - 11:15 a.m.Ice Cream SocialFPC Preschool playgroundContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718 Thursday, July 7 - 6:00 p.m. Girls’ Night OutContact: Katharine [email protected] -404-228-7712

Thursday, July 14 - 6:00 p.m.FPC Movie NightFifield HallContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718

Thursday, July 21 - 6:00 p.m.Capture the FlagTBDContact: Lindsay Armstrong - 404-228-7713 Thursday, July 28 - 6:00 p.m.Holy Rollers Bowling NightMidtown BowlContact: Margaret Evans - 404-316-9751 Sunday, July 31- 4:00 p.m.FPC Potluck PicnicPiedmont Park - Main PavilionContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718

Saturday, August 6Whitewater Rafting TripContact: Lindsay Armstrong -404-228-7713

Sunday, August 14 - 11:15 a.m. Ice Cream SocialFPC Preschool playgroundContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718 Sunday, August 28 - 4:00 p.m. FPC Potluck Picnic GlenLake Park Pavilion, DecaturContact: Hardy Kim - 404-228-7718

J u L Y

A u G u S T

CheCk out what’S going on thiS Summer

All-Church Hymn Sing

led by Will Breytspraak

& Sue Mitchell-Wallace

Sunday, July 3rd 9:00 am , Fifield Hall

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You arE iNViTEd To aN

ice Cream Social

for all ages July 3, 11:15, Playground


Gifted to Care throuGh Stephen


Spiritual gifts are gifts to give away. God gives them to us, and we use them to serve others. How are you using your gifts right

now? Are you looking for a new way to use them? Consider Stephen Ministry,

our congregation’s one-to-one caregiving ministry. Pat Gordon one of our Stephen Ministers had this to say about using her gifts, “I felt led by God to be a life-line for others, so Stephen Ministry really chose me.” This may be just what you’ve been

looking for! Please contact Rev. Chris Moore-Keish at (404)228-7720 to learn

more about this ministry.

How are legacy gifts used by the Church?

Unless otherwise specified by the donor, legacy

gifts are placed into the Church’s endowment,

a permanent fund that is professionally man-

aged. Income from the endowment accounts

for about 10% of the Church’s annual budget,

providing significant support for the various

programs of our Church: Care, Community,

Christian Education, Worship, Missions, Music,

and Property Maintenance. Our goal is to

increase our endowment, thereby widening

our ministry and mission, and strengthening

the church financially.

L e g a c y G i v i n g C o r n e r

For more information,

please contact

Craig Goodrich:

[email protected]



ac y g i v i n g •

• F



t P r e s b y t e r

i an




Thursday, June 23 rd5:00 p.m.

Winn Park

FPC Game Day and Tailgate Party

For information contact: Will Breytspraak, 404-228 7772

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Thank You To Everyone Who Joined The Fine Arts

Committee for Our Events ThisYear.

Don’t Miss Next Year’s Outstanding Events.

November - Dinner, Lecture with the Experts

and Visit to High Museum’s Blockbuster-Museum

of Modern Art - Picasso to Warhol.

February - Jewish Film Festival Private Screening

and Discussion.

April - An Evening of Folk Art - Gala Event

with Lecture and Tour of

Private Collection.

T H E F i N E A R T s C O m m i T T E E

M e a L s o n w h e e L s has openings! Hours vary depending on the volunteer opportunity.Please call for more information. Regular and substitute volunteers are needed. Our need is great – especially for the summer months!

Deliver, pack, coordinate on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

For more information please call on Mon, Wed, or Fri between 9 am and 2 pm - Sandi Harsh, 404-228-7726.

OUTCAST UNITED by Warren St. John


Clarkston, Georgia

Join us as we conclude our series of discussions on“Refugees/immigrants in the West” .

We will meet at at the home of Joanne Nurss in Decatur.2:00 pm on Sunday, June 26th

Warren St. John

Book Club sponsored by the Hillside & First PresbyterianPartnership and Christian Education Ministries.

Call Darryl Payne (404.298.5920) or Lindsay Armstrong (404.228.7713)for details.

The Partnership Ministry’s Refugee Resettlement Committee works with Refugee Resettlement and Immigra-tion Services of Atlanta (RRISA) to help resettle arriving immigrant families every year. RRISA has asked for our help

in collecting items related to newborns and their care as they are expecting a lot of new babies this summer among their families. They are requesting donations of the following:

Cribs, car seats, high chairs, pack n plays, umbrella strollers, infant tubs, and financial contributions.

For safety reasons, they ask that items be new or gently used and manufactured in the last 5 years. Please drop off your donations at RRISA by July 30. Donations will be received Monday through Thursday, 10am to 3pm, at 4151 Memorial Drive, Suite 205D, Decatur, 30032. Their contact is 404-622-2235, ext. 233 or [email protected]. If you have items to donate and cannot make it to Decatur, please contact the Partnership Ministry at 404-228-7741 or email to [email protected].

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YoUthnUrserY/PresChooL & eLeMentarY


nUrserY/PresChooL & eLeMentarY

YOUTH SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL – “FAITH IN FILMS” All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us each Sunday morning for our Summer Sunday School Series, “Faith in Films.” Different leaders will present film clips to watch then lead a discussion on faith issues that are shown in the movie. They will discuss how we as Christians can live our lives in a way to love and serve God more deeply! Join us each Sunday morning in the Youth Room, B111.James Brent will teach June 19 and Allison Per-Lee will teach 26.


All youth and families are invited to join us on Thursday, June 23 at Winn Park for a softball game and tailgate party. Bring your own picnic dinner and be ready to play some softball. We will challenge other church teams. Don’t miss out!


All youth are invited and encouraged to join us for an afternoon of chillin’ in the Chattachoochee in Helen, Georgia. We will leave after wor-ship to head to Helen. Bring $25 for lunch, tubing and dinner. We will return to the church about 8:30 PM. Remember you must have water shoes (either old tennis shoes or strapped sandal shoes). Wear swim suit, bring towel. Etc. We had a blast last year! Join us this year!








JULY 10-16




JULY 23-30


Watch email for additions to the summer schedule!

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS!! Both the elementary and nursery/preschool ministries need volunteers for the summer and the 2010-2011 program year. if you are interested in teaching Sunday school, volunteering with LoGoS on Wednesday nights, participating as part of the committees, or rotating on the halls please contact katharine Hamer at [email protected] for Nursery/Preschool positions or Mor-gan Moore at [email protected] or Joel Moore at [email protected].

THANK YOU VBS LEADERSThank you to all of the youth

and adult volunteers who helped lead VBS this year.We had so much fun!!


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PRECE: The Past, Present and Future On 6/19, we welcome back Kacy Brubaker to FPC. Come learn about our partners in Brasil, PRECE. Come learn about the story of PRECE and where we are headed in the future.

Sunday, June 199:00 am to 10:00 am in Fifield Hall


Doug AmmarExecutive Director and Project Attorney

June 5: Les Misérables continued - Jean Valjean’s Impact June 12: Lost Lessons from Groundhog Day June 26: What Does Danny Glover, Crime, and a Big Hole have in Common?

Sundays, June 5, 12 and 26th9:00 am to 10:00 am in Fifield Hall

“NEW” SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Come join us on Sunday mornings for prayer, scripture reading, and sharing of personal ex-perience. We are a dedicated group of church members that meets weekly to address individ-ual and communal prayer concerns. Of particu-lar interest are ways the Bible frames relation-ships and the different roles of men and women. We especially welcome visitors who have never had a home Bible class - We Welcome You!

Sundays, 11:25 am to 12:25 pmRoom #323

adULt sUndaY sChooL


– Note to self –Let’s try one of the fun

programs going on during

the Sunday School hour

this summer. Summer schedule –Sunday School at 9:00 am

Worship service at 10:15 am.

9:00 am

The Summer Sunday School hour is cool.

June 19: Anne Farrisee will con-clude her informative 3-part series on “Crashing Through The Crusades”: A discussion of Christianity’s Holy War and how the incredible events of 1095 - 1291 affected and shaped the civilizations of Western Europe, Byz-antium, and Islam.

June 26: We will join the combined Sunday School in the Berean Room to hear Doug Ammar, Executive Di-rector for the Georgia Justice Project, discuss “What Does Danny Glover, Crime, and a Big Hole have in Com-mon?”

The InternationalsClass

Sundays, Room 3279:00 – 10:00 am

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The Chimes

The Mustard Seed

The ChimesBi-weekly Newsletter of


1328 Peachtree Street, NeAtlanta, GA 30309-3209

hOW TO cONTAcT USPhone/404-892-8461

Fax/404-228-7760E-mail: [email protected]


WORShIP Sunday communion Service - 8:30 am

Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am

Sunday School 10:05 am

WeeKlY BROADcASTSSundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am

On demand anytime

AIB cable Network (comcast channel 5; Smyrna channel 22)

Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAidAtlanta, GA

Permit no. 1521

Wednesdays 9-12, sundays 9-12(404) [email protected]

Drop by and

say hi!

Time to stock up on leisure time reading material for long, lazy summer days. Come check out our wide selection.

Prelude Partita on “Come Christians, Join to Sing” James WoodmanAnthem My Shepherd Will Supply My Need - ThompsonOffertory Hear My Prayer O Lord - HoganBen Rsp Threefold AmenPostlude Toccata on Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Albert L. Travis

Music for June 19

Music for June 26

Prelude Cantabile - Cesar FranckAnthem Prayer of St. FrancisOffertory Ride On, King Jesus (Marcus Hill, baritone)Ben Rsp Gaelic Blessing - RutterPostlude Concerto IV - J.S. Bach

The FPC School of Performing Arts would like to thank the Fine Arts Committee for its generous donation to our scholarship fund. Both need and talent based scholarships are available. If you are interested in our music lessons or

classes, please contact

Kate Breytspraak,

(404) 404-228-7762

“WiThouT muSiC, liFE iS a JourNEY Through a dESErT”