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ECal:New APDs testing and gluing

Work performed at JLab byEmma, Holly, Kyle, Volodymyrwith the participation and/or input from

Alessandro, Andrea, Annie, Gabriel, M., Raphaël, Stepan & INFN

Michel Garçon HPS collaboration meeting, June 2014

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Phases of work

• Old APDs & fiber connectors ungluing• Crystal cleaning + (re)wrapping• Frame cleaning• APDs testing and grouping• APDs gluing• Crystal + APD test• Preparing and gluing LED holders• Mounting crystals in frames

Feb. - March

Feb. – June


April – May

April – May

May – June


June - July

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APD testing• Dark and Light current (LED off, on)• 3 Temperatures: 20°C, 18°C, 16°C• Voltage (from 0 to breakdown)

Test bench built in Genova,Analysis method developed in Roma

(A. Rizzo et al., Report on (CLAS12) Forward Tagger LAAPD Benchmarking)

Present analysis performed by Holly (cross-check Andrea)

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APD quality control

- Idark vs Gain linear at all T.

- 1/G·dG/dV linear fn of G, indt of T (~ 6%/V).

- Gain = G(αV – βT).

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Comparison with Hamamatsu’s numbers

Vbias_Hamamatsu vs Vbias_measured

A few batches of 12 are off by exactly 1 V compared to Hamamatsu’s delivery sheets. We have no knowledge of the uncertainty in their measurements,

but ours repeatedly gave the same values (within 0.2 V). Knowing our uncertainty,

we grouped using the voltages and gains that we measured.


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APD selection and grouping criteriaFit Gain = G(αV – βT) → each APD characterized by the ratio α/β (~ 1.25).

APDs are then grouped by minimizing the spread of voltages V(G=150, T=18°C) of the resulting


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APD grouping

Gain of the 442 APDs, each at its group average voltage:

Spread of gain (max-min) in the 52 groups:

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APD groupingGrouping based on voltage measured for each APD at Gain = 150, T=18°C.

Groups below show the assigned group number, average voltage for the group, and gain variation of the group at this voltage:

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APD gluing

Cleaning crystal

Pressing crystal onto the APD

Putting glue on the APD

Glue curing overnight (batch of 20)

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Crystal + APD post-gluing testCrystal in thermalized box with

light injection at the bottomand preamp on top

Box closed (18°C)Signal amplitude measurement

at set group voltage

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Glue check

Histogram of

(APDtesting - APD180)/APD180

Limitations: HV set within +/- 0.5 V, due to integer read-out. 1V difference on HV corresponds to ~0.06 variation this plot.

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LED holders

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Mounting crystals in frames

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Current status• APDs testing – completed (516 tested, 442 selected, 1 broken)• APD grouping for motherboards – completed• Glue new APDs to crystals – completed • Glue check – completed • All crystal wrappings inspected and re-wrapped if needed.

• Left to do (this week ??):– Punch holes in VM2002 on LED holders – started, ~ 15% done– Glue LED holders to crystals