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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering

Session: 2012-13

Submitted by: Supervised By:

1. Kundan Giri,0906840042 Tushar jain

2. Ratnesh Chandra Srivastava,0906840087 (Mechanical dept.)

3. Rajiv Ranjan Kumar, 0906840086 Pranshu agarwal,

4. Ruchika Singh ,0906840090 (Mechanical dept.)




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Our objective is to design an E-Kit which when attached to any ordinary cycle (our

test specimen is “hero jet” cycle) will transform it into a self-charging electrically

driven vehicle.

Our consideration is only the design aspect of the E-kit. Making it easily attachable

and detachable to the cycle sprocket in very little time. It should also comfortably

support the other mandatory accessories like electrical motor and battery necessary

for providing an automatic drive.


It will transform a cycle from manually driven into electrically, semi-electrically

(partially manual and partially automatic drive) and manually driven vehicle at very

low cost as compared to existing expensive e-bikes.

It is a form of green vehicle which when adopted as a medium of mass transport can

reduce carbon emission substantially. It also encourage peoples to use green vehicles

as we are transforming their current bicycle into a electrical power driven vehicle

which reduces the human effort of paddling by just installing a kit rather than

expending lot of bucks in purchasing a e-bikes.

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It can no longer be disputed across the globe that electric bicycle numbers are on the

rise. Nowhere has the rise of e-bikes been more prevalent than in China where units-sold

have risen from the tens of thousands in the late 1990’s to over ten million in 2005. In the US

also, electric bikes are becoming popular for short trips to the grocery store or leisurely rides.

Meanwhile, in India, the young and moneyed call centre workers lean heavily toward

scooter-like e-bikes as their vehicle of choice. The reasons for this increase are many, and

vary from nation to nation

The necessity of improvement and the vision to add something more valuables to this

segment of bikes keeping in mind the environmental benefits which would be a sidekick of

the forthcoming cycling economy are one of the baits that lured the young minds of the

current generation to constantly improve the design and modify the various basic designs

available in the market..

Why these e-bikes are not so popular in India?

The answer to which is obvious:

High cost

Design complexity

Average durability

If we put an eye on the market statistics and the use of cycles in Indian market, we

can easily see that it prefers cheap, simple and rugged bicycle which can go through any

terrain, could carry many times more load than its recommended capacity and still be reliable.

Gandhi Ji once said “If you want to develop India, start from the villages” and truly so. Most

of the cycling population of India constitutes of farmers, labours, students and the forces. In

fact every single person in India would have once tasted the ride of a bicycle in his life

whether it’s a king size figure like siddharth mallya who rides the lavish Firefox Colarado or

a common layman who prefers the “Hero jet”. Since hero jet is the most popular bike of India

we have decided to make it our test specimen for the design consideration.


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The Copenhagen wheel :-

The project is basically inspired by The Copenhagen Wheel – the wheel that turns

ordinary bikes, quickly and easily into electric hybrids with regeneration and real-time

environmental sensing capabilities. An innovative electric bicycle system that harnesses the

power of real-time information and crowd sourcing. The system was developed by MIT’s

SENSEable City Lab for the City of Copenhagen, with support from the Italian Ministry for

the Environment and Ducati Energia s.p.a. The Copenhagen Wheel not only represented a

leap-frog technical solution for the electric bike market – that includes the development of a

regenerative braking system and innovative motor control – but also uses real-time sensing

and the powers of crowd sourcing to improve the cycling experience; get more people riding

bikes; and to aid in the design and development of cities.

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The initial prototype of The Copenhagen Wheel was presented at the Mayor’s Summit

at the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, December 2009. It

went commercial in 2010.

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To make the cycle more usable:-

The motor could be engaged and disengaged at any time by user’s will in no


The bike must harvest energy through braking and pedaling by choosing one

of three modes:-

i. off

ii. Motor Assist

iii. Pedal Assist (Regeneration/exercise mode)

All components, including the motor, gears, locking mechanism, should be

integrated into a hub in the back wheel or at the pedals.

The mechanism must be easily retrofittable into any standard bicycle.

The weight should be no more than a ‘heavy bike’ when fitted into a regular


The cost of the kit should be viable for the general public.

The kit should not require any technical assistance at the time of installation.

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1. CAD design

2. Prototype analysis

The essence of whole elaborated discussion is that we will try to give the local

population an alternative to the mainstream cycles. This is to be done by designing from

scratch a kit on CAD software. Then a prototype will be built which will basically transform

the ‘hero’ into a electrified vehicle while keeping it cheap, simple and most importantly-“the

motor would be easily attachable and detachable to the standard sprocket”. The

mechanism is basically a clutching /declutching system to affix the electric motor steadily

and quickly. We are actually dealing with design parameters of making this installation

faster, sturdy and efficient.

Main components hypothesized to be designed:-

1. Annular gear type arrangement for connecting to sprocket

2. Clutch plate arrangement

3. Motor housing

4. Control wires


CAD software

Bicycle Gears, clutch plates, chains and sprockets

Control wires

Batteries and motor (230 KVA) on loan

Cost estimate: - 6000/- INR.

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The design is complex.

We heavily rely on the clutch for attachment and detachment, so it should be very

sturdy and rugged.

In spite of substantial cost cutting the project is expensive due to accessories like

battery and motor which could be curbed with advancement in technology and

mass production techniques.


i. A.Muetze and Y. C. Tan, “Electric Bicycles”, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, July/August, pp. 12-21, 2007.

ii. J. Weinert, C. Ma and C. Cherry, “The transition to electric bikes in China: history and key reasons for rapid growth”,Transportation, Vol. 34, pp. 301-318, 2007.

iii. S. Bhanoo, “For cyclists needing a boost, this wheel may help”, New York Times, December 14, 2009

iv. Parker, A.A. (2006 ) Electric Power-Assisted Bicycles Reduce Oil Dependence and Enhance the Mobility of the Elderly 29th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 27 – 29 September 2006 , Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise, GoldCoast.