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C o N T E N T s


Issued Quarterly Since 2003

Editor-in-Chief BOTAGOZ RAKISHEVADirector Deputy of KazIss

Responsible for publication:Almas ArzikulovLayout:Yelena Tushkova

Translation by IE Dyussembinova

Address:Kazakhstan Institutefor strategic studies under the Presidentof the Republic of Kazakhstan 4, Beybitshilik st.Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Phone: (7172) 75 20 20 Fax: (7172) 75 20 21E-mail: [email protected]

The Journal was registeredwith the Ministry of Culture and Informationof the Republic of Kazakhstanon January 24, 2003.Registration certificate No. 3529-zh.

IssN 2414-570X

None of the articles shall be reproduced without reference to the Journal.The opinion of the editorial board may not coincide with that of the authors of articles.

Printed in printhouse of PA "Kroiva" CH. Address: Valikhanov str., 115Copies 300.


China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Shi YinhongBelt and Road and Western Pacific: "strategic economy" with "strategic Military" ................................ 7

Saule Koshanova,Botagoz Rakisheva,Ainur Mazhitova,Gulden Ashkenovasome aspects of Migration for educational purposes from the republic of Kazakhstan to the people’s republic of China ..................................................... 12

Svetlana Kozhirova Chinese Migration and Kazakhstan .................................................. 28

Zhanat Zakiyeva the role of the sCO in eurasian integration .................................. 44

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Қытай және ОрталыҚ азия:жаңа бағыттары мен келешегі

Ши Иньхун«белдеу мен жол» және тынық мұхит аймағының батыс бөлігі: «стратегиялық қарулану» негізіндегі «стратегиялық экономика» ............................................................ 7

Сәуле Қошанова, Ботагөз Рақышева,Айнұр Мәжітова,Гүлден Әшкенова Қытай Халық республикасына Қазақстаннан бағытталған білім алу миграциясының кейбір қырлары .................................. 12

Светлана Кожирова Қытайлық миграция және Қазақстан ............................................ 28

Жанат Закиева еуразиялық интеграциядағы шыҰ-ның рөлі .............................. 44

М а з М ұ н ы

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китай и ЦентралЬная азия: нОВые тенДенЦии и ПерСПектиВы

Ши Иньхун«Пояс и Путь» и западная часть тихоокеанского региона:«стратегическая экономика» со «стратегическим вооружением» ............................................... 7

Сауле Кошанова, Ботагоз Ракишева, Айнур Мажитова, Гульден Ашкенованекоторые аспекты учебной миграции из республики казахстан в китайскую народную республику ............................................. 12

Светлана Кожирова китайская миграция и казахстан .................................................. 28

Жанат Закиева роль шОС в евразийской интеграции........................................... 44


С о д е р ж а н и е

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T H E E D I T o R I A L B o A R D


Maulen Ashimbayev the Chairman of the editorial Board, Member of the Majilis parliament of rK, the Chairman of the international affairs, defense and security Committee at the Majilis parliament of rK, Candidate of political sciences

Botagoz Rakisheva Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic studies under the president of rK, Candidate of social sciences

Ding Xiaoxing head of the Central asia department at the China institute of Contemporary international relations (China)

Irina Chernykh the Chief researcher Fellow of the Kazakhstan institute for strategic studies under the president of rK, doctor of historical sciences

Jacob Zenn Analyst, «Jamestown Foundation», Ph.D (USA)

Konstantin Syroyezhkin the Chief researcher Fellow of the Kazakhstan institute for strategic studies under the president of rK, doctor of political sciences

Marat Tazhin ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the republic of Kazakhstan in the russian Federation, doctor of social sciences

Marlène Laruelle director of the Central asia program (Cap) of the institute for european, russian and eurasian studies (ieres) at the elliot school of international Affairs at the George Washington University, Ph.D (USA)

Murat Laumulin Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the republic of Belarus, doctor of political sciences

Sanat Kushkumbayev deputy director of the Kazakhstan institute for strategic studies under the president of rK, doctor of political sciences

Talant Sultanov Former director of the national institute for strategic studies of the Kyrgyz republic (Kyrgyzstan)

Thomas Ruttig director of afghanistan analysts network (aan), ph.d (Germany)

Timur Dadabayev associate professor of international relations, director of Combined Ma/ph.d. program for Japanese and eurasian studies, Faculty of social sciences and Humanities, University of Tsukuba, Ph.D (Japan)


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р е д а к ц и я л ы қ к е ң е С

редакциялық кеңеС

Мәулен Әшімбаев редакциялық кеңестің төрағасы, Қр Парламенті мәжілісінің депутаты, Халықаралық істер, қорғаныс және қауіпсіздік комитетінің төрағасы, саяси ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ботагөз Рақышева бас редактор, Қр Президенті жанындағы Қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институты директорының орынбасары, әлеуметтану ғылымдарының кандидаты

Дин Сяосин Қытайлық заманауи халықаралық қатынастар институтының Орталық азияны зерттеу бөлімінің директоры (Қытай)

Ирина Черных Қр Президенті жанындағы Қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институтының бас ғылыми қызметкері, тарих ғылымдарының докторы

Джейкоб Зенн «Jamestown Foundation» сарапшысы, Ph.D (аҚш)

Константин Сыроежкин Қр Президенті жанындағы Қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институтының бас ғылыми қызметкері, саяси ғылымдарының докторы

Марат Тажин ресей Федерациясындағы Қазақстан республикасының төтенше және Өкілетті елшісі, әлеуметтану ғылымдарының докторы

Марлен Ларюэль Джордж Вашингтон университеті Эллиот Халықаралық қатынастар мектебі Орталық азияны зерттеу бағдарламасының жетекшісі, Ph.D (аҚш)

Мұрат Лаумулин беларусь республикасындағы Қазақстан республикасы елшілігінің кеңесші-уәкілі, саяси ғылымдарының докторы

Санат Көшкімбаев Қр Президенті жанындағы Қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институты директорының орынбасары, саяси ғылымдарының докторы

Талант Сұлтанов Қырғыз республикасының Ұлттық стратегиялық зерттеулер институтының экс-директоры (Қырғызстан)

Томас Руттиг Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN) директоры, Ph.D (германия)

Тимур Дадабаев Халықаралық қатынастар кафедрасының доценті, Цукуба Университеті әлеуметтік және гуманитарлық ғылымдар факультетінің жапон және еуразиялық зерттеулерге арналған біріктірілген MA / Ph.D бағдарламасының директоры, Ph.D (жапония)


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редакционный Совет

Маулен Ашимбаев Председатель редакционного совета, Депутат мажилиса Парламен-та рк, Председатель комитета по международным делам, обороне и безопасности мажилиса Парламента рк, кандидат политических наук

Ботагоз Ракишева шеф-редактор, заместитель директора казахстанского института стратегических исследований при Президенте рк, кандидат социологических наук

Дин Сяосин Директор Отдела по изучению Центральной азии китайского института современных международных отношений (китай)

Ирина Черных главный научный сотрудник казахстанского института стратегических исследований при Президенте рк, доктор исторических наук

Джейкоб Зенн аналитик «Jamestown Foundation», Ph.D (Сша)

Константин Сыроежкин главный научный сотрудник казахстанского института стратегических исследований при Президенте рк, доктор политических наук

Марат Тажин Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол республики казахстан в российской Федерации, доктор социологических наук

Марлен Ларюэль руководитель программы по изучению Центральной азии школы международных отношений Эллиота Университета Джорджа Вашингтона, Ph.D (Сша)

Мурат Лаумулин Советник-посланник Посольства республики казахстан в республике беларусь, доктор политических наук

Санат Кушкумбаев заместитель директора казахстанского института стратегических исследований при Президенте рк, доктор политических наук

Талант Султанов Экс-директор национального института стратегических исследований кыргызской республики (кыргызстан)

Томас Руттиг Директор «Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN)», Ph.D (германия)

Тимур Дадабаев Доцент кафедры международных отношений, директор Объединенного MA / Ph.D, Программа для японских и евразийских исследований факультета социальных и гуманитарных наук, Университет Цукуба, Ph.D (япония)

р е д а к ц и о н н ы й С о в е т


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Abstract. two things has become increasingly clear in the Chinese foreign policy: (1) aspiration for expanding and enhancing China's power influence soft and hard, or even preponderant role in longer terms, in Asia and Western Pacific; and (2) after conducting primarily "strategic military" over nearly two years with mix results, President Xi Jinping has made a strategic transformation in favoring "stra-tegic economy", while a few major aspects of the "strategic military" is still in his fundamental posture, making his approach a combined and complex one, and the strategic transformation look like a "strate-gic expansion" without major retrenchment. As having been prominently demonstrated by the practices of "strategic military", there is an imperative of prudence which should be met by China's future efforts in the initiated Belt and road and similar projects of "strategic economy". all the major requirements in this aspect concern with China's mentality, behaviour, words and deeds and manners to be tested at the present and in the future. China's prudence, together with its vigorous and appropriate advocacy and pushing, would bring better chance of success to the international cooperative Belt and Road, while help to prevent "strategic overdrawing".

Key words: China's foreign policy, "strategic economy", "strategic military", Economic Belt of the Silk Road.

«БеЛДеу Мен ЖоЛ» ЖӘне Тынық МұхИТ АйМАғының БАТыС БөЛігі: «СТРАТегИяЛық қАРуЛАну» негіЗінДегі СТРАТегИяЛық эКоноМИКА

Ши Иньхун

Аңдатпа. Қытайдың сыртқы саясатында үлкен өсім алған белгілі екі жайт бар: 1) Қытайдың өз күшінің жасырын әрі айқын әсерін кеңейту мен күшейтуге ұмтылуы, тіпті болмаса азиядағы және тынық мұхитының батыс бөлігіндегі ұзақмерзімді келешекте үстем


Professor of International Relations, Renmin University of China

грнти 10.87.31

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

рөлге ие болуы; 2) «стратегиялық қарулану» бағытының ауыспалы табысын екі жыл бойы қолдаудан кейін Си Цзиньпиннің жүргізген «стратегиялық экономика» пайдасына шешілген стратегиялық өзгерістері. Сонымен қатар стратегиялық өзгерістерді аралас әрі кешенді тәсілдерге айналдыра және елеулі қысқартуларсыз-ақ «стратегиялық экспансия» ретінде көрсетуге мәжбүрлей отырып, «стратегиялық қаруланудың» бірнеше ірі аспектілері оның негізгі позициясында сақталып қалды. «Стратегиялық қарулану» тәжірибесі көрсеткендей, ұстамдылықтың қандай да бір императиві бар, бұл алдағы уақытта Қытай бастамашы болған «белдеу мен жол» жобасында, сондай-ақ «стратегиялық экономикаға» ұқсас жоба-ларда көрініс табуы тиіс. Осы аспектідегі барлық негізгі талаптар Қытайдың діліне, мінез-құлқына, ой-пікірлеріне, іс-қимылдарына қатысты. бұл қазір де, болашақта да тексерілуі қажет. шешімді әрі лайық үгіт-насихаттарымен қоса, Қытайдың ұстамдылығы «белдеу мен жол» жобасы бойынша халықаралық ынтымақтастық бағытына үлкен сенімділік беріп, «стратегиялық әсірелеуді» жоюға мүмкіндік береді.

Түйiндi сөздер: Қытайдың сыртқы саясаты, стратегиялық экономика, стратегиялық қарулану, Жібек Жолының экономикғалық белдеуі.

«ПояС И ПуТь» И ЗАПАДнАя ЧАСТь ТИхооКеАнСКого РегИонА:«СТРАТегИЧеСКАя эКоноМИКА» Со «СТРАТегИЧеСКИМ вооРуЖенИеМ»

Ши Иньхун

Аннотация. Во внешней политике китая все возрастающую очевидность стали при-обретать две вещи: (1) стремление к расширению и усилению скрытого и явного влия-ния силы китая, или даже преобладающей роли, в долгосрочных перспективах в азии и западной части тихоокеанского региона; (2) стратегическая трансформация в пользу «стратегической экономики», которую президент Си Цзиньпин провел после двухлетнего поддержания с переменным успехом курса «стратегического вооружения». В это же время несколько крупных аспектов «стратегического вооружения» сохранились в его основной позиции, превращая его подход в комбинированный и комплексный и заставляя страте-гическую трансформацию выглядеть как «стратегическую экспансию» без серьезных со-кращений. как уже было блестяще продемонстрировано практикой «стратегического во-оружения», существует некий императив сдержанности, который должен быть отражен будущими усилиями китая в инициируемом проекте «Пояса и Пути», а также в похожих проектах «стратегической экономики». Все основные требования в этом аспекте касаются менталитета, поведения, мыслей, деяний и манер китая, которые должны быть проверены в настоящем и будущем. Сдержанность китая, совместно с его решительной и надлежа-щей пропагандой, придаст больше уверенности в успехе международного сотрудничества в проекте «Пояса и Пути», в то же время помогая предотвратить «стратегическое преуве-личение».

Ключевые слова: внешняя политика Китая, стратегическая экономика, стратегиче-ское вооружение, Экономический пояс Шёлкового пути.

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ISince Xi Jinping took over the leadership in

China, one major development has been increas-ingly certain: his increasingly clearer aspiration for expanding and enhancing China's power in-fluence soft and hard, or even preponderant role in longer terms, in Asia and Western Pacific at the cost of American dominant advantages.

there are two categories of major policy in-struments to serve this objective: "strategic mil-itary" and "strategic economy". Roughly defin-ing, until middle of 2014, president Xi Jinping used primarily "strategic military" in its broad sense, building up with an even further accel-erating pace China's dramatically increased strategic military capability, extending very re-markably the extent of China's maritime strate-gic activities, engaging vigorously in strategic/military rivalry and competition with the U.S., conducting intensive confrontation against Ja-pan, taking an assertive and hardliner approach toward south China and east China seas dis-putes, accompanied by intensive military and para-military patrol actions.

assessing their double effects, one can easily find that they strengthened China's hard power, extended its strategic presence, but damaged China's international soft power, complicated further its peripheral diplomatic/strategic situa-tion, while increased remarkably risk of conflict with Japan as well as the U.S., and promoted unexpectedly the further strengthening of the American strategic/diplomatic "re-balancing" with the Japanese lifting the ban on its rights of collective self-defence.

Therefore probably, some review has led to a major decision of strategic transforma-tion in favoring "strategic economy", and the increasingly urgent requirement for expand-ing demands outside for China's huge surplus production capability in the context of its slow but adamant economic downturn has made this transformation even imperative. Whether Xi's beloved projects of Belt and Road in the nature of strategic economy, or China's advocacy and leading role in establishing asian infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with its headquarter in

Beijing and serving Belt and Road as its pri-mary purpose surely in Xi's mind, and whether Beijing's suggestion of creating an enormous Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), or completion of Fta negotiations with the republic of Korea and australia, are all indica-tions in the same direction. Moreover, there is also the vigorous pushing of the various proj-ects to export China's high-speed railway to nu-merous regions and areas outside.

China will in a substantial period in the fu-ture to diversify its focus in foreign strategic policy, making "strategic economy" just anoth-er dimension of the agenda of priorities, which is based on China's enormous economic and fi-nancial strength and a broader diplomacy to be engaged in the region and globally.

IIThough, as analysed above, there were been

substantial costs and risks embedded in the ap-proach of primarily relying upon "strategic mil-itary" which lasted nearly two years, but they have not deterred China. A few major aspects of "strategic military" is still there in president Xi's fundamental posture, if one consider the remaining or even increasing complexity in his foreign policy.

The dramatic and sustained build-up of Chi-na's strategic military capability still continues, even in a quicker speed, and surely will con-tinue to be so in the predictable future. in this aspect, the world has already seen a China-U.S. arms race, or more broadly competition for combat capability, over the western Pacific (at least its western part from the Chinese seacoast to the first island chain) emerging, which relat-ing to strategic and operational weaponry in air, sea, outerspace, and cyberspace.

Besides, China's determination to develop and exert maritime power in south and east China Seas and even in the western Pacific is still kept intact, with reclamation of land for five to seven reefs and construction of aircraft runways there in Spratly Islands in a massive scale and extraordinary pace as its current pri-mary demonstration, together with deployment

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

of military equipments including missiles, ad-vance radar, and fighters in some islets in Sprat-ly and paracel, both of which look somewhat like a coup de grace, greatly intensifying the strategic rivalry with the United States while broadening the tension with southeast asian maritime countries. Most prominently, U.S. military "freedom of navigation operations" again and again in recent months met China's military response conducted by pla's warships and fighters, together with the dramatic begin-ning of China's diplomatic mobilization of for-eign governments' endorsement of some ele-ments in China's position on south China sea.

Moreover, the strategic/military coopera-tion between China and russia has progressed quickly, especially for export from russia to China of latter's advanced military hardware and technology, plus Russian-Chinese joint na-val drills in Mediterranean and Japan Sea.

so, it could be said that China's current stra-tegic approach has become a combined and complex one, and the transformation from primarily relying upon "strategic military" look like a strategic expansion without major retrenchment. and therefore, there are some tensions unable to be overlooked between the requirement of "strategic economy" and those major aspects of "strategic military" mentioned above, which need to be deal with seriously in China's desirable future efforts for balancing in foreign policy.

IIIAs having been prominently demonstrated

by the practices of "strategic military" during the past two years, there is imperative of pru-dence which should be met by China's future primary efforts in its foreign policy in the na-ture of "strategic economy".

what is most important in this aspect is that Beijing has to realize further deeply the impera-tive of full participation by other countries, on whose sovereign lands the intended infrastruc-ture systems might built, in making related ini-tiatives, as well as the imperative of conducting related inter-state consultations far sufficient

than those have been done. The projects must be really made as international collective enter-prises, for only in this way the various external obstructions that would mainly result from na-tional worries and suspicions could be reduced substantially, and the success of the projects could become much hopeful.

China must inquire countries along the way of Belt and road with full sincerity and seri-ousness about what they really need, rather than defining their supposed requirements by China itself as something almost taken for granted. in this vitally important aspect, the issue of com-patibility must be paid full attention: Compat-ibility between China and the other concerned countries and societies in their respective con-temporary experiences, including those on de-velopment. We Chinese should not suppose subjectively that the approach of massive con-struction of infrastructure and growth through huge investments, which has characterized China's economic development in the past two decades, is something universally applicable and welcomed to all or most other developing countries with their various basic particulari-ties. If those complex particularities or even in some cases opposite inclinations would be ig-nored, the oft-disastrous mistake of the West-ern universalism criticized so frequently in the contemporary China could committed by the Chinese ourselves.

it is extremely important to realize fully that the huge infrastructure systems China now aspires to construct on the sovereign lands of many countries in Central, southeast, and south Asia have, by their essential feature, almost "natural" inherent sensitivities. Those countries of course hold related doubts and worries about their longer-term sovereignty, autonomy, and distribution of prospective benefits. This sort of construction is "naturally" easy to bring out nationalistic worries, stimulate domestic politi-cal controversy and faction struggle shrouded by nationalism, together with negative effects resulted from them, if China operates inappro-priately.

with the same importance, it has to be em-

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phasized that for Belt and road, etc. China's pushing should not be too quick, for "more haste, less speed" as a traditional Chinese axi-om says. "to take small bites one after another at the table, to fight successive battles one af-ter another during a war." the whole enterprise must be divided into different stages, with dif-ferent staged width and depth appropriately differentiated. China should have a keen sense on its limitations, limitations in terms of knowl-edge, experience, available resources, interna-tional influences, and shrewdness in strategy and tactics. there are requirements to identify and differentiate various concrete situations as to different issue areas, geographical regions and sub-regions, and individual countries, thereby developing and revising different con-crete strategic ideas and plans.

all in all, the major requirements we dis-cussed here in terms of prudence concern with China's mentality, behaviour, words and deeds and manners to be tested at the present and in the future. China's prudence, together with its vigorous and appropriate advocacy and push-ing, would bring better chance of success to the international cooperative Belt and Road.

IV In a short time-span of the past three and

half years, China opened up or solidified so many "new fronts" or "new battlefields," as it were, but none of them could have a final decision developed in the predictable future through all the possible actions and reactions of the concerned countries. so, if there would be no retrenchment and adjustment made by Beijing, a logical inference must be that China would be engaged in "fights" and "campaigns" in multiple fronts at the same time. this is

undoubtedly a worrisome situation according to strategic common sense, besides the worri-some increasing strategic/military rivalry with the U.S. in western Pacific which has been moving both Beijing and Washington nearer to the margin of "thucydides trap" in despite of all their "interdependences".

Moreover, if the following two trajecto-ries would be taken into account, the situation could become even more so: (1) the increas-ingly complicated Chinese economy has been slowly but adamantly in its slowdown, with increasing financial precariousness in a con-text of decreasing government revenue and increasing national debts; and (2) at the same time, China's international involvement and its overseas commitment has drastically increased or intensified, accompanying with more mul-tiple external tasks which demand more Chi-nese national resources to deal with. taking an analogy, it could be said that China's "bank de-posit" is probably decreasing while its expense quite dramatically increasing. in other words, the risk of a sort of "strategic overdrawing" may be increasing accordingly.

the particularly critical strategic issue Chi-na now faces is: whether it is able to be really aware that it should "take small bites one after another at the table, and fight successive battles one after another during a war." Because of the overall Chinese economic situation at home, an overwhelming strategic "center of gravity" should be made and put on nowhere but main-taining the economic growth, adjusting its structure, and deepening reform at home. as to that, what really urgent are China's domestic tasks rather than the external ones for strategic exertion to increase power influence and win glory at asia and in the world.

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Аbstract. Partnership in education is a key area of the developing cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Kazakhstan and China. Study of migration is, therefore, relevant as the process is one of the factors contributing into strengthening of the interstate cooperation. the number of graduates from Kazakhstan choosing China’s universities has been steadilty increasing: by 14 times over the past decade. The article presents the findings of the research conducted in 14 cities of Kazakhstan aimed at identification of various aspects of educational migration. On that basis, the authors argue for the importance of continuous monitoring of the educational intentions and choices of Kazakhstan’s youth. the authors discuss the need for the measures to strengthen significantly the intellectual capital of Kazakhstan.

Key words: migration for educational purposes, globalization of higher education, Kazakh-Chinese cooperation, network university, socio-demographic profile of students, problems of adaptatio Kazakhstan’s youth.


1 PhD candidate in Linguistics at the Peking University.2 deputy director, Kazakhstan institute for strategic studies under the president of rK, Candidate of social sciences.3 director, the public Opinion research institute, Master of sociology.4 researcher, the public Opinion research institute, Master of sociology.

грнти 05.11.27

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Сәуле қошанова, Ботагөз Рақышева, Айнұр Мәжітова, гүлден Әшкенова

Аңдатпа. білім беру саласындағы серіктестік Қазақстан мен Қытайдың мәдени-гуманитарлық саладағы ынтымақтастықтың дамуының негізгі бағыты болып табылады. білім миграциясы — мемлекетаралық өзара іс-қимылдарды нығайтуға ықпал ететін факторлардың бірі. білім алу үшін Қытайдың жоғары оқу орындарын таңдайтын жас қазақстандықтардың саны жыл сайын артып келеді. Өткен онжылдықтың ішінде олардың саны 14 есеге ұлғайған. Қытайдың 14 қаласында жүргізілген зерттеу барысында білім миграциясының әртүрлі аспектілері анықталды. тақырыпты жан-жақты зерттеу негізінде білім алушы жастардың ниетіне тұрақты мониторинг жүргізудің маңыздылығы, сондай-ақ Қазақстанның зияткерлік әлеуетін нығайтуға мүмкіндік беретін уақтылы шаралар қабылдаудың қажеттілігі көрсетілді.

Түйiндi сөздер: білім алу миграциясы, жоғары білім глобализациясы, Қазақстан-Қытай ынтымақтастығы, желілік университет, ізденушілердің әлеуметтік-демографиялық бейнесі, қазақстандық жастардың бейімделу мәселелері.


Сауле Кошанова, Ботагоз Ракишева, Айнур Мажитова, гульден Ашкенова

Аннотация. Партнерство в области образования является ключевым направлением разви-тия культурно-гуманитарного сотрудничества между казахстаном и китаем. Учебная миграция представляет собой один из факторов, способствующих укреплению межгосударственного вза-имодействия. С каждым годом все больше молодых казахстанцев выбирают китайские вузы для получения образования. так, количество казахстанских студентов в соседней стране в течение прошедшего десятилетия увеличилось в 14 раз. исследование, охватившее 14 городов китая, выявляет различные аспекты учебной миграции. на основе многостороннего изучения данной темы показана важность постоянного мониторинга намерений обучающейся молодежи, а также необходимость своевременного принятия мер, которые позволят значительно укрепить интел-лектуальный потенциал казахстана.

Ключевые слова: учебная миграция, глобализация высшего образования, казахстанско-китайское сотрудничество, сетевой университет, социально-демографический профиль студентов, проблемы адаптации казахстанской молодежи.

since the moment of establishment of dip-lomatic relations between the republic of Ka-zakhstan and people's republic of China in 1992, considerable experience of interaction in many directions has been collected along with a huge potential for development. The cultural and humanitarian cooperation represents one of

the most important areas in interstate interac-tion. the partnership in education is the key di-rection in development of cultural and humani-tarian cooperation.

the regulatory framework of this industry of interaction between rK and prC is based on the following agreements:

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

- The agreement between the Ministry of Ed-ucation and science of rK and the Ministry of Education of PRC of June 3, 2003;

- The agreement between the Governments of rK and prC on mutual recognition of education documents and academic degrees of december 20, 2006;

- The protocol on amendments to the Agree-ment between the Ministry of education and sci-ence of rK and the Ministry of education of prC on cooperation in the field of education of June 3, 2003, of April 16, 2009 (provides increase in number of exchange students to 100 people);

- The agreement between the Ministry of Ed-ucation and science of rK and the Chinese na-tional oil and gas corporation on cooperation in the field of education of June 15, 2011 (CNOGC allocates 15 grants for the Master’s program);

- The agreement between the Government of RK and the Government of PRC on cultural and humanitarian cooperation of august 31, 2015, etc.

Grants in China are allocated not only under the agreements mentioned above. In 2012 dur-ing the summit of the sCO China announced the decision to train 1500 specialists from state members of the SCO at the Chinese universities within three years [1].

During his first state visit to Kazakhstan in september, 2013 the Chinese president Xi Jin-ping, speaking in The Nazarbayev University, declared provision of 30 000 state grants by the Chinese party for training and advanced train-ing of 10 000 students and teachers of Confu-cius institutes within the next ten years [2]. now institutes function in four cities of Kazakhstan: astana, almaty, aktobe and Karaganda. the agreement on creation of the Kazakhstan's first Confucius institute under Eurasian National Uni-versity after L.N. Gumilyov was signed on De-cember 20, 2006 within the visit of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to Beijing. XiAn university of foreign languages was deter-mined as the partner higher education institution in China [3]. in February, 2009 the Confucius Institute under the Kazakh National University (KazNU) after al-Farabi was opened, the coop-

eration within this project is performed together with Lanzhou university. In June and February, 2011 ceremonial openings of two more Confu-cius Institutes took place - under Aktyubinsk Re-gional University and Karaganda Polytechnical University which partner higher education insti-tutions are the XinJian Financial University and Shihezi University (data of the Embassy of PRC in rK).

One of the gathering pace spheres is devel-opment of initiatives within University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (USCO), created in 2008, which main mission is imple-mentation of joint preparation of highly quali-fied personnel on the basis of the approved in-novative educational programs for the specialties representing priority interest for economic and social development of the state-members of the sCO. Functioning as a network of already exist-ing higher education institutions, USCO trains specialists in priority areas of scientific and edu-cational and economic cooperation of the par-ticipating countries: regional studies, ecology, power, it technologies and nanotechnologies. the student who decided to be trained in this educational institution undergoes standard pro-cedure of entering Master’s programs in one of basic universities at home or abroad. Further the Master student has two trajectories of education-al "flight": it is possible to complete a training course in the chosen higher education institution, and also in partner higher education institution, and to receive two diplomas upon graduation [4].

the students of the presidential Bolashak pro-gram also choose universities of China. Along with possibility of gaining education by grants, the Chinese higher education institutions became the popular direction for those who gain educa-tion the expense of own means.

Foreigners studying in China

Globalization of the higher education is incon-ceivable without ample opportunities of training abroad. Foreign citizens even more often give the preference to education in the Chinese higher education institutions. according to the Ministry

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of education of the people's republic of China, students from 203 countries of the world study in the country. China takes the third place in the world after the US and Great Britain on number of the foreign students studying in the country.

as of 2014, 377 054 foreign students studied in the people's republic of China. among them the first place was taken by the Republic of Ko-rea (62 923 people), then there are the USA (24 203), thailand (21 296), russia (17 202), Japan (15 057), indonesia (13 689), india (13 578), pakistan (13 360), Kazakhstan (11 764) (the ninth place), France (10 729), vietnam (10 658), Germany (8193), Mongolia (7920), Malaysia (6645) and Great Britain (5920).

Most of foreign students study humanitarian specialties, mainly Chinese, but not technical. Only 44% get higher education, other 56% take short-term courses and training programs [5].

the state Council of the people's republic of China plans to increase number of foreign stu-dents to 500 000 people by 2020. an important role in achievement of this purpose is played by institutes and Confucius's classes — a network of the international cultural and educational cen-ters created by the State office on distribution of Chinese abroad of the Ministry of education of the people's republic of China (hanban) to-gether with foreign universities. Mission of the Confucius institutes is to promote growth of understanding of China and the Chinese culture around the world, to develop China’s friendly re-lations with other countries. education in them is oriented to specifics of cooperation with China, besides, tasks of the institutes include: the orga-nization of Chinese courses and culture, carry-ing out scientific conferences, cultural actions and tenders, preparation and the edition of edu-cational literature on Chinese, the organization of student's and teaching training in China [6]. according to the Ministry of education of the people's republic of China, for the beginning of October, 2015 in 127 countries of the world there were 476 Confucius institutes under universities and 850 classes under schools. Making the of-ficial speech at annual world conference of in-stitutes in december, 2015 the chairman hanban

sui ling emphasized that till 2020 it is planned to increase number of the Confucius institutes to 1000.

Kazakhstan citizens studying in China

as of the beginning of august, 2014 more than 45 000 Kazakhstan citizens studied outside the country: at the higher education institutions of Russia — 26 600 Kazakhstan citizens, in the People's Republic of China — 9670 (from them 628 — on various grants), in Great Britain — about 4000, in the USA and the Czech Republic — about 1000, in Malaysia — about 1500, in the United Arab Emirates — 715, in Turkey — 783 and in other countries [7].

According to official data of the Ministry of education of the people's republic of China, in 2007 the number of the Kazakhstan students in the Chinese higher education institutions consti-tuted 3000 people, including studied on grants and at the expense of own means. in 2008 3750 compatriots studied at the Chinese universities on a contractual basis, 70 — on grants. In 2010 their quantity reached 7874 persons. in 2011, 8287 Kazakhstan citizens studied in China, from them 40 — owners of a presidential grant of "Bolashak", the part of students arrived by the state exchange and on a grant of the Chinese government, some owners of a grant — through the sCO.

in 2013 the number of the Kazakhstan stu-dents constituted 9657 people, including 37 scholars of the presidential Bolashak program (17 — bachelors, 8 — masters, 12 — trainees).

In the beginning of 2014 — 2015 academic years about 4000 Kazakhstan citizens studied in Beijing, Urumqi — 1250, Shanghai — 800, Xian — 700, Guangzhou — 500, Wuhan — 400, Nan-jing, Lanzhou, Harbin — 150 people per region, Qingdao — about 100, Kuldzhe — 150, Shihezi — about 100, Xiamen — 25 people.

during the period from 2004 to 2014 about 2000 citizens of Kazakhstan graduated the Chi-nese higher education institutions. and their quantity considerably increased — if in 2003 there were 8 Kazakhstan citizens among univer-

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

sity graduates of the people's republic of China, in 2013 already 700 people graduated from the Chinese higher education institutions.

as of February, 2016 the number of the Ka-zakhstan students in the people's republic of China constitutes 11 764 persons, including 763 persons on the state exchange within internation-al treaties, the others — at the expense of own means and municipal grants. according to of-ficial information of the Representation of JSC Center of the international programs in shang-hai, 188 owners of a presidential grant of "Bolas-hak" have got an education in the Chinese higher education institutions, 24 persons are studying now. the number of the Kazakhstan students at Chinese higher education institutions within last decade increased by 14 times (according to of-ficial data of the Ministry of Education of the people's republic of China).

Thus, according to official data, educational migration from Kazakhstan to China shows con-tinuous dynamics of growth. However, what stands behind figures of official statistics, what priorities young citizens of Kazakhstan are guid-ed by, choosing Chinese higher education insti-tutions, what difficulties they face while study-ing and staying in the neighboring country, what interethnic relations they have, what civic posi-tion, what plans they make for the future — the analysis of these and other questions is a part of the social research conducted within the scientif-ic project "educational Migration" of the "public opinion" Research institute. This article provides some results of the scientific project which is carried out by group of researchers - the authors of this article. the main results of the research are published in the book "educational migra-tion from the republic of Kazakhstan to people's Republic of China” (the electronic version of the book can be found on website of the "public opinion" research institute ( [8].

On the basis of multilateral studying of the educational migration process (polls, interview, official data from the Embassy of RK in PRC and the embassy of prC in rK, the Ministry of edu-cation and science of rK, the Ministry of edu-

cation of PRC) we are given an opportunity to develop recommendations about the solution of the arising problems, to predict consequences of educational migration, to plan the new directions of cooperation for the purpose of deepening of the Kazakhstan-Chinese relations in education.

Methodology of sociological research

The aim of the project: to identify problems and opportunities in development of a strategic cooperation between Kazakhstan and China through stimulation of educational migration and strengthening of interstate cooperation be-tween two countries in the educational sphere. educational migration is meant as studying in the highest or secondary educational profession-al institution abroad with the purpose to receive specialty, including training language courses to enter higher education institutions.

Location of the research: 14 cities of China (Xian, Beijing, shanghai, Guangzhou, lanzhou, Urumqi, Dalian, Qingdao, Nanjing, Wuhan, Gui-lin, Xiamen, Zhengzhou, hanzhou). period of the research: June — December, 2015.

the methodology of the research is based on complex use of quantitative (surveying of the Kazakhstan citizens who study in China: in total 407 respondents were surveyed [from 16 to 34 years old; middle age — 21 years]) and qualita-tive (expert poll, supervision: in total 60 experts were surveyed) methods of information collec-tion. selection of respondents was performed by method of "snowball". the citizens of Kazakh-stan who study in China according to programs of a bachelor degree, magistracy, doctoral studies, and training courses to enter higher education in-stitutions were selected. poll method: combined (Face-to-Face — interview), a telephone survey and by e-mail.

it should be noted that poll selection is not intendent to be representative, but together with qualitative methods of research (supervision, ex-pert poll) allows the subject to be studied thor-oughly. The surveys of teachers, international department staff at the Kazakhstan and Chinese higher education institutions, the diplomats su-

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pervising education and culture of the bilateral relations, the Kazakhstan citizens who graduated from the Chinese higher education institutions and work as in the homeland, so in other coun-tries were also conducted during the research. The analysis over the speeches of two countries’ officials, articles in mass media, statistical data of embassy of rK in prC and embassy of prC in rK, the Ministry of education and science of rK, the Ministry of education of prC added the picture which was developed by results of inter-view and poll.

Social and demographic profile of the re-spondents taking part in the poll

among the Kazakhstan citizens studying in China participating in the poll, 50,6% are wom-en, 49,4% are men. Representatives of various nationalities with majority of the Kazakh — 97,1%, the Russian — 2,5%, the Tatar — 0,2%, the Polish — 0,2% took part in the poll. Average age of the respondents is 21, the youngest of the respondents is 16 years old, and the oldest is 34 years old.

Selecting the country of education

the choice of China as the country of edu-cation by 49,6% of the respondents was proved by taking care of foreign students (visa support,

good dormitories, extracurricular support in emergency situations, in case of medical care, etc.). On the second by importance place 45% of students put a low fare for education and accom-modation, 41,8% consider China’s education to be better, 39,1% of respondents noted prestige of the gained education, 29,5% won a grant for study. 26,5% of students explain the decision to study in the Chinese higher education institution with a cultural factor (from interview: "it is inter-esting to live in China: there are a lot of entertain-ments, interesting places", etc.), 25,6% Kazakh-stan citizens got recommendations from friends. The significant place in hierarchy of answer op-tions is taken by safety — 24,3% of respondents consider that there is a low level of racism and nationalism in China (from interview: "here it is safe to live, there are no skinheads as in the Rus-sian Federation, there is no bad attitude towards people from other countries, to people of other nationality or race"). the geographical proximity to Kazakhstan is also one of factors in selection of the country of education for benefit of China — 23,8% of students specified this option. Also such answers were also heard: parents insisted on this decision (5,2%), the choice of the coun-try was accidental (2,9%), high competition to enter higher education institutions in Kazakhstan (2,0%), because of plans for moving to China on the permanent residence (1,2%), like Chinese (0,7%) (table 1).

table 1. Why did you decide to get education in the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter - China)?

Option Quantity Percent*

China takes care of foreign students (visa support, good dormitories, extracurricular support in emergency situations, in case of medical care, etc.) 202 49,6

education and accommodation fee is lower than among the countries i was considering 183 45,0

education in China is better 170 41,8

to increase prestige of gained education 159 39,1

won a grant to study in China 120 29,5It is interesting to live here: there is a lot of entertainment, interesting places, etc. (cultural factor) 108 26,5

recommended by freinds 104 25,6It is safe to live here: no skinheads as in Russia, no bad attitude towards foreign people, different nationalities or race (low level of racism, nationalism) 99 24,3

Geographical proximity to motherland (Kazakhstan) 97 23,8

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Parents have insisted on this decision 21 5,2

incidental selection of the country 12 2,9

high completion to enter Kazakhstan’s higher education institutions 10 2,5

there is no my specialty in Kazakhstan 8 2,0

Plans to move to China on permanent residence 5 1,2

like Chinese language 3 0,7

not sure 2 0,5

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

The first place in assistance in selection of a place of education is taken by the advice of friends — 76,8%, 12,5% of respondents found informa-tion in the Internet, 9,1% of respondents received data from the Kazakhstan mass media (table 2).

The high rate of the first option indicates that

the Kazakhstan citizens who graduated from the Chinese higher education institutions in general remained satisfied with quality of gained educa-tion, conditions of accommodation and recom-mend compatriots to make a choice for benefit of studying in China.

table 2. How did you know about possibilities of getting education in China?

Option Quantity Percent

From friends 312 76,8

From the internet 51 12,5

From Kazakhstan’s mass media 22 5,4

The Confucius Institute under Eurasian National University after L.N.Gumilyov 15 3,7

From foreign mass media or nGO 2 0,5

At University 1 0,2

petro Kazakhstan stipend program 1 0,2

not sure 3 0,7

Total 407 100,0

the majority of the Kazakhstan youth study at universities of the large cities: Beijing, Shang-hai, Xian, etc. respondents of our research represented 14 cities of China. the main part of our compatriots study in higher education institutions of the cities of Xian (32,2% of re-spondents), Beijing (20,9%), shanghai (7,4%), Guangzhou (4,3%), Lanzhou (3,1%), Urumqi (2,9%), dalian (2,2%), Qingdao (1,2%), etc.

speaking about Kazakhstan students’ prefer-ences regarding the choice of educational insti-tutions it should be noted that often it is regional universities which are territorially close to Ka-zakhstan, and also higher education institutions where requirements to foreign students are not very high, rather than the leading, rating higher education institutions of China.

according to information of the Ministry of education of prC, about 90% of Kazakhstan youth who study in China give preference to humanitarian specialties: international rela-tions, world trade, economy, business, etc.

Most of the respondents in our research study "Chinese and culture" specialties, as well as lan-guage courses — representation makes 36,9% of students. the economic direction ("interna-tional trade", "management", "world economy and trade", "finance", "business administration", etc.) is studied by 32,6% of respondents. the law profile ("law", "right"), and also "the inter-national relations", "oriental studies" are chosen by 10,7% of Kazakhstan citizens. among techni-cal specialties our compatriots prefer: "oil case", "architecture", "industrial design" and others

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(9,4%). "the Chinese medicine" is studied by 2,0% of respondents. 8,4% of the respondents didn't answer the question.

For 85,3% of respondents studying in China is the first experience of getting education and/

or having long accommodation abroad. 14,7% of students answered that already had that ex-perience (table 3).

table 3. Is studying at this higher education institution your first experience of getting education and/or having long accommodation abroad?

Option Quantity Percent

Yes 347 85,3

no 60 14,7

Итого 407 100,0

Studying at the higher education institution

The prevailing majority of the respondents (94,7%) answered that they like studying at the higher education institution, however 5,1% of the respondents answered negatively (table 4).

Quality of teaching at the Chinese higher education institutions meets expectations of the prevailing majority of the Kazakhstan stu-dents, and those who study at the expense of

own means are satisfied with a ratio "the price — quality".

Even those Kazakhstan citizens, who are rarely satisfied with quality of education, as-sume that it will be easy for them to get a job in the homeland because of prestige of foreign education. ignorance of the Kazakh language at the professional level which could be obtained while studying at the Kazakhstan’s higher edu-cation institutions can only be a problem.

table 4. Do you like studying at your higher education institution?

Option Quantity Percent

Yes 251 61,8

rather yes, than no 134 32,9

rather no, than yes 18 4,4

no 3 0,7

not sure 1 0,2

Total 407 100,0

97,3% of respondents estimated level of complexity at higher education institution as difficult, 2,7% of students consider educational process easy (tab. 5).

The respondents who already have experi-ence of studying at the universities of Kazakh-stan say that requirements in the Chinese higher education institutions are higher.

table 5. How do you estimate a level of complexity at your higher education institution?

Option Quantity Percent

Moderately difficult 242 59,5

Very difficult 154 37,8

Quite easy 10 2,5

very easy 1 0,2

Total 407 100,0

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

the progress at higher education institution was noted as good and excellent by 65,8% and 21,2% of the respondents respectively. 10,8% study satisfactorily (table 6).

Considering the fact that at least 167 people, who took part in the research, study on grants, we should note an increase of requirements of

the Chinese higher education institutions to owners of grants in recent years. For example, foreign students of "Chinese" specialty, in case of untimely passing of the next examination of hsK (an international examination on determi-nation of level of proficiency in Chinese), lose a monthly grant.

table 6. What is your current progress at university?

Option Quantity Percent

Good 268 65,8

excellent 86 21,2

satisfactory 44 10,8

Non-satisfactory 2 0,5

refuse to answer 7 1,7

Total 407 100,0

Majority of the respondents estimate their level of Chinese as “good” – 80,6%, and “bad” – 18,1% (table 7).

Majority of the Kazakhstan’s students on the most popular humanitarian specialties designat-ed above study in groups for foreigners where

requirements are slightly lower, than in groups with native speakers. The respondents who chose technical specialties generally study with the Chinese. Compatriots from this category treat the level of proficiency in Chinese more critically, considering it insufficiently high.

table 7. How well do you know Chinese?

Option Quantity Percent

rather good 252 61,9

very good 76 18,7

rather bad 71 17,4

very bad 3 0,7

not sure 5 1,2

Total 407 100,0

Among the positive moments regarding ar-rival to China, 67,3% of Kazakhstan citizens consider new acquaintances, 58,2% — pres-ence of fellow countrymen, 49,4% — good uni-versity (a big campus with convenient corpuses, library, a sports complex, dining rooms, cafe), 47,9% — interesting Chinese culture, 24,6% — another way of life (table 8).

the answer "presence of fellow countrymen" takes the second place in hierarchy of options,

many students explain that at the first stage of staying in China compatriots provided them considerable support in passing of registration procedures at higher education institution, in solving everyday issues. Many respondents em-phasize that they made a choice for benefit of this or that city, or university proceeding from availability of the friends who already study there.

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table 8. What positive moments connected with your arrival to China can you emphasize?

Option Quantity Percent*

new acquaintances 274 67,3

presence of fellow countrymen 237 58,2

Good university (a big campus with convenient corpuses, library, a sports complex, dining rooms, cafe) 201 49,4

interesting Chinese culture 195 47,9

another way of life 100 24,6

Cuisine 39 9,6

Favorable climate 32 7,9

Possibility of independent living (without parental control) 12 2,9

not sure 2 0,5

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

weak knowledge of Chinese (71,7%) is the most often problem for the Kazakhstan citizens who recently arrived to study, also 36,6% of re-spondents noted accustoming to a local cuisine, 35,9% — problems of personal security, 29,7% — household problems (table 9).

Most of the respondents noted the "cultur-al shock" mainly due to absolute ignorance of Chinese and impossibility to use english out-side a campus.

table 9. What was the most actual problems you had in China?

Option Quantity Percent*

weak knowledge of Chinese language 292 71,7

accustoming to local cuisine 149 36,6

Private security 146 35,9

household problems 121 29,7

Bureaucracy at registration and documentation 79 19,4

Interaction with the administration of the university 72 17,7

Unusual climate 55 13,5

ignorance of Chinese legislation 54 13,3

problems with locals 16 3,9

Organization of normal rest 7 1,7

no problems 18 4,4

not sure 1 0,2

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

The prevailing majority of the surveyed re-spondents noted that the main source of financ-ing for their studying and accommodation is their own means — 56,3% and 64,6% respec-tively, grants of the Chinese government cover education expenses for 36,9% and accommoda-tion for 32,7% of students (it should be noted

that grants of the Confucius institute are also financed by the Chinese party). 3,4% of our compatriots study at Chinese higher education institutes at the expense of Kazakhstan, grants of the Kazakhstan party provide accommoda-tion for 2,7% of respondents (table 10).

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

table 10. What are your sources of financing for education and accommodation?

11 А. Source of financing for education 11 в. Source of financing for accommodation

n % n %

Own means 229 56,3 263 64,6

China’s grants 150 36,9 133 32,7

Kazakhstan’s grants 14 3,4 11 2,7

the Confucius institute’s grants 3 0,7 – –

refused to answer 11 2,7 – –

Total 407 100,0 407 100,0

Students consider that work will not influ-ence study negatively, and possibility of work for them is not only an additional income, but also an opportunity to receive practical skills by the received profession, to practice Chinese.

Among the surveyed 407 students, 15 people (3,7%) answered that they combine study with work (tab. 11).

Generally they work as a translator (4 peo-ple), also a logistician (2 people), a marketing specialist, a bartender, a pr manager, a gen-eral worker, a model (1 person each), 4 respon-dents refused to specify a sort of the activities (table 12).

table 11. Do you work during learning process?

Option Quantity Percent

No 392 96,3

Yes 15 3,7

Total 407 100,0

table 12. What do you do?*

Option (recorded according to respondents) Quantity Percent

translator 4 26,7

logician 2 13,4

Marketing specialist 1 6,7

Bartender 1 6,7

General worker 1 6,7

pr manager 1 6,7

Model 1 6,7

refused to answer 4 26,4

Total 15 100,0

* this question is answered only by those who work full time or part time during the learning process – 15 respondents / 3,7%.

accommodation in the territory of campuses of the Chinese universities is very convenient for students: multi-story dining rooms, includ-ing Muslim ones, cafe, snackbars allow to eat for very reasonable prices. Students can visit well equipped sports complexes.

Many Kazakhstan citizens who study on grants note that the monthly grant is enough for food and accommodation in the territory of a campus.

thus, 93,8% of the respondents consider the food and financial position during study to be good, 4,9% —consider it to be bad (table 13).

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table 13. Could you estimate your nutrition, financial situation during the learning process?

Option Quantity Percent

rather good 204 50,1

very good 178 43,7

rather bad 16 3,9

very bad 4 1,0

not sure 5 1,3

Total 407 100,0

Chinese universities practice the organiza-tion of tourist rounds for sights of the city for students, trips to other provinces and cities is popular. Facultative courses on a calligraphy, tàijíquán (a kind of the Chinese martial art), etc. are conducted for all. On the specialties "Chi-

nese and Culture" these disciplines are included into the obligatory program therefore no won-der that among the interrogated Kazakhstan citizens, 64,6% specified that they know tradi-tions, history and culture of China. 34,4% of the respondents answered negatively (table 15).

table 14. How well do you know the history, traditions and the culture of China?

Option Quantity Percent

Yes 88 21,6

rather yes, than no 175 43,0

rather no, than yes 125 30,7

no 15 3,7

not sure 4 1,0

Total 407 100,0

the majority of respondents (93,4%) keep in touch actively with family living in the home-land, go home on the vacation period. 51,1% of students noted that they trace the news events about Kazakhstan and compatriots, 37,6% are

interested in political life, 31,7% of respondents keep in touch through domestic culture (listen to music, read literature, watch movies, etc.) (table 16).

table 15. How do you keep in touch with your homeland?

Option Quantity Percent*

Keep in touch with family, go home on the vacation period 380 93,4

Trace the news events about Kazakhstan and compatriots 208 51,1

i am interested in political life 153 37,6through domestic culture (listen to music, read literature, watch movies, etc) 129 31,7

Keep in touch with compatriots living in China 35 8,6

participate in national public organization 24 5,9

Participate in political party’s activities 3 0,7

I avoid keeping in touch with homeland – –

not sure 6 1,5

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

63,1% of Kazakhstan’s students spent extra-curricular time for reading newspapers, maga-zines, books, surfing the Internet, 19,3% — are generally at home, 8,8% — with friends, 7,9% go to the cinema, park (table 17).

association of the Kazakhstan students in China (KsaC) was created and successfully functions with assistance of embassy of rK in prC. the association includes the student's as-

sociations functioning in all provinces and the large cities of China. On an annual basis kurul-tais of the Kazakhstan students are carried out.

the Kazakhstan student's community KsaC becomes the initiator of carrying out many actions directed on increase of Kazakh-stan’s image. not only the Kazakhstan stu-dents, but also students of the Cis countries unite round it.

table 16. How do your spend you free time?

Option Quantity Percent

read newspapers, magazines, book, serf the internet 257 63,1

Generally at home 78 19,3

with friends 36 8,8

Go to the cinema, park 32 7,9

Busy with public life 2 0,5

learn Chinese 1 0,2

no answer 1 0,2

Total 407 100,0

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

In their free time the vast majority of re-spondents prefer to communicate with fellow countrymen from Kazakhstan (44,0%), 28,3% — with other foreign students, 26,5% — with the students who study at the same faculty in independence of nationality, 14,3% — with the Kazakh diaspora living in China, 14% — with local students (table 18).

As a rule, intensive communication with compatriots is necessary for Kazakhstan citi-

zens at initial stage of stay in China that helps them to transfer adaptation to new conditions. then, the part of Kazakhstan citizens chooses strategy on communication with Chinese and other foreigners to practice Chinese and eng-lish languages. it is promoted also by the cultur-al events held by higher education institutions on a regular basis.

table 17. Who do you generally communicate to in your free time?

Option Quantity Percent*

with compatriots from Kazakhstan 179 44,0

with other foreign students 115 28,3with students studying at the same faculty in independence of nationality 108 26,5

With Kazakh diaspora living in China 58 14,3

with local students 57 14,0

with locals (hanju) 25 6,1

* the sum is not equal to 100 because the respondents could answer several options

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according to the results of research on edu-cational migration of the Kazakhstan students to the Chinese higher education institutions, availability of both positive aspects and cer-tain problems was revealed.

Among the positive moments it should be noted:

- high degree of personal security of foreign citizens in the territory of China;

- the extremely exceptional cases of mani-festation of xenophobia, racism, nationalism;

- comfortable conditions of education and accommodation;

- high quality teaching;- a good ratio of "the price and quality of

education" for those who study at the expense of own means.

The Kazakhstan youth shows the high level of tolerance and patriotism. students are ac-tively interested in political life of Kazakh-stan, keep in close connection with the home-land, take part in elections, deeply appreciate the stable and friendly interethnic relations in Kazakhstan and China. the young Kazakhstan citizens who already have experience of stay-ing in China are very sympathetic, ready to help "beginners" to quicker adapt for the new environment.

The prevailing majority of Kazakhstan citi-zens — graduates of the Chinese higher edu-cation institutions remained satisfied with the gained education and recommend compatriots to choose universities of China, starting so-called "domino effect". the tolerant relation to the neighboring country created on the inter-personal communicative level directly influ-ences strengthening of the Kazakhstan-Chi-nese cooperation.

the embassy of the republic of Kazakh-stan in the people's republic of China headed by Shakhrat Shakizatovich Nurushev, the Am-bassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, plays an important role in life of the Kazakh-stan students, giving them full support.

Opening of "the centers for research of Ka-

zakhstan" became a significant event in inter-state interaction: in November, 2015 — at the Shanghai University of Foreign Languages, in December, 2015 — at the Beijing University of Foreign Languages, in January, 2016 — at Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

The centers will provide assistance to ev-eryone wishing to study Kazakh language, Kazakh literature and culture, and also inform students and teachers about history of forma-tion and modern life of Kazakhstan and pro-mote expansion of educational and scientific contacts between citizens and the organiza-tions of China and Kazakhstan.

At the initiative of students, the cultural events devoted to celebration of Nauryz, In-dependence Day of RK, Eid al-Adha, KVNs festivals, annual kurultai of students, sports tournaments are held with assistance of em-bassy of rK in prC, Consulate General of rK in shanghai, and representations of JsC Cen-ter for International Programs. These events are regularly covered by local mass media that allows citizens of China and foreigners to get acquainted with the culture of Kazakhstan.

Created with assistance of the embassy of rK in prC, association of the Kazakhstan students in China (KsaC) includes the stu-dent's associations functioning in all provinces and the large cities of China. Vigorous activity of the student's organizations, certainly, pro-motes unity of the Kazakhstan youth.

The main difficulties which young Kazakh-stan citizens face at the first stage of their stay-ing in China are ignorance or weak knowledge of Chinese, and also ignorance of the country’s laws.

The facts of inappropriate behavior of some Kazakhstan’s students in China are widely known: fights in night clubs, non-attendance, expel from higher education institutions, etc.

special training (adaptation) courses in Ka-zakhstan could become one of solutions for a problem of adaptation. it is necessary to in-clude not only teaching basic Chinese into the course program, but also an explanation of the basic rules of foreign students’ staying in Chi-

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

na. also we consider creation of the common website for all information necessary for en-trants to be expedient: requirements of higher education institutions, specifics of the legisla-tion of the people's republic of China, recom-mendation, responses of graduates, etc.

we recommend the applicants who are pur-posefully planning to study in China according to programs of a bachelor degree and magis-tracy to complete a training language course in the homeland that will allow to lower time and finance costs.

in recent years the employment in Kazakh-stan becomes a serious problem for graduates of the Chinese higher education institutions. about 90% of Kazakhstan citizens get an edu-cation on humanitarian specialties: interna-tional relations, Chinese, international trade, economy, law, etc. the demand in the labor mar-ket of Kazakhstan on the above-designated spe-cialties doesn't answer number of graduates. as a result many people work not according the spe-cialty or are forced to get additional education. we consider it expedient to recommend people inter-ested to study in China to approach the choice of profession and higher education institution more carefully.

Creation of Kazakhstan citizens association — graduates of the Chinese higher education in-stitutions is capable to provide essential assistance in informing as entrants leaving for study in the People's Republic of China, so certified specialists in search of the corresponding vacancies.

Dynamically developing Kazakhstan-Chinese cooperation on scientific, educational, cultural, social, trade and economic directions, and also

implementation of new industrial projects with-in interface of the programs "nurly Zhol" and "economic Belt of the silk way" require re-view of the demanded specialties.

The due attention should be paid to devel-opment of two-degree education programs. Benefits for Kazakhstan in such cooperation consist in training of high qualification spe-cialists in the Chinese higher education insti-tutions having a vast experience of studying various specialties, teaching of which has just began in our country.

it is necessary to pay due attention to de-velopment of scientific contacts between uni-versities and scientific research institute of two countries, to intensify research training according to the program of the academic mobility in rating higher education institu-tions of China.

educational migration promotes training of highly qualified specialists and allows a cadre deficit to be filled with the staff, who have gained education on rare and absent in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan specialties. At the same time graduates have to be offered worthy conditions of employ-ment on purpose not to allow "brain drain", as research showed a presence of separate cat-egory of the students planning to move to the people's republic of China for the permanent residence because of big prospects for career development. In this regard not only a con-stant monitoring of the students intentions is needed, but also timely measures, which will allow considerable strengthening of intellec-tual potential of Kazakhstan.

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1. Official website of the SCO Summit-2012. URL: (available on 19.03.2016).

2. Official speech of Xi Jinping, The Chairman of PRC, at the Nazarbayev University (full text). 16.09.2013 / Official website of the Embassy of PRC in RK. Chinese-Kazakh relations. URL: (available on 19.03.2016).

3. Official website of the Confucius Institute under Eurasian National University after L.N.Gumilyov. URL: (available on 19.03.2016).

4. Official website of the SCO University. URL: (available on 19.03.2016).

5. Project Atlas. China. URL: (available on 19.03.2016).6. Official website of the Confucius Institutes. Hanban. RL: www.hanban.

org (available on 19.03.2016).7. Bolee 45 tysyach kazakhstanskikh studentov obuchajutsja za rubezhom.

URL: (available on 19.03.2016).

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Аbstract. the article discusses the features of the contemporary Chinese migration and the role of the migration processes in bilateral relations. The analysis covers the problem of modern historiography and shows the results of the sociological research in the sphere of Chinese migration. The demographic and socio-economic characteristics have been represented basing on the researches, along with the definition of the role of migration in the socio-economic life of Kazakhstan. The authors analyze the trends in migration from China to Kazakhstan, reveal its peculiarities and the most important patterns, objective determinants and socio-economic impact of the expansion of the Chinese presence in Kazakhstan. the authors argue that these processes should not be considered without an analysis of the demographic and migration policy of prC as well as policies in relation to the foreign “Huaqiao” diaspora.

Key words: China, Kazakhstan, migration, diaspora, border regions.


Светлана Кожирова

Аңдатпа. мақалада қазіргі қытайлық миграцияның ерекшеліктері және екіжақты қарым-қатынастағы миграциялық үрдістің рөлі қарастырылған. Қазіргі тарихнама мәселесіне талдау жасалып, Қытай миграциясы туралы әлеуметтанулық зерттеу нәтижелері көрсетілген. Осы мәліметтердің негізінде демографиялық және әлеуметтік-экономикалық сипаттама жасалып, республиканың қоғамдық-экономикалық өміріндегі миграцияның рөліне баға берілген. Қазақстанға Қытай тарапынан бағытталған миграцияның үдерістері талданып, оның ерекшеліктері мен дамуының маңызды заңдылықтары, объективті детерминанттары мен елімізде қытайлықтардың артуының әлеуметтік-экономикалық салдары анықталған. бұл үрдістерді ҚХр-дың демографиялық және миграциялық, сондай-ақ шетелдік «хуацяо» диаспорасына қатысты саясатын талдаусыз қарастыру мүмкін емес.

Кілт сөздер: Қытай, Қазақстан, көші-қон, диаспора, шекаралас аймақтар.


Professor, Eurasian National University after L.N.Gumilyov, doctor of political sciences

грнти 05.11.27

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Светлана Кожирова

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности современной китайской миграции, роль миграционных процессов в двусторонних отношениях. Дан анализ современной историографии проблемы, показаны результаты социологического исследования китайской миграции. на основе этих данных представлены демографическая и социально-экономическая характеристики, определена роль миграции в общественно-экономической жизни республики. Проанализированы тенденции миграции из китая в казахстан, выявлены ее особенности и наиболее важные закономерности развития, объективные детерминанты и социально-экономические последствия расширения китайского присутствия в казахстане. Эти процессы невозможно было бы рассмотреть без анализа демографической и миграционной политики кнр, политики в отношении зарубежной диаспоры «хуацяо».

Ключевые слова: Китай, Казахстан, миграция, диаспора, приграничные регионы.


Migration became one of the main factors di-rectly influencing the state of economy, culture, national policy, and international relations. now the political phenomenon of migration began to prevail over the social and economic determin-ing. with this respect, the analysis of interrela-tion in political processes and migration, and also identification of essence, nature and an ori-entation of their interaction become a necessary element in achievement of national and regional security.

an international labor migration plays an in-creasing role in a general flow of the internation-al world migrations. it will not be exaggeration to tell that today practically all countries of the world already participate in the international ex-change of manpower as importers and exporters of labor power. according to data of the interna-tional labor Organization, at the end of the XX century, there were at least 120 million people of legal labor migrants in total in the world. an inter-national labor migration became an integral part of modern system of the world economy, normal existence in the majority of the states. presence of foreign workers at developed countries of the world turned from a temporary phenomenon into a structural element of their economy. For years

of independence Kazakhstan became an active participant of world migratory processes, being the country of entrance, departure and transit.

a new migratory situation has been created in Kazakhstan, the prompt growth of cross-border migrations flows is noted, migratory flows are being actively created in "neighboring coun-tries", a number of migrants from the distant for-eign countries has grown up.

Migration problems in Kazakhstan have al-ways been relevant. However multimillion popu-lation migration within the former Soviet Union did not draw so much attention and did not cause rough reaction from the public as it happened to small on number migration (generally temporary and labor) of Chinese citizens.

the Chinese migration is one of the most im-portant factors of impact on social and economic, and possibly, demographic development of Ka-zakhstan on a long-term perspective. Thus we rec-ognize that a demographic situation and the basic migratory processes are the important areas of life and policy of modern China, determining not only its own development, but also development of its neighbors. in the long term they will act as one of the creating factors of relations between China and neighboring countries, including Kazakhstan.

the people's republic of China concentrates the huge migratory potential implementation of

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

which in the conditions of the happening market transformations leads not only to internal trans-fers of the population, but also is followed by its noticeable migratory outflow out of borders of the country. In recent years we observe the sharp growth of internal and external migration of the population.

Considering complementarity of the econo-mies and considerable coincidence of the inter-ests on international scene, China and Kazakh-stan accepted joint strategy of cooperation of the XXi century which designated the main direc-tions of strategic partnership between two coun-tries. Thus for the first time at the high official level the problem of the illegal Chinese labor power illegally imported into Kazakhstan by the Chinese oil and gas companies working in the aktyubinsk area in the western Kazakhstan was lifted. according to the president of Kazakhstan, the most optimum decision for Kazakhstan con-sists in reducing number of the Chinese workers hired by the Chinese companies by 70% and to replace them with local workers (Kazakhstan-skaya Pravda. — 22.12.2006. URL:

There is very difficult situation with the Chi-nese migration in Kazakhstan. The first large-scale flows of the Chinese small traders and en-trepreneurs captivated the country after entering a visa-free regime of crossing the Soviet-Chinese border in 1988. in the cities of russia and Ka-zakhstan the Chinese street markets began to arise spontaneously. Flows of migrants resistant to any control and management began to cause concerns.

in modern publications it is quite often possi-ble to meet statements that Beijing purposefully realizes expansion strategy, intending to occupy border spaces with its citizens. However, the set of quite available facts and documents do not allow this problem to be treated so unambigu-ously. a management of the people's republic of China, facing significant increase in unemploy-ment and skillfully adapting for globalization processes, really pursues the active migration policy directed on support of a foreign commu-nity and use of its powerful business and finan-

cial potential in interests of economic recovery of the country, however thus shows loyalty and a correctness concerning the countries which ac-cepted its emigrants. in the light of all this it is impossible to imagine that Beijing decided to give a priority to policy of demographic expan-sion, risking provoking destabilization of the re-lations with Kazakhstan and with entire Central asian region.

Modern China needs a stable situation, first of all, for the solution of the acute internal is-sues, for implementation of large-scale programs of modernization. China has difficult, contradic-tory relations with the west, with which it aims to be integrated, without refusing, however, from the specific line of social, economic and political development and without passing to a provision, dependent on the west, in worldwide policy.

Kazakhstan and China are connected by spe-cial relations. Both countries need a peace envi-ronment for the solution of the internal problems, for implementation of deep modernization. Both are interested in wide and various economic co-operation. all this means that the relations be-tween two countries are based upon a strong ba-sis of coincidence in radical interests.

discrepancy of estimates in demographic, economic and socio-political consequences of the Chinese presence expansion in the country, along with the policy towards immigration of the Chinese citizens to the country from the point of future development in Kazakhstan is constantly in sight of researchers and periodically becomes a subject of heated socio-political debates. The official relation to migratory flows from China is rather positive, than negative. Nevertheless, the level of the concerns based on the threats for the country caused by expansion of the Chinese migration doesn't decrease in the Kazakhstan so-ciety.

We should pay attention that despite the active and proceeding for some years discussion on a problem of Chinese immigration, it is obviously not enough reliable data on real scales and struc-ture of migration from the people's republic of China. Data of official statistics sharply discord with the opinion of the inhabitant. this circum-

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stance determines importance of the comprehen-sive and weighed analysis of the main tenden-cies of the Chinese migration to Kazakhstan and those resulting effects to which these processes can lead.

Increase of scientific interest in the Chinese migration, concentration of attention on a prob-lem of sociocultural, demographic, economic se-curity are considered to be absolutely timely as there is a difficult situation connected with the Chinese presence in Kazakhstan. now on the forefront there is a problem of studying not only quantity characteristics of the Chinese migration, but also its high-quality parameters. It has para-mount value in understanding of current devel-opment of migratory processes and scenarios of their development in the future. Difficult modern cross-border migratory processes actualize the issues of adaptation among migrants and the ac-cepting society, factors of their interaction, the problems of conflict situations. It is necessary to highlight that issues of regional and national security in Central asia are in many respects de-termined by a demographic situation in China, nature and intensity of the Chinese external mi-gration.

Methods of research

the Chinese migration is rather widely lit by the Russian researchers. V. Ya. Portyakov [1, 2] considers that in the analysis of the russian sci-entists of "new Chinese migration" as object of research it is necessary to allocate the following main approaches: "Chinese history", "regional", "demographic" and "geopolitical". in case of the first approach, the problems of Chinese migra-tion in a general context of the Russian-Chinese interstate relations are researched. this block of researches is provided by V. G. Gelbras's works [3, 4, 5, 6].

V. Gelbras's researches are based on survey results of the representatives of Chinese associa-tions in Moscow and in the Far east. his works present the results of these researches — they are the largest scale inspections of the Chinese citizens in russia. his work also contains results

of the anonymous poll of the russian citizens in several Russian cities devoted to the analysis of their opinions on the Chinese and views of a con-dition and prospect of the state relations between the russian Federation and the people's repub-lic of China.

the main conclusion which is drawn from the works of v. G. Gelbras is proof of lack of "the Chinese expansion". The author believes that the Chinese migrants should be offered "human liv-ing conditions" and at the same time not to allow territorial enclaves with the Chinese ethnic ma-jority to be formed in russia. Besides he consid-ers that migration, on the contrary, is the positive moment during the modern period of economy development in Russia.

the second group of works in the context of "regional" approach is provided by V. L. Larin [7, 8, 9], V. I. Dyatlov [10, 11], V. G. Datsysh-chen's researches [12]. in these works not only extensive information is collected, but also the deep analysis of the Chinese migration phenom-enon, problems of migrants and influence of the Chinese diaspora on society-recipient, problems of the Russian-Chinese trade and economic rela-tions and integration of the Far east of russia into the world economy, and also the problems of foreign policy and state security of russia con-nected with the Chinese migration is provided.

V. I. Dyatlov's work contains important con-clusions. in particular, considering the Chinese migration and processes of adaptation, the author claims that in irkutsk there are Chinese "trade minorities".

separate aspects of population policy, prob-lem of the population in the people's republic of China found reflection in E.S. Bazhenova's and A.V. Ostrovsky works [13, 14].

Geopolitical and "Chinese history" approach-es to the Chinese migration in the Kazakhstan his-toriography are provided generally in researches of K.l. syroyezhkin [15, 16] in which the ques-tion of the Chinese migration was brought up for the first time, its assessment, the analysis of influence on social and economic processes in Kazakhstan were given. Besides, his works con-tain the generalized analysis of modern Chinese

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

researches on the cross-border relations, migra-tion policy of the people's republic of China, the demographic potential of SUAR. Migratory processes in Kazakhstan and separate aspects of the Chinese migration are researched by e.Yu. Sadovskaya [17, 18].

today there is a problem of studying not only quantity characteristics of the Chinese migration, but also its qualitative parameters. It has essential value in understanding of current development of migratory processes and scenarios of their devel-opment in the future. Migration as an important factor which is influencing a frontier cooperation and being of great importance for ensuring na-tional security is also distinguished from the cir-cumstances having impact on the question stud-ied by us. distinction of demographic capacities of China and Kazakhstan, active cross-border migration, long stay of the Chinese citizens in the territory of the republic, and also the tourism and extensive business contacts connected with crossing of border provide this matter with a spe-cial relevance.

the article considers current trends of migra-tion from China to Kazakhstan, shows its fea-tures and the most important regularities of de-velopment, analyses objective determinants and social and economic consequences of expansion of the Chinese presence at rK.


relying on classical western theories of social processes, scientists have developed research methodology. in particular, it is p. sorokin's [19] theory according to which migration can be con-sidered as horizontal social mobility, thus allocat-ing two types: mobility as voluntary movement and the mobility dictated by structural changes (industrialization and demographic factors).

it is also necessary to note the neoclassical economic theory of M. todaro [20] in which the center of attention is in the "attractions — push-ing out" concept, and also factors of macrolevel of migrations.

among authors whose works were performed within other theoretical approaches, it is neces-

sary to focus on O. starck and e. taylor (the new economic theory of migrations) [21]; theory of migratory networks of A. Palloni [22]; the mi-gratory behavior and adaptation potential were analyzed at the macrolevel by the theory of "a migratory chain" of d. Massey [23].

the empirical basis of this article is consti-tuted by the results of selective questionnaire of the Chinese migrants in almaty and astana, surveys were conducted with use of qualitative methods in the form of questioning, unformal interviews [24]. Information received as the re-sult of the survey was processed in the SPSS for windows program. during research the existing data sources about the Chinese migration were considered and systematized, the system analysis of survey results, supervision, and interview was carried out.

The result of research

the Chinese migration totals two centuries. Historically the first and main migratory flow was constituted by the Chinese traders (huashan). Export of the Chinese labor power — huagun, provided generally by male peasants serving gold diggers on the mines in america, australia and south africa began in the middle of the XiX century.

the known concept "huaqiao" which is ap-plied to all foreign Chinese living out of the Peo-ple's republic of China and taiwan historically designated the highly educated Chinese leaving to southeast asia for conducting cultural and teaching activities among people of the Chinese origin. And, at last, Huai — the descendants of people of the Chinese origin migrating from one foreign country in another.

in his book "China and Foreign Chinese", van Gunvu distributes the term "huaqiao" to all na-tives of China [25]. But in official Chinese cir-cles other point of view is accepted. In 1985 the following terminology was officially accepted in the People's Republic of China: "huaqiao" — the Chinese who are constantly living abroad having citizenship of the people's republic of China or Taiwan; "waiji huaren" — the people of Chinese

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origin who accepted citizenship of the coun-tries of accommodation. The reduced version of this term — "huaren" (foreign Chinese) is often used. "huai" (ethnic Chinese) are descendants of "huaqiao” and "huaren" [26].

On some expert evaluations considering a wide range of sources as of 2002 the number of people of Chinese origin in the world out of the territories of China, taiwan, hong Kong and Macau has reached about 39 million people [27], in 2011 — 40.310 million [28]. The Chinese di-aspora now accounts up to 1.560 people in eu-rope (in 2002 — 550 thousand people), 4.160 in the USA and 1.510 in Canada.

For 30 years after formation of the people's republic of China, emigration from the country has been practically absent. and for the last 20 — 30 years, by data of Chen Xuzhun (Institute of geography and the resources of academy of sci-ence of the people's republic of China), in total 1.7 million people have left the country.

the asian Chinese diaspora (about 90% of foreign Chinese) is the most powerful clan of huaqiao. the most part of registered companies in southeast asia belongs to ethnic Chinese. the countries of Southeast Asia, where the main vec-tor of the Chinese expansion is directed to, have especially strong asian Chinese diaspora (about 90% of foreign Chinese).

the role of the Chinese community and in the USA is great. There are about 12 thousand of commercial enterprises belonging to people of the Chinese nationality. One of the main func-tions of huajiao in america is lobbying of the interests of the people's republic of China [29].

Most of researchers explain the fact of pre-serving their influence throughout a long time by the Chinese communities with the high level of ethnic consolidation and intra communal mutual assistance. perhaps, the secret of success of the Chinese diaspora is covered in existence in it the clan relations which are a peculiar basis for ori-gin and development of associations, and subse-quently public and political associations and the organizations.

Since the first days of the Chinese settlements existence— "Chinatowns", there were social

relations which contained characteristic of the Chinese village. It was caused by the fact that all men of this or that village connected by related bonds, carrying the same surname, which con-stitutes a clan, often moved to a new residence together. along with clans, the Chinese colony has functionally similar, but structurally different associations of mutual assistance (or home-town associations). Membership is based on a com-munity of a dialect and the region of an origin of huaqiao in China. the special role in structuring of the Chinese diaspora is played by so-called the "secret societies" which are based on tough hier-archical system and control that part of diaspora which is for some reason dissatisfied with ac-tivities of associations. Tough structure provides considerable part of the Chinese diaspora with the "closed" nature which is maintained by ac-commodation in the Chinatowns, low interest of mixed marriages, orientation to preserving and development of ethno-cultural identity. Political processes included rather small, though rather effectively operating group. China actively uses the political, economic and cultural potential of emigrants.

in 2000 the people's republic of China pro-mulgated global external economic strategy un-der the motto "go outside" ("zouchuqu"). One of its main aspects is gaining considerable, to 10%, share of the international market of work (now the share of China constitutes 2-3%). If to consider that in 2001 the number of the working population in the country constituted 730 mil-lion people, and number of the unemployed in the city and the village — 150 million, it is clear that 10% in absolute value form multimillion weight. While preserving present growth rates of employment it means that by 2020 the num-ber of army of the unemployed can reach 100 — 130 million only in the cities. The Chinese economists note that: annual sending abroad for the purpose of business activity of 1 — 2 mil-lion capable people will allow to create in the country and beyond its limits of 10 — 20 million workplaces, mitigating with that an employment problem in China [30].

therefore, immigration processes will gain

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scope. at the same time Chinese entrepreneurs will take root into economy of host countries, increasing opportunities for capital accumula-tion which can be directed on purchase of raw materials and technologies and further devel-opment of production in China. in recent years the number of the persons legally leaving China with the private purposes increases more than by 30% annually. Thus, in the next one-two decades from the people's republic of China some more tens of millions of people can emigrate. "Being not able to stop growth of unemployment and to provide all population with a worthy and steady source of the income — the famous Sinologue V. Gelbras writes — the government occurred to be interested in departure of persons out of the country’s borders, convinced that wherever there is a Chinese, he will serve for its prosperity sooner or later". and if the Chinese authorities help moving to Russia at least 0,5% out of from 150 — 200 million unemployed, he notes, only this "is capable to create in our country an emer-gency situation".

The Office for the Chinese emigrants func-tions under the state Council of the people's re-public of China. Its tasks include development of the general concept and practical policy for compatriots, development of the mechanism of involvement of financial and material resources of foreign Chinese in processes of upgrade in economy of the people's republic of China. all practical activities are in the field performed by public organization — Pan-China Association of repatriates (pCar) which works under a direct management of Office. The Law of protection of rights and interests of re-emigrants and his rela-tives, according to which the specified categories of citizens use considerable financial and tax privileges and opportunities for transfer, invest-ment and reinvestment of the equities, has been functioning since January 1, 1991. in October, 2001 its revision came into force.

The thought-over policy of the Beijing man-agement in this direction led to increase of busi-ness activity of the Chinese diaspora in economic construction of China. Foreign Chinese the first responded to an appeal of Beijing to make invest-

ments in upgrade of the Chinese economy from the beginning of implementation of its policy.

within strategy of transnational managing the particular interest of China is determined towards Kazakhstan. according to plans of the Commu-nist Party of China, the labor power shall move to those countries where the Chinese companies start working or already work. and expansion of economic presence of the people's republic of China in Kazakhstan led to change of a migra-tory situation. the Kazakhstan sinologue K.l. syroyezhkin considers that it is impossible to ex-clude such version (more hypothetical) that the Chinese labor migration to Kazakhstan is urged to create conditions for implementation of the doctrine of "transnational managing" when the Chinese diaspora (huaqiao) in the form of the Chinese associations and small Chinese business is created for the purpose of economic and geo-political expansion.

the analysis of the Chinese migration in Ka-zakhstan assumed clarification of tendencies, regularities of this process and necessity to have an idea of social and demographic structure of migrants — their distribution according to de-mographic, social, ethnic and other character-istics. The basis for classification of migratory flows from China has various signs, the most im-portant of which are:

1) stay time,2) migration purposes,3) status of the migrant.according to methodical instructions on to

the statistics of the international migration of the UN, in temporary migration which is a main type of the Chinese migration to Kazakhstan and assumes resettlement by citizens of the people's republic of China on the territory of our coun-try for limited term (as a rule, for the purpose of employment in a new place of installation), it is necessary to allocate two subspecies:

- long-term migration is connected with arriv-al of foreign citizens on the territory of a certain state for a fixed residence for term over a year and provides receipt for them of permission to temporary residence (up to three years) or a type on a residence (for up to five years with the sub-

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sequent possible prolongation also till five years) or nationality change; thus in relation to this type of entry into the country such categories of mi-grants as migrant workers, students, trainees, de-pendents, etc. are allocated;

- short-term migration which assumes entry into the country by Chinese migrants with the status of temporary stay for the short period (for up to one year) and includes the business, com-mercial, recreational, transit, tourist and other travels of the Chinese citizens connected with temporary employment in the Kazakhstan ter-ritory, their seasonal employment, business mi-gration, a frontier cooperation and shuttle move-ments [31].

The vast majority of the Chinese who are temporarily in the territory of Kazakhstan — are long-term migrants. Among them there are two main categories — representatives of "national trade" and small family business, and also work-ers under contracts. the analysis of general in-dicators of poll shows that in Kazakhstan there was a certain migratory environment with pre-vailing number of the migrants who lived in the country of six-ten years, visiting Kazakhstan less than five times. It is possible to allocate some basic reasons which cause intensive pendular migration of citizens of the people's republic of China. First, they come to Kazakhstan for

implementation of business activity according to commercial visas with limited term. If their work requires longer stay in the country, entre-preneurs leave home and already, perhaps, next day return. The second reason of entrance — em-ployment at the entities, and also on officially or unofficial functioning Chinese firms. Some part from entering workers officially is registered as hired employees. But not smaller number enters according to the commercial visas which do not grant the rights to a labor activity and force to leave the country and again to enter during rather short period.

it should be noted that in migratory processes between China and Kazakhstan there are adjust-ed channels of migration provided by migratory systems on behalf of the states importing and exporting the migrants, as well as migratory net-works on behalf of emigrant communities partic-ipating in formng intermediary networks of the formal, public and criminal organizations.

Figures 1 and 2 more visually represent the situation connected with arrival and stay of the Chinese citizens in the territory of Kazakhstan. Tables contain data provided by years and by two cities, and figures have the information pro-cessed in SPSS and covering information re-ceived in general during poll of 300 respondent.

Forming of an informal migratory network

Figure 1. How many times have you arrived to Kazakhstan?

facilitates the subsequent migration for citizens of the people's republic of China to Kazakh-stan where there are already functioning chan-

nels of migration and home-land communities. Migratory networks effectively interact not only within the Chinese community of one city,

диаграмма 1

Less than five times 62From 6 to 10 times 38More than 10 times 7

диаграмма 2

Less than five times 38From 4 to 10 times 48More than 10 times 10









Less than five times From 6 to 10 times More than 10 times

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Less than five times

From 4 to 10 times

More than 10 times

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

but also other cities, and with the country of an outcome. such networks are based on interper-sonal and family relations. in spite of the fact that contacts more often happen between na-tives of one area, they can be expanded and in-clude representatives of different geographical groups. emergence of migratory networks is a result of self-organization of migratory process by either migrants, or intermediaries.

Coming for the first time to the country to earn money, Chinese seek for the help of inter-mediaries — the persons helping with the or-ganization of business for Chinese, having the necessary knowledge of features of conducting local business adjusted channels for the organi-zation of commercial transactions or their em-ployment.

Figure 2. for how long have you been living in Kazakhstan?

according to department of migratory po-lice of the Ministry of internal affairs of rK, in 2015, 103 438 citizens of the people's republic of China were registered in Kazakhstan.

the peak of the Chinese migration fell on 1993 — 1994, those days about 40 — 50 thou-sand Chinese traders permanently lived in Al-maty. Further, this flow was considerably re-duced and, except for almaty, did not exceed three thousand a year.

all citizens of the people's republic of Chi-na came legally, and illegal immigrants became when consciously abused regulations of stay in the territory of Kazakhstan (the overdue visa, acquisition of false documents, fictive marriage or the contract for study, the conclusion of fic-tive trade and economic agreements and con-tracts with the Kazakhstan partners, etc.).

it should be noted also that already during this period there were travel companies special-izing on the invitation of Chinese and registra-tion of the Chinese visas for citizens of Kazakh-stan in defiance of requirements of the legisla-tion of rK and prC.

Other factor influencing uncontrolled in-crease in the Chinese diaspora was an agree-ment on a visa-free regime for trips between Kyrgyzstan and China (it is cancelled only in 2003). From Kyrgyzstan Chinese freely drove to Kazakhstan, and attempts the Ministry of Foreign affairs of rK to unify an order of entry for citizens of China into Kyrgyzstan by nego-tiation with the Kyrgyz party at various levels did not bring any positive results.

not the smaller concern was caused also by concentration of citizens of the people's re-public of China in certain spheres of business (mainly, in trade and the sphere of public ca-tering), and also in certain districts of the large Kazakhstan cities (mainly in almaty and as-tana) which threatened to turn into prototypes of "Chinatowns". It is obvious that exactly this circumstance generated alarmist moods at resi-dents of these cities.

the "attracting" factors of a labor migra-tion to Kazakhstan are the desire to save up the original capital, to return to China, to open there own business. in China it is easier, better and

диаграмма 1

Less than five times 62From 6 to 10 times 38More than 10 times 7

диаграмма 2

Less than five times 38From 4 to 10 times 48More than 10 times 10









Less than five times From 6 to 10 times More than 10 times

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Less than five times

From 4 to 10 times

More than 10 times

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more profitable to be engaged in business. The second reason is to enter Kazakhstan as transit country and to leave then further. Therefore we fix very small quantity of mixed marriages, as well as very small number of the people wish-ing to obtain the Kazakhstan citizenship. ac-cording to Management of migratory police, during the period from 1992 to 2007, 21 012 people, among them Kazakhs — 20 968, Chi-

nese — 5, Uyghurs — 35, Russians — 2, Dun-gans — 2 obtained citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

But considerable number of citizens of the people's republic of China, namely hanzi, aim to receive the commercial visa which gives the chance of repeated entry into Kazakhstan, and Uyghurs and Kazakhs — the residence permit.

social and professional structure of the Chi-

The number of the citizens of the People's Republic of China, living temporarily in the ter-ritory of Kazakhstan (2000 — 2015), persons

Years Registered On business employment On private business Tourism

Convicted for administrative


2000 13 328 11 233 131 1 305 659 5 221 430

2001 13 415 9 064 1 224 2 476 651 1 198 203

2002 20 243 13 945 984 4 344 970 661 159

2003 16 974 9 772 916 6 016 270 363 151

2004 28 558 16 179 890 10 860 629 1 429 191

2005 34 108 12 755 2 604 17 108 1 641 3 881 531

2006 29 183 7 056 2 513 19 168 446 3 587 866

2007 45 570 11 249 4 720 29 246 355 4 715 553

2008 46 370 14 005 5 593 26 235 474 5 998 666

2009* 23 725 6 442 3 357 13 673 253 3 286 151

2010 41 092 14 036 6 408 18 666 1 982 8 905 578

2011 48 306 16 935 6 934 22 524 1 913 5 485 258

2012 65 284 16 733 5 841 41 111 1 599 3 097 49

2013 70 581 16 132 7 469 44 608 2 372 3 457 52

2014 93 341 16 287 12 593 60 930 3 531 3 709 168

2015 103 438 17 543 18 041 61 538 4 077 3 258 524


Left for permanent residence Obtained the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Total Including repatriates Total Repatriates

Other nationalities

Total Hanzi Uyghur Dungan Russian

2013 2 951 2 931 6 160 6 160

2014 843 831 2 324 2 324

2015 2 825 2 820 321 320 1 1

Всего 6 619 6 582 8 805 8 804 1 1

nese migrants who arrived to Kazakhstan is rather various. Thus, the persons who had own business, working at a fixed basis prevail. These conclusions confute an established opinion that a basic reason for the Chinese migration is un-employment therefore people aim to leave. 31,9% of respondents in 2007 had permanent job. permanent job, especially at the state en-

tity, means that the worker has not only rather high earnings, but also social privileges which only the public sector has. Own business also assumes rather steady level of living. Among re-spondents in almaty the column "unemployed" was not noted by any of the respondents. all this testifies to the high social status of the most part of survey participants. Often there is an

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

opinion that there is a large-scale unemploy-ment in China therefore people aim to leave from there. Survey results reveal a difficult situ-ation. as appears from nature of employment, the most part of migrants had permanent job in China. Both provided the solid status. Perma-nent job, especially at the state entity, means that the worker has not only comparative high earnings, but also social privileges which out-side a public sector practically nobody has. and own business assumes rather steady, and sometimes and quite high level of living. All this testifies to rather high social status of the most part of survey participants. In 2004 there were 51,6% respondents, having own business in China. the wholesale, construc-tion markets opened during this period in the new capital, and many migrants from the people's republic of China were connected with trade and purchasing business. perma-nent job, especially at the state entity, means

that the worker has not only rather high earn-ings, but also social privileges which out-side a public sector practically nobody has. and own business assumes rather steady, and sometimes quite high standart of living. All this testifies to quite high social status of the most part of survey participants. The social and professional structure of the Chinese migrants is provided by contractual work-ers, representatives of family business. Sta-tus characteristics should be related with the number of important proportions of employ-ment of the Chinese citizens in Kazakhstan, which are connected with classification of migrants as occupied on hiring and self-busy. the greatest part of migrants is constituted by the persons working on hiring (contract) with the Kazakhstan or Chinese entities, the organization, firm. The considerable part of migrants carries on small business or partici-pates in various forms of self-employment.

Figure 3. What were you occupied with before arriving to Kazakhstan?

диаграмма 3

Had permanent job 14,3

Had temporary job 13

Had accidental, one-time job 7

Had own business 28

Unemployed 7

Student 4,3

Other 5,3

диаграмма 4

Very good 25

Good 40

Ordinary 45

Bad 10



Very good




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For an option about standart of living in China most of survey participants gave the an-swer showing that their level of living was quite high. indeed, from 30 to more than 65% of sur-vey participants declared that their financial position in China was "very good" or "good". Only the few, 12%, noted that their "vital con-ditions" were bad. The column "very bad vital conditions" was ignored by the respondents.

these data witness that the Chinese migra-tion is not provided by the unemployed, ready for any work as migrants. Many migrants, hav-ing saved up enough money, aim to expand the business, while others work in the Chinese companies. "Family business", "national trade" stimulate migration and are the incentive mo-ments for migrants.

Figure 4. What is your standart of living in China?

spatial characteristics are one of the features in structure of migration of the people's re-public of China. the geography of the Chinese migration is quite extensive. Natives of abso-lute majority of provinces, cities of the central subordination live in Almaty and Astana. Mi-grants from economically developed regions of the country go to Kazakhstan, as a rule they are from Beijing, shanghai, from regions of tradi-tional Chinese migration to other countries of the world (Fujiang, Guangdong), the migra-tion percent from east part of China (Jiangsu, anhui) is high. the orientation of migration is influenced by geographical proximity of territo-rial administrative units (SUAR, Urumqi). Also there are migratory flows from regions, remote

from Kazakhstan (Guangzhou, dalian). there is a division of spheres of business between groups of fellow countrymen — natives of one city, the district, the area. Close compatriot ties are especially noticeable in Guanzhou, nan-tong (the city in the Province of Jiangsu of the people's republic of China) groups of Chinese. the Guanzhou group controls wholesale trade of vegetables and fruits. Natives of the Prov-ince of Jiangsu, of the city of nantong generally prevail on construction sites of Astana. "Nan-tongci" — traditionally are considered as the groups controlling construction. such kind of associations covering business areas allow Chi-nese to use traditional acceptances for control of the field of activity.

диаграмма 3

Had permanent job 14,3

Had temporary job 13

Had accidental, one-time job 7

Had own business 28

Unemployed 7

Student 4,3

Other 5,3

диаграмма 4

Very good 25

Good 40

Ordinary 45

Bad 10



Very good




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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Figure 5. Home-towns of the migrants.

Discussion on the results

Kazakhstan mass media quite often write about aggressive economic policy of China in recent time. On the one hand, it is possible to agree with availability of powerful economic aggression, by the way, not only to Kazakh-stan, but also to other countries of Central Asia, the Middle East. The Chinese very ac-tively work in some Gulf States. But the ex-isting investment legislation in RK allows the government, the national companies to have a priority right upon purchase or participation in development, production, transportation of oil and gas resources in perspective oil and gas fields. The government of Kazakhstan has leg-islative levers and certain legal opportunities to constrain excessive presence in the territory of Kazakhstan of this or that investor if it is not equitable to economic interests of rK.

Nevertheless there is a demographic and social danger for Kazakhstan from China. it is known that for implementation of joint projects the huge number of the Chinese workers was attracted. Considering the de-mographic capacity of the people's republic

of China and the Chinese’s tendency to mov-ing worldwide, it is possible to speak about danger of China’s demographic expansion to Kazakhstan. Besides, mass media repeatedly publish some articles about discrimination in compensation of the Kazakhstan specialists at the oil and gas entities of rK which con-trolling stock belongs to the Chinese party.

since the beginning of the 1990th Ka-zakhstan as the country of the initial stage of modernization represents a real field of the extending Chinese immigration. indicators of a modern migratory situation allow a conclu-sion on quickly accruing migration tenden-cies from the people's republic of China and increase of the Chinese presence in the terri-tory of our country.

researchers of the Chinese migration note that it is the most closed migration: it is not integrated till the end and does not want to be integrated into national systems. and in case of national systems weakness the Chinese mi-gration will be able to easily take this most weakened system under the control. increase of scientific interest in the Chinese migra-tion, concentration of attention on a problem

диаграмма 5

Beijing 22

Harbin 14

Urumqi 15

Xinin 13

Shanghai 19

Guanzhou 22

Chanchun 14

Dalian 7

Tianjin 8










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of sociocultural, demographic and economic safety is represented timely as there is an am-biguous situation connected with the Chinese presence in Kazakhstan.

the analysis of the Chinese ethnic element penetration in the territory of other states al-lows major factors, such as economic and de-mographic to be allocated. the Kazakhstan researcher N. Mustafayev (The Chinese im-migrants in Kazakhstan: myths and reality. agency of political news. 22.07.2002) con-siders that the Chinese trading capital and, respectively, the Chinese immigration, as a rule, direct to the multiethnic countries per-forming the forced upgrade. in the 1970ss, 60 — 80% of transactions on domestic trade of the countries of southeast asia, including 70 — 85% in retail and to 40% in foreign trade, fell on the local Chinese equity. In 1960 — the 1980ss, sea passed a number of phases of the catching-up upgrade. During this peri-od penetration of the Chinese ethnic element into these countries especially amplified. In economically developed countries there are practically no Chinese "trade minorities", nei-ther Chinatowns (an exception — Great Brit-ain and the USA). The effective limiter of the Chinese immigration is consolidation of the nation based on national idea, religion. so, in the southeast asian countries islam acts as the powerful limiter for economic, cultural and civilization expansion of the Chinese di-aspora. Most noticeably the islamic factor is shown in indonesia and Malaysia (where is-lam is the state religion). we should note al-most total absence of the Chinese migration, the Chinese diaspora in the arab countries, the islamic states (iran, pakistan), the states where islam is traditional religion (turkey, Uzbekistan). All these countries have passed or pass an upgrade phase.


the Chinese migration is one of the most important aspects of demographic and social and economic development of Kazakhstan on

a long-term perspective. The People's Republic of China concentrates the huge migratory poten-tial which implementation in the conditions of happening market transformations leads not only to internal transfers of the population, but also is followed by its noticeable migratory outflow out of borders of the country.

The data from the survey of the Chinese work-ing in Kazakhstan provided in this work show that their social, gender, age and other characteristics witness that those who are ready to compete in the market of labor power come to work here.

the second conclusion and the world practice show that wherever the destiny leads the Chinese, they strive to compact settlement and preserving of national identity. the increase in their number on a new place leads to formation of the Chinese home-land associations with is a closed system of self-service.

The third conclusion — the Chinese migrants extremely slowly assimilate with local population. Mixed marriages are almost excluded for them. they are generally oriented not to subsidence in Kazakhstan, but on business activity, the forced capital accumulation, capture and deduction of the market or on the further moving to Russia and europe.

The fourth conclusion — increase in the Chi-nese migratory flow goes after growth of a goods turnover between China and Kazakhstan. Polls among labor migrants from China show that prac-tically all of them repeatedly visited Kazakhstan and lived in its territory for more than one year.

the directions of the Chinese migration keep within traditional practice of work for majority of the Chinese firms outside the People's Republic of China, these are small and medium-sized family companies with high concentration of the power and managerial functions in hands of their own-ers. They rely on the low level of profitability, compensating it is by high rates of turnover, prefer to deal with other Chinese companies, build the business generally on trade, services industry.

It is obvious that such scheme of business does not require big and fixed inflow of unqualified labor power from the homeland. though general figures of the Chinese migration do not give se-

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

rious reasons for a panic, historical memory and specifics of structure of business in a number of the countries of southeast asia where hanzi represent the "significant" or "prevailing" eth-

nic component of their population, give the grounds for concern. there is a need of moni-toring the Chinese migration and maintaining competent migration policy.


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16. syroyezhkin K.l. nuzhno li Kazakhstanu bojatsja Kitaja: mify i fobii dvustoronnikh otnoshenii. — Astana — Almaty: IIEP under the First President of RK Fund, 2014. — 431 p.

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Annotation. The article provides the analysis of fifteen years of activities of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization in the sphere of ensuring regional security, trade and economic, transit and transport, and energy cooperation. It also shows the results and possibilities of the SCO develop-ment in the context of new challenges and threats.

the prospects for expansion of the Organization thanks to the admission of india, pakistan, and in the future, Iran, as fully fledged members are reviewed. The possibilities for participation of these countries, state members and the region in general in implementations of joint trade, eco-nomic and infrastructure projects are provided, as well as the prospects for the interface between the projects of the SCO and Eurasian economic union (EEU) and Economic Belt of the Silk Way (EBSW). The benefits and possibilities for forming of the energy security system are shown, along with the construction of new main transport and energy corridors to the countries of the region and the state of the southern asia.

The characteristics were given for the results of the SCO activities confronting security threats, cross-border crimes, first of all, a drug trafficking, extremism, terrorism and separatism. The po-tential of the sCO participation in a multilateral format of cooperation in interaction with a number of the regional and international organizations was recognized.

The article presents the SCO’s activities in the field of optimal combination within national economic interests and the interests of the Organization, creation of mechanisms for financial maintenance of the project activities and solving the existing difficulties, which reduce efficiency of economic cooperation. it displays the factors for further strengthening of economic presence in Central asia by the people's republic of China through implementation of infrastructure and energy projects.

Key words: China, the SCO, Economic Belt, Eurasian integration.


Candidate of economic sciences head of Foreign policy and international relations department, Kaziss under the president of the republic of Kazakhstan

грнти 10.87.31

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еуРАЗИяЛық ИнТегРАЦИяДАғы Шыұ-ның РөЛі

Жанат Закиева

Аңдатпа. мақалада өңірлік қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ету, сауда-экономикалық, транзиттік-көліктік және энергетикалық ынтымақтастықты дамыту саласындағы шыҰ-ның он бесжылдық қызметіне талдау жасалған. шыҰ-ның даму нәтижелері мен мүмкіндіктері жаңа сын-қатерлер мен қауіптер контексінде берілген.

бұдан бөлек толыққанды мүшелер ретінде Үндістан, Пәкістан және алдағы уақытта иранның кіруі есебінен ұйымның кеңею келешегі туралы сөз болады. Ортақ сауда-экономикалық және инфрақұрылымдық жобаларды жүзеге асыруға осы елдердің, ұйымға қатысушы мемлекеттердің және жалпы аймақтың қатысу мүмкіндігіне, сондай-ақ шыҰ жобаларының еуразиялық экономикалық одақ (еаЭО) пен жібек жолының экономикалық белдеуі (жжЭб) жобаларымен түйісу келешегіне шолу беріліп, аймақ елдері мен Оңтүстік азия мемлекеттерінің энергетикалық қауіпсіздік жүйесін құру мүмкіндіктері, жаңа магистральдік көлік және энергетика дәліздерінің құрылысы қарастырылған.

кауіпсіздікке төнген қатерлерге, трансшекаралық қылмысқа, ең алдымен есірткі айналымы, экстремизм, терроризм және сепаратизмге қарсы шыҰ іс-қимылдарының нәтижелері сипатталған. бірқатар аймақтық және халықаралық ұйымдармен көпжақты форматта ынтымақтасуының нәтижесіндегі шыҰ-ның әлеуеті жан-жақты көрсетілген.

Сонымен қатар ұлттық экономикалық мүдделердің Ұйым мүдделерімен барынша үйлесуі, жобалық қызметті қаржы тұрғысынан қолдау механизмдерін құру, экономикалық ынтымақтастықтың тиімділігін төмендету бағыттарындағы шыҰ-ның қызметі талданып, Орталық азияның инфрақұрылымдық және энергетикалық жобаларын жүзеге асыруға бағытталған Қытайдың одан әрі күшею факторлары көрсетіледі.

Кілт сөздер: Қытай, ШОС, Экономический пояс Шелкового пути, Евразийская интеграция.


Жанат Закиева

Аннотация. В cтатье представлен анализ пятнадцатилетней деятельности шанхайской организации сотрудничества в сфере обеспечения региональной безопасности, торгово-экономического, транзитно-транспортного и энергетического сотрудничества. Показаны результаты и возможности развития шОС в контексте новых вызовов и угроз.

рассмотрены перспективы расширения организации за счет вступления в нее индии, Пакистана и в будущем ирана в качестве полноправных членов. Представлены возможности участия этих стран, государств-членов и региона в целом в реализации совместных торгово-экономических и инфраструктурных проектов, а также перспективы сопряжения проектов шОС с евразийским экономическим союзом (еаЭС) и Экономическим поясом шёлкового пути (ЭПшП). Показаны выгоды и возможности формирования системы энергетической безопасности, строительства новых магистральных транспортных и энергетических кори-доров в страны региона и государства Южной азии.

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

Охарактеризованы итоги деятельности шОС в противостоянии угрозам безопасности, трансграничной преступности, в первую очередь наркотрафику, экстремизму, терроризму и сепаратизму. раскрыт потенциал участия шОС в многостороннем формате сотрудничества во взаимодействии с рядом региональных и международных организаций.

Представлена работа шОС в области оптимального сочетания национальных экономических интересов с интересами организации, создания механизмов финансового сопровождения проектной деятельности и разрешения существующих трудностей, снижающих эффективность экономического сотрудничества. Показаны факторы дальнейшего усиления экономического присутствия кнр в Центральной азии через реализацию инфраструктурных и энергетических проектов.

Ключевые слова: Китай, ШОС, Экономический пояс Шёлкового пути, Евразийская инте-грация.

For rather short historical period, the shang-hai Cooperation Organization’s (sCO) trans-formation into consolidation of subcontinental nature, authoritative international multidisci-plinary organization on ensuring regional se-curity, trade, economic and energy cooperation has occurred, that considerably increases its ef-ficiency in counteraction to the main challenges and threats, and increases stability of the state parties.

in 15 years, the space of the sCO, thanks to the efforts of six states founders - Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uz-bekistan, increased three times, having united 18 State Parties - from the Central and the southern asia to the persian Gulf and eastern Europe - in which about 45% of the world pop-ulation lives. Among them - India and Pakistan, which submitted applications for the admission as fully fledged members; Mongolia, Iran, Be-larus, Afghanistan have the status of observ-ers; Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, turkey, sri lanka are the partners in dialogue. there are also countries which submitted the application for participation in the sCO as the states observers - Bangladesh, Syria, Egypt, and fixed participants of the SCO summits - Turk-menistan, the USA, the CIS, an ASEAN, the UN, and EurAsEC.

The SCO’s capability to assist sovereign par-ticipants in interfacing their positions and ap-proaches concerning actual international prob-lems and regional tasks, to concentrate efforts

on common goals according to the principles of voluntary and equal cooperation makes it the object of close attention in the international community.

Approval for a packet of documents on re-ceipt of the sCO state member status became an important step, which turned out to be a serious boundary for renewal of expansion process for the Organization.

Membership in the sCO for india and paki-stan, the states with the population of 1,5 billion people, shall increase considerably the interna-tional weight of the Organization, strengthen regional security, increase economic and anti-terrorist potential, and also play a constructive role and in respect of improvement of the bi-lateral relations between these two countries. Moreover, accession to the Organization of these countries turns the sCO into "nuclear club" as a part of four nuclear powers. accord-ing to analysts, this event has an enormous val-ue for the international relations which changes a geopolitical alignment of forces - "a milestone on the way from unipolar to multipolar world".

the successful completion of negotiations on the nuclear program of iran and lifting the sanctions of the UN Security Council will allow iran, which earlier submitted the application for the introduction, to become an organization member.

the sCO’s support of iran was declared earlier, in 2005, with provision to this country of the observer status, and also in 2013, with

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adoption of the final declaration, in which it was confirmed that member countries consider un-acceptable threats of military force use and uni-lateral sanctions measures of the certain states against IRI. Moreover, it was declared about determination to see Iran as the active partici-pant of joint economic projects.

expansion of the shanghai Cooperation Or-ganisation (sCO), for the last some weeks, be-came the most discussed question of regional policy. the organization which unites the most part of the eurasian continent, after expansion of the permanent members due to pakistan and India, will turn into one of the largest and influ-ential associations in the world.

the full participation of india and pakistan in the SCO will give them opportunities for par-ticipation in regional trade, economic and infra-structure projects. Development of individual interface of the interests with the projects with-in "New Silk Way", will provide Islamabad and Delhi with an access to the financial resources allocated for implementation of this concept. in regional aspect, economic interaction of the Central asia’s states with india and pakistan will have a positive impact on all parties of co-operation and further can accelerate implemen-tation of such projects as tapi and Casa 1000.

the membership in the sCO format will strengthen the potential of india and pakistan in opposition to security treats, cross-border crime, first of all, to a drug trafficking, extrem-ism, terrorism and separatism, as well as will allow the mechanism for resolving of the Kash-mir conflict to be worked out. Moreover, both countries can act as initiators of a number of regional initiatives on security, first of all, on the afghan direction that can promote stabiliza-tion process.

Despite the positive moments, it is neces-sary to take into account that the accession to the sCO by india and pakistan contains certain risks for its participants. since the moment of requesting the accession in 2006, there has been an opinion in the sCO that acceptance of new members, india and pakistan, can break bal-ance of forces in the Organization and beyond

its borders, it may become one of the obstacles in organization development, make it unhandy and low-maneuverable. Indeed, availability of india’s territorial disputes with China because of arunachal pradesh state, and with pakistan because of Jammu and Kashmir state, being under control of China and pakistan, can in-troduce new conflict potential in the Shanghai club.

iran, represented today only in Oes, is in-terested in the fastest acquisition of complete membership in the sCO. participation in the SCO satisfies the expectation of Iran’s regional policy, above all, as possibility for a way out of political isolation and achievement of the most profit on legal status of the Caspian Sea. In the field of security Iran may learn from the experi-ence in combating Afghan drug traffic.

today the economic potential of the Organi-zation with GDP total volume in 2015 over 21 trillion US dollars, GDP total volume on PPS 37 trillion US dollars concentrates one third of world Gdp and nearly a half of a world goods turnover.

The anniversary summit of the SCO in 2016 will take place against a difficult situation in the world. in the conditions of a new polycentric model of the world order formation the global competition, often unfair and aggressive, as well as rivalries in the sphere of valuable refer-ence points and models of development, have being strengthened.

At the end of the first decade of the XXI century such challenge as "all-civilization cri-sis" became reality, when there are, at the same time, signs of the production, energy, ecologi-cal, food, social, interreligious and military-political crises, deepened by the syrian crisis, the military conflicts in the Middle East, an ag-gravation of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict in the nagorny Karabakh, a threat from the in-ternational terrorist organizations..

in the face of new challenges, such as the world financial and economic crisis, sharp re-cession of world oil prices, which had signifi-cant impact on deterioration of an economic situation in oil exporting countries, among

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

which there are russia and Kazakhstan, the west’s sanctions policy for russia, economic slowdown in China, devaluation of national currencies in member countries, such factor as expansion of participants and partners of the SCO gives a new impulse to development and increases stability and probability of further ex-trapolation of the sCO impact on the processes happening on a global scale.

it should be noted that the sCO has experi-ment in fighting against world crisis of 2009, which was acquired during implementation of a joint initiative of the heads of governments from the SCO member countries on activation of multilateral economic cooperation on over-coming the consequences of world financial and economic crisis and ensuring further devel-opment for economies of the state members.

Today, the SCO’s main achievement is rep-resentation of the most successful embodiment of the Eurasian idea – creation of Big Eurasia, representing one of "three whales" to the eur-asian integration along with eurasian econom-ic Union (EEU) and Economic Belt of the Silk way (eBsw).

when China has declared the policy of the Economic Belt of the Silk Way or One Belt – One Way (OBOW) – intensive economic and logistic development of regions to the south-west and to the west from the people's republic of China and in the long term, with involvement of europe, for creation of a belt of stability and economic development, and at the same time, the new markets and friendly powers, it had been met with adequate support from the sCO.

The support of an initiative for joint con-struction of the economic Belt of the silk way had found reflection in the Joint statement on the regional economic interaction adopted by the Council of the heads of governments from the sCO state members on december 15, 2015 in Zhengzhou. the document on coordination over the actions of the state members was also accepted concerning integration of the sCO’s interface to EEU and EBSW for the purpose of building-up the multilateral interaction in the spheres of logistics, transport, power, high

technologies, and agricultural industry. thus, it should be noted, that Russia, which is actively supporting Eurasian Economic Union, consid-ers the eBsw project as China’s attempt to strengthen the domination in the region and to weaken its communications with the states of Central asia.

Cultivating a relationship, for many years, of the sCO with eurasian economic community had prepared a good base for formalizing the relations with Eurasian Economic Union. The principal agreement had been reached upon the interface activities of SCO, EEU and the Chi-nese project of the economic Belt of the silk Way that provides ample opportunities for con-solidation of efforts. so, on a meeting of the su-preme eurasian economic Council, the ques-tion about adjustment of trade and economic re-lations between the Eurasian Economic Union and the sCO was discussed.

Forming of a new eurasian format of the SCO became an alternative response to the con-cept of Big Central Asia, developed in 2005, which main idea was a creation of partnership on cooperation and development of Big Central asia (pBCa), a regional forum on planning, coordination and implementation of the whole series of the USA’s programs.

the summits of the sCO which took place in recent years, and also the summits of the EEU and the Cis introduced amendments and clarity in the main directions of integration for these programs in order of deepening the cooperation on the eurasian space.

Time has also shown the initiative of a new format of international cooperation of the shanghai Cooperation Organization and BriCs was appropriate, in consolidation of their efforts the sCO summit and BriC (at that time this group, representing rapidly develop-ing countries, included Brazil, russia, india and China, and today this organization includes the republic of south africa as well), in 2009, in Yekaterinburg, the sCO summit and a meeting of leaders of the countries of BriCs in 2015 in Ufa were conducted. Activation of the RIK tripartite format within russia, india and China

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represents the most organic form of interaction for the sCO as these three countries constitute frame of the Organization.

strengthening of trade, economic and in-vestment cooperation of the SCO is especially actual against the conclusion of agreements on creation of the Transpacific trade and economic partnership (ttp) and transatlantic commer-cial and investment partnership which many observers are inclined to consider as the anti-Chinese measure of the USA, directed on con-trol over trade, economic and investment ex-pansion of the people's republic of China that will influence, in its turn, the member countries in general.

the forming of system for energy security, construction of new main transport and energy corridors to the countries of the region and the state of south asia, indeed, can be called among the main achievements of the SCO during the period of its activities.

the turn for expansion of the sCO space through construction of logistic and transit-transport communications with europe and South Asia, objectively, is extremely profitable for Kazakhstan and other member countries in implementation of the joint regional projects. Interface of the SCO, EEU to EBSW promotes creation of the new economical and logistic center in Central asia connecting these coun-tries with Europe, South Asia, and, first of all, iran, india, pakistan.

it is possible to refer the launch of the ener-gy club to breakthrough projects of the sCO. it unites producers, consumers and transit countries of energy resources and is directed on increase of reliability in energy infrastructure and diversifi-cation of supply routes for energy resources.

Concentration of more than a third of all world production of energy resources within the sCO against an aggravation of an energy problem and strengthening of the rivalry between the world players for oil and gas resources of the region increases the international attention to the sCO.

it should be noted that since the moment of the statement for its creation in 2006 and in the course of its forming, the energy Club has

caused a certain concern for the west, in po-litical and business community of which there were concerns on the anti-European orientation of the monopolized energy Cartel and its trans-formation into gas OpeC.

today, a close dialogue between the sCO with EAEU and BRICS creates favorable cir-cumstances to start broad transcontinental co-operation. Connection of a horizontal transport artery of EEU-SCO and a vertical transport artery of BriCs is capable to cause growth of trade and to bring in the long term to general consolidation and general free economic zone on the euroasian space.

additional prospects for cooperation open in connection with the beginning of consultations with members of the sCO and association of the countries of Southeast Asia (ASEAN) in EEU on the issue of possible economic partnership.

In the field of security, a serious source of threats in the region is caused by the islamic state (is), the largest radical terrorist organiza-tion created in 2006, which plans include expan-sion of its activities in Central Asia. Expansion of the sCO’s space at the expense of pakistan and India, who have the same border with Af-ghanistan, increases vulnerability of common borders of the Organization. threats from the islamic state amplify, especially in the paki-stani vaziristan which is practically controlled by "taliban", in the indian Kashmir and the Chinese Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous region.

According to UNSC, the main sources of IS financing is illegal trade of oil and other natural resources of occupied territories, plundering of archaeological sites, fees for the redemption of hostages and other illegal financial schemes. the components of IS activities are drug production, a transnational organized crime, illegal traffic in weapons, struggling with which demands search of collective answers and application of a maximum of efforts from such authoritative multilateral institutes as the sCO.

Increased activity of the Islamic State group served as one of the reasons for aggravation of the situation in afghanistan which is on the ad-vanced line of fight against these threats and is

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

not capable to resist to them alone. Owing to this fact Afghanistan having the status of the country-observer is interested in a full member-ship as a part of the shanghai Cooperation Or-ganisation.

a gradual forming of the international alli-ance of safety on the SCO basis is a positive dynamic, and it considerably increases regional stability.

the solution of the afghan problem repre-sents a long-term priority as the ensuring of re-gional security and stability which are, in turn, the compulsory provision of regional coopera-tion depends on the situation in this country.

The contact group "the SCO — Afghani-stan" has been functioning within sCO since 2005, which allows to hold consultations on the Afghan perspective directly with official afghan persons. the majority of the sCO state members support rendering the collective help to Afghanistan under the auspices of the UN.

in 2007 the sCO initiated carrying out the international conference on afghanistan at the level of Ministers of Economic Affairs of the state members of the sCO for the purpose of specific recommendations, in particular, the strategy and the program of collateral actions on the fight against the Afghan drug traffic. the afghan subject rises at each summit of the sCO.

In this regard activities of Regional anti-ter-rorist structure (RATS) as effective mechanism of ensuring coordination of joint response to the situations threatening stability and safety in the territory of the state members of the sCO de-serve attention. Within fight against financing of terrorist and extremist activity, including, the Islamic state, due to drug trafficking, in struc-ture of rats the special working group which will deal with these issues at the regional level has been created.

in the area of the rats state members of the SCO on a regular basis stage joint anti-terrorist exercises, the cooperative regulatory framework in fight against threats is enhanced, the Unified register of the persons involved in terrorist, ex-tremist and separatist activities is updated.

Due to efforts of RATS there were prevented hundreds of acts of terrorism in the territory of state members, effective assistance in search and detention of the persons connected with terrorist activities is rendered to counteract dis-tribution of extremist ideology.

In the field of fight against drug traffic the sCO countries work in the direction of sum-ming up accomplishment of Anti-drug strategy for 2011-2016 and acceptances of new Anti-drug strategy for 2017-2022, implementation of the Agreement on cooperation in fight against illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic sub-stances and their precursors of 2004.

The activities this sphere were also conduct-ed in cooperation with the UN Department on drugs and crime, the international committee on control over drugs, Central Asian Regional information and Coordination Centre for Com-bating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs (CariCC).

The SCO intensified interaction with the states observers, partners in dialogue and other interested countries on their active involve-ment in practical aspects of the Organization’s activity, especially, on such directions as RATS, exchange of information and training, a contri-bution to implementation of Anti-drug strategy of the SCO, and also connection to joint anti-terrorist doctrines.

A basic expansion for benefit of a new qual-ity of positioning and interaction with the inter-national organizations became one of important qualities for the sCO.

In addition to BRICS and EAEU, the strong base for deepening of communications with oth-er international organizations is acquired. Mem-orandums of interaction with the CstO, the Cis, ASEAN, CICA actively function. Building-up of interaction with the UN has special value in the context of efforts on counteraction to global challenges. possibility of interaction with the Or-ganization of islamic Cooperation (OiC) is also considered.

accepted in 2010, the Mutual declaration about cooperation between the secretariats of the SCO and the UN and the resolution A/

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RES/65/124 of the United Nations General As-sembly "About cooperation between the UN and the sCO" allow interaction with specialized agencies, the organizations, programs and funds of the UN system in interests of joint imple-mentation of specific projects to be significantly strengthened.

state members will concentrate efforts on im-plementations of Global counterterrorist strategy of the UN, relevant to resolutions of the UN Se-curity Council, provisions of the Convention of the sCO against terrorism, the Memorandum on interaction between RATS and Counter-terror-ism committee of UNSC. There were established business contacts with OsCe, and also with the Regional center of preventive diplomacy for Central asia.

Potential of cooperation with the UN is pledged in the field of implementation of the Nu-clear Non-Proliferation Treaty, about peaceful use of nuclear energy, strengthening of the mode of nuclear non-proliferation, increase of level of the regional and international security and a zone free from the nuclear weapon in Central asia.

the questions of global safety are raised also by events in North Korea. The SCO considers unacceptable those threats which democratic people's republic of Korea sounds recently to the international community which was forced to react to a situation around democratic people's Republic of Korea by adoption of relevant reso-lutions of the UN Security Council and strength-ening of sanctions policy.

One more of the SCO areas of activity in the field of safety is the information sphere accord-ing to the action plan on ensuring the interna-tional information security.

In modern conditions, an intensification of in-teraction between anti-terrorist structures of the SCO, the CSTO and the Anti-terrorist center CIS for the purpose of expansion of an exchange of operational and analytical information for ensur-ing regional security in Central asia with collec-tive efforts becomes important.

the situation on the sCO’s borders, espe-cially after expansion, requires development of efficient regional mechanisms of safety and

counteraction to external threats which for this day the member country could not create.

the newest stage of the sCO’s history is char-acterized by a number of new tendencies. For the 15-year period of the SCO there were arranged 28 formats of cooperation in various directions work. The Strategy of the SCO’s development till 2025 functions, which reflects philosophy of development and is a base of deeper interaction, unity, taking into account expansion of the Orga-nization, the statement on the high-quality level of positioning in the region on new influences of permission of questions of the international agenda. Consolidation of debatable capacity of the sCO and the astana economic forum, peters-burg economic forum and a number of the large authoritative discussion platforms operating in the Organization becomes more and more insis-tent command of time.

since the moment of its creation the sCO has been in search of ways for an optimum combi-nation of national economic interests with in-terests of the Organization and in general it has been occupied with the solution of the existing objective difficulties reducing the efficiency of economic cooperation of the Organization, among which there are uneven social and eco-nomic development of member countries; an unstable socio-political situation in some coun-tries; mainly the bilateral nature of cooperation between participants without passing into a multilateral format; contradictions in the posi-tions of state members of the sCO, mainly, in positions of China and Russia on further evolu-tion of the organization; lack of full confidence between member countries.

Lack of full confidence leads to constant con-cern in different sectors of society in russia and the countries of Central asia about "the Chinese threat" - growth of the Chinese migration and economic activity of China in the countries of the region. and substantially this phenomenon is inflated by mass media and often this infor-mation campaign is skillfully warmed up by ri-vals of the SCO from abroad.

and for Kazakhstan such concerns aren't un-reasonable, it is enough to remember an activa-

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives

tion of protest disorders concerning land reform and sale of the land to foreigners, expansions of Chinese participation in development of oil and gas resources of Kazakhstan, and also not ab-solutely balanced structure of a goods turnover between two countries.

in the political plan, the Chinese party builds within the sCO multidimensional and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the region for the purpose of ensuring long-term stability in the region and the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous area (SUAR), and also stability of the relations between China and Central asia.

in the region China plays more and more influential diplomatic role, giving significant financial support, both via mechanisms of the sCO, and on a bilateral basis, to those Central Asian states which do not have the considerable economic potential but which are important for Beijing from clearly strategic point of view in the region.

the situation in world and regional economy is conducive to sharp need for energy resources by China as the regional leader of growth, and the powerful production system. thus, the man-agement of China resolves directly two topical issues. On the one hand, the developing transport infrastructure will allow deliveries of energy car-riers from Central asia and russia to increase. Other aspect is that this infrastructure will allow Celestial empire to accelerate process of creation of a common economic space in the territory of the sCO and consequently extra additional mar-kets in which the economy is in great need.

and, the Chinese party is also ready to en-close investments in highways and long dis-tance railways both in russia, and in the coun-tries of Central asia which could become an important component of future transport cor-ridor to europe. Many Chinese contracts are signed on a bilateral basis, smoothly passing into multilateral as the geography of action of contracts stretches beyond the limits of national borders. in particular it concerns projects on de-velopment of transport infrastructure which are mainly realized in the territory of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

the construction of the highway "western Europe – Western China", a railway corridor of "Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Persian Gulf", and also projects implementation of the rail-roads "China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan", "Chi-na-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran", urged to connect asia, europe, the Caucasus and the countries of the Middle east, promotes transformation of Central asia into a key link of world system of communications.

the sCO is considered for China not simply as opportunity to increase amount of the Chi-nese export, the Chinese party aims at complete development of economic space of the SCO through creation of the free trade area and the additional markets. The developing transport infrastructure allows the people's republic of China to increase deliveries of energy carriers from Kazakhstan, the Central asian republics.

in recent years the steady tendency of chang-es in all scheme of production and transporta-tion of hydrocarbons in Central Asia for benefit of the Chinese and Asian directions is observed. In the majority these initiatives are aimed at the development of Central Asia. For these years the new system of oil and gas pipelines in the Chinese (Asian) direction has gained develop-ment, which includes the oil pipeline "Atasu-Alashankou", "Turkmenistan — Uzbekistan — Kazakhstan — China" gas pipeline.

in recent years the steady tendency of change of all scheme of production and transportation of hydrocarbons in Central Asia for benefit of the Chinese and Asian directions is observed. In the majority these initiatives are aimed at the development of Central Asia. For these years the new system oil and gas pipelines in the Chinese (asian) direction which treat the oil pipeline "Atasu-Alashankou", "Turkmenistan — Uzbekistan — Kazakhstan — China" gas pipeline gained development.

Further strengthening of economic pres-ence of the people's republic of China in Cen-tral Asia will still go due to growth of finished goods deliveries, building-up of project and investment activity in raw industries, develop-ment of pipelines and thoroughfares. today it is

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quite difficult to predict the remote consequenc-es of strengthening in an economic and political impact of China in the region.

China’s aspiration to an intensification of economic cooperation in the countries of Cen-tral asia through creation of the free economic zone (FEZ) as a long-term perspective, didn't meet today a consensus of member countries as this offer causes concerns of other member countries about a collapse of own markets and less effective, in comparison with China, pro-ductions. Also different level of development among member countries makes development of full-scale integration within the SCO impos-sible for today.

For the purpose of hiding from accusations in ideological and economic expansion, Beijing more and more purposefully implements the mechanisms of "the soft force" based on huge financial and material resources, offering devel-oping countries the model of "the Chinese way of development".

According to experts of the SCO, overcom-ing of the existing difficulties requires carrying out a number of measures, such as enhance-ment of the mechanism of regional economic cooperation which shall consider liabilities of the countries in the WTO; reducing time of long and multi-stage coordination of the reached agreements between member countries; en-hancement and harmonization of techniques of settlement in trade; protection of national and regional interests in the sphere of development of energy resources of the region.

Moreover, in overcoming of the existing contradictions the important role will be played by the solution of two questions, among which - creation of own financial structures for the problem resolution of fund shortage for proj-ects implementation in member countries and enhancement of the currency mechanism of settlement.

it is remarkable that the basis of the sCO’s efficiency will be constituted in the near future by close interaction between the government and private institutions, the Business council and the Interbank Consortium serve as con-

firmation to that. Full-scale work of Business council requires development of recommen-dations about harmonization of legislations in member countries. Business council isn't lim-ited to economy, and develops interaction in the fields of education, sciences, trainings, health care and tourism.

Creation of mechanisms for financial main-tenance of project activity of the organization requires the solution of the problem concern-ing organization of the SCO Development bank based on Eurasian Development Bank which is successfully operating in the region. the capac-ity of synchronization of joint efforts on im-provement of investment and financial climate within Asian bank of infrastructure investments and BRICS Development bank requires further consideration.

In medium-term prospect the main emphasis in work of the Organization will be put on an economic component of cooperation – regional cooperation, trade, investments, finance, bank-ing activity; peaceful development of an atomic energy; addition of a bilateral cooperation by multilateral actions for ensuring energy security within the SCO; increase of gas and oil pipeline safety; protection of interests of producers and consumers; use of modern technologies in an energy; observance of natural and security mea-sures; forming of the approved regulations and rules. The resolution of the cross-border rivers is also possible within the sCO. the solution of an issue on the draft agreement on creating favorable conditions for the international motor transportations is considered perspective.

in interface of the country’s positions in dif-ferent fields of activity the process of the SCO is the powerful uniting factor. it is based on "the Shanghai spirit" which for a short interval of time turned into a symbol of new eurasia, a symbol of development of inter-civilization and cross-cultural dialogue acts. In develop-ment of cooperation in the sphere of scientific researches the Forum of the sCO founded in Moscow in May, 2006 as the multilateral public advisory and expert mechanism on interaction of the research and politological centers of the

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China and Central asia: new trends and perspeCtives


1. Suzdaltsev A. Posle vstuplenija Indii I Pakistana v Shos v Azii sformiru-etsja novaja struktura bezopasnosti. – Moscow, 2015:

2. Paramonov V. Znachenie Kitaja i Shos dlja Rossii dolzhno rasti: Sovety Vladimiru Putinu.-Moscow, 2012: Tsentralnaja Evrazija:

3. Lavrov S.V. Statement to the CMFA SCO, Moscow, June, 3 2015. – Moscow, 2015: (subscription http...)

4. Loginov V. Kitai podkljuchajetsja k Bolshoi igre cherez Schos. - Mos-cow, 2016: к

5. Alekseyev V.O. O vstuplenii Irana v SHOS i BRIKS. - Moscow. 2014.

6. Rossia I KItai – geopoliticheskie partnery ili soperniki na Evraziiskom prostranstve. Shankhaiskaja organizatsija sotrudnichestva (SHOS) I ee rol’ na evraziiskom prostranstve. - Moscow. 2013.

7. Kaukenov A.S. Politika Kitaja v SHOS.- Almaty, 2009:

8. Rossija v 2014-15 godakh budet predsedatelstvovat’ v SHOS.–Moscow. 2016: Paragraph WWWкопия

9. Sammit v Tashkente stanet glavnym sobytijem SHOS v 2016 godu. – Moscow. 2016:

10. Syroyezhkin K.L. Chto delat’ SHOS, esli SSHA perenosjat zonu konflikta v Ferganskuju dolinu? Almaty. 2012

11. Sammit SHOS v Ufe: Putin rasskazal, v chem beda Gretsii i kakoi jazyk nado uchit’ detjam. – Moscow. 2015.;(on July, 15 2015).

12. Kurtov A. Neodnoznachnost’ aktivnosti Kitaja v Tsentralnoi Azii. – Moscow. 2006:political news agency (on July, 3 2009).

state parties is urged to play an important role.among the performed projects in the humani-

tarian sphere there is creation of the SCO Univer-sity for trainings on a wide range of specialties. On the agenda there is international research in-stitute of political and economic development of the regions of the sCO based on the created expert Forum, carrying out annual sports and festivals of arts. the day of the sCO within the astana eco-nomic forum, panel sessions on subject of sCO within the st. petersburg international econom-ic Forum, youth, educational forums and other actions shall become traditional.

the sCO’s transition from mainly bilateral format to a multilateral format of interaction gives opportunities for full integration. Along

with the presence of a political will and solu-tion of actual collisions, the sCO is capable to pass rather dynamically all levels of economic integration from creation of free trade areas to forming of a common economic space. the acquired interaction mechanisms in political, economic, trade areas, and also in the field of safety, act as factors of development for eco-nomic integration. the beginning of real imple-mentation of the program of multilateral trade and economic cooperation, accomplishment of a number of large infrastructure projects under the auspices of the sCO and interface of these projects with the "silk way" economic belt will lay the foundation of practical euroasian inte-gration.

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13. Brzezinski Z. Novyi brosok Kitaja na Zapad. – Washington. 2003: Center for strategic and international studies of USA:

14. Karabanov K.K. K chemu privedet rasshirenie SHOS? – Moscow, 2015:ВеСти

15. Shanghai Convention on combating terrorism, separatism and extrem-ism.

16. website of regional anti terrorist structure of the sCO /

17. Official website of the SCO / Official website of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federa-

tion /

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Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakh-stan (KazISS) was established on June 16, 1993 by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan. In April 2014, the President Nazarbayev issued the Executive order to relocate the KazIss to Astana.

since its foundation, the mission of the KazIss as the national research institution is to provide analytical support to the President of Kazakhstan as well as to government bodies of Kazakhstan.

The KazIss enjoys a reputation of the leading think tank of Kazakhstan as it employs a highly professional pool of experts that currently includes six doctors and ten candidates of sciences and Ph.Ds who specialize in political science, history, economics and sociology.

During the twenty-three two years of its functioning, the KazIss have published more than 250 books on issues of international relations, global and regional security. The Institute publishes three journals: the Kogam zhane Dayir in Kazakh, the Kazakhstan-spectrum in Russian and the Central Asia’s Affairs in English. The KazIss has a trilingual website in Kazakh, Russian, English.

special interest has been triggered by a great number of international conferences, seminars and round tables held at the KazIss on regular basis - including the Annual Conferences regularly held since 2003 – that are participated by most prominent experts from Kazakhstan, Central Asia as well as China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, the UsA and other countries.

KazISS enters Global Think Tank Index in Security and International Affairs Analysis Category

Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KazIss) was ranked in four nominations 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.

The Think Tank Index is a part of the “Think Tanks and Civil societies Program” (TTCsP) at the University of Pennsylvania that has been conducting research on the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world over the last 25 years. The pool of scholars and practitioners produce the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index that ranks more than 6 000 world’s leading think tanks in a variety of categories.

The new Think Tank Index (, ranked the KazIss among the top 100 in terms of security, defense and international affairs analysis. For the first time, the KazISS was ranked the 57th among the world’s best government affiliated think tanks.

In the Central Asian regional rankings, the KazIss retains its position among the top three and it is also ranked the 33d in the energy and raw materials analysis ranking.

All these signifies the increasing role of analytical centers in Kazakhstan. The publications and other materials published by Kazakhstan think tanks are citing abroad more frequently.

For any further information, contact us:

4, Beybitshilik st.Astana, 010000Republic of KazakhstanTel: +7 (717) 75-20-20Fax.: +7 (717) 75-20-21E-mail: [email protected]

Information about Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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қазақстан республикасының Президенті жанындағы қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институты (қСзи) қазақстан республикасы Президентінің 1993 жылғы 16 маусымдағы жарлығымен құрылған. 2014 жылдың сәуір айынан қр Президентінің жарлығымен астана қаласына көшірілді.

қазақстан республикасының Президентінің жанындағы қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институтының құрылған күнінен бастап оның негізгі мақсаты — мемлекеттік ғылыми-зерттеу мекемесі ретінде қазақстан Президентінің және елдің басқарушы органдарының қызметін ғылыми-талдаулармен қамтамасыз ету.

осы уақыт барысында қСзи жоғары кәсіби ғылыми-талдау орталығына айналды. Бүгінгі таңда институтта алты ғылым докторы, он ғылым кандидаты, Ph.D, саясаттану, тарих, экономика, әлеуметтану салаларының мамандары қызмет атқарады.

қСзи өзінің 23 жылдық қызметі барысында институт сарапшыларының қатысуымен халықаралық қатынас, ғаламдық және аймақтық қауіпсіздік мәселелері бойынша 250-ден астам кітап басып шығарған. институт үш мерзімді ғылыми-сараптамалық журнал басып шығаруда: «қоғам және дәуір» тоқсандық ғылыми-сараптамалық журналы, «казахстан-Спектр» тоқсандық ғылыми журналы және «Central Asia’s Affairs» тоқсандық сараптамалық журналы (ағылшын тілінде).

Бұл басылымдарда сыртқы және ішкі саясат, халықаралық қатынастар, ұлттық қауіпсіздік, қазақстан республикасының әлеуметтік және экономикалық саясаты мәселелері жарық көреді, сондай-ақ материалдарды өзінің сайтында жариялайды. қСзи-дың жеке сайты үш тілде: қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілдерінде ұсынылған. институт өзінің негізгі зерттеу бағыттары бойынша семинарлар, ғылыми конференциялар, дөңгелек үстелдер, халықаралық форумдар өткізіп келеді.

қСзи-дың ғылыми басқосуларына қазақстанның ғана емес, сонымен қатар, орталық азия елдерінің, ақШ-тың, Германияның, жапонияның, иранның, қытайдың, ресейдің, түркияның, Францияның және басқа да мемлекеттердің ғалымдары белсене қатысуда.

қСзи алғаш рет «қауіпсіздік» және «сыртқы саясат» санаты бойынша әлемдік «ақыл-ой» орталықтарының рейтингіне енді

қазақстан республикасының Президенті жанындағы қазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институты (қСзи) дүниежүзілік сараптамалық орталықтардың 2015 жылға арналған индекс-рейтингісінде бірден төрт номинацияда орын алған.

Бұл рейтинг 1989 жылдан әлемдегі алты мыңға жуық «ақыл-ой орталықтарының» қызметін талдау негізінде сараптамалық құрылымдардың жетістіктері мен олардың даму үрдістерін анықтау бойынша Пенсильвания университетінің «Сараптамалық орталықтар мен азаматтық қоғам» зерттеу бағдарламасы аясында жасалады.

рейтингтің қорытындысы бойынша (қСзи қауіпсіздік, қорғаныс және сыртқы саясат саласындағы 100 ең үздік зерттеу орталықтарының қатарына қосылды. Сонымен қатар институт алғаш рет үздік мемлекеттік «ақыл-ой» орталықтарының тізіміне енді. қСзи бұл тізімде әлем бойынша 57-ші орынды иеленіп отыр.

орталық азиядағы үздік сараптамалық құрылымдардың арасында қСзи алғашқы үштікке еніп, өз орнын сақтап қалды, сондай-ақ энергетика және шикізат саясатын зерттеу саласында 33-ші орынға тұрақтады.

Бұл көрсеткіштер қазақстандағы сараптамалық орталықтардың рөлі артып келе жатқанын көрсетеді. отандық «ақыл-ой» орталықтарының жариялап отырған ғылыми-сарапшылық материалдарына шетелде жиі сілтеме жасалады.

қСзи туралы толық ақпаратты төмендегі мекенжайдан алуға болады:

қазақстан республикасы, 010000, астана,Бейбітшілік көшесі, 4тел.: +7 (7172) 75-20-20Факс: +7 (7172) 75-20-21E-mail: [email protected]

қазақстан республикасының Президенті жанындағықазақстанның стратегиялық зерттеулер институтытуралы ақпарат

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казахстанский институт стратегических исследований (киСи) при Президенте республики казахстан был создан Указом Президента республики казахстан 16 июня 1993 г. в апреле 2014 г. Указом Президента республики казахстан киСи был передислоцирован в г. астану.

С момента своего возникновения основной задачей казахстанского института стратегических исследований при Президенте республики казахстан как государственного научно-исследовательского учреждения является научно-аналитическое обеспечение деятельности Президента казахстана, руководящих органов страны.

за это время киСи превратился в высокопрофессиональный научно-аналитический центр. в настоящее время в институте работают шесть докторов наук, десять кандидатов наук, Ph.D, специалисты в области политологии, истории, экономики, социологии.

за 23 года деятельности в институте было издано более 250 книг по международным отношениям, проблемам глобальной и региональной безопасности. в киСи издаются три журнала: «қоғам және дәуір» (на казахском языке), «казахстан-Спектр» (на русском языке), «Central Asia’s Affairs» (на английском языке). институт располагает собственным сайтом на трех языках: казахском, русском и английском.

в киСи ежегодно проводится большое количество международных научных конференций, семинаров, круглых столов.

особый интерес у экспертов вызывают ежегодные конференции киСи, проводимые с 2003 г. и посвященные проблемам безопасности и сотрудничества в центральной азии.

в научных форумах киСи принимают участие не только эксперты из казахстана и стран центральной азии, но и ученые из Германии, индии, ирана, китая, Пакистана, россии, СШа, турции, Франции, японии и др.

киСи впервые вошел в рейтинг мировых «мозговых» центров по категориям «безопасность» и «внешняя политика»

казахстанский институт стратегических исследований (киСи) при Президенте республики казахстан был отмечен сразу в четырех номинациях всемирного индекс-рейтинга аналитических центров по итогам 2015 г.

рейтинг составляется в рамках исследовательской программы Университета Пенсильвании «аналитические центры и гражданское общество» по признанию достижений аналитических структур и выявлению тенденций их развития по всему миру с 1989 г. на основе анализа деятельности более шести тысяч «мозговых центров» в мире.

По итогам нового рейтинга ( киСи вошел в топ-100 лучших исследовательских центров в сфере безопасности, обороны и внешней политики. Более того, институт впервые вошел в список лучших государственных «мозговых» центров, заняв 57-е место в мире.

в рейтинге лучших аналитических структур центральной азии киСи сохранил свое положение, войдя в тройку лидеров, а также занял 33-е место в области исследования энергетической и сырьевой политики.

Стоит отметить, что данные показатели говорят в целом о возрастающей роли аналитических центров в казахстане. научно-экспертные материалы казахстанских «мозговых» центров все чаще цитируются и за рубежом.

Более подробную информацию о киСи можно получить по адресу:

республика казахстан, 010000, астана,ул. Бейбитшилик, 4тел.: +7 (7172) 75-20-20Факс: +7 (7172) 75-20-21E-mail: [email protected]

информация о казахстанском институтестратегических исследованийпри Президенте республики казахстан

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№ Journals № Theme


1 Әлеуметтік мемлекет

2 қазақстандағы институционалдық реформалар

3 қазақстандағы мемлекеттік қызмет

4 қазақстан республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл


1 Миграционные процессы

2 Современная религиозная ситуация в казахстане

3 национальная безопасность: современные системы защиты

4 25-летие независимости казахстана


1 Afghan Factor in Regional security Agenda

2 China and Central Asia: new trends and perspective

3 The Caspian knot: state and prospects

4 Kazakhstan in the UN security Council: new emphasis on international agenda

Thematics of issues of the KazISS journals for 2016

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The book, consisting of four parts, contains the full analysis on formation and de-velopment of the schools of oriental studies in Central Asia and Eurasia, as well as the review of ancient and medieval sources, a Muslim historiography and Chinese sources on the history of Central Asia.This work is addressed to a wide range of experts in history, a historiography, ori-ental studies, international relations, security, geopolitics, political science, and is recommended as a manual for faculties and departments of oriental studies, history, political science and international relations.

THE CHANGING ROLE OF THE USA IN THE WORLd ECONOMY: TRENdS ANd INFLUENCE ON THE GLOBAL STABILITY: MONOGRAPH. V.YU. dOdONOV – ASTANA: KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016. – 264 p. The monograph considers actual problems in the economy of the UsA in the context of their influence on stability of the global economic processes. At the present time, the situation in the American economy became one of the strongest generating sources for the crisis phenomena of international scope. A financial system of the UsA, being the most important element of the modern global economy, at the same time, acts as a major factor of its destabilization. There are diverse problems and imbalances in the American economy – from disproportions of economic structure to an enormous debt in all sectors, including the state one, and these problems become aggravated against the loss of the world economic leadership by the UsA and attempts to keep their domination in the global geopolitics.The book is devoted to the analysis of the economic restructuring processes in the USA, and their influence on the world economy in terms of destabilization and potential assessment of this influence, including on the spheres of vital importance to the development of Kazakhstan.

Books Published by the KazISS