Download - DTM Report 28 December assistance to the population who continue to live in the different evacuation centers in the affected Eastern Mindanao provinces. Typhoon opha has affected a

Page 1: DTM Report 28 December assistance to the population who continue to live in the different evacuation centers in the affected Eastern Mindanao provinces. Typhoon opha has affected a

SUMMARY The second roll-out of the DTM covered sites in CARAGA Region, specifically Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur Provinces. In Region XI, while all sites in Davao Oriental have closed, spontaneous settlements were identified in Compostela Valley. The cluster will continue to assess all existing sites and coordinate with the local government to inform possible durable solutions. For Region XI, the number of families in displacement sites continues to go down and the CCCM Cluster is working with local and national government partners and other humanitarian clusters to assess situations in the communities of origin to prepare for potentially prolonged stay in evacuation centers for some families.


The Displacement Tracking Matrix or DTM is an assessment tool used by the Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM) co-led in the Philippines by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to gather data on the conditions of displacement in evacuation centers to better inform humanitarian response. In the Philippines, this tool was first rolled out at the height of the Typhoon Ketsana response in 2009. It was also used to track the massive displacement resulting from the floods in Central Mindanao and from TS Washi in Northern Mindanao both in 2011. In the current Typhoon Bopha response it is rolled out to inform the delivery of assistance to the population who continue to live in the different evacuation centers in the affected Eastern Mindanao provinces. Typhoon Bopha has affected a total of 6,243,9981 persons in 30 provinces and 37 cities across Visayas and Mindanao. Most of them have never experienced this magnitude of a disaster. The typhoon has displaced 912,6032 people with a peak of over 150,000 families residing in some 1,150 evacuation centers. A total of 1,067 people are dead, 2,666 injured, and 834 missing. Furthermore, 159,773 houses have been damaged, including 71,084 totally-damaged houses and 88,689 partially-damaged houses.

CONTENTS Assessed Population and Sites ……………………………………...……Page 2 Shelter ……………………………………...…...Page 4 Food and Nutrition ………...………………………………...Page 4 WASH ……………..………………...………….Page 5 Health …………………………...……..……….Page 5 Protection …………………………..……..….…...Page 6 Education ……………………………………….....Page 7 Site Management & NFI ...………………………………..…..….Page 7


The Displacement Tracking Matrix was rolled out in Compostela Valley, Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur on 14-21 December 2012.

Among the assessed IDP sites, 38 were active or were inhabited by IDPs. This is 46% of the 83 sites listed by the DSWD’s as of 26 December 2012.

The current population in the active sites is 2,221 families or 9,366 persons.

Camp management, WASH and shelter support are the primary needs in the displacement sites.

1 According to the report of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) as of 6:00, 25

December 2012 2 According to the report of the DSWD’s Disaster Response Operations Monitoring & Information Center (DROMIC) as of

8:00, 26 December 2012

DTM Report 28 December 2012

Displacement Tracking Matrix Typhoon Bopha Response

Displaced families make do residing in the bleachers of this grandstand in New Bataan, Compostela Valley . © IOM 2012

For comments or requests for additional information, please contact: Asec. Camilo Gudmalin [email protected] | Conrado Navidad [email protected]

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °

As of 21 December 2012, 38 sites continue to host displaced families in 8 municipalities in Compostela Valley, Agusan Del Sur and Surigao Del Sur.

A total of 2,211 families or 9,366 individuals are being hosted in a variety of different temporary settlements. 94% of the assessed IDP population comes from the Compostela Valley province.


Province City /

Municipality Site Name

Site Count

Families Persons



Lining Village 1 228 1212 Tent Village 1 264 1188 Maga-ad 1 72 296

LAAK (SAN VICENTE) Total 3 564 2696


Compostela Municipal Gym EC 1 399 1682 IP/ Tribal Bldg. EC 1 65 325 Parish Hall EC 1 46 194 CJC & LDS EC 1 45 153 Brgy. Hall EC 1 4 21 Brgy. Health Center EC 1 3 13

COMPOSTELA Total 6 562 2388


Grand Stand EC 1 160 551 YK Gallera EC 1 66 265 Brgy. Andap School EC 1 45 225 San Roque Elementary School EC 1 27 135 New Bataan Municipal Gym EC 1 89 122

NEW BATAAN Total 5 387 1298


Monkayo Central Elementary School EC

1 97 369

Monkayo National High School EC 1 40 216 BLISS Health Center EC 1 28 149 Monkayo Municipal Gym EC 1 28 117 Poblacion Brgy. Hall EC 1 18 71 MonCAST EC 1 13 48 Universal Church EC 1 9 41 Brgy. Union High School EC 1 3 20 AGAPE EC 1 2 7

MONKAYO Total 9 238 1038


Linoan Elementary School EC 1 96 464 National High School EC 1 132 361 Montevista Municipal Gym EC 1 20 100

MONTEVISTA Total 3 248 925


Nabunturan Central School EC 1 32 165 Basak Elementary School EC 1 25 117 PRC EC 1 33 116 Magsaysay Elementary School EC 1 16 70 Recto Day Care Center EC 1 3 14

NABUNTURAN Total 5 109 482 COMPOSTELA VALLEY Total 31 2108 8827



Sinubong Elementary School EC 1 39 165 Taphagan Village 1 15 62 Patrocenio Brgy Hall EC 1 7 38 Sta. Josefa EC 1 4 29

SANTA JOSEFA Total 4 65 294 AGUSAN DEL SUR Total 4 65 294



Lingig Nat. High School EC 1 16 121 Sabang Brgy Hall EC 1 11 68 San Roque Elementary School EC 1 11 56

LINGIG Total 3 38 245

SURIGAO DEL SUR Total 3 38 245 GRAND TOTAL 38 2211 9366

Assessed Population and Sites

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °



Nabunturan Central School EC 32 Basak Elementary School EC 25 Magsaysay Elementary School EC 16 Recto Day Care Center EC 3


Monkayo Central Elementary School EC 97 Monkayo National High School EC 40 Brgy. Union High School EC 3


Brgy. Andap School EC 45 San Roque Elementary School EC 27


National High School EC 132 Linoan Elementary School EC 96


Parish Hall EC 46 AGUSAN DEL SUR


Sinubong Elementary School EC 39



Lingig Nat. High School EC 16


The above 14 sites with a total of 617 families will need to be decamped first to avoid disruption of classes and exposure of school children to protection risks.

These families have been living in evacuation centers since the onset of the disaster on December 4. While distributions of food and non-food items occurred in some sites, most of the evacuation centers fall below minimum humanitarian standards measured by the DTM. To date, some families are camped in some of the evacuation centers while others live in open grounds exposed to further risks and environmental hazards. Among groups with special needs, most numerous by far are 647 breastfeeding

women most of whom (493) are residing in Compostela Municipal Gym in Compostela Valley.

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °

Poor living conditions are observed in most IDP sites. Families are still housed in makeshift shelters, classrooms and tents. In New Bataan Municipality in Compostela Valley, 160 families live in an open court. These poor living conditions expose families to both the rainy weather and extreme heat that may contribute to poor health and affect the vulnerable individuals.

Additional shelter-related observations include: 31 sites do not have safe communal cooking area 24 sites are congested

36 sites have no electrical supply

24 sites are disaster prone

30 pose protection or security risks for the displaced


Despite of on-going food distributions in 76% of all assessed sites there are 7 sites recorded that did not receive any food rations. All of these sites are in Monkayo municipality.



Monkayo Central Elementary School EC 97

Monkayo National High School EC 40

Monkayo Municipal Gym EC 28

Poblacion Brgy. Hall EC 18

Universal Church EC 9

Brgy. Union High School EC 3



Almost all of the sites were in need of supplementary feeding for children and for pregnant or lactating women, of designated breastfeeding areas and of malnutrition screening. Milk products and feeding bottles were reported to have been distributed in 2 sites: National High School EC in Montevista Municipality and Monkayo Central Elementary School in Monkayo Municipality. In the CARAGA region, the Food Cluster has been activated to address coordination and monitoring food distribution and gaps in the affected communities and IDP sites in the area.


Food and Nutrition

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °

There remains a need to address to the lack of potable water in all the assessed sites. In this round of assessment, 100% of the assessed sites have insufficient water points based on a 1:250 standard ratio. Drinking waters sources in sites still come from pipelines, trucked water delivery and bottled mineral water. Although additional temporary latrines are being provided in some of the evacuation centers, the overall number is still insufficient in all of the assessed sites using the 1:40 standard ratio. Additional bathing cubicles are also being requested by IDP families in most of the sites.

Coughs, colds, sore throat, fever, diarrhea, skin diseases, open wounds/injury are leading health cases in the evacuation centers. During this assessment period, command posts that are present in some of the evacuation centers have available and functioning health services for the displaced population. However, 13 sites still register to have no access to health services.



Lack of water and sanitation facilities necessitates scheduled common showers via fire hose in this site in Compostela Valley. © IOM 2012

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) is recorded as lacking in 86% of the total sites.

The DSWD and concerned agencies are deploying teams to address this need.

Prolonged displacement continues to expose the families to various protection risks. Living in cramped evacuation centers and open spaces increases the vulnerability of the population especially those with special needs. There are no women-friendly spaces in 100% of the sites and no child-friendly spaces in 94% of the sites. Additionally, there are gaps in providing specific services for vulnerable groups.


Children are among the groups most in need of protection during situations of displacement. © IOM 2012

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Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Report ° 28 December 2012 °

As stated earlier in this report, there are 617 families (approximately 2,636 persons) that are reported to reside in 14 schools still being used as evacuation centers. 26 sites or 68% of the total assessed sites do not have safe

learning space for children. In New Bataan, one of the schools hold classes in tents in lieu of the classrooms that are being used to host IDPs. This is in line with the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement goal of discouraging secondary displacement of populations.

Site Management Camp management support is needed in 55% of the totally assessed sites. To augment this need the cluster will deploy camp managers in the municipalities of New Bataan, Monkayo, Nabunturan and Compostela in Compostela Valley to support the local government units in IDP profiling, coordination of services and camp management in the evacuation centers. Compostela Valley province has the most number of IDP sites.

Non-Food Items The graph below shows that there is a significant gap in the distribution of non-food items. The following NFIs were specified by the respondents: clothing, mat, slippers, boots, flashlights. Jerry can, kitchen utensils, bed kits and hygiene kits. Shelter materials were also specified.

Over three weeks into the emergency, the displaced population is still in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, including emergency shelter, camp management support, food, WASH and protection. As government agencies and relief organizations continue to provide the needed assistance, the CCCM Cluster will continue to support the other clusters and agencies in doing site-specific monitoring and referral of needs to ensure response and follow-ups.


Site Management & NFI
