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E6 D20 Stalker

Zone Stalker. Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to the D20 Stalker Game supplement for the D20 Modern system.

The Zone: Before the 1986 disaster, the remote areas around Chernobyl and Pripyat were used by the Soviet Union for research and development of psychotropic weapons and study of the noospher[1] One of the earliest such programs was undertaken at Limansk-13, a secret city where top Soviet scientists experimented with radiowaves, in order to harness them as a tool, to create unflinching loyalty to the Union in all affected people. However, the research was not safe. A surge in energy consumption during one of the experiments on April 26, 1986 was one of the main reasons Reactor 4 exploded. In response to the incident, the USSR evacuated Pripyat and settlements in the neighboring areas, until the Zone became almost totally deserted, save for a few die hard citizens (including the Forester) and scientific teams working in secret laboratories. For them, the incident came as a blessing, as the now-empty Zone of Alienation proved to be the perfect proving ground and laboratories became twice as active. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 did nothing to hinder their work, to the contrary - the weakened government of independent Ukraine proved to be unable to investigate rumors of strange experiments taking place in the Zone and put a stop to them. The scientists continued their research into the noosphere unabated. Soon, breakthroughs took place and they began the search to psychically influence humanity using the noosphere on a global scale. The science team, driven by noble intentions, want to eliminate war, injustice and conflict through their research into changing the human psyche[1]. Any atrocities that occur on the way are a necessary evil[2]. Regardless, the area around Chernobyl

was relatively peaceful until sometime around 2001, when a bus full of tourists in the zone disappeared. The incident prompted the government to fully restrict the zone to civilians. In 2011, stalkers reported encountering zombies who spoke garbled English, revealing the fate of the tourists. The first experiment in affecting human psyche on a massive scale took place on March 4, 2006[3]. It lasted two full hours before it was shut down, likely due to unforeseen developments. A month later, on April 12, the experiment was performed again and this time it continued until its completion[4]. However, it did not have the desired effect - instead, the generators created a rift in the noosphere, allowing it to directly affect the biosphere, creating a large area where physical laws were outright broken and mysterious phenomena not understood by modern science began to manifest. The Zone of Alienation stretches between the borders of Ukraine and Belarus, and is kept protected by the Ukrainian authorities. Due to the radical decrease in human presence and activity, wildlife has flourished in the Zone and the area is often described as having been "reclaimed by nature". Following the 2006 disaster, animals and plants have been grotesquely mutated and deadly anomalies abound. Wildlife roams freely in the remains of the former USSR. Supposedly, the area is kept under lockdown by the military. However, the prospect of lucrative looting and treasure hunting has led a large number of opportunists known as Stalkers to jump fence into The Zone itself. These people are either operating for themselves, or in factions. Among the more notable groups are Duty, Freedom and the Ecologists.

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Research is constantly ongoing to find out the nature and origin of The Zone, as well as a means to counter it. There are many different beliefs concerning the truth of, and reasonable response to, The Zone. For example, Duty members are attempting to "fight the Zone" while Freedom believes

that the entire area is a gift to mankind and should be shared equally by all of humanity. During the course of the games, some characters express concern that the Zone might be growing and increasing its influence on the world.

Carrying Load



Light Load

Heavy Load

8 (10) 50 lb. or less

50-75 lb.

9 (12) 60 lb. or less

61-90 lb.

10 (14) 70 lb. or less

71-110 lb.

11 (16) 80 lb or less

81-115 lb.

12 (18) 90 lb. or less

91-130 lb.

13 (20)100 lb.or less

101-150 lb.

14 (24)120 lb. or less

121-175 lb.

15 (28)140 lb. or less

141-200 lb.

16 (32)160 lb. or less

161-230 lb.

17 (36)180 lb. or less

181-260 lb.

18 (40)200 lb. or less

201-300 lb.

Load Max




Speed Run

(20 ft.) (30 ft.) (40 ft.)

Heavy +1 -6 15 ft. 20 ft. 30ft X3

A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or

skills that are restricted by armor. Carrying a light load does not encumber a character

Action points

Action points provide characters with the means to affect game play in significant ways. A character

always has a limited amount of action points, and while the character replenishes this supply with

every new level he or she attains, the character must use them wisely.

A character can spend 1 action point to do one of these things:

Improve Roll: Alter a single d20 roll used to make an attack, a skill check, an ability check, a level

check, or a saving throw.( A character can declare the use of 1 action point to alter a d20 roll after the

roll is made-but only before the GM reveals the result of that roll (whether the attack or check or

saving throw suc-ceeded or failed). A character can't use an action point on a skill check or ability

check when he or she is taking 10 or taking 20)

Use a class talent or class feature during your turn for which the expenditure of 1 action point is


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Extra Action: You can spend an action point on your turn to gain an additional standard or move

action this turn.

Stabilisation: You can spend an action point on your turn to authomatically stabilize yourself if


Use Feat: You can spend an action point on your turn to use a feat that you dont have for a turn, but

only if you meet all the requirements for it’s use.

All Stalkers start the game with 3 single time use Action points in addition to the ones that regenerate

every day (Depending on the difficulty).

. If a character spends a point to use a class feature, he or she can't spend another one in the same

round to improve a die roll, and vice versa. If the hero has reached character level 6 and has the Lucky

feat, he or she may be able to roll more than one d6 when spending 1 action point. If the character

does so, apply the highest result and disregard the other rolls. If the Character has the Heroic Surge

feat, he can use them both at the same round, but not for an extra action.

Character Creation

Before creating a character the Players or the Game Master must choose a difficulty.

Depending on the choice, the legend of the Zone, the starting equipment, statistics and money


Novice: 37 Points Point Buy; 2 +1/Lvl Action Points/Day; 4000 RU Starting Gear;

“ The heart of the Zone shall grant a single wish to those who reach it.”

Stalker: 33 Points Point Buy; 2 +1/2 Lvl Action Points/Day; 3000 RU Starting Gear;

“The heart of the Zone shall grant two wishes to the brave.”

Veteran: 29 Points Point Buy; 1 + 1/2 Lvl Action Points/Day; 2000 RU Starting Gear;

“ The heart of the Zone shall grant three wishes to the worthy.”

Master: 26 Points Point Buy; 1 + 1/3 Lvl Action Points/Day; 1000 RU Starting Gear;

“The generocity of the zone shall know no bounds for it's children”

After deciding on the difficulty, Arrange your stats according to your character concept.

Table x.x. point buy. Point Buy Calculator.


The Fast Stalker

Crawling in the irradiated mud, surviving

extended firefights and drinking lots of vodka,

Fast Stalkers are allways up to face the

dangerous physical and combat challenges of

the Zone without hesitation.

Class Information Hit Die: d10

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Class Skills: Choose 6 physical and 5 mental

skills. Skill Points: 5 + Int per level (4x at 1st)

Tallents: The Fast stalker may choose 2

physical talent trees to spend talent points in.

Action points: Depends on difficulty

Weapon Proficiencies: All Stalkers start with

the simple Weapon, Personal firearms, and

Light Armor Proficiens

Table 1.1 The Fast Stalker

Rank BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Rookie +1 +2 +0 +0 Talent 2

Novice +2 +2 +0 +0 Bonus Feat 3

Experienced +3 +3 +1 +1 Talent 3

Veteran +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat 3

Expert +5 +4 +1 +1 Talent 4

Master +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Bonus Feat 4

The Dedicated Stalker

Combining Strenght and Wit, the Dedicated

Stalker can supplement his extensive

knowledge with an average combat ability. Not

as tough as the Fast Stalker and not as

knowledgeable as the Smart Stalker, but the

best of both worlds.

Class Information Hit Die: d8 Class Skills: Choose 4 physical and 7 mental

skills. Skill Points: 7 + Int per level (4x at 1st)

Tallents: The Dedicated stalker may choose 1

physical and 1 mental talent tree to spend

talent points in.

Weapon Proficiencies: All Stalkers start with

the simple Weapon, Personal firearms, and

Light Armor Proficiens

Table 1.2 The Dedicated Stalker

Rank BAB Fort Ref Will Special Def

Rookie +0 +1 +1 +1 Talent 1

Novice +1 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat 2

Experienced +2 +2 +2 +2 Talent 2

Veteran +3 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat 3

Expert +3 +3 +3 +3 Talent 3

Master +4 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat 3

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The Smart Stalker

Driven by the unsatiable hunger for knowledge,

the Smart Stalkers are constantly drawn to

explore the unknown to find the next big

discovery. What they lack in brawn and military

training, they make up with their brains and


Class Information Hit Die: d6 Class Skills: Choose 3 physical and 12 mental skills. Skill Points: 10 + Int per level (4x at 1st)

Tallents: The Smart stalker may choose 3 mental

talent trees to spend talent points in.

Weapon Proficiencies: All Stalkers start with the

simple Weapon, Personal firearms, and Light Armor


Rank BAB Fort Ref Will Special Def

Rookie +0 +0 +0 +2 Talent 0

Novice +1 +0 +0 +3 Talent;Bonus Feat 1

Experienced +1 +1 +1 +3 Talent 1

Veteran +2 +1 +1 +4 Talent;Bonus Feat 1

Expert +2 +1 +1 +4 Talent 2

Master +3 +2 +2 +5 Talent;Bonus Feat 2

Available skills and tallents

Tallents according to each attribute:

Str: Climb, Jump,; Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Tumble; Con-

--- Int:- Craft Mechanical; Demolition; Disable Device; Forgery; Investigate; Knowledge: (The zone;

Technology; Sciences; Business) Repair; Search; Wis: Gamble, Listen; Sense Motive; Spot; Survival;

Treat Injury; Cha: Diplomacy; Disguise; Gather Information; Intimidate; Perform

(Guitar/Harmonica/Singing); Starting Backgrounds: Military/Police: Add Medium armor proficiency to your feats. Scientific/Criminal: You get to pick knowledge: The zone at character creation as a class skill. Normal: Nobody cared who you were until you put on the gas mask. And they still don’t. But you get

extra 1600 Ru at character creation.

Physical Tallents Increased Speed Talent Tree

Gotta go fast The Stalker can increase his or her natural base

speed by 5/10/15 feet.

Defensive Talent Tree

The stalker can use multiple defensive

maneuvers to save his life.

Evasion: If the Stalker is exposed to any effect

that normally allows a Stalker to attempt a

Reflex saving throw for half damage, the

Stalker suffers no damage if he or she makes a

successful saving throw. Evasion can only be

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used when wearing light, medium armor or no

armor. Uncanny Dodge: The Stalker retains his or her

Dexterity bonus to Defense regardless of being

caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden

attacker. (The hero still loses his or her

Dexterity bonus to Defense if the hero is

immobilized.) Defensive Roll: The Stalker can roll with a

potentially lethal attack to take less damage

from it. When the Stalker would be reduced to

0 hit points or less by damage in combat (from

a ranged or melee attack), the Stalker can

attempt to roll with the damage. A Stalker spends 1 action point to use this

talent. Once the point is spent, the hero makes

a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If

the save succeeds, he or she takes only half

damage. The Stalker must be able to react to

the attack to execute a defensive roll—if the

hero is immobilized, he or she can’t use this

talent. Since this effect would not normally allow a

Stalker to make a Reflex save for half damage,

the Stalker’s evasion talent doesn’t apply to the

defensive roll. Prerequisites: Evasion or uncanny dodge.

Damage Reduction Talent Tree „The Stalker has an innate talent to ignore a

set amount of damage from most weapons, but

not from energy or special attack forms”

Damage Reduction 1/2/3: The Stalker ignores

1/2/3 point of damage from slashing,

piercing,bludgeoning and ballistic damage.

Energy Resistance Talent Tree “The Stalker is particularly resistant to certain

kinds of deadly energy effects. These talents

can be selected in any order.”

Radiation Resistance: The Stalker ignores a

radiation level equal to his or her Constitution

modifier/2 (Minimum of 1) Fire Resistance: The Stalker ignores fire

damage equal to qual to his or her Constitution

modifier (minimum 1) Electricity Resistance: The Stalker ignores

electricity damage equal to qual to his or her

Constitution modifier (minimum 1) Acid Resistance: The Stalker acid damage

equal to qual to his or her Constitution

modifier (minimum 1)

Unbreakable Talent Tree “The Stalker is particularly resilient

thanks to the following talents.”

Remain Conscious: The Stalker gains the

ability to continue to perform actions when he

or she would otherwise be considered

unconscious and dying. When the Stalker’s hit

points reach –1, the hero can perform as

though he or she were disabled, making either

an attack action or a move action every round

until the hero reaches –10 hit points (and dies)

or the hero’s hit points return to 1 or higher.

The hero can choose to succumb to

unconsciousness if he or she thinks that doing

so might prevent him or her from taking more

damage. Robust: The Stalker becomes especially

robust, gaining a number of hit points equal to

his or her Tough level as soon as he or she

selects this talent. Thereafter, the hero gains +1

hit point with each level of Tough he or she

gains. Second Wind: The Stalker can spend 1

action point to gain a second wind. When the

hero does this, he or she recovers a number of

hit points equal to twice his or her Constitution

modifier. This talent does not increase the

Stalker’s hit points beyond the Stalker’s full

normal total.

Stamina: The Stalker recovers twice as fast as

normal. So, the hero recovers 2 hit points per

Stalker level per evening of rest, 2 points of

temporary ability damage per evening of rest,

and awakens in half the normal time after

being knocked unconscious. Prerequisites: Robust/Remain Conscious

Mental tallents

Strategy Talent Tree

Plan: Prior to an encounter the Stalker can

develop a plan of action to handle the situation.

Using this talent requires preparation; a Stalker

can’t use this talent when surprised or

otherwise unprepared for a particular situation.

Creating a plan requires 1 minute.

Check Result Bonus 7 or lower +0(Check failed) 8-12 +1 13-19 +2 20 or higher +3 This bonus can be applied to all skill checks

and attack rolls made by the Stalker and his or

her allies, but the bonus only lasts for the first

3 rounds after making the plan. After that time,

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reduce the bonus by 1 point (to a minimum of

+0) for every additional round the situation

continues, as the vagaries of circumstance

begin to unravel even the best-laid plans. Trick: The Stalker has the ability to

temporarily confuse a target through the use of

ploy and deception. The target must have an

Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be

susceptible to a trick, must be within 60 feet

of the hero, and must be able to hear and

understand the hero. To play a trick on a target, the hero must use a

full-round action and make an Intelligence

check (DC 9), adding his or her level as a

bonus. If the Intelligence check succeeds, the

target can try to think quickly and ignore the

trick. The target resists the trick by making a

Will saving throw (DC 10 + Stalker’s class

level + Stalker’s Int bonus). If the saving throw

fails, the target becomes dazed (unable to act,

but can defend normally) for 1 round.

A trick can only be played on a particular

target once per encounter. After the first trick

in an encounter, whether the attempt succeeds

or not, that target becomes wary and immune

to such ploys. This is a mind-affecting ability. Exploit Weakness: After 1 round of combat,

the Stalker can designate one opponent and try

to find ways to gain an advantage by using

brains over brawn. The Stalker uses a move

action and makes an Intelligence check (DC

13) with a bonus equal to his or her level. If the

check succeeds, for the rest of the combat the

Stalker uses his or her Intelligence bonus

instead of either Strength or Dexterity bonus

on attack rolls as the hero finds ways to

outthink his opponent and notices weaknesses

in his opponent’s fighting style. Prerequisites: Plan or Trick Abuse Weakness: If the Smart hero’s attack

roll threatens a critical hit against the current

target of his exploit weakness talent, he can

spend 1 action point to automatically confirm

the threat and score a critical hit. Prerequisites:

Exploit weakness

Healing Talent Tree “ The Stalker has a talent for healing.”

Healing Knack: The hero has a knack for the

healing arts. The hero receives a +2 bonus on

all Treat Injury skill checks. Healing Touch 1: The Stalker’s ability to

restore damage with a medical kit or perform

surgery with a surgery kit increases by +2 hit

points. Prerequisites: Healing knack Healing Touch 2: The Stalker’s ability to

restore damage with a medical kit or perform

surgery with a surgery kit increases by +2 hit

points, which stacks with healing touch 1 for a

total of +4 hit points. Prerequisites: Healing

knack, healing touch 1.

Insightful Talent Tree “The Stalker’s innate insightfulness serves him


Aware: The Stalker is intuitively aware of his

or her surroundings. The hero adds his or her

base Will saving throw bonus to Listen or Spot

checks to avoid surprise. Faith: The Stalker has a great deal of faith. It

might be faith in self, The Zone, or in both.

This unswerving belief allows the Stalker to

add his or her Wisdom modifier to the die roll

whenever the hero spends 1 action point to

improve the result of an attack roll, skill check,

saving throw, or ability check. Cool Under Pressure: The Stalker selects a

number of skills equal to 3 + the hero’s

Wisdom modifier. When making a check with

one of these skills, the Stalker can take 10 even

when distracted or under duress. Prerequisites:

Either faith or aware.

Leadership Talent Tree

“The Stalker has a talent for leadership and


Coordinate: The Stalker has a knack for

getting people to work together. When the hero

can spend a full round directing his or her

allies and makes a Charisma check (DC 9), the

hero provides any of his or her allies within 30

feet a +1 bonus on their attack rolls and skill

checks. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds

equal to the hero’s Charisma modifier.The

hero can coordinate a number of allies equal to

his or her level. Inspiration: The Stalker can inspire his or her

allies, bolstering them and improving their

chances of success. An ally must listen to and

observe the Stalker for a full round for the

inspiration to take hold, and the hero must

make a Charisma check (DC 9). The effect

lasts for a number of rounds equal to the hero’s

Charisma modifier. An inspired ally gains a +2 morale bonus on

saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls.

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A Stalker can’t inspire him or herself. The hero

can inspire a number of allies equal to to his or

her level. Prerequisites:

Coordinate;Experienced. Greater Inspiration: The Stalker can inspire

his or her allies to even greater heights,

bolstering them and improving their chances of

success. An ally must listen to and observe the

Stalker for a full round for the greater

inspiration to take hold, and the hero must

make a Charisma check (DC 9). The effect

lasts for a number of rounds equal to the hero’s

Charisma modifier. An inspired ally gains an additional +1 morale

bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, and

damage rolls, which stacks with the bonus

from inspiration for a total of a +3 morale


A Stalker can’t inspire him or herself. The hero

can inspire a number of allies equal to to his or

her level. Prerequisites: Coordinate,

Inspiration, Expert

Loose tallent

Intuition: The Stalker has an innate ability to

sense trouble in the air. The Stalker can make a

Will saving throw (DC 15). On a successful

save, the hero gets a hunch that everything is

all right, or the hero gets a bad feeling about a

specific situation, based on the GM’s best

guess relating to the circumstances. This talent

is usable a number of times per day equal to

the Character’s level+1.


Feat Descriptions

Acrobatic: +2 to Jump; Tumble; Alertness: +2 to Listen; Spot. Athletic: +2 to Climb; Ballance; Attentive: +2 to Investigate, Sense Motive. Confident: +2 to Gamble, Intimidate,on lvl checks to resist intimidation.

Deceptive: +2 to Bluff, Disguise. Educated: +2 to Two knowledges.. Gearhead: +2 to Craft Mechanical, Repair. Guide: +2 to Navigate, Survival. Meticulous: +2 to Forgery, Search Nimble: +2 to Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand. Stealthy: +2 to Hide, Move Silently Surgery:(Preq.Treat Injury 4 ranks): The Stalker can use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery without penalty. Stalkers without this feat take a –4 penalty on Treat Injury checks made to perform surgery. Also gives +2 to treat injury checks( but not to healed damage) Trustworthy: +2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information.

Combat Feats

Personal Firearms Proficiency: The Stalker can fire any personal firearm without a –4 penalty. Advanced Firearms Proficiency: Prereq: Personal Firearms Proficiency. Benefit: The Stalker can fire any heavy weapon without a –4 penalty and any personal firearm on autofire without penalty (provided, of course, that it has an autofire setting). Also when using a firearm on autofire, the Stalker also has the option to affect an area four 5-foot squares long and one square wide (that is, any four squares in a straight line).Normal:

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Stalkers without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms set on autofire.Autofire normally affects a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. Blind-Fight: In melee and ranged combat, every time the Stalker misses because of concealment, the Stalker can reroll the miss chance roll one time to see if the Stalker actually hits.The Stalker takes only half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in general reduces the Stalker’s speed to three-quarters of normal, instead of one-half. Burst Fire: Wisdom 13, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency. When using an automatic firearm with at least five bullets loaded, the Stalker may fire a short burst as a single attack against a single target. The Stalker receives a –4 penalty on the attack roll, but deal +2 dice of damage. Firing a burst expends five bullets and can only be done if the weapon has five bullets in it. Normal: Autofire uses ten bullets, targets a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and can’t be aimed at a specific target. Without this feat, if a Stalker attempts an autofire attack at a specific target, it simply counts as a normal attack and all the extra bullets are wasted. Special: If the firearm has a three-round burst setting, firing a burst expends three bullets instead of five and can be used if the weapon has only three bullets in it. Brawl: When making a melle attack, the Stalker receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and the Stalker deals damage equal to 1d6 + his or her Strength modifier with a knife and 1d4 non-leathal damage + his or her Strength modifier while unarmed.

Brawl (Improved): Brawl, base attack bonus +3. Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the Stalker receives a +2 competence bonus on his or her attack roll, and the Stalker deals damage equal to 1d8 + his or her Strength modifier with a knife and 1d6 non-leathal damage + his or her Strength modifier while unarmed.

Far Shot: Firearm range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1.5). Thrown weapon range increment is doubled.

Dead Aim:: Wisdom 13, Far Shot.

Before making a ranged attack, the

character may take a full-round action to line up your shot. This grants the character a +2 circumstance bonus on his or her next attack roll. Knockout: Dead aim; base attack bonus +3.: When making the Stalker’s first attack against a flat-footed opponent, the stalker can use an an action point to turn a successful ranged attack as a critical hit. The stalker must be under the effect of Dead Aim to use this feat.

Frightful Presence Preq: Charisma 15, Intimidate 9 ranks. Benefit: When the Stalker uses this feat, all opponents within 60 feet who have fewer levels than the Stalker must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Stalker’s level + the Stalker’s Charisma modifier). An opponent who fails his or her save is shaken, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the Stalker’s Charisma modifier. The Stalker can use the feat once per round as a free action. A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to the Stalker’s use of this feat for 24 hours. This feat does not affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower. Two-Weapon Fighting: Dexterity 13.: The Stalker’s penalties for fighting with two weapons are lessened by 2 for the primary hand and 6 for the off hand

Two-WeaponFighting (Improved) Dexterity15,Two-WeaponFighting, base attack bonus +6: The Stalker gets a second attack with his or her offhand weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty. Also, this feat allows the Stalker to use a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the other.

Point Blank Shot: The Stalker gets a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within 30 feet.

Precise Shot: Point Blank Shot.: The Stalker can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without penalty.Normal: A Stalker takes a –4 penalty when using a ranged weapon to attack an

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opponent who is engaged in melee combat. Double Tap: Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot: When using a semiautomatic firearm with at least two bullets loaded, the Stalker may fire two bullets as a single attack against a single target. The Stalker receives a –2 penalty on this attack, but deals +1 die of damage with a successful hit. Using this feat fires two bullets and can only be done if the weapon has two bullets in it.

Quick Draw: Base attack bonus +1. The Stalker can draw a weapon as a free action.A Stalker with this feat may throw weapons at his or her full normal rate of attacks. Normal: A Stalker can draw a weapon as a move action. If a Stalker has a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, the Stalker can draw a weapon as a free action when moving. Quick Reload: Base attack bonus +1.: Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine or speed loader is a free action. Reloading a revolver without a speed loader, or reloading any firearm with an internal magazine, is a move action. Normal: Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine or speed loader is a move action. Reloading a revolver without a speed loader, or reloading any firearm with an internal magazine, is a full-round action. Shot on the Run Dexterity 13, Mobility.: When using an attack action with a ranged weapon, the Stalker can move both before and after the attack, provided that the Stalker’s total distance moved is not greater than his or her speed. Weapon Focus Base attack bonus +1: The Stalker gains a +1 bonus on all attack rolls he or she makes using the selected weapon. (Pistol/Sniper/Shotgun/Rifle/Knife)

Defensive Feats

Armor Proficiency(Light/Medium/Heavy) When a Stalker wears a type of armor with which he or she is proficient, the Stalker gets to add the armor’s proficient bonus to his or her Defense and benefits from the armor’s damage resistances. Also, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble checks. Normal: A Stalker who

wears armor with which he or she is not proficient benefits only from the armor’s damage resistances. Also, he or she suffers its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving. Great Fortitude: The Stalker gets a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws. Iron Will: The Stalker gets a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws Endurance: The Stalker gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Constitution checks to continue running, Constitution checks to hold the Stalker’s breath, Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves to avoid damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves to resist suffocation or drowning. Also, the Stalker may sleep in medium or light armor without becoming fatigued. Normal: A Stalker without this feat who sleeps in armor is automatically fatigued the following day. Heroic Surge: The Stalker may take an extra move action or attack action in a round, either before or after the Stalker’s regular actions. The Stalker may use Heroic Surge a number of times per day depending on his or her Stalker level (as shown below), but never more than once per round. Stalker Level 1st-3rd- 1; 4th-6th; 2

Lightning Reflexes: The Stalker gets a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws

Mobility: Dexterity 13,: The Stalker gets a +4 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks of opportunity provoked when the Stalker moves out of a threatened square Run: When running, the Stalker moves a maximum of five times his or her normal speed instead of four times. If the Stalker is in heavy armor, the Stalker can move four times his or her speed rather than three times. If the Stalker makes a long jump, the Stalker gains a +2 competence bonus on his or her Jump check. Track: To find tracks or follow them for one mile requires a Survival check. The Stalker must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow. The Stalker moves at half his or her normal speed (or at the Stalker’s normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice the Stalker’s speed with a –20 penalty on the

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check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions. Master feats Once the Stalekr reaches Master level, he no longer continues to gain feats the normal way. Instead every 5000 experience earned he can choose one of the feats listed in table x.x. A Stalker can only choose feats from this table after he had attained Master level. Thrifty Mechanic [Master]: You are adept at using as few parts as possible when repairing or modifying equipment. When fixing or modifying equipment reduce the number of parts used by an amount equal to your Intelligence bonus (to a minimum of 1 part). Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Repair 9 ranks. Improved Precise Shot [Master]: Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks. In addition, when you shoot or throw ranged weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike at the opponent you have chosen. Prerequisites: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6. Two-Weapon Defense [Master] Prerequisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting; Improved Two-weapon Fighting. When wielding two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. See the Two-

Weapon Fighting special attack. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2. Weapon Specialization [Master] Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected the Weapon Focus feat. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon. Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with selected weapon,Stalker Lvl 6, Base AB4, Weapon focus. You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon. Advanced Brawl [Master] Prerequisite: Brawl,Improved Brawl, base attack bonus +4. Benefit: The character’s threat range on knife attacks and unarmed strikes improves to 19–20. Lucky: [Master] Prerequisite: None

Benefit: When using an action point to throw a

d6, throw 2d6 instead and disregard the lower


On point:[Master]

Prerequisite: Lucky

Due to getting familiar with the Zone’s tricks, the

Stalker gains 1 additional daily action point.

Intensive Training:[Master]Due to training and

experience in the Zone, a Stalker can raise one

his or her stats by 1. Can be picked more than

once, but no stat can be raised above 18.

Tallented[Master] The Stalker can choose


Ranged Weapons Table

Ranged weapons are described by a number of statistics, as shown on Table: Ranged Weapons. Damage: The damage the weapon deals on a successful hit. Critical: The threat range for a critical hit. If the threat is confirmed, a weapon deals double damage on a critical hit (roll damage twice, as if hitting the target two times).

Damage Type: Ranged weapon damage is classified according to type: ballistic (all firearms), energy (of a specific type), piercing (some simple ranged weapons), or slashing (a whip). Some creatures or characters may be resistant or immune to some forms of damage. Range Increment: Any attack at less than this distance is not penalized for range. However, each full range increment causes a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll. Ranged weapons have a maximum range of ten range increments,

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except for thrown weapons, which have a maximum range of five range increments. Rate of Fire: Some ranged weapons have a rate of fire of 1, which simply means they can be employed once per round and then must be reloaded or replaced. Firearms, which operate through many different forms of internal mechanisms, have varying rates of fire. The three possible rates of fire for handguns, longarms, and heavy weapons are single shot, semiautomatic, and automatic. Single Shot (S): A weapon with the single shot rate of fire requires the user to manually operate the action (the mechanism that feeds and cocks the weapon) between each shot. Pump shotguns and bolt-action rifles are examples of firearms with single shot rates of fire. A weapon with the single shot rate of fire can fire only one shot per attack, even if the user has a feat or other ability that normally allow more than one shot per attack. Semi-automatic (Sa): Most firearms have the semiautomatic rate of fire. These firearms feed and cock themselves with each shot. A semiautomatic weapon fires one shot per attack (effectively acting as a single shot weapon), but some feats allow characters armed with semiautomatic weapons to fire shots in rapid successions, getting in more than one shot per attack. Automatic (A): Automatic weapons fire a burst or stream of shots with a single squeeze of the trigger. Only weapons with the automatic rate of fire can be set on autofire or be used with feats that take advantage of automatic fire. Magazine: The weapon’s magazine capacity and type are given in this column. The amount of

ammunition a weapon carries, and hence how many shots it can fire before needing to be reloaded, is determined by its magazine capacity. How the firearm is reloaded depends upon its magazine type. The number in this entry is the magazine’s capacity in shots; the word that follows the number indicates the magazine type: box, or internal. Box: A box magazine is any type of magazine that can be removed and reloaded separately from the weapon. Internal: Some weapons keep their ammunition in an internal space, which must be loaded by hand. This is the case with most shotguns, as well as some rifles. Size: The relationship between a weapon’s size and that of its wielder defines whether it can be used one-handed, if it requires two hands, and if it’s a light weapon. A Medium-size or smaller weapon can be used one-handed or two-handed. A Large weapon requires two hands. A Huge weapon requires two hands and a bipod or other mount. A Small or smaller weapon is considered a light weapon. It can be used one-handed and, as a light weapon, is easier to use in your off hand. Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight when fully loaded. Reloading: Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine is a move action. Reloading a weapon with an internal magazine is a full-round action. Refilling a box magazine: As a full round action you can refill 20 bullets in a single magazine.

Weapon Damage

/Crit Calliber

Dmg. Type

Range Incr.

Rate of fire

Mag. Size Wgt. Buy/Sell

in Ru

Handguns (requires the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat) MakarovPM (Autoloader) 2d6/20 9mm Ballistic 30ft. Sa 8 box Small 5lb 600/100

Fora-12 (Autoloader) 2d6/20 9mm Ballistic 30ft. Sa 12 box Med 5lb 900/150

Martha (Autoloader) 2d6/20 9mm Ballistic 30ft. Sa 15 box Med 5lb 1300/200

UDP Compact(Autoloader) 2d6/20 .45 Ballistic 40ft. Sa 8 box Med 5lb 2200/400

SIP-t M200 (Autoloader) 2d6/20 .45 Ballistic 40ft. Sa 7 box Med 5lb 1900/350

Longarms (requires the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat) Sawn off Shotgun (Shotgun) 2d8/20 Shell Ballistic 15ft. S 2 Int Med 5lb 300/50

Chaser 13 (Shotgun) 2d8/20 Shell Ballistic 30ft. S 7 Int Large 10lb 3800/600

SPSA Shotgun) 2d8/20 Shell Ballistic 40ft. S 5 Int Large 10lb 8000/1500

Viper 5 (Assault rifle) 2d6/20 9mm Ballistic 50ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 5000/1000

AKM 74/2 (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.45×39 Ballistic 70ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 6500/1200

AKM 74/2U (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.45×39 Ballistic 50ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 5000/1000

Obokan (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.45×39 Ballistic 70ft Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 10000/1800

IL 86 (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.56mm Ballistic 80ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 8000/1600

TRs 301 (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.56mm Ballistic 80ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 10000/1800

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SGI 5K (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.56mm Ballistic 80ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 13000/2000

GP37 (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.56mm Ballistic 80ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 10lb 15000/2200

Groza(S14) (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 9x39mm Ballistic 60ft. Sa,A 20 Box Large 15lb 16000/2300

SA Avalanche (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 9x39mm Ballistic 60ft. Sa,A 20 Box Large 10lb 14000/2100

Vintar BC (Sniper rifle) 2d8/20 9x39mm Ballistic 70ft. Sa,A 10 Box Large 10lb 19000/2500

SVD mk-2 (Sniper rifle) 2d12/20 7.62x54 Ballistic 120ft. Sa 10 Box Huge 25lb 24000/3000

SVDU mk-2 (Sniper rifle) 2d10/20 7.62x54 Ballistic 100ft. Sa 10 Box Large 20lb 26000/3100

Exotic weapons (Requires the Advanced Firearms Proficiency)




A handgun is a personal firearm that can be used one-handed without penalty. This includes all pistols. All handguns require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat. Using a handgun without this feat imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls. Autoloaders (sometimes called “automatics”) feature removable box magazines, and some models hold quite a lot of ammunition. They work by using the energy of a shot fired to throw back a slide, eject the shot’s shell casing, and scoop the next round into the chamber.

Makarov PM: This Soviet legacy is the most common pistol in the Zone and is one of the best compact self-defense handguns

available. It is small, highly reliable, easy to use and maintain in working order. It also suffers from several drawbacks, including its short range, low firing accuracy and poor stopping power, while also losing out to modern pistols in its class in terms of weight and magazine size. Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments without modifications. Concealable: This weapon grants a +2 circumstance bonus to sleight of hand checks made to conceal the weapon due to exceptionally compact design. Upgrades: Tier1: Silencer mount vs Extended Magazine(11) Tier2 Rechamber .45(+10ft) vs Longer Barrel(+crit) Tier 3 Accurate(+1ab) vs 3 Round Burst

Fora-12 A Ukrainian-made

pistol predominantly used by law enforcement organizations. Provides higher accuracy, better

ergonomics and has a larger magazine than the PMm. These pistols make it into the Zone in large numbers thanks to the sale of defective weapons,

which suffer from technical miscalculations in early design models. Despite this, the pistol is in demand among stalkers thanks to its good combat characteristics. Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Polymer frame vs Extended Magazine(15) Tier2: Rechamber .45(+10ft) vs Longer Barrel(+crit) Tier 3 Accurate(+1ab) vs 3 Round Burst

Martha: Martha pistols enjoy the reputation of a relatively reliable, albeit somewhat cumbersome weapon, around the world. In service with armed forces and police

across the ocean, as well as various military and law enforcement organizations worldwide. Marthas found in the Zone are usually dated, probably from retired stock. Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Unreliable: This weapon degrades twice faster than others. Upgrades: Tier1: Polymer frame vs Extended Magazine(17) Tier2: Coating vs Longer Barrel(+crit) Tier 3 Accurate(+1ab) vs 3 Round Burst

UDP Compact: Impeccable reliability and durability combined with excellent accuracy are the main noteworthy features of this weapon. Its minor drawbacks

include its considerable size, relatively high center of gravity and massive bolt, which make it difficult to conceal but do not outweigh the weapon's positive features. The weapon is especially popular with the Zone's veterans. Unreliable: This weapon degrades twice faster than others. Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments without modifications.

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Upgrades: Tier1: Polymer frame vs Extended Magazine(12) Tier2: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Silencer Tier 3 Accurate(+1ab) vs 3 Round Burst

SIP-t M200: The only remaining mass produced model of a globally renowned pistol, this weapon has earned a reputation for its excellent ergonomics and

accuracy, and while its magazine is relatively small, it benefits from powerful ammo and a mechanism that functions like a Swiss watch. Some believe the SIP-t M200 to be the best mass produced .45ACP caliber handgun there is and it has certainly got a following among experienced stalkers and mercenaries. Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Polymer frame vs Extended Magazine(10) Tier2: Accurate(+1ab) vs Protective coating Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) VS 3 Round Burst


Longarms are personal firearms that require two hands to be fired without penalty. This group includes hunting and sniping rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, and most submachine guns. The basic longarm is the rifle, a group that includes both hunting rifles and sniper rifles. Most rifles are autoloaders, and they function internally in a manner very similar to autoloader pistols. Some models are operated manually, however, with the user having to work a bolt or lever between each shot. Assault rifles are rifles designed for military use and feature automatic as well as semiautomatic fire. Shotguns are large-bore weapons that primarily fire shells full of small projectiles. They tend to be powerful, but only at short range. Reduce shotgun damage by 1 point for every range increment of the attack. Submachine guns are relatively compact longarms that generally fire pistol ammunition. They can fire on automatic. All longarms are covered by the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat. Longarms with the exception of shotguns are not well suited to close combat. A character takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll when firing at an adjacent target, unless the weapon has the Compact property.


Sawn off Shotgun: A sawed-off hunting shotgun with two side-by-side barrels, making it lighter and more compact than a full shotgun. One of the most popular weapons among bandits due to its combination of ease of concealment and extreme effectiveness in close combat. Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments Upgrades: Tier1: Protective coating vs Better Ergonomics(Small) Tier2: Reliable vs Longer Barrel(+crit)

Chaser 13: A Western smoothbore shotgun that is extremely popular around the world thanks to its amazing reliability and faster reloading speed. Particularly valued for its functionality by the Zone's hunters. All of its parts are coated with an anti corrosion compound. Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments Upgrades: Tier1: Large/Small Choke vs Alloy Frame. Tier2: Box Magazine(7+1) vs Protective coating Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) vs SemiAutho mode

SPSA14: This special purpose smoothbore automatic shotgun was designed in the second half of the 20th century and comes with pump-action and self-cocking firing modes. Used as an all-purpose weapon by the police and assault troops. Notable for its reliability and tactical flexibility. Despite its large weight, complex mechanism and considerable cost it is in demand in the Zone due to its effectiveness against mutants. Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments Upgrades: Tier1: Large/Small Choke vs Alloy Frame. Tier2: Protective coating vs Box Magazine(8+1) Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) vs SemiAutho mode

Viper5 This

submachine gun has gained popularity around the world thanks to its reliability, ease of use and accuracy. Over the last few decades the Viper 5 was in service with special armed forces and police units worldwide. Not surprisingly, having flooded the global black markets, it eventually made its way to the Zone. Specifics: Three-round burst; Compact

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Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Tier1: Foldable stock vs Extended Magazine(42) Tier2: Protective coating vs Scope Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab)

AKM-74/2: This

weapon, designed in 1974, signaled the adoption of small caliber and low impulse rounds by Warsaw Pact countries. A descendant of the most popular assault rifle in the world, the AKM-74/2 has an even bigger muzzle brake, resulting in a reduction of what was already manageable recoil. This facilitates better accuracy and groupings, especially when fired in fast single shots or bursts. As before, the rifle is very simple and reliable. Specifics: None Attachments: This weapon accepts a grenade launcher without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Extended Mag.(42) vs Scope Tier2: Accurate(1ab) vs 3 Round Burst Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit)vs Sniping

AKM-74/2U: Despite being similar to submachine guns in size, weight and tactical purpose, this weapon is classified as an assault rifle due to the fact that its internal mechanism is identical to that of the AKM 74/2. The weapon is notable for its mobility in close quarters and high armor-penetration capacity, while its drawbacks are its short effective range, despite the relatively long bullet range, a tendency to overheat and high ricochet propensity. Specifics: Unreliable (-Durability); Compact Upgrades: Tier1: Protective coating vs 3 Round Burst Tier2: Extended Magazine vs Longer Barrel(+crit) Tier 3 Grenade launcher vs Accurate(1ab)

Obokan(AC96/2): A modern assault rifle

developed as a replacement for the ageing AKM

74/2. The main difference is its high speed 2-round

burst firing mode, which allows two bullets to be

fired at exactly the same spot on a target.

Specifics: Double tap: (1 Rng. Increment) Attachments: This weapon accepts a PSO-1 Scope; without modifications. Upgrades:

Tier1: Grenade launcher vs Extended Magazine(42) Tier2: Silencer vs Protective coating

Tier 3 Sniping vs 3 Round Burst

TRs 301 A new step in the development of this

famous weapon family. The changes were made to the upper half of the steel construction

comprising the barrel, gas tube and bolt assembly, reducing the weapon's weight, improving ergonomics and its gas system. The weapon is highly accurate, although its propensity to catch dirt makes it a poor choice for the Zone's difficult conditions. Specifics: Unreliable (-Durability) Attachments: This weapon accepts a SUSAT Scope; M203 Grenade Launcher and a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Longer Barrel(crit)vsExtended Magazine(42) Tier2: 3 Round Burst vs Accurate(1ab) Tier 3: Sniping vs Protective coating

SGI 5K: A relatively new assault rifle that has

quickly found admirers around the world, despite lacking a "trendy" design. Weapons of this series are one of the best in their class, renowned for their reliability, accuracy and ease of use. Despite being relatively difficult to obtain in the Zone, this assault rifle is often ordered by experienced stalkers at considerable expense. Specifics: Reliable (+Durability); Accurate (+1AB); Attachments: This weapon accepts a M203 Grenade Launcher and a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Foldable Stock vs Scope Tier2: Longer Barrel(crit) vsExtended Magazine(42) Tier3: 3 Round Burst vs Sniping

GP37: A new

addition to the Western-made assault

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rifle family, which differs significantly from previous models in the series built on an automatic foundation with a semi-open bolt assembly, this weapon is more like American automatic gas-operated assault rifles with a short-stroke gas piston system. These changes ensure that the rifle is a first-rate example of a modern weapon - lightweight, reliable and ergonomic. Specifics: Reliable (+Durability); Accurate (+1AB); Integrated Scope (1.5 Susat); Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier0: Electro-Optical vs Assault scope Tier1: Foldable Stock vs Extended Magazine(42) Tier2: 3 Round Burst vs Grenade Launcher mount Tier3: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Sniping

IL 86: This rifle's

considerable number of drawbacks caused most of these weapons to be modernized, with the retired stock making its way to the Zone via the black market. The rifle's main advantages are its built-in 2x scope, high single-shot accuracy and reliable upgrade technology. When the weapon is fired in bursts, its accuracy decreases significantly and the rifle's basic internal mechanisms become somewhat unreliable. Specifics: Unreliable (-Durability);Integrated Scope (1.5 Susat) Three-round burst; Compact Attachments: This weapon accepts no attachments without modifications. Upgrades: Tier0: Electro-Optical vs Assault scope Tier1: Extended Magazine(42) vs Silencer mount Tier2: Protective coating vs Accurate(1ab) Tier 3 Sniping vs Longer Barrel(+crit)

Groza(S14): This assault

rifle combined with a grenade launcher, which is similar to the AKM series, was specifically developed for rapid response units. The main differences are its 9x39 caliber ammunition, bullpup layout and extensive configuration options. This weapon is highly valued by military stalkers due to its ability to kill enemies wearing body armor behind improvised cover at a distance during urban combat, as well as its excellent stopping power. Specifics: Integr. Grenade Launcher(GP-25); Compact; Subsonic Round

Attachments: This weapon accepts a PSO-1 Scope and a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Alloy Frame vs Extended Magazine(30) Tier2: Accuracy(1ab) vs Prot. coating Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) vs 3 Round Burst

SA Avalanche: A modified version of the silent

Vintar BC sniper rifle, the assault rifle was designed

as a special forces weapon. The rifle's primary

purpose is effective fire against enemies employing

modern personal protection equipment without

disclosing the shooter's location.

Specifics: Integr. Silencer; Subsonic Round Attachments: This weapon accepts a PSO-1 Scope without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: Protective

coating vs Extended Magazine(30) Tier2: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab) Tier 3 Sniping vs 3 Round Burst

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Vintar BC: A special military sniper rifle purpose-

built for silent, flashless sniping during special

operations where early detection of the shooter

may be critical. The Vintar BC provides high armor-

piercing capability and stopping power, as well as

being equipped with an integrated sniper and

optical scope. Highly rated by many stalkers

despite its small magazine. Specifics: Integr. Silencer; Subsonic Round; Integr. 1.5x PSO-1 Scope

Attachments: None Upgrades: Tier0: Electro-Optical vs Assault scope Tier1: Protective coating vs Extended Magazine(15) Tier2: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab) Tier 3 Sniping vs 3 Round Burst SVDmk-2: An army sniper rifle that has been on the market for more than fifty years and has earned its reputation for exceptional reliability and ease of use. The SVDm-2 is normally used by the army to improve the effective range of its units, but stalkers respect this weapon for its armor-piercing

properties, which allow it to penetrate mutant hide and army body armor. Because of the weapon's quality, it can only use the more expensive 7.62x54 AP rounds. Specifics: Integr. 1.5x Electro-Optical PSO-1 Scope Attachments: None. Upgrades: Tier1: Extended Magazine(15) vs Polymer frame Tier2: Prot. coating vs Longer Barrel(+crit) Tier 3 Assault Scope vs Accurate(1ab) SVDUmk-2: A modernized version of the SVUm-2 sniper rifle in a compact bullpup design made on the order of rapid response forces. It allows faster precision fire and is considerably lighter, while its single shot firing accuracy at short and medium range is similar to that of its predecessor. These qualities have earned it the admiration of countless stalkers. Specifics: Integr. 1.5x Assault PSO-1 Scope. Attachments: None Upgrades: Tier1: Polymer frame vs Extended Magazine(15) Tier2: Prot. coating vs Night Vision Tier 3 Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab)

Grenades and Explosives

Weapon Damage/Critical

Burst Radius Dmg. Type Range Incr.

Rate of fire

Size Weight Buy/Sell

in Ru

RPG-7 10d6/20 Slashing 150ft. S;1 Int Large 15lb 30000

F1 grenade 3d6/20 15ft. Slashing 10ft. Tiny 1lb 800

RD5 grenade 4d6/20 10ft. Slashing 10ft. Tiny 1lb 500

M203 Grenade 3d6/20 Slashing 70ft. Tiny 1lb 600

VOG-25 Grenade 3d6/20 Slashing 70ft. Tiny 1lb 500

RPG-7: The RPG-7 (Rocket propelled grenade) is a

rocket launcher. Before using the weapon, the firer must first arm it, which is a move action. When the RPG hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other explosive, dealing its 10d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius (Reflex save DC 15 for half damage). Because its explosive features a shaped charge designed to penetrate the armor of military

vehicles, the RPG ignores up to 10 points of hardness if it strikes a vehicle, building, or

object. However, this only applies to the target struck, not to other objects within the burst radius.

F1 Grenade: A

defensive hand grenade, with

fragments capable of piercing

medium level body armor.

Stalkers get F1 grenades from trading with the

military, who write them off as having been

used for fighting mutants.

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RGD-5 Grenade: An offensive

hand grenade. Often used by

stalkers to "smoke out" mutants

due to its relatively low cost. This

small explosive device must be fired from a

40mm grenade launcher, such as the M79. It

sprays shrapnel in all directions when it

explodes. The 40mm fragmentation grenade has


VOG-25 Grenade: Regular

fragmentation grenade for the GP-

25 Koster underbarrel grenade

launcher. This round has a

minimum range of 40 feet. If fired against a

target closer than 40 feet away, it does not arm

and will not explode. The VOG-25 grenade is

also used in the Tunder S14 complex grenade


M203 Grenade: 40 mm grenade for the M203

underbarrel grenade launcher. This round has a

minimum range of 40 feet. If fired against a target

closer than 40 feet away, it does not arm and will not

explode. Also suitable for use in the FT-200M

integrated grenade launcher.

Armor Table

Armors in Stalker 20 use an expanded Damage

reduction that falls under 3 categories:

Physical DR (PDR), that reduces damage from

ballistic,slashing,piercing and bludgeoning

physical damage, such as gunshot wounds and

melee damage.

Elemental DR (EDR), that reduces damage

from energy damage that include acid, cold,

electric, fire, and toxic sources

Radiation resistance: (RR) That reduce the

radiation level that affects a Stalker.

Armor Durability. Since armor upkeep and

maintenance is an important part of the stalker

universe, every armor has a set amount of

health. The more the health of the armor is

depleted, the worse protection it offers. ½ of

Ballistic, slashing and elemental Damage

rounded down that isn’t negated by dr also

damages the health of the armor.

Armors that have any level of radiation

resistance also have included gas masks. If the

stalker puts the gas mask off, he loses 1 level of

RR until he puts it back on. Armors with closed

breathing cycles have full helmets instead, and

by removing it the stalker loses 1 level or RR

and the benefits of the closed breathing cycle.

Armor AC Resistance Radiat.

Resist Max Dex

ACP Weight Speed Ru PDR EDR

Light Armor

Leather Jacket 1 1 1 - 8 0 5lb. 30 2000

Mercenary Suit 1 2 1 1Lvl 6 -1 5lb 30 4500

Ecologist Suit 1 0 10 4Lvl 7 -2 10lb 30 10000

Medium Armor

Sunrise Suit 2 2 3 2Lvl 5 -3 10 25 9000

Berili M5 Armor 2 3 2 2Lvl 4 -3 15 25 20000

Duty/Freedom Suit 2 4 3 2Lvl 4 -4 15 25 30000

SSP-99m 'Guardian' Suit 2 3 5 3Lvl 3 -4 15 25 40000

Heavy armor

Seva Suit 3 4 6 3Lvl 2 -5 20 25 50000

Skat 9M 3 5 5 2Lvl 1 -6 25 20 65000

Exoskeleton 3 6 4 2Lvl 0 -7 30 20 80000

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Leather Jacket: Common grab of a novice stalker. It won’t save you from bullets or anomalies, but it’s still better than nothing.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-10 11-19 20-40

AC: 0 1 1

DR: 1 1 1

Elem; 0 0 1

Upgrades: Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Elemental protection(2) Tier2: Artefact Container(2) vs Armored Plates

Tier3: vs Ceramic body armor

Mercenary suit: Stalker suit from the Merc faction. Its design is based on the suit used by the special forces of the Western armies. Due to a special treatment of the fabric, the armor has a strengthened

stability during the physical movement of its plates. Camouflage(Urban): The suit grants +2 to camouflage in urban areas(buildings).

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-15 16-29 30-60

AC: 0 1 1

DR: 1 1 2

Elem; 0 1 1

Rad 0 0 1

Upgrades: Tier1: Lighter armor vs Night Vision

Tier2: Armored plates(1) vs Radiation protection

Tier3: Ceramic body armor vs Artefact Container

SSP-99 Ecologist Suit: A SSP-99 chemical protection suit specially designed for the Zone conditions. It is used by scientific expeditions and the eco-stalkers who cooperate with them.

It has an integrated air-filtering and air-conditioning system. It is heat and electricity resistant, provides good protection from radiation and biological anomalies. It is resistant to chemically aggressive environments. It is not designed for combat, so it provides neither bullet, nor splinter protection. Closed breathing cycle: This armor is hermetically sealed and features a closed breathing cycle with it’s own oxygen supply. The wearer can safely walk through areas with dense poisonous gasses. Bright colors: This suit is not fitted for combat, for it is a bright orange colour. It grants an

additional -2 to hide. *Gets negated by camouflage





HP: 1-12 13-24 25-50

AC: 0 0 1

DR: 0 0 0

Elem; 4 7 10

Rad 1 2 4


Tier0: Night Vision vs Extra flashlights

Tier1: Artefact Container vs Camouflage*

Tier2: Armored Plates vs Artefact Container(2) Tier3:Ceramic body armor vs

Sunrise(Stalker) Suit

This DIY stalker bodysuit is a combination of a bodysuit of twin-layered rubberized cloth with plexiglass lining and built-in body armor. Despite the fact that the body armor is incapable of protecting the

wearer from even pistol bullets, the suit enjoys great popularity due to its low cost and modification potential. Comes with built-in artifact containers. Artefact Container: The suit possesses an interna artefact storage slot, that enables a stalker to benefit from 1 extra active artefact.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-19 20-39 40-80

AC: 0 1 2

DR: 1 1 2

Elem; 1 2 3

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Rad 0 1 2


Tier0: Camouflage vs Night Vision I

Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Custom fitting

Tier2: Segmented Protection vs Artefact


Tier3: Ceramic body armor vs Radiation


Tier4: Armored plates(2) vs


Berill-5M Armoured Suit: This item comprises military PS5 series body armor with beryllium sputter modified for use in the Zone. Designed for assault operations in highly radioactive areas, it is ineffective in areas of high anomalous activity. The suit makes its way to stalkers through the military, who exchange it for loot. Does not come with an artifact container.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-29 30-59 60-120

AC: 0 1 2

DR: 1 2 3

Elem; 1 1 2

Rad 0 1 2


Tier0: Extra flashlights vs Night Vision I

Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Lighter armor

Tier2: Armored plates(2) vs Custom fitting

Tier3: Ceramic body armor vs Artefact


Tier4: Radiation protection vs Healing

SSP-99m 'Guardian' Suit: This suit is a high quality modified SSP-99 suit. It includes kevlar inserts, as it was designed for guards working with scientific expeditions. This suit also includes a closed-cycle breathing module and first

generation night-vision. Closed breathing cycle: This armor is hermetically sealed and features a closed breathing cycle with it’s own oxygen supply. The wearer can safely walk through areas with dense poisonous gasses.

Night Vision 1: This armor features an integrated night vision module that lets the wearer benefit from Night vision 1 effect.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-24 25-49 50-100

AC: 0 1 2

DR: 1 2 3

Elem; 1 3 5

Rad 1 2 3


Tier0: Camouflage vs Night Vision

Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Custom fitting

Tier2: Segmented Protection vs Artefact


Tier3: Ceramic body armor vs Radiation


Wind of Freedom suit: This lightweight stalker bodysuit is made by Freedom craftsmen. The suit's fabric is treated with Horizon, a special solution developed by the faction by trial and error to increase resistance to

anomalies. Like the Sunrise suit, the Wind of Freedom comes with built-in body armor and artifact containers. Camouflage(Nature): The suit grants +2 to camouflage in nature areas. Artefact Container: The suit possesses an interna artefact storage slot, that enables a stalker to benefit from 1 extra active artefact.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-34 35-69 70-140

AC: 0 1 2

DR: 2 3 4

Elem; 1 2 3

Rad 0 1 2

Upgrades: Tier0: Extra flashlights vs Night Vision I Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Lighter armor Tier2: Ceramic body armor vs Radiation protection

Tier3: Armored plates(2) vs Artefact Container Tier4: Custom fitting vs Night Vision II

PSZ-9d Duty Armor: Produced by one of Kiev's

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defence research institutes and commissioned by the Duty faction. It is as simple and reliable as the standard PSZ-9 model, but due to the new materials, it provides good protection from various harmful impacts, including firearm damage. The vest still needs some work because it has no breathing protection system. Camouflage(Nature): The suit grants +2 to camouflage in nature areas. Artefact Container: The suit possesses an interna artefact storage slot, that enables a stalker to benefit from 1 extra active artefact.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-34 35-69 70-140

AC: 0 1 2

DR: 2 3 4

Elem; 1 2 3

Rad 0 1 2


Tier0: Extra flashlights vs Night Vision I

Tier1: Armored plates(1) vs Lighter armor

Tier2: Ceramic body armor vs Radiation


Tier3: Armored plates(2) vs Artefact Container

Tier4: Custom fitting vs Night Vision II

Seva Suit: This suit, produced by one of Kiev's Research Institutes, provides a great alternative to other homemade stalker suits. It is a fine combination of an armored bodysuit, a closed-cycle respiratory module and an anomaly field suppression system. That, plus well-chosen materials, makes this suit a fine choice, with the price being the only drawback. Closed breathing cycle: This armor is hermetically sealed and features a closed breathing cycle with it’s own oxygen supply. The wearer can safely walk through areas with dense poisonous gasses. Night Vision 1: This armor features a night vision module that lets the wearer benefit from Night vision 1 effect.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-39 40-79 80-160

AC: 1 2 3

DR: 1 2 4

Elem; 2 4 6

Rad 1 2 3


Tier0: Camouflage vs Night Vision II

Tier1: Ceramic body armor vs Radiation


Tier2:Armored plates(1) vs Custom fitting

Tier4: Ceramic body armor(2) vs Artefact

Container Skat-9M Military Armoured Suit This Skat-9M bulletproof military suit is designed for assault operations in areas of anomalous activity. It includes a PSZ-12p heavy military bulletproof suit, an integrated compensation suit and a Sphere-12M helmet. It provides perfect protection from bullets and splinters and it doesn’'t decrease the soldier’s mobility. It has a balanced system of anomaly protection. Night Vision 2: This armor features a night vision module that lets the wearer benefit from Night vision 2 effect. Extra flashlights: The armor is fitted with shoulder mounted flashlights, casting 60 feet clear light and 120 feet dim light.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-43 45-89 90-180

AC: 1 2 3

DR: 3 4 5

Elem; 3 4 5

Rad 0 1 2

Upgrades: Tier0: Camouflage vs Lighter armor

Tier1: Ceramic body armor vs Artefact


Tier2:Radiation protection vs Armored


Tier4: Ceramic body armor(2) vs Closed

breathing cycle

Exoskeleton: An experimental sample of a military exoskeleton. Was never mass-produced due to extraordinary cost and some design flaws. Despite this, it is in demand due to its ability

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to take on the weight of all carried equipment, and therefore small batches are made in underground facilities outside Ukraine. Comes with a built-in artifact container. Artefact Container: The suit possesses an interna artefact storage slot, that adds 1 extra artefact slot. Night Vision 1: This armor features a night vision module that lets the wearer benefit from Night vision 1 effect. Extra flashlights: The armor is fitted with shoulder mounted flashlights, casting 60 feet clear light and 120 feet dim light. Powered Armor: The armor has powered servos assisting the user’s movement. The wearer gets +4 str to his carrying capacity, but due to specific design flaws is unable to run.

Durability: Ruined Damaged Undamaged

HP: 1-49 50-99 100-200

AC: 1 2 3

DR: 2 4 6

Elem; 2 3 4

Rad 0 1 2


Tier0:Camouflage vs Night Vision 2

Tier1: Custom fitting vs Servomotor boosters

Tier2: Segmented protection vs Powered Fist

Tier3: Armored Plates vs Radiation protection

Tier4: Ceramic body armor vs Powered


Power Fist: You are considered to be armed with a knife even when unarmed —that is, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed and gain any benefits from brawl feats you have. However, you still get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes an unarmed attack on you if you have an empty hand. Also your melee attacks gain armor penetration 1. Servomotor boosters: Allows running and charging while wearing the exoskeleton. Powered Combat: The +4 Str to carrying capacity provided by the exoskeleton can be applied to melee damage, attacks, and opposed grapple checks.

Misc Equipment

Food; Rope (150 ft.)

Water; Portable video camera

PDA; Cigarette lighter

Geiger Counter; Detonator



Medical Kit

Surgery Kit



Mechanical Part

Mechanical Tools

Advanced Mechanical Tools

Disable Device kit


Sleeping Bag


Night vision goggles

Bolt cutter

Disguise kit


Steel 7 -

Zip-tie (25)

Climbing gear


Gas mask


Portable stove


Duct Tape



Upgrades and

Repairs The upgrades are separated to 4 tiers:

Tier 0 Requires no toolkit

Tier 1 requires normal toolkit

Tier 2 requires advanced toolkit

Tier 3 requires advanced toolkit and device

schematics for each weapon category ( Pistol,

Shotgun, Rifle and Sniper)

1 mechanical part costs 250Ru


Mech. Parts used

NPC craft Price














Pistol 1 2 3 400 800 1200

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n 2 3 4 800 1200 1600

Sniper 3 4 5 1200 1600 2000


Some weapons are less reliable than others, and all

firearms become less reliable if they aren’t


Every Repair and Craft check has a parts DC used

to determine whether the user has sufficient parts

available to complete the job. Before you can

succeed on a Repair or Craft check, you must make

a parts check to see if you have what you need.

To make a parts check, you must have a

number of the appropriate type of parts equal to at

leastthe number of parts used in the Repair or Craft

check, as indicated on Table 2–17. Roll 1d20 and

add the number of appropriate parts on hand. For

example, if you’re making a Craft

(mechanical)check, and you have eight mechanical

parts onhand, your bonus on the parts check is +8.If

you succeed on the parts check, you have the parts

you need and can proceed with the appropriate skill

check for the task. If you fail, you do not have

sufficient parts available for the task. You can retry

the check, but only after you obtain at least one

additional part.The DC for the check depends on

the task. A given task can have any given parts DC,

just as it can have any particular Repair or Craft

check DC.

Table 2–17: Repair and Craft Checks

Check DC parts

Simple 8 1-2

Moderate 16 2-3

Complex 24 3-4

Advanced 32 10

Check DC parts

Simple 15 3

Moderate 25 5

Complex 35 10

Advanced 50 20

Weapon Upgrades and specifics Assault Scope: An assault scope functions the same as a standard scope in normal light. However, the Stalker must spend a move equivalent action instead of an attack action acquiring his or her target. Sniping: The reconfigured weapon loses it’s automatic rate of fire, but it’s range increment increases by 20ft. Extended Magazine: The reconfigured weapon can hold more ammunition than normal. This benefit applies only to weapons with box magazines. Three-round burst setting: When used with the Burst Fire feat, the weapon fires only three bullets instead of five and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant

the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if a character uses the setting without the feat, he or she makes a normal attack, and the extra two bullets are wasted. Silencer Mount The reconfigured weapon gains the ability to mount a silencer. Grenade Launcher Mount: The reconfigured weapon gains the ability to mount an under barrel grenade launcher. The weight of the weapon is increased by 5lb. Scope Mount: The reconfigured weapon gains the ability to mount a scope. Reliable:The weapon degrades twice slower than other Longarms. Accurate: Due to exceptional part quality the weapon receives a +1 bonus on attack rolls. Longer Barrel: The weapon’s threat range is doubled. Change of caliber: A complex, integrated alteration of the weapon's mechanical and automated parts, which allow its caliber to be changed at the cost of 10% reliability. Double tap: This weapon features a high speed 2-round burst firing mode, which allows two bullets to be fired at exactly the same spot on a target up to 1 range increment away. This setting grants the ability to make Double Tap attacks without the Double Tap feat, but only if the target is within 1 range increment of the shooter. (The double barreled shotgun does not suffer from the 1 Range increment limitation) If the stalker using the Obokan already has the double tap feat the penalty inside the first range increment lessens by 1 a Integrated Scope: This weapon features an integrated 1.5x Scope. If it is fired without it, the shooter suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls.It can be used with only two bullets in the weapon. Integrated Assault Scope: This weapon features an integrated 1.5x Assault PSO-1 Scope. If it is fired without it, the shooter suffers a -1 penalty on attacks. Integrated Electro-Optical Scope: This weapon features an integrated 1.5x Electro-Optical PSO-1 Scope. If it is fired without it, the shooter suffers a -1 penalty on attacks. Integrated Silencer: Thanks to its 9x39 caliber round with a heavy subsonic bullet, the weapon's noise and muzzle flash have been reduced to a minimum. This weapon suffers only a -1 penalty to damage, while retaining all benefits of a silencer. Foldable stock: The weapon is fitted with a foldable stock, gaining a bonus to sleight of hand checks made to conceal the weapon and negating the -4 penalty when attacking with a longarm in the adjacent square. Folding and unfolding a stock is a move-equivalent action, firing a Longarm with

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a folded stock imposes a -1 penalty on all attack rolls Polymer frame: A technical replacement of the weapon’s frame with a lighter one, reducing it’s category from medium to small. Alloy Frame: A technical replacement of the weapon’s frame with a lighter one, reducing it’s weight by 5lb. Protective coating: A special Anti-corrosive coating protects the weapon from degradation.(Weapon degrades twice slower). NightVision I/II (scope): Grants the user night-vision (80/120 ft.) but because of the restricted field of view and lack of depth perception it imposes a –4/-2 penalty on all spot checks made by someone using it. Night vision must have at least a little light to operate. A cloudy night provides sufficient ambient light, but a sealed room doesn't. For situations of total darkness, the scope come with an infrared illuminator that, when switched on, operates like a standard flashlight whose light is visible only to the wearer (or anyone else with night vision). Subsonic Round: Thanks to its 9x39 caliber round with a heavy subsonic bullet, This weapon suffers only a -1 penalty to damage when mounted with a silencer. Choke: Shotguns are normally set on standard choke. Changing a shotgun’s choke requires DC10 Repair check and 1 minute of work. In addition to standard choke the shotgun can be set to open choke or full choke. Slug ammunition can only be used in shotguns set to open choke. Open choke: The weapon grants a +1 circumstance bonus on attacks . However the weapon’s range increment is halved. Full choke: Instead of the normal penalties for range, attacks with the weapon suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls and -1 on damage for each range increment SemiAutho rate of fire: The weapon is capable of firing in semi-authomatic mode Box Magazine:The reconfigured weapon now accepts a box magazine to reduce reloading time.

Armor Upgrades and specifics Artefact Container: The armor has an extra artefact container. The stalker can carry 1 additional artefact to what his constitution permits. Armored plates The armor is fitted with extra ballistic plates for increased physical protection at the cost of more restricted movement (+1DR;+1ACP) Element protection The armor is reinforced with special fabrics and treated with fire resistant mixtures. +2 Elem. Resitance)

Radiation protection (The armor protects better from radiation (+1 lvl Rad protection) Night Vision (I/II Generation) Extra Flashlights (The armor is fitted with shoulder mounted flashlights, casting 60 feet clear light and 120 feet dim light.) Custom fitting: The armor’s check penalty is reduced by 2

Lighter armor The armor’s weight is reduced by 5lb

Healing The armor gains healing 1/hour Segmented protection:Thinner sheets of armor are layered to increase the armor's durability(+1DR for the purpose of armor degradation) Ceramic body armor: A ceramic outer layer can deflect armor piercing bullets that impact at an angle and cause them to crumble into fine dust.(-1 VS Bullet DR) Camouflage(Urban/ Nature): Grants +2 to hide in Urban or nature areas.

Accessories A Scope is a sighting device that makes it easier to hit targets at long range. However, although a scope magnifies the image of the target, it has a very limited field of view, making it difficult to use. Adding a scope mount to a weapon takes 1hr and a Repair check(DC15). When a scope is attached to a weapon for the first time it must be zeroed or it will not function accurately. Zeroing is the process by which the scope is precisely aligned with the aim of the weapon. It requires 15 minutes and 10 bullets. Once the scope is zeroed, it can be removed and re-attached later to the same weapon without zeroing it again. Attaching or removing a scope is a full round action. Standard: A standard scope increases the range increment for a ranged weapon by one-half (multiply by 1.5). However, to use a scope a character must spend an attack action acquiring his or her target. If the character changes targets or otherwise lose sight of the target, he or she must reacquire the target to gain the benefit of the scope. A scope can only be attached to a weapon equipped with a scope mount. Some firearms come with s cope mounts, but unless otherwise stated they do not. Assault Scope: An assault scope functions the same as a standard scope in normal light. However, the Stalker must spend a move equivalent action instead of an attack action acquiring his or her target. Electro-Optical: An electro-optical scope functions the same as a standard scope in normal light. In darkness, however, the user sees through it as if he or she had night vision II. PSO-1 Scope: Is an optical scope with a x1.5 magnification. It can be mounted on any Soviet or

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Russian made weapon such as the AK-74 and the AN-94. The SUSAT (Sight Unit Small Arms, Trilux) scope is a scope with x1.5 magnification with tritium-powered illumination It can only be mounted on NATO-class weaponry.

Underbarrel Grenade Launcher: Although designed to be fitted under different weapon platforms, the grenade launchers have identical stats. Damage: 3d6/Slashing; Blast radius: 10 ft.; Save: 15 Ref; Size:Medium Range Increment:70 ft.Weight:5 lb.Rate of Fire:Single Magazine:1 int

GP-25 Koster: A single shot, front loaded, rifled underbarrel grenade launcher for assault rifles made in Warsaw Pact countries. The firing mechanism is self-cocking, with a manual safety catch and automatic shot prevention if incorrectly installed onto a rifle. Uses VOG-25 grenades. M203 Grenade Launcher: A modified M203 grenade launcher that has been shortened by three inches, attached to NATO weapons. Thanks to a changed mount, this grenade launcher is widely used around the world.

Suppressor: A suppressor fits on the end of a firearm, capturing the gases traveling at supersonic speed that propel a bullet as it is fired. This eliminates the noise from the bullet’s firing, dramatically reducing the sound the weapon makes when it is used. For weapons, that inflict 2d6dmg., the only sound is the mechanical action of the weapon (Listen check, DC 15, to notice). For weapons, that inflict 2d8 or more dmg. the supersonic speed of the bullet itself still makes noise. However, it’s difficult to tell where the sound is coming from, requiring a Listen check (DC 15) to locate the source of the gunfire. An effective suppressor which can be modified on the go as required. The body of the suppressor around the barrel contains a roll of fine brass mesh, while the front comprises a set of metal diaphragms with holes for the bullet to pass through. The set includes adaptors and sealants for most weapons. Normally used to thin out enemy ranks without drawing attention. Weapons, that inflict 2d6dmg suffer a -1 damage penalty. Weapons, that inflict 2d8dmg suffer a -2 damage penalty. Laser Sight: This small laser mounts on a firearm, and projects a tiny red dot on the weapon’s target. A laser sight grants a +1 equipment bonus on all attack rolls made against targets no farther than 30 feet away. However, a laser sight can’t be used outdoors durng the daytimeRepairing damage to

armor takes 20 minutes of work, a mechanical tool kit, and 2 WP of raw materials.(Without the tool kit, a character takes a -6 penalty on their Craft check.)At the end of the half hour, make a repair check (DC 20). Success restores 2d6 armor points. If damage remains, the character may continue to make repairs for as many minutes as it takes to restore all of the armor’s armor points.

Radiation Rules

“Please give me vodka, i’m dying” - Anonymous stalker When characters are exposed to radiation, they may be afflicted with radiation sickness. Radiation sickness functions exactly like exposure to any other disease, following the normal rules for diseases. The Fortitude save DC and the effects of radiation sickness vary with the dose of radiation to which a creature is exposed. Radiation exposure has five degrees: mild, low, moderate, high, and severe. To determine the degree of exposure, start with the type of exposure: either an irradiated area (such as the area near a nuclear explosion, after the fact, or a lab that has been flooded with radioactive gas), or a specific source of radiation (such as a lump of radioactive material). Then consult Table: Radiation Exposure to determine the degree of exposure based on the total time of exposure within a given 24-hour period (rounding up). The degree of the exposure determines the severity of the radiation sickness, as indicated on Table: Radiation Sickness.

Treating Radiation Sickness Radiation sickness is considered a treatable disease that can be cured using the “treat disease” aspect of the Treat Injury skill. Treating radiation sickness requires a medical kit. Advanced medicine (such as Radaway) and advanced technology (including nanites, cybernetic implants and vodka) can also eliminate radiation sickness or obviate its harmful effects. At low levels, radiation sickness is a slow disease. Often, a sick character suffers no severe effects. This is reflected in the fact that even with a failed Fortitude save, the character might not suffer any Constitution

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loss. In highly radioactive environments, a character might be exposed to radiation while already suffering from sickness. If the degree of exposure exceeds the exposure that caused the initial sickness, the character suffers radiation sickness at the increased severity.

Otherwise, it does not change. For example, a character who has been exposed to a low dose of radiation does not get any sicker if she is later exposed to another mild or low dose. If she is exposed to a moderate or higher dose, however, her sickness becomes more severe.

Table: Radiation Sickness

Degree of Exposure

Fortitude Save DC

Incubation Period

Initial and Secondary Damage

Mild 12 1 day 1d4–2 Con*

Low 15 4d6 hours 1d6–2< Con*

Moderate 18 3d6 hours 1d6–1 Con*

High 21 2d6 hours 1d6 Con

Severe 24 1d6 hours 2d6 Con

* Minimum damage 0 Con.

Inside the Zone



Are a nomadic semi-unified group of Stalkers who simply live off the Zone in order to earn some coin for their daily

lives. Loners are neutral toward almost all other factions, but do have complications with the Military, and, to a lesser extent, the Mercenaries, and openly oppose the Bandit faction for their actions against free Stalkers. Most Loners are only concerned with the riches of the Zone, and do not pay

Table: Radiation Exposure

Time of Exposure (Minimum)

Situation 1 round 1 minute 10 minutes 1 hour 1 day

Character in irradiated area:

Lightly irradiated mild mild mild mild low

Moderately irradiated mild mild low low moderate

Highly irradiated low low moderate moderate high

Severely irradiated moderate moderate high high severe

Character exposed to radiation source:

Lightly radioactive materials mild mild low low low

Moderately radioactive materials low low moderate moderate moderate

Highly radioactive materials

moderate moderate high high high

Severely radioactive materials high high severe severe severe

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attention to the other factions' hatred for each other - provided, of course, they do not threaten them. Because of this, Loners are often recruited by various factions as mercenaries.

The Ukrainian military

Supposedly has the Zone contained in order to prevent the looting of dangerous, radioactive materials and to prevent

the unauthorized entering of any individuals. They

allegedly enforce this rule with a "Shoot-on-sight" declaration. In an ironic twist, because of major corruption within their ranks, they themselves are the reason why Stalkers can continue to operate, and why radioactive materials from the Zone keep flowing to the outside world. Overtly, the Military are hostile to all Stalkers, to keep up appearances; but they also make shady dealings with them at the same time.

The Bandits

Are raiders and marauders of the Zone, ranging from petty thugs and gangsters to organized crime syndicates. Apart from Freedom, which treats them with marginal contempt, everyone hates the Bandits due to their nefarious acts of robbing and exploiting honest Stalkers. Most Bandits are unorganized and leaderless; there are only a few known Bandit leaders and camps, and even then their groups are still fairly disorganized, with underlings always trying to take control by overthrowing the previous leader. Their unit size is mediocre, and their equipment is cheap and shoddy; because of this they've adapted to a guerilla style of warfare, ambushing small groups with large numbers by camping in locations just off the normal paths.


Was founded by former military expedition survivors and Stalkers concerned about the looming horrors of the Zone. They are one of

the largest Stalker clans in the Zone. They have a

strict military code (such as no smoking, maintaining one's weapons, etc...) and operate in a military fashion, using ranks like Sergeant, Major, Captain, General,... Their goal is to contain and destroy the Zone, fearing that it will spread to the outside world. They view the Zone as an ulcer in the world and their efforts are a way to excise it. They do this with blunt force by killing mutants, eliminating all who oppose them or exploit the free, and burning down or drowning mutant dens. They are neutral toward other Zone factions, save for the Bandits and their long-time nemesis: the Freedom faction. It is said that Duty also has deep connections within the military, specifically Spetsnaz detachments within the Zone, although they treat regular grunts with utter contempt.


Is a collection of anarchists, daredevils, and other Stalkers who believe in the right for free access to the Zone. They are one of the largest Stalker clans in the Zone. Freedom believes that the Zone is a wonder given to all humanity. They are hostile to the ecologists exploiting the Zone for research. They openly oppose the Military, and their long-time rivals, Duty. The only interest of Freedom is to live and open the Zone as a museum for people outside of Chernobyl. Freedom believes that if ecologists leave the Zone from scientific research, the zone will act friendly and peacefully.

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The Mercenaries

Are a private military force operating within the Zone. They are professional soldiers who will do just about anything in the Zone, ranging from retrieval, assassinations, bodyguarding, etc. Though, of course, it must be for the right price. Mercenaries are usually neutral toward other factions, as they are a source of income, unless they interfere with their operations. The Ecologists

Are Ukrainian scientists sent into the Zone on behalf of the government, but seem to be affiliated with outside organizations.

Their main purpose is the study of all aspects of the Zone, using scientific methods to further explain what the Zone is, and its purpose. The Ecologists are neutral to all factions, and are not involved in any of their conflicts. Due to the military's slipping grip on the Zone, the Ecologists rely on opportunistic Dutyers, Loners, and Mercenaries to provide them protection, and to perform errands that may require combat, since the scientists are better thinkers than fighters.

The Monolith

Are a fanatical, well-equipped faction, with huge numbers. They have no allies, and are actively attacking all other factions. Their main base of operations is the entire

Pripyat town.


“The small piece of metal traveled through the

air and landed on the ground with a silent thud.

Immediately the area was filled with a bright,

blue light, as small lighting bolts shot up into

the air. A figure calmly watched the light show,

and took a small device from his belt. After

pressing some buttons the device started to

beep loudly.

A grin formed on the mans face – an Artifact

was near. The person took some more iron bits

from a small bag on his belt as he took a few

steps back. He prepared quietly as failure

would result a painful death. A few seconds

passed, and the Stalker threw another piece of

metal, while starting to run. Swoosh – the

lighting went off as the man sailed through the

air, right over the glowing bolt. After landing

the man let out a small laugh and took out the

beeping device. He started to slowly turn

around, all the while listening for louder beeps.

At one moment he hit jackpot – the device

became louder.

Every step forward and the device went louder

and louder, faster and faster, up to the moment

when it turned into a nonstopping sound. At the

moment the man calmly extended his arm and

grabbed for something. At first there was

nothing, but then a large, rock like thing

appeared, that seemed to glow from the inside.

Our Stalker turned around, made the jump over

the Anomaly again and began his way back to

the Bar, all the while thinking about the uses of

the money he'll get from the Barkeep.” Artefacts are items that have been changed by the conditions in the Zone. Most artifacts have strange and useful characteristics. For example, when kept close to the body, some artifacts create a protective field that increases its user's resilience to damage. Others may increase the user's carry weight or protect against fire, etc. Artifacts are also valuable scientific study material and outside corporations would pay a hefty price to obtain one of these artifacts from the zone. An artefact is a small object, weighing ~2.5lb with varying shapes and colours. They can be safely carried in the inventory until activated. Activating an artefact requires a standard action and placing it somewhere close to the stalker. In a pocket, on the belt, or in a special artefact container integrated in the armor. Every stalker can have up to ½ of his constitution score + any artefact containers integrated in the armor number of artefacts active at any given time until it gets too stressful for his body. When a Stalker tries to activate more artefacts than his limit nothing

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happens. Activating an artefact is a standard action.

Table x.x Arthefacts*

Arthefact: Benefit Drawback Sale Price

Jellyfish +1 Ballistic DR Lightly Radioactive Mat. 1200 Ru

Stone Flower +2 Ballistic DR Moderately Radioactive Mat. 2500 Ru

Night Star +3 Ballistic DR Severely Radioactive Mat. 5000 Ru

Mama’s Beads +1 Ballistic DR None 5000 Ru

Wretched +1 Slash;Pierc;Bludg. DR Lightly Radioactive Mat. 1200 Ru

Gravi +2 Slash;Pierc;Bludg. DR Moderately Radioactive Mat. 2500 Ru

Goldfish +3 Slash;Pierc;Bludg. DR Severely Radioactive Mat. 5000 Ru

Kolobok +1 Slash;Pierc;Bludg. DR None 5000 Ru

Thorn +1 Radiation Protection -1 Maximum HP 1200 Ru

Crystal Thorn +2 Radiation Protection -2 Maximum HP 2500 Ru

Urchin +3 Radiation Protection -3 Maximum HP 5000 Ru

Stone blood +1Health/Hour -1 DR 1200 Ru

Meat Chunk +1Health/30min -2 DR 2500 Ru

Soul +1Health/20min -3 DR 5000 Ru

Unknown +1Health/Round Unknown Unknown

Sparkler +1 Carrying Str -2 Elemental Resistance 1200 Ru

Flash +2 Carrying Str -4 Elemental Resistance 2500 Ru

Moonlight +3 Carrying Str -6 Elemental Resistance 5000 Ru

Droplets +1 Radiation Protection -1 Carrying Str 1200 Ru

Fireball +2 Radiation Protection -2 Carrying Str 2500 Ru

Crystal +3 Radiation Protection -3 Carrying Str 5000 Ru

Flame Battery +6 Fire DR None 5000 Ru

Pellicle +6 Acid DR None 5000 Ru

Electric Battery +6 Electric DR None 5000 Ru

Spring +5 Ft. Speed Moderately Radioactive Mat. 5000 Ru

Key locations

The Zone is a wild, and mostly unexplored place, whole areas are cut off from outside influence by high radiation, fierce mutants or dense anomalies. There are a few areas of the

Zone that are considered key locations, points of control that are hotly contested amongst the factions, due to having an abundance of artifacts, being strategically important crossroads, access to important underground facilities or relatively safe zones. Of course, a

good deal of the Zone is unexplored and you are free to add your own locations to these.


It's the outermost edge of the Zone, guarded by the Military and therefore quieter than most other areas. Stalkers often refer to the Cordon as the Zone's antechamber. It is sporadically dotted with farms and small villages, and several railway lines and bridges. Most rookies hang around the Cordon, congregating in the abandoned villages until they have enough gear and experience to head deeper into the Zone. The biggest threat to Stalkers in the Cordon is the Military, as they often launch patrols with the intent of capturing or killing the Stalkers that stray too close to their Outposts. The most common mutants encountered in the cordon are the

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Flesh, boar and blind dogs, though occasionally others venture out to the fringes, causing havoc amongst the unexperienced Stalkers. The main focal point of the cordon is the south west, where the Trader Sidorovich operates, most of the incoming and outgoing trade occurs in this area, as rumors say, that Sidorovich has struck a deal with the local Millitary's outpost commander.

The Garbage

Described as a "vast machinery graveyard", the Garbage was in fact the main dumping ground for ruined machines and vehicles, as well as irradiated debris from after the 1986 disaster. Lines of irradiated trucks, jeeps and general machinery are left to rust in vast fields. The area is dominated by huge, heavily irradiated piles of debris pulled from the Chernobyl NPP, partially covered with dirt, among which useful items or the occasional artifact can be found. Loners and Bandits often chug vodka and venture onto these mounds in search of loot, most often leading to fighting and bloodshed. Notable sites within the Garbage area include an old train hangar, a fenced-in scrapyard and several ruined office buildings. Although unconfirmed, it it rumoured these offices have extensive basement areas. Duty operate a checkpoint on the main road to Rostok, which is their main base area. They often come into conflict with the bandits in the area. Agroprom

A heavily forested area, containing many small lakes and streams, this is the site of the Agroprom Research Institute, which was constructed sometime in the mid 90s to analyze the possibilities of agriculture on irradiated soil. The ARI itself is a massive lakeside complex, complete with rail line and tunnel that connects directly to the railyard in the Garbage Area

several kilometers away. Several ruined factories dot the area, usually six or seven story buildings with accompanying offices. Most notable is the extensive underground complexes

below the research facility, a vast network of laboratories, tunnels and massive hangars, with several surface access points, either hidden in the hillsides or connecting to the factories in the area. Mercenaries are highly active in this area, with many suggesting that

the facilities below the research institute hold some secrets about the creation of the Zone. Duty have a presence here, operating a small outpost in the grounds of the Research institute, and many loners can be found in the area. This area is often subject to military raids, attempting to capture the mercenaries to discern their employers goals. Dark Valley

Always gloomy, always misty and always rainy. Stalkers venturing into the Dark Valley are likely to find valuable artifacts, instant death, or both. So nicknamed for the oppressive feeling surrounding this area, the dark valley is a dangerous place, and often home to some of the more organised bandit groups. The site of another “Agricultural Research Center” that was abandoned just prior to the 2006 emission, the dark valley is rumoured to be the site of one of the many 'X Designation' labs, which were established throughout the zone after its creation to work in fields of fringe science. Freedom have an outpost here, in the large construction site that was to be the Science Center. The area is heavily industrialised, with large factories and industrial ruins dotting the area. Often visited by experienced Stalkers attempting to find the entrance to the secret labs.


Rostok was once a mid-sized town, with large industrial presence and an extensive rail network. It is divided into two areas; the southside area, a safe zone, more commonly called “The Bar” And the rest of the town, called “The Wild Territory”. The Bar is one of the Zones safest areas, almost entirely anomaly free, it is the main headquarters of Duty, and as such they heavily protect this area, enforcing strict adherence to their laws. Most stalkers can be guaranteed sanctuary in the Bar, it is almost a city unto itself, named for the famous '100 Rads' Bar, it also contains a makeshift hotel, a thriving market and a dueling arena where stalkers can bet on or take part in fights. This entire 'town' is enclosed in barricades, dotted with watchtowers and manned by Duty members. Outside of Dutys barricades is the Wild Territory, the decaying remains of Rostok, this area is rich in artifacts, anomalies and also in mutants. Some ecologists are active in this

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area, using the Bar as a nearby safe zone, renting building from Duty to use as research bases. The wild territory is a dense maze of ruined buildings, with narrow streets and enclosed courtyards, and occasionally large open parks, which are littered with the bodies of Stalkers foolish enough to cross them, coming under fire from Mercenary or Bandit snipers. Many firefights happen in close quarters here, fighting house to house and room to room.

Yantar Once home to the largest lake in the Chernobyl area, an unfortunate accident at the nearby

Factory prior to 1986 led to this lake draining into an underground cavern, leaving a shallow, chemically poisoned swamp in its place. Yantar was a major chemical industry center before

the Chernobyl Incident, and now stands mostly untouched, due to the heavy psy-emissions that emanate from this area. Rumoured to hold one of the 'X Designated' laboratories, this has long been a draw to Stalkers, who unwittingly meet their end at the strange presence located here. As such, the area is home to countless Zombified Stalkers. The Ecologists have established a Mobile Research Base here recently, a heavily fortified prefab bunker that was airlifted into the area. They have enlisted several Duty and Mercenary members to guard them as they conduct their research into the Psy-emissions. This area is dense with underground and overground sewers and chemical waste runoff pipes, which are often the only way to travel safely past the hordes of zombies. However, these pipes and the Yantar buildings are inhabited by something worse than brain dead stalkers, the deadly snorks, feral Stalkers that fell victim to the areas influences. Many meet their fate deep underground in at the hands of these rabid monsters, and their howling can be heard echoing through the pipes at night, filling the lakeside area with horrible unnerving sounds. The Army Warehouses

A strategically important area, the vicinity of the army base used to contain a small rural village and passageway to the radar facility north of it. After the 1986 incident, the population of the village was evacuated and the base repurposed to act as a center for military forces securing the Zone of Exclusion.

Following the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian military units were garrisoned in the base, continuing the mission of securing the area. Some time before the second incident in 2006 a large scale construction effort was started in the area. However, the incident cut such efforts short; workers abandoned their vehicles, leaving behind their vehicles and raw supplies. The area became truly abandoned, with mutants and other wildlife quickly moving in. However, once the military was able to reach deeper into the Zone, they once again reoccupied the warehouses and erected 'The Barrier', a fortified checkpoint covering the only accessible road to Pripyat nestled in a steep sided valley, to keep the more gruesome Zone abominations which were funneled along this passage contained. They were doing a decent job, right until the Second Emission, during which much of their force was killed. The soldiers retreated to the military base and bunkered down, constantly requesting evacuation to no avail. Freedom exploited this weakness and secured the base for themselves, as well as picking up the duty to maintain and defend the Barrier. Moving their primary base from the Dark Valley, the army warehouses area became the center of Freedom operations and one of the most heavily defended locations across the entire Zone. The Army warehouses are a valuable source of materials and resources within the Zone, holding a huge surplus of military rations, medical supplies and munitions. As such it is a highly coveted area by many factions, and it the

center of some of the most bitter and intense battles in the Zone.

Red Forest The Red forest is the area directly north of the Army Warehouses, a steeply hilled and heavily forested area consisting mostly of coniferous pine trees. Its name was coined by inhabitants of the Zone after the 1986 meltdown which killed all of the trees in the area, and turned their needles a bright red colour. The area is one of the most dangerous in the zone, as the heavy vegetation and steep terrain makes travel difficult, and the presence of the Monolith faction alongside some of the most deadly mutants of the Zone. Documents uncovered in Agroprom refer to another of the

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'X Designated' labs hidden in this area, but its location is unknown. The forest extended for several kilometers, and there is a 'point of no return' beyond which there seems to be some sort of emission that Stalkers have nicknamed “The Brain Scorcher” due to the effects on humans, intense headaches, bleeding from the nose, ears and eyes and eventual zombification. It has been noted that Monolith soldiers in this area seem immune to this effect. The area is littered with abandoned military vehicles, left to rust amongst the trees. Pripyat Pripyat is the most famous ghost city of the Exclusion Zone, once home to almost 50,000 residents, mostly engineers and workers in the nearby Nuclear Power Plant. Pripyat is as yet untouched by Stalkers, being the very heart of the Exclusion Zone. No one has yet managed to find a safe passage to it. It sits empty, save the mutants, and is a relic of the now collapsed

Soviet Government, with monuments and murals falling into decay. The most iconic location in Pripyat is the Ferris Wheel, for a funfair that was due to open only days after the 1986 disaster. No one can say for sure if it even still stands. Located within almost spitting distance of the NPP, Pripyat is thought to be the home of the Monolith faction. The first Stalkers to access Pripyat will be remembered as legends amongst Stalkers for years to come, and every Stalker dreams of being that person.

Chernobyl NPP

The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is where it all started. On the 26th of April 1986, a reactor meltdown led to nuclear fallout irradiating and rendering hazardous a 30 km-wide area now known as the Zone of Alienation. Following the incident, the Zone was evacuated and the reactor was sealed in a concrete Sarcophagus. The NPP is a place of myth and legend amongst Stalkers, residing at the very heart of the Zone. Almost impassable obstacles such as the Brain Scorcher or the Monolith faction combined with the vivid imaginations of prospecting

Stalkers caused wild rumors to begin spreading about what one might find in the Chernobyl NPP. The most well known tale is that of the Wish Granter; a monolithic crystal of unknown origin that makes one's wishes come true. Other rumors surrounding the NPP involve extra-terrestrials, treasure troves of artifacts, the Oasis, and other folklore. Many Stalkers see the Npp as the Ultimate goal, to stand in front of the Wish Granter and be able to ask for anything; uncountable riches, immortality, peace on earth, anything a Stalker could dream

game Mastering

Weapons of the Monolith

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Weapon Damage/

Crit Caliber

Dmg. Type

Range Incr.

Rate of fire

Mag. Size Wgt. Buy/Sell

in Ru

Exotic Weapons (requires the Advanced Firearms Proficiency feat)

FT-200M (Assault rifle) 2d8/20 5.56mm Ballistic 80ft. Sa,A 30 Box Large 15lb N/A

Gauss Rifle (Sniper rifle) 3d12/20 - Ballistic 140ft. S 10 Box Huge 25lb N/A

EM1 Rifle (Sniper rifle) 3d6/ - - Electrical 120ft s 8 Box Huge 25lb N/A

FT-200M: This futuristic-

looking weapon with a bullpup layout is actually a mass produced modular system, comprising a rifle grenade complex with a

computerized fire control system and a 40-mm grenade launcher. Despite its bulky appearance, the weapon is highly ergonomic, easy to use and benefits from good technical characteristics. Specifics: Reliable(+Durability); Accurate(+1AB); Integrated Electro-Optical Assault Scope(1.5 Susat); Compact; Integr. Grenade Launcher(M203) Attachments: This weapon accepts a Silencer without modifications. Upgrades: Tier1: N/A Tier2: Extended Magazine(42) vs Polymer frame Tier3: 3 Round Burst vs Longer Barrel(+crit)

EM1 Rifle: An experimental electromagnetic rifle

used for incapacitating electronic devices from a distance. Ineffective against live targets. Powered by accumulator batteries. Originally a prototype weapon created as part of a project in the Zone (before the 2006 incident) scrapped in 2004, prototypes of the said weapon were later seized by the Clear Sky faction (likely because some of its members were part of The Group) who turned the weapon in a powerful rifle capable of unleashing

powerful electromagnetic bursts through fragments of the Flash artifact. Specifics: Integrated Electro-Optical Scope(1.5 Susat); Attachments: None Upgrades: Tier1: Extended Magazine(10) vs Polymer frame Tier2: Prot. coating vs Assault Scope Tier3: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab)

Gauss Rifle: A super-accurate hi-tech weapon

known as item 62, this rifle was developed in secret laboratories located inside the Zone. The weapon operates by accelerating bullets to extremely high speeds using a system of electromagnets, which provides incredible stopping power with virtually no recoil. The weapon is powered by using capsulated artifact fragments in the batteries. Specifics: Integrated Electro-Optical Scope(1.5 Susat); Attachments: None Upgrades: Tier1: Extended Magazine(12) vs Polymer frame Tier2: Prot. coating vs Electric damage* Tier3: Longer Barrel(+crit) vs Accurate(1ab)

*Electric damage: Removing the projectile from the Gauss ammunition Halves the Gauss Rifle’s Dmg. to 3d6, but changes it’s type to electrical. The Stalker can change from lethal to non-lethal mode. A shot with electric damage disables all electrical devices on the target for 1d4 rounds.

Creatures of the zone

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Blind dog

Several generations of the dog species have lived and died since the catastrophe. Each was more affected by the Zone than the previous one. Rapid mutation lead to a vast improvement in previously peripheral abilities, frequently at the expense of primary ones. The most notable biological change was the loss of sight, paired with an uncanny development of smell. As it turned out, blind pups survived in the Zone as well as normal ones, if not better. As a result, the common dog quickly became extinct in the Zone, giving way to a new breed – that of blind dogs. The animals instinctively identify and avoid anomalies, radiation, and other invisible dangers that plague the Zone. Like their wild ancestors – the wolves – blind dogs hunt in packs. An encounter with a large group of these animals can be dangerous even to an experienced and well-armed stalker. Biology: As the name implies, these dogs have lost their eyesight, possibly due to some form of warped, mutation-induced evolution. Rather than rely on eyes, Blind dogs have extremely keen senses of hearing and smell and can hunt, fight and navigate through pockets of radiation and fields of anomalies without much problem. They also seem to have developed an unusually high resistance to electricity. Perhaps due to radiation in the Zone and subsequent mutations, many Blind Dogs are albino.

Size/Type:Small Mutated Animal Hit Dice:1d8+2 (6 hp) Initiative:+3 Speed:40 ft. (8 squares) Armor Class:14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple:+0/-3 Attack:Bite +2 melee (1d4+1) Full Attack:Bite +2 melee (1d4+1)Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Skills: Jump +7, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1* Feats: Alertness, Track

Organization: Solitary or pack (5-12) Challenge Rating:⅓ Alignment:Always neutral


Like many other living creatures, domestic pigs in The Zone underwent serious mutations following the second Chernobyl disaster, affecting genes responsible for their metabolism. This eventually caused the animal's phenotype to change significantly.A mutant pig of this type, known as a "Flesh" among stalkers, is one of the clearest examples of the Zone's perversion of nature. The pigs have developed a protective layer of scales and bones, their regeneration potential grew significantly and their nervous system became more complex. A side benefit of this mutation is their enlarged eye, which can see in a greater spectrum of light and has olfactory receptors within (in layman's terms, the flesh can smell with its eyes).They are familial creatures and usually travel the Zone in packs numbering five or six Fleshes. A pack is led by an Alpha Flesh, most often the most experienced and long lived one. The "Alpha Pig" can be easily identified by both its grayish skin and the scars covering most of its body. Just like a normal pig, the Flesh is an omnivore and may attack a Stalker if desperate enough. Fleshes have been observed dragging corpses of small slain mutants such as Blind Dogs into a safe spot for consumption. To most, this would be the most grotesque and unnerving meal of their life. To Stalkers, it's a feast. Even with their mutated and repulsive look, the Fleshes are still biologically pigs and therefore are safe for consumption (radiation poisoning notwithstanding). Some Stalkers take advantage of this fact by chopping their limbs and head off, skewering them onto a makeshift spit, and roasting the beast over a fire for food, similar to how roast pig is prepared.

Size/Type: Medium Animal

Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12

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Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1)

Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Trip

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1

Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6

Skills: Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1*

Feats: TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)

Environment: Temperate forests

Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7-16)

Challenge Rating:


Advancement: 3 HD (Medium); 4-6 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:


A large animal that can reach 1.5 meters at the shoulder. The boar's ability to survive and aggression surpass that of its relatives outside the Zone and resemble that of most mutants. Mutagenic processes engineered by radiation and anomalies have played a significant part in shaping these mammals: they have lost all fur in places and grown long, bristly fur in others. The animals' hooves have changed in shape and become sharper, acquiring a resemblance to claws; their pupils have become colorless and pigmentation disorders and deep wrinkles have appeared on their bald heads. They have also grown an extra pair of tusks which are easily recognized. Zone boars resist radiation well which allows them to spend long periods in heavily contaminated areas. Boars are very territorial and a small group will defend their territory to the death but if killed the last survivor will usually run away. Some boars are solitary and roam areas alone looking for food. Boars in

family groups are usually selfish feeders and can be seen dragging a corpse into bushes to feed alone. They are also cannibalistic and have been observed feeding on corpses of their own kind. They normally attack by charging at their victims and attempting to rip them to shreds with their claws or knock them over. They are especially dangerous when they attack as a group and surround their victim. The boar is indeed one of the most dangerous of the original domestic animals of the Zone.

Traits Ferocity (Ex): A boar is so fiercely aggressive in combatthat it continues fighting even when disabled or dying. Scent (Ex): This ability allows a boar to detect approach-ing enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Boar (Wild Pig): CR 3; Medium-size Mutated animal; HD 3d8+9;hp22; Mas 17; Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; Defense 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural); BAB +2; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee(1d8+3, gore); Full Atk +4 melee (1d8+3, gore); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.;Reach 5 ft.; SQ ferocity, low-light vision, scent; AL none; SVFort +6, Ref +3, Will +2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 17,Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4.

Skills: Listen +7, Spot +5. Feats: None. Advancement: 4–5 HD (Medium-size).


Pseudodogs are a relatively common type of mutant descended from wolf, bear and human DNA strains and only resembling dogs visually. Physical Appearance As their name suggests they look more like dogs than wolves; they have very blunt and short muzzles, relatively short fur (but far more than a blind dog) and unusually small for a wolf related canine as they are only slightly bigger than blind dogs. They have some exposed skin on the ribs which is not covered by fur and their cheeks do not completely cover their teeth or they are constantly snarling. They also have rather small ears which do not stick straight up which is yet again very different that most wolves.

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Another distinguishing feature are their eyes which implies that they can indeed see (unlike blind dogs), they are a glowing whitish yellow color remarkably similar to a Bloodsucker's, they curiously stop glowing when a pseudodog is badly injured and or killed. Unlike their relative the Blind dog, which is clearly a side effect of random mutations, Pseudo dogs are thought to possess experimental breeding history, with their possible origins tracking back to way before the second disaster.


Bloodsuckers are a type of rare mutant usually found in the deeper areas of the Zone, often underground. They seem vaguely humanoid, with a hunched stance and height similar to that of an average person. Their eyes are lambent and their mouths are surrounded by several powerful tentacles used for feeding on blood. The Bloodsucker is a semi-legendary creature, often used by Stalkers as a symbol of both the dangers and corruption of the Zone. This status has been achieved both thanks to the species’ relative rarity, as well as the fact that few humans who encounter Bloodsuckers survive to tell of it. Bloodsuckers often make lairs in which they will dwell while resting or storing their kill for later consumption. They also sleep standing up but aren't known to do so heavily, as even something as quiet as a light footstep will instantly awaken them. Bloodsuckers are not tremendously resilient, however they are far and away the fastest enemy in the game. This, combined with their ability to turn invisible, the fact that they do not create any sound while resting or walking, and their incredibly damaging attacks (their claws ignore all armor) make them extremely dangerous opponents, especially when the player is distracted. Perhaps the most peculiar thing about Bloodsuckers is their optic camouflage, which allows them to temporarily become almost invisible to the naked eye. However, Bloodsuckers are at their weakest when cloaked. Bloodsuckers will often engage their camouflage upon discovering prey, and then become visible again when they are close enough to attack. Bloodsuckers will usually bite into the corpse to

drain it of blood, which is what gave them their

name. Medium mutant Hit Dice: 5d10+15 (42 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 ( +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+8 Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+3) Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+3) and bite +2 melee (1d8+1) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Improved grab Special Qualities: Scent; Natural Invisibility Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2 Abilities: Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8 Feats: Alertness, Track


Nightwalkers lurk in dark areas where they can almost always surprise the unwary. They slash with claws and beak, trying to grab their prey and drain their blood. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Bloodsucker must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Natural Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing a Blood Sucker to remain invisible even when attacking. When not threathened and no enemies in sight, the Bloodsucker does not use it. When combat starts, roll 1d4 to see how many rounds will the Bloodsucker remain invisible until being visible for 1 round. Then roll again. Aversion to Daylight (Ex): If exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), nightshades take a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.??????

Blood Drain(Ex): A bloodsucker can drain blood from a living victim with its tentacles by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the Bloodsucker gains 5 temporary hit points. Any damage taken interrupts the feeding process.

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Psy Dog

A Psy dog resembles a Pseudodog but with white fur and shares many characteristics with its somewhat more common relative. Psy dogs will attempt to confuse you with multiple illusions. The most distinguishing feature of the psy-dog is its ability to affect human minds, where it is able to create seemingly live images of itself. These even seem real and solid, as players cannot simply walk through them and must be shot to be removed. Although they also attack, they deal no damage, but can mask the direction of the real Psy-dog who is attacking you. It can be theorized that the psy-dog can either manipulate the minds of man similar to the abilities of a Controller, or they themselves generate psy-emissions and are able to bend it to their will. When around the influence of a Psy dog also, the player's vision is slightly brightened, has a few traces of noise in the vision and hears a familiar sound that is also done by Controllers when around them. Psy Dogs typically do not directly attack, but instead rely on their generated illusions to swarm and overwhelm prey then attack. Once an unlucky prey is swarmed, the psy-dog will now usually close-in for the kill, who is masked along with the number of images that are also attacking. Psy Dogs prefer to summon illusions to attack enemies and retreat. The real Psy Dogs rarely attack, being usually separated by their copies, and only appear if all of their illusions have been "killed", just to produce more false copies. This continues into a cycle until the perpetrators are finally killed. Psy image(su) The psy Dog can cast the mirror image spell as a supernatura abillity, once per 1d4 rounds. His caster level equials his HDx2. The psy dog can not swap locations with the images. The images do not need to be allways connected.


Chimeras are hard to spot and even harder to

escape from. Chimera is a hairless cat/dog-like creature, close to the size of an adult lion, with two heads and a broad tail. Chimeras are extremely strong and they're able to turn a car over alone. They are the most deadly mutant encountered, jumping incredible distances and doing extreme damage. Though physically weaker than the Pseudogiant, the Chimera is considered deadlier due to its extremely fast speeds and aggressiveness. Medium Magical Beast Hit Dice: 8d10+24 (68 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares) Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+11 Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d8+4) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Pounce Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent Saves:Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +3 Abilities:Str 17, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills:Hide +9, Listen +6, Jump +21, Spot +6 Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes Organization: Solitary or pack (2-3) Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: None Advancement: 9-12 HD (Medium); 13-24 HD (Large) Dire Lion

Size/Type: Large Animal

Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (60 hp)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Claw +13 melee (1d6+7)

Full Attack: 2 claws +13 melee (1d6+7)

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and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)

Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake 1d6+3

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent

Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7

Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10

Skills: Hide +2*, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Spot +7

Feats: Alertness, Run, Weapon Focus (claw)

Environment: Warm plains

Organization: Solitary, pair, or pride (6-10)

Challenge Rating: 5

Treasure: None

Alignment: Always neutral

Advancement: 9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:

Combat A dire lion attacks by running at prey, leaping, and clawing and biting as it rakes with its rear claws. It often jumps onto a creature larger than itself. Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a dire lion must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake. Pounce (Ex) If a dire lion charges, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks. Rake (Ex) Attack bonus +12 melee, damage 1d6+3. Skills Dire lions have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.


Poltergeists are extremely deceiving for rookie players as they do not appear threatening; they only appear as a ball of electricity. However they can be killed with conventional weaponry just by shooting at

the ball of lightning. Poltergeists will attack with anything that's not tied to the ground by utilizing their telekinetic powers to throw objects at the player (e.g., buckets, barrels, ammo boxes, crates, discarded firearms). However it can also be that they can manipulate gravity similar to that of Vortex anomalies. “Supernatural in the eyes of some, invisible creatures haunting the deeper reaches of the Zone, usually haunting old, abandoned buildings. Nothing is known about their origin, although rumors in circulation claim they are spirits of stalkers hit by a massive wave of radiation. Their mysterious appearances and disappearances seem to correspond to the poltergeist legend, hence the name. Known encounters with poltergeists are quite diverse in fact: from mischievous laughter and blood-chilling howling, to deadly fireballs appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately, all information about the poltergeist phenomenon originates from unclear and contradictory stories of questionable validity” Telekenisis(Su) The poltergeist can use the telekenesis spell as a supernatural abillity at will.


The Pyrogeist is a term for a special version of the Poltergeist, Appearing as a floating form of heat haze surrounded by a fiery glow, the Pyrogeists appear a lot like their telekinetic cousin. They are easily distinguishable from the later with their orange glow instead of blue. On death they explode in a mess of blood and fire somewhat similar to the way Poltergeists die in the later two games. Pyrogeists' primary and only attack is spawning pillars of fire, similar to Burner anomalies. While being hard to spot and aim at and being

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generally quite fast, they are far from invulnerable and a couple of shotgun blasts at close range or a couple of magazines from an assault rifle are usually all it takes to get rid of these ghosts. It is an interesting note that despite not using telekinetic attacks like the more psychic Poltergeist, Pyrogeists are still capable of immense psychic prowess as they are able to impede the player's progress by blocking off paths with a psychic wall or jamming a door telekinetically.


The pseudogiant resembles a massive, drop-shaped abdomen with a pair of disproportionately large limbs. The limbs are arms and legs at the same time. The creature uses them to move around and grab its victims. An adult pseudogiant can weigh up to two tons and stand 2 meters tall. Their clumsy appearance might be deceiving, since they can move very rapidly if needed. Their muscles are exceptionally powerful and their bones are as hard as steel. The creature's brain is protected by a sturdy (up to 10 centimeters thick) skull, while many complex functions are controlled by the spinal medulla. Another astonishing feature of the beast is its ability to create local shock waves, which damage all living things in the vicinity. Pseudogiants are very unique in the Zone's fauna as they seem to be heavily-mutated humans. Pseudogiants are incredibly tough enemies and can withstand large amounts of damage before being killed, and are very dangerous to unprepared stalkers due to their ability to deal a large amount of damage when it attacks. The Pseudogiant uses four attacks: a headbutt; a swing/grab with one of its

muscled arms; a surprisingly effective stab from its smaller, clawed arms; and a ground pound that creates a damaging impact shockwave. The first three attacks can be avoided by being out of range, and the last area-of-effect attack can be avoided by jumping just before it pounds the ground, which can be a bit tricky


Burers are stocky, almost dwarf-like monsters that tend to stick to underground sections, avoiding light at all costs. They can be mistaken for bandits at long ranges due to their propensity for wearing long black trenchcoats, but are a far greater threat, able to paralyze and break an opponent's armor and weapon at a whim. (Though they cannot do so in the game.) Definitely not an easy opponent even for experienced stalkers, made even more difficult due to their preference to travel in pairs or groups.

Burers are extremely hard to deal with. While the PDA places them as the third most dangerous mutant in the Zone (behind the Pseudogiant and Chimera) they have a variety of special attacks as well as very high health making them more demanding opponents. Telekinesis: Their standard method of attacking, identical to the attack used by Poltergeist except that the Burer can see you even when you're not moving. Burers can also control a larger number of objects at once with this ability than Poltergeists are able to. Long range. Shockwave: You can easily predict it because "smoke" will appear on your screen and if you don't get behind something in about three seconds you'll lose a good chunk of health. If there's debris in the line of attack and it hits you as well you can even get killed in one shot. Medium range.

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Telekinetic shield: The Burer raises its arms and projects a shield around itself, making it immune to all types of damage for 3 seconds. Happens almost always when you damage it, but when it does, it cannot attack. Stamina sap: Drains your stamina, relative to the amount of equipment you are carrying. For all but the most lightly equipped stalkers this will typically drain your stamina completely, leaving you unable to retreat. Weapon pull: The Burer pulls the weapon from your hands, dropping it to the ground. This effect is part of the "stamina sap" ability described above, but is not dependent on your stamina level; weapon weight determines how likely it is for the weapon to be dropped, and the knife cannot be taken from you by this ability. It is strongly advisable to recover dropped weapons as soon as possible, as they can be used by the Burer's Telekinesis attack or sent flying up to several hundred meters away by its Shockwave attack.


The Snork is one of the most recognizable mutants in the Zone. Thought to result from broken-minded soldiers left to "guard" the Zone, Snorks are recognized by the loud grunting they constantly produce. On some occasions, Snorks have also been seen talking to each other, although the "language" they use is barely recognizable. The Snork is a horrifically mutated human soldier or Stalker, still wearing tattered remains of his uniform, boots and a GP-4 gas mask with cracked eyepieces, and a flailing hose. Exposure to radiation and anomalies in the wake of the second Chernobyl disaster has destroyed the human mind, leaving a feral, vicious beast psyche in its place and twisted the body, creating a dangerous predator. Snorks were first encountered on May 22, 2007, near one of the army posts at the 30th kilometer of the Zone, on the Kharkov side. An officer waiting for his shiftman's car near the posts gate was attacked by a snork, which slaughtered him with rusty remains of a Izh 91 shotgun. The mutant was promptly gunned down by other soldiers.Overall, the snork is 90-95% similar to a human[1], it has the

same general shape and no drastic modifications like claws or tentacles. Its skin is dark gray, covered with lesions and open wounds, most notably an exposed spine on its back. However, despite the ragged appearance, the snork has incredibly powerful muscles and reflexes.On the downside, the snork has poor eyesight (his field of vision is obstructed by the gas mask and is hindered even more by cracked gas mask lenses), but a brilliant sense of smell (his nose is the filter hose for the gas mask), which it uses to locate its prey. When not attacking, it slowly crawls on all fours across the ground, its spine unable to support its weight when standing upright[1]. However, when attacking, it is surprisingly fast, thanks to mutated tendons in its feet. A snork can make long leaps to reach its target and attack it with an incredibly fast series of kicks with their army boot-clad feet.The snork cannot talk, its vocal chords were destroyed beyond recognition. It communicates with growls, which vary in intensity and volume, the loudest being, of course, the one preceding an attack. Curiously, the lips on the mouths of snorks are missing. It is quite possible that in a desperate fit of hunger or insanity, the snork bit them off itself, condemning it to forever show its cannibalistic grinOriginally, the snorks were called Recruits by Ukrainian soldiers.[1] The current name was given by a German RTL journalist Ulrich Klose, who reported about the situation in Ukraine after the accident. In his interviews he called the monster Schnorchel (snorkel), referring to the look of its face. The soldiers liked the sound of the name and started using a shortened version, snork.

Zombified Stalkers They do not have any superhuman or mutated abilities, but are unable to talk or to turn back. Zombies are made by the "Psi Field" given off by psi emitters such as the Brain Scorcher in Lab X-19 and the Miracle Machine in Lab X16; when unprotected Stalkers are exposed to Psi emissions for a sufficient period of time, they start "to lose their minds". This results from

irreversible damage to the higher functions of the brain, eventually resulting in a Zombified Stalker.Stalkers approaching the "Miracle Machine" Emitter of Lab X16 in the factory

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complex at Yantar reported that once they get close to the gate, they began to hear voices and hallucinate. Following this they felt their brains literally boiling and melting inside their skulls, and they felt weak. If you are lucky enough to get away from the Psi field with your brain intact, you may also suffer from some detrimental side effects of exposure; for example, some Stalkers reported that they temporarily forgot their names after escaping the factory in time.As such, zombified Stalkers can be consisted of unfortunate human beings. Bandits, Loners, Mercenaries, and even members of Freedom, Duty and the State Security Service have all fallen victim. They lack the ability to differentiate former foes and are united in a bizarre fashion due to the destruction of their brain functions.Stalkers from all factions across the Zone may become Zombified, except those from Monolith. Monolithians are an odd case, in that while they display some signs of being zombified, they still retain tactical knowledge and some measure of sentience; it can be assumed that this is the result of their influence by the Many zombies can be seen wearing Monolith uniforms, which suggests that the process that created them causes long term degeneracy and brain damage and the C-Consciousness brainwashing lasts only as long as the victim's mind.Zombified Stalkers posess the equivalent intellect of a caveman, add to this a loss of higher brain functions, destruction of pain receptors and loss of most memory and reason, Zombified Stalkers are more like hollow shells or husks of what once was. The fact many Zombies still posess the ability to use weaponry and equipment means that at least on a rudimentary level, some brain functions remain but are gradually lost over time. How zombified stalkers are not killed outright by massive doses of radiation present in every area they are found in however, is still not known.Controllers can also turn hapless Stalkers into Zombies by reaching into their minds and making them lose control of their brains until they become Zombified.Zombified stalkers however, still retain their skills to operate mechanical devices, such as firearms although they can't aim it like regular stalkers where they often inaccurately spray-and-pray their weapons from the hip. They can even reload their weapons, suggesting some basic abilities to survive are retained.Although Zombified Stalkers are still able to use their firearms and even reload them, they are fairly stupid, and will often charge right in the middle of a firefight without cover, walking and firing from the hip. Upon encountering zombified stalkers one can hear them murmuring bits of meaningless phrases,

establishing that zombies are incapable of coherent speech. In time, the zombie stalker's mind will eventually decay to a point where it will turn into a full fledged Zombie, unable to even operate mechanical devices anymore and rely on their arms and teeth for attacks.Their inability to feel pain allows unaffected armed characters to shoot at them from a far distance without alerting them. Zombified Stalkers will not notice this, unless someone gets too close to them.Sometimes one may spot zombified stalkers around a campfire, sticking their hands out towards the fire and react from the pain by retracting their hands. This may be a sign that they still hold some form of self preservation or are trying to regain their lost consciousness.In combat, zombie stalkers are most dangerous when they see a target, as their utter disregard for personal safety results in a relentless assault, giving a stalker no time to recover if ill-prepared; in contrast, ordinary stalkers would usually seek cover upon engaging a target. Zombies however, are utterly inaccurate when shooting at long range and so it's most advisable to take them out from a distance. Zombies also have distinctive grey bandages tied around their mouths. Most stalkers seen without a gasmask have similar shrouds over their mouth and noses, as a very makeshift filter against dust, or possibly just to keep warm. In Call of Pripyat, Zombies are never seen wearing gas masks, helmets or even hoods, suggesting they instinctively try and remove anything on their heads. Curiously, these brain-dead Stalkers can turn on their flashlights which often gives away their position (though upon being killed, the light also turns off).


The secret service genetic Experiments on criminals generated a new type of mutant. A rare mutant seen near to the center of the Zone, it bears a superficial resemblance to a humanoid with a disproportionately large head. Despite their appearance, they are highly intelligent, possess good perception and an ability to control the behaviour of less developed creatures. Mature specimens are capable of taking control of a human's mind.

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This is a formidable enemy, even the most experienced stalkers are afraid of meeting it. According to some stalkers, Controllers can make it seem that you are surrounded by your friends, but actually you are surrounded by zombies; or it might seem that you are walking on a pathway, but actually you are about to fall off a cliff. Fortunately, this is never done by a Controller to the player. The Controller's main ability is to launch a psychic bolt that deals high telepathy/psionic-based damage to the player from a great distance. In addition, Controllers seem to generate a small psy-field that affects the player's ability to aim and causes anyone close by to slowly lose their mind. There is a high-pitched audio cue before the psychic attack actually happens and avoiding visual contact with the Controller can prevent that from happening. A player may die if struck by a sufficient number of bolts or if they stay around the Controller for too long. For some reason if the player gets too close to the Controller, it will cease to launch bolts and uselessly try to walk away from him, which is the greatest opportunity of attack. On the "Master" difficulty level, the Controller is extremely dangerous as its bolts have a chance of killing the player in one shot. This is especially common in Shadow of Chernobyl where there is no way to reduce psionic damage through armour or use of artifacts. In general, Controllers are extremely dangerous and should be eliminated as soon as possible due to their abilities that can cause instant death. The best way of doing this by taking them out at extreme range using sniper rifles, where they cannot retaliate, near cover where you can avoid their psychic bolts, or bluntly just using explosives, a controller will die from a nearby hit with an RPG-7u or 2-3 direct hits with a grenade launcher/hand grenades. Controller stare: The Controller has a hard glint in his stare that strikes terror in the heart of his target. As a move action, the Controller may select one target that is within 30 feet and can see the Controller. The Controller and target then make opposed Will saving throws. If the Controller succeeds, the target is dazed until the start of his next turn. Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an

opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her

eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that

the vampire must use a standard action, and

those merely looking at it are not affected.

Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on a

Will save or fall instantly under the vampire’s

influence as though by a dominate person spell

(caster level 12th). The ability has a range of 30



Flame-based anomalies

Burner The Burner can be a bit difficult to

see, even in daylight, as it's only revealed by a

faint heat haze. If the anomaly is triggered by

either a living being or an object such as a metal

bolt, it shoots

out a tall

pillar of

flame in the

air, burning

everything in

its vicinity.



rare, the Burner anomaly is often found in

clusters. Some clusters also emit extreme high

ambient temperature, which hurts anything in

their vicinity. Burners can emit temperatures as

low as 100 degrees Celsius, up to several

thousand, hot enough to crack concrete and

melt metal, which explains why some Burners

appear in areas that have massive cracks and

severe damaged soil, while other sites are

untouched. Burners are very dangerous at high

difficulties, and can be extremely dangerous

even with top-tier armor. The Burners don't

have a set spawn point like other anomalies do,

or even a set trigger point. Simply being in the

same vicinity can trigger a conflagration. A

tactic for avoiding damage is to first throw a

bolt into the anomaly, triggering it, then quickly

running through the jet of flame. This tactic, if

used repeatedly and without delay, can mean

the difference between traversing a cluster

unharmed and getting scorched at least once.


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Gravity-based anomalies

Vortex An anomaly of presumably

gravitational nature. When triggered, the

tremendous power of the Vortex drags

everything within the radius 10-15 meters

towards the center. Victims drawn into the core

have little to no chance of survival: their bodies

are quickly constricted into a tight lump, only to

be blown up in a powerful discharge of energy

a moment later. In some cases, they may

levitate in air with agony then their entire

systems are shredded into mere skeletal and

flesh parts. The anomaly remains stationary

throughout its lifetime (a week on average).

Easily recognizable in daylight by the air

fluctuation above, dancing leaves, fragments of

dismembered corpses lying around and a

distinctive dark stain in the center. Highly

dangerous at night since it can be revealed only

by means of a detector or by throwing metal

objects into it. The difference between a

Whirligig and a Vortex is pretty simple: size

and strength. The Vortex has a much larger

range, much harder to escape from than a

Whirligig, and it deals a lot more damage.

Escaping the Vortex anomaly, once dragged in,

can range in difficulty from easy to downright

impossible, depending on the strength of the

anomaly and the difficulty level. The type of

armor worn is also very important, as the odds

are that you will take at least one hit. One

possible method of escaping, once drawn in, is

to wait until the anomaly discharges, taking the

hit. After discharging, the anomaly has no

pulling power for pproximately one second,

allowing you to sprint out and escape it. This

method will only be possible with armor with

high anomaly protection. Wearing an

exoskeleton and getting caught in a Vortex

almost always ends in the player's death, since

it prevents sprinting; meaning that the player

cannot escape the anomaly once drawn in. A

Simple tactic for escaping Vortexes requires

timing, jumping and stamina. the effect makes

the player wobble like a 'rubber-band' effect

before the anomaly does damage. A player with

good enough timing can jump at just the right

moment, right at the edge of the band effect,

(right when it boings you away from its

epicenter). At the edge, a very fast sprint and a

jump can get you out of there fast enough to

escape. Of course, the simplest method of

escaping a Vortex is avoiding it entirely. The

presence of a Vortex can be very, very easily

identified by the sounds it produces, similar to a

"warping" sound you'd hear in some science

fiction movies. The anomaly itself is unaffected

by bullets, grenades, RPG rockets or Bolts. The

Bolts, simply bounce away from it.

Encountering a lone vortex is usually not a

problem for a person who can sprint fast.

However, a clustered group of vortexes are very

dangerous and in some cases, an artifact may be

lying in the middle of the cluster. A little bit of

fun can be had with these anomalies: The player

can drag various corpses of Stalkers or mutants

into a Vortex's vicinity. They'll be dragged in

and the player can watch the full effect the

anomaly has on the body, giving a testament to

the game's impressive death physics. Note,

however, that all loot in the corpses will be

permanently lost

Springboard It was one of the first types of





Springboard is an unstable gravitational field

limited to a pocket on ground level, about 1-2

meters wide. Reacts to the presence of creatures

or objects by sending out a powerful shockwave

that damages anything within radius. The

damage caused by this changes throughout the

anomaly's lifetime, ranging from minor bruises

through serious wounds to instant death. The

Springboard anomaly is very common and can

be found almost anywhere in the Zone, both

outside and in buildings. To the naked eye, the

anomaly appears as a rippling heat haze or air

fluctuation accompanied by dancing leaves and

sometimes crimson-colored stains on the

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ground. Throwing a bolt into a Springboard

causes it to send out its distinctive shockwave,

making it easily identifiable. It is also one of the

anomalies that are harmless to pass through for

a split moment after having been triggered,

making bolts very useful tools for navigating a

Springboard field. As players approach a

Springboard their vision becomes gradually but

markedly brighter as they get closer to the

anomaly itself. Springboards are easily

identifiable, and easily avoidable but varying

locations and odd spawn points in the games

can make them a nuisance in a firefight. Players

have often died in the middle of a fight,

forgetting or not noticing the anomaly's

presence with all the distractions, then walking

straight into it. Just like all anomalies, its best to

scout the location and find a way around it.

Whirligig A common



anomaly that

snatches its

victims up in

the air and

spins them at

a breakneck

speed. The exact nature of the Whirligig

remains unknown. The anomaly can be

recognized by a light whirlwind of dust above

and by body fragments scattered in the vicinity.

Victims caught on its outer rim, far enough

from the maximum effect zone at the center,

can escape the Whirligig with relatively minor

injuries. In game, when one is too close to the

anomaly when it is triggered, the Whirligig will

violently pull the victim upward, which

continues to severely damage the victim until it

discharges, and that discharge is powerful

enough to dismember the victim's body purely

by the sheer force exerted. It is not as easily

avoidable as the Vortex, and because it elevates

its victims into the air, escaping once within the

effective radius is practically impossible since

jumping and sprinting is ineffective. Even

though the damage done by the Whirligig is less

than that of a Vortex, the Whirligig can be

considered more dangerous as it is very hard to

escape, and the Vortex does have its weak

aspectsThe basic characteristics are easily

recognizable. When activated the Whirligig

discharges as a tornado or whirlwind.

Chemical-based anomalies

Fruit Punch he Fruit Punch is a puddle of

lambent green liquid that is easily visible in

almost any environment due to its bright glow

and distinctive hissing and bubbling noises. On

contact with creatures or objects such as bolts, a

Fruit Punch lights up brightly and emits a sharp

hissing sound. It is extremely corrosive,

damaging creatures and objects on contact. Any

matter left in a Fruit Punch will eventually

dissolve, hinting at the anomaly's corrosive

nature and spelling doom for any protective

suit. For players, contact with a Fruit Punch will

cause damage with each 'flash'. This anomaly is

commonly found underground. Concerning its

characteristics, it is generally accepted that it

derives from the remnants of a highly

radioactive spill of some reactive substance that

gained its anomalous abilities from the Zone. Its

corrosive properties are exhibited by its intense

and rapid damage to all living tissue and

inorganic matter, metal and plastic alike. Owing

to its ability to spawn artifacts in Shadow of

Chernobyl, and not in Clear Sky, it could be

said that the last emission seen in Clear Sky

destabilized the Zone somewhat and dispersed

the Gas Anomaly, replacing it with the Fruit

Punch instead. It's fairly common, occurring

mostly in buildings and underground

complexes, usually in an isolated spot. In Call

Of Pripyat, both Fruit Punch and Gas anomalies

can be found, and in some cases they actually

seem to merge together. Anomalous activity

and radiation combine to create a deadly blend

of both highly corrosive liquid, directly

damaging armor and equipment, and a toxic

cloud of poisonous gas that deals direct health

and stamina damage. In Call of Pripyat, Fruit

Punch by itself can only be found very rarely,

and as per the norm, only in closed or confined


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Burnt Fuzz This anomaly is usually found

outdoors. It resembles moss or vines, hanging

down like curtains from its growing spot.

Reacts to rapidly approaching living beings by

discharging a cloud of projectiles severely

injuring uncovered or lightly protected skin

upon contact. Does not react to slowly moving

targets. Burnt Fuzz is generally considered the

least dangerous anomaly in the Zone since it

can be easily spotted and avoided. Even so,

players rarely seem to take damage when

coming into contact with the anomaly.

Touching a Burnt Fuzz curtain seems to elicit a

reaction from the anomaly, but only players

with little or no armor have reported being hurt

by it. Burnt Fuzz is the only anomaly not to

react to metal bolts. The first example in the

Zone of anomalous or mutated plant life, its

organic origins may be they key to

understanding why it isnt affected by things like

other anomalies, or doesnt normally respond to

situations like other anomalies do.

Gas Not always easy to spot, this Anomaly is


by the green

gas clouds

floating and


over the

ground. If one

approaches, the

screen will turn

green and a

hissing noise

can be heard. When triggered by metal parts or

organic tissue, it emits acidic compounds,

splashing them around in its vicinity. It should

not to be confused with the Fruit Punch, due to

the fact that it behaves more like a cloud or fog

bank rather than a puddle of liquid as the Fruit

Punch does. It seems to be an evolved or greater

version of Fruit Punch, because Fruit Punch

does not have the toxic choking effect Gas

does, and it's more corrosive and more


The Gas Cloud anomaly resembles a Gas


and causes


burns. The

Gas Cloud


moves and

deals far


damage. As such, it is the chemical counterpart

of the Comet and Tesla anomaies. Even while

wearing one top-tier protective suit and some

chemical-protection artifacts, only a touch of

this anomaly would reduce health dramatically

and a direct hit may result in instant death.

Running through it is the best thing to do, as it

will prevent the player from taking high

damage. The antidote can severly reduce

damage dealt by the Gas Cloud. This anomaly

also does not spawn any kind of artifact.

Electricity-based anomalies

Electro An



roughly 10

meters in




quantities of

static electricity. When triggered, the anomaly

bursts into a storm of arcing electricity nearly

always lethal to all living beings. Easily

recognizable by the blue gas it emits, along

with the endless arcing of small bolts of

electricity in the vicinity, the Electro holds no

distinction for what crosses its event horizon, be

it a human, a mutants or an inanimate object,

and discharges as soon as anything gets too

close. The Electro is always in clusters and

often located in tightly confined spaces,

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although clusters out in the open with a spacing

of one meter or more between neighboring

Electros have also been recorded. They are

easily avoided when outdoors, and at their most

dangerous in confined areas. At nighttime, the

Electro can be revealed using the Svarog

detector or by throwing bolts into it, at which

point it will discharge. In Call of Pripyat, any

Electro that discharges will form a chain

reaction and discharge any neighbors, leading

to the activation of the entire cluster. Its power

and recharge rate could mean it is a natural

generator, much like a thundercloud or

lightning storm. Its power means a single

Electro may be able to store a bare minimum of

5000 volts of tension, all the way up to several

hundred thousand, with a current in the

hundreds or even thousands of ampères,

enabling it to kill almost anything in the Zone

in just a few jolts. Lethality varies from game to

game, with Call of Pripyat bearing the most

dangerous variants.

Tesla The




much like

an Electro

anomaly and




with the

difference is that the Tesla is mobile. In that

sense, it's the Electro's equivalent of the Comet.

It takes the appearance of a fast-moving ball of

pure electricity. It can be said the Tesla is the

evolved or greater form of an Electro. It's

possible that a particularly large or intense

Electro anomaly went undisturbed or built up a

massive charge for an extensive amount of time

and became mobile as a result, either to

discharge its built up energy or to 'hunt' for

targets or prey. Unless one is equipped with a

few electricity-absorbing artifacts and/or

wearing a suit with high electrical protection,

simply being scraped by this anomaly reduces

the player's health to 10% and outrights kills

them if they get struck directly by it. This

anomaly does not spawn any kind of artifact.

Reality-altering anomalies

Space Anomaly
